Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:06):
You're listening to the Weekend Sport podcast with Jason Vine
from News Talks EDB and they.
Speaker 2 (00:13):
Will get it Vomo Suspina Spain.
Speaker 3 (00:16):
Claim season four. It is a fishhot. That was the
moment Spain clinched the sale GP title last year and
what was season four? Season five is underway New Zealand
winning the season opener in Dubai at the back end
of last year. Event too, sale GP Auckland next weekend.
Huge anticipation around about this event. Sam Meach is Black
Foil's coach. He joins us. Now, Sam, what will the
week ahead look like as you head towards sale GP
in Auckland next weekend.
Speaker 2 (00:49):
It's a big week for us. We've had a lot
of sailing days. Usually we only get a couple of
days practice before the racing starts, and this week we've
got all week. So we've got new foils coming on
line with two foils, so there's gonna be a lot
to learn and a lot of a lot of analyzing
and debriefing how the boat's going with the new equipment.
Speaker 3 (01:06):
Yeah, well tell us about that the new foils. You know,
I guess that there's probably some jargon that most of
us won't understand. But in general terms, does it does
it mean you'll go faster?
Speaker 2 (01:17):
It does, is exactly what it means. The boats are
going to be quicker and the racing just that little
bit more exciting. But it's it's a lot for the
teams to learn in just a few days before racing.
So yeah, it's very exciting and and and we're looking
forward to challenge.
Speaker 3 (01:32):
What will the learning process be? What what is it
that you really have to try and perfect in the
next six or seven days.
Speaker 2 (01:42):
Well, it's essentially it's it's not going to be too different.
It's just the boat's going to react a little bit
and like you say, quicker speeds and the maneuvers will
all feel a little bit different. So it's going to
be a lot of work, especially for the wing trimmer
and and the flight controller to kind of just get
in sync and see how it behaves differently to the older,
older foils. And then you know, these boats have so
much data coming off them there will be able to
really look into everything and compare how the other boat's
going as well.
Speaker 3 (02:11):
At higher speed. Are the margins for era smaller?
Speaker 2 (02:16):
Oh, they definitely are. And you've got to think so
far ahead before you make a decision. You know, you're
you know, the strategist and the howm I've got to
have their plan before they go around the mark, and
they've got to know exactly what they're going to do, because, yeah,
your decisions, decisions seem to be so far advanced now
you're going this quick.
Speaker 3 (02:33):
So Dubai a winning start in the first event of
the new season. What were your big sort of lessons
and takeaways from Dubai?
Speaker 2 (02:43):
I think Devi just showed how close the racing is,
you know, like a mixed up teams winning pretty much
every different race. So it just little things, small margins,
like you say, seem to make the difference, and you
know it's going to be a very competitive season.
Speaker 3 (02:57):
Some new faces aboard the Black Force this year, yours
included obviously, how's the integration gone for you? For starter, Sam,
have you enjoyed your integration? I know you know these
guys pretty well and girls pretty well, but how's the
integration gone into the Black floors for you?
Speaker 2 (03:13):
Yeah? I mean I know everyone really well. We've been
sailing against and with each other for probably ten ten
or so years now, so that was good. But it's
a different format. It's a different style of sailing that
I'm used to, And it was a big week in
device for me, trying to try to learn the roads,
learn the technology, and and I think this week will
be really cool to try and cement what I learned
and move forward. And we've also got Leo taking on
the flight control, so it's his second event as well,
so I know it's exciting. We're learning lots and yeah,
developing the team.
Speaker 3 (03:49):
How steep would the learning curve have been for Leo
taker Hashi as the new flight controller.
Speaker 2 (03:55):
Oh, he's a great sailor and he's actually done done
quite a bit before. But it's different. Every team sales
slightly differently. And yeah, I think he's done a lot
of work looking looking at the data and spending his
time reading all the team's notes. And I mean this
team is so organized and well structured that I think
he had a lot of good information coming in and
obviously was able to do a fantastic job for the
team at the first event.
Speaker 3 (04:19):
What are the real specifics of your role, Sam as coach?
Speaker 2 (04:24):
Well, the really cool thing about these events is as
the coach, you can talk to the athletes on the
water so you've got a microphone and you've got a
foot pedal and you can have back and forth conversations
during the race, which is completely different to any other
sort of coaching I've tried to before. So even just
learning that that technology and how to use it and
the timing of when to use it. So you're providing
good information to the boat, but we can see a lot,
you know, from off the water, and you know, you've
got all the data off the boat. So it's pretty
exciting and I really think it's a.
Speaker 3 (04:58):
Cool challenge that must be so interesting for you because
who do you talk to everybody? Do you talk to
Peter Berling, Blairchuke, do you talk to Leo? Do you
talk to of MacKaye? Who do you talk to?
Speaker 1 (05:09):
Speaker 3 (05:09):
How do you decide when they can all hear me?
Speaker 1 (05:15):
You want to you want to try time at.
Speaker 2 (05:16):
Well and and like you know, there's a lot of
a lot of conversation on the boat, but you really
need to make sure it's your targets and at the
right times and not trying to speak when someone else
is speaking. So like it is, it's quite a it's
quite a challenge to you know, work with everyone and
work out what needs to be said by who and when,
and you know, it's it's cool being able to talk
to them, but yeah, if you provide the wrong information
or the right information but at the wrong time, you know,
it's it's actually going to make things harder. So yeah,
if the team works a lot on on the communication
across the boat and you're having having coach in the booth,
who's a contribute to that, it's quite good fun.
Speaker 3 (05:56):
Absolutely on the boat. Is Peter Burling the driver, Is
he the one who who talks the most or not?
Speaker 2 (06:03):
It's actually it's actually a pretty even balanced across the boat.
Pete probably does speak the most. But you know, you've
got live feeding in a lot of strategy, and then
Blair talking a lot about like how the boat feels
and the speed and what he can see coming, and
then you've got the booths adding kind of tactical information
from an overlay from that. So it's yeah, everyone really
does have to pull their weight for the team to
be able to sell these boats as quick as they
do and make the right decisions sol GP.
Speaker 3 (06:33):
It's a it's a tremendously exciting to watch and I'm
sure to sail and the start, Sam how important is
the race start in cell gph.
Speaker 2 (06:43):
And in the every sailing race, the start is everything.
You know, if you can if you can get it
around that first mark in good shape, and then you
know the race is actually pretty easy. But if you're
around in the mid back, you know, if you're in
somewhere around third or fifth, then life is very hard.
And it's it's it's just as easy to move backwards
as as to go forwards. And if you make run
wrong decision, then it's very easy to go backwards. So
if you don't get off that start line, then you
know you've got a very hard race ahead.
Speaker 3 (07:11):
What's the course like in Auckland.
Speaker 2 (07:13):
It's going to be tight racing. You know, the Auckland
harbor is pretty small, so it's going to be it's
gonna be pretty action packed and that starts going to
be absolutely critical.
Speaker 3 (07:23):
And in terms of racing in your home events, I
know there are a lot of races you get to
go to a lot of cool places, but is there
something a little bit extra special about your home event.
Speaker 2 (07:33):
Ah, it's so special, and it's to race in front
of our home fans is something that you always dream of.
So Yeah, we're really excited to be able to host
these to eleven other teams and get racing this weekend.
Speaker 3 (07:47):
Do you reckon the Black Foils are favorites and not
just for this event but for the whole thing.
Speaker 2 (07:52):
I mean it's it's a very strong team. I you know,
obviously they performed well last year, but things things changing,
like the Foils and you know, new people. But yeah,
I think I think we've got always got a strong
chance every every race week start on the start line.
Speaker 3 (08:08):
Well, can't wait for next weekend Sam. It's going to
be such a spectacle. I've seen the grand stand going up.
I think eight thousand people in a grand stand watching
close up. Look, it's going to be a truefic event.
Thanks so much for joining us on weekend Sport. All
the best for the week ahead and done, and all
the best for Auckland next weekend. Looking forward to it, well,
looking forward to it to Sam. Thanks indeed, Sam Meach there,
coach of the Black Foil. So sal GP Auckland next
Saturday and Sunday at win yard Point. Just just absolutely
really looking forward to this. We went to christ Church
last year for sale GP and you'll probably remember there
was no racing on the Saturday, but on the Sunday
it was just spectacular and said to be exactly the
same when sal GP hits Auckland next Saturday and Sunday afternoon.
So join us on Weekend Sport for all the color,
the insight the key participants as they all join us
on the show next Saturday and Sunday afternoon for
Speaker 1 (09:03):
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