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January 5, 2024 71 mins

Lasers can be used to threaten our enemies, cut steel and even amuse our cats. Find out the history of lasers and how they work in this episode of Techstuff.

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Speaker 1 (00:04):
Welcome to tech Stuff, a production from iHeartRadio. Hey there,
and welcome to tech Stuff. I'm your host, Jonathan Strickland.
I'm an executive producer with iHeart Podcasts and How the
Tech Are You. It's a Friday. It's time for a
tech Stuff Classics episode, and that means we go back

into our archives and pick an episode to play for
your pleasure. This one originally published way back on June fourteenth,
twenty seventeen. It has the wonderful title Pew Pew Lasers Enjoy.
So we're going to talk about some pretty high tech
stuff today. Actually, I'm going to look at a topic
that we first addressed way back in twenty eleven with

the episode how Lasers Work. That's when Chris Palette, my
original co host, and I sat down and we talked
about a little bit of the history of lasers and
how they actually operate. But I thought it'd be better
to revisit this, explain it again, kind of take a
different approach to it. So, lasers are awesome and they

can do tons of different stuff. Right. We can do
everything from having a little laser pointer to amuse ourselves
and our pets to having a laser element inside optical
drive so that we can read information that's been stored
on a disc. To communications satellites, to propelling spacecraft to
cutting steel. There's all sorts of things we can do

with lasers. Oh, we can threaten our enemies. We can
tie them up and put them on a slab and
then slowly have a laser creep upward and then laugh
maniacally as we expect mister Bond to die. We can
do all that sort of stuff with lasers. So we're
going to talk about what they are, what they can do,
their history, and maybe some cool trivia about lasers as well,

and laser related stuff. So let's get to it now.
First of all, what is the technical definition of a laser? Well,
a laser is an acronym that means that it's a
word that's made up of the initials of other words, right,
so it stands for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.
But for most of us that doesn't really clear things up.

That just raises other questions like what do they mean
by stimulated emission of radiation? And how do you amplify light?
So I'm going to go in talk about all of
that kind of stuff because it's really fascinating. It involves
a lot of science and technology, two things I love
to talk about. The third thing obviously being Chaucer's Canterbury

tails one that I plicate with the shoulder asuta, but
that does not really fit with lasers. They didn't have
the laser's tail, so we're gonna skip Cannabar retails for
this episode. Now, a laser is a device that produces
a very narrow beam of light, and these beams are monochromatic.
That means they are single color see single wavelength. That's
a very specific wavelength of light for each laser and

thus a specific color. So we perceive different wavelengths of
light as different colors of light. So if you think
of your roy GVIV, that is actually a spectrum literally
a spectrum of colors. That's also a spectrum of wavelengths,
with red being the longest wavelength and violet being the
shortest wavelength. In the visible spectrum. The wavelength of light

depends entirely on the amount of energy electrons release within
the laser itself. So electrons release energy and in the
form of photons or light particles, and the color of
laser you get depends upon the amount of energy those
electrons are releasing, and the amount of energy they release
is dependent upon the type of atoms that they are

connected to, because it all has to do with orbits
of electrons around nuclei. More on that in a second.
So the light is also coherent. Now, that does not
mean it is able to hold a conversation and make
salient points. It's not that kind of co parent. It
means that the light is made up of organized photons.

Organized photons in this case means that they're all traveling
the same pattern of wavelength that are all in the
same page as it were. If you look at wavelength,
if you were to draw a series of waves, they
would all be lined up exactly, so all the crests
and the troughs would be lined up along the same points.
At any point along the wavelength, they would match entirely.

So that is what we mean by coherent. It's what
helps keep the light organized and moving in that specific
direction you want it to. And the light is also directional.
That means the beam is tight and concentrated and remains
so over great distances. You don't get a lot of
light diverging from that pathway, and some lasers are able

to project for miles in miles, like hundreds of thousands
of miles in some cases, or without having any kind
of degradation of the beam, which is kind of cool.
I mean, it's amazingly cool. Now you can trast that
with something like a flashlight. Flashlights have a beam that
spreads out as it travels out we're from its source,

it diffuses, so it's different from a laser. It doesn't
have the coherence that a laser would have. This is
typical of most light sources. You don't find lasers in nature.
Lasers are something that we have caused to happen because
of the natural laws. If it weren't for the natural laws,
lasers wouldn't work. Obviously we didn't create that out of

whole cloth. But it doesn't spontaneously happen in nature because
you have to have very specific parameters set up in
order to generate a laser beam. Now, to understand why
it works the way it does, it helps to know
how light works. Now, light behaves both as a wave
and a particle, but for this bit of the explanation,

we're mostly concerned with wave physics, even though we'll be
talking about photons, the basic unit of light, the basic
particle of light a lot in this episode. So a
light source gives off waves of light, and different colors
of light have different wavelengths. Like I said, you know,
those red wavelengths are longer than the orange ones, Infrared
waves are even longer, Ultraviolet are even shorter than violet,

So you've got that different spectrum of wavelengths there. When
you get down to that violet, you're really looking at
the shortest wavelengths that we can perceive before it just
becomes invisible to us. So again ultraviolet, we can't see that.
Certain classes in dungeons and dragons different They can see ultravioletlight,

not the rest of us. So these waves travel typically
out of phase from each other from normal light sources.
So again, if you were to chart those wavelengths, the
crests and valleys would of each individual photon wouldn't match
up right, like the crest of one might be matched
with the valley of another or somewhere else along its waylength.

They wouldn't be moving in phase, they'd be out of phase.
So lasers all line up those light waves at the
same way. So that they are in phase. And that's
what we mean when we say coherent, that the various
photons are all in phase with one another. And the
way you generate lasers makes this happen. It's kind of cool.

We'll talk about that again a little bit later. But
all of the photons in the beam have unified wave fronts,
so they're all moving in exactly the same wavelength at
exactly the same time. Now, to understand how all of
this works, it takes a looking at atoms. We have
to go back to basic science. So let's take a

look at an atom. Now. Back in the day when
I was in school, atoms were depicted as being kind
of like the orbits of planets, where you would have
a nucleus in the center, kind of like the Sun,
and electrons would orbit in neat little circles around at
specific distances from the nucleus. As it turns out, things
aren't quite so neat, and simple electrons are in an

electron cloud that are around the nucleus. It is impossible
to say with complete certainty where an electron is at
any given moment. You know, you can know a position
of an electron, but not it's direction. Or vice versa
with complete certainty. Heisenberg's n certainty principle is a fun thing.
But you know, when you have a basic atom and

you haven't added any energy to the atom in its
ground state energy level, that's when it's just, you know,
kind of chilling. Atoms are always in motion. You only
get atoms in no motion at all at absolute zero,
when you're at zero kelvin. That is when you have
zero atomic movement. But otherwise, atoms are always in motion.

Even in solid objects, they're just not moving a lot.
When you add energy to atoms, they move more. They
start to get energized. When you energize atoms enough, you
can boost them to an excited level. Now, typically you
do this by applying energy like heat, light or electricity
to the atom, Whereas if you want to excite me,

you just say, hey, they might be giants's coming to town.
You want to go see them? And I'm like, yeah, totally.
So you've got atom which consists of that nucleus, and
you've got the electron cloud around it. When you apply energy,
it causes the electrons to move to a higher orbit
around that nucleus. Again, since we're talking about a cloud,
and not just a simple orbit circle. You can think

of it as meaning the electrons move a little further
away from the nucleus. If you add enough energy, you
can strip electrons away from the atom entirely. This will
create a charged atom because you will now have an ion.
It's going to have a net positive charge because you're
going to have protons there and you've pulled away some

of the electrons, so you've taken some of that balance out.
If you add enough electric enough energy, I was about
to say electricity, but really energy. Electricity is one form
of energy you could add to the atom in order
to do this. But if you didn't add that much,
like if you added enough to excite the electrons but
not strip them away from the nucleus. When you remove

that source of energy, the electrons will move back down
to their ground state. They do not quote unquote want
to be at that excited level. They have a ground
state that they are naturally inclined to be at. But
they've absorbed energy. So in order to move back down
to their normal energy level, they have to give up

some of the energy that they've absorbed, and they do
this through emitting a photon. That basic unit of light,
and once they emit that photon, that's what allows them
to move back to their ground energy state because they
no longer have that excess energy inside of themselves. So
you can think of it as almost being like the

electron is too full, like it's eaten too much, and
then it has a little belchi belch or something it
manages to emit some part of that energy. It is absorbed,
and now it's feeling more like its old self again,
and then you can just boost it back up again
if you want to. So photons are emitted this way

through in lasers, but that's not the only way we
generate photons, like there are very specific ways of doing
this in all sorts of applications, and many of them
are pretty basic. Like your incandescent light bulb uses the
same principle. You run an electric current through some wire

a filament, typically in a vacuum sealed tube a bulb,
and running the electric current causes the filament to heat
up because as resistance to electrical current, so some of
that electricity gets converted over into heat. As this heats up,
it excites the atoms within that filament, and as that

energy source moves through it allows those electrons to come
back down, the atoms begin to emit photons, and then
you get this glow. In the case of light bulbs,
the glow creates the light you would have from an
incandescent bulb. You could also see the same thing with
heating elements, Like if you were to look inside a
toaster and you see that orange glow, Well, that orange

glow is coming from the heating elements that have had
their atoms excited. The electrons got boosted to a higher
energy level and then they came down and started releasing photons.
So it's not just lasers that do this, but lasers
take advantage of it in a very specific way. That's
pretty cool. I am interrupting this laser focused episode, uh

huh unintended in order for us to take a quick
break to think our sponsors. So, a laser uses this
principle to create those narrow beams of light. And here's
how they do it. First, you need what is called

a lasing medium. A laser medium, this is the stuff
that you're going to use to excite. You know, you're
gonna excite the atoms in this stuff so that it
generates the wavelength of light that you want, and so
the type of stuff you use that's going to determine
the type of atoms that are present, which in turn
determines the energy levels of the electrons, which in turn

determines what color light you're gonna get through the lasing medium.
All of this is dependent upon, ultimately the source of
the lasing medium, like what is that material? The lasing
medium acts like an amplifier, only this is for optics
rather than for acoustics. So some people call the lasing

medium the game medium or the source of optical gain
because it's like a microphone gain setting. It is amplifying
a signal, but in this case it's amplifying light, not
amplifying sound. The gain in this case is that stimulated
emission of photons I was talking about, and the emission
is stimulated through an interesting series of events. You start

by initially adding energy to the lasing medium, and then
the photons it emits end up stimulating other atoms inside
the lasing medium that have already been excited, and then
you get a steady stream of photons that create your
laser beam. But first you have to add energy into

the system. You do this from what is called a
pump source because you are pumping energy into the lasing medium.
So basically, you pump energy into this medium, you excite
some atoms. Those excited atoms start to emit photons. Those
photons will start to hit other stimulated atoms and that's

where you get this stimulated emission. So there are lots
of different types of lasing media. So, for example, there
are certain crystals that can serve as a medium. The
earliest lasers were ruby lasers, so you would get a
ruby crystal and that would be your lasing medium. You

would usually introduce some impurities. It's called doping. You add
some impurities to the material in order to make this
a more efficient lasing medium. Usually it's some ions of
some sort and that helps when you are actually getting
to the part of generating a laser. Those are specifically

solid state lasers, the ones that use crystals. You're using
a solid lasing medium. But there are other ones as well.
There's some that use glasses. Some that you gases, including
reactive gases like chlorine and fluorine. Those are specific types
of gas lasers that are called exemer lasers. You have
semiconductor lasers, which produce in the grand scheme of things.

Fairly weak lasers, but they also are fairly inexpensive to produce,
and those are the ones that we use in things
like CD players, DVD players, blu ray players, that kind
of stuff. They tend to be semiconductor lasers. They're easy
to mass produce, they're less expensive, and they aren't so
powerful as to cause problems. You don't need a CD
player laser that could burn a hole through the surface

of the Earth. That would be ridiculous. You can also
get liquid medium lasers. These are liquids that have various
organic dyes, special organic dyes, dyes that will allow for
this stimulated emission of light amplified light. Now, the pump

is some sort of energy transfer that you use to
excite those atoms in the first place, so that they'll
emit those initial photons when the electrons calm the heck down.
Laser pumps are some form of external source of energy. Typically,
they supply energy in the form of either electricity or light,
but there are other means of pumping a lasing medium

with energy to create lasers. Light and electricity are the
two most common ones, but they are not the only kinds.
There are some that use chemical reactions. There are some
that even use nuclear reactions, which I think is taking
it a little far if you're asking me, that's me
mostly being tongue in cheek. But again, most of the

lasers that we would encounter throughout our day, those are
generated either through light or through electricity stimulating the lasing medium. So,
for example, most early lasers were using some form of
arc or flash lamp to stack emulate that initial reaction

within the atoms of the lasing medium, like a crystal rod.
So you got your crystal rod with a few impurities
in it that you have specifically placed in there. You
have doped this crystal rod. You would wrap a light
source around this thing, usually within some sort of mirrored chamber,

and you would flash light in pulses against the lasing medium,
and this would actually excite atoms within the medium, which
would then give off photons. Now, if there were no
way for you to keep this reaction going, it would
be such a small emission of photons that you probably

wouldn't even be able to tell you wouldn't it wouldn't
be visible to you. However, by tricking it, you can
totally make it visible. So you typically would use these
mirrors to reflect light back into the lasing medium. That
includes photons that were emitted during that initial flash, and
that's what allows you to create a cascade effect and

create a laser. Generally speaking, you would probably use mirrors
that would allow the reflection of any wavelengths of light
that were shorter than the laser's wavelength would be, and
allow the transference of light that is longer wavelengths longer
than the laser's wavelength that you want. The reason for

that is that if you were to trap all the
light within the chamber, you could cause things to heat
up and create what's called thermal lensing. The actual change
in temperature would create a lens effect that would end
up affecting the ability of a laser to be directional
and coherent. And obviously, if that's your intent, you don't
want that to happen. So, yeah, Thermal lensing occurs when

a sample absorbs energy from a laser beam, it heats up,
it creates this refractive lens that causes beam divergence. That's
not what you want with a laser typically, I mean
you might want to design a system that creates that
splits a beam but that's different from beam divergence. You
want that beam to be nice and tight, typically or
your average laser applications. So let's imagine that we're building

a laser and we start with a rod made out
of ruby. I was gonna say that you could have
a ruby rod, but we all know that he is
busy with Corbyn Dallas trying to save the universe. A
shout out to any of you guys out there who
understand what that reference means. So you've got ruby rod,

and you've got a flash tube that is probably wrapped
around the ruby rod, but at least is shining can
shine on the ruby rod, and you can use the
flash tube out of like a camera. In fact, the
earliest lasers we're using camera flash bulbs as the source
of light to start this reaction. It's not like it's

something super high tech. It's actually pretty cool. And you've
got a mirrored chamber that surrounds the whole thing on
the on either end of the rod. So think of
the rod as like a cylinder. You have put a
silvered mirror on either end. One side is a pure
silvered mirror, so it just reflects light. The other one

is a partially silvered mirror, meaning that it can allow
some light to pass through. Specifically, you want to design
it so it allows the wavelength of the laser light
to pass through, but doesn't allow any other light to
pass through. You turn on the flash tube. This shines
bright light onto the rod, which causes some of the

atoms in the rod to excite. Then, as those electrons
move back down from their excited stage back to the
ground level stage, they release photons, and with enough energy
pumped into the medium, you end up with a larger
population of atoms that are in an excited state than
there are atoms in the ground state. When you reach

that point, it is called a population inversion because you've
inverted the relationship between excited atoms and ground state atoms.
Typically you would have more ground state atoms than excited ones.
Once you're able to flip that balance, you can create
this cascading effect that I've been talking about. So you've
got more excited atoms than you have ground energy level

atoms inside of this lazing medium. At that point they
start giving off photons, and this is pretty cool. What
happens next is photons from some of those first atoms
that had been excited and then were calming down. If
you like, they'll go out and they'll hit other excited atoms.

So these are atoms that I've already had their energy
levels boosted by that flash bulb. The photon from the
first atom, the one that excited and calmed down, has
just the right amount of energy to cause the electron
in an excited atom to come back down to its

ground state and release another photon. So what happens is
the atom that it it connects with will absorb the photon,
then it will emit the photon and emit a second
photon as its own electron comes down an energy level.
So you get two photons emitted, the initial one that

you shot the atom with and then the one that
that atom produced itself. So this is what is called
light amplification. Right, you have amplified the light. You started
with one photon. Now you have two photons and they're
moving in phase with one another because well, because of
quantum physics, but I don't want to get into that

too much. So you get this light amplification through that process.
Now that you have the light amplification, you might as
well say, like, well, what are we calling this this
whole process where a photon can cause another atom to
emit a photon. That's the stimulated emission. You might think

stimulated emission was when you turned on the flash bulb.
That's not technically correct. The stimulated emission part technically comes
from these initial atoms that release photons, and those cause
this chain reaction in the lasing medium. So this can
happen over and over and over again. Right, you're not
really the atoms aren't losing any matter in this. It's

just a process of electrons being boosted up to an
energy level and then coming back down again, so they're
releasing energy. They're not losing anything in this. It's just
a transfer of energy and really a transformation of it
from one form of light to another. So it's fascinating

to me that this is something that not only works,
but that people were able to figure out would work.
It's so far into quantum physics and optics and photonics
that I am amazed that people figured this out. In fact,
they figured it out way back at the beginning of
the twentieth century. It would take the middle of the

twentieth century before anyone built a working laser, but they
figured out the physics of it decades ahead of time,
and that still blows my mind to this day. Then again,
I'm also the guy who can't figure out which remote
control controls the TV versus the audio system. So what
do I know? You get this series of photons being

omitted that are all in phase with one another, and
they bounce back and forth between these two mirrored ends
of this ruby rod, but some of them can pass
through the half silvered or partially silvered end because that
it allows for that, and this is the source of
the laser beam. The photons that get out through that

end become the laser beam, and it's just a steady
beam of light that will continue to fire as long
as this reaction is allowed to continue. If you remove
that source of energy, the pump energy that is allowing
this to happen in the first place, it will stop,
right will. The reaction is not sustaining. It can't just

keep on going. You have to have that external source
of energy to maintain it throughout the whole process, otherwise
it just goes dark. So that's basically how your standard
laser works now if you're using that ruby based laser.
I was talking about the wavelength of the laser. Light

could be measured at six hundred and ninety four nanometers.
That's how long. A wavelength of UBI laser is. Six
hundred ninety four nanimeters, which is incredibly tiny. The visible
spectrum of light is between four hundred nanimeters, which would
be the violet side, up to seven hundred nanometers, which
is the red side. So this ruby one is right

up there at the top level of what we can
see as human beings. Now, you can also have infrared
or ultraviolet lasers. Obviously those would be invisible to us,
but they would still exist and you can still do
some pretty cool stuff with it. In fact, infrared lasers
are often used to cut steel, for example, which pretty

serious stuff when you think about it. But we'll talk
about that more in a little bit. Before we get
into more about PEWPW lasers, let's take a quick break
to thank our sponsor. Now. According to the company Wicked Lasers,

which makes range of laser products, including ones that are
capable of actually burning stuff if you use them, they
say that the wavelength of five hundred and fifty five
nanometers is ideal for brightness compared to other colors that
are produced at that same amount of power. So lasers
have a couple of different elements to them. There's the

wavelength of the laser itself, and then there's the amount
of power that you are able to generate. You measure
laser power in milliwatts. Typically for the ones that we
use day to day as consumers, they can go higher
than millawatts, but typically the ones we consumers use are

in the milliwat lange range rather. But you would measure
them in watts the same way you would with light bulbs.
But a ten watt laser or a fifty watt laser
would be much more much brighter than a fifty watt
light bulb because remember a fifty what light bulb is

giving out fifty watts of light, but it's emitting that
in practically all directions, whereas a laser has it very
much concentrated in a coherent beam. So a fifty watt
laser would be incredibly bright compared to a fifty watt
light bulb. And we're mostly talking about millawats. So if

you have a certain laser pointer of let's say, let's
just say twenty milawatts, I mean it's incredibly small, but
this is just for the purposes of an example, twenty
melawat laser pointer, and it's green, which is closer to
that five hundred and fifty five nanometers in wavelength, and

then you've got another one that's red. The green one's
gonna appear brighter than the red one, even if they're
both emitting the same wattage of laser light, because our
visual acuity is closer to that five hundred and fifty
five nano wavelength range. So violet and blue lasers are
slightly less powerful than that, but the greens are the

ones that are gonna show up the best for their
respective amount of power. Obviously, you can pour more power
into a laser, and in some cases you can end
up with a brighter laser because of it, of course,
depending upon whether or not the laser is within the
visible spectrum in the first place. It doesn't matter how
much power you pour into an infrared laser. You're never

gonna see it. You'll see the results because it'll burn
through stuff, but you won't see the laser itself. But yeah,
it's all about those extra things as well, not just
the wavelength but also the power. So that's really what
helps determine a laser strength is the wavelength and the
amount of power that it's putting out. Really, how much
power are you putting in and getting out of it?

So if I want to use a death laser in
order to defeat my arch nemesis who happens to be
a British secret spy, and I want to also use
another laser to amuse my cat but not turn it
into kittycatflombai, what do I need to do to make
sure about that? Well, one is again that wavelength of light.

Certain wavelengths are absorbed more readily by a broader variety
of substances than other wavelengths. So if you pick a
wavelength that is easily absorbed by lots of different stuff,
that is going to transfer energy more readily to your target. So,
as it turns out, infra red lasers can really transfer

a lot of energy to a broad array of stuff,
including steel. That's why carbon dioxide megawatt lasers are used
to cut through stuff like sheets of steel. But other
colors are not as easily absorbed by as wide a
variety of materials, and so you would really have to

pour more energy into the laser in order to get
a beam strong enough to start cutting through stuff. So
it depends on both how much power you're putting into
the laser and the wavelength of the light. Both of
those together will determine how strong, quote unquote your laser is. Strong.
Isn't really a meaningful term because there are different ways

of measuring laser. It's by how much light it gives
off and also how much energy does it transfer to
a target. But if you're talking about that energy transfer
to a target, those are the two things you have
to worry about, the wavelength and the amount of power
that it generates. You can use other stuff to help
with that too, like lenses. You can use lenses to

help maintain a tighter laser for further distances, but ultimately
it's power and wavelength that you're really concerned with. Lasers
can be used for all sorts of things, from optical
media like DVDs, blu rays, and CD players, to communication
systems to massive industrial lasers that can cut through steel

like warm butter and they're really nifty. But I thought
it might be interesting to learn a little bit more
about not just how lasers work, but sort of the
history of lasers as well. Right, because there's a ton
of different stuff to talk about. I mean, who figured

out how lasers would even be a thing? Like? Where
did that come from? So to trace the history of
the laser, you have to look at the scientists whose
work provided the foundation for all the people who followed.
So all the scientists and engineers who actually started building
lasers in the nineteen fifties, they did this working off

of the theoretical work of people who came before them.
So one of those people was Max Planck. So Plank
was born in eighteen fifty eight in Germany and his
father was a law professor. And when he was a kid,
he was really good at studying and stuff. He was
really interested in tons of different things. He was a
bit of a polymath, really intelligent, very and very accomplished

in several fields, including music. And in fact, when he
turned seventeen, he had to make the tough decision what
was he going to pursue as a career. Was he
going to continue to study science or was he going
to become a musician. And somewhere there's an alternate universe
where Plank decided to become a musician instead of a physicist.

And in that alternate universe we had totally different types
of piano music that Plank would have written. It would
have been amazing. But I think we're pretty thankful for
his contributions to science. So ultimately, if we were to
measure us versus them, I think we get the better
end of the deal. But still, it's really interesting to

think that he could have become a musician instead of
a physicist. And he's sort of the father of quantum physics,
so if he had not gone and to study physics,
it might have delayed our study of quantum physics as
a discipline by at least a decade, potentially more because

his work would go on to inspire lots of other
heavy thinkers, including a mister Albert Einstein. So Plank earned
his doctorate the same year as Einstein's birth, so Plank's
predecessor to Albert Einstein, obviously, and Einstein would take inspiration
from several of Plank's ideas, and one of those was

Plank's idea that energy could only be emitted and absorbed
in discrete amounts. So if you think about it, it's
almost more like digital versus analog. If you've listened to
me talk about digital audio. You know how digital audio
is made up of tiny little steps of pitch and volume,

whereas analog is a continuous wave, right is a bunch
of discrete little moments in time, And the number of
those moments in time that's your sample rate. The more
the higher your sample rate is, the closer this looks
to be a continuous line, but it's not really a
continuous line, tiny little steps in pitch and volume. Well,

Plank's point was that energy is sort of similar it. Ultimately,
when you get down to the very very very tiny
amounts could only be emitted or absorbed in discrete chunks.
It's not continuous, not analog, And this was a revolutionary idea.
Einstein would end up looking at this idea and saying

this is pretty cool. I'm gonna use this and add
on to it, and he created his theory about the
photoelectric effect. Plank, meanwhile, would end up being awarded the
Nobel Prize in Physics in nineteen eighteen for his his
working quantum mechanics. Einstein would similarly be honored several times.

It was Einstein who first suggested that atoms might be
able to produce photons through stimulated emission so lasers are
somewhat built upon the theories of Einstein himself. He stated
that electrons could be stimulated to emit light of a
specific wavelength, which of course is the very basis of lasers.
And Einstein published that theory in nineteen seventeen, so it

would be nearly forty years before anyone could actually build
something to test out and see if Einstein's theory was
of practical application. But it turns out he was right,
which again blows my mind. Forty years before anyone could
build something, and he's saying, hey, you know what probably
would work. I'm oversimplifying it and making light of it.

But I am in awe of people who are able
to think in these terms, where they're able to work
out the basic laws of the universe well before we
could ever make any sort of practical attempt to test
those ideas. It is phenomenal to me. Now, granted, I
could make up laws of the universe, but they would
be completely unsubstantiated and would fail to hold up to

any testing in the future. I lack the ability to
have that level of insight into how our universe works,
but I do appreciate it in others. So let's flash
forward to nineteen fifty one. So we go from nineteen
seventeen to nineteen fifty one. That's when a guy named
Charles H. Towns, who worked at Columbia University in New York,

was sitting on a park bench, which in itself is
not that remarkable, but he came up with an idea
of creating a device that could produce microwaves through stimulated
emission of radiation, and this idea became the basis of
the maser maser, which is similar to the laser, but

obvious amidst microwaves rather than light. Three years later, Towns
would demonstrate a working maser, So this is nineteen fifty four,
not a laser, yet still a mazer. So microwaves are
part of the electromagnetic spectrum, but are not considered part
of light. Right, you've gone beyond infrared at this point.
The wavelengths of microwaves are much, much, much longer than

the wavelengths of light. Towns had actually partnered with a
couple of people in order to create this working maser
that included Herbert J. Zeiger and a graduate student named
James P. Gordon. They used ammonia as their medium for
the mazer, and the wavelength of the microwave was one centimeter.
A centimeter is it's almost impossible for me to describe

how big that is compared to the waves that are
in the nanometer range, the hundreds of nanometers, but it
is while centimeter is small to us, it is enormous
in the quantum world. So they were able to create this,
They were able to build a working mazer using ammonia
as their medium. Now in Moscow at around the same time,

there were a couple of engineers, Nikolai g. Basov and
Alexander M. Prokhorov, who were working on building oscillators at
the time, and while they were building oscillators, they came
up with a method that they thought would work for
negative absorption while building these things, and they called it
the pumping method, which would become important for future mazers

and lasers. In nineteen fifty six, Nicholas Bloembergen at Harvard
develops the first solid state maser. In September nineteen fifty seven,
Towns would sketch out an optical mazer design in a
lab notebook. Also in nineteen fifty seven, there was a
guy named Gordon Gould, who was a grad student at Columbia,

who wrote down his own ideas for a device that
would be similar to a maser, but he called this
one a laser. So this appears to be the first
use of the word lasers, the first recorded instance of
laser as a word. And Gould thought ahead and even
had his notes notarized. So he had them notarized by

a notary, where as a date on it and everything,
so that he could prove that he had come up
with this notion. He tracked down a notary at a
candy shop in the Bronx, which is a phenomenal story
in my mind. I love the idea that this is
non a joke, This really happened. You had a guy
come up with what would become a transformative technology, a laser,

like the idea of creating a light version of what
had already happened, And so he needs it notarized, so
he goes to a candy store. It's pretty sweet when
you think about it. By nineteen fifty eight, Towns was
working with his brother in law Arthur L. Shallow or Shawlow.
I guess is the way you would pronounce it Scchawlow

Shawlow he was a researcher for Bell Labs, which obviously
has played an enormously important role in the development of
electronics in general. Together, they proposed developing masers that could
operate in the infrared and optical parts of the electro
magnetic spectrum. And meanwhile, over in Russia, Prokhorov and Besov
were also investigating the possibility of developing optical mazers. So

the race was on a lot of different people, all
trying to create an optical maser or laser. In April
nineteen fifty nine, Gould would apply for patents relating to lasers,
and in nineteen sixty Towns and Shawlow received a patent
for the optical mazer, which they now were calling a laser,
and thus the Great Laser Battle began. Only this laser

battle wasn't fought with lasers. It was fought over the
intellectual property represent resented by lasers. And this was a
legal battle that would stretch for three decades. So an
incredible laser battle really. But the first working laser was
built in Malibu, California, in nineteen sixty and almost certainly

had nothing to do with plastic surgery. Unlike everything else
in Malibu, California. Theodore H. Mahmon, who worked at Hughes
Research Labs in Malibu, built this first laser. He used
a synthetic ruby that was two centimeters long and one
centimeter in diameter, and he coated the ends in silver
to make them reflective. He used a photographic flash lamp

to pump the lasing materials, so he used the exact
same sort of flash bulbs you would find in a
cameras flash, which was pretty incredible, and a couple of
months later, Hughes's Research would hold a press conference to
announce that they had developed the first working laser. A
few months after that, scientists at IBM's Thomas J. Watson
Research Center demonstrated a working uranium laser, which seems like

a massive show of escalation in my mind. Now at
this point the developments would come really fast and furious,
not like the film series within Diesel, but I mean,
they were just laser development after laser development, tons of advances.
I'm not going to cover all of them because they're
way too many, but I'll cover some of the big ones.

The first helium neon laser debuted at the end of
nineteen sixty again at Bell Labs, and it was able
to create a one point one five micrometer wavelength of
continuous light, so beyond the range of human vision. It
wasn't light that was visible, but it was in the
spectrum of light. And in nineteen sixty one companies began

to manufacture lasers for the market. This is incredible to me.
It had been only a year since someone had built
a working laser, and by the following year people were
making them for sale. Now, granted, they weren't selling them
to average consumers. It's not like John Smith or John Q. Public.

If you prefer I could walk into the closest laser
store and order a laser. These were meant for research
and development purposes and not for people who wanted to
amuse their cats. It was also meant for some early
industrial uses and as it turns out, some early medical uses.
So again I'm going to jump over some of the
incremental developments. It wouldn't make sense for me to cover

all of them, and a lot of them I would
have to go into even more description about very specific
types of lasers which only apply to particular cases and
not to others, and that would just make this kind
of muddy and directionless. But I do want to point
out a few really cool moments in history and explain
some related topics to lasers as a result, such as

what happened in December of nineteen sixty one. So keep
in mind it only been a bit longer than a
year since someone had demonstrated a working laser at all.
In December nineteen sixty one, doctor Charles J. Campbell and
Charles J. Kuster, a lot of Charles Jay's, decided that
they were going to treat a patient, a medical patient,

a human medical patient using an optical Ruby laser to
destroy a retinal tumor. Now that's incredible. It had been
only eighteen months since someone had built the first working laser,
and you already had people using it in a medical
procedure on a human patient. I suspect that today it

would take a bit longer to prove that the methodology
being used was safe and efficacious before using it on
a human, but it shows how quickly things were moving
back then. I think it's pretty incredible that it took
less than two years to actually use lasers in a
medical an actual medical procedure. Now, the mid nineteen sixties

would see advances in the field of fiber optics, which,
when paired with lasers, allow for low long distance communication
using light through glass filaments. Now, I've done episodes about
fiber optics before, so you can go and look at
the Tech Stuff archives and learn more about that. But
this still blows my mind too. Just the fact that
fiber optics are a thing that work, it is incredible
to me. Meanwhile, Bell Labs would strike again in nineteen

seventy two with a laser beam cutter they used to
form electronic circuit patterns on ceramic and on June twenty sixth,
nineteen seventy four, which just for trivia's sake, is exactly
one year to the day before I was born. A
barcode scanner, which typically uses lasers. Read the very first

product ever registered for real Z's using a UPC code
and a barcode scanner. The product, by the way, was
a pack of Wrigley's chewing gum. So how the heck
do those barcode scanners work? Because you see them on
everything these days. And here's where I'm going to go
on a bit of a tangent to talk about barcodes.
In just a second, and I also just want to

mention that I think it's really cool that, now you
know a trivia question that the first product to ever
be scanned using a barcode scanner was Wrigley's chewing gum.
Important to remember in case you ever played bar trivia. Now, next,
I'm going to talk all about UPC codes and how
they work. But before I jump into that and go
way off the rails, let's take another quick break to

thank our sponsor. All Right, so let's talk about barcodes,
which are I agree, tangentially related to lasers. But I've
already talked about how lasers work, and I really love
how barcodes work because I just think they're kind of cool.

So these are the good old universal product code or
UPC code things that you would see on products today
at your average store. They were designed in order to
help speed up check out and also make it easier
to keep a working inventory of a store. And you
can just scan each item and then you use a

computer database to match the scan with other information like
what that product is, how much it costs. So the
scanner all it needs to do is identify which product
you are actually scanning at any given time. That's its
only job. It doesn't really have anything to do with
how much something costs. That is not necessarily represented in

the code itself. There are codes that do have the
information in them, but the basic PC code is really
just to tell a system what the product is, and
then you have a separate database that links products to prices.
So what would you do if you were a manufacturer
and you wanted to put a UPC code on something

that you yourself were making, your company was making. Here's
the process. You have a company called the Uniform Code
or UCC, and they are in charge of UPC codes.
And to me, the UCC sounds like it should be
staffed by shadowy figures in robes. But to be fair,
I did watch Hot Fuzz again not too long ago,

and that's probably why I'm thinking that. So let's say
you're a manufacturing company and you make a very specific
product and you want to get it into stores around
the world. And since the earliest implementations of the UPC
codes were for grocery stores, let's say that it's a
grocery store product. So let's say you're making a really awesome, tasty,

sugary breakfast cereal for kids and you're calling them crispydus.
So you make delicious crispydos that are a nutritional part
of a balanced breakfast. You want to sell Crispy dues
in grocery stores, so you want to end up selling
to grocery stores. Grocery stores will sell the crispydos to

their customers and everyone benefits, presumably assuming that there's enough
nutritional value in the Crispy dues to not, you know,
turn your customers into goo. So grocery stores love the
idea of UPC codes because again, it makes it much
easier to ring up products and it makes it very

easy to keep track of the stock that the grocery
store has. If they notice that they're selling, you know,
eight pallets of Crispy dues a week, then they might
up their order and that's good for you. So it
benefits you to get a UPC code on your product.
To do that, you would first have to apply for
a manufacturer identification number from the UCC. This is almost

like a subscription service. You'd have to pay the UCC
to get this manufacturer identification number. The UCC would then
issue you this number. It's a six digit number and
if you look at a UPC code. You'll see that
there are twelve digits on a UPC code, So those
are the human readable digits, right, that's the thing that

you have to type in. If for some reason the
scanner's not scanning anything, you might type in the code. Well,
those first six digits refer to the manufacturer identification number,
So all the products from that specific manufacturer should have
those first six numbers the same on all of them
because it's unique to the company itself. It doesn't matter

what the product is. The next five digits on that
UPC code represent the item number, so it's unique to
the product. So if you make fourteen different products, each
product is going to have its same or its own
five digit item code, and it'll be different from the

other thirteen item codes. So if your company also produces, say,
flea collars for Kiddi cats, the five digits for the
flea colors are going to be different than the five
digits for the Chris which is good because you don't
want to mix up your flea collars with your Crispy Dues.
That would be a pr nightmare. And this episode really

isn't meant to go into that sort of thing. So
that leaves one digit leftover. Right, You've got the first
six that's the manufacturer ID number, the next five which
is the item number. But you have a single digit
leftover of those twelve. So what as that for. That
is called the check digit, and the check digit is

meant to give the scanner the opportunity to verify that
it has scanned the product properly. And the way you
do this is through some pretty ridiculous math. It's not difficult,
it's just tedious. So it's again a verification right to

say that, yes, the scan went through properly, because if
the math checks out, if you get the answer you're
supposed to get, you know that you scanned it properly.
And by you, I mean the scanner system is able
to verify that a scan went through correctly. So let's
take a second to talk about how you arrive at

the check digit so you can understand what I mean
when you do some ridiculous arithmetic. It's not difficult. Again,
it's just ridiculous. So you've got eleven other digits in
the UPC code and those are what you use to
do the arithmetic. First, you take all the numbers, all
the digits, and the UPC codes that are at odd positions,

so not the odd numbers, just in the odd positions.
So that would be the position number one, position number three, five,
et cetera, up to eleven. Because you have eleven other numbers.
You take all of those and you add them together
and you get a sum. So you've got that sum
by adding all the odd position numbers together, and you

then multiply that by three. Now you look at all
the digits that are in even positions, so two, four, six, eight,
and ten, you add all of those together. You then
take the number you got from all the odd positions
multiplied by three, and all the even positions added together,
and you add those two numbers together. And then you

take a look at this new number, this monstrausity of
a thing. It's not a huge number. It's just weird
that you've got it. And you say, all right, how
many more numbers would I have to add to this
in order to get a multiple of ten? And as
long as the last digit is the same as the

number you need to add to your monstrosity to get
a multiple of ten, you're good to go. So this
is easier to understand with an example. So here's our
UPC code. We've got our crispy dues, and our UPC
code happens to be six three nine three eight two
zero zero zero three nine three. Well, that last three

is the check digit. That's the number we're supposed to
get at the end of all this other nonsense. So
we put that aside. We say, three is what we're
hoping is the outcome. How do we get to that.
We take all those odd positioned digits, which would be
six and nine and eight, et cetera, et cetera. We
add them all up technically at six, nine, eight, two

zero's in a nine. That gets you thirty two. You
multiply that number by three, you get ninety six. So
that's your first number. You set that aside. Your ninety
six is good to go. Then you take a look
at all the even positioned numbers and you add those up.
The even position numbers would be a three, A three,
a two, a zero, and another three. That gives you eleven.

So now you add the eleven to the ninety six
that you arrived at earlier. That gives you one hundred
and seven. You look at one hundred and seven and say,
how many digits or how much we need to add
to this to make a multiple of ten answers three,
because if you add three to one hundred and seven
you get one hundred and ten. One hundred and ten
is a multiple of ten. There you go. Three is

the number you wanted. Three is the number that's on
the check digit. You know that you got the right answer. Now,
the way the scanner does this is not by looking
at the digits. It's looking at the relationship between the
thin bars, the gaps between the bars, and how thicker
thin each of those are. Right. So if you look

at a UPC bar code, you're looking at just the bars.
You'll see some of the bars are thin, some of
the bars are a little thicker, some of the gaps
between the bars are thinner or thicker than the others.
That relationship of bars to gaps and the thickness of
them tells you what the value is of each of those.
And if you really really wanted to, you could decode

a barcode just by sight, once you know the basic
system of coding, and if you're able to determine what
is a narrow versus a wide bar or gap, because
that's very important. So the scanner is looking at the
series of bars and gaps and measuring those those widths,

and by measuring it, it then is able to match
that to a numeric code and verify whether or not
it matches that check digit at the end, and if
it does, the scan goes through, it gets matched to
a product and your charge however much for your Crispy dues.
I'm going to say it's five ninety nine for a bucks,

so that's what would pop up. There are variations on
these UPC codes, like zero suppressed number UPC codes, which
is exactly what sounds like. Any number that is a
zero that would otherwise appear in the code gets emitted omitted,
rather not emitted, it's omitted from the code, so it's shorter,
makes it a shorter barcode. But not everyone does this.

Only some products have this, and the manufacturing ID numbers
can have a specific meaning as well, depending on what
number they start with. So if you're manufacturing ID number
starts with a two, it means that it is a
random weight product. And by random weight we mean it's
something that doesn't come in a specific uniform size and

weight over and over again, so produce. For example, an
apple is going to be its own weight, right, You're
not going to get two apples of the exact same weight.
They're not all uniform. Whereas if I go out and
buy a box of Crispy Dues, it should be more
or less the same as a comparable Crispydoz box. Now,
if you have different sizes of boxes, then you have

different item numbers for each of those different sizes. The
item numbers are specific to a very particular instance of
an item. So if I've got a large box of
ch Us and a small box of Crispy Dues, each
of those will have its own five digit item number,
and thus the bars that correspond with it will be

slightly different as well. By the way, if you wanted
to know, like just as an example, what these bars mean,
I'm not going to go through the encoding of every
single number because it would be kind of silly. But
let me give you an example. If you want to
represent the number one in a UPC code, the way

it would work is that you would use first a
black bar that is two units wide. So in other words,
you'd have to look at the most narrow bar on
the UPC code that's probably one unit, right, You would
want a bar that's twice that width. The bar units
go up from one to four, so the widest bar

will probably be four units wide, the thinnest will probably
be one unit wide. You need one that's two units wide,
followed by a space that is two units wide, followed
by another black bar that's two units wide, followed by
a space that is one unit wide. So that is
the number one in barcode speak, and each of the

numerals is encoded in a similar way. Using these bars
and gaps of varying widths and reading them by sight
is possible but is not practical. But when you move
one of those bars across the scanner, the scanner shoots light,
typically red laser light at the barcode, and then a

sensor on the scanner is looking for reflected light, and
it can detect those bars and gaps based upon the
light that gets reflected back at the sensor. And as
long again as that last bar or that last digit
matches up with the math I talked about earlier, it
can in ring up the product and give you the

appropriate price for it. So really, the interesting thing here
is that the laser just makes this incredibly efficient. I
mean light travels faster than anything else in the world,
so it's no surprise that you can just swing one
of these barcodes by it a really good clip and
still get a really solid scan off of it, because

that information is going to the code and back to
the scanner at the speed of light, so it's not
like you're going to be moving that fast compared to
the scanner, and as long as it's got that good
fidelity there, then you're going to get a pretty successful scan.
That's why you can zoom stuff past that scanner pretty quickly.

Now let's go back to that timeline that we were
talking about earlier. By nineteen seventy five, Laser Diode Labs
Incorporated had developed a continuous wave semiconductor laser which would
make it possible to transmit telephone conversations via optic fiber,
which again blows my mind that you could turn something
that's acoustic, not just into electricity, which is already magic

in my mind, but into light signals. In nineteen seventy
eight we got the laser disc, which was the first
commercial use of an optical medium, that being something that
could be stored on a device that would be read
just by laser light alone. Laser discs were a predecessor
to other optical based media like compact discs, akacds and DVDs,

and blu rays. The earliest players actually used helium neon
laser tubes in order to read the information stored on
the discs, but later ones would switch to more affordable
infrared laser diodes, so semiconductor based lasers. And as I
said earlier, the semiconductor approach was less powerful and less

expensive than other methods of generating lasers, so that helped
bring the laser disc price down a little bit, but
they were pretty expensive of it never really took off.
I mean, there were people who loved laser discs, but
they never became as popular as vhs or later on
DVD players. Now. Later in nineteen seventy eight, Phillips would

announce it was working on the compact disc project, Which
is kind of funny because I always think of CDs
as being either a late eighties or early nineties phenomenon,
but its origins date back to the late seventies, and
the first actual CD produced would come out in nineteen
eighty two. And here's some more trivia for you. If
you're ever doing that pub trivia, you remember the first
thing with a barcode was Wrigley's Chewing Gum. The first

CD to ever be produced was the album fifty Second
Street by Billy Joel. That album actually had some pretty
good songs on it, including My Life, which would later
serve as the original theme song for the Tom Hanks
sitcom Bosom Buddies. I guess you could probably tell that
I'm patting this episode out a little bit, but this

is again useful information if you're ever playing pub trivia.
So if you ever hear what was the first album
produced on CD, you now know it's fifty second Street
by Billy Joel. In nineteen seventy nine, Gould would finally
receive a patent that covered a pretty wide range of
laser applications, so that meant that he finally won the
laser battle. You'll remember that in the previous section I

talked about how he had applied for a patent but
was essentially denied that patent because of a previous application
that had taken the intellectual property Gould had created and notarized.
So this was the end of a very long battle here, well,
at least as far As who has the legal right

to claim the intellectual property of lasers, but it would
be Shawlohe who was one of the parties who had
filed the other patent back in a couple decades earlier,
three decades earlier, and Bloembergen, who had actually received the
Nobel Prize in Physics in nineteen eighty one for their
work in laser spectroscopy. So people were doing well all

around in the laser world. In the mid nineteen eighties,
research laboratories began to use lasers to manipulate individual atoms,
which is really cool. It opened up a brand new
world in quantum science as well as just physical science.
You may have seen the infamous picture of IBMS spelling
out its name in individual atoms. It used lasers to

position them. It's really pretty awesome. And by the late
nineteen eighties Gould began to get royalties for his patents,
so better late than never. In nineteen eighty seven, doctor
Stephen Trockel became the first doctor to use an exemer
laser to perform corrective surgery on a patient's eyes. This
method was called the photorefractive keroatectomy or PRK surgery. That

would start a line of research and development in laser
eye surgery in general, with laser surgery debuting in nineteen
ninety one, and I had laser surgery done just a
few years ago. It corrected my vision. I talked about
it on a podcast. Chris Pullett was on that one too,
So you can do a search on tech Stuff's archives
and hear all about laser eye surgery. And I think

if you listen carefully enough you can actually hear Chris
Pollette turn green. In the episode. He does a lot
of unpleasant sounds because it was clear he was not
comfortable in that episode. I might have taken a little
extra glee from that. Now, skipping way ahead to two
thousand and three, that was when researchers from NASA demonstrated

that you could power an aircraft using lasers. The aircraft
in question weighed just three hundred and eleven grams, not kilograms,
just grams. It had a balsa wood frame and had
a wingspan of one and a half meters that used
an electric motor that was powered by a photovoltaic cell,
so like a solar cell, but in this case it

was specifically accepting light from this laser which was firing
in an invisible spectrum, so you couldn't see the laser,
but you can direct it at the cell that would
provide the energy needed to convert it over into electricity
and thus propel the aircraft, which is pretty cool. And
today there are tons of uses of lasers, and some
of them are really silly, like you know, they're being

sold as cat toys and dog toys at this point,
but some are really serious or things that are used
in the medical field, for engineering, for industry, and we're
looking at the possibility of even using them to propel
spacecraft to other star systems, which is a really neat idea.
This is based on the idea of the solar sail,
where you have a spacecraft and it has a sale

that you can direct light toward, and light has momentum.
It's got relativistic momentum, So a photon does not have
a lot of momentum by itself, but a stream of
photons directed at a surface for long enough does have
a physical push to it. And as it turns out,

if you build very tiny spacecraft with a decent light
sail and you use a laser on Earth, you can
continuously accelerate that spacecraft over time so that reaches incredible speeds.
Now that acceleration is going to be at a low rate,
so it doesn't speed up immediately, but it will over

time get faster and faster and faster. And in fact,
this is what some people are suggesting we do to
send spacecraft to the nearest star system are the one
that's nearest to our own That would be the Alpha
Centauri system, and Proxima B would be the place we
would really want to take a look at. That's the
planet around Proximus Centauri that is the closest to our

Solar system, that is the most earthlike in nature. And
so there's some people saying, why don't we release swarms
of tiny spacecraft using these sort of light sails, use
lasers to direct toward the Alpha Centauri system, And because
of the incredible speeds they can reach, they can get
to the Centari system within about twenty years. That's incredible

because the Centauri system's four light years away. That means
it takes four years for light to get there to hear.
So to get there in twenty years using a physical spacecraft,
you're moving at a really good clip Now, granted, at
that speed, you're also just zooming by the Centauri system.
You're not stopping for tea or anything, but still pretty

cool idea that lasers could play an instrumental role in
getting us to a different star system, or at least
getting our eyes to a different star system. No humans
would be traveling on those spacecraft, all right. That was
our classic episode from June fourteenth, twenty seventeen, called Pew
Pew Lasers. I hope you enjoyed it, and as always,

I also hope that you are all well and I
will talk to you again really soon. Tech Stuff is
an iHeartRadio production. For more podcasts from iHeartRadio, visit the
iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your

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