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March 23, 2024 31 mins

This 2019 episode covers James G. Fair, known as the Silver King. But though Fair often appears on lists of the richest men in U.S. history, his image was also tainted by scandal. 

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Happy Saturday. This week, we talked about Nevada's divorce ranches,
which gave people trying to obtain a divorce a place
to stay while they established Nevada residency. One of our
previous subjects who was divorced under Nevada law was James G. Fair,
whose wife Teresa, filed her divorce complaint with the First

Judicial District Court of Nevada in eighteen eighty three. Teresa
did not need to stay at a ranch to establish residency,
though the Fairs lived in Nevada and James was representing
Nevada in the US Senate, which made Teresa's petition for
divorce under the grounds of habitual adultery a huge scandal.
This episode originally came out on April twenty second, twenty nineteen,

So enjoy and please excuse our mispronunciation of classer mining,
which is spelled as though it should be pronounced placer.
Welcome to Stuff you missed in History Class A production
of iHeartRadio. Hello, and welcome to the podcast. I'm Holly

Frye and I'm Tracy V. Wilson. So Tracey, back in
the fall when I was visiting San Francisco, as you recall,
we ended our tour there and then I stayed for
a week because I love that city. But the hotel
that we were staying in had a photo of Senator
James G. Fair framed and sitting on a little piece
of furniture in the parlor, and my interest was immediately

sparked because there was no context for this fie just
sitting there. It was just there, And so I asked
around and it turned out that Fair had actually paid
for that building to be established as a boarding school
in eighteen ninety and that school was run by a
teacher named Mary Lake, and there were rumors at the
time that she and Fair were romantically involved. They both

denied these, but incidentally, Mary Lake allegedly haunts that hotel.
She never visited me. To the best of my knowledge,
we didn't see her. But I then was kind of
left with the desire to know a lot more about
James G. Fair, And it turned out as I did
some digging, oh, he was a piece of work. He
was a contemporary of Levi Strauss. He was living and

working in San Francisco around the same time as the
Denham Magnet. But though Fair often appears on lists of
the richest men in US history. He just doesn't have
the same level of name recognition, and so I thought
it might be fun to do an episode on him.
But spoiler alert, it's unlikely that you're going to come
away from this episode feeling warm and fuzzy about James G.

Fair the way you might have after the Levi Strauss episode.
He's not quite as magnanimous and lovely a man. Yeah,
if your primary affection is for money and the making thereof,
you might be super into it, maybe at all costs, right,
regardless of the consequences of your search for money. Fair's

story starts in Chloher County Trone in Ireland, where he
was born on December third, eighteen thirty one, and his
father's name was also James Fair. His mother's maiden name
was Graham, and that's where he got his middle name. Yeah,
we don't know her first name any longer. The records
don't seem to clearly indicate what her first name was.
But when James was twelve, his family immigrated to the

United States and they lived briefly in Geneva, Illinois. After
finishing his early schooling in Geneva, Fair went on to
study both business and science in Chicago, but the California
gold rush captured his attention and ambition when that whole
thing blew up, and so at the age of eighteen,
Fair left Illinois to seek his fortune in mining. At first,

he worked in placer mining, and that is using water
to excavate and recover the deposit that you're trying to
get at the most basic form of placer mining is panning,
but there are much larger scale and more industrial forms
of placer mining as well. He did okay in these efforts.
He made a little bit of money, but it was
never quite the major income that he was hoping for,

and Fair floundered around a little bit. Once he decided
that gold might not be the road to wealth for him.
He tried mining for quarts, because a lot of courts
was part of the source for where all of these
gold mines were coming from, but he only met with
a little bit of success. And then he actually gave
farming a whirl for a little while on a plot
near Petaluma, California, but that was similarly unfulfilling and not

really very profitable, and he gave up after six months.
In the early eighteen sixties, he shifted his gears again
away from gold and courts and agriculture and California. This
time he set his sights on Nevada. In the late
eighteen fifties, silver loads had been discovered in Nevada, and
Fair was eager to be one of the first people
to capitalize on the silver trade. Yeah, he didn't run

out there right as these silver loads were being discovered.
He kind of wanted to get a sense of the
whole situation and if it was really a viable thing,
since gold had not worked out. But once he realized like, oh,
this is a very real opportunity, he was on top
of it. It was a really smart move, as he
was much more successful in silver mining than he had
been in gold mining, although I should point out that

many of these mines were also producing both silver and gold,
but silver was just what was making the most money.
He went to Virginia City, Nevada, which is south of Reno.
It's to the east of Lake Tahoe's northern tip. And
Fair worked prospecting in Virginia City for five years on
his own, but in eighteen sixty five, a corporate enterprise
hired him as its superintendent, and that mine was the

Opher Mine, named after King Solomon's o Fear mine, from
which so much wealth had sprung. Soon Fair was showing
just how good he was managing the oper mines, business interests,
and day to day functions, and that skill attracted the
attentions of other mining operations. He was hired as director
of the Hale and Norcross mine. He also became friends

with John W. McKay. His work at Hale and Norcross
turned it from something that just wasn't turning a profit
into a valuable venture, resulted in two billion dollars over
the course of two years. That money didn't go back
to Fair, though it went to the company. In eighteen
sixty seven, Fair and Halen Norcross severed their relationship for

reasons that have never been totally clear. Yeah, there are
a lot of theories about maybe him being frustrated that
he wasn't really getting much of the profit and that
he kind of just told them to go take a hike,
or that he may have been making noises like that
and they told him to go take a hike. We
don't really know what happened exactly, but Fair and his
friend Mackay, who had also been working in mining, Towns

joined forces with San Francisco stockbrokers James C. Flood and W. S.
O'Brien to buy a controlling interest in the Hale and
Norcross mine in eighteen sixty eight, and that four man
partnership eventually came to be known by the nickname the
Silver Kings. All of them were Irish. James Flood was
not born in Ireland, but he was born in New
York shortly after his parents immigrated. This by into Hale

and Norcross was a really significant move. Prior to the
forsome joining forces to come into control of the mine.
Its previous controlling owners were the dominant powers in Nevadam mining.
These were William C. Ralston and William Sharon, and they
were backed by the Bank of California, which Ralston had founded.
They had continued to capitalize on their wealth by making

loans to hopeful speculators for the purchase of mines or
stocks in mines. They weren't really hoping these people would
turn a profit for the mine. They were hoping that
they would lose their money and be foreclosed on if
the notes weren't paid in time. Then Ralston and Sharon
would take control of the mine after it had been
foreclosed on, they would expand their own footprint. That was

actually how they had come to own Hale and Norcross
in the first place. They had not actually been the
owners when Fair worked there. Yeah, they definitely get characterized,
and not without reason, as kind of the mustache twirling
villains of Virginia City and the surrounding area at the time. Fair,
who at this point had a great deal more agency
as a controlling owner of the Hale and Norcross, was

able to run things exactly as he wished, and that
way turned out to be very, very prosperous. Because Fair
had begun as a prospector and worked in the mining
industry for years at that point, and he knew a
lot about machinery. He understood every facet of mining more deeply,
perhaps than anyone else at the time. He was also
quick to take action, but he was not impulsive. He

thought through all of his ideas and plans completely before
ever committing manpower and resources to them. He was also
completely hands on, even as a high level executive. He
would go into the minds just about every day to
inspect the progress and equipment and to update the workers
with new directives based on those inspections. Some of this
was because he obviously did not trust anybody else's judgment

as much as he trusted his own, but this really
cost him. Having his hand in every level of the
business meant that he did not sleep very much and
he had very little time for his personal life. He
did get married during this time, and we'll talk about
his wife a little bit more later, but he pretty
clearly was focused on the mind and making money. I mean,
he did everything from these inspections. He wrote all of
the checks instead of hiring a clerk or an accountant

to do it. He would do like their reports at
the end of every fiscal session and like literally go
line by line through everything they had spent money on.
He was completely devoted to this job, and the mind
was so fruitful that it became really apparent that James
Fair and his business associates should think about expanding their
holdings and maybe buy up some additional property in the area.

And some of that property already had smaller mining interests
on it, and one of the minds that they bought
a controlling interest in was the Consolidated Virginia, which they
purchased from Ralston in eighteen seventy two, Ralston's partner Sharon,
thought that the purchase was going to be dead weight
for this collection of Irish businessmen. There had been so
much effort already poured into the Consolidated Virginia mind and

it was believed to be dry. But it turned out
that belief was incorrect. And coming up, we're gonna talk
about what happened when Fair and his company worked the
Consolidated Virginia mine. But first we will pause for a
little sponsor break. So once Fair and his partners took

control of Consolidated Virginia, they opted to tunnel into the mine,
and for a while it did indeed seem like a
waste of time and money, and they would occasionally find
small veins, but then they would follow them only to
find an end. But then in March eighteen seventy three,
they found a vein that widened more and more the
deeper they tunneled into it, and before the news could

break that the allegedly dry mine actually contained a very
significant vein fifty feet in width. At that point, Fair
and mackay contacted their partners who were in San Francisco
and told them to buy any outstanding stock in the
consolidated Virginia mine that they could. As an aside, Fair
always claimed that he had been the one to find
this vein and that he used his years of knowledge

and skill to really carefully follow this vein of silver
that was so thin and delicate that it would have
been impossible for somebody with less savvy to do it.
But his version leaves out the fact that there was
another man named Sam Curtis who was the superintendent on
the project and he was the one that actually made
that discovery. And additionally, other accounts say that it was
really easy to follow this vein once they had stumbled

across it. Yeah, there's it comes up a lot in
various biographies of him that he always describes it as
a knife thin edge of vein that he, you know, intuited,
might go somewhere further, And then other people are like,
you could literally have driven a team of horses through there,
it was so easy to find. So some disparity in

the accounts of what this vein was actually like. Then. Also,
if you work for a publicly traded company today, this
business of buying up stock before you make a big announcement,
that's the kind of thing you have ethics training about, right.
I think that James G. Fair probably would have spat
at the idea of ethics training. That's just my theory.

I don't know. I don't mean to in any way
disparage the van who clearly had a lot of business acumen,
but I don't think he would have been down with
ethics training. But back to the story. So once Fair
and Mackay told their partners to buy up interest in
the mine, and remember they already had the controlling interest,
they just wanted as much of it as they could get.

But they did exactly that, and they also bought as
much additional property in the surrounding area as they could,
and soon the partners had amassed a huge tract of land,
which they called the Consolidated Virginia in California. And that
vein that they had struck was massive. It came to
be known as the Big Bonanza, and just a few
years after the new company was established, their combined mind

had earned one hundred and fifty million dollars that is
not adjusted to today's dollars that was in the currency
at the time. And along the way, Fair had astutely
invited press rivals and brokers to all come and look
at the mine, which was all part of driving up
interest and value to ensure the best possible position should
he and his partners wish to sell so. After this

period of incredible growth, Nevada's mining industry started to take
on a darker image. As stock speculation led to an
economic downturn, Fair and his associates came to be viewed
as greedy manipulators of this market. Fair made a variety
of statements to the press, defending himself and defending his partners,
but their images were already pretty well tainted. Furthermore, they

had made a lot of money in part because of
this over valued mining stock, and over the years, Fair
and his friend McKay continued the hands on management of
the mines together while their partners handled finances out of
their offices in California, and Fair and McKay managed for
a long time to stay cordial, despite James Fair's tendency
to showboat and sometimes have temperamental outbursts, and that worked

largely due to McKay's willingness to just sort of navigate
around such things. And they were in many ways polar opposites,
even down to their spending habits. McKay gave away money constantly,
but he would spend very little on himself. Fair, on
the other end, would spend lavishly on what we would
probably call promoting his personal brand today. He liked to
do things that made him look big and important, but

he was otherwise really tight with money. Fair had diversified
his fortune and invested in a number of other business ventures.
Over the years, he amassed more and more wealth the
whole time. We mentioned earlier that Fair was a contemporary
of Levi Strauss, and one space where their stories are
pretty similar is in the world of San Francisco real estate.
So just as Straus spot up interesting properties around the

city to build up his holdings, Fair did the same
thing starting in eighteen sixty nine. In Fair's case, he
focused first on businesses and residential properties, but then he
started expanding his interests in his business acumen to get
involved in railroads and transit systems as well. In eighteen
seventy eight, he built the South Pasife Coast Railroad, and
this also included a ferry system, and it was really

a key moment in the growth of the Bay Area
because it connected San Francisco, Santa Cruz, San Jose, and Oakland,
and less than a decade after it was completed, Fair
sold the whole thing to the Southern Pacific Company in
eighteen eighty six, and he made himself a million dollars
in the process. Even before he sold off the South
Pacific Coast Railroad, he had already moved into yet another

entirely new career as a politician. In eighteen eighty one,
he was elected to the United States Senate and a
race against his mining rival William Sharon, and Fare had
run on a platform that focused on the interests of
the state of Nevada, even when those interests were not
necessarily in line with his political party. The obituary that
ran it got picked up by the New York Times,

which is what I read it in, but it ran
in other papers when Fair died described him as quote
nominally a Democrat. The silver minds of the state were
a huge economic driver, and as a consequence, Fair, who
of course knew all about them, was able to prioritize
those interests to keep the state economy prosperous. And in
his campaign he told people that he didn't know anything

about politics, but he knew what the state and its
miners needed, but once he had his senatorial seat, he
didn't actually do much with it. It was estimated that
he had spent about three hundred and fifty thousand dollars
getting elected, but after attending some sessions dutifully for the
first few months of his term, he just sort of
seemed to check out. Eventually, he was actually spending more

time back in San Francisco than he was in Washington,
and even on the issue of advocating for the silver
mining industry, which he had run on as his platform,
he led another Nevada Senator, John P. Jones, take the
lead when it came to speaking on the issue. On
the Senate floor, Fair voted in favor of the Chinese
Exclusion Act of eighteen eighty one, but he wasn't especially

active on any other issues. He really preferred to go
back to California and gossip to all of his friends
about Washington politicians. Then when he was in Washington, he
tended to skip sessions and drink in his office with
his friends. It turned out that he just found the
Senate to be boring. Yeah, at one point he said
something about how to him like listening to a bunch
of people talk about things like, you know, what a

person should be paid as a fair wage just bored
him to tears, and he would rather be either in
the minds or running something. He was not so much
with the legislation, but in the midst of his term
he also became the focus of a massive scandal when
his wife of twenty two years filed for divorce, and
the scandal came about because she cited habitual adultery is

the reason that she sought to end the marriage in
eighteen eighty three. This was the first time such a
charge was made against a sitting US senator, and it
was nationwide front page news. Fairs fellow senators were horrified
and denounced him. The divorce hearings took place in early
May eighteen eighty three, and the testimony was big news.

That testimony was also extremely damning to James G. Fair.
One of his armors testified during the hearing and another
one provided a deposition to the court. Fair claimed the
whole thing was a political plot that had been orchestrated
by his enemies, but he also didn't contest any of
the charges that were made against him. He agreed to
the divorce, and then when the dust settled, the judgment

against him was really harsh. The conditions of the divorce
stated that James would get custody of the couple's two sons,
James and Charles, and they also had two daughters, Teresa
and Virginia, who were to stay with their mother per
the court's decision. But the big news was that missus
Fair was also granted nearly five million dollars in cash
and securities, which is believed to be the largest divorce

settlement in history at that time. This was a huge
loss for Fair, not just because of the public scandal
and the dissolution of his family, but also because it
led to the dissolution of his very successful long term
business partnership. William S O'Brien had died in eighteen seventy eight,
but McKay and Flood had sided with Teresa in the divorce.

Things had already became I'm strained when Fair had started
working as a senator while he was in Washington. Theresa
would look to McKay for support in California, and by
helping her, mackay had made Fair feel insulted. Since these
three men couldn't untangle their business feelings. Fair instead contented
himself by giving his business associates some backhanded compliments in

the press. Yeah, he would say, you know, things along
the lines are like, oh, they've done so well for themselves,
considering you know, they started out poor stupid humans like
they did. It was just really unkind to them. And
we're going to talk next about some of the family
drama that swirled around the Fairs after the divorce. But
first we are going to take a quick break and
hear from one of our sponsors. So Fair's daughters after

the divorce were raised by their mother, Teresa, and she
raised them to be educated and well mannered. Fair could
not really be bothered to do the same for his
sons had disastrous consequences. His son Jimmy, developed a serious
drinking problem, which was often reported in the press, including
what sounds to me like a terrifying night when he
drank twenty cocktails in one sitting and a doctor had

to be called because he passed out. Jimmy actually died
very young, and his cause of death was it reported
entirely differently from paper to paper. Some claimed that he
died of acute alcoholism, others stated that he had died
of suicide. Fair's relationships with his surviving children were strained
when his oldest daughter, Teresa, who went by Tessei, got
married in a high profile society wedding. Fair was not invited,

although he claimed that he sent the newly weds a
million dollars as a wedding present, even though he had
not been invited. Yeah, it's unknown if that actually happened
or if it was something he just said to the
press to stir up their interests. He kind of liked
to be in the press, but he definitely didn't go
to the wedding. Fair retired from politics after his first
term ended in eighteen eighty seven, and then he settled

into the work of managing his real estate interests in
San Francisco in the surrounding area. He bought more properties,
particularly money making properties like office buildings and retail spaces
that would generate rental income, and all of his rental
agreements put the onus of maintenance and upkeep on the renters,
so he was able to keep most or all of
that rent money rather than funneling it back into property improvements,

and this gave him something of a slumlord reputation. His
properties were known for being run down, but he always
claimed that the real estate taxes were just far too
high to allow him any budget for refurbishment. His wife,
Teresa Fair, died in eighteen ninety one. The Fair's son, Charlie,
tried to get an advance on the trust fund that
was set up in her will in order to pay

off debts that he had accrued purchasing racehorses. Charlie had
also developed a dependency on alcohol, and in a hasty move,
he married a young woman who was rumored to be
running a brothel out of her home. All of this
caused a rift between Charlie and his sisters, as well
as between and his father. And James Fair had always
been a drinker. His sons inherited their problems with alcohol

from him, but in these later years of his life
his reliance on alcohol increased significantly. He also ate voraciously,
and not in a healthy way. He started each day
with four boiled eggs, a dozen slices of toast, a steak,
and coffee, and the heavy meals and the heavy drinking
really took a toll on his health, and as he
began to reckon with the reality of his mortality. He

also decided to reconcile with his son, Charlie. By eighteen
ninety four, Fair's health started to decline rapidly, but even
so he remained a contrarian. When his pastor visited to
discuss the sermon that he might give at Fair's funeral service,
it made the silver Magnet so furious that he got
out of bed. He put on his work clothes and

he walked his office to work, and he did that
for two more days, but those were his last trips
out of the house. Even though he knew that he
was probably going to die soon, having someone else tell
him that just made him irate, so he kind of
wanted to prove them wrong. But time eventually caught up
with him. He caught what seemed initially to just be

a cold in December, but he couldn't seem to recover
from it. He was also diagnosed with diabetes and kidney disease,
and soon after that illness, around Christmas of December eighteen
ninety four, he fell into an unconscious state, from which
he never awoke. On December twenty ninth, eighteen ninety four,
James Fair died at Lick House. That was one of

his homes in San Francisco. At the time of his death,
his estate was valued at and estimated forty million dollars.
In his will, he arranged for each of his children
to be supported by the estate with a regular income
for the rest of their lives. In the event of
his daughter's deaths, their inheritance would pass to their children,
and in the case of his son Charles dying, his

share would be split between his sisters. It would not
go to Charlie's wife, Maud or any children of that marriage. Yeah,
there had been hoped since he had reconciled with Charlie
that he might also finally accept Charlie's wife, but apparently
not so much. Charlie had sent word to his sisters,
both of whom were living in New York at the time,
that their father was about to die, but they had

refused to answer their estranged brother because they had not
reconciled with him. They instead sent word to other family
friends in San Francisco, though about the situation via telegraph.
Fair also left money to his siblings, who left his sisters,
Mary Anderson and Margaret J. Cruthers two hundred and fifty
thousand dollars each, as well as fifty thousand dollars to

his brother William Fair and twenty thousand dollars to his
brother Edward. Orphan asylums were also beneficiaries. Fair made provisions
for orphanages run by different religious denominations in the city
of San Francisco to each have their own bequest. Those
are not massive bequests. They were large for the time,
but when you consider how much money he was doling out,
it kind of seems like I should give some to

charity so people don't think of a journey. It's like,
here have two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Oh, you
orphaned twenty five thousand. I'm not judging, yes, I am.
Fair also put some really interesting stipulations into his will
about potential efforts to break said will. So, according to

how it was written, if any of his children contested
the will, their share would automatically go to the other
two siblings, and if anyone came forward claiming either to
be James Fair's illegitimate child or claiming to be a
common law wife, they would just be issued fifty dollars
and get nothing more. What Fair didn't anticipate with those stipulations.

Was all three of his children contesting the will in
a sort of unified front. None of them wanted to
deal with trustees and an income that was doled out
from a trust. All of them wanted to just have
their inheritance. And then, to make matters even more contentious,
the will vanished from the county Clerk's office just a
month after James Fair died. It was replaced with a
blank piece of paper in the envelope that the will

had been filed in. A lot of people were questioned
as police tried to piece to together who had access
to this ovelope, who could have made the switch. Nothing
came of the investigation, and the will was never recovered,
and the trustees claimed that the Fair children must have
taken the will so that the estate would be split
among them. The siblings believed that the trustees had stolen

the will because they knew that it would be revealed
as fraudulent. And as all of these accusations were made
and the investigation stalled, a woman named Neddie Craven, who
was the principal of the Mission Grammar School, came forward
and claimed that she had a will that Fair made
after the one that had disappeared. This was a handwritten will,
so the press nicknamed it the pencil will, and it

left the estate to the children. The will had allegedly
been written because missus Craven had spoken to James Fair
about a bill that was related to school teacher's pension funds,
and he had written this copy to include a bequest
of fifty thousand dollars to the pension fund. While the
Fair family initially supported Missus Craven in her document, soon
she produced more handwritten documents, claiming them to be the

writing of James Fair. Two of them left her properties
and one declared her his wife, and then that set
off a whole series of events that ended up in
a very expensive trial. Eventually, Craven caved under this financial pressure.
She handed over the handwritten deeds and marriage declaration in
return for a small sum of cash. Now, when she

initially appeared with a handwritten will that seemed to convey
exactly what his kids always wanted, they were like, yes,
this woman is the real deal. And then when she
was like he also left me two very big rental properties,
they were like, wait a minute. And then she was like,
and I'm his common law wife, They're like hold the phone,
and it became like a whole big, crazy thing. But

as the Craven issue receded, numerous other claimants to Fair's
life and fortune emerged. Multiple women claiming to have been
engaged or common law married to James Fair came forward,
as well as a number of people claiming to be
his children. The nineteenth century passed into the twentyth century
before this will was settled and the Fair children finally
got their inheritance. So, really, a lot of people liked him.

He was capable of being friendly with pretty much everybody,
even making people he had never met before feel like
they were his old friends. His career in mining had
been so successful in part because he treated everybody the same,
regardless of whether they were a wealthy executive or a
worker down in the mine. But that was only one
side of his personality. The other side is a Fair

that was fairly conceited about his own skills and intellect.
So in some ways it kind of seems like he
treated most people equally because he saw everyone as equally
less impressive than himself. He was not above taking advantage
of someone that he thought was foolish In business, and
he would later crow about business deals that were far
more favorable to him than the other involved party. He

was shrewd and manipulative even with his family members. At
one point, he gave a fake tip to his wife
about a stock, knowing that she would not only buy
her own personal savings, but also tell other people about it.
And when all of those people started buying and the
stock was hot, Fair sold his shares and made a profit.
His wife ended up losing her life savings, and he

was not especially sympathetic about that loss, which might be
another reason that she wanted to divorce him, and another
thing that would be in ethics class. Yes, that ability
to ingratiate himself to other people and just charm them
to pieces was very real, though, and it was something
that he really used to his advantage. A lot of

his most successful business dealings were built around relationships that
he had fostered with this very genial side to his personality. Yeah,
he was definitely two men in one. The obituaries that
appeared in various papers after James G. Fair died all
noted what an accomplished man he was, how astute his
business mind was, and how incredibly skilled he was mechanically,

but they didn't really paint a rosy picture of the man.
A lot of them said a lot of bad things
about him as well. In one of his acquaintances described
Fair as a master mechanic, a shrewd financier, and quote
from early childhood, more interested in the affairs of James G.
Fair than any other soul on Earth. Oh, James Fair,

you self involved bees. Thanks so much for joining us
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2. In The Village

2. In The Village

In The Village will take you into the most exclusive areas of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games to explore the daily life of athletes, complete with all the funny, mundane and unexpected things you learn off the field of play. Join Elizabeth Beisel as she sits down with Olympians each day in Paris.

3. iHeartOlympics: The Latest

3. iHeartOlympics: The Latest

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