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April 19, 2024 19 mins

Tracy shares frustration over a historical find being described as a piggy bank. She and Holly then discuss the Van Gogh Pokémon and whether they would chase similar items. 

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Welcome to Stuff You Missed in History Class, a production
of iHeartRadio.

Speaker 2 (00:11):
Hello and Happy Friday. I'm Tracy V.

Speaker 1 (00:13):
Wilson and I'm Holly Frying. This week we had our
most recent installment of our Unearthed episode. We sure did
had a lot of things to talk about, some new categories,
including walls. Yes, when I realized there were multiple walls,
I was like, so many walls.

Speaker 2 (00:34):
I don't think this has happened before.

Speaker 1 (00:35):
Yeah, bokuda wall.

Speaker 2 (00:38):
So we've said before that.

Speaker 1 (00:40):
The way that I do this is I keep up
with the news for the entire year, and when it's
time to work on Unearthed, I will go back and
I will look back again at all of the things
that I have bookmarks to talk about. And the very
first thing, the absolute first article that I opened, immediately

irritated me because it described a coin horde. And if
you're a longtime listener, you know there's always a ton
of coin hord over coin hords. Yeah, often they just
don't feel like they are very distinct from one another.
But this one was described as being in a piggy bank,
and I was excited because I thought we were gonna
get a historical vessel. If not shaped like a pig,

shaped like some entity, like shaped like an animal or something,
a figurative piece of art that also held money.

Speaker 2 (01:35):
No, it was a jar. It was a jar.

Speaker 1 (01:38):
It was the same as putting your loose change into
a mason jar, but you know, made of pottery. And
I was like, I'm got off on the wrong foot.
I was excited about a piggy bank and it's a jar. Oh.
I was tickled by so many things in this this

installment of on Earth. One was the Stilt Village. And
here's why. Yeah, I spent a big chunk of my
childhood growing up on the Gulf Coast where there are
a lot of stilt houses. Yeah, and so I was like, well,
of course they were perfectly delightful, Like, yeah, stilt houses rock.
If you don't know, there are houses on stilts along

the Gulf coast because of storm surge and hurricanes. And
it's like, you don't flood if you are ten feet
off the ground, right, or you're less likely to flood,
is what I should say. Yeah, the beaches that we
went to when I was a kid, there were like
two really two beaches in North Carolina or northern South

Carolina that We spent a little bit of time at
in the summer as a vacation when I was a kid,
and a lot of the houses would be on stilts
for the same reason, especially the ones that were on
Rightsville Beach, which is an island, and you know, hurricane
on an island can easily just inundate the entire house. Yes,

but I hadn't really made that thought at all. I
had more thought, you know, twenty eight hundred years ago, approximately,
living over a river, you know, in a time that
it just seems like life might be harder in ways
than it is for a lot of people today, living
in a you know, industrialized society where we have our

own problems, but they're not necessarily the same as what
I imagine the slate and I was like, no, this
does actually sound really nice. To have a nice well
insulated and also well ventilated, nice clothes to wear. Everything
seems comfortable. Charming, Yeah, seems very charming. I don't have
anything about this other than you could probably hear the

hell yeah going on in my soul reading about the
mummies with golden tongues.

Speaker 2 (03:54):
Oh yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1 (03:55):
I mean, if that isn't the start of a great movie,
I don't know what is Yeah, oh, maybe that's a
good Halloween costume, Mummy with a golden tongue. I don't know.

Speaker 2 (04:04):
Maybe it's just cool.

Speaker 1 (04:07):
Here's the thing that I might cry while I talk
about this, and you'll laugh because it's not something worth
crying over necessarily, but I was very moved by it.
In our Amelia Earhart talk, Yeah, she came up recently
on something and I got real weepy, and you were like,
what is this about? And I was like, I can't
even explain it. There is a Bob's Burgers episode from
this current season that is about one of the kids

doing a project on Amelia Earhart and she ends up
doing this shadow puppet project and her version of what
happens to Amelia Earhart is so beautiful and moving.

Speaker 2 (04:41):
I do get choked up. You're choked up now, one
hundred percent.

Speaker 1 (04:44):
It's so good. Lauren Bouchard knows what he's doing head
in nut show. But if you have never ever seen it,
you would know that Amelia Earhart is not in the
ocean because she flew away forever into the sky. And
it's so beautiful that I love it, And that's what
it makes you think of yeah, I was glad to
be able to talk about a potential find related to
her that was like from a different organization. I feel

like we might get angry emails from people. But for
a while, it seems like there was an Earhart headline
about every year, and often it seems like they were
re looking at the same couple of small items that
had been found on an island, and I was glad
to have a find bys I think, as far as

I know, totally unrelated group which I was appreciative of.
One of my other notes is about John Shakespeare. Okay,
just because every time I have ever encountered John Shakespeare,
uh huh, from the time, like you know, high school, college,
et cetera, that has always sounded like the most made
up fake I d name, ever, what's your name? John Shakespeare?

For it to be John and Joan also cracks me
up a little bit John Shakespeare. As we were talking
about that, of course, I also thought about the thing
we talked about. I think last time of the floor
that Shakespeare might have walked on maybe and this is
not this is definitively belonged to one of Shakespeare's relatives.

We're just not sure which one the probably sister not father. Yeah,
so yeah, my other two things. Listen, the Pokemon van
Go thing cracks me up. It cracks me up too, Honestly.
I don't, of course, know the details of the personnel

decisions that were made.

Speaker 2 (06:37):
Right, I feel like.

Speaker 1 (06:41):
Stealing items from your workplace probably grounds for termination.

Speaker 2 (06:48):

Speaker 1 (06:49):
Helping people on a scavenger hunt, yeah.

Speaker 2 (06:52):
I yeah.

Speaker 1 (06:55):
I sort of feel like if somebody had worked for
me for twenty five years and had been a good
employee during that time, and then during a scavenger hunt
they were sort of telling people what the answer was,
I personally would think that might be something that you know,
needs some kind of I don't. I don't like the

word discipline really, even as like, like we're doing union
bargaining right the iHeart podcast You Need to the word
discipline comes up a lot, like it's a word that
has a meaning in labor and work context, but like
it still feels like a kind of gross word to
me sometimes. So I like, I might feel like there
might need to be some kind of like at least
reiteration of the rules. And so this person losing their job,

I'm like, is there more to this story? That's what
I keep wondering, because my first thought was, like, I mean,
who among us has not done like a scavenger hunt
or some kind of like event like this where some
of the people running it are helpful and others are not,
And like, is is this It's actually a fall down

on the part of communications to say, under no circumstances
are you to tell people where things are or hint
at them? For all I know, this could be a
docent who's like, I don't want these poor people to
get frustrated. That's not a fun day at the museum,
crying kid? What's the better option?

Speaker 2 (08:21):
Right? Right?

Speaker 1 (08:23):
And I don't know, but I I always find myself
because I am also you know, deep in Star Wars fandom,
not Pokemon fandom. But I tend to think about, like, Okay,
if this same kind of thing we're happening in my fandom,
would I be one of those people that chases something

like this down? And I don't know that I would be.
There is no shade to people that do. I just
always find myself going, okay, is all of this effort
and hustle worth the stress of it? And will it
really be beneficial to me? Like in six months, Am
I still going to care about this?

Speaker 2 (09:02):
Right? Sure?

Speaker 1 (09:03):
One year? Am I still going to care about this?
In five years? How much will I care that I
have the Van Go Pokemon? Yeah, except I'm trying to,
you know, translate it into a Star Wars thing, like
is there a van Go porge? And would I knock
people over in a museum for it?

Speaker 2 (09:19):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (09:21):
I feel similarly about like seasonal events and video games
where you get special prizes. And there have been video
games that I was really excited about and I would
make a concerted effort to get the seasonal reward prize.
But I just, for example, came back to a game

called Astronear after a long time of playing it, and
I came into it near the end of a seasonal event,
and at first I was like, this seems cool, and
then I was like, oh, I don't actually I don't
actually need to. I can play the game the way
I wanted to play the game and not shift focused
on what I was doing to try to do all
the seasonal events stuff instead, and it is not going
to have an impact on my enjoyment of this game.

Raim to not have the seasonal visor reward.

Speaker 2 (10:08):
Yeah, it's tricky. Those are tricky. So yeah, uh, did
you have another thing on your list?

Speaker 1 (10:14):
Yeah, you know what it is? What is ruby slippers?
The ruby slippers? Yes, I mean I have seen a
pair of the ruby slippers in person. I think I've
seen a couple pair.

Speaker 2 (10:24):

Speaker 1 (10:25):
I don't want to be cruel, but to mistake those
for actual jewels seems like a bit of ding dongerie. Well,
and so that's so okay to me, especially when we
get to the part of the movie. I guess it's
I guess the whole time she has the shoes on,
it's in color. It's obviously sequence on TV, on TV

with you know, the image quality of a television in
the nineteen eighties, which is probably the first time I
ever saw it. So I really don't I don't know.
And I did not go like read court transcripts or whatever.
That would have been too far for this, Like, I
don't know if this is something, if this person really
did genuinely believe that these were real rubies, or if

this was their defense lawyers right, defense that they entered
into the record to try to get because I think
he pleaded guilty, so to try to get a more
lenient sentence, right. And I don't know the answer to
any of that. But when I like, I had seen
the headlines coming across that were like the shoes were found,

the shoes and I was going to court. And then
I got to the ones about you know, thought the
rubies were real, and I was like, what, I had
not been thinking about putting this in unearthed until I
got to this part about thinking the rubies were real.

Speaker 2 (11:47):
Yeah, that's the whole thing.

Speaker 1 (11:50):
Yeah, it's super duper weird to me. Yeah, and it's
like one of those six I guess if you're facing
like serious repercussions, you might be willing to just feign
that you are unable to use your vision to make
decisions about things, which is the kindest way. Yeah, but

I don't, huh, that's super weird defense to me. I'm
gonna start selling Sequence on the black market now. So Yeah,
I did have a number of questions about like what
was really going on with that. A couple of things

that I did want to note is that one I
really felt like, just from my gut response, there was
more stuff this time around that had been published as
open access than in previous Yeah, it seemed like there
was a lot of open access stuff, which is nice
because one of the things that I like to do,

especially when we're talking about like research related to indigenous
communities or research related to communities that were colonized and
the colonizers are doing the research, like I always want
to see if I can find out who, like, did
you have permission to do this? Right? And being able

to read the whole paper as an open access thing
is like that makes it a lot easier to figure
out sometimes because it will be there in the whole text,
and then you might not be able to see that
if you can only see the abstract. And in this case,
there were a couple of things where I couldn't find

any evidence about permission being given, and for a couple
of them, I was like, this makes this research kind
of upsetting to me. Because we talked about several things
that were related to ancient DNA that I tried to
stick with the stuff that was like did not have
that layer to it or if it did like that.

But there was one study that we didn't get into
in which a government had given permission to remove pieces
of bone from this burial site and take it away
to another country to do this DNA research on it,
and I was like, did you ask? I can't tell
from this paper that you asked, and like the fact

that you took pieces of bone away somewhere else without asking,
like I felt gross about it. Conversely, there were a
couple of things that didn't make it into the episode
just because I could not I could not find the
best way to approach it. One was about Aboriginal peoples

in Australia living in coastal areas fifty thousand years ago,
and I couldn't quite wrap my head around how to
explain it, which is why it didn't wind up in
the episode. But the indigenous or the Aboriginal community that
this was a subject of the study was actively part

of the study and cited as co authors on the paper,
and that I really liked, even though I was like,
I can't figure out how to explain this, it was
just a little bit beyond my ability to comprehend. Also,
there was just a lot a lot of stuff. There
were way more links to go through than I really thought,

and whole we could have probably done a third episode.
I could not have written a third episode in time
to record it. But there was enough material that we
could have had another episode that would have had as categories,
possibly war stuff, because there was a whole lot of
stuff that I had that was about gauntlets and armor,

and lots of stuff about armor, and the large number
of unexploded ordnance discoveries and animals that we had a
bunch of. There were a bunch of animal finds that
I had pulled into a partial list to maybe talk about.
Same as last time, we didn't have a whole section
on repatriations. I didn't feel as much like I was

reading a police blotter when I read about various repatriations
this time, but I wanted to focus more on the
final rule for Nagra. That felt like a more meaningful
inclusion in the episode than the like few individual reparations
that had come up in the news research over the

last few months. So, yeah, don't mind, I'm just picking
sequence off of everything I can find to sell on
the blacks sell them on. I just hear something. Why
is that a better defense than saying he stole them
to sell them to a private collector? Yeah? I mean
is it a different level of punishment? Potentially?

Speaker 2 (17:18):
Yeah? Or and maybe, uh, I don't know. I don't
know again. I just I'm.

Speaker 1 (17:22):
Literally gonna lie in bed, awake at night, wondering what
the heck that thought process was here, you're going to
go trying to find court transcripts to see exactly what
it was that was said. Why is that a better
defense than just saying he thought some collector would want
Judy Garland's shoes. Yeah, unless here's my crime fanfic. Unless

saying something like that might implicate a person who would
get real, real mad. That's the only thing I can
think of, like some renowned, very dangerous collector of Wizard
of Oz paraphernalia.

Speaker 2 (17:56):

Speaker 1 (18:00):
I like how we're making kind of a whole alternate
universe about Yeah. So anyway, aside from immediately getting off
on the wrong foot with a piggybank that was really
a jar, I had a fun time researching this. It
is still fun. Occasionally when it goes in a more
frustrating way, we will get emails from folks who are like.

Speaker 2 (18:21):
I hope it stays fun because I like listening to them.

Speaker 1 (18:24):
It's still fun, still fun, And it'll be back in
roughly three months with another installment of Unearthed. So happy Friday.
Whatever's happening on your weekend. If you're going to go
to a museum that's having some kind of collaborative exhibition
that may or may not have a scavenger hunt, I

hope it goes well and is not some kind of
strange descent into absolute chaos of people trying to get
a limited edition card. If you're able to take a break,
I hope your break is very RESTful. If you're not
able to take a break, I hope you're able to
take a minute like some solace somewhere. We'll be back

with a Saturday classic tomorrow and something brand new on Monday.
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Tracy V. Wilson

Tracy V. Wilson

Holly Frey

Holly Frey

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