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January 23, 2025 118 mins
Listen to the Matt Heath and Tyler Adams Afternoons Full Show Podcast for Friday 24 January.
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Speaker 1 (00:09):
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Speaker 2 (00:11):
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Speaker 3 (00:16):
Hello, are you great, New Zealanders And welcome to the
Mattin Tyler Afternoons podcast for Friday, the twenty fourth of jan.

Speaker 4 (00:24):
What a show for a Friday, I've got to say.

Speaker 3 (00:26):
Yeah, fantastic. Have a great chat with Ever Clear frontman
Art Alex Arkas. Yep, a great man. He is text
us about his talks to us about his experience in
the wild fires and those those Santa Monica fires over
there and the yeah, I mean his house was basically yeah,
and a lot of his friends lost their houses whatever.

So it's a really good no, I don't mean whatever,
that's very harsh. I don't mean whatever Brenda's house, but
oh yeah, he sees his heart broken about all that
was lost over there. So it's a really good chat.
And also we talk nudity's see once again, I gotta
say this point. I was telling us, telling people what
we're going to talk about.

Speaker 4 (01:06):
Yeah, oh here because.

Speaker 3 (01:08):
The next thing that will play is what we're talking about.
So so and I don't it was a good chat,
but I don't think we had really anything majorly contentious today,
did we?

Speaker 4 (01:16):
We had a notice though, yeah we are. The notice
is great from Rollston.

Speaker 3 (01:20):
Yeah, the neudist from Rolliston, and it's a real that's
a really good point, Tiler. It's a real insight into
into why they're nudists. And it's actually so wholesome. Yeahness.
And it's odd because people get juvenile about it and
neudicts and stuff and they think it's all sexualized, but
it's not about that at all.

Speaker 4 (01:35):
If you ever thought about becoming a nudist, you want
to listen to the neudist that was on the show today,
and approximately if you're listening right now, about forty five minutes, yeah, forty.

Speaker 3 (01:45):
Five minutes from now, you will become a nudist. Make
sure you set to download, follow, etcetera. And thank you
so much for listening to podcasts, and have a great weekend,
and bless you and gimma taste Kiwi and love you by.

Speaker 1 (02:00):
Talking with you all afternoon.

Speaker 2 (02:02):
It's Matt Heath and Tyler Adams Afternoons with the Volvo
XC ninety News dog ZB.

Speaker 4 (02:08):
Good afternoon to you, Welcome into Friday. Hope you're doing well.
Ka Maddie get.

Speaker 3 (02:13):
Eight, Tyler get A, everyone got a great show for
you today. Hey, something I've got to bring up here
is at the end of last year we head a
way in and I postulated the question, is it possible
to not put them on wait over the Christmas break
with all the eating and the drinking you have to do.
As in New Zealder, it's compulsory. And so we're gonna
have the way in today. Did you write down the numbers?

Because I've forgotten I did?

Speaker 4 (02:36):
Did you do you want to know the numbers? Now
we wait right to the end. Well, yeah, the so
you were ninety four kilo, I.

Speaker 3 (02:43):
Wasn't ninety four kilo?

Speaker 4 (02:44):
You were ninety four kilo?

Speaker 3 (02:46):
Oh I was not. Could you write it down? Yeah,
I've never been ninety four kilo.

Speaker 4 (02:50):
We're going to have to go through the records and
stay thought. I thought it was nineteen kilo. Different, I
was seventy five.

Speaker 3 (02:58):
Weekly I am pretty buff. I'm not ninety four. I'm
ninety two. I think I I'm thinking around ninety two.
I was finally asking if it was ninety two or
ninety two point five?

Speaker 4 (03:08):
No, four, This is all above balling. You know, we're
going to do the numbers are out there. I thought
I hit them in my head. Turns out I might
be a little bit off, but we're gonna have the
final way and.

Speaker 3 (03:16):
Actually, hang on a minute, I'm happy to take ninety four. Yeah, yeah,
because then I can possibly win. But no, the truth
is important. So we'll get to the beget a bottom
that we'll do that way on because that's an important
question that needs to be answered. Is it possible.

Speaker 4 (03:27):
It's a massive hypothesis, to be.

Speaker 3 (03:29):
Fair, I put no effort into pulling that off. I
I was about to on Christmas Day. I was thinking,
maybe I'll think about that, and then I thought, no, No,
it's disrespectful not to eat myself.

Speaker 4 (03:37):
To long as you're going for your fourth helping. Yeah,
I've got to say I kind of panicked, and this
just this last week when I realized we've got to
do the way, and I've tried to get out to
do some runs in the morning just to try and
burn off as many grams as I have. But I
know I'll be in the positive. But that's right at
the end of the show, Big hour after three as well.

Speaker 3 (03:53):
Yeah, hey that's right, a Tyler. Are you familiar with
the song here We Live.

Speaker 4 (04:10):

Speaker 3 (04:12):
Yeah, that's all right. That's Santa Monica by Everclear, and
those lyrics are very poignant considering the fires that have
recently ravaged the area. But we are talking to the
lead singer of Everclear, alec Arsis. Gosh, no, alec Arsis.
There was the worst one, yea alex Arkis. But I

says alec.

Speaker 4 (04:36):
I hope he's not listening.

Speaker 3 (04:39):
No fantastic band, huge songs, Father of Mine, everything to Everyone, wonderful,
you know, three platinum albums in the States, and they're
performing this weekend in Topaul and Fitty Anger with with
Cold Chisel and Bitrannger and Ice House with fen of
Ice House. So I'm going down to that in top Topaul.

So I speak to him from Everclear.

Speaker 4 (05:02):
Yep, just after three o'clock, looking forward to that discussion,
and also after three in New Zealand of the week
would is always massive on a Friday and topical tunes,
and I think the leaderboard at the moment is eight
to you for topical tunes, four to me? Do we
not just I won twenty twenty four and then we
start again? I think we I just won last year

and then then we start again reset. I don't know
if we can do that. Well, we'll put it out
to the listenership to if you I think that was
the twenty and twenty four champion.

Speaker 3 (05:32):
After decided, it's decided, that is done.

Speaker 4 (05:36):
After two o'clock, let's have a chat about nudism in
New Zealand. It's kicked off in Karca Point, that's down
in the bottom of the South Islands. So there was
an advert and one of the papers down there encouraging
people to come along for a bit of a nudy walk.
There are a lots of the residents in that part
of New Zealand to a brick but upset about seeing

nudy people walking along the lights of Krca Point and
in the Catlands and other parts of Southland. But the
question we'll put out there is why do we get
so irate about.

Speaker 3 (06:07):
What are the people of Kaka problem with the beautiful
form of God's creation, the human body.

Speaker 4 (06:13):
Well, let me just find a direct quote from one
of these irate community members. At the end of the day,
Oh no, this is actually from the nudist community, so
they're very positive. At the end of the day. The
nudist said, we're not going to please everybody. Most people
just accept it and move on. However, not all residents
are as compromising. One resident who didn't want to be named,

said the community did not condone that behavior at all.
He went on to say, I know a lot of
other locals feel the same. Obviously, talk goes around in
the pub and we're not really interested in that sort
of thing. That's such a beautiful turn of phrase for us.
We're not interested in that sort of thing. We don't
like that sort of.

Speaker 3 (06:51):
Nudity, that sort of thing. Just I mean, as I've
said to you, Tyler, nude is how we come into
this world. Yep, right, that's the natural form of things.
The weird thing is putting on clothes. So I cannot
understand people having a problem with nude. Who cares? It's fine?
And also, look, I'm not a neudist. Well I have me,

but you know, just officially, just well we're just just
in a just in a skinny dipping capacity at my time.
And look, running across the beach from the batch and
the nude and running into the water is very freeing.
I can understand why people enjoy it.

Speaker 4 (07:27):
Certainly is one of the joys in life. But it's
going to be a good, good discussion after two o'clock
because right now we want to have a chance.

Speaker 3 (07:32):
That's right. We want to talk about booking dot com,
What if Expedia, Trevago, a Goonda, hotels dot com, those
kinds of sights. I hate them when they you know,
when I when I search, when I'm going somewhere and
I'm going somewhere that this weekend, I search and I
just get these lists of these leech sites that pop up,
and and I always what I always do is if

I see a hotel, I want I go directly and
book with the hotel. And I believe that that's the
right thing to do, but I could be wrong. My
logic on this is they don't run the hotels. They
just slip in. They just snake their way in between
you and the people that are doing the business. But
do they really get your cheaper deals either? Because when
I go to the hotel, I seem to just get
the same deal and it just feels cleaner, and it

just feels like they're siphoning off from a legitimate, legit business.
But am I an idiot for going straight to the
course I'd like to hear from travelers who use them,
those who don't, and hotel and motel owners on how
they feel about them. And you know, God, i'd like
to hear from the leeches themselves. I mean, that's a
little bit that's probably going to put them off. Calling
them leacheres. Maybe I'm wrong, Maybe they're not leachers. Maybe

they're doing a fantastic thing for the for the accommodation
business and tourism in our country. I've certainly been wrong before,
but I'm passing on these sites these days, and I'm
searching directly. I just go straight to just straight to
the hotel. So one undred and eighty ten eighty nineteen
two is the text number. What do you think about this?

Speaker 4 (08:55):
I think we're finding more and more how these sites
operate right when they first came and came around. And
I'll be frank here, I've used them in the quite
recent past, but more and more people are starting to
look at those booking dot COM's expeedier and saying that
is probably ripping off our economy and New Zealand businesses.

Speaker 3 (09:12):
I always picture it as a mum and dad motel
owner in a small town and then just having the
ticket clipped on them. Yeah, that's how I envisioned it.
But I could be one hundred percent wrong about this,
and so I'd like to know, because, boy, I'll tell
you what. It'd be probably easier to go to them,
although sometimes I've booked with them and I've turned up
at the hotel and it's like you don't exist. You know,

it's so complicate. There's so many layers between you and
your booking that they have to reinvent the wheel to
get you into your hotel room.

Speaker 4 (09:40):
Yeah, I had one hundred and eighty ten eighty. If
you run a motel, hotel, love to hear from you
on this one nineteen nine till it's the text number.
It's fourteen past one. Back in a moment.

Speaker 2 (09:51):
The big stories, the big issues, the big trends, and
everything in between. Matt and Taylor Afternoons with the Volvo
XC ninety, attention to detail and a commitment to comfort
news dogs.

Speaker 1 (10:03):
That'd be.

Speaker 4 (10:05):
Very good afternoon to you. Sixteen past one. We're talking
about the of booking dot com Expeedia, those websites that
you can go to to see the prices of hotels, motels,
accommodation within.

Speaker 3 (10:17):
Hotels, hotels, holiday inns. Yeah, what's that song the sugar
Hill Gang? Great, great chat.

Speaker 4 (10:23):
There's a song for everything, is it? But is this,
as Matt said, is this are these just leaches coming
from overseas and clipping the ticket on hard working New
Zealand businesses or do they actually provide a legitimate service
and actually help out moteliers and hoteliers. Oh, one hundred
and eighty ten eighty is the number to call. Some
great texts coming through on nine two nine two?

Speaker 3 (10:44):
Where the heck are you going? Where you have issues
with booking dot com? Some easy walk in check in
less than five minutes? Less than five minutes? God, you
hope it'll be less than five minutes if it's if
it's anywhere near five minutes, that's too long for me.
And it's not all mom and dad run businesses. I
have thirteen current bookings at booking dot Com that have
sent disc up lillot So where it was was, actually,

I can tell you exactly where it was, the Elton
Resort on Waikiki Beach, yep, and honolun I got there
and it was like it was crazy. It was like
like the booking can never happened.

Speaker 4 (11:18):
Right well, because it must be part of it that
some hotels would be quite upset if you use the
likes of book booking dot Com, right because as I
understand it, and look, if you do know, this is
just as I understand it, that they would effectively book
that room for you, so you your booking is under
booking dot Com. Then they send it to the hotel
saying we've got a guest come in your way, and

the hotel some hotels would look at that and say
booking dot Com again, what a pain?

Speaker 3 (11:44):
Well, I think this there's two ways the sites work.
But we'll get to the calls right now. But there's
two ways they work. Some of them buy up a
bunch of hotels and some of them, sitting between you know,
they buy up a whole lot of rooms off the
hotel on sell them, which seems to be more honorable
because they've paid the you know, paid the price. But
let's go to Andrew. You did a study on the
said university.

Speaker 5 (12:06):
Yeah, I didn't do.

Speaker 6 (12:07):
How are we doing?

Speaker 4 (12:08):
Ye're very good, so you'd know pretty well how this works.

Speaker 6 (12:12):
It was relatively certain study. But I think the main
thing was that I guess for a.

Speaker 7 (12:19):
Consumer, it was made a lot easier to go through
the likes of booking dot Com things compare and find
the right sort of thing. But yeah, for your typical
thumb and pop hotel and motel, it took you huge.

Speaker 6 (12:32):
Chances of there there income and sort of force them
into some positions.

Speaker 5 (12:37):
So what I took from it was it's really really
good to find good price on the likes of booking
dot Com, Expdia, et cetera. But then like you did
not call the motel direct and booked through.

Speaker 6 (12:50):
Them, and then they try and chudge your X amounts
and then what you saw on booking that film was
a cheaper Just say I did see this one booking
up combo and rather comes to you to get the
you know, the full whack.

Speaker 3 (13:03):
Yeah, because because as there there's am I right in
saying some and like I don't know what booking got
dot Com does, or what I for Expedia or Travago
or whatever what these different ones their model is. But
am I right in saying that some of them will
buy up a bunch of hotels rooms and then on
sell them and others just stand in between. And then

you know, like uber ex does and charges the charges
the motel and charges you.

Speaker 8 (13:30):

Speaker 6 (13:30):
Correct. Yeah, so some of them do buy a snack
of motile rooms or at least put them on hold. Yeah,
and then there's yeah, they certainly just and they have
a bit of a portal where they know the motel
owners can say, yeah, I've got vacancy, you can sell.

Speaker 1 (13:44):
Eggs rooms yep.

Speaker 6 (13:46):
So they know straight up about what they can advertise.
So yeah, it sounds stricty to motel owners because if
they don't like book dot com, that's a massive junker
marketing that they're missing out on, right, because you know,
they they just flood the market with online obviously, and
the first thing you see is booking the common expedia

that's out.

Speaker 3 (14:09):
That's what I hate about it. I go to search
a town, so say I'm going to Topor on the weekend,
and i'd search you know, accommodation Topor, and you've just
got to you've got a way through these leech companies
before you can get to Actually what I want to
know is what what are some of the places in Topor.
And I never quite believe that they're putting it in
the order of worth or something. I always think that

there's there's a there's an issue there. So I look
at Booking dot Com, as you say, and then then
I ring up the motel or hotel directly. But they're
not paying, like the hotels and motels aren't paying to
be on booking dot com. Are they.

Speaker 9 (14:44):
They pay?

Speaker 6 (14:45):
When they hit a booking through Booking dot Com, they
take a huge chance of and come yeah, yeah right
and percent and they're advertising that counted rate.

Speaker 3 (14:57):
So yeah, that's right.

Speaker 6 (14:59):
It's not even worth while doing.

Speaker 3 (15:00):
But yeah, and when they so when you yes, but
if they if they decide at if the if the
hotel and motel said I don't want stop listing me,
then then that's that's a huge risk. And if they
contact the Booking dot com and so don't mention my
my motel on your site, that would that would that
would need kept them as well. So it's that that's

what that's my that's my feeling about it. That's why
I don't like it.

Speaker 6 (15:24):
And there would be some ins where they sort of
lose with Booking dot Com. You know, if they don't
have their listenings available regularly, or if for a month
or two to you know, not list their their rooms available,
then they sort of pull down the ladder. So it
is a little bit bullying, but you can sort of understand,
you know, we consumers want convenience and pay for somehow Yeah, I.

Speaker 4 (15:48):
Mean, did you have numbers on the amount of people
that would use a site like that to do the comparisons.
I'm just trying to think how we used to compare
what a hotel would cost to stay in a place
like topor I suppose Google before Booking dot Com. But
as you say, Matt and and Andrew, that Booking dot
COM's right at the top, and it does make it
easy for people to measure perfect.

Speaker 6 (16:07):
Yeah, the my I'm not going to have met how
long ago it was, but it was a while ago.

Speaker 5 (16:12):
But yeah, four motel owners and that sort of thing.

Speaker 6 (16:16):
The normally the amount of bookings they get through the
likes of booking dot Com was sixty age. Sometimes it's
so huge amounts and that's just that getting an ave out.

Speaker 8 (16:30):
There and being seen.

Speaker 6 (16:31):
So that's where key for hotels be part of it.
But you know when you go over the likes to move,
but it just takes such a huge.

Speaker 3 (16:42):
Yeah, so you've got like in this case scenario, we're
talking about a mum and Dad an imaginary mum and dad.

Speaker 4 (16:47):
Motel, Mum and Pop motel, Mum.

Speaker 3 (16:49):
And Pop motel. You bocket you'd like the money just
to go to them. What actually happens is that money
goes over to Amsterdam. You know, a certain percentage of
that is leaving leaving our comedy economy goes over. Booking
dot Com is a Dutch company, so a portion of
it that would go to them and go into our
community just just disappears, just floats overseas for not doing much.

Speaker 5 (17:10):
Yeah, that's where it works, likes for hotels because they
work on mass vacancy.

Speaker 8 (17:15):
So I don't really care if they, you know, are
breaking even on the you know they made from the
hotel rooms. They've actually got to use it. Better to
break even than make a laugh on a day. Yeah,
your smaller mote gelling than the likes of cow and
that sort of thing. That's a real challenge for them.

Speaker 6 (17:34):
But yeah, that's where now I go through the process
of finding any accommodation and then booking directs and calling
them up, and I'd rather give you all the money
you do this.

Speaker 3 (17:46):
It feels good, Yeah, it feels good.

Speaker 4 (17:47):
Basically, you're looking after mum and pop.

Speaker 3 (17:49):
You've got some money, you give it straight to the
people that are doing the job. That's the way God
intended it.

Speaker 4 (17:54):
Andrew, thank you very much. I've got a question for you, though,
Matt so because this feels a little bit diruty to me,
but it's probably what I may do. So my question
is this duty. So I look at booking dot Com.
We now know that a lot of that money goes
to Amsterdam, even stem don't. I don't want the Dutch
getting that money. I wanted to go to mum and pop,
but then I rang up mum and pop and say, hey,
here's what booking dot com advertisement for. Can you give

me a slightly bitter deal than that? Is that dirty?

Speaker 10 (18:19):

Speaker 3 (18:19):
When you said your hotel rooms and dirty, I thought
you're talking about something else. No, in amsdeam as well
with Adam. The whole thing, Yeah, the whole thing was
sounding abou lude.

Speaker 1 (18:28):

Speaker 3 (18:28):
I mean well, I mean if if if you if
they're getting you know, screwed, but they're getting slightly yeah, at.

Speaker 4 (18:36):
Least screwed by me.

Speaker 3 (18:37):
Yeah, to keep it in the lude metaphors. Yeah, No,
I think I think that's the thing. You ring up
and say that this is what Booking dot Com. Can
you do it?

Speaker 4 (18:48):
You know, because the only loser there is Booking dot
Com right or at.

Speaker 3 (18:51):
Least for the same same place price. And and look,
I don't know exactly how it works, but if Booking
dot Com is not taking their cup, then you're getting
from the same price and all the money is going
to the to the Motelia Yeah, ma and pa hotel
youer ma par Motelia Yeah.

Speaker 4 (19:05):
YEA one hundred and eighty ten eighty is the number
to call. We are getting some texts through from motelias.
We'll get to some of those very shortly. Two nine
two is the text number if you want to flick
through a message twenty five past one back in a month.

Speaker 2 (19:19):
Putting the tough questions to the newsmakers the mic hasking.

Speaker 11 (19:23):
Breakfast mining, the Prime Minister mentioned that in his address
Shane Jones as the Resources Minister.

Speaker 12 (19:28):
We have an inordinately large dock of state. Much of
that dock estate is suitable for acquiring and mining, and
we need to get over ourselves because if we want
the surplus income, we should identify which areas are really
precious to the birth right of Kiwis and which areas
can be used for economic purposes.

Speaker 11 (19:45):
So you're talking about opening up stewardship land, which is
nine percent of our land area, to mining as well
as dockland.

Speaker 1 (19:51):
Dockland is already used.

Speaker 12 (19:52):
In some cases, stewardship land can be made available not
only for mining but for other economic purposes.

Speaker 2 (19:58):
Ryan Bridge on the Mic Hosking Breakfast Back Monday from
six am with a Vida Retirement Community on NEWSTALKSDB.

Speaker 4 (20:06):
Twenty eight past one. We're talking about the line booking,
dot Comicspedia travargo. Are they leaches on the New Zealand
economy or are they somewhat useful when you're an accommodation
provider and you've recently had some issues.

Speaker 13 (20:20):
Yes, I have.

Speaker 14 (20:22):
I've been I'm only a small provider. I've got a
three bedroom unit at a beach property and I've been
with them for seven years. And when i started seven
years ago, they were really really helpful. But as time's
gone by, they've got extremely big. They have a huge
online present and that's why I've stuck with them. But

there are some issues. You can never get hold of
anybody further up the chain when you've got a complaint.
I've got an issue at the moment going on with
them that's been taken through the banks against me. I
have a property that sleeps five and somebody had bought

and I text them a few days before they arrived,
just to check everything still okay. And I asked this
person how many people were coming and they said three adults,
and I said fine. They are supposed to give me,
which they usually do, an address and a phone number
so I can contact them because I don't live at

the property. I love a couple of hours away, so
that's a good But on the stay, these people turned up,
and it was the last weekend of.

Speaker 15 (21:34):
School holidays, so it was super super busy.

Speaker 14 (21:38):
Eleven of them turned up and so I went down
and said, sorry, but you can't stay here. You know
I'm going to cancel cancel your booking now. They were
quite intimidating and threatening to me, and booking dot Com
have now brought out this virtual card, which is like
a virtual visa card if you like, and they either

clicked the money or if you've got a card reader,
you can you can do the payment yourself. And because
I felt threatened by these people, I said I'd give
them back ninety five percent of their money. Well, you know,
because I obviously missed out on getting another booking, so
I paid them direct directly into their bank account because

I didn't have the card reader with me, because we
went down to the property just on enough chance to
check it out. Anyway, now Booking dot Com have now
put the bank onto me and trying to get a callback.
The amount of commission you pay is fifteen percent plus GST,

and the government have now gotten on the bandwagon and
they're taking six point five percent GST. So it's actually
quite expensive to be with them.

Speaker 3 (22:55):
And when you're with them, what do you have to
do with them? How are you signing up to it?

Speaker 16 (23:02):

Speaker 14 (23:02):
Well, I think when I first signed up years ago,
you just put your property on there and you put
all the photos, you put your description, They check out
who you are, what the property's like, and then they
sort of it's sort of automatically sort of all done
for you kind of online. Or you put all the
photos up and then you put your description and you

can put a description on who you are and what's
around the area and that sort of stuff. Since then,
we have a Pulse at which is like a booking app,
so it comes straight through onto your phone. But if
you want to get hold of somebody, you wring somebody in.
You can get somebody in China, Hong Kong, Singapore, you

name it, all different countries, but just representatives on the
end of the phone. And I have with this ongoing
problem I've got. I've tried to speak to somebody higher
up and you just don't get any help whatsoever. I've
got a list of text messages because I've found it's
easier to contact them that way. When they first started

years ago, they had an Auckland phone number and it
used to be quite good, whereas now when you ring
a number for them, you get people that quite often
have to fool her the understanding English, which makes things
very difficult.

Speaker 3 (24:25):
Wendy, do you find many people will find you on
booking dot com and then get your details and contact
you directly. And if they did, do you offer the
same price that's up there on booking dot Com.

Speaker 14 (24:39):
No, I give them a discount, and I actually give
all my guests. I've got cards printed, and I give
my guest cards and I say, if if you want
to come back, feel free to contact me directly.

Speaker 3 (24:53):
Yeah. Right, So I'm just picking this number up. Obviously
it's not the price, but if it was one hundred
dollars and advertised on booking dot com and you've got
to give you fifteen percent and more to them, so
you can end up with the same sort of situation
by giving giving a cheaper price, you can you can
end up making the same Yes, well.

Speaker 14 (25:12):
I do it for seven tea.

Speaker 17 (25:14):
I just would.

Speaker 3 (25:15):
Yeah, just too.

Speaker 14 (25:17):
Yeah, it's got to that stage where I don't care
about Booking dot Com. They're not obviously interested and looking
after me, so I don't care anymore.

Speaker 17 (25:26):
Good on you, and it's quite said, because.

Speaker 3 (25:30):
I think there's something beautiful about you want a service
and you pay people directly for that service, and then
you know, maybe you'll go back again, maybe you'll you
know you relationship. That's why I just see these companies
that have come in here. They feel like leeches to me.
They feel like they're just getting in the way of
how business is supposed to be.

Speaker 4 (25:51):
A little bit like muscling in, isn't it. They come
to town, muscle in and then say pay up or
you're out.

Speaker 3 (25:56):
It's like the mark and it becomes the crapification of
the Internet that we've talked about before where it starts
off as a good service, but as they get bigger
and bigger, and then they become you know, they have
everyone listed. People have to stay with them, and then
this of us gets worse. Yeah, it's like every every
tech business does the same thing.

Speaker 4 (26:12):
Wendy, Thank you very much. Thanks, Wendy. Well, sorry, carry on, Wendy.

Speaker 3 (26:21):
Wendy, she was going to add something to it, but
she was maybe just saying goodbye and I love you
or something like that.

Speaker 4 (26:27):
Definitely was saying that one hundred eighty ten eighty is
the number to call if you're a hotel motel operator
as well. Love to hear from you on this. It
is twenty five to two back in a moment.

Speaker 18 (26:41):
You talk said the headlines with blue bubble taxis, it's
no trouble with a blue bubble. Songs and speeches have
welcome senior politicians Taratana's annual celebrations. Marty Queen na Waipu
arrived yesterday. Rahu Papa of waikatur Tainui has reminded the
gathered crowd about last year's massive hikoi protesting the Treaty

Principles Bill, which he says should be a dead Duck,
the party that produced the contentious bill Act, is the
only one absent from Ratna. Its leader is instead addressing
supporters in his State of the Nation address In Auckland,
the mcdeer med Institute iss erging the government to be realistic,
detailing the effects of its major downsizing of the science

sector on jobs on top of massive funding reductions. Tidy
up continues on a busted water Maine in West Auckland
that was repaired about one thirty this morning. A handful
of households and elevated parts of Henderson Valley and the
Audartia could still be affected. Out of about one thousand
originally cut off. The road should be fully reinstated over

the weekend. Samsung unveil's new AI powered smartphone and fight
against Apple. You can see more at Ensign. Herald Premium
are back to matt Ethan Tyler Adams.

Speaker 4 (27:59):
Thank you very much, Railey. Now, just before the headline
our headlines, we had a phone call from Wendy who
was talking about the likes of Booking dot Com and
Trevargo and Expeed here and saying a lot of the
problems she had with these companies, how much money they
take away from her particular business to advertise with them,
and that she quite often if people come to her
direct she will give them the same discount, maybe even

a little bit more. Now, Texas said, boys, can you
mention where Wendy's accommodation is to give her a bit
of a shout out? She sounds like a great New Zealander.
Absolutely she does. So her business we rang her back.
Her business is harbor in in Funga Matta. It's a
three bedroom apartment that sleeps five. This is verbatim from Wendy.
And if you google harbor in Funga Matar you'll be

able to find all the details. Or you could email
her key West at at tricks dot co dot MZ
and tell her we sent you.

Speaker 3 (28:53):
And if you turn up with eleven, she'll come down
and kick out. You got the amount of adults? You say,
is the amount of the adults that need to turn up?

Speaker 4 (29:00):
Look after Wendy, because she'll look after you. But let's
go back to the phones, Rod, do you want to
talk about expeedia?

Speaker 13 (29:08):
Guys, how are you good? So I went to in
the States a couple of years ago, and so I
booked a We're going to go to La for a
couple of days and then it's like into central. So
I wanted an airport and there uh one of the
hotel near the airport and see your stuff like that. Anyway,
I rock up there and I had a rental car

as well, booked through them, and I'll get to the
rental car company and they asked where the rest of
my party was. There's eleven rental cars booked under my name.
And then when I turned up today there there are
eleven rooms booked under my name and took me about
three weeks to get a whole bunch of money back

out of them.

Speaker 3 (29:55):
Do you think that was just a case of someone
pressing the one katy twice or was it a scam?

Speaker 15 (30:02):

Speaker 13 (30:03):
Godness, probably just in confidence.

Speaker 3 (30:06):
Yeah, and so were you just straight up the straight
off the flight when you.

Speaker 13 (30:10):
Open as we'd Actually we hadn't blame my wife. She
booked a chick dates. So we noticed about five days
all the game the wrong and we wring them up
and we I don't know where the calls into ours,
like the Philippines was somewhere like that, and so we
had to explain the situation and rebook it for the

right dates. I think that's what happened.

Speaker 4 (30:33):
Then do they sort you out?

Speaker 13 (30:36):
Oh yeah, well I know you needed one or over
one rental carves.

Speaker 3 (30:40):
I mean, it's pretty it's pretty strong argument.

Speaker 13 (30:42):
You Yeah, the money back of that's three weeks later.

Speaker 3 (30:44):
It's it's pretty pretty strong argument that a couple doesn't
need a liven rental cars and I'm going.

Speaker 4 (30:48):
To do ten extra cars.

Speaker 13 (30:52):
By the end of the holiday. We might have need
to hotels.

Speaker 3 (30:57):
Yeah, all right, thank you so much to be caol Rod.

Speaker 4 (30:59):
Plenty of great teas coming through on nine two nine two, guys,
I use booking dot Com to find a hotel that
I like and is available at the time I want.
Then I call that hotel when asked for a better deal.
Nine times out of ten, I'll save thirty bucks per
night as the hotel then don't need to pay commission,
which is what you've said.

Speaker 3 (31:16):
And Wendy, on top of that, seemed that she just
felt closer to the person and she just she said
she'd give you more than that discount just because you're
do it dealing direct with her, and she's just annoyed
at Booking dot Com.

Speaker 4 (31:26):
Yeah, yeah, what it seems, I mean, overall, that if
we all do that, then Booking dot Com is done, right.

Speaker 3 (31:33):
Yeah, well, I mean, you know it's going to take
a lot of us looking at booking dot Com. What
are they here? They've got you know, they're a Dutch company.
Approximately three point four million properties, including four hundred and
seventy five thousand hotels, motels and resorts that they are listing,
two point nine million homes apartments, and over two hundred

and twenty companies countries. Yeah, so they they're a big company.
But yeah, I mean, that's how you can get one
back against the man, can't you. Because you go there
and you use them as a listing of the places,
and then as this Texas says nine two. And what
I do as you bring up the people, I haven't
gone as far as to you know, sort of knickle
and dime them and try and screw them to the

wall to get discount. I just just get the number
and ring them up and then pay what price, pay
the price, pay the price, and just cut out the
leech out and go straight to the source of production.

Speaker 4 (32:24):
Keep money in New Zealand looking for that to people
like Wendy eight hundred and eighty ten eighty is the
number to call. We've got some more accommodation providers to
check too. Very shortly, it is seventeen to two.

Speaker 1 (32:36):
Have a chat with the lads on.

Speaker 2 (32:40):
Matt and Taylor afternoons with the Volvo xc N eighty
ticking every box, a seedless experience of weeds news talks.

Speaker 4 (32:47):
That'd be good afternoon fourteen to two, just before we
go back to the phoncals on booking, dot comic speedier,
et cetera. You're a happy man, man.

Speaker 3 (32:54):
Oh I know, Am Mari has just brought me in
a cheer, a new cheer. When I got here, I
noticed that Hosking had a better cheer than me. So
through my toys and I've been rewarded when even and
you will receive Yeah, when Squeaky Will gets the brand
new This the lumbar support in my chair here, and
I just feel so it's like there's an air conditioner
on my back. It's so breezy. So now I have

a better cheer than than Mike.

Speaker 19 (33:19):

Speaker 4 (33:19):
Well you've got the twenty twenty five model, the one
that I'm sitting in Mike's chair, there's twenty twenty three.
But what a cheer I'm actually the priests when I
leave the studio and go home to my couch and think, man,
my back's sword.

Speaker 3 (33:28):
It's a great chair. So there's a lesson for you.
Just winge like a little baby and then you'll get things.

Speaker 4 (33:36):
But let's go back to the phones. Booking dot Com,
Expedia etctera. Are they leeches or do they provide some
service there's beneficial to New Zealand, Katrina, you're an accommodation provider,
is that right?

Speaker 1 (33:47):

Speaker 20 (33:47):
Hi s I am and Omoros. We have self catering
apartments or the old confection arey in a big, old
historic building that we're converted lovely. And I'm kind of
on the fence with both because Booking dot Com definitely
kind of gets us gifts from international, you know, from
far far away that we that we otherwise wouldn't have.

But we absolutely love our New Zealand guests and we
totally welcome people ringing us because at the end of
the day, we've got a service industry, a service business,
and it really does matter to us what our gifts experience.
We really want them to have a great time, and
if they ring us directly, it means that we've got
wiggle room to yep, definitely offer them a discount. But

also we like to do like little touches, so we're
an omrou and there's a white stained cheese there. So
as people ring us directly or book directly on our website,
then it gives us that wiggle room to put welcome
gift of white stone cheese and crackism or our New
Zealand make and fictionary. And for us that means that
we're kind of going that we extramal to make them

feel like, you know, they're really kind of important gifts,
which they are. But at the same time, through blocking
dot com, the commission is so huge that it just
doesn't give us that wiggle room. We can't do it.

Speaker 3 (35:05):
What's the name of your place.

Speaker 20 (35:08):
It's called the Old Confectionary. It's a really cool building.
It is really really cool and it was an old confectionery,
so hence the name. So you know, we I mean,
we love our guests, and booky dot com identified with
Wendy's problems. We've had guests to farm overseas that have
claimed that they never stayed and then what they did
was they said that we had committed credit card forward

and even though they did stay, they then got fully refunded,
which is really hard when you're a small business. You know,
people stay, you pay for learning, you pay for housekeeping,
and then someone says that you've committed credit cab forward
and they take you know, they remove the money from
your bank account and you have no power over it.

Speaker 21 (35:54):
Yeah, oh my god, your place is awesome. I'm just
looking at the pictures. This is a the old confectionery
and I'm a room boy. Boy, these rooms. That's beautiful.

Speaker 4 (36:05):
It's a lovely website.

Speaker 3 (36:07):
Yeah. And and their buildings buildings striking and.

Speaker 20 (36:11):
Didn't invite you guys, say come on down to Omor
and they'll defferently put some white stone cheese in your apartment.
We're really good for families as well, because you know,
we're a family of five, and so we make sure
that we're cater for families as well.

Speaker 3 (36:24):
Yeah. Were you the person I said that my sister
had her honeymoon and Omor? Did I tell you that last?

Speaker 16 (36:30):

Speaker 3 (36:30):
Yeah, with you?

Speaker 20 (36:34):
Yeah, you know, we get to get a lot of
people who are staying for weddings and honeymooners, which is
really special and actually weirdly a lot of them tend
to block directly. I think people look online like you
know they I heard a previous caller say that they
lock on booking dot com to kind of select see
the ratings, which is always reviews are really helpful. I
think follow people and they see the reviews, they see

the patches via those bigger platforms, and then they either
look for the business's private website or give us a call.
And as I say, like, you know, most persons like us.
We're really small, but even medium sized ones. You know,
most most have websites or they have Google Presents, and
it means that you can find us. And yes, most

of us welcome that phone call.

Speaker 3 (37:20):
Now, Katrina, I've got to say, I went to booking
dot Com because it popped up first and I had
to scroll a long way down before I saw.

Speaker 20 (37:28):
You, so says below all other booking platforms, you know,
like you're up against you know, serious money. I mean,
I wouldn't have the faintest idea of what they pay
to get to the top of the listing.

Speaker 3 (37:39):
And even if you put in the even if you
put in to the search the old confectionery Marue, You've
still got to go past Airbnb online reservation Stravago. I'm
still like to like directly get to you and that
now I'm directly with you and great website you've got there.

Speaker 20 (37:58):
So I think, like you said, it's the top tip
from this conversation that people, if they've got that intent
to know that small businesses can't can't compete with fats
search engine optimization that they talk about. We can't pay
the money that those big companies pay, and so to
persevereas to kind of keep scrolling and that a lot

of the time we're here with a phone number for
an email.

Speaker 3 (38:23):
Yeah, well, fantas go straight to the Old Confectory website
and dot co Old Confectionary, dot co, dot and z
and go to beautiful rooms and you get a bit
of steampunk action as well.

Speaker 4 (38:34):
So it's a nice local cheese as well.

Speaker 20 (38:37):
We're right in the middle so to walk through everything.
But yeah, so the booking dot Com thing used be
great for overseas travelers, but certainly our domestic market. I
love it when a person runs me. It makes me
sure that they've tried really hard to find me, and
we are more than happy to kind of meet meet
Booking dot Com and provide that level of service, and

we've at a luxury so that people feel like they're
valued because they are.

Speaker 3 (39:01):
Yeah, brilliant. Good on you, Katrina. I'll jump on my
penny farthing and I'll head straight down, so I'll see
you for the weekend.

Speaker 4 (39:07):
All right, hundred and eighty ten eighty is the number
to call up to hear from you on this SAD
is seven to.

Speaker 2 (39:12):
Two Matties Tyler Adams taking your calls on Oh, eight
hundred and eighty ten eighty Matt and Tyler Afternoon with
the Volvo XC ninety tick every box, a seamless experience
awaits news Dog.

Speaker 4 (39:26):
ZB News Talk ZB Christ. We've got about ninety seconds.
How are you?

Speaker 3 (39:32):

Speaker 20 (39:32):
Really well?

Speaker 22 (39:33):
Thank you hey, really interesting conversation and I spoke mind's
a little bit of a different take and that we
have a properly lifted on AB and B. While it's
stuff catering, they get in with a lot bots and
things like that. But but I suppose for us, we
don't have a website. So unless we were on one
of these sites, we wouldn't we actually wouldn't be found.

And so being very new to it and and you know,
it gives us that in and that ability to sort
of get started and check out this is what we
like doing, and then you know, look at whether or
not there are better ways to do it. Yeah, so
it's just a slightly different take on whether or not

they're eleach. We do sit our night rate and their
fees go on.

Speaker 12 (40:22):
Top of that.

Speaker 22 (40:23):
Right, so yes, the people that stay do pay more
than our night rate, but we're not losing. Yeah, that
was our night anyhow.

Speaker 3 (40:32):
Okay, good on your Christia. We've got to go. But
what's your ass going to ask you? What where? What's
your property?

Speaker 22 (40:37):
Where is it for the younger on the beautiful coramandel coat?

Speaker 3 (40:42):

Speaker 4 (40:43):
Yeah? All right, lovely, thank you very much. Good discussion.
I think in general, if you can go direct to
the source, go to mum and par hotel, your motalia
and say.

Speaker 3 (40:52):
Search the leeches, then go direct to the source.

Speaker 4 (40:54):
There he goes, Yes, cut out the middle man, we
don't need them. Right after two o'clock, let's have a
chat about nudity. Yeah, let's get nude. It's a text number.
We will tell you more very shortly. New sport and
weather on its way. I hope you having a great Friday.
You're listening to Mett and Tyler.

Speaker 23 (41:11):
Good afternoon to you your new home for insateful and
entertaining talk.

Speaker 1 (41:23):
It's Mattie and Taylor Adams.

Speaker 2 (41:26):
Afternoons with the Volvo XC Nighty on news Talk SEV Good.

Speaker 4 (41:31):
Afternoon, Happy Friday, six past to just reminder coming up
in about an hour canching up Worth frontman for Everclear
Aunt Alexankis.

Speaker 3 (41:41):
Yeah, you may know him from such songs as we
Live Without three, very poignant song right now you can
the Ocean, leave the fires behind, swim out, pars the Brief,

Great band Great so many huge songs, three platinum selling
albums in the US, have been huge here for a
very long time. And they're playing in the Summer concert
series with Ice House, Coach, Chisel, Blanger and and themselves.

Speaker 24 (42:18):

Speaker 3 (42:18):
So I'm going to be talking to Art from Everclaire
later on just Me. You're not invited to the interview, Tyler.

Speaker 4 (42:24):
You were a massive fanboy though, to be honest, I mean,
great band, great man, and it's going to be a
great interview.

Speaker 3 (42:29):
Yeah. Look, that's half three o'clock.

Speaker 4 (42:31):
And before we get to that, let's have a chat
about walking in the nude and the quiet seaside community
of Carca Point in Southland. A local naturalist has stirred
discussion by advertising nude walks in the area. So this
is Lloyd Bana. He's the organizer of the walks as
a longtime nudist, aiming to bring like minded individuals together.

While some at Karka Point in Southland expressed this comfort,
Bana says the practice is a harmless way to enjoy
New Zealand's great outdoors. I kind of like that. So
speaking to the Herald, he said that naturism was about
freedom and I quote it just about getting out there
and enjoying the outdoors. Total freedom. To be honest, it

is fantastic, but.

Speaker 3 (43:14):
Of a suddenly out be freckle, out of nature. Yeah,
I mean there is something to it. I mean surely
most of us have skinny dipped at some point, and
there is something about being newd in nature. I mean
it's a bit different being nude walking down Queen Stream. Yeah,
that's I.

Speaker 4 (43:30):
Mean they would ruffle a few feathers, that would be
slightly on.

Speaker 3 (43:34):
I saw someone nude walking down k Road the other day.
Oh yeah, Well, I think there was more of a
mental health issue than someone enjoying the feeling of being nude.
But yeah, I mean it is interesting how because there's
a lot of locals that are complaining about it. I
don't know, I don't think. I think people conflaint sexuality
and nudity. I mean, you can just be nude and

someone can see you nude, and everyone's seeing nudity in
their life, Like what does it really matter? And there's
a text here. I got two little girls, I do
not want them seeing a man in the nude. But
I mean we spent most of it in the nude.
Having closed on is the weird. It's the weird state
of our evolution. It's a very odd thing for mammals

to evolve to the point where they can't be out
in public without something that they've created themselves outside of nature.
Are ye clothes? Yeah, several layers of it. And then
some of us even put makeup on our faces. As
I said, before Falians came to Earth, they'd look at
us and go, we are the weird mammals. We're the ones.
We're in clothes. It's a very odd thing. I mean,

crabs they've got shells, so you know we're not the
only ones.

Speaker 4 (44:41):
Yeah, let's not be talking about crabs and neodice at
the same time.

Speaker 3 (44:44):
But it's a whole different issue.

Speaker 4 (44:45):
I I your logic is sound, absolutely, but it's this
weird social conditioning that we've had for what probably the
last fifteen hundred years, maybe a little bit more, when
we started putting clothes on. And even though again completely
logical what you're saying, it got a bit weird when
we started putting on clothes. But I mean, they're down
in Southlands. You don't think they want to warm up
up down there.

Speaker 3 (45:06):
You've got to respect that.

Speaker 4 (45:07):
But I wouldn't be a neurdist, wouldn't. I would feel
incredibly embarrassed. And maybe that sees that's a weakness of
my own personality to say, hey, get some confidence in
your body, tightler, I just wouldn't. I wouldn't walk nude
with a bunch of random strangers.

Speaker 3 (45:18):
Well, I'm talking in a positive way about nudity. I'm
also equally glad that you've got clothes on here, because
I don't really want to look at you in the neude.
No offense, and maybe that maybe that makes me a
hypocrite when I say it, But I just think I
don't know, nudists talk very highly of it and the
freeing nature of it, and there's something about just being
a pure human, just a pure being out in nature,

I imagine. I mean, I'm not a neudist myself.

Speaker 4 (45:45):
Well you would be in your own home, though, isn't it.
And I think that's the word that you used and
Banar used as well. Freedom, that's what it is. And
I am a neudist in my own home. I hate
wearing clothes in my own home, but that is my
own home, and the curtains are drawn and nobody has
to see that, and I don't feel embarrassed. But these
guys who want to do it out in public, I
don't know. Is that where the line that you were
then invading other people's eyeballs with your own nudity is offensive.

Speaker 3 (46:08):
Well, I was new in my sparkfull this morning. I've
got turned off for summer, so a post run I
called down in the cold water. And that that's another question.
If my neighbors looked over the fence, they might not
enjoy that either.

Speaker 4 (46:21):
Oh, one hundred eighty ten eighty is the number to
call if you are a nudist or naturalist. Well, one,
what's the difference between the two. But if you're one
of those, love to hear from you. Nine to nine
two is the text number. It is eleven past two.
It's going to be a great discussion.

Speaker 2 (46:37):
Your new home of Afternoon Talk, Matt and Taylor Afternoon
with the Volvo XC ninety turn every journey into something special.

Speaker 1 (46:45):
Call eight hundred eighty. News Talk said, be.

Speaker 4 (46:50):
Fourteen past two. We're talking about naturism in New Zealand
on the back of an advert in a paper down
in Southland advertising to come and join a bunch of
nudists on a walk at Carca Point.

Speaker 3 (47:04):
Yeah, and you owe the people of south the tagon
apology because Carca Point this in South Otago, not Southland.
All right, okay, okay, right, sorry about that, Thanks for
that text. On nine two ninety two, Grunter, I was
just stopped at the light says this texture at the
bottom of Taranaki Street where McDonald's is in Wellington. When
Matt was talking about humans being nude. All I can

say is thank god those people wouldn't. I would have
been traumatized for life. Yeah. I'm not saying that everyone
should be rude all the time. I'm just saying more.
I'm I'm saying philosophically, it's weird that we have a
problem with nudity and that people in this area don't
like people being nude, because we're born nude, we evolved nude.
Although some text had pointed out that you you weren't

going back far enough, and you said, we've only been
had clothes on the last fifteen hundred years. I mean
Romans war Togus. You know, you know Nero wasn't always nude.

Speaker 4 (47:55):
How far back do we know?

Speaker 3 (47:56):
That Marcus Aurelius was often an at tunic with some armor,
you know, wielding a sword.

Speaker 4 (48:02):
The Romans better nudity, though, didn't they. I enjoyed that it.

Speaker 3 (48:05):
And the baths yep, yep, yep. They dodn't wind a
bit of nudity.

Speaker 4 (48:12):
Eighty's the number, call Wendy. How are you.

Speaker 25 (48:15):
Good afternoon, gentlemen. I'm great now. I have two stories
to tell you. My cousin and I used to go
to a new dis camp in Nelson Marpool Leisure Park,
dress optional, and went up there for my birthday weekend
once a few years ago. And we're in the caravan

just sitting there looking out of the window, and this
old couple pull up. Elderly couple pull up, and they
set up their camp. They got the orning out on
their caravan, they set the table, they got the vegetables
out and started peeling the vegetables, and all of a sudden,
a nudict walk path. They looked at each other and thought,

did I see that? And they just carried on with
their heads down during their vegetables, and then a seconds
so they jumped up, put everything out on the car
and away they bloody go. I tell you whether it
was really quite funny.

Speaker 17 (49:19):

Speaker 25 (49:19):
The other one is the other story is hither my
cousin and I were having my birthday few drinks at
four o'clock one evening, and a food from the camp
came around. And we're sitting around the caravan having a
few drinks and this elderly man arrived and he was nude.
And I said to him, look, why did you come

nude to a lady's party. That's not very nice, you know,
So he said, oh, I beg your pardon, so away
he goes, and he comes back with the bow tie
and gloves on.

Speaker 3 (49:53):
I feel like I would be more offended by that
for some reason, I.

Speaker 25 (49:57):
Feel so he was really shriveled up, so there was
nothing to worry about.

Speaker 3 (50:04):
Hey, Wendy, that's an interesting point we should go into
later about on display if that makes a difference, Because
I know the Greeks and Romans used to make the statues.
They make part those parts of the statues smaller to
more modest. But Wendy, were.

Speaker 25 (50:20):
You and your cousin sizes and colors?

Speaker 3 (50:23):
All sizes is welcome, all colors welcome. Now, Wendy, were
you and your cousin nude when these people were trying
to have their their dinner.

Speaker 25 (50:30):
Well, we were in the caravan. I don't know if
we were nude or not, but we would sunbath, we
would sunbaye nude. But I wouldn't walk around nude. Was
my belly. I wouldn't do it. Too embarrassing. But we
had a lot of fun and it was a fabulous
place to go to ye.

Speaker 3 (50:49):
And so yeah, I mean it's interesting. I guess what
the thing is walking about brown nude is one thing.
If someone starts doing yoga in front of you nude,
then that might.

Speaker 4 (50:58):
Be thank you. Well, Wendy, I'm just going to say
as a Nelson Boy and I lived in Marpool for
some time. You're quite right, there was a lot of
open mindedness and that part of New Zealand about the
nude camp and the new beach. But I imagine you'd
no windy is that they had the new tennis courts
as well, and maybe that's that was a bit much
in full view of everybody else playing tennis in that.

Speaker 25 (51:21):
If they want to jiggle around, let them jiggle around.
I couldn't kill this who goes around looking anyway?

Speaker 4 (51:27):
Good point? Good point?

Speaker 3 (51:30):
Yeah, I mean that's true. You don't. I mean, you know,
get your eyes for Christmas? What are you doing?

Speaker 24 (51:34):
Don't you know?

Speaker 3 (51:34):
Just because someone's new doesn't mean you have to stare
at their bits.

Speaker 25 (51:39):
I can run around nude here, we're out in the country.
Nobody sees. Who gives the damn? I don't care if
they do. I mean, I'm an eighty seven year old lady.
I couldn't kill this.

Speaker 3 (51:49):
Yeah, yeah, exactly.

Speaker 24 (51:51):

Speaker 3 (51:51):
I mean you've the ride at eighty seven to do
whatever you want. Thank you so much for you call me.
Do you appreciate it? This text disagrees says here, I'm
a Southlander. I don't want to see some sweaty heired
nude guy just put some shorts on, mate, Well, I
want to hear from nudice what's so great about it?

Like a lot of the text machine people once here,
come on, Matt, head out of the sounds. There are
heaps of pervs out there. A huge oversight on your
pro nude starts. Also, is there an age limit on
your nude utopia or do you want everybody in the
nude in Matt's nude city in Utopia?

Speaker 4 (52:26):
I think I'm being that's not what I don't think
you are completely pro nude, were you?

Speaker 3 (52:30):
No, I'm just I'm just asking the question, why do
we care? We're born, we're born nude. We're a nude
species where it's weird that we put clothes on. I think,
but you know, I'm not a nudist.

Speaker 4 (52:41):
The more I think about it, and I say, I
go down to Mission Bay on the weekend and and
that all of a sudden becomes a nude beach, I
would be still uncomfortable with that. And I'm not one
hundred percent sure why. Maybe that's a failing in my
own personality. But well, you're saying that you'd be happy
to go down to Mission Bay. Everyone's nude, right, this
is how it is.

Speaker 3 (53:00):
Have you been to Europe? Mate, Yeah, yeah, but everyone's
nude beaches in Europe. Okay, A good afternoon, Matt. Don't
forget the Olympics used to be held in the nutty
Maybe that's the next uniform. We'll save dollars for the
Olympic committee. That's a really good point, Shelley. Yeah, we
return the Olympics to the nude.

Speaker 4 (53:20):
That would be something that would say, oh, eight hundred
eighty ten eighty. If you are a naturalist or a nudist,
love to hear from you. What is the reception in
twenty twenty five? Is it getting better? Is it getting worse?
And how do you feel about this group down in
a karka point wanting to organize a nude walking group.
Love to hear from you. Nine two nine two is
the text number. It's twenty one past two.

Speaker 26 (53:42):
Back very shortly, Matt Heathen, Tyler Adams afternoons call oh
eight hundred eighty ten eighty on news Talk ZV.

Speaker 4 (53:53):
Good afternoon, twenty three past two. We're talking about nudists
or naturists. This is on the back of an ad
in a paper down in the bottom of the country
advertising to join a group of nude walkers near carcap Points.

Speaker 3 (54:07):
The question is, Look, I'm not against nudi as I
keep saying, it's it's natural, but why do people want
to do it? Why is it a thing that just
keeps coming that people feel like they need to walk
around in the nude, not even just a tiny little
piers of shorts on. They want to be completely nude
with it all hanging out. Why. So I'd love to
hear from nudists about why, why it's so good, what
it means for you? Is it a spiritual thing? Why

is it? Because because you are going to if you're
walking around on a nude walk, you're going to potentially
cause some problems. There's some people that aren't going to
like it. So there must be a strong reason why
you want to do it. I mean, there are nude beaches.
If you if you know any of the names of them,
then give me a text nineteen nine two. But there
are nude beaches and you go there and people know

that it's there. But to just be walking around there
must be something about it where you can come across
other people. So je hundred and eighty ten eighty. If
you're a nudist, explain it to me. Yep, I want
to find out what makes you tick.

Speaker 4 (55:03):
There's there's some great techs coming through. On nine two
ninety two, this one from Paul get A guys. First point, Tyler,
you need to issue a public apology Carca Pointers in
the mighty Southern Tigo.

Speaker 3 (55:12):
You aready apologized about it.

Speaker 4 (55:14):
Yeah, so yeah, public apology issued again. Second, having lived
on the bay across from Karca Point for forty years,
the two actual days of summer, you get the point
isn't going to be conducive to nudity. Having moved close
too close proximity to a previous nudist campground in malbra
there isn't too many supermodels that frequent those establishments, more

like Chessi's like a model t than a Ferrari. From Paul,
thank you very much.

Speaker 3 (55:41):
Well, we're getting in a lot of that text. They're
like on along the lines of why aren't nudists You
know why as a certain body type tending towards nudity,
and it's not the type of body type that some
people might want to look at. But I feel like
that's misunderstanding what it is. Yeah, it's led it all,
hang out whatever you got. Yeah, I think I think
that's the idea of nudity, the.

Speaker 4 (56:02):
Lack of shame.

Speaker 3 (56:04):
Yeah, you're not out there flaunting. People are so worried
about their bodies all the time. You just give up
on that. And you don't have to be an absolute
hottie to get out there, you know.

Speaker 16 (56:12):

Speaker 4 (56:12):
Oh, eight hundred and eighty ten eighty is the number
to call. Get a Chris.

Speaker 17 (56:16):
Yeah, great, good, good afternoon.

Speaker 27 (56:18):
How are you?

Speaker 4 (56:19):
You're very good. So have you looked into becoming a
naturist or nudist yourself? Have you undertaken activities where clothes
were optional?

Speaker 24 (56:31):

Speaker 17 (56:31):
Look, actually you you just given me a ring about that.
So I'm quite happy to present my point of view.
I just told you mate. There, I was out out
on the garden with my watch. Seems to be quite
a good quality all, he said. I was surprised by
that because it's just an old digital watch and it
seems to be working. Okay, But I'll tell you one
thing I've got. I've got all my clothes on.

Speaker 4 (56:53):
Yeah. So you think there's something a bit weird about
people who are into nudism, naturism.

Speaker 17 (57:01):
I don't think we should ban this, but I think
there should be If people want to do that sort
of thing, that's good, but there should be special places for.

Speaker 7 (57:10):
Them to do it.

Speaker 17 (57:11):
It's not appropriate for them to be doing it in
public on a public beach. And I think still probably
most of the population would agree with that.

Speaker 3 (57:19):
What's your problem with nudity and a public beach?

Speaker 17 (57:24):
Well, I think you've got to ask yourself why you'd
even bother asking that question. Well, because that's wrong with
them breaking up and down through I don't know, ricking
and ma all without your clothes? Is that the next step?

Speaker 3 (57:36):
Well, I don't know, but like, do you find the
human form offensive?

Speaker 17 (57:42):
I think that's I'm not quite sure what the question is.
You know, there is a thing called modesty, and our
culture has hung on that. You'll probably find most great
civilizations are just about on the brink of collapse. Actually
when you start sort of allowing things like public nudity.
There's such a thing as common ordinary decency, and that's

what we're lacking today.

Speaker 3 (58:05):
I think, what do you think that is? What do
you think the good society societies need to need to
be dressed, need to have clothes on.

Speaker 17 (58:15):
Well, I think there's such a thing as natural modesty.

Speaker 15 (58:18):
There is.

Speaker 17 (58:19):
I think we've been given to God, god given parts
that we present to the public and those that we don't.
When we start presenting the parts to the public that
aren't should not be presented in public, we know we're
probably on the downward decline if everyone's accepting it.

Speaker 8 (58:35):

Speaker 3 (58:36):
Yeah, although you could ask you argue that our God
given bits have all been given to all of us,
and that's the perfect human form. You know, that's that,
that's the true natural human form. And where where when
we when we cover that up, we're being ashamed of
what we are?

Speaker 17 (58:53):
Well, let me put this to you this way, is it, Troy?

Speaker 1 (58:56):
Is it? Yep?

Speaker 18 (58:57):

Speaker 17 (58:58):
If I see you, Troy, would you be how would
you feel if you were to walk down, you know,
the mall or the mainstream of Auckland or christ Church
with completely naked? Would you feel would you feel is
that that was appropriate? Would you feel in yourself that
you were being.

Speaker 1 (59:15):
You every right?

Speaker 17 (59:16):
And you feel good within yourself about doing that?

Speaker 3 (59:19):
I would feel I would not do it, and and
I would feel and who's Troy? Sorry? You confused. I
thought you're talking about Troy, the ancient civilization that's been
a lot of time nude.

Speaker 17 (59:29):
No, I'm Matt, Sorry, I didn't quite catch that.

Speaker 3 (59:35):
No, no, no, fine, that's that's absolutely fine.

Speaker 15 (59:36):

Speaker 3 (59:36):
I just thought when you said Troy before, I was like, yeah, yeah,
they were quite new, but that yeah, yeah, No, I wouldn't.
I wouldn't do it at all. And I'm not supporting it, really,
I'm just I just think it's a strange thing about
humanity that, you know, every other primate is running around nude,
although albeit with a lot more here than we have,
so it covers up a lot of this stuff. But
I wonder why why I would be I wouldn't ever,

I would never do that, And I wonder why I
would be ashamed to walk around nude when that's how
I was brought into the world. It's sort of an
interesting philosophical question, but personally, I.

Speaker 17 (01:00:10):
What's that we're not We're not go the primates, we're humans.

Speaker 3 (01:00:13):
Yeah, well, well it's a bit of.

Speaker 17 (01:00:15):
A difference and the human you know, my thoughts are anyway.

Speaker 3 (01:00:19):
Yeah, yeah, well, thank you so much for for your thoughts,
and I really appreciate them. I mean, I guess I'm
asking a difficult philosophical question, why are we ashamed of it?

Speaker 4 (01:00:27):
And That's where I'm at because I don't really know
why I'm so shamed. Well, it's not shame, it's just
I wouldn't do it. And it's not because I'm embarrassed.
It's just because if if I walked past somebody I
knew that hadn't seen for some time on a new
beach and like Tyler, what are you doing here? I
would feel awkward having that conversation. See is this a

new personality?

Speaker 1 (01:00:51):
What were you were?

Speaker 4 (01:00:51):
You were newist? I would want to have that conversation.

Speaker 3 (01:00:55):
Yeah, al, so you can give a bit too much
away about how you're feeling about things if you're a man.
But yeah, I T hundred eighty ten eighty. Still I
still need to hear from that nudist that that really
sell sell sells why they want.

Speaker 4 (01:01:09):
Give us a call keen hair from you. It is
twenty nine to three beck in Mo.

Speaker 18 (01:01:15):
You talk said the headlines with blue bubble taxis. It's
no trouble with a blue bubble. Music's filled the air
at the Ratana Pa before a crowd of dignitaries and politicians.
Speakers at Ratna celebrations have told the Prime Minister Martyrdom
is feeling the highest level of concern in years, fueled
by the controversial Treaty Principal's Bill. Prime Minister Chris Luxen

has spoken about unity, saying he's been reflecting on lessons
from Ratana's founder. He touched on Mardi leaders who have
died in the past year, including Dame Taia Maatudia and
Akingy tu Hatia. Labour leader Chris Hepkin sss his party
recognizes to Tiddy t should bring Keywez together, not driver
us apart. New Zealand First has again described the Act

Party's Treaty Principal Bill as dead in the water. Three
people are believed to be injured after a vehicle crashed
into a building in Auckland's mind ag E Bay. Emergency
services were called to the crash on the north shorees
Beach Road just after one. The PSA says it has
fears for the loss of scientists from the government announcement

of major down sizing of Crown Research on top of
big carts. Last year, I lost both my parents to dementia.
This is what I learned You can see more at
Insaid Herald Premium. Back to Matt Eathan Tyner Adams.

Speaker 4 (01:02:36):
Thank you very much, Ray Lean and we are talking
about naturism or nudism. This is on the back of
a ede that was put in one of the papers
down in the bottom of the country asking for people
to join up with a nude walking group. Who've asked
the question, you know, why is their outrage over people
who who decide to become naturists And you really want

to chat to someone who is a nudist or a
naturist to understand the philosophy.

Speaker 3 (01:03:03):
Right, yeah, and there's some Texas seid on nine two
nine two. Thanks you text. Give Paul Henery call. He's
talked about being an avid nudist Great New Zealand and
Paul Henry don't have his number.

Speaker 4 (01:03:13):
Actually what does he love about it? Well, he is
in partner.

Speaker 3 (01:03:15):
I haven't talked to him.

Speaker 4 (01:03:17):
Charlie. How are you good?

Speaker 27 (01:03:20):

Speaker 4 (01:03:21):
Yep, good, excellent And what's your thoughts about the about
the nudism.

Speaker 3 (01:03:32):
Charlie. Charlie having a cross conversation, we go.

Speaker 27 (01:03:34):
What's your thoughts?

Speaker 4 (01:03:38):
We won't come back to Charlie. Something's going on but
we're traveling in time. Yeah, there's some sort of echo
chamber going over.

Speaker 3 (01:03:44):
We'll get back to you, Charlie, but they've got full line,
so we'll go to You've got some stories about nudity
you'd like to share.

Speaker 28 (01:03:52):
Look, I was teaching one of my children to kayak
many years ago, and we had a beat beach house
in Palm Beach, and next to Palm Beach, to the
nest of Palm Beach was what was called Nudy Bay
back then, and the wind blew us out and I
had no alternative brother, just a scarper and Nudy Bay,
and these two guys came out ruddy naked, which is

quite funny and very very helpful, I can tell you,
and showed me how to get rid of the water
and the kayak by swinging it backwards and forward.

Speaker 3 (01:04:23):
What a sight that was.

Speaker 28 (01:04:24):
And another time I was walking back from my friend's
house and at the top of little Palm Beach back
to our place in Palm Beach, and came across the
bank manager. So I never talked quite the same about
the bank manager.

Speaker 3 (01:04:37):
Again, living a little bit of a double life. To
the bank manager he was, and.

Speaker 28 (01:04:42):
He stood up to greet me, and I thought, oh
my god, were you.

Speaker 3 (01:04:45):
Impressed with we impressed with what you saw? I mean,
when these guys were helping you with your kayak, we
were you were you conscious of where your eyes were going?

Speaker 24 (01:04:57):
Were you you know? You know?

Speaker 1 (01:04:58):
My yeah, I was ken Gobas.

Speaker 29 (01:05:04):
He was actually very very amusing.

Speaker 3 (01:05:07):
So this is our palm beach on Waheki Island. Yeah,
what a beautiful spot.

Speaker 4 (01:05:13):
So just beak to the bank manager. So I imagine
that you stayed with that that bank manager, Pip. Did
that make conversations going forward a bit awkward or you
look past.

Speaker 29 (01:05:22):
It's just very pleased that he didn't want to cuddle
me appropriate you like that boy wouldn't have been looked good.

Speaker 3 (01:05:33):
You'd be like, I'm not in print depressed with that
interest rate, and I'm not impressed with what I saw
on the beach either, And.

Speaker 28 (01:05:39):
Can you give me more money?

Speaker 3 (01:05:42):
Hey, thank you so much for you call pep appreciate it.

Speaker 4 (01:05:44):
Trevor. You you watched the doco about nudists on Telly?

Speaker 5 (01:05:49):

Speaker 29 (01:05:49):
I did, actually, And.

Speaker 27 (01:05:50):
You know, there's definitely one thing that raises when you
talk about news and news colleges of humor, because people's
minds wander a little bit from that. But I remember
years ago there's a documentary on TV.

Speaker 10 (01:06:02):
There was probably TV.

Speaker 27 (01:06:03):
One of those days, and they were visiting different nudist
camps and they were standing there interviewing an old couple
on a beach. I were standing there, and of course
they showed the top half of both them, but in
the background, just as whether breakers break, a guy walked
past very slowly and he turned around and looked at

the camera. And he'd done that for about ten seconds.
Then he continued walking, and then about twenty seconds later
he came back the other way and done exactly the
same thing. And of course the reason, the reason he'd
done it is I look like he could have won
a three legged race by himself.

Speaker 3 (01:06:41):
It was hilarious.

Speaker 27 (01:06:44):
It was hilarious, and I can't help thinking was it
arranged or was it coincident? But he just wandered to
pass still there had his dark glasses on. Of course
I don't think you're allowed to wear them. But as
I said, stood out even from a distance, he could
have won a three legged race by himself.

Speaker 3 (01:07:01):
He had something to share, he had some people. I
always think about that with streakers, you know, at the
one I say before it at the Black Flash, I'm
more impressed by a streaker that hasn't got much to
show than one that's that's out there getting it going.

Speaker 15 (01:07:16):
You know.

Speaker 4 (01:07:16):
That's that's bravery, that's bravery, that's bravery.

Speaker 27 (01:07:21):
Of course, you know, talking the streakers, we've got to remember,
was it Lucy years ago? And of course she'd done
that streak at the Rugby then her ex boyfriend come on,
it was first off because he actually paid for them
and it was hiliarrious.

Speaker 17 (01:07:34):
What was her name?

Speaker 15 (01:07:35):

Speaker 4 (01:07:36):
She was from Middleton, wasn't she from Hamilton?

Speaker 3 (01:07:39):
Yeah? Someone will know nine too.

Speaker 4 (01:07:41):
Yeah, Trevor, thank you very much mate, great to chat
with you.

Speaker 3 (01:07:45):
Yeah, I mean that that. I mean, that's the the
quintessential nudist does not out there because they've got something
to show. Yeah, they're out there to experience nature, you
know what I mean. Yeah, you know it's like, it's
not the person that's just got the rocking bod from
the gym with with with some impressive parts. That's not
what it's about.

Speaker 4 (01:08:02):
It's not about showing off.

Speaker 3 (01:08:03):
No, it's it's about just getting over yourself and being
freed up from society's constraints and yeah, but strangely, even
though I can see the worth in it, I agree
with that caller before who was saying, you know, you know,
I wouldn't walk down I wouldn't walk through Lynn.

Speaker 4 (01:08:22):
Moore like that, and just back to the streakers, because
clearly that's been controversial in the past, whether that adds entertainment,
whether it's disruptive to the sport itself. But there is
an element of excitement for the person streaking right, which
is different to most nervous Sh'd hope that they're not
excited to be naked and to do something a bit naughty.
They're just there for the freedom, whereas a streaker it's

that moment of sea.

Speaker 3 (01:08:46):
The motivation for a streaker is interesting because a lot
of it's comedy and it's a deer, but it is
you know, I've always wondered about the motivation for a streaker,
what it is, because you're risking a lot, you're actually
risking getting absolutely smashed by security and badly injured. And
we had a streaker when I was commentating some cricket
at Eaton Park and he nearly got away from security,

jump jumped to hoarding and then got absolutely slammed across
the concrete and it was horrible to watch. And you know,
I was thinking, did he get was it worth it?

Speaker 4 (01:09:22):
How much training goes I mean a streaker. Imagine it's
spur of the moment, right, It's not like that's been
in a month saying I'm training for this and working
my way up to it.

Speaker 3 (01:09:31):
I'll be interested to know if you know what nudists
think that go to nudist beaches and a part of
nudist commuters communities and this nude walking that's happening, and
Tucker point what they think of streakers are they Are
they part of the community or are they tourists in
the community or do they look down at them? Or
is it the same thing? I don't know.

Speaker 4 (01:09:50):
Great question. Oh, eight hundred eighty ten eighty. Love to
hear from you on this.

Speaker 30 (01:09:53):
It is eighteen to three, A fresh take on Talkback
Matt and Taylor Afternoons with the Volvo XC ninety turn
every journey into something special.

Speaker 2 (01:10:04):
Have your say on eight hundred eighty ten eighty News
Talks ENV Afternoon.

Speaker 4 (01:10:09):
Stephanie, do you find nudists offensive?

Speaker 10 (01:10:13):
I love the name stiff, aren't but my friends call
me that no problem. Yeah, I just I struggle with
people getting so offended by something that really doesn't affect them,
you know. It's I find it strange. I'm not a neudist.
I did used to go to Marpo every year, and
as you know, Tyler, they only do the newdist thing

for a few months after summer, so I never I've
never seen anybody new there and I used to religiously
go and it's a beautiful place. I've never been a
neudist myself. I see American films where they're all even,
you know, getting all jumping in the group, showers together
in the locker rooms and stuff, and I thought I
couldn't do that, you know, I'd be waiting till I

get home or something. But see everyone else is doing it,
I'd be able to go for sure, and I wouldn't
be offended by anyone else doing it. And I feel
like that not the last caller, but a couple back
who was pretty anti it referenced walking through a record
and more. Surely he's got a case of NDS or something,
you know, And that's that's the problem. Bad experiences.

Speaker 3 (01:11:20):
You bring up showers, But yeah, sports, I mean I've
nude chowered with people you know and changing sheds. Absolutely,
I didn't really think about that as nudity. But you know,
I like, I've talked to to all blacks before about
this and they've said that they were disappointed when they
started going to separate showers just because there was sort
of a leveling of the playing field in a way

where everyone was just nude after the after the match.
And yeah, I don't know in boarding school, of course,
if everyone has to shower nude together, So.

Speaker 10 (01:11:54):
I definitely wouldn't do it in the boarding school. Too
many bad stories and protective let's brings to mind.

Speaker 3 (01:12:02):
Is that the case?

Speaker 1 (01:12:04):
Is it?

Speaker 3 (01:12:04):
People still I don't know, I haven't played competitive sport
for a very long time time, but people still sharing
nude together?

Speaker 14 (01:12:10):
Are they?

Speaker 3 (01:12:11):
Are they still sharing newd together bodies?

Speaker 6 (01:12:12):
I'm yeah.

Speaker 10 (01:12:14):
I mean I'm a massive sports fan, you know, absolute
sports not never never seen it, never done in New Zealand.
It's only something that I've seen on TV, and I'm
sure sure it happens. And I'd actually love to be
comfortable enough to do that. Yeah, you know, that's that's
more of an aspiration. I feel like people getting worked
up and wound up about it. Probably just a reflection

on like our sort of mindset when it comes to
sexuality and just sex in general, because those are the
bits well sort of prudish about that that carries on.

Speaker 3 (01:12:46):
Yeah, well that's the thing, because there's nudity. I think
people can flate nudity and sexual activity. I mean, nudity
is just the natural state of humanity and sexuality is
another thing. But also I can't agree with you. I'm
I'm I'm the kind of guy that wouldn't really go
nude much, and I think that's kind of a failing
in me. It's a lack of confidence or something not.

Not that I desire to walk through Rickedton more nude
or streak or anything, but if you wanted to, if
I wanted to, I still couldn't. Like if someone gave
me people to have to pay me, I'd have to
be paid a hell of a lot of money to
do it. I'm not sure what the figure would be,
but but that seems like that means I'm not proud
of myself in some regard.

Speaker 10 (01:13:26):
No, I definitely do it for a laugh or or
paid money.

Speaker 24 (01:13:29):
I think, just.

Speaker 10 (01:13:31):
Probably less so at the nerdiest place we're in the
locker room or boarding school. But if I was, if
I was, if I was paid or dared to run
through record and more. Absolutely, But I feel like all
the all the nudists to the majority of old people,
you know, they're pasted, they're passed. All the yeah sexuality thing,
they're clearly not doing it for those reasons. I still
don't understand the reasons they're are doing it for. I think,
you know, getting in touch with nature. Yeah, it with

your clothes on, play that they want to do it
without their clothes, go for it, so so so what
would you do it.

Speaker 3 (01:14:01):
For a hundred bucks?

Speaker 4 (01:14:06):
Date at times have gone last, could have started.

Speaker 10 (01:14:10):
At twenty as soon as I see that money.

Speaker 3 (01:14:14):
Pro Okay, we'll get get your account details and yeah,
we'll need some video evidence that I may not watch.

Speaker 4 (01:14:20):
Thanks alright, thank you very much, appreciate your cool. Well, oh,
one hundred and eighty ten eighty is the number of call.
We have time for a few more phone calls. After
some mission messages, you listen to Matt and Tyler Good Afternoon.

Speaker 1 (01:14:35):
The issues that affect you, and a bit of fun
along the way.

Speaker 2 (01:14:38):
Matt and Taylor Afternoons with the Volvo XC eighty innovation,
style and design.

Speaker 22 (01:14:44):
Have it all.

Speaker 4 (01:14:44):
News talk said, news talks here, b Larissa, very good
afternoon to you, good afternoon. Now you are a nudist yourself?
Is that right?

Speaker 13 (01:14:55):
Yes, that's right.

Speaker 15 (01:14:55):
I belonged to the Rolliston Naturist Club.

Speaker 17 (01:14:58):
You're in christ Ah.

Speaker 8 (01:15:00):

Speaker 3 (01:15:00):
How long have you been a member?

Speaker 15 (01:15:02):
Seven years?

Speaker 10 (01:15:03):

Speaker 1 (01:15:04):

Speaker 3 (01:15:04):
And and explain to us what it is about being
a nudist that you enjoy. What does it do for you?

Speaker 15 (01:15:13):
I think you lose all your inebitions and I don't
know your body image, my body image. I've changed the
way I think about myself. I used to go to
weight watches and different things, and I'm not huge, But
now everyone's sort of equal. There's no It's just a

lovely place to be and gets to the point and
that thinking, oh I've got to put my brow on
to go to the shop. You to feel free? Eighteen
eight is a beautiful ground and swimming pool and beautiful. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (01:15:50):
So is it almost in a way, you know, because
people that aren't noticed really focus on the nudity. Is
it a way sort of forgetting about your body as
opposed to.

Speaker 4 (01:15:59):
Focus on Definitely?

Speaker 28 (01:16:01):
But when you first go.

Speaker 15 (01:16:02):
The first few times, it seems really weird and you
don't know where to look. But after a couple of days,
no one's looking at those places. They've just seen the
person as themselves and don't even it's just like an
arm or a lead, their body parts. It's just nothing.
It is not sexual at all because.

Speaker 3 (01:16:24):
It's it's free, because it's all covered up all the time.
Oddly we fixate on it.

Speaker 15 (01:16:29):
People often have the wrong impression of a place like
that too and think it's something else, which is not.

Speaker 4 (01:16:36):
Have you seen membership go up in recent years, Lauretta,
or are you seeing more people come to see what
it's all about or indeed, you know, joining up with
your philosophy.

Speaker 15 (01:16:46):
It comes and goes. We haven't got My husband was
a member in the seventies and there were lots of
families and lots of children, and that has gone. We
don't really have the young ones now of children, messy grandchildren. No,
probably not growing that as much as decline. But we're still,

you know, doing well.

Speaker 3 (01:17:13):
Yeah, And so you say it was sort of so
your husband was in the seventies, so when you say
you got into it, it was sort of in your world.
You didn't seek it out something when it.

Speaker 15 (01:17:24):
Was his first wife who passed away in his family.
And I didn't know about it until he introduced me
seven years or eight years ago to it here in Rolliston.
And when they first built the club out there, it
was in the middle of nowhere really, but now we've
got houses right up to our boundary because it's right

in the center of Ralliston. But you wouldn't know it's
there because it's all trees and walks and eighteen acres beautiful.

Speaker 4 (01:17:57):
How does the community feel about it, Loretta? Are they
They are pretty comfortable with it?

Speaker 15 (01:18:01):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, maybe now and then we might get
some young ones try to help the fence have a lot,
but there's not much to look at really, And so
there's been a.

Speaker 3 (01:18:12):
Lot of talk on the show today. Would you walk
through Ricket and Mall for example.

Speaker 1 (01:18:15):
And the news.

Speaker 15 (01:18:16):
I don't even good at home.

Speaker 3 (01:18:18):
Right, so it's it's just at the class that is
my place.

Speaker 15 (01:18:22):
But most most members, I would say that would go
nude in their own home if they had a private
backyard or something. But even if it's a private backyard,
I wouldn't. I don't know, it's just me ifnyone's different
and obviously giffinely wouldn't go in a public place showing
ourselves off. We just yeah, it's hard to explain.

Speaker 3 (01:18:45):
Well, there's lots of things like that, isn't there. I mean,
you wouldn't cock in the nude, You wouldn't work in
the nerd, you know, you know, especially if you're doing
you know, on a building side. It's dangerous to be
in the neude. So it's just everything and it's in
its place.

Speaker 15 (01:18:59):
Yes, yeah, and of course out there like it's a
cold day, we're not nude. Yeah, people think, god, you know,
we're practical people.

Speaker 24 (01:19:10):

Speaker 15 (01:19:12):
Yeah, but we have the shared showers like but you
don't you just don't you take it for granted just
every day.

Speaker 8 (01:19:22):

Speaker 3 (01:19:22):
Oh well, thank you so much for sharing with us.

Speaker 20 (01:19:25):
Come out and have a we have.

Speaker 3 (01:19:29):
All right, Well, the invitation is there if you come
out as a visitor. Do you have to get nude
or can you just be a tourist.

Speaker 15 (01:19:35):
You don't have to know, of course you don't have
to know.

Speaker 4 (01:19:38):
Do you have to sign us in? Yes, come talk
to you next time we're in Robins.

Speaker 3 (01:19:44):
Hey, thank you so much. I really appreciate you calling
was a great insight into that, and I think that's
kind of the point. It's not, you know, we get
silly and juvenile about it, but it's just some people
that they get something out of it, and it's it's
not a sexual thing and it's not a giggly thing.
It's just that it makes people feel good. So it's
brilliant and got the text to you saying yes and
Ice Hockey New Zealand we still share on Naked Together

all taps and sizes.

Speaker 1 (01:20:08):
Talking with you all afternoon.

Speaker 2 (01:20:10):
It's Matt Heath and Taylor Adams Afternoons with the Volvo
X ninety us talk z B.

Speaker 3 (01:20:16):
Good Afternoon, six past three, Love a Friday on Matt
and Tyler Afternoons on zid B. Hey, Tyler, Yes, I've
got a question for you.

Speaker 4 (01:20:27):
Hit me with it.

Speaker 3 (01:20:28):
Do you know the song Father of Mine?

Speaker 24 (01:20:32):

Speaker 1 (01:20:32):
Where have you been?

Speaker 8 (01:20:34):
You know? What?

Speaker 1 (01:20:35):
This close?

Speaker 18 (01:20:35):

Speaker 24 (01:20:38):
This up here?

Speaker 1 (01:20:39):

Speaker 4 (01:20:40):
What a song?

Speaker 3 (01:20:41):
And I've also got another question for you, Tyler. Do
you know the song I just want to give too
sad things to them?

Speaker 4 (01:20:48):
Nor oh man, that takes me back. What a tune.
It's a good, roady song, isn't it?

Speaker 24 (01:20:53):

Speaker 3 (01:20:54):
This is a great roady song. I'll be listening to
this on the road to topal tonight. Wow. Ever Clear
are playing in Topwaar tomorrow and Fidianger on Sunday. You
know they's sold millions of records globally, three platinum albums
in the US, huge hits like this in Santa Monica

and Everything to Everyone and Alex.

Speaker 4 (01:21:25):
Arcus, so I hailed it.

Speaker 3 (01:21:27):
No, it's art. Alex Arkus is his name, as on
our show later on today.

Speaker 4 (01:21:32):
Yeah, looking forward to that.

Speaker 3 (01:21:33):
So we're gonna have a chat to him on the
phone very soon.

Speaker 4 (01:21:35):
Yep, very good. But right now it is eight past three.

Speaker 3 (01:21:40):
Said Every Friday on Matt and Tyler. Afternoons on z B,
we name the New Zealander of the Week in honor
that we bestow on your behalf to a newsmaker who
has had an outsized effect on our great and beautiful
nation over the previous seven days. As always, there will

be three nominees, but only one winner. And remember, like
the Time Magazine Person of the Year, the New Zealand
of the Week isn't always an age of goods. Sometimes
the nominations are for real to kids, and it's off
and not even a human. Some nons are for their greatness,
some are for the magnitude of their crackness. Got it blessed? So,
without further ado, the nominees for Matt and Tyler Afternoons

New Zealander of the Week are nominee one and nomine
one also receives the do your Bloody Job Award. They've
removed ninety one public bins over the past two years
and plan to take another fifty four and are naively
encouraging people to take their own rubbish home with them
for being a bunch of muppets who are trying to
not do the basics they were elected to do, and

provide us with our god given right to a bin
to put our ice cream rappers in the Rotor Lakes Council,
you are nominated for New Zealander of the Week. Nomine
two also gets the Window Shopping looking at the menu
but Dining at home and the Good Try Awards. Big
story this week when Tim from Oxford's wife of eighteen

years caught and running a Tinder profile. He told her
he wasn't looking to cheat on her, honest, he was
just trying to get matches for an ego boost. She
dumped him and now he is free to tinder all
he likes. Sadly, still no matches. Tim from Oxford, You're
a dirty, nearly cheating bugger, but you are nominated for
New Zealander of the Week.

Speaker 4 (01:23:20):
Put it away, Tim, All right, there.

Speaker 3 (01:23:23):
Can be only one, and the winner of Matt and
Tyler Afternoons. New Zealand of the Week also receives the
mcginner taste of Kiwi and go Hard Awards. All Right,
here we go.

Speaker 16 (01:23:36):

Speaker 3 (01:23:37):
This once unpopular, now hugely popular mayor wrote this week
that we now live in an age where tolerance for
risk is very low, and appetite for blame when something
adverse happens is high. Work safe rush to justify their
existence by making recommendations like more signage, more guardrails, more fences,
more lifeguards, none of which are ever subjected to even
the slightest cost benefit thinking. He then pushed for a

sensible grown up conversation and a reset of community attitudes
to fun and enjoyment, and a call to fend off
the alarmists and their misguide had cost impacts on all
of us. Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown for having a go
at the chicken licking scaredy cats who are ruining our
country with their power hungry nay saying you are the

Matt and Tyler Afternoons New Zealander of the Week. I
mean you're we're so that's called you're.

Speaker 1 (01:24:41):
Still the New Zealander.

Speaker 3 (01:24:44):
Oh don't we you're mcclassic Keeley. Congratulations, God bless and
God's speak.

Speaker 4 (01:24:55):
Who are well deserved, well deserved this week now coming
up very shortly, in fact, just after the break, and
really looking forward to this your interview with Everclear frontman
Aunt Alex Archis. This is going to be good.

Speaker 24 (01:25:12):
World begin left.

Speaker 4 (01:25:21):
One world, Good afternoon, fourteen past three.

Speaker 3 (01:25:30):
Okay. They've sold millions of records globally, three patent selling
records in the US alone, with hits like Santa Monica,
Everything's Wonderful, Father of Mine and Everything to Everyone. And
they've been a staple of rock radio and New Zealand
since the nineties. And now they're back in New Zealand
for the summer concert series with Ice House, the Mighty
Cold Chisel and our beloved bit Goodonger in Topol tomorrow

and Fitty Younger on Sunday and joining us now on
zeb is singer, songwriter and founding member of Everclear art
Alec Arcas a good afternoon Arts. Super excited to be
seeing you in topor. Look, you've written some massive tunes
in your life. What's on the setlist for tomorrow?

Speaker 24 (01:26:07):
First of all, thank you for having me on. I
appreciate it. Man, We're gonna play all the hits. They're
only giving us an hour and we're going on first,
so it's kind of bizarre for us to do that.
But it's also exciting because all the other bands are
so great and we're just glad to be invited and
it's gonna be a lot of fun.

Speaker 3 (01:26:23):
It's interesting actually, because I was thinking about that with
you guys, because we have a say in New Zealand,
which is world famous in New Zealand, and that kind
of extends to Australia, world famous in Australia and New Zealand,
and you're kind of playing with world famous in Australia
and New Zealand bands that you might not have known,
and you've probably sold a lot more records than they have.
But we aware of Ice House and Cold Chisel and

but Grunga coming from the States.

Speaker 24 (01:26:47):
Well, I had heard the name Cold Chisel, but I
didn't really know the band. But I know Jimmy. He's
come to shows before. He's a fan and I'm a fan,
and I mean I think he's just you know, he's
a legend. The ice House guys. Yeah, I knew a
couple of times we got played in the States. I've
been doing a deep dive. They're really great. I mean,
I'm not telling you anything you know or know you know,

I was listening to different types of music when they were,
you know, making their bones back in the day. Now
going back on it, I'm just it's really great. And
Vicky's just I met her the other day. She's phenomenal.

Speaker 3 (01:27:20):
Well, yeah, she certainly is has the New Zealand tool
going for far of you guys.

Speaker 24 (01:27:25):
We played one show of this tour and that was
in Queenstown. It was really hot that day. And I
don't know if you know it, but I was diagnosed
about eight years ago with multiple sclerosis. Yeah, so so
heat is not good for me. Right stage wasn't too.
I just need to get out of this on that day.
But I think Topo is going to be a different

type of venue, so I'm really looking forward to seeing
old band.

Speaker 3 (01:27:51):
You know, I hit about you diagnosis, but you're still
cracking out, craking out the gigs. So is is your
health generally okay?

Speaker 6 (01:27:57):

Speaker 24 (01:27:58):
I just got to do the work. I do the
physical therapy. I get a swim every day. My pool
was in my backyard and a lot of my property
was destroyed in the past. It didn't a fire, of course,
we were about two hundred feet from ground zero. Luckily
it didn't burn the house. We still have to get
it deep cleaned and just smoke damage and stuff. But

other than that, we're blessed. My wife's and my daughter
and my dogs are still living in a hotel. They'll
probably be there for you know, another two three weeks
at least for the powers on so long, long winding
explanation why I'm not taking as good a care as
myself as they should have.

Speaker 3 (01:28:36):
It's interesting talking to you because when those files were
hitting in Santa Monica, I was thinking about you, and
I was thinking about the line, of course, which has
a different meaning in the song in Santa Monica, leave
the fly behind, swum out past the break as watch
the will die.

Speaker 24 (01:28:49):
Yeah, you know me too. A lot of places that
I grew up with back in the day on the
west side of La We're gone. It's just gone crazy.
Everything's wint but houses I used to go to a
friends of mine gone. I live in Pasadena. I'm out
did in the drive so across the street is out
to Dina either way. And the fire started and they

came and pulled us out of our house and told
us to get in our car and leave.

Speaker 3 (01:29:14):
There must be an interesting you know, deciding what's important,
what is the important things to take.

Speaker 24 (01:29:19):
It's weird, right, you think you're gonna be like, Okay,
I'm gonna be I'm gonna get all our important papers,
I'm gonna get all the pictures. I'll do all it. No, man,
you're like, I go through the fridge and sit there.
I couldn't think straight because there's noise going on. There's heat,
there's huge cinders flying past the windows, there's smoke everywhere.

Finally they yelled at me to get out of there
in the fire department, and all those guys are heroes.
Those people were just amazing.

Speaker 3 (01:29:46):
We have Art Alexakis from Everclear on the line, going
back to before you were saying that when you were
growing up, you were listening to different types of music
than say Ice House, and you're obviously an incredible songwriter.
It's obviously got rock and punk in there. Like I
might sound like an idiot here, but growing up listening
to you, always thought there was a little bit of
my parents, like John Denver Records in there, as well
as I don't know, Glenn Campbell or maybe and Barry manilone.

Speaker 24 (01:30:10):
Easy now, Easy Now. The first two guys, I'm like, Okay,
I see what he's doing that for Barry Man alone. Yeah,
we're gonna have problems with.

Speaker 3 (01:30:17):
That, all right, the songs that make the whole world
saying you didn't even.

Speaker 24 (01:30:20):
Write that song?

Speaker 29 (01:30:21):
Did he not?

Speaker 24 (01:30:23):
No, look at the credits, he didn't write that song.

Speaker 3 (01:30:25):
Ah, Okay, I came back to John. You'll accept John
dived Well, I'll.

Speaker 24 (01:30:30):
Except John Denver. There's hillbilly in there, for sure. There's
an R and B. There's soldiers plunk, There's there's beach
Boys in there, there's Beatles in there. There, Yes, there's
Black Sabbath in there. There's Aerosmith in there, there's a
sex Pistols, there's X, there's no Closset punk rock.

Speaker 3 (01:30:48):
You haven no Barry Manila.

Speaker 24 (01:30:52):
Oh Maddie, well you game and you let an interview
and I didn't like it it at all. Oh Maddie,
I'm just kidding. Question. Well, here's that one thing.

Speaker 3 (01:31:05):
You've deffinitely got the plots, but this is gonna be
another weird question for you. Then that's something I've been
thinking about. Like I've got so many of your lyrics
flooding around like it is millions of people do around
the world. And like as I was saying before, swarming
out past the Breakers watched, the word die was in
a lot of people's minds, and I often ironically think, thing,
everything is wonderful.

Speaker 24 (01:31:26):
Now, yeah, I mean when the fire happened, Uh, me
and my wife were talking about it, and it's just
like you know that it was never meant to be
a literal thing.

Speaker 3 (01:31:34):
Was the declaration of blood?

Speaker 24 (01:31:37):
Is like, you know, we could we could live beside
the ocean, swim out past the breakers, watched the world
back because as long as we have each other holding
hands in the cold water, we're gonna be okay. Right, Yeah,
I mean that's that's that's it's coming from beautiful. So yeah,
I mean, you know it's it's it's violent but there's
beauty to it. Yeah, and I think it's that and

that's the way it was always matted. And two that
you know, it's about the fires, and there's there's nothing
cathartic about those fires. There's nothing but heartbreak. Literally, Maddie,
I got like seven people who are close to me.
Their houses are gone, everything, pictures of their kids, their

wedding rings, just every memory. And people I know people
talk about it like, yes, absolutely, if you had to
choose between losing your kid, or your spouse or someone
dying even your pet over things, of course that's a
no brainer. But let's not forget that these things have

so many memories and life and experiences attached to them,
and we can't demean or diminish how important those things are.
It's part of the human experience, as part of our experience.
I'm pretty art broken, you know, as a lot of
people are. You know, that's like, dude, Yeah, sometimes we
feelfully when sometimes you gets broken.

Speaker 3 (01:33:06):
Yeah, I'm talking to the guy alex Akis from Everclear.
There's another line that always stuck with me, as a
line from Learning to Smile. Life just keeps on getting smaller,
and we never ask why I think about that line
quite a bit because I see friends that are going
down terrible paths. That's a really great line, Yes, that
describes the situation of a lot of addicts of none.

Speaker 24 (01:33:27):
Well, it's definitely thank you for picking up that line,
because that's always been one of my favorites. And people
don't bring that up from that song. They'll bring up
you know, learn how to Smileness. Great song, Yeah, you know,
I mean, I mean, there's some great lines and I
think it's one of my best songs. Yeah, lyrically and
musically melodically. That line particularly is anyone who's dealt with

addicts or alcoholics or people who just cannot understand that
they're come to the grips that they're powerless over this disease,
over some disease that is just destroying them, and that
they're destroying themselves. It's one thing to go through that,
I've been there. It's another thing to watch it and

knowing you can't do it. You can't throw them a
life preserver, They're going to throw it back at you.

Speaker 10 (01:34:17):
You know it.

Speaker 24 (01:34:20):
And that line right there is like life keeps getting
smaller and when you're in the middle of it, you
just don't understand it until you actually get to a
place like I did. And it took me many years
to just realize that I was powerless and I surrendered.

And before you do that, when you're an addict or
an alcoholic, you think that that's giving up until you
learn that to accept reality the way it is, accept
the thing the way it is is actually not giving up.
It's getting over that so that you can be successful

and win and understand. And that's what happened to me
almost six years ago.

Speaker 3 (01:35:09):
Well, I'm so glad that I did, and so well
well put there that that that is all so true.
And hey, look, thank you so much for keeping on
rocking and coming back to New Zealand. And I'm driving
down straight after work tonight to see you tomorrow lunchtime
in Topoor. Bloody excited me and my partner will be
up front well as close as GA tickets get us.
So thanks so much for thanks so much for talking

to us, and you know I'm a big fan and
and this means a lot to me.

Speaker 24 (01:35:35):
Okay, thanks Maddy, I appreciate your call was great and
an interview. Be well, you should really meet people in
bands so they can get you better tick.

Speaker 3 (01:35:44):
Well, I'm happy. I'm happy in the g A. I'll
be fine.

Speaker 24 (01:35:47):
Awesome the man of the people, Man of the people. Yeah,
there you go, all right, Thanks cheers, Tinker.

Speaker 4 (01:35:56):
What a awesome dude. Are you really happy in GA though?

Speaker 3 (01:35:59):
Man, look I am happy in GA. But look if
this look of some if i'd up in the VIP seats,
then thank you say that. You know, it's just the
way the cookie crumblers. Will see how it goes. Maybe, actually,
maybe I'll ring Art back.

Speaker 4 (01:36:16):
He's still on the line. Yeah, we'll get shortly. Hey,
just a reminder you can see everclear with Icehouse, Cold
Chisel and Birong tomorrow in topaor and Sunday and for
the younger all part of the summer concert tour twenty
twenty five. It's going to be great. Matt will be there.
Say good day if you see him. It's going to
be fantastic. Twenty five past three.

Speaker 2 (01:36:37):
Back in a month, Matt Heathen Tyler Adams afternoons call
oh eight hundred and eighty ten eighty on news talk Z.

Speaker 4 (01:36:47):
EDB News Talks ed B. Now, just a reminder, folks,
we're going to do the way in very shortly. Before
the break, Matt had a hypothesis that there is no
way you can lose weight, or can you lose weight
over the summer holiday period of Christmas period.

Speaker 3 (01:37:04):
We thought it was unlikely over the breakover Christmas, over
New Year, over the holidays, of the relaxing period of time,
that you could actually lose weight, that you could actually
come out the other end instead of generally you go
back to work a little bit, a little bit larger,
no matter what you thought.

Speaker 4 (01:37:20):
Yeah, yeah, Now I'm laughing, folks, because we've got the
scales right beside me. Well, Matt said something outrageous before
on what his weight was, because he weighed himself when
I was out making a coffee and I said, no way,
no way, and he just stood beside me and it
was pretty legitimate. So we're going to do that way.
I'm very short.

Speaker 3 (01:37:38):
Well, let's just say, Tyler, I'm a very competitive human being.

Speaker 4 (01:37:41):
Well, I'm not going to say which way it goes.
Go up, highly in the positives, might be highly in
the negatives. We're going to find it very soon.

Speaker 3 (01:37:48):
We've both waded and you'll see the answer. The question
is it possible to actually lose weight over the Christmas break.

Speaker 4 (01:37:54):
That is coming up very shortly. Headlines on the way
as well. Twenty nine past three.

Speaker 1 (01:38:02):
Jus talk sa'd be headlines.

Speaker 18 (01:38:03):
With blue bubble taxis it's no trouble with the blue bubble.
Conversations and speeches that today's at Artnas celebrations are focusing
on to teddy Te and the contentious Treaty Principals bill,
reassuring listeners the bill won't progress. Three people are in hospital,
one with serious injuries after a car's plowed into a

building on Beach Road in Auckland's Madongi Bay just after
one and police say there are injuries after a two
vehicle crashes closed State Highway two on Mutaway Road in
Ormond near Gisbon. A search after medical items were stolen
from a Mosgell Air ambulance has uncovered a trove of
stolen goods from Torpedo seven, off the Chain bike shop,

cash converters and two degrees. Almost one hundred and fifty
schools have been picked to take part in a multimillion
dollar maths trial for Year seven and eight students. It
involves tutoring for half an hour in small groups and
online up to four times a week dars. Scrolling through
dating apps without meeting anyone count as cheating. You can

see more at insid Herald Premium. Now back to Matt
Heath and Tyler Adams.

Speaker 4 (01:39:14):
Thank you very much.

Speaker 3 (01:39:15):
Ray Lean's all right, I wrote that article that Ralian's
talking about you.

Speaker 4 (01:39:18):
Yeah, it was a good article.

Speaker 3 (01:39:19):
Yeah, thank you, very good read.

Speaker 4 (01:39:20):
You can still check it out on the New Zealand Heralds.

Speaker 3 (01:39:22):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's that's that's me.

Speaker 4 (01:39:24):
Yep, Well with a read right now, as we each
them before we at the end of last year, you
asked the question is can you or is it possible
to lose weight over the Christmas in summer period, Yeah,
and still have a good time and still have a
good time.

Speaker 3 (01:39:39):
Yeah yeah, yeah, and indulge and do what you need
to do, which is to celebrate Christmas and celebrate New
Years and have a bit of relaxation.

Speaker 4 (01:39:47):
Yeah, yep. So we weighed in on the last show
of the year, and just to recap, so you weighed
in Matt Heath at ninety two point five kilo.

Speaker 3 (01:39:57):
A muscular ninety two point five kilo.

Speaker 4 (01:40:00):
Yeah, so that was a solid effort. I weighed in
it's seventy four kilo. So that was a big difference.
So we were gonna dream up some sort of punishment
or reward for the biggest loser over summer. Yeah, and
we still might may do that, but I've got the
scales over here right now, So do you want to
do the honors first?

Speaker 3 (01:40:18):

Speaker 4 (01:40:19):
Right, So I just remember, folks, he was ninety two
point five k that. Come on over and you jump
on my mic here. Oh, here we go, music as wow,
here we go. So just give it a wee tap
on the corner there, okay, here we go, No beds,
no bids. Ninety point four kilo. So that is a

loss of two kg. Well done, old done.

Speaker 3 (01:40:46):
So I've lost two kg done.

Speaker 4 (01:40:48):
That is good that I mean, it's not it's not
life changing, considering you what it text me on Christmas
Day saying I've given up and I'm gone for my
fult helping of cake.

Speaker 3 (01:40:56):
Oh yeah, I mean I had a huge I ate huge.
But I also went to the I did a lot
of running. Yeah, I went to the gym quite a bit,
and I climbed Mount Taharta at one point, so you know,
like out there. Okay, And so you were seventy four
seventy four kilo.

Speaker 4 (01:41:11):
I've seventy four.

Speaker 3 (01:41:12):
I've proved it's possible.

Speaker 1 (01:41:14):

Speaker 4 (01:41:14):
All right, here we go seventy four, and I'm weighing
at that well that this is slightly disappointing. So I
was plumbing seventy four and now I'm seventy four point nine,
let's say seventy five.

Speaker 3 (01:41:28):
So man.

Speaker 4 (01:41:31):
And I put on I put on a kilo. Wow,
that's that's almost neutral, though, wasn't it.

Speaker 3 (01:41:37):
Kilo is not almost neutral A quilo over a month.

Speaker 4 (01:41:39):
You know, I'm pretty happy with that.

Speaker 3 (01:41:42):
You're going in the wrong direction, buddy, I think.

Speaker 4 (01:41:44):
There's something wrong with the scale. Hang on, can I
just these recalibration.

Speaker 3 (01:41:48):
I'm just trying to think about this here. So that
means I win the competition. I mean, it was just
a scientific experiment, but I think i've you could say
that's a that's a solid victory for me.

Speaker 8 (01:41:57):

Speaker 4 (01:41:58):
We're just going to run that past the judges and
just recalibrate those scales and just make sure.

Speaker 3 (01:42:03):
This texture on nine two nine two said, losing weight
over the Christmas break is easy when your grandkids bring
you a daycier Guestro.

Speaker 4 (01:42:09):
Bug, that's the secret.

Speaker 3 (01:42:11):
That's one way to do it.

Speaker 4 (01:42:12):
Yeah, well well done mate, well done. We'll figure out
some sort of punishment slash reward. Yeah, maybe streaking through wicked.

Speaker 3 (01:42:18):
And I've got to say, Tyler, I have I'm more muscular,
you know, so, so i'd like to see my BMI. Yeah,
because I've lost two kg but I'm going to the
gym a lot so so you know, muscle weighs more
than fat. So you know that's why I'm looking so good. Yeah,
you know, because because you know, I've lost two and

put on a muscle but replaced the fat with muscle.
So fantastic, What a what a great victoryat is for
all New Zealand that a human being.

Speaker 4 (01:42:47):
You are fantastic right, So now it is time because
it's Friday, as we always do on every Friday, and
it is the first of the year of twenty twenty five.
It is time for topical Tunes. So this is where
Matt and I each pick a song related to a
theme of the week. You ring in the first to
three votes via phone takes it out. And I think,

as you said before, Matt, you reckon you took it
out for twenty twenty four. Yeah, I won eight two
and twenty twenty four, but we reset. This is in
New Year twenty twenty five, the competition starts again eight
hundred and.

Speaker 3 (01:43:17):
Eighty ten eighty. Whose tune is more topical or better? Yeah,
it's up to you to decide what you think and
look today we were talking like controversially judged by the
text machine. We're talking controversially a lot about nudity around
the naturist walkers at Carcar Point, Yes, and how they
enjoy gaining all, letting it all hang out and going

for a walk. And they have a mature attitude towards nudity,
I believe, But I also believe the Jay Guiles band
had a very immature attitude to nudity. With this particular
song here, great tune.

Speaker 4 (01:44:02):
Challenge, you're not to sing along? O, well done, A
good song, good song.

Speaker 3 (01:44:06):
Who cares if your angel was a centifold?

Speaker 4 (01:44:08):
Yeah, slightly risque when we're talking about nedists. I don't
know if that's mature many that's just such a thing.

Speaker 3 (01:44:14):
As a centerfold anymore. I don't think there is right,
very good there is when you get the Warriors team
pull out to put on the wall each year, Yeah, yes,
the Centerfold that I go forever.

Speaker 4 (01:44:23):
Yet those were well done. Andrew write me today. We
talked a couple of days ago about President Trump, who
has demanded all the federal workers go back to work,
stop being lazy bums working from home, being unproductive. Our
government had some guidelines last year as well. So I've
gone for Dolly Parton nine to five.

Speaker 3 (01:44:57):
Love Dolly. She's the best of us.

Speaker 13 (01:44:59):
She is now.

Speaker 4 (01:45:00):
I'm well aware that the lyrics in that song was
kind of a not back on the nine to five
work day, but it's just a great song and you
get the gest and who doesn't like Dolly Parton?

Speaker 3 (01:45:11):
So yeah, she's an absolutely wonderful human being. Okay, look,
two great songs, yep. But I eight one hundred eighty
ten eighty first of three decides whose tune is the
topical tune winner for the first time this year.

Speaker 4 (01:45:26):
That is coming up. It is twenty wonder four.

Speaker 2 (01:45:30):
The big stories, the big issues, the big trends, and
everything in between.

Speaker 1 (01:45:35):
Matt and Taylor Afternoons with the Volvo.

Speaker 2 (01:45:37):
XC ninety, attention to detail and a commitment to comfort
news talks, they'd be.

Speaker 3 (01:45:42):
Oh, eight hundred and eighty ten eighty is topical tunes,
best of three callers decide whose tune is the most
topical or best. I guess, but I think the combination
between topical and quality of tune, you need that balance. Yeah, yeah,
So on the issue of nudity at carcar Point, I
played the Jay Giles Band's immature approach to nudity, but

an absolute banger of a tune. Put the sign at
the wedding and everyone will be on the dance floor
rocking out with the something out as this Texas says
on nine two ninety two.

Speaker 4 (01:46:18):
Good song, good song, rights. And my theme of the
week was Donald Trump. President Donald Trump ordered all the
federal workers back into the office. Stop being lazy and
working from home and pretending like you're productive, and we
know you're not because you're doing the beck and cleaning
or you're making an extra lunch. Get back to work, people.
But here is my song today, Here you.

Speaker 3 (01:46:41):
Go, Dolly, pardon our weight, one hundred and eighty ten eighty.
Is that the Jay Guiles Band Angel is a centifold
or Dolly parton nine to five, first.

Speaker 4 (01:46:51):
Of three, and we play the entirety of the song
out our eight hundred and eighty ten eighty. If you
want to take through you can. We don't count that
as a vote. But some great texts coming through, guys.
This is going to be close. Both cracking songs, but
probably go for yours Tyly.

Speaker 3 (01:47:06):
But that doesn't count. Make you said that that?

Speaker 4 (01:47:09):
But I like seeing It's good for my confidence.

Speaker 3 (01:47:10):
The text doesn't count, all right. I went under an
eighty ten eight topical tunes go Dolly Paddon or the
j Gars band.

Speaker 4 (01:47:19):
Josh, how are you this afternoon?

Speaker 8 (01:47:22):
Yeah? Good boys?

Speaker 15 (01:47:23):
How are we?

Speaker 1 (01:47:24):
Very good?

Speaker 3 (01:47:24):
Josh? How are you.

Speaker 8 (01:47:27):

Speaker 16 (01:47:27):

Speaker 1 (01:47:27):

Speaker 13 (01:47:27):
Look, I just want to say both songs are absolutely cheerrible.
I wanted to vote no confidence.

Speaker 4 (01:47:34):
If you had to go, yeah, all right, very good
one for Matt, zero for me, but Josh wasn't either.

Speaker 3 (01:47:43):
But I take the vote, but no confidence and just
slipping past your song.

Speaker 4 (01:47:49):
The petty votes Chris, how are you this afternoon?

Speaker 13 (01:47:53):

Speaker 6 (01:47:53):
Mate, that's a really good song from you.

Speaker 13 (01:47:58):
But I'm going to have to vote for Tyler just
because I'm one, okainy.

Speaker 4 (01:48:01):
You are good?

Speaker 1 (01:48:02):

Speaker 4 (01:48:02):
Well, no, that's a petty vote as well, was it?

Speaker 1 (01:48:04):
I think?

Speaker 4 (01:48:05):
I mean it.

Speaker 13 (01:48:07):
Literally met song better. This was a petty vote because
you're gonna lose.

Speaker 12 (01:48:12):
This, bro.

Speaker 3 (01:48:14):
Well, thanks for you. Thank you cool, Chris. I was
and I was in Canterbury last week. I waite undred
eighty ten eighty topical tunes.

Speaker 12 (01:48:20):
So what is that?

Speaker 4 (01:48:21):
One each one each ship I eight hundred eighty ten
eighty the first of three takes it out, Kathy, how
are you good?

Speaker 5 (01:48:29):
Thank you?

Speaker 14 (01:48:30):
That's got to be Dolly all the way.

Speaker 4 (01:48:32):
I mean, hello, yeah, you're a messive Dolly fan. I
take it, Kathy.

Speaker 3 (01:48:38):
Oh, she's a legend.

Speaker 20 (01:48:39):
As she said, it cost a hell of a lot
of money to look, but God be so cheape.

Speaker 3 (01:48:44):

Speaker 4 (01:48:45):
That's a great line, isn't it. Thank you very much, Kathy.

Speaker 18 (01:48:49):

Speaker 4 (01:48:49):
One to Matt, two to me. I only need one
more to take it out. Oh, eight one hundred and
eighty ten eighty. There's a few texts coming through, but
again we'd love to take tics. We just can't. We'll
take one more, Andrew, there's one phone call coming through there.
I think we're going to take Gary here, get a Gary.

How are you?

Speaker 1 (01:49:16):

Speaker 17 (01:49:17):
Sorry, Tyler, Sorry Tyler, but that's definitely getting that one.

Speaker 3 (01:49:21):
Okay, all right? That means the Jay Giles band and
the issue of nudity. Your cart cup point is currently
two to one, so I could win this with the
next call.

Speaker 4 (01:49:29):
It's all down to the next one.

Speaker 3 (01:49:30):
Thank you for you call.

Speaker 20 (01:49:31):

Speaker 4 (01:49:31):
Appreciate it all right, Helga, No appreciate.

Speaker 17 (01:49:36):
Ninety five?

Speaker 3 (01:49:39):
Okay, Alga, all right, this is getting tight now too
all thanks you call. Although even if you went the
wrong way, I still I still love you.

Speaker 24 (01:49:45):
Isn't it me?

Speaker 4 (01:49:46):
Isn't it three for me? We're going to official recount.
It's too too right too for no reason. Yeah, okay,
down here we go.

Speaker 3 (01:49:57):
Okay, we'll go to.

Speaker 1 (01:50:03):
Another time.

Speaker 4 (01:50:04):
I know that's all right.

Speaker 3 (01:50:09):
Okay, thank you, Diane. All right, congratulations, good start for me, thom,
good start twenty five. Thank you, Diane.

Speaker 4 (01:50:16):
I am you're right, You're the beast of us. I
guy Dolly Potton.

Speaker 3 (01:50:20):
I mean, Dolly is the greatest. Though I'm not I'm
not unhappy.

Speaker 31 (01:50:24):
Getting a stumbled to the kitchen for myself, a cup
of ambition and yawn and stretch and try to come alive,
jumping shower and the blood starts popping out on the streets.
The traffic starts chopping the boots like me on the
jar for nine fine.

Speaker 9 (01:50:42):
Working love, fine, not away make live, getting by so
taking get They're just use your mine and they'll never
give you credit.

Speaker 1 (01:50:56):
It's some time.

Speaker 4 (01:51:01):
To lave your service and devotion.

Speaker 19 (01:51:05):
We say that what deserve a better horse walking move
by head, But the boss won't seem to let me square.
Sometimes then is how did you get me?

Speaker 3 (01:51:23):
They let your dream just to watch them shad.

Speaker 4 (01:51:26):
You're just to step on the boss.

Speaker 1 (01:51:27):
Man's ladder, but you've got dreams.

Speaker 3 (01:51:29):
He'll never take away.

Speaker 31 (01:51:33):
The same boat with a lot of your friends. For
the day your ship will come in and the tide's
gonna turn, and.

Speaker 32 (01:51:39):
It's all gonna row your way working n by w
a way to make leave and burning yest him by it.

Speaker 3 (01:51:49):
It's all taking us don't here.

Speaker 4 (01:51:51):
That's famous.

Speaker 32 (01:51:52):
You don't mind, and you never get the credit. Gets
some nice to find you, crazy.

Speaker 3 (01:52:01):
To find you.

Speaker 33 (01:52:02):
They've got to where they watch your father better you
think star. No matter what's the time you spend, you re.

Speaker 4 (01:52:45):
You s talks, there'll be twelve to four right first one,
I'm just.

Speaker 3 (01:52:49):
Looking at the numbers. You actually won four two there
so yes, yeah I got that wrong, yeah yeah yeah,
a darcy, how are you just turn your mic on
for you.

Speaker 16 (01:52:59):
Thank you very much, Thank you very much.

Speaker 3 (01:53:01):
Okay, well, we'll be back with you on a second
with what's happening in the weekend.

Speaker 4 (01:53:06):
Yet stand by, Darcy, you be something good after the
break mate, the.

Speaker 2 (01:53:11):
Big stories, the big issues, the big trends, and everything
in between.

Speaker 1 (01:53:16):
Matt and Taylor Afternoons.

Speaker 2 (01:53:17):
With the Volvo XC ninety attention to detail and a
commitment to comfort.

Speaker 1 (01:53:22):
News Talks B on News Talks.

Speaker 4 (01:53:25):
MB afternoon eight to four. Now, before we wrap up,
Darcy water Grave to chat about what to watch over
the weekend or certainly what you're watching. Mate, Well, who's
earning medals?

Speaker 3 (01:53:36):
But we don't quite know who will be gone?

Speaker 24 (01:53:39):
Well, there you go.

Speaker 16 (01:53:40):
That's the latest from America. It's from Aspern's from the
ex Game, Sadowski Senate. Unfortunately third place in the Big Air.
She can't go any further, stopped a couple of goodies.
What four backside triples in a row? Great, I'm not
quite good enough. So we're still going to find out.
She's in the slopestyle tomorrow morning, seven o'clock. That's on

me watch it.

Speaker 3 (01:54:02):
Dad will be vaguely sober.

Speaker 16 (01:54:04):
Then I couldn't possibly come in.

Speaker 3 (01:54:07):
That was for though it wasn't asses one of the
great drink and cross the celebrating your door to know it,
no one could blame.

Speaker 16 (01:54:15):
It, absolutely not, and she has quite something else nominated.
I was actually surfing through my old Instagram photos last
night because I was bored, and I found one of
myself and her and Nico Portius with their bronze medals
when they're like thirteen. Yeah we're not that young, but
close enough anyway, call from strength to strength they So

I'll be watching that. It's seven o'clock tomorrow, which is
kind of difficult because I'm on air. We'll see how
we go. Anyway. Other ones playing the Aussie Open are
going to be the one. We don't know what the
final is going to be. I'd suggest that Djokovic won't
have enough is Very, Although that's tight. I really wouldn't know.

It depends what injury is being carried by Djokovic, but
there's something about the mental heartness of that bloke, and
Very does have a tendency to be a bit pea
hearted from time to time. So fifty to fifty stunned
a Shelton Beach Center, absolutely stunned.

Speaker 4 (01:55:11):
That would be an upset and it.

Speaker 16 (01:55:12):
Doesn't really matter who comes in the other semi because
Centner is going to win this, right, I mean, he
looks like he's got it all. And then of course
we've got the women Sablanca and Keys that's coming out
tomorrow I must watch. And the third but I'm going
to be looking at is the World Rally Championship opener
ah Monte Carlo. Yes, that's special. That is a spectacular event.

And the defending champ Terry Neuvell. You the cool glasses, Yeah, yes,
he's leading at the moment. He's doing particularly well. So
I'll be taking what. There's plenty more. There's obviously Super Smash,
there's there's Big Bash, which people are keen on a
number of other sports around, but they're the ones that
I'm going to be focusing on having we look at.
I've got my Phoenix shit on, so I can't forget

what's going on to the football either, But I can't
mention every sport over the weekend, even though, let's let's
face it, I'm on the clock white through through the weekend.

Speaker 3 (01:56:03):
Yeah yeah, look I can.

Speaker 16 (01:56:05):
Charge them for that. You know, I just think seven
hours on the couch you owe me.

Speaker 3 (01:56:09):
You're in a unique position in your life that the
more sport you're doing, the more digit more sport you're watching,
the more diligent you are being for your job, which
is not something that most people can say.

Speaker 16 (01:56:19):
No, but it's more of a habit than a job.
I don't know what else I do, quote frankly.

Speaker 3 (01:56:23):
The habit that turned into a job.

Speaker 14 (01:56:25):

Speaker 16 (01:56:25):
Yeah, And I was like this long before I started,
and I started a long long time ago. It should
be a fantastic really should be.

Speaker 3 (01:56:33):
And I'll be in top to watch Colchis or Ice House,
Growner and the Mighty Ever Clear, And they're also playing
in forty Younger with the Summer concert Tour twenty twenty five.
That's going to be a great time.

Speaker 16 (01:56:45):
Coming back when a collective soul coming out giving old
school on the nineties. Mate.

Speaker 4 (01:56:49):
Yeah, well there's the details for you, mate. You could
hit down to top or if you weren't working and
watching sport and doing the hard yards, you could be
enjoying it as well.

Speaker 3 (01:56:56):
Darcy, everyone's touring again now I'm working all of the
nineties to I'm not a rock DJ anymore.

Speaker 4 (01:57:02):
Yeah, Hey, thank you very much for this week, our
first week back and feeling good. We'll be back again
on Monday, opened anniversary for some people, but we will
be here. Whatever you're doing this week weekend, to have
a great one.

Speaker 3 (01:57:15):
And give them a taste of Kiwi from me again.

Speaker 1 (01:57:49):
And again, again and again.

Speaker 4 (01:58:00):
Again, It's again.

Speaker 1 (01:58:10):
For more from News Talk set B.

Speaker 2 (01:58:12):
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