Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:09):
You're listening to a podcast from News Talks. It'd be
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iHeartRadio rewrap O.
Speaker 2 (00:25):
Good there, and welcome to the Rewrap for Friday, all
the desperts from the mic hosting breakfast on News Talks.
It'd be in a sillier package. I am being hard
and today we will mark the week because it is Friday,
and that is what we do. Could be in for
another hiking coffee prices as the price of coffee goes up,
you know what I mean, I'll make it fairer than
you get to ant worry and how many start ups
can we do? But before any of that, yes, So
the COVID report, this is all I've found all this
very triggering. I don't know about you. I just have
tried so hard to pretend that none of that stuff
actually ever happens. And now I'm having to relive it
every day this week.
Speaker 3 (01:07):
And I'm glad the COVID report has been released. I mean,
why wouldn't it be It's ours? But for a while
there it looked like it might not be. We lived
and we are living through it says a lot of
stuff you thought it would say compulsory mandates were one
of the most controversial measures. No kidding, the country was
not prepared for border closures or MiQ. Really they run
the line that we had fewer infections and therefore fewer
deaths than other countries. I know Chris Hipkins yesterday was
still rejecting the idea that vaccine mandates were a mistaken
in that is the real problem. Of course, in competent
government leads to incompetent response. Arrogance leads to an inability
to do things differently, which I think, in part anyway,
is the point of the report. Give us a blueprint
for next time. The blueprint says mandates were a mistake. Hepkins,
who could be PM as soon as twenty twenty six,
seems to think he's more right than the inquiry. So
are we any further ahead at all? You need to
also factor Phase one, despite what Tony Blakely told us
on the program yesterday, is not the full picture. It's
a comprehensive picture within the guidelines he was given. Now
the guidelines he wasn't given. Why we're having phase two.
I still argue it would have been better if we
had taken the British route. The adversarial approach put Adern
and Hopkins and Bloomfield on the stand, asked some penetrating questions.
Doesn't have to be a court to illicit material? This
report hasn't found. The really important part for me, though,
is not what we did then, but what the outworking
of what we did then produced, what we have now,
what we're still living through and why Because what we
have now so badly damaged, we must learn not to
do what we did last time. Are the kids not
at school, the behavior of so many that's been out
of control, the moral fatigue, the social decline, the malays
that is not measured totally in stats, but the overarching
feeling this country is a shadow of what it once was.
That's the real story of COVID. But I still maintain, right,
all the reports you want, inquire until you blue in
the face. A pandemic is luck. If the government that
is in on the day the pandemic arrives as good,
you'll be okay. If it's labor twenty seventeen through twenty
twenty three, well you don't need the report. Just look
at us.
Speaker 2 (03:06):
Yeah, still maintain I'm not doing too badly myself personally,
and if you are doing badly, you don't want to
hear me say that. But I can't be the only one,
can I go rewrap? Although given some of the correspondents
we got, maybe I am.
Speaker 3 (03:21):
Should a durned Mike and Shippy be arrested for abuse
of power? Mark No, I don't think they should. But
in that in part lies the problem, because people have
fairly cemented views on what happened to this country, and
that's no report's going to change that view. And might
I remind you yet again that during the COVID period
we had an election and my word, you couldn't get
enough of a dun You couldn't line up. You said
that a durn fifty percent. Remember, we want some more
where that came from. So don't give me that name.
You love it at the time till you didn't love it.
Speaker 2 (03:52):
Actually, that would be quite a useful bit of software
to have. Surely AI could do this where it can
just filter out all the texts and compare points of
view on things to see if people have had the
opposite point of view over time, and if they've gone
back on what they've said. That'd be quite I'm just
picturing in my head make going yeah. But back in
in twenty twenty two you said this, well, I think
it would be fun anyway, Would you look at that?
It's Friday. It must be time to mark the week.
Speaker 3 (04:29):
I'm now to mark the week. Little piece of using
current events that draws a bigger crowd than I show
speed are the war six a cease far as a
reason for hope and not a lot of that has
been floating about the place recently. The UK election petition
four small clue they already had one of those. It's
called an election can to sign three hiding hiding behind
an Australian excuse shows a lack of gonutes the COVID
inquiry for because the coverage of what I would argue
is as big a deal as anything this year was scant,
to say the least capital gains tax six. The debate
and the vote this weekend tell you what if Labour
want to enhance their chances off two, if not three
terms in opposition, Yes is the way to vote. The
coalition first year seven some good progress, some good cooperation,
not a lot of fallout, but lacking the real bite
that has needed to turn the shambles around, must try harder. TJ.
Perrinarra four. Waa, we didn't talk about the game or
the tour, and that's why it was a problem. Cadillacs seven, N,
eleven and F one growing every year. It's a sporting
model to follow. Sport New Zealand's review those seven. Clearly
the government smells wastage. Not a model to follow. Are
the ocr six because it was the least they could
do given how they've wrecked the joint Black Friday three. Look,
I'll give you forty bucks forty bucks off your next
purchase if you never mention it again. Adele four. Hello,
when you get exhausted working Fridays and Saturdays only, you
might want to have a look at your work ethic
Dei six. Another employer this week Walmart, because employer in
the world actually says that that particular bad nightmare is over.
Isn't it funny how these things are so critical all out?
Kamela one.
Speaker 4 (06:10):
Don't you ever let anybody take your power from you.
Speaker 3 (06:13):
I mean, honestly, I don't normally side with social media,
but the tile on a spot on she looks crazy
and that is the week copies on the website and
if you listened carefully. Two lines from last week's edition
of this have made it into the fortieth anniversary edition,
to feed the World.
Speaker 2 (06:27):
I wonder how long he's going to keep calling it
feed the world? The song? Of course, do they know
it's Christmas brackets feed the world. But he's the only
person I know who calls it feed the world. Mind you,
He's also the only person I know who pronounces it Thailand.
They're not Thailand. So I mean Steve Price the other
day said hyperbolb instead of hyperbole, what are you going
to do?
Speaker 1 (06:55):
A rewrap?
Speaker 2 (06:56):
So coffee isn't getting any cheaper the beans I'm talking about,
but you know what that means.
Speaker 3 (07:02):
To tell your coffee prices on the futures market currently
there are two lots of futures markets. One is in
London and they deal with the I always I can't.
I don't know why I always struggle to say the
word Arabica. Why do I always struggle to say that? Anyway?
Arabica beans They deal with that. They're at up four
point seven percent three twenty three a pound. They do it.
And in London they do deal with the robuster beans.
They're up seven point seven percent at fifty five hundred
dollars a ton, So, in other words, they've never seen
prices like this before. Obviously, the climate and the EU
rules around deforestation mean that your coffee is getting more
and more expensive.
Speaker 2 (07:44):
Have you considered growing your own on your estate? Getting
into coffee now that?
Speaker 3 (07:49):
Yeah, it's you probably thought that was a silly question,
but it's not actually because I don't think I can.
Because I've just got my current avocado tree that we've
got planted three lost two, so that's now going well.
And so the next thing is how much further down
the tree I experiment? Do I do coffee? Do I
do cherries? These are things I am thinking about.
Speaker 2 (08:13):
At them, I'd be more keen on coffee than.
Speaker 3 (08:15):
I would be too personally.
Speaker 2 (08:16):
But a coffee seeds a lot more useful than a
cherry stone.
Speaker 3 (08:20):
That's very too.
Speaker 2 (08:23):
Once we were our here, I asked him how he
pronounces Arabica if he doesn't pronounce it Arabica, And it
wasn't that he ever pronounces it wrong. It's just that
he thinks he's going to and so stumbles a little bit.
But every time he's going to say it, mind you,
He also says Thailand and not Thailand. Have I mentioned
that already? The re wrap could ever running? Gag, isn't it?
Simeon Brown wasn't running this morning, but he was jumping.
This is this is the infrastructure minister we're talking about.
Speaker 3 (08:54):
I've got you. This is out of left field. Just
beer with me. I've got you in your early thirty
So all right, correct? Okay? Could you do fifty to
sixty star jumps?
Speaker 4 (09:05):
Probably not? I could try. Would you like me to
try for you right now?
Speaker 3 (09:11):
Yeah? I would. What I'm going to do if you can,
we'll go to a break and you do as many
as you can, and when I come back from the break,
we'll see what you got to Okay, okay, okay, okay,
put your phone down and go to it. Simmy and
Brown Transport minister. This is why we are number one
right now? Where are we at with Simy? And how'd
you go?
Speaker 4 (09:29):
I managed to get there? Mike?
Speaker 3 (09:31):
You sound a bit out of breath, Yeah, a little bit.
Speaker 4 (09:34):
I'm probably as said as I've ever been all year. Actually,
thanks to you.
Speaker 3 (09:37):
Oh fantastic. So you got to sixty in a hand
on heart and you did proper star jump. So you
got to sixty.
Speaker 4 (09:43):
Yes, and your producer was listening the entire time.
Speaker 3 (09:46):
Took to Jesus said, you need a glance of water.
Speaker 4 (09:50):
There. I think I'll get a coffee if that's okay, You.
Speaker 3 (09:52):
Go for a have a Thanks for being a good
sport and you have a good weekend. Appreciate it very much, thanks, Mike,
take care. There we go, Simmy and Brown. I mean,
how good's that? I mean that the default position of
cabinet minister to go would you like me to do
that right now? Cannot be underestimated.
Speaker 2 (10:07):
Talk about ass and fast tracking.
Speaker 3 (10:09):
You can't argue with that, can you? I mean I
probably could. Would you like to do it now? Not really?
Speaker 2 (10:14):
Speaker 3 (10:15):
He was into it. Good on him. He's gold star
for the morning and we've barely begun.
Speaker 2 (10:18):
Yeah, this is met Heath backstage at Coldplay all over again.
Isn't it like he wasn't allowed to take photos? So
we just have to take his word for it. I mean,
I can make us sound like I've just done fifty
star jumps as well, and in my case, you know,
I probably feel like that all the time anyway, even
when I haven't, so it's pretty valid. I'm not saying
that he hadn't done them, but you know, Joe, it's
the video I Am gleen Heart that was rewrapped. I'll
see you back again with more Star Jumps on Monday.
Speaker 1 (10:59):
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