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Today's Daily Highlight from Elvis Duran inthe Morning Show. So I find it
interesting that both Danielle and Gandhy areexperiencing hauntings in their homes. Oh yeah,
that's crazy. You know, thisis not unusual to hear from Danielle.
I'm not I'm not saying. I'mnot saying she's a ghost magnet.
But well, Danielle, since I'vemet her and since she was a little
girl, she's always talked about thingsgoing on at the house that are not
explainable, and now my son isexperiencing it. So it's like, h
interesting. Yeah, But now Gandhi, by the way I feel, and
maybe I'm wrong with this, isusually very skeptical about stuff like this,
very but but you're experiencing something inyour apartment, right, Oh, okay,
multiple things. I mean, we'llstart with noises. I hear weird
noises all the time, almost likesomething is crawling on the ceiling, and
people are like, oh, itcould be mice. No, there are
no mice that I know of.Knock on wood. Then the other day
I was playing with my coffee tableand I left it down. It's one
of the ones that opens up andshuts. It opened by itself, and
that's not easy to do. AndI have no idea how it happened.
I don't know if I didn't closeit all the way so it just popped
back up what happened? But itscared the hell out of me. Oh
wait, it opened right in frontof you. Yes, I was right
there, and and it was quick. It was like a right up,
whoa. Okay, maybe that wasme leaving it open and it just opened.
I don't know. But yesterday Igo to leave in the morning and
the chain is on my door,which you can only put on from the
inside. And I did not dothat because I almost never do that.
And I opened the door and Idid it a couple times because like,
what the hell, it's Oh mygod, who put this on? So
then of course I wander around myapartment to see if anybody's inside. I
don't see anybody, and I'm like, what is happening here? That's weird
stuff, weird stuff. I don'tlike it, So keep an eye on
it. I mean, you canalmost explain everything and how it happened,
but to chain on the door,maybe not. I cannot figure that one
out. That was the weirdest.It would be a presence that's trying to
keep you safe from uh building.Maybe you cannot explain the crazy stuff.
That's like, I said, what'sgoing on? And your son is experiencing
something? Now, what's going on? The first thing that had happened was
I think I might have told youguys when I he was insisting that.
He comes running upstairs from outside andhe goes, what do you want,
mom? And I go, whatare you talking about. He's like,
you're banging on the window telling meto come in the house. I said
no, I was not. Ohmy godhead, are you serious. I'm
like yeah, I go. Ipeeked out the window for two seconds.
I saw you in the backyard andI put the blind down. He's like,
you didn't just bang on the windowand like wave me in. I'm
like no, and he's like okay. Then we took a polaroid picture in
his room and there was some weirdface in it. So this all happened
last year. So the other daywe went to Coney Island. Spencer did
not come with us because he hadto stay home for something. All of
a sudden, he said, hehears bangs and he thought we were home,
so he thought we banged the frontdoor and he was going to come
out of his room and he waslike, oh, they're all home from
from you know, Cony Allen.We were not home. He calls me,
goes, are you home. I'mlike, no, we're still here.
It's like, okay, there herewas that real? He knew you
were there, but you aren't.And then the cat. This is the
other thing. So Diggy the catjust laying on the bed. All of
a sudden, she lifts her headup and she's me yowing like crazy.
Add nothing, No, she walksover to his closet. I have it
on video, me yowing, meyowing, me owing, and he's like,
the cat's going crazy. What ishappening in this house? I don't
know what's happening. And my husbanddoesn't believe in any of this. So
Sheldon's explaining everything. He's got anexplanation for everything. Me I'm like,
yep, we need Diner with thepink air to come on over and read
our house goes there is something goingon. So I feel like Spencer is
just much He's just in tune withthings, you know, So I don't
know. It's crazy. What dowe do? Well, no, you
know, what you do is sitthere and enjoy the show man. It
like wall, you know, aslong as no one's getting hurt, that's
it. I find it fascinating becausethe few things that have happened in my
life, when they happen, Ilike dig it. I mean I love
it. I think I think it'sso cool as long as no one's getting
hurt. I love been a badghost and it's you know, a friends
post. But like, okay,if the ghost is going to do things,
you know, put my chain onit. You can't clean up a
little like help me out. Insome ways, you just have to menace.
But it's I just need to knowwhat's going on. I want a
dog or something because, like yousaid, cat, your cat's noticing.
I want an animal because I thinkthat it would definitely feel what's going on.
Well. Animals. Animals are tunedin. And that's why, you
know, when we've recently been havingthe earthquake situation here and there in New
Jersey, h Max, not Allieas much, but Max, our older
dog. He'll lift his head upand actually he'll start barking before something happens.
And then the seismic thing will occurand you're like, okay, So
they are tuned into something, vibrations. Did you see some stuff we're not
We're not tuned into. Did yousee the TikTok? The other day,
there was a girl who I thinkshe either suffers from seizures or panic attack
disorder or something like that. Buther dog knows before she's going to have
the attack, and so he letsher know that it's coming. She has
the attack, he gets her medicineand everything she says that he will know
minutes before the attack actually comes.How crazy is that? Well, they
are so tuned in and we arejust oblivious to most of the stuff going
on. I wonder how much stuffis going on around us every day that
we just will never know about becausewe don't pay attention. We're not aware,
you know. And Julia and justkeep it to themselves Julia online nineteen,
just experience something kind of interesting.Hi, Julia, what's going on?
Hi? How are you? We'redoing well, but we're we're trying
not to creep ourselves out, butyou know, there's stuff going on that
can't be explained. What happened toyou? So I went to Mercy University,
which is in Dobbsbury, New York. Whoop woop. And I played
on the field hockey team, andso my roommates and I would always like
move in early before anybody else,and we always had a private bathroom and
we would constantly hear not and scratchesinside the bathroom, which like totally freaked
us out. And then one nightI had a dream that a nun was
chasing me around the school and Iwas climbing up on my bed because I
had a lofted bed, and Iwoke up hanging off of my bed and
it was terrifying. I woke myroommate up. I was like, we
got to get out of here.Well, it's happening all around you,
but as long as you're not hurt, right, I mean, kind of
go with it. I mean alot of people are saying, no,
you don't want to be around thatat all. We got to burn sage
and get them out of here now, No, you know, let them
let them do their thing. Ithink they're sometimes they may be trying to
tell us something that we need tohear, or me we may need to
know, So don't run away fromit so fast. When you said you're
hanging from the bed. It wasn'tlike by a noose or anything like that
was I mean, what are youtalking about? Yeah, no, no,
no, Like I like most ofmy body was like on my bed
and I was gripping on my bedwith like my left hand. That was
the only part of my bed thatI would hang out too. And then
yeah, so I woke my roommateup. We like freaked out, ran
out, but yeah, and thenwe would like constantly see like little things
here and there, Like one time, I when I lived in like a
big person room with a ton ofpeople, one of my roommate's hair stood
on end, like straight up,and we were like, what the heck?
And then she brushed your hair downand we were so freaked out.
She instantly got goosebumps. Yeah,it's definitely it's a scary at university,
but it was a lot of funanyways. Sounds like a load of fun.
I love that stuff. It's like, if you let it scare you,
you're gonna be scared. You know, crap list, but don't just
own it and you're good. Hey, thank you for listening to us.
I appreciate it. Julia have agreat day. What's up, Foggy,
you want to say something? Yeah, if you remember cameines for warriors who
we always do a lot of stuffwith. They often they train animals for
veterans who are coming back with PTSD, and they say that a lot of
times that the dogs can tell whenthey're about to have nightmares and things are
about to go wrong. The dogcan sense it first, and the dog
will wake them up. The dogwill lean against them and do anything they
can to help give them what theyneed to not experience that trauma. And
dogs are just so so brilliant andto watch them work with these veterans is
just so rewarding and amazing. Ilove that as well. And so my
point in the connection here is ifa dog can be that sensitive, I
mean, they've of course the otheir bodies are different than ours. They
can hear things and sense things thatwe can, and smell things as well.
But if you know someone like yourson, for instance, Danielle,
maybe he has this sensibility thing goingon that we can't understand, you know,
I think because a lot my momis very sensitive like that with things,
you know, and she knows thingsand sees things I'm like, what,
Mom, that's really weird. ButI remember, Mary, I told
you. When my dad passed,we had the priests come over to the
house where my mom used to liveto kind of like pray with us for
the day. And he comes inthe house and he asks for holy water
to buss the house because he's sensedthat there was something there that should not
have been there. And my momtells him, oh, that's been here
for years. They're friendly. Itwas their house first, and the and
the priest said, yeah, it'snot supposed to be, so let's fix
this to wait. He asked forholy water. Do you have holy water
just in the freezer? What doyou We didn't have any. He asked
us, do you have any holywater around? But like, no,
we have holy water pops frozen inthe freezer. Can bring home? Yeah,
yeah, you can go get itfrom church and bring it home and
can make it. He can?I think, yeah, he can't whip
up some holy water from the sinkof the Poland spring bottle. I'm not
sure. I don't know. Idon't know. It's not like special water
not I thought. I thought youget it from somewhere. And then he
blessed. They don't ship it fromthe Vatican. I don't know, don't
does Costco have it? I mean, that's how it works. It's totally
right. Really says it has tocome from a spring or well so Poland
spring would work, okay, andthen the clergy member just has a blessant.
That's it. Oh so we shouldhave done that. We did not.
So now you know, my priest, did you have a ground?
We priest, we're gonna move on. We have a