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July 8, 2024 10 mins
We've been traveling the past two weeks and are catching up about our whereabouts! Plus, we talk solo traveling.
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Today's Daily Highlight from Elvis Duran inthe Morning show. I want to talk
to Danielle and Gandhi about your lasttwo weeks. Some of us decided to
travel away as far away as possible, but I know you guys had some
very very incredible moments just sleeping inand hanging out with people you love that
you don't get your chance. Youget a chance to see a lot like

Danielle, for instance, your motherin law came in from France. My
mother in law came in from France. She was with us for like about
a week and a half. Twoweeks. So we did a lot of
cool, fun, touristy stuff,which I love, like going into New
York City and being a tourist withpeople. We went to car Mines because
you know, it's our favorite placeto eat. We went and did that
Rise New York. If you've neverbeen to New York, you want a
really good backstory and the history ofNew York. Rise New York. It's

a really cool, cool place togo. We saw Circa solet. We
did a lot of family stuff.I read three books. I got up
every single morning and went for awalk first thing in the morning before it
every day every single day before Areyou going crazy today because you haven't walked?
Yes, so today's driving me crazybecause I know how hot it is
outside. And one of the reasonsI loved doing it first thing was because

it got so hot once the daykicked in, and all I keep thinking
of is, oh my gosh,I want to dial it or if I
go for a walk, you know. But I was like freaking out and
having anxiety about this. But itwas just nice to like be with the
kids, be with my husband,be with the family, and just like
catch up and relax and catch upon sleep and movies and just stuff like
that. It was nice. Youknow, you need that. I may

do that next during our vacation nextweek. Next oh, next week.
I like it. People always makefun of us, so if you take
vacations, you know what we haveto it's a union rule. Yeah.
Oh I had three people ask meif I work, Oh my god here,
yes, no, No, peoplewill pick at the radio station if
you don't. Okay, So,Gandha, you traveled, you hung out

with your sister. What all didyou do? Well? First, I
saw my parents and that's always chaos, but it was really fun. I
went to Florida and then I sawmy sister, and sadly, a friend
of mine's father passed away while Iwas in town, so I went to
a funeral and it was weirdly niceto see so many people that I haven't
seen in a very long time,and you know, everybody was kind of

prepared and it wasn't this horrible,sad, sad affair. I got to
see a bunch of my friends andfeel like a loser because they're all in
like houses with you know, yardsand stuff, and it's crazy yards and
stuff. Yeah, like what myfriend's had yards, This is nuts.
And debt, yeah, yeah,mortgages. I went to Michigan to see
my boyfriend and had so much funwith him, and we did something that

I haven't done in forever, andI need to do it so much more.
He found a field completely empty.It was full of fireflies, and
we just sat in the field andwatched fireworks and it was awesome. How
nice. I love fireflies me too. You know, this year we have
this thing out here. We've gotmore rabbits and fireflies than ever before.
I don't know what happened. There'ssome explanations, but last night. It

looked as if it was Christmas treelights in the big trees outside because they
were all cool, glowing. Sothere was actually a study that said they're
going the fireflies, lightning bugs,whatever you want to call them, they're
going away. There aren't nearly asmany as there used to be, So
I get so excited when I seethem because that, to me is childhood.
Yeah, it's the same amount theown. Yeah, it's torturing them
and you, and weirdly enough,the next day they're dead. Yeah.

Yes, we used to ride onthe wall with our little little butts.
You would write dirty words on thewhat it was in high school or elementary
school. Yeah, that's not good. That's why they're all going a white
people like me exist. So Natedecided to take a solo trip, which
is something solo travel is something everyoneshould do, even if you're in the

middle of a relationship. You knowabsolutely, and where we went, I
can't wait to go back on myown. But you went on a Norwegian
cruise, right, I did,And honestly, it's probably the easier way
if you've never done any solo travel, it's one of the easier ways to
do it because it takes you toa new destination every day, Like I
was waking up in Rome, inNaples and Sicily and Greece. It was

incredible, but cruising aside solo travel. I've got the five solo travel observations
that I made. Do you wantto hear them? Okay? Yeah,
absolutely, Okay. So number five, you can do what you want.
You don't have to compromise. Like, let's say somebody wants to go to
a museum and you want to goto a beach. No, you're doing
exactly what you want to do.You're going to the beach, You're going
to a museum, You're deciding whatyou want to do. You're you're dining

where you want to dine. Youdon't have to make any compromises. Number
four, Ring the bell, Ringthe bell. That's number one. You
do what you want, you solotraveler. Go on number four. This
is the observation couples want to talkto you because they're tired of talking to
each other. I realized, youknow, I would sit in I'm dining

by myself, and then I justsomebody leans over, Hey that looks really
good. What do you have?And I'm like, all right, Well,
here's a conversation. I met agreat couple from Canada. The woman
had taken a solo trip her husbandjoiner. Towards the end of it,
another couple they got robbed the daybefore. I bought them a rounded drinks.
Oh my god. People are sointeresting and they just want to talk.
So they see you sitting there,they want to talk to you later

on. Anyways, well hold onring the bells a right. Number three
solo travel observation. No matter howcrowded the restaurant is, there's always room
for one more. They get youa table for two. For whatever reason
they can't fit one person, theycan always squeeze it. And I'll tell
you this, especially on Norwegian CruiseLines. On the cruise, you get

the best table in the restaurant.You get the one right at the window.
You get the one that's in thequiet spot, because you're there by
yourself and they know that you're gonnabe looking out at something and need something
to do. Number two solo travelcause it's countdown. It's counting on number
two. Confidence. And this wasa debatable whether or not this was going
to be my number one or numbertwo. But you get so confident about

yourself. When you take a tripto a place you've never been before,
and you can navigate a city,you can learn how to read a map,
you figure out that, hey,I've got nobody to rely on here
but myself. I've got to getthere, do these things, it's all
me. You become so much moreconfident. And the number one thing I
observed about home on ring the bellconfidence confidence? Okay, number one?

Who cares what other people think?So you're sitting there by yourself, Scary,
This one's for you. So you'resitting there by yourself having dinner?
Who cares what people think? Whocares that this guy, this girl is
sitting there by themself. Who cares? And that translates to translates to so
many things in life, not justtravel, but who cares what people think?

Yes? Right? I love that? Amen? Amen? I mean
who cares what people think? Lookat that shirt Scary is wearing. I
didn't care what anybody you thought.I decided to wear it. Anything.
You're on your way for solo travels, well, on my way. You
know the crazy thing? You know? We talking here about safety being a
woman, especially being safe traveling alone. I ran into so many female solo
travelers. I was on this randomgrease beach and there was just this girl

walking down the trail and I'm like, hey, the water's that way.
You know you need to help findingit. No, I know where I'm
going people, just you know,being a female and traveling. I think
the places that I went to.I don't think you really have to worry
about it. But just get outthere, get confident, do something.
You'll realize and learn so much moreabout yourself when you do. Let's talk
more about that women traveling by themselves. As a matter of fact, you

actually mentioned to me earlier you feltyou saw more solo women travelers than men
by far. I can say twoto one. And it's that confidence you
need. And you know, look, I can see how there are places
and people in the world you don'twant to be near a being a woman,
being a man even But I getit. So when you know,
when Danielle or Gandhi or anyone isthinking about doing solo travel, there is

a hesitation. There is there not. Oh absolutely, I want to travel
by myself all the time, andmy family acts like it's the worst thing
I could ever do. What ifyou get sick. What if somebody kid
dapts you. You have no idea, You're by yourself and you're little.
I mean, yeah, it makesme nervous, but I'm sure that there
are great ways to combat that.What are you thinking. Well, one
thing I did, I actually didit twice, was I found a middle

ground. I found a retreat.So I signed up for a surfing or
a yoga retreat, both times withoutanyone. So I made the trip by
myself. I had one activity aday with a group of people that knew
I was there, and then Ijust spent the rest of the time alone.
I felt like that was kind ofmy middle ground, Like traveling alone,
but feeling like I had some kindof tether that made me feel a
little bit like more comfortable with it. I like that. And there's another

reason cruising could be a great solotravel experience because you are tethered to like
for Norwegian Cruise Line for instance.Speaking of we had a call. Someone
had called in. What they hada message for us? What was that?
Oh yeah, they had taken acruise under reaching Jade. We'll get
them on in a little bit.Okay, So solo travel, our travel
agent is her name is Grace.We love her and a lot of people
don't use travel agents anymore. Thereare some great travel agents out there that

specialize in incredible travel experiences. Sheruns her own her own travel agency in
Florida. It's all women. Shewas originally a travel agent in Chicago that
was all women. She decided totide her own and she has a lot
of thoughts about solo traveled, especiallyfor women. I want to get her
on the show as soon as possible. She can't get to know her.

You should do her on your podcastas well at GANDHI. Oh my god,
I would love to. I wantto get her on here. Maybe
group travel would be good too,you know, like as a single person
other single people, I don't know, you know what we usually travel with
a gaggle of friends, a gaygaggle, a giggle, a giggle,
a giggle of giggling, giggling gazeand you know. And I got to

say, you know, when wehopped on board the plane to fly away,
the two of us, I wasthinking, we're not used to just
traveling alone, and we had areally great time. Bally, I'm telling
you right now, it's a placeyou gotta visit. It's unreal. Postcards.
Oh, I didn't even I didn'treally post that much, and we
took a lot of pictures, butwe have met a lot of great people,

and the people there so friendly,and the food is fabulous, and
that it's just a beautiful place.The people are full of heart.
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