All Episodes

July 19, 2024 • 39 mins
  • The worst tech faux pas!
  • No Funny No Money - why does PJ not get this joke a child tells?!
  • Matty throws PJ under the bus, playing all the times she's mocked her husband BJ'S voice...
  • Amy Shark joins the show to talk about her new album, her NZ tour, performs her new single and plays against PJ in a music quiz!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
The Hits Drive with medi and PJA thanks to chimis
Wee House the Real House of Fragrances.

Speaker 2 (00:09):
You look concerned, no, just thinking, just thinking?

Speaker 3 (00:13):
What's there?

Speaker 1 (00:13):
Your thinking face? My concentration faces? He yes, have I
talked about this before?

Speaker 2 (00:18):
No show it to me.

Speaker 1 (00:21):
BJ always calls me out for concentration base and I'm like,
just my face just goes.

Speaker 2 (00:27):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (00:28):
I just feel like I'm only remotely attractive if I smile.

Speaker 2 (00:31):
I also, I've been caught out in like I've seen
videos of myself where I haven't known someone's filming me,
and I'm always mouth wide open as well. Yes, yeah,
why is there? I'm just there. I don't know. I
don't know.

Speaker 3 (00:48):
I feel like I've seen you with your mouth.

Speaker 2 (00:51):
It's just like when I'm not thinking. I definitely don't
even close my lips. I just get my jaw is
like wide open.

Speaker 1 (01:01):
My friends used to have to because whenever I'd look
in the mirror or walk past, wonder whatever, my eyebrows
to a subtle raise. Well, I don't know, I can't help.
I don't know why, but they just stayed up, so
I must. And I think my friends were worried. That
I thought, I like permanently looked like that, so that'd

start putting my hands over my eyebrows so I couldn't
actually change my looks into the mirror. I don't know
if I still do it. It was definitely prominent back in.

Speaker 2 (01:29):
The day, and something I've noticed. Ryan did tell me
that now now I do. Ryan did tell me the
other day. He's like, oh, you need some botox.

Speaker 3 (01:41):
He had it.

Speaker 2 (01:41):
I've got a very deep line in the middle of
my forehead.

Speaker 1 (01:45):
I got really insecure about my forehead lines the last year,
and I was like, man, I started because I've always
been so like, no, I'm not going to fall to
the pressure.

Speaker 3 (01:57):
The societal pressure really can kicks in.

Speaker 4 (02:01):
You know.

Speaker 1 (02:01):
You get to an age and you're like, ship, here
are other perops of my age just starting to look
like they don't have wrinkles.

Speaker 2 (02:06):
Yeah, you don't want to go too hard with it though,
if you if you do do it, you want to
do a soft do it softly, soft launch, because you
can definitely go too hard the other way. Have you
ever seen Sylvester Stallons?

Speaker 3 (02:16):
Mum, no, but now I'm very inue.

Speaker 2 (02:21):
Google Sylvester Stallons. Yeah, oh my what that's that is
the definition of taking it too far right and judge, Oh, no.

Speaker 3 (02:39):
Judgment, Hey do you you do? You bu like you
can do what you want.

Speaker 1 (02:43):
I was just quite staunched on trying to not full victim,
well not full victim, but just try and like stand
strong to not do anything. But I've looked after my
skin a bit bitter lately, and I feel like my
and I got the l ed face mask. I know
you did, and I reckon that it's kind of smoothed out.

Speaker 2 (02:59):
A bit, a little bit, like you look amazing. You
still look so fresh, stopping dewey, dewey?

Speaker 3 (03:06):
Is it dewey?

Speaker 1 (03:07):
There's always my luck when ever I get my makeup
and they're like, what are we going front of dewey?

Speaker 3 (03:11):
Hydrated and naturally bronze?

Speaker 2 (03:13):
You look you're you're a beautiful woman.

Speaker 3 (03:16):
Oh my god, to stop that. No, do you know
have to say that you're a beautiful man.

Speaker 1 (03:21):
I sometimes look at photos of you and I'm like,
he's actually really handsome.

Speaker 3 (03:25):
I'm not banke surprise sounded like a band.

Speaker 2 (03:30):
I always thought he looked like a piece fucking ship,
but he actually.

Speaker 1 (03:36):
No, I just you know, you have those like moments
You're like, yeah, he's got it, but not like I
fu sa like I always jag on this. I'm about
to go out to a cute festival. It's like nice
marketing vibes.

Speaker 2 (03:55):
You are taking your son and your two nieces as well.

Speaker 1 (03:59):
Yeah, it's late late night, it's risky, risky own, but
we all want to go and get a little bit
of muld wine.

Speaker 2 (04:08):
Mold wine for you, and there'll be treats for the
kids right into treats.

Speaker 1 (04:11):
Absolutely, it's pretty cute. It's like a cute one to Wonderland.

Speaker 2 (04:13):
The treats always do the trick.

Speaker 1 (04:16):
I really tried to hold off on the old sugar.
Like Charlie thought that a date was a biscuit for ages.
But now he's discovered actual so he does love it.
A little tree, a little treat here, and the chicken
little one he now thinks of fluffy a coffee.

Speaker 3 (04:31):
He's he's drinking coffee drink.

Speaker 2 (04:34):
That's so cute. I love that tonight, all tie.

Speaker 1 (04:40):
I think, out of all bo ties, probably amazing Malaysian.

Speaker 2 (04:47):
I love a bit of Malaysian.

Speaker 3 (04:49):
Oh yeah, when you.

Speaker 2 (04:50):
Watch your go to Ti dish, I do love it.

Speaker 3 (04:55):
Tis basic that.

Speaker 2 (04:57):
They often do like a drunken noodles. I quite like those?
Are they thick and a bit spicier? Oh you're nice.

Speaker 3 (05:06):
Have you tried a pankey mal?

Speaker 5 (05:08):

Speaker 2 (05:08):
What's that?

Speaker 3 (05:09):
Hang on, let me just double check. That's the thing.

Speaker 1 (05:11):
I'm pretty sure I was hooked on it. I think
there's a thicker set noodle. Yeah, yeah, it's drunken noodles.

Speaker 2 (05:17):
Drunken noodles, tie.

Speaker 3 (05:19):
Drunken noodles and breakas Peggy out amazing. They're so good
a it's like a spicy thing. Oh my god, great mind.

Speaker 2 (05:27):
I might get a drunken noodles tonight.

Speaker 1 (05:29):
Then the more you know, oh, hang on, Peggy malt
or a pad see you what's a pat ceo? Anyway,
they're all julicious and I got that like thick. Fuck god,
I sounded key within it roll. I've got a roll.
Fun we extent coming up on the show. We catch
up with Amy Sharks and she's very cool. She's very cool.

We threw a little game her way because we have
Cookine radio host. We can't really have a guess without
a cookie radio game?

Speaker 2 (05:58):
Can I? Can? I say I reckon best joke we've
ever had on no funny no money and it came
from a really unexpected source.

Speaker 3 (06:06):
Fucking risky. Yeah, so you're hear that no funny, no money?

Speaker 1 (06:12):
Plus does do you not fit your job description?

Speaker 3 (06:16):
Do you go against the stereotype?

Speaker 1 (06:17):
We chatted more on that after Meddi's experience in a
hot yoga class.

Speaker 2 (06:21):
True, I went back.

Speaker 3 (06:23):
We went back, guys. All of that more coming up
in the podcast Enjoy.

Speaker 6 (06:27):
Many and PJ the podcast.

Speaker 3 (06:32):
Can I ask you a question?

Speaker 1 (06:33):
Madi hit me giving off some different vibes the last
couple of days. To you, I seem different in any way.

Speaker 2 (06:41):
I'm hang on, let me do it, let me do
a quick audit. No, I'd say, same old awkward peage
to me.

Speaker 1 (06:50):
Because I don't know what it is about the last
twenty four hours. But I've had so many randoms approach me.
I told you around this time yesterday on the show
about the woman who told me thank you out.

Speaker 6 (07:03):
Of the city.

Speaker 1 (07:04):
For the second, I was like, no, that wasn't me.
Then another guy sparked up a conversation. Then I was
running today and this woman goes run us run and
just having like ransom interactions with strangers for no apparent reason.
And then I decided to get a kebab for lunch,
and I actually, yes, yeah, I know. I was just
feeling of it, you know, cheeky for a Friday. And

I sat inside the kebab store. Usually with a kebab,
I do a takeaway, but I felt like being a
bit crazy, and I thought, you know what, it's quite
quite cold outside. I'm going to nestle down and set
and eat my kebab.

Speaker 2 (07:40):
It's a messy food. It's a messy food to eat
on the run. I reckon, so missy.

Speaker 1 (07:45):
So I'm sitting there tucking into my little Lamb mixed VG.

Speaker 2 (07:50):
Delicious fluffle for Luffel.

Speaker 1 (07:52):
No, I didn't actually go for Laffel. I do love
a for laffel keberb, but not today.

Speaker 3 (07:56):
It was just Lamb.

Speaker 1 (07:57):
And I was scrolling on my phone because you know,
when you eat in an establishment by yourself, you do
feel like, oh god, it's just it's really bad, but
you kind of feel like to pass time you should
just scroll. So I'm scrolling away and there's a guy
waiting for his kabab and he goes, what would you do?
What'd you do if the power went down, if the
cell reception went and you couldn't use that thing, what

would you do?

Speaker 3 (08:19):
I was like, mate, And then this sparked up.

Speaker 1 (08:21):
I could you not a conversation with this guy for
about fifteen twenty minutes, And I said, mate, I'd welcome it.
I can't wait to get out the rat race. Honestly,
if it went down, it would be the best thing
of it.

Speaker 3 (08:31):
And then we.

Speaker 1 (08:31):
Started talking about the end of the world, what we
would do, how people don't trust their inner voice anymore.

Speaker 3 (08:39):
I don't know how we need to.

Speaker 1 (08:41):
Like we had this real profound, deep chat about like
all of these things. And he told me about his
life and his family and how he was like building
this bus, And I was like, is this something about
me that's extra inviting for conversations at the.

Speaker 2 (08:57):
Moment, Like, yeah, although it sounds like maybe this is
more about me. But when you told me that he
asked that about what would you do for self? Immediately
my back was up, like I was about to I
was about ready to get on the defense.

Speaker 1 (09:12):
Oh really, no, I thought, because I often think about this,
and I'm like, man, it'd be great if like if
everyone got afif.

Speaker 3 (09:18):
Phones, we wouldn't have the pressure of my mind.

Speaker 2 (09:20):
Do you know what I mean it sounded like he
was giving you a hard time, like he was yeah.

Speaker 1 (09:25):
But then I ended up taking his side and then
we just had this massive tip for like twenty minutes.

Speaker 2 (09:31):
Well, good for you, and maybe I should take a
leaf out of your book, because I feel like I
would have just gotten into an argument, like kid out, mate,
I'm allowed to be on my phone. I don't know
you're a t I don't want to.

Speaker 3 (09:47):
I feel like it's coming more and more frequent. So
no doubt there's going to be something that happens this week.

Speaker 1 (09:52):
Coming up next, we want to know your stories.

Speaker 2 (09:57):
On faux pas with technology.

Speaker 3 (10:00):
We'll go it next.

Speaker 6 (10:03):
Maddy and PJ.

Speaker 2 (10:05):
Mady and PJ the podcast. Do you think you're good
at flirting? Were you a good flirt back in the
day when you were single?

Speaker 7 (10:15):

Speaker 3 (10:16):
God, No, I.

Speaker 1 (10:19):
Could be flirty, but then I think I get too
excited and then I'd ruin my own game.

Speaker 3 (10:25):
I didn't have much game.

Speaker 6 (10:26):
You know what.

Speaker 2 (10:26):
I imagine you would have taken it one set to far,
like you were great, into a point, and then you
tipped it over an edge and you Yep, that's it.
That's one of my friends was at like a client
meeting with a few different people, and there was a
particular person that was part of this meeting that my

friend thought he's a bit of all right, and they
thought that they would go on to Instagram after the
meeting to kind of, you know, do a little bit
of stalking, little bit of stalking with.

Speaker 3 (11:01):
It, just just have a little check out, see if
everything looks all right.

Speaker 2 (11:05):
And here's the thing. My friend is gay, and so
he was trying to ascertain whether the person that he
had the little crush on might also be gay. And
one way of doing that is to look up the
mutual friends.

Speaker 3 (11:17):
Who they followed.

Speaker 2 (11:20):

Speaker 3 (11:21):
Yeah, yeah, I know, you're.

Speaker 2 (11:25):
Exactly. So he thought I'll do that, but got onto
the profile and it was private. You know, you had
have to request the follow follow. It wasn't able to look.
But actually producer Seria was showing me, you can still check.
You can still click into your mutual friends, Oh can you? Yeah,
even if the profile was private. So he was I

think he might have been trying to do that, click
on that. But what he actually did was click on
the request follow button on Instagram and had sent it
to this guy who he had had a very very
minor but very professional interaction within a client.

Speaker 1 (12:05):
Make sure that's real, Keen, that's so keen, right? Is
there any grace period in that time where if you
do that? Can you request the follow?

Speaker 2 (12:17):
You and I attended logically Inette, So I'm going to
go to the gen Z gen Z, can you produce
a serra?

Speaker 8 (12:25):
I don't want to promise anything, but I believe if
you if you do it as quickly as you've as
you've clicked follow, if you quickly click on unrequest and
Lissa are looking at their phone or they have their
phone open and see their notifications, it should disappear.

Speaker 1 (12:39):
The issue with me the notifications up already, then can
you get rid of that you screwed? On you?

Speaker 2 (12:44):
I think you're screwed. I think you're screwed. And the
issue with me is I would get in such a
flat that my first instinct wouldn't be to quickly unfollow,
and then it would be gone. So now I'm waiting
for the rest of the wrap up of the story.
Did this guy accept the follow request or what happened?

But this is we've all been there, right, We've all
done some sort of faux pas, whether it was accidentally
friending someone accidentally maybe liking an old photo, whatever it is.

Speaker 3 (13:16):
Do you know what one of my biggest fears was
on Facebook? Because I think I'd heard about this happened
to a friend.

Speaker 1 (13:22):
They'd been searching the X on Facebook, just stalking, seeing
what they were up to these days, and instead of
searching the name, they made it.

Speaker 3 (13:32):
Okay, so it is my biggest berl Did I do that?

Speaker 2 (13:36):
Okay? Well, we want to know your social media faux pas.
What did you do that got you into a little
bit of trouble?

Speaker 3 (13:45):
No judgment, We've all been here.

Speaker 1 (13:46):
You can stay anonymous if you want your tech faux past.

Speaker 6 (13:50):
The podcast.

Speaker 3 (13:53):
And me talking your tech faux past stories.

Speaker 2 (13:56):
My friend today was in a client meeting and thought
one the guys in the meeting was quite cute, So
I went to a little bit of Instagram stalking and
accidentally requested to follow him. Do you remember earlier this
year I send maybe I went to send it to you.

Speaker 3 (14:13):
No, no, it was to your husband.

Speaker 2 (14:15):
Maybe it was to my husband an Instagram story of
quite a cute guy, and I sent it to him
and I wrote the comment oh my god. Underneath I
accidentally had replied to this guy's.

Speaker 3 (14:31):
Did he ever see it? Did he ever reply?

Speaker 2 (14:33):
Never replied?

Speaker 3 (14:34):
So good, so good.

Speaker 7 (14:37):
So we got you to your tech faux pa stories
coming through on the tics machine up four four eighty seven.

Speaker 3 (14:43):
I'm on a weight loss journey.

Speaker 1 (14:44):
We got a new terminal and I didn't realize I
had Bluetooth, and I put my weight into it and
I put it up on Facebook Stories for everyone to see.

Speaker 3 (14:52):
Honestly, it happens to the best of us.

Speaker 2 (14:54):
Totally. Some people probably went, go, you well done.

Speaker 3 (14:57):
Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 2 (14:59):

Speaker 1 (15:00):
The message I was uploading something to Facebook Marketplace and
one of my bikini picks accidentally slipped through. Wasn't until
twenty minutes later I realized what I had done. Oh
god again, very easy to have him produce a syrih.
You've had a bit of a tech foar, haven't you.

Speaker 8 (15:15):
Actually, I'm really embarrassed about this. I don't know if
I want to tell it, no, tell us, Okay. Earlier,
PJ you were saying your biggest fear is that you're
going to someone up on Facebook and accidentally.

Speaker 3 (15:23):
Put it as your status.

Speaker 5 (15:25):

Speaker 8 (15:25):
Yeah, so I did this, but on Skype, which I
feel like no one really uses Skype Match anymore, but
got so embarrassing.

Speaker 6 (15:34):
I was looking for the.

Speaker 8 (15:34):
Sky from high school.

Speaker 3 (15:35):
I didn't even think he was cute.

Speaker 8 (15:37):
I just was on Skype back when I used to
use Skype, and I just wanted to see.

Speaker 3 (15:42):
If he had a profile. I don't even know why.
I swear to God, you just killed my crush.

Speaker 8 (15:46):
She was curious and on Skype, when you make you
can make a status. You literally legit, cannot delete it,
you cannot delete it. And so I'm just going to
name him Chris Smith was his name, hate Chris, And
I wrote Christo and it's shipping and it was my
status on Skype for.

Speaker 7 (16:04):
To this day. Chris Smith is your like me to
be like an about you?

Speaker 1 (16:09):
Like so Sarah Hey, like normally it would be just
like a little kid.

Speaker 8 (16:12):
Maybe it was like a bubble or something.

Speaker 2 (16:19):
So God, even I was teaching romantic things to my partner,
but instead of sending it to my partner, I send
it to my mother in law.

Speaker 1 (16:28):
Oh God, It's one thing being your own mum, but
then your partner's mom.

Speaker 2 (16:33):
The podcasts, no funny, no money.

Speaker 1 (16:40):
All right, this is where you get to be a
stand up comedian. Oh wait, hundred the hats. If you
think you've got a good joke and you think it's
going to get a lump out of many and.

Speaker 3 (16:49):
Myself, call up.

Speaker 1 (16:51):
Please tell us you'll be a struck and if one
of us laughs, we're going to hook you up with
fifty bucks. Just been a chemist warehouse.

Speaker 2 (16:57):
That's all started because at the start of the year,
you and I got asked by someone to recite our
best joke, and we just neither of us had one
in our repertoire.

Speaker 3 (17:05):
It's just the retention, and I still think my attention
is really poor, to be honest.

Speaker 1 (17:09):
Every week we do this and I reason they will
still go over my head.

Speaker 2 (17:12):
I'm still on board with a little coffee table book
at some point.

Speaker 1 (17:15):
Yeah, yeah, we could put together all of your best
jokes and have like your name, like Jeez from christ Church. Anyway,
All right, let's go to the phones eight hundred the hats.
Rachel is first up. Rachel, wats your joke?

Speaker 9 (17:28):
Here's one for the joke book for you guys that
we do. The bees go wheeze?

Speaker 2 (17:34):
Where do the bees go?

Speaker 1 (17:35):
Are the bees go wheeze? And the is it something
that rhyme's like in the lavatories?

Speaker 2 (17:42):
No, at the BP station.

Speaker 7 (17:44):
Oh, come on, Rachel, I really wanted to give you
a laugh here.

Speaker 3 (17:52):
We have to stand firm this week.

Speaker 2 (17:54):
We have to we have to be I'm so sorry, Rach.

Speaker 3 (17:59):
But have it. Have a great week in Rachel. Thank
you so much for playing.

Speaker 2 (18:02):
It was good. I liked it. I loved it was
I love a bit of cheese. I love a bit
of cheese.

Speaker 1 (18:08):
It was cute, it was cute. It was a good
starting point. Let's go to Carissa and Christitch oh and
the hats Hi Carissa, what's your joke? Hello?

Speaker 3 (18:17):
What do you call a one legged kiwi one legger?
Keyw what?

Speaker 7 (18:23):
Not even bro?

Speaker 6 (18:26):

Speaker 3 (18:26):
I couldn't hear what you say, not even bro.

Speaker 2 (18:32):
That's good. It's not not even lopsided, not even bro,
not even brow bro.

Speaker 6 (18:43):

Speaker 1 (18:45):
I was, but it cut out when it just sound
a little bit bluey all my Brind's.

Speaker 3 (18:49):
Just extra sk after.

Speaker 2 (18:51):
I liked it.

Speaker 1 (18:52):
Okay, thirty bucks of you this minute, Kimes mer House.

Speaker 3 (18:55):
There you go. All right, let's go to Geese.

Speaker 1 (19:00):
Hundred hats hi years Hi, what joke have you got
for ours?

Speaker 9 (19:06):
It's called the puddles joke?

Speaker 2 (19:09):
Or sorry? Start again, stud again free ducks.

Speaker 9 (19:13):
Walk into a bar. The first that comes in, the
bartender ask how was your day. The duck replies, my
day is great. I've been going an out of puddles
all day. The second duck comes in. The bartender asked
the same question. The duck replies, my day is great.
I've been going in and out of puddles all day.
The third duck comes along. The bar thing says, let

me get you've been going in and out of puddles
all day. He says, no, my name's Puddles and I've
had the worst day.

Speaker 3 (19:49):
Hang On, hang on, hang on. An explanation of yeah,
a little naughty.

Speaker 2 (20:03):
Is the best joke we have had on fun.

Speaker 3 (20:08):
Okay, jeez, there is a definitive laugh from many. He's
going to have to explain it.

Speaker 1 (20:13):
Of the air, jeez, we've got fifty bucks in you
to spend at Chembus Werehouse.

Speaker 2 (20:18):
Thank you, jeez, well done. That was brilliant. I'll explain
it to you. Of your peace.

Speaker 6 (20:27):
Maddy, J, Madi and PJ the podcast The.

Speaker 2 (20:31):
Head Mistay Page, No mistay.

Speaker 3 (20:35):
I don't know how I feel about this.

Speaker 2 (20:38):
Well, you should mean, I'm excited. It's almost like you're
rubbing off on me. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (20:43):
But then, so you started going to yoga. When was
the first time you went?

Speaker 2 (20:48):
It was about three weeks ago. Let's let's call the
spa spade. It was my second session.

Speaker 1 (20:54):
But still you've gone for a round two, which I
didn't think would happen.

Speaker 2 (20:58):
I'm calling it here and now, if you ever see
me at Crystal Castle, slatman.

Speaker 7 (21:06):
But you're one step closer. Now you've got to yoga.
You're one step closer.

Speaker 2 (21:10):
I will indulge you in a little bit of yoga,
thank you. So I went back to hot yoga today.
I did talk about this on the show. About three
weeks ago, I went to my first ever hot yoga session.
Here's the thing about hot yoga. It's hot, right, You've.

Speaker 3 (21:26):
Got to be prepared. Did you take a massive bottle
like I need that?

Speaker 1 (21:30):

Speaker 2 (21:30):
I drank the whole thing in about half an hour.
M My towel was sopping, weird.

Speaker 1 (21:37):
Drapping a something so satisfying about sweating that much. You
just feel like you've really done a lot.

Speaker 2 (21:42):
Totally. Something happened today. I got there and there was
a guy behind the reception and it felt very much
like he was maybe the boyfriend of the owner or
something and had been roped in to just like work
the reception desk or something. Well, he didn't look like
he belonged to didn't look like he belonged excuse me,
didn't look like he belonged at all. Right, But I thought, well,

that's fine, he's just cheeking us in and working reception.
And anyone can you know, not you do that. Anyone
can do that. And then we got into the room.
And the last time I went, there was a woman there.
She was very she was very calming. She's really soothing
tone to her voice, smelt.

Speaker 3 (22:22):
Like essential oil, had a crystal necklace.

Speaker 1 (22:25):
I know that.

Speaker 2 (22:25):
She was very kind and delicate when she told us
the posers.

Speaker 3 (22:29):
And sipping on a herbl tea as she welcomed you
into the studio.

Speaker 2 (22:33):
So imagine my surprise when the big, burly Irish receptionist
came into the room and said, I will be your
instructor for the session.

Speaker 3 (22:46):
I'll bet you were incredibly excited.

Speaker 2 (22:49):
Well, it was just so out of place. And then
he started talking and this really there's no softness to
his tone. Well like welcome class, Yes, exactly like that,
and kind of right barking these owners us, and for
someone who's only ever been to two, this is my
second class. The speed with which he delivered the instructions

for us to do these posers, I couldn't keep up.

Speaker 3 (23:15):
Was it more like you should be in a Liz
Mill's grit class.

Speaker 2 (23:17):
It was so funny, it was it was It was
like eighties aerobics, right and with this kind of gruff,
burly Irish man. And I just thought, well, you are
not at all what I expected from my yoga instructor.

Speaker 3 (23:32):
Today yoga comes in mini shaps, and it does it what.

Speaker 6 (23:37):
The podcast.

Speaker 2 (23:40):
Content on this show can come from so many different places, right.

Speaker 3 (23:45):
Like, absolutely, what do you?

Speaker 2 (23:47):
I reckon the key things, the key places you and
I find content the supermarket, the cafe, the petrol station.
Yes you're beg on the petrol station.

Speaker 3 (23:58):
Yeah, beg on the old server.

Speaker 2 (24:00):
The other one that I would say is front and
center for you and I is our beloved husband's Ryan
and BJ.

Speaker 1 (24:08):
They I think it's because they're secretly a little jealous
of us in front of the microphone, and they often
think they could do a good a job than us.

Speaker 2 (24:15):
They regularly think that, and it's a scary thing. Sometimes
I feel like if we give them too long a leash,
it's take it and it will be the Ryan and
BJ show before we know. I totally agree with you.
But one of my favorite things is when you tell
a story about BJ and you do an impersonation of
your husband, do you.

Speaker 7 (24:36):
Think it's fairly accurate?

Speaker 6 (24:37):

Speaker 2 (24:38):
Producer Sarah and I went back through the archives and
there were a lot of a lot of clips to
pull from, but we have put together a little bit
of a I guess the best bits of your impersonation
of your lovely, lovely husband BJ.

Speaker 1 (24:53):
It was like, no, no, it's all good as an ogre,
but I just I just she's just really nice.

Speaker 3 (25:00):
And else BJ will shed.

Speaker 2 (25:01):
A light on did I see a light?

Speaker 3 (25:04):
He's like, baby, I'm going bush and I was like what.

Speaker 2 (25:07):
He goes, I'm gone Bush. So we talk. He's like,
me and the.

Speaker 3 (25:12):
Boys are going growing up, do some.

Speaker 1 (25:14):
Hunting, and he goes, Babe, can you We just got
to keep the fire ruins stuff. Andon, just keep it
fire humming and get the logs on.

Speaker 3 (25:21):
I don't know where the list comes from, because, to
be fear, he does not actually have a list.

Speaker 2 (25:26):
He also doesn't sound like like the end Atholic cave
man either.

Speaker 3 (25:32):
But this I just like to paint the picture of
him being like a big, burly farmer. The voice has
to do that.

Speaker 2 (25:39):
Well. I feel like you make him sound like an idiot,
And so I thought for the definitive answer on whether
this was a good impersonation or not, We're better go
straight to the source. So please welcome to the show
your husband, BJ.

Speaker 3 (25:52):
Oh no, what are you doing? I thought you're on
the farm.

Speaker 6 (25:56):
He is on the phone.

Speaker 2 (25:57):
He said to go up high, he said, to hoon
up on the quad bite to find some reception on
the farm. What do you recon BEAJ? What do you
think of the impersonation? She makes you sound like a dumb,
dumb idiot.

Speaker 1 (26:15):
To be honest, I imagine, Well you have had me
up about this at home sometimes and you're like.

Speaker 3 (26:22):
Silent, Oh, I just need to do it again.

Speaker 2 (26:25):
You have to do it again.

Speaker 1 (26:27):
Why don't you give a fear impersonation of me?

Speaker 3 (26:30):
BJ? Do you think you could sound like me? I
think you're the ones. You're there, one with a profession
and talking. You have the list. I don't know it anyway,
if there's anything wrong with list?

Speaker 2 (26:44):
So out of ten, BJ, what do you reckon the
impersonation of you as a solid tree three and that's
been generous. I reckon the friend. Yeah, so listen to him.
It sounds like a very wonderful.

Speaker 1 (27:02):
Would you like me to sound like a well articulated
English gentry.

Speaker 2 (27:08):
Of job, sort of a ring exactly? E?

Speaker 3 (27:12):
What are you doing?

Speaker 6 (27:13):
Where are you are?

Speaker 4 (27:14):

Speaker 6 (27:14):
Have you got set?

Speaker 3 (27:15):
What's going on on the farm. I've just got off
the b to come talk to you.

Speaker 6 (27:20):
Who's off the.

Speaker 2 (27:26):
No? No, no, no, no no, you know I've got
nothing but love for you, my friend. Thank you, Thank
you for being with us. Thank you for hooning up
to the top of the hill on the on the
quad bike. Mpjill work on her impersonation, all right, help
her out.

Speaker 1 (27:43):
My darling husband, beach And who speaks nothing but the
finest of English.

Speaker 6 (27:48):
Thanks Beach, many and PJ.

Speaker 1 (27:52):
The podcast Amy Shark Heavy Friday, thank you so much for.

Speaker 3 (27:57):
Joining us this afternoon. Thanks for having me. It's so
good to be back here.

Speaker 2 (28:00):
This is such a treat for us.

Speaker 1 (28:02):
Yeah, I know, how long have you you got an Indian?
Is it a quick and an out kind of trumpless time.
It's a real quickie, man.

Speaker 7 (28:10):
I wish I had longer, But yeah, I've just been
here for a couple of days but been going really
hard and it's it's it's so nice.

Speaker 2 (28:18):
It's so nice to be back. What do you mean
by going hard?

Speaker 1 (28:21):
Just just.

Speaker 7 (28:23):
No, not not like not hitting the clubs I wish, No,
just a lot of like talking to people and playing
the song and it all feels really good. So yeah, well,
you've got a brand new album called Sunday Sadness due
to come out in August. How are you feeling and
the nerves starting to creep in as August de scends
on us kind of Yeah, just it's like, you know,

it's lived with me for so long, and like every
artist says, it's like once people hear it, it just
feels it feels really strange.

Speaker 3 (28:54):
It's like, yeah, because it's just been hiding on my phone.

Speaker 6 (28:57):
For so long.

Speaker 3 (28:57):
But I'm so damn proud of this one. You know,
it took me to my third album to know.

Speaker 7 (29:02):
I feel like I just know how to put a
body of work together now and it all flows so nicely.
And there's some there's some really great stories in amongst
this this album, So you've.

Speaker 2 (29:12):
Got a bit of Kiwi help as well with this one.

Speaker 3 (29:14):

Speaker 7 (29:14):
Always man, always have the Kiwis involved. They know, they
know what's up. So what have we got?

Speaker 3 (29:20):
We've got Joel little on a song.

Speaker 7 (29:22):
I mean you don't, Yeah, you don't leave Joel Littles
without coming out with a song because he's just so good.
Sam DeJong produced Two Friends, did Two Friends with Sam
DeJong and then Dan Hume is just all over the
album from Evermore So Yeah, it's bloody Kiwi's everywhere.

Speaker 3 (29:43):
You can't escape us.

Speaker 10 (29:45):
I love it.

Speaker 3 (29:46):
I absolutely love it.

Speaker 1 (29:47):
I mean you say you're different on Sundays, Why are
you the most different on this album? Like you feel
like you've got a little more emotional on this ride.
Can you took us through that?

Speaker 7 (29:56):
Yeah? I think it's just it just feels since I
was a kid, even I just like, you know, it
gets a Sunday afternoon you've got school tomorrow, and it's like, ah,
this is crap.

Speaker 3 (30:06):
And then even in as an adult, I don't know.

Speaker 7 (30:09):
I just like sit there and there's usually something really
email on TV, like a sad current affair thing on
someone's lost someone and it's really sad, and then I
sit there and think, man, I really haven't spoken to
that family member in a while.

Speaker 3 (30:24):
I've got to do this and where's my bloody birth ticket?
And I've got to change things up. I'm not doing
things right and it just it just messes with my head.

Speaker 7 (30:32):
And also, like everyone is every I feel like everyone
I know is busy and got plans on Sunday and
usually I'm just like not and I don't have a
nine or five, so I'm just like sitting there waiting
for you know, the label to get back so I've
got someone to talk to, and like, you know, I'm
so it's so sad.

Speaker 3 (30:49):
My life is so so sad.

Speaker 1 (30:52):
You need to find pouring it all into an album
which is so healthy exactly.

Speaker 3 (30:56):
Yeah, yeah, I mean that's what happened.

Speaker 7 (30:57):
I just ended up turning Sunday nights into my time
to like really finesse the album and finish it.

Speaker 2 (31:02):
So do you know what I've found on Sundays lately?
And it's not it's not like this is a new concept,
but I've just recently got on board with it. A
good Sunday roast at a pub.

Speaker 3 (31:12):
Oh I can't.

Speaker 7 (31:15):
Yeah, I need to find somewhere that's got a good
roast happening. But what my album cover is me eating
pasta because that's usually my my favorite thing to get
through Sundays. Is like, well, at least I'm going to
eat Italian tonight and a bucket lit of wine.

Speaker 2 (31:28):
Well, so that's gonna help. Next time you come to
New Zealand, let me know I'll take you for a Sunday, right,
sweet perfect, I switch it up.

Speaker 3 (31:35):
Yeah, I've had too many cabs.

Speaker 1 (31:37):
Actually, I mean you are coming back in October for
the Sadness Tour.

Speaker 3 (31:41):
You're gonna be playing Auckland's town Hall. It looks so
stunning and it sounds so official. Everyone to the town Hall.

Speaker 2 (31:49):
It's such a nice ving you people.

Speaker 3 (31:51):
I love this. Yeah, yeah, I can't wait.

Speaker 2 (31:54):
And we thought we'd get a little bit of a
taster of what's to come. You're going to perform for us.

Speaker 4 (31:58):

Speaker 7 (32:00):
The new single out now is called two Friends, so
I feel like I should give that a bit of
a rum.

Speaker 1 (32:05):
Okay, well, here we are any Shock Live with an
acoustic version of a new single Toe Friends on the Hurts.

Speaker 5 (32:17):
Just had a crazy flashback of a night ware you
were saying words that we know weren't right, and I
feel like things have never been the same between us.

Speaker 3 (32:29):
Who gives damn we made.

Speaker 11 (32:31):
Our eyelight to everyone who asked me about that night,
and you try to play it cool?

Speaker 3 (32:42):
Cuckoo kuchoo up baby.

Speaker 10 (32:45):
Maybe we could find a nice place somewhere in the
middle of secrets and love. Maybe there could be a
little romance between friends who are falling in love. And
maybe if it stay at my place, no one's have
a home, and I'll lock up the gate. I wish

we could tell the whole world two.

Speaker 3 (33:09):
Friends who are falling and falling in love. Today was
just one of those days.

Speaker 10 (33:20):
What a bitch, just to think I gotta wake up
and do it all again, and you're all stressed out
and don't know who to trust.

Speaker 3 (33:29):
Is everyone gonna find out about us?

Speaker 10 (33:32):
I don't know, I don't care, and I don't regret
one second if it to you, So let's try to
play it cooock could shoe my baby. Maybe we could
find a nice place somewhere in the middle of secrets

and love. Maybe there could be a little romance between
friends who were falling in love.

Speaker 3 (34:00):
Maybe you could stay in my place.

Speaker 10 (34:03):
No one's aid home, man, I'll lock up the gate.
I wish we could tell the whole world two friends
who are falling and falling in love.

Speaker 7 (34:14):
Hoo oh ho oh.

Speaker 1 (34:25):

Speaker 4 (34:25):
Sarah told Becky, and Becky told Tigan, and Tigan told Sophie.
Sophie sturnds with Crystal and Crystal told Sally, Sally loves
Daniel and Daniel told Katie. Now Katie hates me, Sarah
told Becky, Becky told Tigan, Teagan told Sophie and Sophie
surns with Crystal and Crystal told Sally Sally loves Daniel

and Daniel told Katie, Okay, he hates me.

Speaker 3 (34:51):
Maybe we could.

Speaker 10 (34:52):
Find a nice place somewhere in the middle.

Speaker 3 (34:56):
Of secrets and love.

Speaker 10 (34:58):
Maybe there could be a little ro Man's between friends
who were falling in love, and maybe you could stay
at my place. No one's ever a home man o'd
lock of the Gate. I wish we could tell the
whole world two friends who were falling and falling in love.

Two friends who were falling and falling in love. Two
friends who are falling and falling in love.

Speaker 3 (35:37):

Speaker 1 (35:38):
There was Amy Shark live on the Hats with an
acoustic version of a new single Toe Friends Beautiful.

Speaker 7 (35:45):
I mean.

Speaker 1 (35:47):
I hope you don't mind if we put you through
your paces this afternoon, because we love a bit of
rivalry between Kiwi's and Aussies, and I would say between
us as Australasian we have some pretty good music.

Speaker 3 (36:01):
It's pretty fair to say. Yep, definitely.

Speaker 2 (36:03):
Pj's regularly said that her party trick is that she
knows within a few seconds what song is playing, right,
So you reckon, you're pretty good at that.

Speaker 7 (36:13):
I mean, look, I'm very competitive, so I'm going to
give give it a really good go here.

Speaker 1 (36:20):
Yeah, okay, So we've got five songs from Australian OK artists.
As soon as you think you know the song, you say,
your name is your buzzer and we'll do best of five.

Speaker 2 (36:31):
Okay, are you ready for this?

Speaker 3 (36:33):

Speaker 2 (36:33):
Okay, all right, here's song number one, oh.

Speaker 3 (36:41):
Special by six sixty.

Speaker 7 (36:42):
That's it that they're like, they're like the Prime Minister's here, right, you'll.

Speaker 2 (36:49):
Get your look, you'll get your own prime minister.

Speaker 3 (36:52):
Very you know what I was about to just guess it?

Speaker 1 (36:58):
All right?

Speaker 2 (36:58):
And there's one to PJ. Hear song number two Amy.

Speaker 3 (37:03):
Whatever crowded house, there's freedom within, there's you know it
you know it. I don't dream it's over.

Speaker 1 (37:15):
Surely if she doesn't answer it with him five stickers,
I could come and for a.

Speaker 3 (37:18):
DeFi and a half.

Speaker 2 (37:19):
So I got that in. We're on a piece number three, Amy. No,
I'm going to have to give it to p J.
I'm sorry, Amy.

Speaker 3 (37:38):
The Veronica's forever they're going to kill They can't ever
see this. You've be in big trouble, so I'm patriotic
of you.

Speaker 2 (37:47):
No. So that's two to PJ. One to Amy, Amy,
I reckon. You can get this pretty quick, all right?
Song number four Amy.

Speaker 3 (37:56):
Jimmy Barnes work class man, just got it. Oh, let
you know that.

Speaker 2 (38:02):
So I'm just coming down to the wire. There's one
song left. Who gets it first?

Speaker 10 (38:08):
Going on?

Speaker 3 (38:10):

Speaker 9 (38:11):

Speaker 3 (38:13):
Six sixty?

Speaker 6 (38:14):
No, No, we'll give you.

Speaker 10 (38:23):
Oh it's like blue Oh good boo.

Speaker 2 (38:30):
I'm gonna I'm gonna have to call it.

Speaker 3 (38:32):
Can I go back in?

Speaker 2 (38:33):
Do you want one more?

Speaker 10 (38:34):

Speaker 7 (38:36):

Speaker 2 (38:37):
My god, on the tip of my tongue, it's dragon.
Are you olden?

Speaker 3 (38:43):
Would never give us another one? Is there another one
in reserves? Reserves?

Speaker 6 (38:48):
We really thought that one of you would have gone there.

Speaker 1 (38:51):
You come back to your phone Okay, Yeah, we can't
have a tie. We can't have a tie.

Speaker 2 (38:57):
One of you has to get this. Okay, you ready, breaking.

Speaker 7 (38:59):
Yeah and go Amy, Peach, Hey got your I used
to know.

Speaker 3 (39:07):
But there's another singer in it. Who's the other singer?

Speaker 4 (39:09):
Came Bra?

Speaker 2 (39:13):
Sorry Peach, Well done Amy taking it out today.

Speaker 3 (39:19):
It was close to it. It was a good battle.
It's a good battles tight.

Speaker 1 (39:23):
We'll have to do it again when you come back
next next time. Amy, thank you so much for joining us,
Amy Shark. Her brand new album, Sunday Sad Nose is
coming out in August. She will be here later in
the year as well for the Sadness Tour, playing Auckland's
Town Hall on Saturday, telfth of October.

Speaker 3 (39:39):
We can't wait to If you bear Amy, I.

Speaker 7 (39:41):
Can't wait to either. I'll see you guys there.

Speaker 3 (39:43):
Do another game. Hey.

Speaker 6 (39:46):
Maddy and PJ. Mady and PJ. The podcast The Heads
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