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December 1, 2023 34 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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All right, here we go,Welcome to I had the wrong button pushed.
I'm talking and going I don't hearmyself. Where am I? I've
gone deaf? Right hearing aids,and then I realized I had turned on
the wrong microphone. Is a microphonethat's not even hooked up in the studio.
Good to have you here in themorning show. Jimmy Lakey is my
name. Pleasure, pleased, andthrilled I am to be here. Hope

you feel the exact same way thismorning. It is the first day of
December, Year of Our Lord,twenty twenty four. That is the originating
date of this broadcast. I clarifythat because you never know when you're listening
to the show. You may beto the show on a podcast or what
they call a best of show,whatever the case may be. Happy day
and happy December, Colorado. Gladto have you here on the radio program.

Coming up on the program I'm gonnakeep diving into the story was Sherry
Pie from Complete Colorado about the suitthat the City of Lovelin's going to have
against mcwinnie Incorporated. From back inOtis in Terra South. We got Sherry
Pie on the program just a littlebit of ways from now. You don't
want to miss that that's one houraway. Also, my friends, anybody

watched the Gavin Newsom and ron DeSantas debate, I have a little bit
of audio of it. But Ialso have some thoughts. I, first
of all, had priorities last night. I watched a Dallas Cowboys football game,
and then I said, it's pastmy bedtime, but I've got duty
must call and I must watch thisdebate. So fortunately it was recorded on

the what do we call that DVRtiva whatever, I don't know what's called.
Now it's in the cloud, andI went back and I was able
to watch Ronda Santas and Gavin Newsom. I guess they went for overtime.
I only watched the original one hourof the debate. I guess they went
for an extra fifteen minutes. Idid not watch that because I said,
I must go to bed, Imust sleep in order to be a part

of the program this morning. Butit was I told some friends that had
come over to watch the football gamewith the cigar palace, I said,
and they said, what do youthink? I said, I don't know
how the Santas will do. Imean, he's obviously a nice guy,
but Gavin Newsom is a talker.Gavin Newsom can throw and spin. And
I said, I don't know.I don't know how it's going to go.

Ronda Santis came out swinging last night, and I was like, oh,
it's going to be that kind ofdebate. I see what we're going
to do. And I try mybest to be as objective and pragmatic as
possible. And I thought Hannity dida good job. And I'm not a
great complimenter of the old shot.I mean, I'll critique him if I
need. I thought he did agreat job. Every question. He said,

Okay, here's the stats we're doingReady State versus Blue State. Here's
the FBI stats on crime. Here'shere's the Center for Disease Control on COVID.
He said the stats, and hesaid, now there's a difference.
Explain the difference. And he letboth guys explain the difference. And I,
honestly, goodness, I'm watching withfriends, and they well, they
stuck around for a little bit afterthe football game, watched and said they

got to go home. So theywent home. I went back into the
cigar Palace and I finished watching it, and I don't know if Gavin Newsome
answered too many questions directly Old GavinHis answers were normally, why is the
crime rate overall crime rate in Californiathis number and this number, and Gavin
will say, well, Tampa Bayhas a higher murder rate than any other

city. Okay, that wasn't thequestion. Why is it that overall crime
has increased under you and increased inthe last couple of years, and why
has it it's like really much lowerin Florida. Well, Tampa Bay,
and that was that was his answer. You. I don't know if you
watched it, but please tell meif you did. Anyway, I thought,
hands down, I'd have to say, just for direct answers, whether

you liked Ron de Santas's answers ornot, you got direct answers from Governor
n de Santas, you did notget. It was a lot of deferment,
a lot of disbursement, I thinkat the fact checker, because Gavin
knew someone threw out a stat andRond de santa said, that's a bald
face. Lie. Now I didn't. I wasn't googling everyone, so I

either Gavin was lying or Ron waslying about some of these statistics or these
numbers. Are you supported this bill? You supported the John Bayner bill.
And Desantas is going, excuse me, I killed the John Bainer bill.
I stopped it. No, youpassed it. And so I in that
one. I was tired and Isaid, I gotta go to bed.

I can't deal with this. Butit was it was that penny at times
that one guy said you did this, and he said I did the exact
opposite. So if you watched itlast night, give me your thoughts.
I think Ronda Santis proved himself well, stood up great. There. What
Ron DeSantis had to gain last nighton the Old Hannity debate was Ronda Santis

got some platforms, some camera time, some national recognition. That might,
and I say might happen to bethe thing that accelerates him in the polls.
That's what he's trying to do.He's trying to look more presidential.
He's trying to gain stature among Republicans, and so hopefully some Iowa voters he

thinks, will say, hey,you know what, I can vote for
rond Dea Santis. I can pickhim over the Orange Jesus, as Liz
Cheney's book should be called, Icould pick him. So that's what Ron
DeSantis had to gain stature in thepresidential race. What Gavin Newsom had to
do last night was he was justtrying to say, Hey, look how
good I am. I can standup on the stage with a presidential candidate

another big state, and I'm readyif you need me, if duty calls,
I'll come out of the bullpen andI'll step in for Joe. Now,
if I was a political consultant lastnight and I was advising Gavin Newsom,
Gavin Newsom last night, the pollnumbers show the Democrats by and large

say that, hey, maybe Joeshould step aside. Democrats are like,
maybe he's too old and we'll votefor me. He's there, but maybe
we could have a better candidate.And the phrase biden nomics has not worked.
They've stopped using that from the WhiteHouse. They've just not going to
do it because it didn't work out. And so there's polling number that showed
that, uh some of the well, Gavin Newsom was like, he had

the old poll numbers, Hey usepoll used poll numbers and used the phrase
Bidenomics and talk about what a greatjob Joe Biden's doing at the border,
and talking about Kamala Harris, howwonderful. Well, I think Gavin should
He could have been deferential. Hecould have been kind to Joe Biden and
Kamala Harris. But he could havejust defended himself. And I thought still

more alone. Instead, I thoughtwe're Gavin's mistake was not again, I'm
not fact checking everything Gavin says.I thought Gavin's mistake was he should have
come out and said, listen,well, what about Biden and Harris?
Did this Listen, I'm not hereto defend Biden Harris. They're fully capable
individuals President and Vice president of theUnited States. Let them defend themselves.
This is the red state versus Bluestate debate. Let me defend my policy

and my view. And I thoughthe was It was like he was going
out of his way last night tolink himself up and say I'm with Biden
and I'm with Harris. Well again, I'm just being a consultant here.
I think Gavin knew some would havedone better not to distance himself. You
can't do that, but to basicallysay I'm not here to defend them I'm

here to talk about my policy andwhat I would stand for, and God
bless ever think they're doing a decentjob, but I'm not here to defend
them. I think that would havebeen the tactic that I would have taken.
All right, here's a piece ofaudio if you missed it, And
I've got other topics I want toget to, but this is a piece
of audio from last night as RonDesantias whipped out, excuse me, Jimmy,
what did he do? He pulledout a map and it was a

computer print out of a map thatyou can find online, and I've found
one online myself before. You gotto be careful when going to San Francisco
because there are maps out there,and it's well known that they're out there.
Where do you walk? Where doyou go and watch streets? It
used to be a beautiful city.I used to live in the San Jose
area, lived in the Bay area, and it was glorious. It was

quite a trek up to San Francisco. But I'll tell you, anytime you
had guests in town, to friendsin town, you took him up to
see the Bay Bridge, the GoldenGate Bridge. You walked around the piers
and fantastic. As a matter offact, I have early photos when my
son came to America and adopted him. As soon as we could, we
took him over to San Francisco,got some photos there by the Golden Gate
Bridge when he was just three almostfour years old. So it's a beautiful

city. I love I love thatarea. But in recent years it really
has done a downturn. With theircouple of years ago, but four or
three years ago my last time there, and I was like, wow,
what happened. I only been awaythere from four or five years, it
really had really done a decline.And now there's actually maps out there in
San Francisco. This show where togo and where not to go really in

the downtown area because of the poop. It's poop maps, it's how to
navigate around the poop. And thisis Ron de Santas whipping out the poop
map last night, and again GavinNewsom again. I don't think there's any
harm in Gavin Newsom saying yeah whenI was the because he used to be
the mayor of San Francisco, Ithought Gavin Newsom could have said, yeah,
that's horrible, isn't it? Ron. I agree, I had nothing

to do with that. I'm thegovernor, and that darns mayor of San
Francisco has really let that city declineto decline. When I was the mayor,
that didn't happen. I thought thatwould be Gavin Newsom's response, but
instead he didn't do that. Hejust basically said, well, Tampa Bay's
a bad place. That was hisalways his response. And I'm sitting there

screaming, going, Gavin, ifI'm in advising you acknowledge the truth.
We all know the poop maps exist, we all know that San Francisco is
not what it used to be.But basically just say it's not my fault
and basically say when I was themayor, that was not the case.
When I was the mayor. Here'swhat we did when I was the mayor,
Here's what we did. Here's whatwe did, here's what we did,

and that mayor of San Francisco needsto get their crud together because they've
ruined the beautiful city. I thoughtthat would have been a much better response
by Gavin news But here we go. Audio Gavin Newsom versus Ronda Santas and
Ronda Santis and the Great Blue Stateversus Red state debate on hand to the
last night, showing a computer printoutof a poop map. Here we go.

This is a map of San Francisco. There's a lot of plots on
that. You may be asking,what is that plotting. Well, this
is an app where they plot thehuman feces that are found on the streets
of San Francisco. And you seehow almost the whole thing is covered,
because that is what has happened inone of the previous greatest cities this country's
ever had. Human feces is nowa fact of life. See if I

were Newsome now he again, hegave kind of some some reply that well,
Florida did this, and Florida didthat, and he didn't deny that
the map was true. But Ithought the better response by Gavin would have
been to say something like, youknow, that map's awful, and I
think it's awful, and we oughtto be helping the homeless people live on

the street. But that didn't happenwhen I was the mayor there, under
my leadership, it didn't happen.It happened. I thought there was much
better responses. It's just like Gavinhad in my estimation. He had a
lot of talking points, he hada lot of notes he had to get
out, he had a lot ofmemorized material, and he just kind of
threw it out there, despite thefact that maybe there would have been a

better way to present it. Andso anyway, if you watch the Great
Red State versus Blue State debate lastnight on handed, he loved to hear
from you and get your thoughts onwho won, who lost, and your
advice if you were advising either theSantas or Gavin News. Somebody asked me
via message a moment ago popped inmy I saw pop up flash on the
screen. Jimmy, is there anypolitical advice to give to Gavinusim. Yes,

all these guys when they do thesedebates, they all just smile.
And I don't like that. Theyseem to forget that the cameras always on
them, and so they had theseand maybe that's why they do it.
They had to know the cameras onthem, and they had these cheesy smiles
on their face. The cameras wouldzoom out and there's Rond de Santis smiling
as if he just tole a cookiefrom the cookie jar. Stop. It

just look normal. We know that'sa fake smile. We know that most
normal people would not be smiling likethat. Right now, stop it,
stop working on the muscles in yourface, and stop the car salesman smiles.
That would have been my one pieceof advice for Ron desantas Is.
I thought, factually and with substance, rond Dea Santis did, I'll be
honest, better than I expected.I didn't expect him to be as aggressive,

and I just I knew gavenusm wasa talker. I knew he's a
spinmeister. I didn't know how theSantis would stand up, and he did
quite well. But there were timesthat I thought Roundo Santas needed to knock
off the smiles, knock off thethings they said, Hey, look pleasant,
don't look angry when the camera,and he just always kind of looked
like he had this plastic smile onhis face, and I I didn't like

that. Would just be normal?Would you just act like a normal fellow
anyway? If you watched the LastNight Your Thoughts eight six six triple eight
fifty four to forty nine, eightysix six triple eight fifty four to forty
nine, I'm about to offend someof you out there. Ladies are gonna
love it, men are gonna hateit. Last night was the finale,
the season finale, two painful hoursin my opinion, of the Golden Bachelor,

where the seventy two year old BachelorJerry Turner Gary Turner made his final
pick and he chose ready for this. Men, I have no clue.
If you watch this with your wifefor significant other last night or this season,
you are a better man than mostof us. Because I had a
friend yesterday. I was at agathering and a meeting and he walked into

the establishment I was in and Isaid, I didn't think you were coming
over today to the little gathering wewere at, and he said I wasn't.
And yet my wife said, andhe has a he lives in downtown
Denver, And I said, whatdid you Why are you here at this
little tavern we were at and hesaid, I'm here because my wife said,
hey, you might want to goto the tavern tonight. You might

want to get out of here.And he said why and she said,
because I'm watching the Bachelor tonight.And he said, oh, hell's bells,
I'm out of here. And sohe got the uber car, the
driver whoever to bring him up tous, and we were like, we
didn't know you were coming up,and he said, I'm here for the
for the afternoon gathering because my wife'sgoing to watch The Bachelor tonight and I'm
not going to be a part ofthat anyway. Gary Turner on the Golden

Bachelor, this is the Bachelor forold people, and I wondered what it
was going to be like, theBachelor for old he's seventy two. All
these ladies that are either widowers ordivorce as were on there, and that's
all I know, old people Bachelor. And I had one friend, it's
not me. Ladies don't be offended. One friend who said, I like
the other. The other Bachelor's painfulenough. This one was really painful,

And I said, what do youmean? He goes My wife likes to
watch it. It's on the televisionand she's watching the Golden Bachelor, and
at least with the regular Bachelor,there's there's young and he's said his quote,
young hot ladies that I can watchon the show that they're choosing from.
He says, now it's just abunch of old ladies. And he
said, if I want to lookan old lady, I got one at

home. That's what he said.That's what he said. So anyway,
the Golden Bachelor, he chose TeresaNist and I'm gonna play it. They're
gonna actually get married home. Thisis going to be like a like a
Heraldo Special looking veta at at alCapone's vault, I guess. But they're
gonna get married on live television.Who's going to watch that? On January

the fourth? And here he iswith the engagement ring. He gave her
a golden rose, and he toldTeresa Nist, you're my babe, You're
my hotti, you're my you're myshati, You're my woman. And here's
what that sounds. Man. I'msorry, I got to play this.
We have women to listen to theprogram as well, so I'm going to
play it. Gary Turner making hisfinal pick last night on The Bachelor.

Listen, don't you got to forgetme for playing this? At least I'm
not playing excerpts from the view.Okay, I'm not playing that. I'm
playing the finale of the Golden Bachelorlast night. Here we go, let's
rip it off like a band.Aid. I got to the point with
the questions I had asked myself abouthow did I get here? And is
she the right girl? And Icame to the realization that you're not the

right person for me to live with. Here's a person that I can't live
without. I'm never going to stopbelieving that. Every day I choose you.

Oh my god, all right,it's painful to my friends anybody else,
feel like you need to go backhome. I need to leave the
studio, get the card, driveback to the lak to that laky house
of Laky, and I feel likeyou need a shower again after playing That's

that's awful. But anyway, itwas on last night, Teresa Neis.
I know we need to be aspoiler alert here, excuse me, a
cough button here? Got that frogin the throat that happens with the old
dryer weather, Teresa, this wasthe choice last night on The Bachelor.
All right, eight six six Afifty four to forty nine. I don't
know what was more painful. Honestly, I don't like these political debates.

I think it was a exercise watchingRon de Santas and Gavin Newsom. Somebody
said, there's one thing both ofyou have. I think it was DeSantis
who said this, there was onething both of us have in common.
Neither of us are going to bethe nominee for our party. And I
thought that was probably true. Andthat's kind of what annoyed me as I'm
watching this as if it's important,and ultimately it wasn't. I think he

was telling I think he was veryeducational. But in the grand scheme of
things in a year, I'm notsure that debate between Ronda Santis and Gavin
Newsom really mattered. I had towatch it because it was a news story,
and I don't know what was morepainful watching a debate. I didn't
want to bait watch watching a debatethat, in the grand scheme of things,
meant nothing, or would have beenmore painful to watch the Golden batchelor.

I think I probably chose well.I watched football and then I fast
forwarded through the Ronda Santis Gavin Newsomdebate on the old Fox News channel last
night. All Right, your thoughtson that? Eight six six triple eight
fifty four to forty nine, eightsix six triple eight fifty four to forty
nine. It's national Christmas Lights Day? Anybody got your Christmas lights up?
Anybody? I even got a friendwho likes to hang his own Christmas lights.

A guy lives in a palatial estateand he insists on hanging like in
dangerous areas of his house. Heinsists on hanging his old Christmas lights.
And I'm not talking about he bringsout a cherry picker to do it.
I'm talking about the guy climbs upon the roof and he hangs over and
he puts ladders on top of ladders. One day, I think we'll do
the eulogy of my friend because hedecides that he wants his house to look

like Clark Griswold lives there. Buthe insists on doing it himself, which
I don't blame to do it yourself. I'm all for DIY, but you
gotta be careful up on the rooftop, and my friend is not. His
house always looks beautiful. It looksbeautiful. It's all fun and games until
someone falls off the roof. HappyNational Christmas Lights Day. Glad to have

you here on the radio show JimmyLakey News Talk six hundred kse col stand
by, Oh by the way,Happy Friday, Colorado, six hundred k
col This is a map of SanFrancisco. There's a lot of plots on

that. You may be asking,what is that plotting. Well, this
is an app where they plot thehuman feces that are found on the streets
of San Francisco. And you seehow almost the whole thing is covered because
that is what has happened in oneof the previous greatest cities this country's ever
had. Human feces is now afact of life. There you have it,

the great debate Red state versus BlueState. On the hand of the
show last night, Florida Governor RondaSantis and the California Governor Gavin Newsom going
ahead to head toe to toe,face to face mono E mono. And
I have to say I thought Gavin, Gavin Newsom could have done better.
He's a good talker, he presentshimself very well. But my advice to

Gavin was he was desperately for somereason, I don't know why, trying
to link himself. He should havesaid, listened his Red savers Blue state.
Is not me up here as asurrogate for the administration or other people.
I'm just here to defend myself inmy state. And I think if
he would have focused on that,I think it would have been a little
bit better for him. He keptgetting asked about, Hey, what about

the stat by the fbiron crime,what about the stats? By this?
They showed stats. I mean,it wasn't like they were making stuff up,
and it was basically, hey,respond to this. It looks like,
for instance, of taxes, thereis no state income tax in Florida.
There's state income tax in California.And I think Gavin probably could have
defended himself and he just said,overall we pay less tax Well, I

don't think anybody thinks that, Sohe should have broken it down a little
bit more. He'd make some soaringstatements overall, we pay fewer taxes in
California than most states in the nation. And I'm thinking, I'm not sure
anybody really believes that you'd be abig Gavin Newsom fan and not think that
you're going to California for lower taxes. I mean, that's just kind of

I think anybody realistically realizes you're goingto have higher taxes, are going to
take more out of your paychecks.And so I again, maybe he had
some information on his side. Idon't know, but he, for instance,
I think he said the sales taxmight be lower in California. Forgot
the stat he going to focus onthat and said, hey, this is
what we do. It's a salestax lower. And then he said,

Gavin, you're a bad guy.Excuse me, Ron, You're a bad
guy because you have this tax.And it's just it was really kind of
just bizarre. It wasn't a directdefensive himself. I thought he could have
done better on that. My opinion, you can go back and watch it
for yourself, drawing your own conclusions. I'm not trying to tell you how
to think, but I think youmight watch the same thing and just say

he did not give a vigorous defense. But I think the other mistake that
he might have made was he keptsaying, I'm the poll numbers show that
there's some things you can't run awayfor. We have a problem at the
border. There's just certain things.But he insisted on kind of running towards
him because this is a talking point. This is what my party has told

me to say. And I thinkpeople get tired of that. I get
tired of Republicans doing that. Thisis what I'm supposed to say. No,
you don't have to say that.Just tell us what you think.
Be real, and I think that'swhat people are looking for, whether they're
Red Team or Blue Team. Issomebody to be real and not just cite
the talking points and the indoctrination pointsand kind of stand up for what you
believe in. And if it variesoff the path of the party or the

administration or the people above you,so be it. Let it very off
the path, but let us knowwho you really are. Anyway, if
you watched it last night, feelfree to jump in. Jimmy Lakey at
iHeartMedia dot com, Jimmy Lakey atiHeartMedia dot com, Facebook dot com,
slash Jimmy Lakey fan page. Twitteris just my name or ex as we
call it. I can't stand Ican I just call it Twitter and not

have to give a deffirment that it'snow known as X. I mean,
I think we all know it's X. Nobody cares. It's all still Twitter
known as X or X formerly knownas Twitter. That we It's kind of
like when you remember Prince he changedhis name to Symbols and you had to
go the artist formerly known as Prince. We'll just call him Prince. And
I kind of feel like I needto say that about Twitter. It's just

on Twitter. I know it's notcalled Twitter anymore, it's called X.
But who the heck cares if Isay Twitter. You guys all know where
to find me anyway. Twitter isjust my name, Jimmy Lakey. And
also truth Social is just my nameas well. It's a national Christmas lights
Day. Got a message, Laky, are you against your friend decorating for
Christmas? What got into you inyour ball humbug pants? I did not

say him against my friend decorating forChristmas. I'm saying he has a rather
large house and he insists on dangerousladders up on top of the roof,
on top of the roof, toall levels. And at one point,
I'll tell you what my friend did. He we had had a cocktail in
the afternoon and he's done this foryears. I mean, you would think,
if you didn't know better, thisguy was like hosting a show of

queer eye for the straight guy.And this guy's good, He's got it
all down. He was like,hey, can you look on your phone?
I left my phone at home.I said, what do you need
he said, I'm looking for henamed something. I guess you have a
Christmas tree, and if you're areal good decorator, you go buy twigs
at like a Michael's or a hobbylobby or craft store and you stick them

in there and they're extra twigs foryour tree. And I always wondered how
people made their tree look that way. Well, that's what they do.
They go buy these extra twigs.And he wanted to know who had a
certain color of extra twigs. I'mnot joking. I guess there are different
colors. I guess he had atheme for his tree, red, red,
or blue. I don't know whathis theme was this year. I

don't know. So I'm on myphone going, I can't believe I'm looking
to suffer. I forgot my phone. It's at the house, and I'm
looking it up for the guy andI'm like, well, I think Michaels
might have some, and he's callingthem. He said, do you have
those twigs? It was the funniestconversation you ever heard, because no one
knows these things exist, no oneknows what they're called. That evidently you
can buy them at a craft storeand a lot of the men out there
are going, what the heck areyou taking? I don't know. They're

things that you stick in your treeand make it looks like you have more
branches, and they go out inweird direct I don't know. I don't
I don't know, I don't know. He was looking for him. Well,
he's known to get on his house, you know, second story,
third story, whatever, and heputs his ladder up there. He's precarious.
This year, he said he hadhis twenty something son up helping him.

I said, great, we're goingto kill the whole family up there.
I said, you live in apalatial estate. You make Yeah,
you got money, You're not poor, You're you're not holding a sign up?
Why don't you pay somebody to comeout and decorate trausts? He goes.
I had him give me a quote. It's going to cost me a
thousand bucks. I said, yourfuneral is going to cost more than that.
Your hospital bills are going to costmore than that. One day recently,

and was it this year? Heis? This year we had a
cocktail or more than one and acocktail and he said, I gotta go
home and finish the electrical hookup ofmy lights, and I said, you're
not climbing on your roof now,are you. He goes, Oh,
I'm feeling real good. I'm gonnahe climbed the guy's nuts. So anyway,
it's National Christmas Lights Day, andI'm glad my crazy friend who likes

to decorate his house on his own. And again, I appreciate it.
I got a lot of neighbors.I saw neighbors out this past weekend up
on ladders. Good for them,but you know, it's that they weren't
three stories up with a ladder stackedon top of a ladder. My friend
is. And it's not good,not a good look at all. But
happy National Christmas Lights Day. Thequestion that becomes laky, do you celebrate

National Christmas Lights Day? I lovethe Christmas lights. I think they're beautiful.
I'm too cheap to pay somebody toput them on the house of Laky,
And I'm not skilled, talented andhave a ladder big enough to climb
up. And I'm not putting aladder on top of the road. I'm
not doing it. So No,the exterior is usually not decorated at my
house. Inside, we'll turn itinto a winter Wonderland, for sure.

I'll do that. Once the Suncomes home from college for his winter break,
we'll do some decorating. But inthe meantime, no, I don't
have a decoration now, Naria oneis up at the house of Lakey.
Don't judge me. It's not timeyet. Well, it could be time.
In my sounner home. Would probablydo this weekend. But I'll wait
for him to get home for theholidays and then we'll figure out the holiday
and the Christmas decoration. All right, My name is Jimmy. Glad to

have you here on the radio show. This portion of the program, I
want to remind you fellas, thisis a holly, jolly, happy time
of year, a lot of energy, a lot of things to do,
and some of you just don't feelthe energy anymore. You're like, why
am I so tired all the time? And you're trying to kind of go
get some energy. You go tothe gym, you go to work out,
and it doesn't work out the wayit used to. It could be
you have low testosterone and I knowit, low tia in your earbly thirties,

all of us men, we startwe lower the production of testosterone in
our bodies and eventually starts catching upand some guys start noticing the feeling.
It could be low libido, yoursex driver is off. It could be
that lack of energy. It couldbe the fact that you're not getting the
gains at the workouts that you usedto go get tested for LOTI. It's
real simple to do Rocky Mountain Men'sClinic. They have five locations, Fort

Collins, North Denver, Central Denver, Castle, Rock, Colorado Springs.
It's simple blood work, a medicalconsultation with a licensed medical provider and then
if medically advised, the heavy resultsin thirty minutes. Excuse me, medically
advised. Guess what you get?A Yeah, they give you suggestion on
what it is that they might recommendfor testosterone, and if you sign up

that day in the office, youroffice visit becomes free. Rockymountain Men's Clinic
dot com. Rockymountain Men's Clinic dotcom. Be sure to tell them that
Jimmy Lakey told it to be intouch Rocky Mountain Men's Clinic dot com.
I gotta take a break. NewsTalk six hundred KCl. I just put

my headphones and listened to promo thereof the fill in host for a Capitalists
and I'm thinking, wow, wegot to do that of the show.
J L behind the microphone talking tosp coming up, and Colzel talking to
what's his name? Jh As,Jeff Hayes and Sherry Bye. How do
you keep up all that? Ihad to listen to it again. I
was I was thinking, as whatdo they say? And I think he

said KBB, which would be ChristyBurton Brown, and then are running with
KJP. I think that would beis that kringe on Pierre? I don't
know, I weird anyway, Ijust heard that. I put the headphones
on. I said, what whowho? What? I don't know.
It's strange, man. You know, you got like eight seconds to record
those things ten seconds And I guesshe thought by giving acronyms and abbreviations it

would be easier to understand. ButI was like, I got to play
that again and find out he's gotKBB and KJP and be a karp and
all weird anyway. I thought,it's calling out radio signals for a second.
All right, good, I mean, I'm right here to be critical.
I'm just listening, like you aregoing, what the hell's he talking
about? Speaking great to us.We were I don't know anyway, good

to have you here on the radioshow. Jimmy is my name coming up?
Next to do with sherry Pie ifwe call her sp on the show,
she'll be with us talking about thelawsuit against the City of Loveland by
the mcguinnie Corporation for their I guess, breach of contract and illegalities and their
behavior regarding the development of southwest southcent Tara on the southwest corner of Highway

thirty four and I twenty five.We'll talk about that was Sherry Pie.
She has it. Another story ofNorthern Colorado centric fashion. It had been
ten years since Larimer County has surveyedthe public amount open space and now they
want to refresh their study study calledOur Lands, Our Future. This twenty
thirteen survey that Larimer County did helpthe county according to the Colorado and better

understand how to allocate tax dollars thatthey collect from a quarter cent help preserve
open space sales tax in voters intwenty fourteen in Larimer County decided to keep
that tax in place until twenty fortythree. Do the math. How old
shall you be in twenty forty three. The county shares that sales tax revenue

with Fort Collins, Loveland, birthAt, Estes Park, Johnstown, Timneth,
Wellington, and Windsor. So theLaramer County is doing a survey.
You'll be asked to participate in.The survey will focus on the allowable uses
of the sales tax, which arereally to maintain and can serve open spaces,
natural areas, rivers, wildlife,habitat, parks and trails within the

county. They're not going to tryto survey you on golf courses or city
parks or ball fields, but howshould they be spending that money that they
collect from you in Larimer County.So here of a survey are our.
There's another initial thing. I don'tknow what RRC stands for, but r
RC and Associates is they conducted thetwenty thirteen survey and they're gonna do open

the new survey. And if youwant to participate in the survey, this
is the bottom line. Go toLarimerlands dot org slash open space Larimer Lands
dot org slash open space and ifyou're in Larimer County you can participate.
Also, some of you're gonna geta random sampling in the mail to participate,

but anybody else can go to Larimerlands dot org, slash open and
participate in the new Larimer County survey. All right, JL here on six
hundred k col. Coming up withsp on a fri. Friday stand by
six hundred k col
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