Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Welcome to Radio Hodar Keys Off the Record podcast with Angelina.
Speaker 2 (00:07):
Gray Becksy's drummer Dave Lovering. Of course, just here playing
two massive shows at go Media Stadium with Pearl Jam
and have announced the coming back for November twenty twenty five,
playing Auckland and Wellington, two shows in each city. Hello Angie, Dave,
how are.
Speaker 3 (00:24):
You very good? Thank you for your time?
Speaker 2 (00:26):
Excellent? We hey, thank you, I will day first off,
congratulations on two stellar sets in Auckland.
Speaker 3 (00:32):
Oh thank you, Yeah, I mean the first one we
haven't played in a while. We pulled it off. I
think the second set I made up for it. We
do even better. But I've had great responses for both
of them, so I'm quite happy.
Speaker 2 (00:44):
Well, I think last time I spoke to you, you
said that you often don't write a setlist, you'll wing it.
Were you doing that over the weekend.
Speaker 3 (00:50):
Yeah, we haven't written a setlist. It's been probably since then,
if a lot longer. We only know what the first
song is and O soundman lating men do as well,
and after that it's just we, like you're saying, we
wing it to the end and it makes it interesting.
There's not a time you're looking at by looking at
a set list where you have to you can figure
out how long you have in the set. It just
you play, play, play. It's never the same. Ever, each
show is different, and you try to include as much
classics as you can, and it's it's one. It makes
it an adventure, it makes it fun.
Speaker 2 (01:25):
Do you then kind of go by the vibe of
the audience if they're yelling things out somewhat somewhat angie.
Speaker 3 (01:31):
Charles has a microphone that's kind of facing the drums,
and when he turns around and goes who is aunt,
he can speak into it and he can tell which
song is coming next. Or we have sandst hand signals
like our hands over a head forming like a steeple
is alec eifel. If it's a circle, it's a planet
of sound. If you're scratched under your arms, it's money
gone to heaven. So I mean, we have little different
things that can key everyone on, or there be songs
that go together so all automatically starts off thing else.
And if there is like I say, or as you asked,
I think Charles can read as well the audience if
it's something they're really wanting or whatever. We probably would
play it.
Speaker 2 (02:11):
I'm just thinking what a nightmare it'd be for your
technical stuff and the guitar ticks and drum ticks.
Speaker 3 (02:16):
Oh, it's a nightmare. I mean when are sound engineer
not knowing what's coming yet next, or like you're saying
a guitar change, It's like you don't know until it's
that song. You're not ready. So you got to grab it.
And the thing is, we've honed it. It's kind of
our stick. Now.
Speaker 2 (02:34):
Now you've got to test drive the new tunes at
the shows over the weekend. So what you had Motorola
Mossi made the Vegas Suite sounding awesome?
Speaker 3 (02:43):
Oh well, thank you. Yeah. I think we've had some
time to actually play them and learn them. I think
we're pulling them off. I think they're going very well
and they're only going to get better as I can
see just the repetition and playing. They're fun to play
in them. I'm very happy with how they sound. Now.
Speaker 2 (02:59):
I've got to say Richardson, but Lemon loved her from
Band of Skulls, so stokes to see that she's on
board with the Pixies.
Speaker 3 (03:06):
Yeah, yeah, Yeah, she's wonderful, wonderful voice, a great personality.
It's just a joy. She brings a whole new, a
fresh thing to us. So it's wonderful.
Speaker 2 (03:15):
I did read actually that she had to learn to
play the bass slightly differently, like use a pick because
she didn't before.
Speaker 3 (03:20):
Is that right? Oh, I don't know about that. I
didn't know. Okay, that's news to me if that is.
But but what she did is she learned a number
of songs at least our entire catalog and doing a
new album that we did as well. Yeah, it's impressive
what she.
Speaker 2 (03:36):
Did because obviously, you know, the big news is that
you you're coming back. You're coming back next November doing
Bostonova and Trumplamont.
Speaker 3 (03:45):
Bostonov and trump Lamont one night, and then the next
night will be a regular set, which is just all
the other songs and classic songs that we haven't played.
Speaker 2 (03:54):
Well, let's kick off with a couple of tunes from
the album, Bostonova for twelve o'clock Rock. Three tunes for
the Pixies joined by Dave the Drummer. This one's Valoria,
the first single release from it in July nineteen ninety
on Hodarkey holdarkey for twelve o'clock Rock today three for Pixies.
We are with drummer Dave Lovering coming to New Zealand
to play four shows Auckland and Wellington, Trump, Lamonde and Bostonova.
And it's entiretly that she right there from Bostonova. I
think my all time favorite dig for fire. I can't
wait to hear that live, so that'll be a moment.
So I'm looking forward.
Speaker 3 (04:51):
We're playing that really well.
Speaker 2 (04:53):
Now, okay, well i've seen you in I remember there
was a power Station show in Auckland, so a small
venue Spark Spark areing this and are in the show,
and now a stadium show. I have to say, the
really tight, sweetiness of the power Station I think will
still be my favorite. Like I love a big show,
but that's just there's something about Pixies to me that
is gritty and intimate and a bit punk here, you
know what I mean.
Speaker 3 (05:19):
No, I agree, and I think that that the intimacy
is our best, even the small, small shows maybe eight
hundred people. That's just wow, that's great And it's funny
because we're trying to we're trying to tell of the
songs that we do in the stadium now with Pearl Jam,
because you want you want to play songs that convey
that are kind of that stadium kind of thing, right,
which would be like the U Masses even the dig
for fires and stuff like that. Those kind of that
that carries a lot better I think than playing I'm
sure you can do a punk song and stuff, some
bad stuff, but those kind of things they convey better.
Speaker 2 (05:55):
Now. I've got to ask Dave. Last time we chatted
to you, it was a while ago, it was pretty lockdown. Actually,
since then, lockdown has occurred. And I love the fact
that during lockdown you were doing Magician Mondays or Magic Mondays?
Was it because for people who don't know on the side,
you run a magician jag. Are you still able to
do that on the side or not so much these days?
Speaker 3 (06:18):
I do it just for socially. I still continue, you see,
Magic Mondays is sound magic monthly because I've reached the
bottom of my bag of tricks. But I come up
with something at least once a month to do on
Pixies social media, and if not, I do it. I
entertain the crew and the band and just people on
the road or just socially wherever I am. It's just
fun to do.
Speaker 2 (06:44):
You're the guy that everybody wants to have on tour. Wow,
I'm going to go into the last of three Pixies
tunentes today for twelve o'clock Rock from the Back catalog.
We're going Surfer Rosa with Gigantic on Hodaki.
Speaker 4 (07:02):
And listen, I know his teeth is white as snow.
What a gas it words to see him walker every
day into a shit Please, he's a lip.
Speaker 2 (07:15):
She said, Pixies Gigantic on Hodarchy. You were wrapping out
twelve o'clock right with three Pixi's tunes. We had dig
for Fire here that and Valoria talking to Dave from
Pixies because I mean they were just here with Pearl Jam.
They love us so much. They're coming back again, playing
two shows in both Auckland and Wellington. And Auckland November
twenty third and twenty fourth at the Auckland Town Hall
and then Wellington the twenty sixth and twenty seventh Saint
James Theater. November twenty twenty five are doing Trump, Lamonde
and Bosonova the first night and full second night brand
new album with hits from across the catalog. Dave, I
gotta say, what's the story with coming back?
Speaker 4 (07:59):
Speaker 2 (08:00):
Do you love us that much?
Speaker 3 (08:01):
No, it's always nice ending the year here.
Speaker 2 (08:03):
Oh y, yes, I gotta say November great time of
year to be in New Zealand. Well, thank you so much, Dave.
We will see you when you get down here. Good
luck for the rest of the tour.
Speaker 3 (08:12):
Thank you very much, Andy, and wonderful to speak to
you again.
Speaker 1 (08:16):
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