All Episodes

January 10, 2025 6 mins
  • Jim Dolan - Our Australian Correspondent, gives us the latest from the wonderful wide world of Aussie sport. 
  • Nick Kyrgios is back for the Australian Open, and everyone is loving it. 
  • Steve Smith is also back...
  • And a new superstar is emerging for the Women's Ashes series starting on Sunday. 
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    Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:06):
You're listening to the All Sport Breakfast podcast with Darcy
Waldergrave from News Talk SEDB.

Speaker 2 (00:11):
What's such a good time of year four, Kiwi sports
fans because so many of the world's big sporting events
are in Australia in this sort of early part of
the year. Obviously Formula One coming up, but obviously the
tennis as well, USKAUS. The time zone is absolutely fantastic.
Let's cross the ditch now, as we always do at
this time on a Saturday morning here on the All
Sport Breakfast. Jim Dolan is with us.

Speaker 3 (00:31):
Morning to you, Jim good adam. Yes, a lot of
long nights coming up very very soon, with tennis taking
us past midnight for sure.

Speaker 2 (00:40):
Oh absolutely. And I mentioned just before was talking a
bit about the tennis and Novak Djokovic a real walking headline.
You've got a walking headline of your own that you
don't need to sort of look too far away from.
Nick Kuriols, and I guess there's some genuine anticipation about
what he's going to offer at the tennis starting tomorrow.

Speaker 3 (00:56):
Well, you haven't missed at all. Everybody knows that Nick
Curios is playing and he's already declared that he can
beat everybody or anybody on his day, but he's also
played doubles with Novak Djokovic, who you may have seen.
Novaks still claiming that he was poisoned a couple of
years ago when he played in the Australian Open food poisoning,

but he doesn't want to talk about that, which is
pretty weird. And another one, Yanick Sinner, that defending champion
hasn't had the sort of welcome he was hoping for.
As the defending champ, he's been labeled a drug cheap
by mister Kirios. Sinner tested positive as we had in
the report to steroids twice last March, but the Italian
doping authority believes his excuse of cross contamination from his

physio and they allowed him to play. Wader has since appealed.
Curios says he shouldn't be playing, and of course Sinna
doesn't want to talk about it, but I don't think
it's going to go away. Nicks certainly let everybody know
he's back. He played doubles in Brisbane with his former
nemesis Novak Djokovic. He's also declared Australia on the verge

of another golden era in men's tennis, and says Alex
demon Or can win a Grand Slam, So have that, Alex,
a little bit of pressure on you and everybody else
will be ducking for Cover's just interesting to see how
long it can last in the draw. He does have
a slight abdominal muscle tear, so will that affect his
game if he won't affect his mouth?

Speaker 2 (02:23):
No, and there'll be works regardless, I'm sure, Jim. What
is Australian's view of Novak Djokovic right now? It's been
three years since all the big sort of you know
issues and and when things really hit boiling point between
him and I guess your country in a way. So
what's people's perceptions of him now?

Speaker 3 (02:40):
A lot of people have forgiven and forgotten because he's
certainly the king of rod labor Arena. Not sure if
he's going to be at his peak anymore, but I'm
sure he's pretty keen impress and do that. But yeah,
at the moment, people are sort of willing to forgive
and forget most of them. But we'll see once he
gets on court. I don't think there'll be any booze

or anything. Like that, but he doesn't seem to have
the aura he once had, and now that he's got
me side, I'm sure that Nick will be sitting in
the players box or something when tournament gets to the
what the end? Yeah?

Speaker 2 (03:13):
Very fascinating, isn't it? And just the event itself. You know,
we know how well supported as we know how Melbourne
just gets them behind the tennis. Is it looking to
be another very successful, well supported event this year? Yeah.

Speaker 3 (03:25):
Well, we've got three Australian men seeded in Jordan Thompson
as well as Alex Deemnor. Also Tanati Kokanaskis is playing well,
so I think the Australians are pretty excited at this
moment in time. That's our focus for the first week
and then of course we look at the big guns
after that. So Nick sang a few things about Sinner.

He won't be able to stay under the radar. He'll
have to talk about some of those things now, I'm sure,
especially with a warder appeal. So yeah, it's going to
be an interesting couple of weeks.

Speaker 2 (03:56):
All right, Crickets, your summer continues, Steve Smith, what's the
latest on Home?

Speaker 3 (04:02):
Well, he says he will be a more relaxed leader
when he kept his Australia on the Sir Sri Lanka.
Pat Cummons has declined to take part in that due
to the impending birth of for his second child. Today
Steve Smith, of course, is about to return to the
Big Bash, so the broadcasters are super excited about that.
The Sixers looking to get back to the top of

the ladder. They host the Perth Scorches in what's being
a double header today. Pretty sad that our international summer
is done, but like I said, the broadcasters are very
excited that they get the likes of Smith et cetera
back to the Big Bash for the run of the finals.

Speaker 2 (04:39):
Now international summer done and dust that after today as well.
But of a thing there Unfortunately, just as the weather
turns nice and a bit more consistent, Jim and well,
Women's Ashes tell us about you know, there's some new
characters and some quite big stars emerging from this sort
of Women's Ashes series.

Speaker 3 (04:55):
Isn't that Yes, not so fortunate with their Walmart matches
that have supped a bit of rain. But eighteen months ago,
Phoebe Litchfield jumped on the plane overseas at her Australian
debut tomorrow. She plays her fiftieth game for Australia, which
shows just how much the women's games come along, that
they're playing so much cricket and she's in the game

one of the first ashes, a very important lynchpin for Australia.
Now at the bat, it's the first one day we
played at North Sydney able. It's a mixed format the
way they conduct the women's ashes, just the one Test
and a number of one days in twenty twenty twenty one.
Litchfield captain the Sydney Thunder and the Win's Big Bash
this summer with guidance from the England veteran Heather Night.

They never discussed the ashes. Well they won't be able
to avoid it anymore, and Litchfield says the skippering aside
was a real eye happitor for her. She's looking forward
to just chilling in the covers for Australia. Well those
are words. Better not come back to buy it, because
if she misses the missfields or puts the cats down,
I'm pretty sure the skipper won't be happy with her

terms of chilling in the covers.

Speaker 2 (06:03):
Yeah, all right, well we'll watching with interest. There always
appreciate it, Jim. Great to catch up, enjoy the tennis,
enjoy everything else and offer and we'll chat again soon. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (06:11):
Like I said, a lot of that Late nights coming up.

Speaker 1 (06:14):
For more from the All Sport Breakfast with Darcy Waltergrave,
listen live to News Talk set Be on Saturday mornings,
or follow the podcast on iHeartRadio
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