Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Welcome to Radio hodar Keys Off the Record podcast with
Greg Treven.
Speaker 2 (00:08):
Let's have a chat with Marlon's Dreaming Cured us are easy?
Speaker 3 (00:11):
Good? Ay? Greg?
Speaker 4 (00:11):
How's it going?
Speaker 2 (00:12):
Yeah really well? Thanks. You're in Auckland at the moment.
Speaker 4 (00:15):
Yep I live up here. Three of the band members
live up here and one lives down in multiple Tea.
Speaker 2 (00:20):
So you guys began in Dunedin. Some of you have left,
but one just wanted to hang on.
Speaker 4 (00:26):
We couldn't really convince him to get out of Dunedin.
It's actually really good. It's nice having an anchor down
there because I feel like all of us like to
go back, go to gigs and make music down there
as well. So it's actually been nice to have part
of the band still down there, as much as it's
logistically nightmarish.
Speaker 2 (00:46):
Right because you're on different islands, let alone different cities.
Speaker 4 (00:50):
Yeah, exactly. It can be tricky to get together for
a practice, but we seem to have found kind of
a bit of a flow.
Speaker 2 (00:56):
Is it a virtual experience or do you actually just
wait UNTI on the same.
Speaker 4 (01:00):
Room a huge ecological footprint where he flies up for
a practice for a weekend of practicing or a week
of practicing, take some time off work, which is asthetica. Yeah,
it is basically means he's got to be two hundred
percent more dedicated than we do because we just can
stay at our you know, at our homes.
Speaker 2 (01:24):
Yeah. And have you acclimatized to Auckland do you think? Yeah?
Speaker 4 (01:29):
I actually I like it here. It's got a pretty
good rhythm. I think like people say they can't feel
the heartbeat of Auckland, and I can understand that, but
I also feel like there's a few areas where you
really can feel quite a strong community, like in Mount
Eden is a great zone for eating all sorts of
different food right down Dominion Road there and Sandringham as
well has some amazing Indian food. And go to a
gig if you want to go to a gig. I
often find myself on kad or heading up the bars
or down that way, or going to a gig. And
if I was to adventure somewhere, I'd probably got to
Moody Way out to the beach. That's pretty beautiful.
Speaker 2 (02:13):
Are any of these locations mentioned in any of the
songs in the new album, or specifically the opening track.
Speaker 4 (02:20):
Hello am My Dear is a song about actually moving
up here and then heading back to Janetin and not
really recognizing it as the place that I used to live,
looking back at the past and figuring out where you
are at now and just evaluating that and sort of
going back and forth internally. That's kind of what the
song was roughly about. Yeah.
Speaker 2 (02:44):
Yeah, there was a song years ago by fly My
Pritty's called get Out about living in a small town
and some people live in their early lives, but this
particular person, the protagonist in the song, just wanted to
get out go see the world. Is there a little
bit of that? Do you think in this song?
Speaker 4 (03:00):
Yeah, there's a there's a huge feeling of getting out
and just breaking free of you know, where you're at
a little bit. I guess there's a bit of escapism
overtones through the song. But there's a weird other part
to the song where weird sentimental feelings as well of
the place that you might have left. So it's kind
of got a weird bit of sweet feeling. So it's
not quite all get out, get out, it's it's a
little bit reflective as well.
Speaker 2 (03:27):
And for anyone who hasn't heard the song before, what's.
Speaker 4 (03:29):
The vibe pretty pretty floaty, I think quite sort of chugging,
quite steady.
Speaker 2 (03:35):
Steady, chugging and floating. We've got to hear this new
from Marlins streaming. This is Hello my Dear on Radio Hoda.
Speaker 3 (03:42):
Hello, my damn.
Speaker 5 (03:48):
I must have trying to think I've been well, Hm,
Hello my dear, I've fallen through the quacks and it's
so loud that jnut not anymore way to a different
plans that I'm used to.
Speaker 6 (04:48):
I'll chuck.
Speaker 7 (05:01):
Quit broken.
Speaker 3 (05:15):
So that don't know. Oh, I swear it must thinking,
Hello my dear, your face is not a pin for
a mostly locane for myself?
Speaker 2 (05:58):
Where to a dip black stuff, distant.
Speaker 3 (06:16):
A check.
Speaker 7 (06:21):
And in a destic black those those to a dip
black set.
Speaker 2 (07:02):
It's Radio Hodarching. Let's bring new from Marlin's dreaming. It's
called Hello my Dear, and we're lucky enough to have
some MESI from the band on a zoom with us
now curlled us and me see thanks for bringing us
that tune.
Speaker 4 (07:12):
Yeah, I appreciate it. Thanks for playing it on the station.
Speaker 2 (07:16):
It's the opening track from your brand new album.
Speaker 4 (07:19):
The album is called Hurl. A lot of people have
been asking me if it's hier l if. It's like
an acronym, or it's pronounced how it's pronounced, but it's
just her like. I like to think of it as
like the wind rustling through some trees, kind of like
an automatic payer. It's hurling song yeah, or yeah, hurling yeah. Yeah,
the wind is early yeah, hurling wind.
Speaker 2 (07:45):
Sure, I don't know. Yeah.
Speaker 4 (07:47):
We have kind of been working on this for the
past three or so years. Finally managed to release it
about a week ago and have just been yeah, enjoying,
preparing to go on the road and play it live
next month in New Zealand and Australia. So yeah, it
feels good to release it.
Speaker 2 (08:07):
Where are you going to go?
Speaker 4 (08:09):
We're kicking things off on the twelfth of September in Totranger,
but then we're playing on the thirteenth and New Plymouth
fourteenth and Wellington, and then the nineteenth of September and Auckland,
the twentieth of September and Lyttleton twenty first and Duneda,
and then we head over to Australia and play the
twenty sixth, twenty seventh, twenty eighth of September in Sydney,
Brisbane and Melbourne.
Speaker 2 (08:35):
Wow, so it's three nights in a row in Australia.
You'll be traveling after each gig.
Speaker 4 (08:38):
Yeah, I mean, honestly, it's so expensive over there, like
I mean it's expensive here too, but I think when
you're not I mean it's like going to Great Britain
or something as well. It's when you're not earning the
currency over there, it becomes pretty hard to stay for
longer than a day with tour earnings, so you've got
to make it quick.
Speaker 2 (09:00):
Have you been to Australia before.
Speaker 4 (09:01):
We've been a tour three times before. But yeah, we
still haven't managed to make a buck over there, even
though we've had some really great successful tours. It just
becomes expensive traveling with all of your stuff. But man,
it's so fun, so fun to go and play offshore.
It's a crazy feeling.
Speaker 2 (09:19):
I guess when you're checking into the airport, you've got
extra baggage, so you've got to pay extra for that.
Speaker 4 (09:25):
I mean, yeah, we'll have three heavy bags each. That's crazy.
As a band, we haven't. We haven't hired a van
as of yet over there. We still have managed to
do like Uber Excels, we would maybe get order two
uber exls as a four of us and squeeze all
the bags in or just carry it and jump on
trains and Sydney and stuff and god, it's it can be.
Speaker 2 (09:54):
It's a good workout.
Speaker 4 (09:56):
Speaker 2 (09:56):
Absolutely, What are the authorities make of you? Do you
get any time from customs or anybody else when you're
trudging around cities and emports.
Speaker 4 (10:04):
We're quite a cruisy bunch of very polite if it
was me and you know, a bunch of other mates
trying to take all these big bags. I reckon, I reckon,
I be in the interview room pretty quickly.
Speaker 2 (10:16):
You mentioned that polite. It's not like you're a six
personal sort of given a bit of attitude as you
go through everywhere.
Speaker 4 (10:21):
Yeah, no, we're honestly not, as I feel like I
have it. I personally have a tendency to maybe be
that way under the influence of different people. But the
boys keep me quite grounded in check, I think so.
Speaker 2 (10:37):
Yeah, Well, these shows sound exciting for anyone who hasn't
seen Marlon streaming play before.
Speaker 6 (10:44):
We'll try to start off with a few bangers, you know,
first two or three songs. Try get things good ahead
a bit hard, you know, get the amps cranking, and
I guess tested out the room and I feel like, genuinely,
from the first three or four songs you can get
the edge of how the crowd feels.
Speaker 4 (11:02):
And it depends on the crowd. Sometimes the crowd's really
lively and dancing and it makes you feel like just
carrying on big energy songs, you know, and maybe saving
this a lot of the slow ones. Sometimes it's the
crowd's a bit more quiet and listening and there's not
a whole lot of movement maybe, and so we sort
of turn it down a bit and ease into it.
But it'll just be really from show to show. We've
got nine shows through Australia and New Zealand, So.
Speaker 2 (11:30):
Based on past experience, are there any cities in New
Zealand and are more likely to be one way or
the other?
Speaker 4 (11:36):
I think people are a bit more dancy in Wellington.
They tend to stand still in Auckland a little bit.
I find. I've found they're good listeners. It's good. I
do like a bit of people to rub shoulders with
each other a bit. It's I think can gives the
gig nice energy.
Speaker 2 (11:56):
So if we want to rub shoulders with people next
to us these venues around New Zealand and for anybody
in Australia get a mate. Thanks for listening in. Whereabout
do we find details on these tour.
Speaker 4 (12:08):
Dates marlinstreaming dot com or Marlin streaming on Instagram.
Speaker 2 (12:15):
And the same goes for checking out the new album
as well?
Speaker 4 (12:18):
Yeah yeah, absolutely. You just type a name and on
basically anything and it'll come up.
Speaker 2 (12:23):
So we see from Marlin's Dreaming. Thanks for your time
on hod.
Speaker 4 (12:25):
Ache Yeah thanks Greg.
Speaker 1 (12:29):
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Speaker 2 (12:37):
Thanks mate.
Speaker 1 (12:37):
Find out more about this podcast and the people who
make it at hodache dot co dot nz.
Speaker 3 (12:42):