Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:06):
You're listening to the All Sport Breakfast podcast with Darcy
Waldegrave from News Talk Z'B.
Speaker 2 (00:12):
A friend of the show and former managing editor of
n Z Fishing News, is with us smalling grants.
Speaker 3 (00:17):
Yes, good morning, Adam.
Speaker 2 (00:18):
How thanks, I'm very good. Thanks. More importantly, how has
well game fishing been. We spoke a little bit earlier
in the summer when you said it had been a
fantastic start to the season. How things been tracking these
last couple of weeks.
Speaker 3 (00:30):
Oh, I think the texting ramped up a little, Adam.
We were out there yesterday and while we didn't actually
bring any home, there are quite a few fish court
out of Mungi Fi of all places, just out the
back of the hen and Chickson about one hundred meters
of order. And I know one Marlon and several nice
yellowson that came out of the listening on the radio.
The pay of violence are still firing. At one stage
the whole radio was basically blanked out with people calling
up pluck ups on Marlon and Tuna. So that's all good.
And the fisher moves service south now into the bat
and down towards the escape.
Speaker 2 (01:09):
Any record breaking ways or anything like that yet.
Speaker 3 (01:13):
Well, they've got the first blue the other day out
at the Bay of Violence. It is a nice first
one thing. There's about two forty kilos for memory. You know,
normally the blues are the first to arrive, but this
year it's been this drips and the elephant. So yeah,
exceptional start, and I expect to be a lot more
caught over the next week or two, especially with the
warm more water and the way it is moving down
the case.
Speaker 2 (01:37):
Yeah, and just in general grant with the condition some
of them a bit a bit dicey in certain parts
of the country. Still see lots of lots of crews
heading out through the festive period.
Speaker 3 (01:46):
Yesterday it was absolutely diabolical at the ramp. We were
actually at Mangify ramp at five o'clock and there was
a queue of twelve waiting to get in to get
their boats in the water. Now the word spreads like wildfire.
Next minute, everybody's got their game gear out, which is meat,
and away they go.
Speaker 2 (02:03):
Well there you go, very good, right shellfish. I know
that's on a few people's lists of trying to get
a few from the shore. Puts your advice to them.
If people are looking at doing that this weekend or
over the next few days.
Speaker 3 (02:14):
Well, obviously one is that stick to the limits. You
can get hold of the fisheries people on their website
if you're unsure of the of what you're about to
take my advice to just take what you need for
a decent feed. And yeah, what's kind of happened on
outside of the coast has been really strong offshore winds,
which means is not much of a dump of surf
on the on the beach, and it's made shellfish gathering
a little bit easier and the shellfish have been backed
up our way first time really for a little while
and really being enjoyed by the holiday makers.
Speaker 2 (02:53):
Awesome grant. And so if you're out on the boat,
you know, looking to reel in some some fish across
the next few days in the weekend, what are you
what's your hot tip this week?
Speaker 3 (03:01):
Hot tip this week and it's one that is quite
common really, but take little bit of bait if you're
a lower fisherman squid in particular, cut off the little
slivers of the leaves and just add them to one
of the hops. That just adds a bit of natural
attraction to the to the lure. I know there's stuff
that you can get and add to it and just
that and the other thing of promises, but you can't
beat the real thing. And it doesn't have to be messy,
It doesn't make you not like a full on bait session.
Just a few little chunks of squid can make all
the difference between sausages and fish filets for dinner.
Speaker 2 (03:37):
That's very good. Well, we all like that. And in
terms of bite time scrunts, where's the best way to
find information on you know that the best time to
be out and hopefully catching something.
Speaker 3 (03:46):
Well, the site I use is ww fishing dot net
dot in set and you just go to that website
and head on the bike times and that gives you
the bike times for the next twelve months if you
want to go that far out. But I use that
regularly when I'm when i'm when I'm heading out, and
I plan my trips around them, so you can't go
past it. As I said, fishing dot net dot z
got lots of other really neat information on it as well,
but in particular I find the bike time space.
Speaker 2 (04:18):
Valuable, wonderful well for people around the country listening, what
do you expect the most common catches to be this
weekend around New Zealand at this time of year.
Speaker 3 (04:26):
This time in the Yeir of course, up north of
Salmon obviously blue clods further south, but over all the
areas calf away. They call it the people's fashion. You know,
people from far too long have turned their nose up
at this great species. But treat it like if we
are the fish. Look after it, put it on ice,
bleed it and makes smokes beautifully. It makes great fish
cakes and even just in with a little bit of
butter and flour, it's not a bad eating to straight
as a straight filet all.
Speaker 2 (05:00):
Right, well, plenty of options hopefully and hopefully lots of
successful people this weekend. Great to catch up. As always,
Grant really appreciate your time and your advice.
Speaker 3 (05:07):
No problems go well.
Speaker 1 (05:09):
For more from the All Sport Breakfast with Darcy Watergrave,
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