Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:09):
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Speaker 2 (00:16):
She's Omnipresident of New Zealand Sports Broadcasting. Always brilliant, always funny,
always insightful. She's one of my best mates. It's my
great pleasure to welcome to the great New Zealanders of
Christmas series, the Fantastic Laza mcgolders. Hey, So, Laura McGoldrick,
where do we find you?
Speaker 3 (00:32):
Like currently? Right now? Yeah?
Speaker 2 (00:33):
Right now? Where are you?
Speaker 3 (00:35):
I am on my way to the airport.
Speaker 2 (00:39):
I'mgh I'm coming home. So you've had a pre Christmas holiday.
Speaker 3 (00:44):
I have had a pre Christmas holiday because straight after
Christmas I go straight back to work. So because Sky
has the rights of the ASP Classics this year, so
I'm working on the tennis. So I was like, do
you know what me and the kids are going to
escape down holiday rush? I'd already done on my Christmas
shopping throughout the year. I love those Black Friday sales,
So off we go. We've said four days, just the
three of us.
Speaker 2 (01:03):
Oh brilliant. And you've been careful with those those resort
bears or drinks.
Speaker 3 (01:09):
No poisoning, absolutely the beers, the cocktails, the wye others.
I have checked them all and we are goods.
Speaker 1 (01:19):
Treated your well.
Speaker 2 (01:20):
It's very good.
Speaker 3 (01:21):
Now Laura treated equally well.
Speaker 4 (01:24):
I bet yeah, I.
Speaker 2 (01:25):
Bet you have now.
Speaker 4 (01:26):
Game show hosts is a new era you have added
to your already impressive broadcasting quiver. Game of two halves?
How has that been? And who was the most unruly?
Speaker 3 (01:38):
Look, it's been great fun. I've absolutely loved it. It's been. Yeah,
I miss I miss Matt Hayes for parody, Hage come
and hang out with you or something. I don't know
what happened there, but so you can borrow him from
but I would like him back at some page. But
it's been, it's been. It's been great in terms of unruliness.
I who's been the most unruly a lot? Probably probably
Keezymium and I A, yeah, probably the two most actually
Dame Susan Actually, forget what I said, Dane Susan, the Void,
out of control, the Elee.
Speaker 2 (02:10):
Heart was pretty unruly in an episode I saw Joey
Wiellier's got a little bit of unruly in this in
this but A it's a great show and you're doing
a fantastic job as you always do, Laura. A huge
year in sport for you. T twenty World carb Olympics,
you got tennis coming up, Warriors, hard question, but what
was the standout moment for you this year sporting wise?
Speaker 3 (02:32):
God, that is okay, So there's there's there's a few that. Yeah,
you're right. It has been a massive sporting year and
to do too. T twenty World Cup finals for me
as a broadcast and one year was wicked that South
Africa the Soid Africa India TA twenty men's final was unreal.
Just watching Jasper book I'm going to really geek out
on a cricket here, but just watching Jasper Boomra go
about his business and win back that game for India.
The window title was one of the most extraordinary things
as a cricket fan I've ever watched. But the moment
for me was obviously being there when New Zealand one
the White fans won the women's T twenty World Cup
was like nothing I've ever experienced. I've worked on a
lot of sort of fires and separate events and stuff,
but never a final that a Kiwi team has won.
So to be there, to have seen these young women,
particularly you know, knowing them well and watching them go
through the ranks and then go on and when it
was just wicked as a sports fan, but as a
broadcast was like keep it together. The low of stuff fine,
you know, And so that was really cool. I absolutely
loved it.
Speaker 2 (03:29):
And plus a complete and utter surprise, absolutely unfancied no
one gave them a chance.
Speaker 3 (03:35):
Well, when you lose twelve on the I mean you're
really some weren't sure we should have made this tournament,
you know. So I love that. That's what teach twenty
cricket can do, though, like you just don't know when
the tournament starts, who's going to win the same.
Speaker 2 (03:48):
We're talking to Laura mcgldrick as part of our Great
New Zealanders of Christmas series. Now cricket is your first love,
as we've just seen you talking about, how do you
think things are looking for the black Caps going force forward?
Of course, incredible whitewashing India and then come back to
New Zealand and humbled by England.
Speaker 3 (04:04):
It humbled is definitely the right word. I think the
Black Cams are going through a really interesting time. I
think they need to We saw obviously Tim Soudy retire.
That golden era is well and truly over, and I
think we actually need to do a bit of a
clear out in there now and start afresh because we
have a lot of young, really exciting talent. I mean,
you look at Will O'Rourke, for goodness, he reminds me
Lance Kent's the way he's built, you know, I light,
the way he operates. I think he's going to be
such a huge asset to this team. But I think
we need some fresh eyes and there and a fresh
approach because you know, to White Watch India was absolutely extra. Sorry,
my daughter's just seen a horse on the flow of
the road.
Speaker 2 (04:39):
Horse horse.
Speaker 4 (04:42):
That's exciting for a child.
Speaker 3 (04:43):
I'm talking to Yeah, I'm talking to media on the phone,
just one thing. And so I think that, yeah, I
think a fresh approach to that team is probably what
it needs because the results have been slipping for a
while in that black Cat side and and that that happens.
We have been through, you know, that golden era, which
was just I mean, we were so lucky and Maddie,
I know you're a great cricket fan as well, and
Tyler we're learning to know each other at the stage,
but you know, you and I support the team through
the nineties. That period didn't seem possible for us, and
so to have that sort of from twenty fourteen on
to you know, basically when we won that World Test Championship.
We've been very, very lucky and now we've got to
start again and I think, yeah, I hope, I hope that. Yeah,
there's a fresh approach to it because there needs to be.
Speaker 2 (05:27):
Well, we can handle it. We've seen the tough time.
Some people have never known anything but the good time. Yeah, resilience,
that's what it's about.
Speaker 3 (05:33):
I know. Yeah, you have no idea how lucky you
are to those peoplu Ooh no, I mean that whole
whitewash and India thing. Then come home and get it
for your transplate England. I've seen that before. I wasn't shot.
Speaker 2 (05:42):
It's the rollercoaster, right, Yeah, you can get ready because
it's beautifully said. We've got Laura and McGoldrick on the
phone from fee G punishing her on her holiday. Hey, Laura.
Highlight of your life in twenty twenty four outside of
the Sporting World.
Speaker 3 (06:00):
Highlight of my life in twenty twenty four outside of
the Sporting world. So you know, I can be a
little bit over the top. Maddie and me, we could
be we could be related. So we love our cricket.
We also love our music. And this year, I don't
know what happened to what came over me or how
it sort of came to pass. A few things had
to fall into place. But I took my daughter to
see Taylor Swift. We went and see one of her
last concerts, and I spent the whole time watching my
daughter watch her and it was the greatest, one of
the greatest parenting moments of my life. Like you know,
I remember that feeling of just loving an artist, so
like I loved Michael Jackson. That was my thing, and
my parents took me to go and see him, and
I just remember my like I was like, this is
this is amazing. My whole life is you know, all
my dreams of coming through this is and to watch
my daughter go through something similar with Taylor Swift, I
was like, this is this is freakin awesome. So I
think for me that was my best moment of twenty
twenty four.
Speaker 2 (06:56):
Well, that's the great thing about being a parent is
that you get their joy secondhand. You end up steering it. Yeah, yeah,
better through their mate. That's gorgeous look.
Speaker 4 (07:08):
Or what is the best piece of advice, if any,
that you've received this year?
Speaker 3 (07:14):
Can you say hard no? And then they made me
say hard no and they go, good, Now it's a
hard no. Just say no when it seems too much.
I was like, that is very sounded. Rice. I'm a
little bit of a panicer. I don't like to let
people down and I don't like to say no to things,
so I sort of give alternative options, which still put
me under immense pressure. But I'll try to not let
you down. It's about the hard no. Sometimes you just
got to say that is a hard no from me.
Speaker 2 (07:38):
I like, yeah, I mean, right now you're doing an
interview on your holiday. You could probably the hard no and.
Speaker 4 (07:42):
May have us a soft no.
Speaker 2 (07:43):
But yeah, that's a big one. Because a big problem
for me is if it's in the distance, in the
future more than about three months, it doesn't exist. So
I'll say yes, and then three months later I'm like
people book and then when it comes up, I'm like,
I should have said no.
Speaker 3 (07:59):
Yeah, yeah, I know that. I know that.
Speaker 2 (08:02):
And what does Christmas look like for you this year?
When you get back to New Zealand.
Speaker 3 (08:08):
It's all about spending time with the family. We all
live quite close together, so on Christmas Day it's a
bit of a you know, you check off, go to
everyone's house. It's breakfast at our house with Sander's presence
if the kids have been good enough for Santa to come,
and then it's on to lunch with mom and dad
and then everyone just sits lobs out on Christmas Night,
which is quite nice. Everyone just needs a little breather.
I always say I'm not going to at anything for dinner.
I invariably do. It's usually hand my favorite. And yeah,
it's just all about family and spending time with each other.
And we like to go through the highs and lows
of the year and talk about it all. And you know,
even the kids are starting and is to get into
the like goal setting to twenty twenty five and what
they want to do, and it's cool.
Speaker 4 (08:46):
Yeah, yeah, that's lovely. And for you, Laura, best Christmas
song and best Christmas movie?
Speaker 3 (08:53):
Okay, so best And I've thought about this like it's
for me. It's love actually or and or the holiday.
I sort of put those on rotate on the three
or four days leading up the same movie.
Speaker 2 (09:02):
They're very similar. They start with a similar voice over,
don't they very similar voice though?
Speaker 3 (09:09):
But Richard Curtis, who did Love, actually has done a
new movie this year on Netflix, and it's a cartoon
movie that Ed Sharon's written some music for. But what's
that what's that song called? What's that movie called? That?
We like? The new Christmas one? That Christmas?
Speaker 2 (09:21):
That Christmas the animated one?
Speaker 3 (09:22):
Oh is that Richard Curtis the animate that's Richard could
So we've been watching that one and my my seven
year daughter Harley, she gets punished with Christmas movies with
their mother. And so that is actually a really good
one if you were looking for something new to add
to your Christmas repertoire. That's I liked that. I read
that And a.
Speaker 2 (09:39):
Lot of people don't know this about you, Laura, but
you've got a beautiful singing voice. You're one of the
best singers I know. And you're great on a microphone
and you love being on a microphone. So what's your
what's your favorite Christmas song?
Speaker 3 (09:50):
Our war is over? It's like right up there for me.
Speaker 2 (09:54):
Yea, even your Cohen is out of key. Bvs. Don't
put your look.
Speaker 3 (10:00):
Look they don't because she's so They just I think
it adds to it. I think it really brings in
a special kind of something. And you're like, you know what,
she's not. She ruined the Beatles. I'm not going to
let to ruin that.
Speaker 2 (10:10):
I love that song. Yeah, it's a fantastic.
Speaker 3 (10:13):
Such a good song. Eh.
Speaker 2 (10:14):
And finally, Laura, you got a message for New Zealand
for twenty twenty five. Things are a bit grum out there.
Have you got some positivity to sort of punch us
into twenty twenty five?
Speaker 3 (10:26):
Literally grateful for what we do have because there is plenty,
and be kind to one another and those good things
there is all I could honestly thank God because it
is our fair personal five New Year, new Us. Off
we go. We can do it. We've just got to.
We've just got to keep looking after each other and ourselves. Yeah.
Speaker 2 (10:43):
Well, bless you, Laura McGoldrick. I love you. You're one
of my best mates. And you have a fantastic Christmas.
Merry Christmas you.
Speaker 3 (10:50):
Marry Merry Christmas, boys, Merry Christmas everyone. Thank you so much, Mada,
I love you, love this new show. You guys rock
you're sounding fantastic together, so congratulations, thank you, well.
Speaker 2 (10:59):
Have you met God? Bless us everyone, everyone, bless us
bless For
Speaker 1 (11:04):
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