All Episodes

January 10, 2025 • 11 mins

The latest edition of 'The All-Star Panel' features Sport News Director Clay Wilson and Rugby Commentator Ross Bond. 

The talk of this week - Martin Guptill has announced his retirement, will he be disappointed in the way things played out? 

Rugby sevens faces a fraught future with several million dollar losses.

And Warriors captain Tohu Harris has retired due to injury - where does this leave the team? 

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:06):
You're listening to the All Sport Breakfast podcast with Darcy
Waldegrave from News Talk SEDB All Sport Breakfast All Star Panel. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (00:16):
Claive Wilson joining us from the news room for our
All Star panel this morning alongside out of Wellington Ross
bond Morning to your BONDI happy.

Speaker 3 (00:22):
A year you two coops. How are you my friend?

Speaker 2 (00:25):
Very good? Thanks all the better for having you on
the show this morning. Let's talk Martin gup till now. Obviously,
this Black Caps one day series Bondie is wrapping up
alongside the retirement announcement that Guptill made during the week.
Obviously a few interesting comments made there on social media.
I guess we saw what felt like never ending farewell
tour for Tim Southey. Does he have a right to

be sort of a little bit disappointed with the way
things ended in Black Colors for him?

Speaker 3 (00:51):
Damn sure he has. I've just gone back through this
morning and looked at the numbers, and Guppy's numbers are
just sensational when you look across the three forms. He
put the fern on three hundred and sixty seven dimes
and one hundred and ninety eight ot of your eyes
still holds the highest individual score in a for the
two thirty seven he got at the stadium and he

was almost sort of just the door was shut on him.
I think the ironic thing around that too, And if
you read deeper into Marty's comments, it's about, you know,
they wanted to give younger players opportunities, i e. The
likes of Finelleen, etc. Who's now just sort of run
away and is playing in the leagues around the world.
So I think he's got every right to feel a
little bit miffed, as you say, after the never ending

South Farewell, perhaps gups and wags could go and just
sit quietly in a bar and Papamar and ever bear
together and talk about it.

Speaker 2 (01:43):
That could probably do quite a good speaking circuit, couldn't
they play with a few stories and a bit of
a few gripes.

Speaker 4 (01:49):
It reminded me of the Ross Taylor book with the
Grim Reefer car team, which some people will be familiar
while familiar with after he retired. But yeah, I mean,
I guess it's a real balance, isn't it. This is
the nature of elite sport. If you're if you're not performing,
no matter who you are, you know I'm of the
opinion that that you know, you don't just earn your
place in the team, as I've right, And you know,

Martin Gupill's form when he was kind of dropped out
of that team, you know, had had been reasonably averaged
for a long amount of time. And look, there's no
taking away from his record is superb and the things
he's achieved, that double hundred at the at the World Cup.
We all remember, you know, he didn't quite crack it
in the test game, but in the white ball format,
not only his batting was a was a brilliant fielder.

So do players deserve a farewell to it? Not not
in my opinion. But was Martin Gupdel cut a little
bit short? Perhaps when you look at the likes of
Finelle and who was brought in, you know, as the
new blood in that position and that has now gone
off and is doing the sort of T twenty solo thing,
I perhaps you can say that it's not it's not

the best look for New Zealand cricket in terms of
of how Martin Guptool's the last part of his international
career panned out.

Speaker 2 (02:58):
Yeah all right, Bond Clay.

Speaker 3 (03:00):
Yeah, So Clay that you know, I think you just
think about what you said. If your form's not good enough,
you're telling me that sou the form was good enough.

Speaker 4 (03:08):
I was of the same opinion and situation that he
didn't necessarily deserve the you know, you don't deserve the
farewell to it, but not taking away from your service
and performance. So in the same camp there.

Speaker 2 (03:19):
Yeah, all right, that's such a thing, isn't it. Fairwells
or no farewells? I think you know, it's an interesting
slippery slope they could have gone down this summer with that. Right,
quick break, I'm going to talk Seven's next here on
the All Star panel. Bit of an interesting article around
the future of that and yeah, the executives just the
treatment they get when they get around the world. Will
they have a quick break and be back with Ross

Bond and Clay Wilson right after this caught us nine
here on the All Sport Breakfast. We're with our All
Star panel, Clay Wilson and Ross Bond with us on
the show this morning. Right, let's talk SEVENS and the
headline reads SEVENS facing fraud future with the World Rugby
series of seven suffering multimillion dollar losses bond, you have

no surprises when your scan through and see, hey, well
shock horror. All the executives are eating up the budget
was their first class travel and five star accommodation. Shock horror.

Speaker 3 (04:14):
No, yeah, no, not at all. Look, and I think
it's a sad place for the Levin's circuit to be.
But I guess we look back at it's and I've
looked back at sort of some of the SEVENS tournaments
I've watched over the last few weeks, and back to
Cape Town and a few of those, and you know
when they were in Dubai, and you know that the
crowds are just non existent. The players now are, to

be fair, they're not household names. It doesn't have the
fids that it used to have. I mean, you think
back to Hong Kong. We used to stay up religiously
on a Sunday night and watch the boys plow through
and then it was a you know that that golden
era when we went through under DJ Forbes and the
women's team, that was just sensational. Yeah, I think it's
just become a bit of a gravy train for the

execs sort of wandering around and yeah, look, maybe it's
time to just have a pull back, have a look
at it and go back to two or three Markie
tournaments around the world, reinstitute Hong Kong, put another couple
in and maybe see if they can revigorate it. Because funny,
I sort of say, I can watch those tournaments before
Christmas and thoughts I think this game is in trouble.

Speaker 2 (05:20):
Yeah, and Clay, this is crazy given the its status
as an Olympic sport now where it does get the
eyes on it at this point every four years. But
that's about it.

Speaker 4 (05:29):
You wonder if the Olympic side of things and seven's
becoming an Olympic sports perhaps come with some cons as well,
and this is in a way is one of them.
That there's so much esteem and focus in terms of
sevens on the Olympics now that these World Series events
become a bit kind of ho hum for fans of
the sport, especially casual fans of rugby or sevens itself.

So yeah, it's really interesting. And you look at sevens
in terms of how competitive it is, and there's some
countries pop up in there that you think, oh, really
they're that good at rugby or at sevens, and it
looks like it's part of World Rugby's push to kind
of make the game more global. But the problem with
that is you're trying to crack into markets that are
so huge, and obviously we've got the World Cup coming

up in North America down the line, So perhaps that's
a better way to go about it, and they need
to just be a bit smarter and perhaps a little
bit a little bit less greedy with in terms of
the money and the coffers and how they're spending it
with this world series circond, because I don't think we
want to see Sevens disappear entirely, and we love to
see it at the Olympics obviously from a New Zealand
point of view, but there's obviously just way too much

money being spent in terms of this world series and
traveling and taking all these teams around the world to
all these various locations is a huge expense.

Speaker 2 (06:42):
Yeah, and body, it's not just Sevens that and the
rugby side of things right now is facing a few
financial woes, right It's pretty worrying across the board. Yeah
it is.

Speaker 3 (06:53):
And you know I kept talking about Guppy before, and
you think about all the t twenty cons that keep
popping up all over the place. New Zealand the course,
is probably just about the only cricket playing nation that
doesn't have an international T twenty competition, and now they
just keep popping up and it's like, wow, how are
these how's the money been pulled into this? So yeah,

I think it's it's sort of like, as Clay said,
we're sort of rolling down a little bit of a
precipice here had and going to come to the edge
of the cliff shortly, and some of these sports are
going to have to take a real serious hard look
at themselves. Interesting. I'm just thinking about, you know, the
seven Circuit, and I just wonder, you know, is it
and you look at our black fans, girls who had
been top of the world for so long. Interesting, how

many of them now cross coding and going to rugby
league and just the marquee signing of the Warriors MICHAELA
Blyde not long ago, and perhaps is that And also
that's got to be a red flag to the Seventh
Circuit as well.

Speaker 2 (07:47):
Surely yeah, exactly, all right, Clay, before we wrap up,
get your thoughts on Tomy Harris Warriors. So when does
this leave them now, you know, just just another setback
as we approached twenty twenty five n RL.

Speaker 4 (07:58):
Yeah, it is a setback. And while he was expected
to play, I can't say, you know when I really
thought about it, that I was that shocked to hear
the tahu Harris was retiring. I mean, he's been got
the tape that you know, the strapping tape bill at
the Warriors. For him over the last couple of years
must have been through the through the roof and he's
just been a warrior, like literally in the true sense
of the word, hasn't he So to see him step

down and to me, there's obviously a number of candidates.
Roger to Vasas Scheck is in there, and you look
at Mitch Barnid who's played for New South Wales now.
But to me, with James Fisher, Harris coming on board
and I know it's his first season, just what he's
done with the Kiwis and how he's performed as as
a captain, how he holds himself in that role. He
just seems to have so much money and that is

something at a team like the Warriors, which is what
they need. They need a player to follow. You look
at successful Warriors teams of the past. I look at
a player like Steve Price. He was someone who players followed.
He didn't speak a lot, but he really he demanded
commanded respect and the players followed him. So I look
at someone like James Fisher Harris among the contenders as
someone you give him that role and he's going to

be able to handle it along with the expectation of
his of his first year at the club.

Speaker 2 (09:05):
And Bondie is your violin out yet for Warriors fans?
So looking at the season ahead, oh.

Speaker 3 (09:10):
Mate, look coming from a Bulldog's camp where I sit, Yeah, look,
I hope they have a great season. Look, yeah, I
agree with with o'ld mate Clay there a lot. It's
it's Fisher Harris's the obvious choice, and it's the off
field stuff. And you know, listening to Cam George during
the week, it's not just the on field, it's the
off field. And I think, you know, talking about the

captaincy and those sorts of people. You've just got to
look at what Soirealdo did with Stephen Crichton who came
from the Panthers to the Dogs last year. They went
from basically you know out sort of it being the
night cleaners to pushing into a finals birth and it
was Stephen Crichton's leadership on and off the field. So look,
that's not like Fisher. Harris isn't known to the Warriors boys.
He's got carries, great mana he's won how many championships,

how many rings as he got them and just just
put him in place, put him there, and look, I
still think that they'll be a force to be wrecking
with this season.

Speaker 2 (10:00):
All right, got about a minute left, BONDI will comes
straight back to you on this one. Novak Jokovic, do
you want to see him get that twenty four Grand Slam?

Speaker 3 (10:07):
He's not going to center for me, and I think,
I mean, that's older body against younger body. It's the
defending champion's had a pretty stellar twenty twenty four el
Carez Center for me, are going to be the top
two through that and I think no Eck will feature
but not for me.

Speaker 2 (10:23):
Yeah, Clay, do you reckon? It's going to be someone
with a Dopen controversy holding the crownd stop and they're
all done it. Yeah.

Speaker 4 (10:30):
I know that's the off court stuff that seems to
be dominating the headlines, But I think The best thing
is is that how competitive competitive it is now. You know,
obviously the Big three, Big four dominance is over. And well,
I mean Djokovic wouldn't surprise me if he wanted. He's
still you know, he's been written off that many times
and come through. So let's see. Happy to have Nick

Carryos back in the mix as well. You know, he
always adds a bit of life to things. But it's
going to be great on both sides, men's and women.
Looks like a lot of competition for those titles.

Speaker 2 (11:02):
Awesome guys, Great to catch up, have a great weekend.
Appreciated time this morning here on the All Star panel,
Clay Wilson or Osborne's big weekend of sport aheads controversies
at the tennis. We love it. It keeps the entertainment going.
But I reckon Djokovic for the title. I reckon he
can do it and yeah, just showcase just what he's
made of in Melbourne. Over the next couple of weeks
seven to nine, Pine are going to join us next

to preview what's coming up on Weekend Sport This weekend.

Speaker 1 (11:30):
For more from the All Sport Breakfast with Darcy Watergrave,
listen live to News Talk set be on Saturday mornings,
or follow the podcast on iHeartRadio
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