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Today's Daily Highlight from Elvis Duran inthe Morning Show. You know what,
I don't know if you want touse your friend's name, Gandhi, Okay,
but can I just say I don'twant to use the word jealous,
envious. I don't know. Yourfriend recently just upended everything. Oh yeah,
she quit her job, she moved, broke up with her boyfriend.
I mean, what brought all thison? What made her push the reset
button? Man? It was Ithink it was a long time coming.
She sort of fell into this rutand she wasn't happy with any aspect of
her life. She wasn't happy withthe relationship, she didn't like what was
going on with work, she didn'tlike where she was living. She just
one day up and decided I'm doneand got rid of all of it at
the same time, and she hasstarted a completely new life all over again.
And I am so proud of her. I know it takes so much
to do any one of those things. Yeah, let alone all three at
the same time. So to you, my friend, I love you.
We'll call her by her job.She moved to a new town, new
city. Yep. Wow, didI mean does she have a job before
she went there. I mean,she still doesn't have a job. She's
like, I'm figuring it out rightnow. She negotiated a little package with
the company that she was with,so she has a few months to figure
out what's going on, and she'sworking on some things. She said,
she has some ideas, but she'sjust super excited and I love that for
her. She's not scared at all. She said she was more fearful of
actually taking the plunge, and nowthat she's done it, she's like,
it's the best thing that's ever happened. Weights lifted, I feel like a
new person. Wow. She didn'thave a different name, a different identity,
die your hair, Yep, youknow what I mean. Like everything
could be different. The only thingthat has carried through was the dog.
She took the dog. Okay,you can't leave the dogs. Dogs are
good. You can't leave the dog. Uh Man's cow old she is she's
thirty six, Okay, yeah wow, and just said screw it all,
I'm moving on. So you're sayingshe was a little scared about take the
leap. M h. I guessit's easier for me to say because I'm
not in her position. You shouldbe more scared not taking the leap totally.
And that's when we were talking aboutit, I said the same thing.
I was like, you know,the most terrifying thing would be to
be stuck in a life that youhate every aspect of as opposed to just
taking the leap and figuring it outfor yourself, because you'll fall into something
that you appreciate and you like,and you're making your own rules now and
you're not you know, sacrificing yourhappiness for other people and other things.
Wow, okay, so cool.When she told me this, I almost
I screamed. It was amazing.I was so happy for her. So
was this a long time in theworks or does she just one day woke
up and said, no, no, everything has to be reset everything.
See, you had been toiling itwith it for a while, like she
would send some of us a breakuptext like hey do you think this one
works? Hey? How should Iword it differently? And then I don't
know what happened, But one dayshe was just like, that's it and
she did all of it. Wow. No, no, just ripped,
just ripped it. It's gotta be. Of course, it is a lot
different if you have kids involved,or there's you know, other things that
you've got to be paying attention towhich are of paramount importance. I get
that, But if you're but thirtysix years old, a lot of people
would say, Oh no, I'malready thirty six. It's I waited too
long in my life to push areset button. No, not at all,
she said. She's even happier withyou know how old I am.
I turned the big old, Iturned the big six. Oh, I'm
ready to turn it all off andrun like hell by everybody. Wait,
wait, wait, wait, nope, there's no waiting. I'm taking my
dogs and I'm leaving. I'm leavingtown. But uh yeah, you find
yourself in life in a rut,and you're in that ditch, like,
well, how do I get outof this ditch? Well, you know
what. You got to get outof the ditch. But only you can
do it. You have to makethe decisions. You have to make the
hard decisions, the decisions that arechallenging and frightening. But no one else
can do it. No one elsehas got to do it. You have
to do it. What are youwaiting for? She said? She thought
about what we talk about all thetime. You cannot control other people or
other circumstances in your life. Youcan only control yourself. And she said
she was the common denominator and allof the things that she didn't like.
So she did what she could inher control and she changed it. And
I love it. I'm so happyfor her. What scary? So what
if you're in a ditch you wantto flip the switch and start over like
your friend did, but you're financiallystrapped and you're like, find But what
if the financial thing is the onlything that is holding you back from doing
that? Because I know some peoplethat want to hit the reset button on
a lot of things in life,but but they're being held back by economics.
You got to find a way.OnlyFans, hell, I take your
shoes off, do what you gottado. But like, no, I
know a lot of people who reallyare Yeah, they want to start over,
but they can't. Like easier saidthan done, Well, no,
you can. You know, it'seasy for us to say you can,
but you can't. There is away. It may be it may break
your back, you may have towork two jobs, you may have to
work around the clock and to savethe money. I mean no, but
if you have that goal in mind, you will find a way. And
if anyone says, well yeah,yeah, yeah, dare you say that,
and well, no, I'm sayingit you. Gary Vee was in
Once a long time ago talking aboutthis. He's said, people come to
have all the time. Gary vI want to be successful, but I'm
stuck in doing this. He said, You're not stuck in anything. You
continue your work, you continue yourjob, but you do the side hustle.
You figure it out. It's goingto take time, it's going to
take amountain of sacrifice. You cando it. Don't let don't talk yourself
out of it. Yeah. Soif I sit here and say, well
it's a financial thing, well,y all know that that's a major thing.
That is a problem. But youknow what, what problem cannot be
solved, You got to figure outhow to solve that problem. It takes
time. Everyone expects everything to befixed overnight. You can't. You can't
look at life like that. Sometimesproblems, challenges, it takes it could
take a year. But the thingis is during that year or two years,
you always keep your eye on theend result. You always do.
You never let it go. Andsometimes it's not that easy either, Like,
sometimes you think you've fixed it,but you run the complications along the
way and you have to deal withthose. So everything is not gonna be
said and done just like that.You just gotta work at it. I
also think too, like the regretof making a mistake seems a little lighter
than the regret of always wondering whatwould have happened if, like, at
least you have an answer and youcan start over with knowledge of something,
whereas if you never take a chance, you're never gonna know. You're always
gonna wonder what off. Yeah,it is drastic, though you know what
these things are. Drastic. You'relike and you may have a lot of
friends and family members saying, areyou crazy? What are you doing?
I remember when I started in radio. My dad is like, what are
you doing? I said, dad, And this is I had like a
part time job, no insurance,so you gotta you need a job with
insurance before No, I don't wanta job with insurance. I want a
job that makes me happy and satisfied. The insurance will come. You know
that happened with me too with thisjob. Right, So I got the
job I was making four to twentyfive an hour out right out of college.
And my mother kept saying, youneed to quit. She was like,
you need to find something else,blah blah blah, and I kept
saying, no, I want tostick it out. If something good's gonna
happen, I know it, Iknow it, I know it. And
she was just like, okay,And so you know if I had listened,
then we wouldn't be where we are. Thing. You gotta quit that
job. It costs you more togo to work than you are making it
a p There were days where I'dpay to go to work and I would
pay for parking and whatever. Theyweren't paying for it. Yeah, I
wasn't making anything they were. Iwas paying them to work here. And
look at you, now, Yeah, what's that prob I've learned this as
a parent. And when you wantsomebody to do something, they might do
it, but they won't do itto the extent that when they want it.
And when you want something bad enoughfor yourself, you won't be able
to be stopped no matter what anybodyelse says, no matter what obstacle comes
up, no matter what it takes, you will find a way to do
it. If it's what you want. And so that's truely what it comes
down to. You know, youcan easily say, well, this is
what I do professionally, this isall I know, and I have to
do this, but unfortunately the jobsector I'm working in is deteriorating. It's
just evaporating. And well then yougot to go do something you don't know.
You know, that's the whole pointof this Loretta line twenty if she
said enough is enough, I'm movingto Costa Rica. I'm taking the family.
Yeah, congratulations on taking a family, Loretta. What made you decide?
Okay, Costa Rica because a lotof Americans do this, they love
going down there. Well, I'mnot American. I'm British. You guys
know me. I'm the ginger tealady. Yeah. Oh hello, So
you're moving, you're picking up,You're moving to Costa Rica. Now what
made you decide to make the change. Well, the terrifying events of twenty
twenty in America really opened up theeyes of a lot of US Brits.
And the violence, the gun violence, crazy politics, really I mean scary
nose Costa Rica. There's no gunviolence, there's no military, they have
no army. They spend the moneythey would spend on an army on education.
Yeah. No, I've been thereseveral times. I love Costa Rica.
It is fascinating. And every timehere you visit, you're like,
let's look at real estate. I'man apartment. So when are you moving?
We're moving middle of August. That'stomorrow. Years ago. Congratulations,
we just sold our house. Ourhouse went on the market. It's sold
within a week. So yeah,we've got no choice. We're going.
Yeah. Are you a little likewell, like a scary type of excitement
going on and stirring in your stomach? Are you what are you thinking?
What are you feeling? I'm terrified, but I think I might at some
point when I've met you guys,show you one of my tattoos. It
says, face the fear and doit anyway. I you know, being
from England, born in London,but I come from a culture of people
that immigrate my family and Nigeria.Obviously I moved from London to here nearly
twenty years ago. It's you know, it's not the most abnormal thing to
do. It's terrifying, absolutely,and with children, you have to be
very very confisent about what their needsare. So we're choosing a specific place
in Costa Rica that will sort oftake care of their extra curricular needs,
take care of their school, makesure they're going to have friends. My
husband and I we can you know, we can go to the coast every
weekend and make sure we get beachtime. But really the most important thing
is making sure that our children's mentalhealth is taken care of. Wow,
I got it. Adopt me please, I'm on the way. Well,
Loretta, it's bittersweet and saying congratulations, but you know, knowing that you're
not here anymore, but you canlisten to us Costa Rica. I think
we're number three rated morning show inCosta Rica. You know, well listen,
I have a wonderful time in Congratulationsand yeah again, and be more
afraid of not making a change thanmaking the change. Congratulations you and that
tattoo. It means a lot toread that tattoo. Show me one more
time, face the fear and doit anyway. There you go, all
right, all right, thank you, Loretta, and god speed, much
love to do your family, youknow, all of you. Take test.
Thank you, Danielle, thank youguys, thank you Loretta. Have
a wonderful life. My heart,ginger Tea is amazing.