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June 7, 2021 38 mins

Mini Crush #174 is ready to get down and boogie.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to Movie Crush, a production of I Heart Radio.

Hey everybody, welcome to Mini Crush Monday. Um, Charles b
Chuck Bryant. Here, you're co host along with Noel Brown,
also co host. Together, we make one host. Hello Chuck,
We morphed together to make one gelatinous blob of a
hairy human. Yeah, sort of like that movie The Thing. Yeah,

we are the Thing exactly, except we don't kill people. No,
we lift people up. We entertain them. We talked movies
to them, all that good stuff, all that good stuff. Noel,
As is per usual, this is our second episode where
in fact we have already caught up, so we can
kind of get right down to business, as they say,

and you go, I got a little surprise for you, know, okay,
because I managed at the last minute to get a
guest in because we haven't done pop Quiz hot Shot
in a while, and uh, I've just invited this person.
And as usual, we do a little surprise for you
because you don't know who's coming. I don't, and I

just sent the invite so we can kill time for
a second till until they get the invite and pop
into the room and are hopefully already recording. Otherwise we're
gonna have to take this all again and fake it
like well, or we could just you know, drop Yeah, Okay,
I see what you're saying. Fake fake the my surprise. Yeah.

Like that's my worst nightmare is if someone pops in
the room and we have that organic moment where you
don't know who it is, and then they say, oh,
I'm not recording, but here they are, nol, You're ready.
I'm ready. I mean meet them into the room. Boy.
The suspense is killing me. It's killing me, Chucks. Not
the same for you as it is for me. I'm

the one experiencing the suspense right now. Uh okay, So
why is this person not in? Hey? I thought it
was gonna be so any famous whoa, Oh my god.
It's one of my favorite human beings in the entire world,

Alex Williams, who composed this theme that's on a different show,
but he did, and they say his name at the
end of every episode of Ridiculous History because he composed
that theme. Okay, so let me clear this up. No,
because you're already fucking confusing everybody. U Alex. People know
from the past Edwood episode Alex is one of our colleagues, who,

by the way, if you don't look like goddamn John
Lennon right now, I don't know who you look like
because words people to look like. I guess I literally
get that every day now. I've let my that's because
you look just like him. You've got the long hair
in the stash, the round glasses and the circle glasses.
I would, dude, if I could look like that, I
would do no. I would always have that look. You
guys want to start a Beatles cover band? Yes, Alex?

No more bands, bro, No, I look like no Beatle.
I'm giving Alex ship because he and I play in
a little music band. That's what they call them when
you're cool. UM with our other buddy and colleague and
dear friend of the show and the network, Matt Frederick,
and UM do a couple other music side things. But
Alex has been in like just music mode. He's just

like starting bands left and right. So he's got off
no more bands. No, I'm kidding. I just can not
get mad every time I join another band. So I
want to gla a for for now? Uh do me
and fayvorre Alex just say this will will popular than
Jesus Christ. Wow. No, No, he got flagged for that
when he said, I'm not getting anywhere near that one man.

So listener you might remember also and we plugged this
on the show quite a few times, and Alex talked
about it on his Edward episode that you were the
creator and and doer of the great great podcast Ephemeral
who was just which has just launched season two, and uh,
we're having you on to talk about that a little bit,
and especially a very special episode that might really appeal

to the movie crushers. Right, Yeah, I mean somebody called
me out on Facebook and said maybe there would be uh,
some synergy between these two episodes. But we just put
out an episode about Alice Ki Alice Ki Blashcheser married name,
who is um one of the first filmmakers ever and
the first female filmmaker and the only female filmmaker for
like the first seventeen years of cinema. UM. And it's

sort of it's about it's a it's it's a it's
a it's a new history of early cinema. It's a
biography of her whole life. It's got a secret love
story in it that's incredible. UM, I don't want to
spoil anything. Um, I don't, don't. I listened to the
first like fifteen minutes today when you send it to
me because had to get down here and do this.

But I can't wait to finish it later today. It
was already in these ephemerals. Such a good show. It's
everything I like about podcast. It's sort of a I mean,
dare I say, sort of maybe a little more NPR
style show than we usually do it the network, full
of twist and turns and great stories. It's Part nine
invisible in a way. Uh, but it's it's it's human related,

human stories. It's really really great. Thanks Nextllen. It's also
beautifully sound design, and like I said, Alex as a
super talented musician. And you've got a cool little team
of folks working with you now, including your your brother
who is the new producer for Ridiculous History, of which
you composed the theme. Thanks man, my flesh and bread
blood brother, Max Williams. And then uh Trevor Young who's

done things like Monster DC, Sniper and all kinds of stuff. Trevor,
Trevor was on the show. Yeah he's done now, MAXI
bely on Mike eventually, and yeah, yeah, they're helping me
produce it, which is really nice because I did it
all by myself for for a little while, with some
help from my friends Beetle's reference right, with help from
George and fall in the ringo. But I meant to

mention this to you, completely unrelated to you being here
in the second, but I was looking through Apple Podcasts
and you're looking at the different little collections they have,
and they have a trending section, and Ephemeral was in
the trending section. All right, you're trending, bro, It's like
a trend. Thank you. I can't believe how much you
look like John Lynton. This is really striking. We're an
amazing thing to be able to do. You're gonna go

over the organ and play imagine or something. Yes, I
said that we're to call on a company call, and
I definitely got called out for it. I should be
offering things like this if I'm not, if I'm not rehearsed,
well you should just drop that into right now and
then just very subtly you could be like, well, guys, imagine, uh,
there's no heaven and just see what people say. No

positions and no religion too. You know, the only person
I can look like is Kevin Smith, and that's it.
It's not fun. And and the only person I look
is Bryant looking like Kevin Smith. It's not fun either.
You won't find me in a hockey jersey anytime soon,
that's fair. He looks weird now that he lost all
that weight, and I mean, I'm happy for him, but

it's just it's hard for me. He looks like he's
still wearing the same size clothes. He's just kind of
withered underneath them a little bit. Well, i'll tell you
what he's he's very inspiring with his taking hisself under control.
And so I'm completely agreed. Yeah, we just covered mall
rats on this very shows great. Oh yeah, but that
was fun. I gotta listen to that one. Miles is
great man, He's so much fun. And I didn't realize

there was so much crossover. There were a lot of
movie crushers who are daily Zeite guys fans, and so
it was pretty cool. I'm gonna have Jack on soon.
I've been reserved pulp fiction for Jack, so he's gonna
come on. That's a good one to reserve for somebody. Yeah,
I gotta say really quickly because Chuck and I talked
about this. Um, I'm really excited because I don't really
guessed on a ton of podcasts, but there's one that

I listened to called Pod Yourself a time. That's a
Sopranos podcast. Oh that's right, let everyone know. Yeah, and
and uh, well, Jack and um On a host and
I have been guests on it. And I found the
show clally organically because I was just mid Sopranos re
rewatched that I do every year, so and I was like,
I need some supplementary Sopranos content. So I googled, you know,
or or looked an Apple podcast and that came up.

And it's great. It's the dudes Matt Leeb and Vince
Mancini and there um these comedians from l A. And
clearly in the same circles as on On Jack and
Miles because they've both been guests on it a couple
of times. And so I literally just reached out to
on on today, Uh, could you maybe like connect me
with these guys. I want to, you know, put my
hat in the ring to be a guest. And she did,
and they immediately we're all about it. And I'm gonna

be episode one of season five, which is Divorced Dad
Tony season when um uh and also the season that
where his his cousin Tony Blendetto played by Steve Bushemi
comes into the picture. So I get to be episode
one of one of my favorite seasons. I'm really excited.
I'm recording in a in a week, but I don't
know when it's gonna come out, but I'll let you
know when I find out. That's amazing. You gotta do that.

You gotta reach out in life. Sometimes you gotta do it,
you know, just imagine. Uh, it's easy if you try.
I know I do that and it usually is. All right. So, Alex,
you do not know anything about this game that we
play here. You sent me a name about this morning.

It was like, hey, you want to come on a
movie a crush to play a quiz or something? Yeah,
and you said When I said, how about like an hour?
He said sure? Because what am I doing? Excite from
just composing beautiful beatles dunes all day? All right, Alex,
Here's how it goes. It's called pop Quiz hot Shot.
There are ten questions and three answers per for a

total of thirty points. Partial credit is allowed. So if
you get it's basically like name three movies that feature blank,
you know, Jack Nicholson, and then in ten seconds you
have to name three Jack Nicholson films. If you get timed,
it's timed. That's the whole rub here. My friend she
had all day to sit around and think about it

wouldn't be any fun. So, uh, it will trip up
even the best player, like the cases of the world
get very confused. Yeah, but you get parcel credits. So
if you get like one or two, you still get
those points where it's total of thirty. I would say
the biggest tip that I could give you is don't overreach.
Don't try to go for the most obscure pick. Just

go for like the most obvious, like whatever comes to
your mind. Just don't like be struggle literally say anything
I can think of. Okay, I think that has a ticket.
Maybe that's the ticket. Uh, and nol is our scorekeeper
and all can you I mean, good lord, we always
go through it with your I mean, let me make
a spreadsheet real quick. Here we go, so I get okay,
so at one point answer one point per answer, thirty

points total for the gay points to. So there's thirty questions.
I will keep it too good for just like hash marks,
like a big guir old, you know, make four a
cross five. We're doing a bit where I'm bad at
keeping school. Also, the other bit we do is we
have to pick out the the making time or sound.
So what should we go with? NOL? How about I

like the Clackson you know that what is that call?
It's not a lot. I don't know. I don't have
the enterprise is going down? All right, you're just making
stuff up now, John Lennon to be quiet, and that
one's too cheerful. That was pretty good already, Blade Runner, Yeah,

like we'll do that. It's called cosmic everybody cosmo. All right,
here we go, Alex at one. There your mind. In
ten seconds, name three movies with the word death in
the title starting now, Death Inc. That's not one Death
Becomes Her? Is that one murdered by death? Uh? Dead man?

That doesn't say death. A band called Death is a documentary.
All right. I'm gonna give that to you because you
started saying it as the timer sounded. So no, Death Inc.
Is a movie. Okay, you got four then, but we
can only give you three. Okay, I'll take it. Do
you know you know how the game works? Good job.
By the way, Death Death is one of my hot

topics and a band called Death is supposed to be
I haven't seen it yet, but it's awesome. You guys
need to see it. Yeah, it's on my on my list.
It's very good. All right. Question to pous hot shot
with our guests Alex Williams, reader of Ephemeral and Instant Karma.
Thank you. Name three movies starring or even featuring Matt

Damon starting now, Goodwill, Hunting God. He's in like a
million movies. There's one called Jerry that's got him in it.
That's a sand film. He's so many movies and blanking Okay,
two out of three. That was ten seconds. Ten seconds
a really short amount of time. It is. It's also

goes by faster when you say things like yeah, it's
a movie by Gus Van's and it was fairly well
reviewed in the theater, just like Jerry. Would be confusing
if I just said, you know, save that, save the
commentary for as this is not called pop quiz hot
shot and context no context needed to out of three,
though maybe one more Mad Damon movie for me, though,
I feel like a fool that I didn't know because

he's like Mr Ripley, Yeah, Mr Ripley. The born identity
is that him. Any of the born could have been
born supremacy. Garish said that, all right, that's all right.
Two out of three is good, man. If you hang
in there, you're you're doing well. Or as meat Loaf
would say, it ain't bad. Get out three, all right.
Don't come at John Lennon with meat Loaf is cool? Cool,

I'm done with me, Love me love. I mean, he
did some good work in his day, right, true, it's true?
And what was the thing he wouldn't do for love?
You do anything, but not the one thing. But he
never says what the one thing is. I think it's
probably anal that's what That's what everyone That's what everyone says.
Things are going downhill fast, guys. I just think what

I have a problem with that personally, But I don't
think so either. But you know, actually I think I've
told the story. And Noll knows this a little bit.
When I lived in l A, alex I was friends
with a guy who was dating Meet Loath's wife's assistant,
and so I hung it meets house A couple of
times when he was that, I wanted to say, I'm
glad you said that. People call him. You know. It

was very traditional, sort of colonial. Uh nothing fancy, but
I I mean, it was a nice house and everything,
but it wasn't like some palatial estate. And the end
of that story, which I always tell, is it but
he backed up his backyard to Steven Seagal's backyard, and
if you stood up on the thing, you could see
into it. And Steven Seagal had all these little Asian
uh what are they called? Not ada but pagoda, sure,

said will pagodas all over the property. Stevens. Also, he's
also famous for like wearing kimonos with nothing on underneath,
and like sing in front of women. You didn't see that.
I didn't see that backyard. All right? Number three, Alex,
and we're going you're doing great, Puck Quitz hot shot

in ten seconds. Name three movies directed by a woman
starting now, I'm gonna say Alaski blash films, Sticky Woman,
Falling Leaves, and the Consequences of Feminism. They're all short,
silent films from like the first ten years of the
night's handards. But that counts, right, dude. Not only does

that count, I think you did her justice and that
was clearly loaded for you to talk a little bit
more about your show. That's what I'm here for right now.
That was fantastic. Name one other movie directed by a
woman that's not her. One other movie directed by a
woman that's no time here involved. You know what I
just saw that was really good. Um. I don't remember

the name of the woman off the top of my head.
The boy the movie Chyla buff wrote about his pretty
good movie It's Tough Man. But I watched some interviews
with her. Her name is Alma Harrel h A R
with a little and then e L. So I'm probably
not pronouncing that right, but yes, she is from Tel Aviv, Israel. Yeah,

what else has she done? She did some um, I
think some kind of hybrid documentary sort of things before,
and they had collabed. I think maybe he had produced
a couple of projects with her. I don't know that
much about it yet, but honey Boy really left an
impression on me to see more of her work. Yeah,
she she hasn't done a ton of like big mainstream things.

But she's done a lot of music videos. I think
I think she's one of these music video people. Yeah,
she's a music videos for bay Rout like word Seagar
Ross Heerwater, Paul Smith. I don't know how nice Smith?
All right, but not for the Beatles. That's all right,
you should hire next time. Okay, you're doing the great

How many to get there? An oal? He got all three? Right? Sure?
He got all three? All right? Uh? In ten seconds
hot shot with guests Alex Williams of the Femeral Name
three directorial debuts, first films from directors starting now. How

about her Carveys Carnival Souls. That's the only one I
could think of? All right, that's right, you know for
a fact that is his. This is the only one
one out of three, one out of three you got
on the board. But you don't want to may not
be doing in a femoral episode on that too. Spoiler alert.

This is from Yeah, it's a classic like kind of
b maybe drive in horror movie. The Herk is a
guy that made He worked for the Center on Corporation
making um like educational industrial films for like thirty forty
fifty years and he made one horror film. It's as
a Centron Corporation, a real thing that's not sound movie
sounds like. Stron was like a Kansas based like like

a Coronet Films that made like social guidance and or
Encyclopedia Encyclopedia Britannic of films, Social guidance, classroom education films,
driving safety films, stuff like that, and yeah, um uh,
Centron was kind of the educational film company. With a heart.
Is one of our interviews. Ben Bowling Uh is a

big fan of Carnival. Those souls. He's talks of it often.
I've heard it. And folks, this this banter that you're
getting from Alex is what you get from Ephemeral because
Alex knows a lot about these stories and that's what
Ephemeral is about, these stories lost to time, little known
stories from from real human beings. And it's it's good stuff.
I love it. Oh my goodness. There's one of the

if you look at his IMDb, a lot of these
educational films are listed h and one of them is
called to Touch a Child. You've got to be careful
with i dB on folks like that because with silent
films and educational films and all these kind of fringe
film you know, filmmaking genres. Um, there's not a whole
lot of accreditation, especially for earlier stuff. Um No, this

one says uncredited like a lot of these days. Yeah,
but I am dB is really unreliable for for those folks.
So he might have done that one, he might not have.
His most famous one is probably Shake Hands with Danger,
which has got a great song and it it's got
a great riff tracks of it. Mr Science, these guys
are great. I love it. A cautionary training film for

those who operate and repair have you. He was sort
of famous for accident films and you definitely see that
Incarnival of souls, blood spills Red on the Highway, that accidents. Yeah,
it's good stuff. Drivers had movies that scared the ship
that young drivers. All right, you're doing great so far, buddy. Uh.
Number five, name three movies featuring any kind of violent

on green death starting now on screen death, Like does
pulp fiction have a death on it? Yes? Um, a
carnival of soul stuff. No, it's not that violent violent
on screen death. All right, Alex, I gotta tried you
a little bit, uh, because I need to just say things.

That one was so easy. I know, I don't know.
It's a blanking. Now, name any war movie, Name any
movie featuring a murderer, any horror movie. Godly, I've been
watching The wire Man so many violent onscreen deaths that constant,
constant on a dice rolling in that show too. I

think that was one out of three? Is that right?
Or do we don't know? I can't double up on Carnival.
That was a really cheap shot. Okay, all right, I
gotta say, I think you're letting the timer affect you here.
If you're blanking on, drink more, let me drink more coffee. Okay,
you're doing fine, all right. Number seven pop quiz hot
shot with Alex Williams of Ephemeral. Name three movies featuring

any non violent on screen death. Someone has to die
starting now, any violent, no no on screen death. What
about The Big Lebowski? What happens to seem in The
Big lebos Okay, that counts heart attack parts. He has
a heart attack, all right? Yeah, you see him clutch

his chest and then I'm gonna on each of these
rounds and then contextual follow ups. All right, that counts
one out of three with three three to three more
to go here, Oh my god. Question number eight hours
the Marathon pop quiz hot shot. I'm sorry, do you

want to leave? Brilliant songs? I love a show like wait, wait,
don't tell me him. I was like I would get
all the answers or like Jeopardy, but then, like I'm
feeling to the pressure, I'm just like, uh yeah, thanks
for Alex. Alright, Number eight pop quiz hot shot. In
ten seconds, name three movies with any kind of plot

twist starting now, like all those Oceans films and Oceans
eleven films. Okay, I'll count that. There's three of those. Yeah,
the Oceans eleven, twelve, and thirteen. Uh Jesus, I gotta
count it. I think you should. I think you should

get it. I guess the integral to the highest movie
to have a twice create Rick and Morty episode where
they talk about how terrible a plot device that is
once you take it to the nth degree, where it's
like every there's always someone in on in on the
plot at a higher leg. Yeah, it's alright, the center
cannot hold. That counts a bit of a hack, but

I'll take it, alright, two more Alex Williams Pop quiz
hot shot in ten seconds? Name three movies featuring male
nudity can be butt or pep? Starting now a clockwork orange?
Uh god, there's so many more. U. That's the the

one that came to mind. All Right, I gotta say,
you're really you started strong. You would have accepted saving
Sarah Marshall. What did you say? No? Saving Ryan's private
I was looking at pictures of John Lennon and Yoko
Owner naked together this morning, for what it's worth. Surely

those appear in document Yeah, I mean I think that
the documentary imagine you could probably you were in that.
You showed your butt in your pep. Yeah, and several
photos one off the back and one of the front.
All right, Noel, what's the score here going into the
last one? Um? We got three two three one two
one three one? What's that a time? Right? Am I

doing better than that person did? No? We've done this
quite a few times and you're doing quite poorly, and
you're you're fine. I mean, I'll tell you if you
get all three years at the end. Real hard to
just go for this one. You're very mellow guy though
this isn't timed. Games aren't for you. I can say safely,

I think, all right in ten seconds for the final question,
upwits hot shot Alex Williams a Ethemeral. You can find
it wherever you get your podcast, Real Human Stories about
Things Lost the time. Name three movies filmed in black
and white after the color era had begun, starting now,

Wood Tango, um Mala Noche. Okay, I don't know what
that is? Three that film? Yeah, and then sat Tangles
a Bailatar film, and Edwards apcially Tim Burton film. Look
at that that I got you. I could list I
could list a racer yeah, a racer head or like

sut finn Man. Hey, this is very impressive. But I
can give you extra points. I can do black and
white films. What did you say after what date? The
color era? After the color so like Wizard of Oz
is kind of like the perfect split of both of those,
because it was like on The Stalker Tarkovski Stalker. That's
when we changes color and CP and black and white. Hey, guys,
this isn't black and white talk with Nolan Allie got

can we do that? Though? I could do that one
all day. That's now you finally found my Matt Damon
movies like but black and white cinema of the modern era.
All right, well that's fantastic. I think you ended up
with eighteen out of thirty. There have been better and
there have been worse. Okay, I didn't know there's gonna
be so much judgment involved in this game, but we

gotta judge. The harsh hammer of the Movie Crunch audience
has to come up on your sweet mustachioed face. I'm
gonna be getting constant emails chiding me for not knowing
more male nudity films. Yeah, I'm sure that's the thing.

All right, Alex, I'll tell you what. You have your
option here. You can either exit if you need to
get on with your day, or you can stick around
for our final segment. It's up to you. I'm here, man.
Let's what's the final segment? Like? All right, let's do it.
The final segment today is we're gonna we go over
to the movie Crushers page and ask some questions, or
to the movie Crush page rather. And today I posed
a question Alex and all that I've never even done before.

Very simply, if you were on Movie Crush what would
be your pick? What's your all time favorite movie? And
I asked the crushers that, so let's go ahead. And
I think we got a lot of people sort of
auditioning because at some point I'd like to have a
listener on as a guest. We just gotta make sure
they can record themselves and they don't freeze under pressure. Jeez,

so easy in here, so icy. Uh let me see here,
let me filter this by all comments. What does most
relevant even mean? I don't know something. The algorithm algorithm
Facebook keywords based, I don't have no idea it really
is is a mystery to me. I think most relevant

might mean like if I'm Facebook friends personally with someone
that might kick them up on the list or something,
or if I've replied to someone who knows who cares
Facebook stupid. The only reason I do it is because
of this show, which is great, nicest little corner of
the Internet. So we're gonna go with Don Morris the
movie Away we Go, Underrated Jim that I'd love to
share with everyone. That was a good movie. Did you

guys see that? I never saw? And uh, I think
Maya Rudolph and John Krasinski if I'm not mistaken. What
a married couple I think it was. Who's the filmmaker
who did Revolutionary Road? Wasn't that Sam? Ye? Sam Mendez? Yeah,
I think the way we go with Sam Mendez? Right, Yeah?

And yeah, you're right Krasinski and my Rudolph. Yeah, Samande
is very underrated movie written by Dave Eggers and Nevenda
La Vita. Dave Eggers is great. I like his fiction.
Let me see here. Austin Handler, one of our old pal, says,
the movie about time has such heart and so well
constructed on all levels. One of the few films I

consider to be a perfect movie. Here, my little I
don't even know what often do you watch movies? Check?
I mean, I mean we do a lot of TV
these days, obviously because there's so much good stuff going on.
But I try to squeeze in movies when I can.
It's been there haven't been a ton of great new

movies over the past year, obviously, but I'm I'm a
movie guy. What about you? Can I tell you what
I just saw in the theatric where I saw Logan's Run.
Oh you're seeing that one? Sure? Where did they play
that at the Plaza? Here? In Atlanta. Um, that's a
movie with some newdity in it. Male nudity. Is there
a male button it? There might be a boy button it.

It's mostly but it's mostly female nudity. It's a it's
a it's a weird one. It's a pretty weird film. Yeah,
A good one though. It's the one with like the
gardening kind of like spaceship, right, it's not a spaceship
kind of planet the ape sort of thing where it's
like it's the world, but we let it go to
ship and there's like a sort of bubble where everyone lives,

but you have to die when you're third in there.
And then they're like what if we don't? And they
and they leave, and that's your movie, what if we
don't die? Basically all right, Kristen Glenn Kisser says, I
usually say Excalibur, but you did mention Silverado the other
day and that's one of my favorite movies, so now
i'm torn. Uh. Yeah, both of those are great. Excalibur

that was such a great movie for a kid my age,
like a sort of the Stone. Different different movie, but same,
you know, it's about that story, is it a John
Boorman corrected it and it's very violent. It's got a
lot of pretty raunchy stuff. And I remember seeing it
when I was too young, because it's like you think
about an Excalibur movie. You think of that as almost

as like a kid's story, but then when you watch
that treatment of it, and my parents just didn't know
how the scale was. So I kind of let that
one slide under the radar. But yeah, it's intense. It's
got some head chopping and some slashing and yeah, and
it came out in the eighties when we all saw
it too young because parents were like, oh, sure, King Arthur,
go see it, and they didn't know that was all

that stuff in it. Yep, that's great. Uh, Margarito Saramago.
When a earl pal says parasite, great movie it, Katie
Walker says, my real favorite movie is the original Parent
Trap with Hayley Mills or the new live action Cinderella
with Lily James. But if I were a movie crush,
I'd go with Baby Driver. Great movie. Did you see

that one else? I saw one of the just listed.
I didn't see Baby Driver. Oh man, you'd like that one.
That's a good one. Speaking of that, director Edgar Wright Uh,
he's gonna do what we do in the Shadows. He
doesn't have a new one coming out. Um. It is
about the band Sparks, who I adore so so much.
They're like, yeah, they're they're they're band. They're like a

lot of people don't really know. They never really had
a hit quote unquote. They had a couple under the
radar hits, but they started off very much like Contemporaries
with Queen, very glam, very kind of like Prague glam,
and then they went totally synth wave and um, they've
been making records all the time, the whole time, and
if their brothers and they're just EXCELLENTZ excited about that film. Also,

they just dropped the trailer for his narrative feature film, Uh,
last Night in Soho, which looks really interesting, sort of
a cookie genre bending horror film. Nice love it, Love
him Baby ever was great. I watched Scott Pilgrim Versus
The World last night. That is my daughter's absolute favorite movie. Um,

and it is just pure fun. Have you seen that
Chuck which one Scott Pilgrim Versus. We've covered that on
this very show. Your daughter would love that. It's a
it's about age appropriate. There's a little bit of smooching
a little more. I mean it's just not even inappropriate,
but just maybe a little over her head. Hold. Check.
She'll be six in July, so she's she's getting on

up there. Bennett Duckworth says, I picked Joe Versus the
Volcano one of my favorite films. It is one of
my favorite films too, So, Bennett, I don't know, Maybe
I should have you on the show. I've never seen that.
Who is the lead in that? Check? Is it? Okay? Okay,
I'm familiar with it, but I haven't. Is it a
rom com It is a very quirky, weird sort of

romantic comedy, but in a very strange way. It's all
a very offbeat and uh from John Patrick Shanley, a
wonderful playwright and filmmaker. But uh, it's it's good. I
really like it. A lot, very strange movie with a
big cult following. Now. Louis Silva's Is Rocky? I love? Yeah, Well,

I like a lot of them, but that first one
man so good. Bro. I like the fourth one the most.
Maybe We're rock We're Rocky defeats communism? Is that drag? Yeah?
But I love they would stream their stream. They would
run them on TV, like back to back to back,
on like I don't know, the fourth of July or whatever,
they do a marathon all day of Rocky and my
brother and I would watch all of them just and

just start back over when it looked that was a
big Rocky three guy. That movie came out, Yeah, just
the right time. Clever Lang and whole Cogan was in
It is thunder Lips stuff, thunder Lips in the Flesh. Baby,
that was this big, that was this big line. Let
me see here. Let's go with Amanda Coolas as Hot Fuzz.

Let's just take through a bunch of these because I
don't have much time and I want to get through
a lot of these. Matt Dents is Three o'clock High,
one of the most underrated comedies of the eighties, also
a cult favorite. Did you guys see that one three
o'clock High? Nope, good movie, very strange, Josh Toko says Explorers,
movie he saw repeatedly as a kid. You know, I

think the movie Crushers are a little more in my
wheelhouse age wise than you young uns. How do you know,
I mostly watched films from like there early I watched
a lot of silent films. Now, I watched a lot
of early sound films. I'm thirty one, okay, Jesus thirty one,

what a great age. But I'm just saying, like tastes
are kind of videosyncratic. Yeah, and and like reinforcing that
by having a podcast that like encourages me to like
go back in time more like just makes me more
and more out of sync with the cop of the
everyday world. That's right. The podcast is called a Family
Everyone Old Stuff. It's so good. It's about old stuff. Basically,

we'll go with the Danger of an Gael Counts, one
of my favorite crushers. Since you already said did Jaws,
I'd go with The Exorcist who counts. You're speaking my
language there, Joe Kimber says Shash inc Redemption. I haven't
even done that show yet. I'm surprised, or that movie.
I'm surprised. I want to pick that Get Busy Living,
get busy crushing. Oh wow, maybe that should be our new,

uh new thing. I like that. If there was like
a movie poster for movie crush, that could be the tagline.
I could see that get Busy Living or get busy crushing.
I love it. Uh, let me go with my friend
in real life. Sarah Murphy Robertson says, the Goodbye Girl,
you guys should see it if you haven't. Goodbye Girls
a great movie, Sarah. So maybe I'll even have Sarah

on because I know her and she's wonderful. What's the
Goodbye Girl? I made a bad joke when we were
talking about Gone Girl Goodbye Girls? Richard, Uh, sort of
a romantic comedy but a little more adulta uh and
not adult film like it you know, doesn't feature you know,
hardcore sex or anything full full dog, but it's it's
not like a teenage rom com. It's a little more

adult rom com back when they made this, like Richard
and let's finish up with our old friend. Kevin Herban says,
Oh Brother, where art thou? I have a thing for
escaped convict movies? Me too? I love I love a
good prison break and Oh Brother is a very very
fun film. But we got violent on screen death on

that one. I remember the part where John Goodman wacks
them with a rock while they're having lunch in the park. Yeah,
and he and he smashes that frog in that movie
doesn't he. I call that a violent on screen death.
It doesn't need to be human point. And I think
they killed cows too when they pick up the Gangster.
He just like shoots cows on the side of the

ring film brothers are always fucking with animals. That's why
Emily doesn't like their movies. So we got a lot
of comments here from crushers who are talking about their
favorite film. Wish we could have gotten through more, but
it's I'll leave this one up there for everyone to
go check it out. And Alex, thanks for coming in
here at the last second playing our little game. Thanks
for fighting man. How I didn't disappoint you too much

with my eighteen point win. We don't really have a
threshold for winning or losing that game, do each other? No,
I think everyone's a winner, right, Yeah, I would think so.
Alex definitely a winning, always a winner. So everyone check
out Ephemeral checkout, especially the episode what's the one on
Alex Gi? What's that one called? Okay, I think it's

at Alex GI by accident because you're I'm staring at
your face. That should have said John Lennon, gy you
figure type of Alex K You're you'll find it's it's
easy to find, easy to find, and you're in season
two now, and I'm glad you have some help because
it's a show that's heavily produced and researched and takes
a lot of work. So I'm very glad to see
it continuing on. Wonderful, wonderful show for our network. Thanks man,

it's all right, well, thanks for being here, and thank
you Noel, Yes, sir, and we'll see everybody next week.
Are you good back? Movie Crash is produced and written
by Charles Bryant and Meel Brown, edited and engineered by
Seth Nicholas Johnson, and scored by Noel Brown here in
our home studio at Pontsty Market, Atlanta, Georgia. For iHeart Radio.

For more podcasts for my Heart Radio, visit the iHeart
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