Episode Transcript
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Today's Daily Highlight from Elvis Duran inthe Morning Show. Have you ever been
put on report? Or have youever been called in and had to sign
a piece of paper with corporate toacknowledge that you did something wrong? Oh?
You got written up? Yeah?Yeah? Were you ever written up?
Was every was ever something to puton your file? Yeah? We
all we've all had that either,Nate, you didn't say that you've been
put on file? Have you can'ttalk about? What would say yes or
no? Well, then that youjust said yes? Okay, So I
can't talk about what happened. Okay, Wow, Now I want to know.
Well, no, I know Iwas, but number one, I
didn't sign the piece of paper theytold me to sign. So secondly I
can't talk about it either. Butit did happen. Yeah. So Danielle's
question was, and she's been shehas had to get ridden up before,
right, What was your question abouthow being written up in something put on
your file? Well, how doesit work? Like? Does it work
like soccer? Like two yellow cardsand then you get the red and then
you get the boot? Like howdoes it work like three strikes your out?
Kind of what's going on? Howdoes it work? And is there
like a limit on how long thisis on your record? Like after seven
years is a fall off? No? Like with your license, like it
doesn't after a certain amount of signingyour driver's license. It like the point
And does it have to be thisjob or can it be a job you
had before this one? So you'resaying that my heart's going to go to
you the last company you work forit and accumulate all your points from now.
This isn't like moving No, No, this is not likely moving grades
from one caller to the next.Alright. I worked at a grocery store
before I worked at the radio station. I got written up there multiple Oh
no, if I heard had thaton your file? Yeah, I wish
they did. If you are goingto work for one place, can they
call another place and say were theyever written up before? They can't?
I guess yeah. But now inthis day and age, you don't want
to ever give an opinion about apast employee because there's lawsuits possible. But
what I said answer is are theyeligible for rehire? That's the only there
you go eligible for rehire? No. I think the way it works and
I said this earlier, and Idon't know if I'm right or not,
they will write down things in yourfile until the cows come home. So
one day, if they do havea reason to can you, they'll go,
well, look at this list ofthings that Elvis did. Let him
go legally, we can because lookwhat he did. What a bad boy.
Waite. When you guys, thinkabout, like what you got written
up for, if somebody read itout loud, you laugh at it again
when you probably, yeah, Idon't think that helps us, Yeah,
because you told us why you werewritten up. And I'm like, but
that wasn't your fault. That wassomeone else's fault. It was someone else's
fault. I I the way thatthey blamed it on me. I can
see what they're doing, which iswhatever. But I didn't sign it either.
I was with you. I didn'tsign it. Hmm. Yeah,
I was asked to sign. Isaid I'm not signing that. I said,
you know how to spell the name, sign it for me. I'm
not signing it. You will notget Mike. You can sign my name
better than me anyway. But alot of people are texting in yeah,
this person got written up for talkingabout how babies are made. What I
don't know Melissa. Is that MelissaLight nineteen? Well, let's talk to
her. Hello Melissa, Hi,good morning, Good morning. So you
work in HR so obviously, dependingon what company you work for, you
have a lot of situations where youhave to have a meeting with someone and
then put something on their file.Is that correct? Absolutely? Absolutely.
I work with a specific company.I really can't divulge the name, but
we work with I have a lotof which we call security guards, and
we have a couple infractions on alot of stuff. So we have to
pull them in the office, sitdown, discuss. They get a disciplinary
action written up, like whatever arethere? Do you thank them? Is
it like a physical thing? No, it's actually like if you get put
in the office and we have todiscuss what their issue, what they did
wrong, and then they have theycan either sign the paper saying that we
discussed it, or we write onit saying that they waived signing it.
Now if they wave signing it,does that like take more points off there?
Whatever? It doesn't look good forthem when we have to send it
up to our corporate But they getthree tries and then there is a termination.
Oh wow, so it sounds likeyour your particular company has definitely a
stract list of rules as it appliesto these people that you interview and interview.
It does, it does, andwe try to give them a little
bit, a little bit of leniencyconcerning what they have to deal with.
But a lot of the infractions haveto do with medication, handing out medications
as easy as tardiness or the inbetween. I'm sure, and I understand
you don't want to give too muchinformation. I'll tell you some of the
texts that are coming through. Here'ssomeone who got written up and fired.
Then I went down to corporate,told them the story. They hired me
back and fired the person who firedme. Oh oh wow. I hope
that never happens to me. Yeah, gosh. A lot of people are
responding to this on text. Doyou guys see these things? Yeah?
This is wild though that only worksone way. You should be allowed to
write your company up to when theyviolate you. You we do have,
we do have where they can go. We can go to corporate on us
and write a complain about us ifthey feel that they were injustly put into
the office. Right, don't rememberwhen iHeart took a are twenty five cent
colon machine. Yeah, we're veryupset. Yeah, well yeah, this
was a big thing here. Wecould get soft drinks for twenty five cents
and then one day said no,no more, it's gonna be a dollar
twenty five. We're like, no, we will pick it. And they
they heard us, they heard theyheard our angst. What's that, froggy,
This is like, no, youcan't write me up. I'm writing
you up, Like, oh,really, you don't like things about me,
but let me tell you what Idon't like about the company. There
you go, and you're gonna signthis frog out. Yeah, And unfortunately
that can happen where I work.So all right, well, hey Melissa,
working in HR, that's got tobe a tough job, especially if
you work for a big, establishedcompany with a lot of employees. I
mean, does that take its tollon you? Sometimes it does, because
there are a lot of employees thatI really do like, and I hate
having them come in the office andsitting down and talking to them. Right,
It's like, hey, I hateto do this, but here we
go. Yeah, look, Melissa, thank you for sharing with us.
We appreciate you listening very very much. We're going to write you up and
put something nice on the Melissa record. Yay, thank you. I love
all you guys. Well, thankyou Melissa. You take care that Britney.
This is we have a fresh oneonline twenty Brittany was written up for
the first time just last week.Let's find out more, shall we?
Hey bring back? Well, welcometo Wednesday on the show. And I
don't know if you want to givetoo much information, but you just got
written up last week. Yes,I've been with the company for ten years.
Wow. And they've been pulling mein the office for the past four
months, like, hey, youmess up on this, you mess up
on this, you're not paying attention. And there were all different mistakes every
time. And then they were like, listen, we're writing you up because
you're not paying attention. It's like, are you serious? Like, I'm
thirty? Is this the thing youwant to put me on time out too?
While you're at it? I know, stand in the corner. You
go, stand in the corner,young lady, and think about what that
does see. And then the biggestthing that I'm dealing with right now is
they the person that wrote me up. They did like a two page statement
on behalf of the meeting, andI said, okay, like just for
my own records, can I havea copy of that for like, no,
you can't. Yep, Yeah,I don't know, but all at
all? Do you like your job? Do you do you like where you're
working? I mean, I've beenquestioning it the past two weeks, but
I'm trying to hang in there.You hang in there sometimes if your a
place of work had like what theyhad in school back in the day,
like that chair in the corner andyou had to sit in it and face
the wall. Oh I sat therea couple of times. Yeah, exactly.
Yeah, We've had people on ourshow who had to sit in the
corner stairs for a while. Hey, thank you for listening to us.
And good luck at work, Brittany, good luck to you. Thank you.
All right, a question from Scarythan we have one more call?
Go ahead? Scary Yeah. Imean, so when you get written up,
it's like a lot of a lotof times it's in subordination. But
some people they have performance goals tomeet, like like a sales team for
instance, they get like a theyhave put on a performance improvement plan.
Can we be put pipped like puton a performance improvement provement plan, like
I'm not. I didn't break anyrules, like you need to be funnier.
I'm a good soldier, right,exactly do we have that in what
we I don't know. I don'tknow. You know. The way you
can do it with sales is eachindividual person has individual numbers they have to
hit. We work as a group, so I can't put Danielle on report
because our ratings suck. Well,I don't know, I don't know.
I think it's a good question,but it's kind of hard. We're impimpable.
No pipping going on. Finally,Andy online five got written up.
Oh my gosh, Andy, telleveryone why you were written up? At
work? Well, I was workingfor a very high classy hotel. Me
and the girl that run the frontdesk at the time. I was in
and the girl ran the front desk. We wound up looking up at work
and behind the front desk. Andshe told one of her friends, and
her friend went blabbing the HR Ohno, why would someone do that.
I mean you were behind the desk. I mean, come on, seriously,
and you're working in maintenance. You'rejust in there maintaining you know what
I'm saying. They will Well,I wouldn't sign the write up, so
they terminated me at the time.Oh that's not fair. It takes two
to tango behind the front desk.Hello, is she still there? No,
she was terminated also now she's adebuty sheriff. Okay, wow,
that's good. She landed under herfeet. And how are you doing it?
Did you find another job? Oh? Yes, I work for a
big corporation now where I'm at,and I'm doing really good for myself.
Well will you ever have sex withanother employee behind the desk or is that
a thing from the past? Okay? Well, I love your story.
Andy. You sound like you havea great spirit, and sometimes we need
to be terminated from certain places sowe can find a better life, and
you obviously have one, you know. Thanks for listening to us, man,
Thanks for sharing. That was great, awesome. Take care. Yeah.
What about the time that Nate snuckin and started railing someone on my
board where I work every day andsomeone saw it. We have got to
take a commercial break here. Canyou still get written up for that now?
Years later? Oh? The thingswe've done, I know, But
you can't do that now because thesewheatstones will catch on fire. It's funny
if you think about the things peoplehave gotten written up for around here versus
the things they have not gotten writtenup for around here. It's there you
go. All right, let's getinto the three