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December 2, 2024 • 11 mins

THE BEST BITS IN A SILLIER PACKAGE (from Tuesday's Mike Hosking Breakfast) Who Wants Healthy Teeth Anyway?/Nobody's Doing Ten a Day/Biden Just Following Suit/No Spellcheck?/How Many Words of the Year Are There?

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Speaker 1 (00:09):
You're listening to a podcast from News Talk zed B.
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Speaker 2 (00:26):
There and welcome to the Rewrap for Tuesday, all the
best bits from the mic hustling Breakfast on newsbooks and
Vacilia package I Angle in Heart and today is how
super is like eating your vig's Saving for your retirement
is like eating your vigis That's what you wanted to know.

Speaker 3 (00:48):
Biden pardons Biden.

Speaker 2 (00:52):
The one used as a track driver story based on
completely wrong information.

Speaker 3 (00:59):
And we've got another word.

Speaker 2 (01:00):
Of the Year, which I think takes the total art
to at least three. Now is at least three words
of the year.

Speaker 3 (01:04):
Before any of that. The idiots in Northland are out.

Speaker 2 (01:09):
They seem to be in charge because they're getting rid
of fluoride in the water.

Speaker 4 (01:12):
Flu ride funny old thing. I like it personally, not
too much, just enough to help out in the water.
Not everyone, of course, she has that view, but sciences
on the right side of things, I think generally. Before
he left his job, Ashley Bloomfield, you remember him, he
issued an edict to a number of councils to fluoridate
the local water. He had the power to compel them
to do this. Most have, some have had a little
bit of banks around at tarn Or recently. Wasn't thrilled.

But the problem was if you didn't or don't, you
can be fined a couple of hundred thousand dollars and
then ten thousand dollars a day for each day after
that if you don't follow the rules. Fung Array on
Friday voted not to. Their argument was several fold. By
the way it was type vote seven to six. Public
gallery was full. I can bet who it was full of. Anyway.
The mayor says fluoride won't help the local area's dental hygiene,

which is of course complete nonsense and probably why we
have people specializing in the health area as opposed to
counselors who generally specialize in nothing. They also argued the
area doesn't want it. Addcent question to ask, does that matter?
I mean, are there areas and issues where the local
authorities don't get us safe, kind of like we don't
get to set our own speed limits, or whether we
pay our taxes or do you argue at local level

democracy is everything, mind you, even if you dig it
did argue that they didn't poll everyone, so who knows
what the locals and totality think. Interesting thing for me,
is this an issue you really want to die on
a hill over? If you're a council in the northern
part of this country, are you honestly telling me this
is as pressing as it gets. Forget the dilapidated state
of the place, the fact that it gets cut off

from the country too often, the grinding poverty, the health issues.
How long do you want the list? No, no, no,
we will defy Wellington and get fined over fluoride. See
too many councils nationally of late and not giving local
representation a good name, and this lot aren't helping.

Speaker 3 (02:55):
Here's what I know.

Speaker 2 (02:58):
I had perfect teeth for most of my life because
I always live somewhere where there was flu ride in
the water. People who lived on farms and such, it
wasn't on main supply, and they had terrible teeth. That's
the extent of my research. So I'm pretty happy about

floride in the water as far as I'm aware. I
haven't had any side effects any kind of me. I
don't even want to get into what the conspiracy theorists
I think it's going to happen to you if you have.

Speaker 3 (03:33):
Fluoride in the water.

Speaker 2 (03:35):
But yeah, can we just leave the science to the
scientists and stop doing your own research because guess what,
the places where you're researching aren't real places.

Speaker 3 (03:49):
Joe Rogan wrapped all right.

Speaker 2 (03:52):
So I for a while there, I thought this was
going to be a coming about five plus a day
that turned out to be about superannuation.

Speaker 4 (04:00):
A nutrition has once told me the old five to
day fruit and bench thing wasn't actually right. It was
more like tena day. That's why you might remember. They
changed it to a to day, and then they took
it back to five a day, which, as far as
I know, is where it is today. Five a day
was essentially a marketing line so that people could see
it as realistic because ten a day wasn't doable, or
so they thought so based on that, This is why
I'm raising this. What about at least a million dollars

in your bank account to retire? Does that freak you out?
That number of million dollars? It's the result of numbers
crunched by an investment advisor. As we want again to
bake the realities of Superannuationcy soupers five hundred and nineteen
a week or two lots to four hundred for a couple.
If you want more, the claim is you would be
wanting about seventy to one hundred percent of your pre
retirement income. Right, So that's easily for most people going

to require they've worked out in excess of a million dollars?
Is that then the equivalent of say ten fruit and
veg day for you? In theory, that's what you actually need,
but in reality you can't cope with it. So to
get even close, a person starting out on fifty thousand
dollars a year in their work life would be on
track to save three hundred and forty thousand dollars by
a retirement inner growth fund. And that assumes, by the way,

you don't take money out for a house. If you
want half a million, you'll need to save six percent
of every dollar you earn your entire working life. Your salary,
of course, might go up a lot, or it might not.
You're still on those numbers. Don't have a million bucks?
What if house? What's your If your house is worth
a million by sixty five, If so, do you affliic
that by half a million dollar? Unit in rural New Zealand,

take your savings? Is that the life you imagined? And
what if you didn't put that six percent aside because
you're oh, I don't know young. You care free and
grease and a motorbike and some partying is calling saving
of courses for another day, until of course you panic
in midlife and you wonder how the hell you're going
to do it. And that is why essentially we have
a retirement cost issue in this country, because we aren't

inherently sabers. And at least part of the reason for
that is the mentality that drives the idea in young
people that they could never afford a house. It's beyond them.
You can't afford a house, you can't save a million dollars,
you're not eating ten fruit and veg a day, and
around and around it goes.

Speaker 2 (06:03):
And then you've got the people who say that fruit's
bad for you as well, because as the sugar. And
to those people, much like the anti fluo people, I say,
shut up and go away, sound like you're in a
bit of a bad mood to day glean. No, I
just I can suffer falls up to a point, and
then they stopped.

Speaker 3 (06:20):
Becoming entertaining and become annoying.

Speaker 2 (06:25):
Biden hasn't stopped being entertaining yet, even though I didn't
even realize he's still you realize he's still president, even
though at the moment he's in ngola.

Speaker 4 (06:34):
Is Biden the worst president of the modern age? Given
what he did?

Speaker 1 (06:37):

Speaker 4 (06:38):
To be fair, Trump pardoned a whole lot of people.
They all do. And the idea originally was there might
be a few people there who don't deserve to be
in jail, and you, as a president going out, can
pardon them, and that's a nice thing to do. Of course,
it all turned to self interest and they just pardon
their mates. Paul Man of Fort Roger Stone, Charlie Cushner,
Steve Bannon, all those crooks got pardoned by Trump. So

for all the people who are going, oh, Biden's the
worst ever, but Trump's pretty bad. Obama, Chelsea Manning need
I say more. Bush only cleared a couple of hundred people.
Scoot Libby, remember Lewis Scooter Libby, former assistant convicted of
perjury Clinton four hundred and fifty nine people. One was
his half brother. Half brother had a bit of trouble
in the cocaine, so he got a nice pardon. Most

famous one, of course, is Nixon by Ford. So for
all the people, I mean, Biden's just hopeless. But it's
not like he's the first.

Speaker 2 (07:28):
And also, you know, it's not like he's making Biden
ambassador to France like Trump is going to do with
Charlie Kushner, who's his son in law's father, who he patented.

Speaker 3 (07:48):
America. What can you say a rerap? Right?

Speaker 2 (07:53):
This was fun Actually I wanted to want on Earth
Sam who says in the studio next to me, telling
me what to do, telling all of us what to do.
He's the executive producer, it's his show. Actually, I'm going
to be perfectly honest. I wondered what he was doing
zooming in on a still shot of one News last night,
and when I found out, it was pretty funny.

Speaker 4 (08:13):
So we come to TV one's news last night. Funny
funny is a fart. Susi's unemployed. Susie's a truck driver,
former truck driver. She says she's looking for work for
the last nime mnths. They can't find a job, so
TV one, God bless them. Punching truck driver in Hawks
Bay and it comes up on screen. Sorry, we couldn't
find anything. So hence their reports saying there are no
truck driver jobs and Hawks Bay difficulty is that they

spelt driver are the unusual way driv ber driver, So
not surprisingly, perhaps there are no driver jobs in Hawks Bay.
But if you spell it the I don't know, the
old fashioned way, which would be driv er no b
see the bes, not even silent and driver I don't

know if you know about that. But anyway, if you
spell it driv oh my god, there's sixty two jobs.
So Susie claiming not to have a job and can't
find a job is presumably not looking at the sixty
two that are available than Hawk's Bay.

Speaker 2 (09:11):
But I mean, if all those sixty two people are
wanting track drivers who can spell, and then she still
might be out.

Speaker 4 (09:16):
Of small problem.

Speaker 2 (09:18):
Yeah, I mean, I have a great deal of the
admiration for track drivers. Actually, the trucks are complicated to
drive and to operate, you know, load, unload, all that
stuff corner, and you do definitely have to be able
to read, because you'll need to know things like I
don't know where you're going, what you're picking up when

you get there, where you're taking that to where you're unloading, So.

Speaker 3 (09:47):
Go to the truckies. It's basically what I'm saying, and
what are you doing when news is also what I'm
saying there wrap.

Speaker 2 (09:54):
Maybe they need to brush up on their word of
the year, although we are now as of today after
three words of the year.

Speaker 3 (10:02):
How can there be three different words of the year.

Speaker 4 (10:04):
Rainrot, new day new word? Oxford University they do the
Dictionary of course, their word the year in sertifications the
best by a mile, because brain Rot's not that good.
Thirty seven thousand people took partner this particular one the
supposed deterioration of a person's mental or intellectual state, especially
viewed as a result of over consumption of material considered
to be trivial or unchallenging. The use of brain rotten

increase two hundred and thirty percent this year, but in
fact it's been around for over one hundred years. There's
nothing new.

Speaker 2 (10:29):
Yeah, I mean you can use brain we're right and
certification together, of course, because brain right on your social
media network of choice.

Speaker 3 (10:39):
May lead to the inttification of it.

Speaker 2 (10:46):
The demure, which I think was one of those that's
Dictionary dot coms.

Speaker 3 (10:49):
I think we're the year.

Speaker 2 (10:50):
I'm still trying to figure out exactly what that means,
because apparently it doesn't mean what it used to mean.

Speaker 3 (10:56):
It's too hard.

Speaker 2 (10:58):
I sure, I don't blame One News for not being
able to spell driver. Now it's all gone to hell
and a handcart. I am Glen Hart. That was the
re wrap. I will get in a better mood and
come back again tomorrow, and I'll see.

Speaker 1 (11:11):
Again for more from US Talk st B. Listen live
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