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Live from the Mercedes Benz Interview Loungeand Line dashboard. Drummer dat I am
so every kid flagging cool run RunnerLa September calling it off Fallow. There
you go Summer. That is.Scotty McCreary's new single is Fall of Summer
from his album Rise and Fall,which is out today. Many reasons to
be celebrating today, Scotty McCreary,Welcome to the show. Good to have
you here. Good morning, thanksfor having me. Well, good morning,
Welcome, Welcome to New York City. Sorry, we were having such
a tinkly day, which means lotsof rain. Yeah, it's oh good.
It's always a beautiful day in thecity. You know what they say,
New York City, it makes itsown gravy when it rains. Sorry,
that's nasty. I know it's alittle early for that. By the
way. Congratulations. By the way, Scotty had a cabin a solo number
one. This is his seventh numberone that came out several weeks ago.
So I celebrated with you. Iactually had. I had some cabernet in
my red solo cup last night.So there you go. He's going to
the party. Welcome. I loveit. I am, Scotty. Congratulations
on your success, and of courseanother reason we wanted to have you on
to talk about our friends at SaintJude. I know that you received that
Coveted Angels among Us award recently,which is an award that Saint Jude gives
to an artist every year for theoutstanding commitment and service to the mission of
Saint Jude, and they've been onour minds a lot lately. Can you
talk about your experiences rolling through SaintJude and also spreading the word across America?
Yeah, absolutely not. First off, I just love what Saint Jude
does and how they helped the family, how they have the kids. I
had the opportunity to go to thehospital there in Memphis and meet some of
these kids and the families. AndWe've gone to a bunch of hospitals,
and you know, it can alwayskind of be a sad thing, and
I'll kind of intimidated going in there. But as soon as I got in
there, I mean, the placewas so bright and there was such an
energy, and the families had smileson their faces, and the kids and
the doctors and all the How canthat be? But you know, being
able to take that worry away.They're already worried about so much when they're
there at the hospital. Being ableto take that financial burden off of them
is just an amazing thing to belifted off their chest. And they're doing
so much research and they're not chargingother hospitals for it. They're they're sharing
it for free. And so Imean, for me, any chance I
get to spread the word or tohelp them out, whether it be on
the road of concerts. We've evengone on Family Feud and won the thing
and one twenty five thousand dollars forJude, and wow, it's always great
to help. Oh my god,Well stop everything. Let's talk about what
it's like to be on Family Feud. I mean, I mean, was
it fun? Was it intimidating?I mean, talk about that experience and
what what you feel made your teamwin that twenty five thousand dollars for Saint
Jude, Like, what does ittake to win on that thing? Oh?
It was a blast. Steve Harveymakes it fun. They make you
feel comfortable and you watch it yourwhole life and you're like, oh,
that would be a breeze. Andthen the cameras and the lights you and
your heart starts pumpling a little fasterand you're like, oh God, but
my wife we did the fast moneything and she crushed the first round,
so I didn't I didn't have todo too much in the second round because
she's she's the brain to the look, he's everything in the family. So
I'm glad she went first. Thatis so cool. Absolutely. Hey,
so traveling around the country, ofcourse, with the new album Rise and
fall Out today, you've got that'syour life. I'm assuming you're you're on
the road for a while, whichcannot be the easiest life to live.
But do you enjoy it? Imean, and if so, what is
it you you hear and feel fromyour fans when you meet them. Are
you learning more about yourself? You'relearning more about our country, getting out
of your comfort zoning, going outacross the globe. Absolutely. Yeah.
I've been a road dog now forthirteen years. I love it out there.
It's January through December a pretty mucha full time thing for us and
my band. I mean, we'refamily out there. Most of these guys
have been with me since day one, and I love getting out there to
hang with them. But We've performedin all fifty states. I mean,
I've gotten to go places I neverthought I would as a kid growing up
in small town North Carolina, Alaskaand Hawaii, and you know, just
all fifty states right here in thecontinental US. So I love it.
And you know, a lot ofgreat fans out there telling me stories about
how the music helps them through thingsor this is what they're listening to and
they're driving around, and that's whatit's all about, you know, connecting
through music. And I feel likeI've been blessed to bless others, you
know, and that's why I loveto help Saint Jude, love to just
do whatever I can out there tomake people's day. You know. I
know that Scotty's going to ask becausewe're going to like talk about the donation
and like, you know, donatingmoney soon. But I'll tell you,
listening to his voice and his accent, he could tell me to donate to
anything right now, and I probablydon't. Right now, I'm gonna download
that keep in mind to Scotty andthe rest of us. You're the one
with the accent all day long.I want I want to get into of
course, Saint Jude and how wecan help out because I want everyone listening
to support and before we do that, I got to turn it to Froggy.
As you know, our Froggy isis. He's a He's a big
force in a in country country musicradio. And this new song out,
you know, in the album out, we need for you to commit to
Scotty right now that you're gonna you'regonna stand behind this thing. Scotty already
knows he has my commitment on onFall of Summer, Scotty, talk about
just two weeks ago. I knowthis was such an honor for you.
You were inducted as an official memberof the Grand Ole Opry. What does
that mean to somebody who's grown upwatching the Grand Ole Opry your entire life
and then now you are an official? Uh, It's it's everything. I'm
just thirty years old, but ifeel like I'm an old soul and I've
got so much respect and I reverethe Opry for for what they've done for
country music. And you know,I feel like people forget you know,
back in the day before all thesocial media and stuff, the Opery played
a huge role and making it popularoutside of a few states in the South,
and so all of my heroes haveplayed that stage. It's always been
at the top of my bucket listto be able to be deemed worthy of
joining that family. So it wasjust a legitimately a lifelong dream come true.
And now I got to go homeand start writing a new bucket list
and take care. I'll what thenext sext goal is. But it's the
honor of a lifetime. I loveit. I love it. You know,
yesterday we kicked off a summer ofpost Malone and Morgan Wallen. There's
their song, how are you feelingabout about post Malone? Look spreading his
wings and just being a part ofwhatever genre he's comfortable in. Well,
you got to be so talented tobe able to do what he's doing,
know, and just try new thingsand crush it. So I think he's
doing a phenomenal job. And forme, as a guy who you know,
all I want to do is countrymusic. It's what I love,
it's my passion. So I lovethe fact that, you know, he's
bringing all these new fans, allthese eyeballs to country music. And for
me, it's like somebody who's apost Malone fan or a Beyonce fan or
whoever, uh you know nowadays mightlisten to their album and after that,
you know, find out who MerleHaggard is, or find out who George
Jones and lored O Lynn is.You know. So as a traditional country
guy, I just love all theall the new fans new eyeballs on country
music. Yeah, because Ganei andI were talking, we'd love to see
you on stage with Cardi B.Yes, that would be a collaboration.
Yeah, I know I've been waitingfor absolutely All Right, let's get to
let's get to work. We areentering into Mother's Day weekend and we're talking
earlier. What a great gift inhonor of your mom to have a conversation
with her and say, look,I want to make a monthly donation to
Saint Jude in your honor because Ican't imagine what it's like to be a
mom and hear that your child hascancer. Let's think about all those moms
that are dealing with that and workingthrough it, and those who aren't but
are definitely open to what it feelslike to be a mom and to be
told that Saint Jude is their missionis to get rid of all childhood cancer
and your conversation with your mom thisweekend is I love your mother. I
want to make a monthly contribution toSaint Jude Children's Research Hospital in honor of
you and this conversation we're having.And it could be twenty dollars a month,
it could be whatever a month.Whatever you can do. If you
text the word Elvis to sixty twosixty two sixty two, you'll get that
this T shirt Saves Lives t shirt. If you do a monthly contribution and
you have this incredible gift for yourmom, maybe if you're it's last minute,
like I said earlier, you don'twant to go down to the gas
station by your mom sushi for Mother'sDay. Do it this way and Withcotty
McCree. Thank you, Scotty forspending all this time with us. We're
telling you right now it's totally legit. Do you want to add to this,
Scotty, would any of the thoughtsabout Saint Jude? Seriously? Oh?
Well, I just love it.If you're gonna if you want to
give back, if you want tohelp family without help getting out, this
is the way to do it.I can guarantee your money is going to
a great place, and the researchthey do and how they help these families,
it's unparalleled. They are truly,they are the angels among us.
So I think it's a great placeto help out if you can. Absolutely,
we're talking to twenty dollars a month. I mean, think of a
little the stupid stuff you spend twentydollars a month on, Scotty. I
mean, come on, a bunchof idiots when you really look at what
we're spending our money on. Buttwenty dollars a month to Saint Jude and
you get that shirt. Pretty cool, Scotty McCreary. Of course, Rise
and Fall the albums out today,Fall of Summer. Of the song that
Scott that Froggy is going to beplaying I think in power rotation in this
moment. Yeah, I love it. Everyone say thank you to Scotty McCreary.
Thanks you for having me your ownenjoy New York City, leave it
the way you found it. Please, thank you. Have a nice day.
Scotty McCree What a nice guy.I just downloaded that album. You
love it absolutely, absolutely Again textthe word Elvis to sixty two sixty two
sixty two and they will walk youthrough about your contribution and how it's paid
and everything like that. Don't beafraid just to text the word Elvis to
sixty two sixty two, sixty two. They don't have you right there.
You're not snagged. They will.They will then walk you through and tell
you and explain to you exactly whatit is that this is all about.
We love you, Saint Jude