All Episodes

December 1, 2023 33 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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All right, walking to the program. Nice to have you here. Second
half of today's program, second half, halfway done. Yeah almost Friday.
Started off the show saying, Iwoke up this morning really early, like
you do in talk radio, andstarted reading, having coffee, getting ready
head over to the studio and allthe fun stuff that I get to do.
And only when I got to thestudio, sat down and reading some

more, getting the television kind ofscanning through the television dialed, and I
realized something. I realized it wasn'tFriday. I was awake for about an
hour and a half, two hoursa movement of walking around, getting stuff
done, heading to the studio,all this stuff that I did, and
I sat down the studio and I'mlike, it's Friday. I can't believe
we got to make Friday comments onthe show. And then I looked at

my little computer and saw on theup right hand corner Thursday and over to
the thirtieth. Then I thought whathappened? And for some reason, I
just thought it was Friday for firsttwo hours. It was the most joyous
two hours of my day thinking thattoday was Friday. But it was not.
It was Thursday, and it isThursday, and I'm glad to have
you here on this Thursday edition ofthe radio show. We're halfway there to
the Yeah, anyway, you getthe idea. It was disturbing two hours.

It took me to realize it wasn'tFriday. I'm doing. It's Friday.
What am I doing tonight? Whatabout how to it? Yeah?
I'm probably going to bed early.That's what I normally do. Interesting,
I want to go to Bryan MaloneyRed Wave America talk. Henry Kissinger of
course passed away to the age ofone hundred. I got to talk a
mosque, got some other topics.But it's interesting. I don't like the
Facebook, the Facebook dot com s, last Jimi Lakey fan page, It's

Zuckerberg, shadow bands, all thatstuff. But I get it's so funny.
I'm watching what's trending on on mypage and the number of because there's
times that we just shadow man.I mean, it says reach zero and
nobody saw anything because we got knockeddown. But as much as I get
yelled at by some of you,stop talking sports. I mean, not

like we talk ex's and o's,we talk concepts and sports. We like
the Broncos, We like the Cowboys. I throw in a little sports reference
every once in a while at allhell breaks loose amongst some of you.
You know who you are. Andyet I posted up a story this week,
just a comment, well even astory. It just said I refuse
to call them Coach Prime. Icall him Dean Sanders, no disrespect intended.
I just don't buy the hype,and I hope they do well,

but Coach Price, it's a littletoo much for me. And that has
gotten more hits and more comments andmore emails and direct messages to me than
probably most things ever do, eventhough this is a morally political and cultural
type radio show. The other thinga double g with a big time boss
around here. He's always He toldme years ago, he said, you
don't talk enough about Africa. Youdon't done the charity enough. And I

said, well, I don't wantto bore people. It's not like a
it almost not like a Jerry Lewistelethon or something. And he said,
that's for your passion. Talk aboutthat. Talk about cigars and smoke cigars
during your show. When he foundI was building a studio of my own,
he said, that's going to bedamn good radio, he said another
word, because he says, that'sin your element. I want you in
your element and talk about Africa.So I posted up this week some stories

that the Saint Louis media did aboutmy son and ultimately about our charity,
and that also has gone crazy.I've got people, I've had a person.
It's on several platforms, but anif we go watch go to the
Facebook page, Facebook dot com slasJimmy lakeyfanpage, Facebook dot com slast Jimmy
Lakey fan page, and you'll findvery happy stuff there. And I appreciate
you going there, I really reallydo. But it is interesting the things

that get the most traction there havenothing to do with the Orange Jesus.
That's Liz Cheney should name that bookthe Orange Jesus. She called it Oath
in Honor, And go read thatstory that's at Facebook dot com last Jimmy
Lakey fanpage. She has a referenceas some guy with signing some retition he's
a Republican. He says, whatwe don't do for the Orange Jesus.
And I'm like, listen, ifI saw Liz Cheney's mug on a book

and it said her name of thebook is Oath and Honor. How boring?
How mundane? Stop letting the publicistand the gurus name your book.
You should have called it what WeDon't Do for the Orange Jesus. That
would have been a good title ofa book, Liz. Instead, it's
just a loser title, Oath andHonor. Yeah, that's dumb. Oh.
By the way, I'm also giddy. I just got my travel agent

sent me my first round of ratestrying to schedule some of my five ivers
trip in twenty twenty four to Africa. WHOA, that makes me so excited.
I haven't looked at the price yet, though, because I pay for
my own airfare and I gotta lookat that. I look at it.
But I just saw a travel agent. I saw attendant potential itineraries, and
I'm like, oh, I gotto open that. But I may be
depressed when I see the price.But I'll look at that a moment,

all right. Walking to the program. Everybody Facebook dot com, slash Jimi
Lakey fan page. Everybody's good.I'm good. I'm happy. And it's
almost Friday. I thought it wasFriday for two hours. It was Friday.
A few bliss today, and thenit was Thursday, Brian Maloney,
Facebook dot Com, slash Redwave America. Brian Maloney, Good morning, sermon.
But then you were filled with joyknowing that you had this segment with

me coming up this morning, Right, Jimmy, I sang a song joy
to the world. The bron hascome. Let it rip it here,
I'm singing it out. I'm allthe parts of Harmony out to record this
stuff. I'm telling you they reallyshould. Well. Yeah, the Saint
Louis Post Dispatch story on your sonand you was amazing. I shared it
to all my stuff. I don'tknow if you realize that, but really

really great story about all the goodstuff you've done. Jimmy, you really
deserve a pat on the back.Well, it was the Saint Louis Post
Dispatch and the and the Fox affiliatethere both did great stories. And I'm
just they're listening this morning. Thankyou. I know I've got some listeners
now to again, Like I readthe story and I looked you up and
you were a talk show host.You're my KINDI guy, and so I

got some new listener, I guessin Saint Louis. Hello Saint Louis.
How you doing. Brian maloney,I want to dive into, first of
all, Henry Kissinger one hundred yearsold. I think the Fox News montage
played that he was most beloved andyet at times reviled, center of geopolitical
politics for a long long time.At times conservatives thought he was an evil

guy. At times the liberals hatedhim as well. This guy definitely had
a reputation. Well. I thinkto live to be one hundred years old
and to still have been giving speechesand it's tending conferences until a couple of
months ago is remarkable. There arespeeches that he gave in July and August.

You know, if Jimmy, ifyou or I could make it to
one hundred years old, can youimagine what we could accomplish. I think
it would be incredible to have thatlongevity. But I saw on Twitter last
night there were people on the leftand the people on the right to say,
oh, he finally died, andyou know, I don't know if
it's quite that simple. I mean, I think that some people were pointing

to his actions during Vietnam and bombing, you know, calling the bombing of
Cambodia, which in historical retrospect seemsridiculous, that kind of thing. And
then The New York Post this morninghas a story saying, the Henry Kissinger,
this is something people have forgotten,was once called Washington's greatest swinger.

And he dated so many celebrity youknow women. He dated a Bond girl,
Jill Saint John. He did everybody, the women in the media,
women in music, and I mean, I don't know how the guy did
it. And then there was adebate that's under the stories. People were
saying, well, you know,he wasn't like the best looking guy.
How did he get all these womenright? And that somebody in there said,

well, you know intelligence. Imean some of these women just loved
having long conversations. I don't know. I don't know, Jimmy, if
that's the secrets, Uh yeah,you get to work on our intellect,
you know, I'm telling you,if we got to get out of the
middle school humor realm, step itup. Well, you know, the

guy had like forty eight billion degreesdoctorates from Harvard. I mean that they're
not easy to get. Believe me, I've tried to get No, I
haven't. I wouldn't even try toget one. You got like three or
four doctorates or six doctorates from Harvard. I mean, you ain't dumb to
get those. No, No,you know the degrees that we have from
the back of match book covers.You know aren't going to quite tet it.

They're either so Sam, Yeah,it's not gonna I'm not gonna do
it, dumb, Well, restin peace. And you know it does
disturb me in the world that welive in, where these keyboard warriors and
Twitter warriors, someone passes away,maybe they don't like them politically, maybe
they love them politically or whatever.When you speak, I just when someone
passes, let them pass in peaceand let God sort it out and stop

this childish Thank God he's dead.I can't buy where people do that.
That disturbs me about And if youif you did that last night, you
got to go to church and prayand ask God to help you because you're
an idiot anybody who did that,And Jimmy, Before we move on from
that subject, I want to pointout that one of the last things Henry

Kissinger said was that it was agrave mistake. That's exactly what he said,
a grave mistake for countries like oursand those in Western Europe to take
in large masses of you know,illegal immigrants from different cultures and backgrounds that
are just that basically compatible with ours, and that I mean in large quantities

of what I'm talking about is whathe was talking about, that you know,
that we're setting ourselves up for disasterby letting in millions and millions of
illegals overnight that we don't, youknow, And that was one of his
key issues in his one hundredth years. So you know, you could say
what you one about fifty years ago, but boy, you know he was

nailing it there at the end.Brian Maloney, My guess his Facebook page,
Facebook dot com slash right away ofAmerica. That brings me the segue.
Folks didn't know this, maybe thatHenry Kissinger escaped Nazi Germany back in
about nineteen thirty eight, fled toAmerica and of course became the Henry Kissinger
that we know. It would bein the days that we live in now,
when we seem like we're repeating nineteenthirty eight, and you have anti

Jewish sentiments circulating around the globe andin the even in the streets of America,
it would sure be great to hearHenry Kissinger's take on whether he's watching
a repeat in history with this proHamas anti Jewish sentiment that seems to be
sweeping the world. Well, andthat's exactly right. And you know we

had so we had yesterday these proHamas protesters swarm middown, Midtown, Manhattan
to disrupt the Rockefeller Center Christmas treelighting. Okay, some of them have
swastika is. Okay, you know, free Palestine. They're calling the cops
Nazis. But some of them haveswastikas. What I mean, what planet

are we living on? We're livingin bizarro world. Nothing makes any sense
anymore, Jimmy. But I thinkthe key takeaway point from what happened in
New York City during the tree lightingis this these lunatics, these pro Hamaths
lunatics, unfortunately, are a lotof kids from white kids, from Ivy

League schools, you know, eightythousand dollars a year, and they're turning
into pro Amaths, a little buddingterrorists. Is that they are coming for
Christians. Next, they're coming foreverybody else. Next it starts with Jewish
people, and then it goes toChristians and everybody of every other face.
That's where this continues. That's whywe should care, you know, regardless

of how you feel about about whereit begins, it's about where its uh.
The voice of Brian Maloney, Facebookdot com slash Redwave America face.
I still laugh that they're still doingit. They're calling they're wearing swastika,
is calling everyone else Nazis, sayingburn the Jews, gas the Jews on
the streets. And it's not evenit should be widely condemned. It's not.

It is condemned, but not aswidely as I think it should be.
Uh. But you also still havethis gaze for Palestine, gaze for
gaze for ham You're like, right, you do. That's that's as idiotic
and just nonsensical and uneducated as holdingup wearing a swastika while calling someone else
a Nazi. If you're holding upa sign that says that you're from a

different lifestyle and your four Yeah,listen that that that makes no sense.
The lack of education docum understanding.Yeah, because in those countries you'd be
thrown off the top of the nearesttall building, which is what the Kuran,
you know, instructs their commands Muslimsto do. In those countries.
So I mean, it's it's insane, but I think we're trying to get

inside the heads of college kids who'vebeen brainwashed into pure insanity. And that's
why when we look at this,none of it makes any logical sense.
You've got swatched agains, but you'recalling cops Nazis, and you think that
gays would be accepted inside Muslim countries. I mean, to have that mindset,
it only means that you've been saidjust a steady diet of absolute rubbish

to get to those conclusions, becausenone of it makes any sense. Not
a damn bit of it makes sense. Brian Maloney, Facebook dot com slash
Redwave America. Find it there,America. You spell it normal, but
say it like George W. Bush. It makes you feel good. Facebook
dot com slash Redwave America America America. All right, here we go,

Brian MALONEI thanks, my buddy.I appreciate you. Thanks for robing on
Facebook dot com slash Redwave America alot of news and some satire and humor
on his site, Facebook dot comslash Redwave America. Hey men, it's
the holidays. If you have anotice, is the season to be jolly
time for love and joy. Butif you're suffering from a rectile's function,
the season can be tough on you. Jolliness can be tough to find.

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Clinic dot com. Tell him thatJimmy Lakey told you to schedule that appointment
this holiday season. All right?Coming up on the program, Doug Giles
is going to be with us.Uh Doug Giles from UH Well, he's

got so many web websites, butauthor extraordinaire. He'll be with us in
the upcoming segments of the show.I'm want to share something with you that
a friend of mine posted and wesent out letters yesterday to all of our
sponsors of our children through Rivers promiseand the kids to their sponsors send letters
about twice a year, and ifthe sponsor writes in day right back,

uh, at least the way it'ssupposed to go is Africa. Sometimes we
get a little mixed up. Buthere, listen to this. They wrote
this to their sponsor. This isa couple of months ago. I'm very
happy that I was promoted to peeone primary one, which means they left
kindergarten go to first grade. Andit's because of your generosity. And that's
what this kid talks about. Inkindergarten. We were used to we used

to got to take porridge, fruits, breads, eggs, and milk that
you were sending by sending me toschool. Some kids of friends of mine
say that they were wishing that theycould go to a River's Promised Legacy Academy
because we are eating very well everyday. And that's something. You read
that and say, what does thatmean. That means in a lot of

schools, if they even get togo to school, they still don't eat.
And the kids at our school actuallyeat twice a day. We're right
now. Yeah, we're feeding alot of faces right now. But you
don't think of that. The kidsnot eating and they go hungry. We
thank you for fee eating us.Well, we are in the sunny season

and we see the moon during thenight. The little things that they notice
that we don't notice it. AndI locked up in video games. They're
living in huts and if they havea hut at all, and they say,
we see the moon. And thenthey say, now we look up
on the hill and we look andsee the top of the hill and we
see the lights of Rivers Promise School. You know what, that's the only
electrified building for miles around. Itstands up there like it looks like the

Washington Monument of on a hill.It's lit up because we're the only place
you got the electricity. Anyway,I thought i'd share that with you.
Thanks for your help with the charity. I appreciate your Riverspromise dot org.
Everybody stand by Doug Giles next sixhundred KC. Well all right here,

I am. I'm pleased, I'mprivileged, and I'm thrilled to be here
on the radio show. Jimmy ismy name. Thanks for tuning into the
program this morning. Again Jimmy LakeyNews Talk sixth Sundry in case col Hey,
cold days have been here and warmedup, a little bit of your
furnace is still on. Your furnaceis going to be working several more months
here in Colorado, and make sureit's working the best of its ability.

This is why I use the folksat One Hour Heating and Air Conditioning at
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Who are these people? Well?What our heating and air conditioning is?
Who I trust at the House ofLaking. If I can trust them at
the House of Lakey, you cantrust them. They replace the entire HVAC
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In plus, it's they're great people. Corey Clinton and the crew One
Hour Heating and Air Conditioning ready totake care of you, your family and
keep your nice warm toasted during thewinter months. Reach out to them.
They've been serving Colorado for thirty fiveyears and over thirty five years, and
they take good care of you.The best of the best. One hour

Heating and air conditioning. You canbook online on my page one hour Heat
and Air dot com slash Jimmy Lakeyone hour Heat and Air dot com slash
Jimmy Lakey. Or give them acall eight five five one hour, eight
five five, one hour, andyou tell them that Jimmy Lakey's a guy
told you to call all right.They love hearing my name and makes them
very very happy. Everybody happy tobe here. I hope you feel very
good about being here. Want towelcome into the program my brother from a

different mother, Doug Giles dot org. By the way, go to Doug
Giles dot org and connect out tohis artwork. And that's a great some
great artwork. Maybe for Christmas giftsor the books at to Amazon and anything
Doug Giles is worth giving. Goodmorning, Doug, How are you?
Jimmy kicking ask how you big dog? I'm feeling really good. I got
I got a couple of cups ofcoffee in me and I it's almost Friday,

so it's good. By the way, what are you wearing today in
the studio, because if you're notwearing the proper attire to them and the
other guy, you could be pulledlimb from limb and lose all your money.
I hope not. I don't wantthat to happen. I really,
I'm wearing a sweatshirt. This isColorado State University, and that's that's all.

Though nothing else. I have nothingelse on except the sweatshirt. This
is Colorado State University. That's it. Gosha, God forbid. Melania show
up in a dark gray coat torosevend Carter's wedding. The left lost their
collective mind over her attire. Ithought it was I thought it was beautiful.
You know, I can see hersee. Black is not my color.

All the first ladies show up inthe obligatory black costume, and Milania
says, I'm gonna wear it gray. What do we do gray? It's
it's gonna be good. I thoughtit was a beautiful look. But some
people didn't like it. They wentnuts. I mean, they seriously lost
their mind over over Milania's coat choice. I think it was cool that she
even rocked up and sat with youknow, the the other three spawns of

Satan Hillary, what's Laura Bush andMichael Obama. Here's another thing that's funny
about the you know, it's likeshe wore a gray jacket. There's a
chick like two rows back that's inforrest green. Yeah. Is that okay?
It shows how it just shows howpetty the left is. You know,

Roselynd Carter wore Great Nixon's funeral.Hillary wore gray to Barbara Bush,
the same thing. I think withMichelle it's some you know, hoidy toydy
funeral, but Narya Pete. Butoh my god, man, you get
a Trump arrangement Sendrome going in regardsto Milania's coat choice, and these people

go mark too with their hair onfire to cuckoo Bill. Yeah, if
yeah, you're right. I thinkHillary had the gray on a Barbara Bush's
funeral. I mean it's the hypocrisyis just on display. And anybody who
won't admit that hypocrisy and that hatredfor anything Trump the derangement syndrome, I
don't know there's hope for you.It really is because black is not the

attire that is required by first ladiesto wear another first lady's funerals because of
the other times they haven't done it. I want to get into brother Elon
musk Here. Elon got in troublea couple of weeks ago for retweeting something
people thought were anti Semitic. Thenhe came back in the last week said
Hey, I'm going to give theStarlink internet service to Israel to help them.

So he's trying to kind of I'mnot anti Semitic. I like Israel.
He's playing it and he doesn't interviewwith in Great Britain yesterday or with
a Great Britain outlet, and theysaid, what do you think about these
advertisers, Disney et cetera that arecanceling their advertisement on the former Twitter because
they say you're an anti Semite.Elon basically told them that they can go

blank themself. He used in ffor it a couple of times. Yeah,
I'm good for him. It's notgoing to be bullied into a compliance
by Bob Eiger and Disney. Andthat's the same crap that they did to
us over Clash Daily Man in twentyand eighteen. They started in twenty seventeen,
and they did it with a BMWad. It's like, oh,

here's this islamophobic you know post thatGiles did over clash David. It wasn't
islamophobic, you know what it was, Jimmy. We reported that Angela Merkle
got accosted by a Muslim who triedto tackle her while he screamed a lah
akbar. There was no incendiary stuff. We weren't being cheeky. We didn't

call him any names. We justreported it. And because that there was
a BMW ad next to that's that'swhen ABC News started attacking our website and
attacking BMW saying that you are advertisingon a you know, islamophobic website.
And that began the loss of hundredsof thousands and low millions of dollars to

our website just because you know,we didn't, We didn't tow their politically
correct line. And here Elon withoutany kind of rebuttal, hardly anything,
all of a sudden gets threatened byhuge advertisers to pull this stuff off his
website if he doesn't, no Bayand I think his go blank yourself was

a great response to that kind ofbullying. It's amazing the bullying that happens.
The mayor of Denver, Michael Johnson, I seem like a well meaning
feller. I guess Michael Johnson,he recently had his car, they attempted,
they stole his car, and it'sa second time on the streets of
Denver where he's the mayor. Thenhis car has now been stolen, and
I had a friend that posted itup on a news site, and all

of a sudden people are coming afterhim. So you pulled that down,
you must be racist, And he'slike, I'm just reporting that this is
the second time the mayor of Denver'shad his car stolen into city that is
that he's the mayor of. Andfor some reason they were trying to bully
him to pull the stor read outof saying that's racist that you would dare
point that out. I think it'sa news story. If somebody's shouting certain
things when they attack Angela Merkle,then it should be reported. If someone

steemed the Denver mayor's car in hisown city twice, now that ought to
be reported as well. Yeah,but in the United States of liberal acrimony,
you know, they're judge and juryover what can be said and how
it can be said. And hopefullyall the laky listeners are getting pigs.
Sick of that kind of censorship andthat kind of tyranny. And I long

for the days, Jimmy, wherewe can say things and we can disagree
and we can go about our business. But until these clowns start or stop
driving media and politics and stuff,I think we're going to have to endure
the wrath of the forever scorned.Doug Giles. The latest book is called

Lionhearted, Making Young Christian Males imaginethis, Jimmy, Rowdy Biblical men.
That's a great book. If yougot a Christian young guy on your Christmas
list sixteen to twenty five, oohman, this will jerk the slack out
of him if he's a slacker,and if he's not. If he's on
point, he's on his game.He loves God and country. This is

nothing but gris for that little lawyer'smill. Doug Giles dot org, Amazon
dot com has all of his books. How just sleep last night? My
friends? Did you sleep good?I slept fantastic. I sleep on a
posh and lavish mattress. That's notjust the name of the mattress, that's
the description of the mattress. Listenthis holiday season, give yourself a good
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Sleep Store of Fort Collins, asleep store for Collins, thirty five hundred

South College Avenue. He's to theTrader Joseph the Square Shopping Center. If
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on the air mattress, put themon a mattress in a guest room.
They got a great mattress selections,something for every budget. They even have
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Square Shopping Center in Fort Collins.Their website sleepec dot com. Go see
them at this holiday season. Isa great gift for you and your household.
Sleep easy dot com. The SleepStore of Fort Collins. And by
the way, their Black Friday Savingsevents still going on. Go see them
Sleepeacy dot com, The Sleep Storeof Fort Collins. I got to take

a break. It's it's break time. And when we come back, we'll
continue the conversation holiday traditions in yourhome. Anybody got one, anybody got
some, anybody thinks some of themshould be retired? We discuss next six
hundred kcol All right, my nameis Hime Lagos, Jimmy Lakey, pleasured,

pleased, and I'm thrilled to behere. It might feel the same,
right, I thought it was Fridayall morning, well until the show's
what about five point fifteen, fiveo'clock. I'm sitting down at my studio
and kind of finally behind the microphoneand queuing up everything, getting the lighting
right and the television's all cued inand all this, and I looked out
my computer and it said Thursday.And I spent the whole morning, like

the previous couple of hours, I'dbeen thinking it was Friday. And I
don't know why. I just thoughtit was Friday. Just hope it's Friday.
And so I had a moment ofdisappointment, but I have now bounced
back, knowing that we have aboutan hour and nine minutes left in today's
broadcast and then officially the broadcast calendarit will be Friday, so everybody celebrated
accordingly. Thanks for being on theprogram. Jimmy Lakey is my name,

and thanks for you listening. Ido appreciate you being a part of all
that we do here. Indeed,Facebook dot com slash Jimmy Leaky fan Page
is the official page where I posta lot of stuff kind of in real
time. On the show. Youwill find that Facebook dot com slas Jimmy
Leaky fanfage. Find me on theTwitter if you want to as well.
That's always exciting. The Twitter machinehas me, that's just my name,

and the truth Social also has me. If you want to email me Jimmy
Leakey at iHeartMedia dot com. Ineed to update my emails, read my
emails. I should say, notupdate the address, but I need to
read the emails. I know I'vegot a I've got a lot of notifications
that popped in that I got someemails, but I haven't opened up that
little box. So I'll do that. If you send me an email or
if you want to Jimmy Leakey atiHeartMedia dot com. It's always funny what

people do over the holidays. Yourfamily traditions. Do you have one?
You know some people like I mentioneda friend yesterday that after Thanksgiving they kick
off the Christmas season as their belliesare full, they watch National Lampoons,
Chris Sstmas Vacation. This is alwaysfunny. Have the family that gets together
and you try to orchestrate everybody fora family photo, whether it's the extended

family or just your immediate family.You try to have your Christmas photo where
everybody has to have matching flannels orthings like that. As a kid,
I remember, and I think wedid this with my son. I might
have blanked out. You always gotsome Christmas pajamas. Right Christmas Eve,
you get to open a present maybeunder the tree, and there are some

Christmas pajamas there that you got togo put on and you wear him that
night. I think we did myson when he was little. We don't
do it anymore. That's he wouldfrown upon that. But you know,
come down a little in the morningfor the Christmas that works out for the
family photos. You got a kidnow dressed up in Christmas festivities on Christmas
morning when he's opening the presents,and that's what's happened. Well. Carrie

Underwood a country music star with avoice that's just unbelievable. Matter of fact,
she's the reason I watched Sunday NightFootball. They have this Sunday Night
football television show and she does theopening song. I watch it for that.
I'm just saying, I don't carewho's playing, I'm going to watch
Carrie Underwood. But Carrie Underwear.They Underwood has a family tradition which I

don't have at my house that thefamily wears matching pjs on their Christmas And
here's Carrie Underwood talking about the matchingpajamas that they wear at the Underwood household
for the past few years. Weall get matching pjs, either we get
them or somebody else gifts them tous, and we all match. My
husband, myself, my sons,and our dogs. And getting my German

shepherd into a Christmas sweater is noeasy feat. I will tell you that
anybody I get it. The husbandand you want to do that, that's
all cute, see, and youput the kids, that's fine, that's
a family photo right before you whatever, But you're putting them on the dogs
that the night before they have tosleep in their Christmas She calls them the
pjs the pajamas. Really, Ilove you carry Underwood, but I really

questioned this. I really questioned thesanity of that. Now, if you
really you're putting a sweater on aGerman shepherd the night before Christmas, as
if Santa Claus is going to leavehim an extra raw hide if he wears
this sweater all night. I don'tunderstand that anybody else got a weird family
tradition to weird stuff that happens atyour family. Or maybe you just got

a drunk uncle that shows up allthe time and makes everybody uncomfortable. Maybe
that's what you got. Anyway,we can talk about family traditions. But
I had to play the audio.Not because her and her husband and her
children dressed up and wear the samepajamas to bed every night before Christmas,
but the fact that she's putting thematching pajamas on the dog. What do

you It's hard enough to find hisand hers matching pajamas. I mean you
almost have to have him custom made. I mean, you just can't find
things that for all sizes in shape, you find the same pattern, and
then you had the dog. Idon't know. She must shop at different
store than I do. I'll beback Laky on the radio final hours coming

up, News Talk six hundred kcol They don't have that at pet Smart,
I tell you
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