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December 1, 2023 31 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Anybody who want to smart toilet iswelcome to the program. We'll talk about
it this hour. Glad to haveyou here. Jimmy is my name,
sometimes called him Lagos. Other newswill follow this morning. Because the explosion
of a smart toilet, man barelygot off the thing alive without it with

his bottom still intact. I'll getit that story. I know you've been
wanting to hear that one all morning. Glad to have you here on the
show. That story. The Househas delayed a vote on the impeachment of
majorcas I'm not sure why. Yeah, it's just yeah. Lots of news
out there, lots of news.Rand Paul saves the lives of Jony Ernst,
Gavin Newsom debated last night, hedebated Ron DeSantis. We'll talk about

at this hour as well. Somany things to get to. Glad to
have you here on the radio,showed Tommy Lakey is my name. The
city of Loveland is being sued SherryPython the program earlier today talking about that
being sued by mcwinnie and maybe somemore lawsuits coming as Jackie Marsh and Loveland
are walking a very dangerous path.I'm telling you to in the world of

that I twenty five Northern Colorado Corridor. There's so many places that would love
to have development, love to havethe income stream. And again, I
don't like these taxpayer fundings of developments, these tax delays and all these packages
urban I don't like that either.But the fact is, if once a
developer starts putting money in and yougive an approval, you got to keep

your word on that and change itfor the next guy. I don't mind
him changing that policy, but yougot to keep your word on that.
And unfortunately, I think Loveland's infor a big, big, big It's
going to cost the taxpayers, itreally is, and that's sad for the
taxpayers of Loveland. It'll cost Lovelandsome reputation as well as developers. Businesses

say, well, I don't know, they may not be good partners to
do business with. So I wasa yeah, Loveland, get tracked together
because you're a beautiful place, andI hope that you will not get a
reputation as being non friendly to business. That would be a bad thing for
Loveland, and I hope they won'tdo that. All right, Good to
have you here on the radio show. May What a smart toilet is?

I have the story here about asmart toilet that's going to right. First
time I ever knew about a smarttoilet, did not know things exist.
I was in Vegas several weeks agoand I met up for the friend that
lives out there, and I said, you want to grab a cocktail and
cigar? And he said sure,and we met at the Bellagio Hotel.
I wasn't staying in the Bellagio.I was further north on the strip,

but we met at the Bellagio.I think it was in the back of
rite room. I don't remember.They smoke her cigar cocktail. We we're
there. He's waiting for me togo there, and I think it was
the back of ride room. Idon't remember it was one of the the
poker room. But anyway, we'resitting there smoking a cigar, and as
a male would say to another man, I don't think women ever talked this
way. He said, Hey,while we're you got to try out the

toilet And I said the what Hesaid, Yeah, right in the back
of the back of the right room. There in the back there's as a
private bathroom. You got to goin there. It's a smart toilet.
I said, oh, I did. I don't know what a smart toilet
is, so I walked in there, and sure enough, you walk up
the seat, it sends it in. The seat can go up or down,

and it does all sorts of smartthings. I guess. I guess
if you hit the right buttons it, well, it'll do all sorts of
things to you. Anyway, there'sa story here about a Chinese man,
and I just got to tell thestory because I'm a guy and I find
this fascinating. A Chinese man barelysurvived to getting off the smart toilet with
his bum intact after smoke started comingout of the toilet bowl and then the

whole thing burst in flames. Nowevery man out there right now is listening,
going, wow, tell me more. And every lady's going why is
this even a news story. Theguys are like, yeah, this is
toilet. I love it. TheYanksty Evening newspaper in China recently reported the
story of the man from Zieman,Fujan Province. He recorded his smart toilet
burning after a suspected short circuit.The incident occurred on November tenth, when

the man was using his smart toilet. At first, there was a smell
of smoke. Then plumes of whitesmoke started billowing from the toilet, and
finally, just as the man gotup from the toilet, the smart toilet
burst into flames. Photos taken bythe shock man showed that he didn't even
have time to put on his shortsbefore the toilet started burning itself up.

It shows that people take their phoneseverywhere. He had his toilet right there
at the handy. The cause ofthe incident has not been revealed, but
the owner suspected a short circuit sparkedthe fire. Similar incidents were reported in
August of last year, when theman of the Lishu Xianghai Province woke up
to the strong smell of smoke andfound that his smart toilet was burning in

the bathroom. August of this year, the Chabine County of Zigouz, another
man's smart toilet burst into flames forno apparent reasons. So the bottom line
of my friends, if you're thinkingof a smart toilet, you might want
to make sure you've got a goodelectrician and make sure that that thing's of
a quality. You don't want aChinese smart toilet blowing up in the middle
of the night in your home.So there you have it. That's the

story. I'll post this up becauseI think some people are like seeing the
story. And yes, to answeryour question, is actually a photo of
the burned up toilet. There youhave it, all right, News Talk
six hundred k cool. Yesterday onthe program, I had Ramina Batcha from
the Cato Institute, one of thesmart people that I have of the show.
I want to play a snippet ofthat interview, and I want to

do it because I just sometimes getannoyed. I have the news on the
background because it's part of the jobhere. And the Congress has passed another
continuing resolution. They're going to keepspending big dollars and it's just it's a
mess. Republicans and Democrats in DCare just careless when it comes to taking
care of our money and actually gettingonto a budget process that any person can

understand. And it's a mess.There's a new request now they haven't even
decided on the basic spending. JoeBiden sends down a spending request, baffles
the heck out of me, requesting, hey, can we spend another sixty
one point four billion dollars on Ukraine? And can we spend another fourteen point

three billion on Israel, and hey, I need nine and a half billion
for unspecified humanitarian aid. And Ineed seven point four billion for the region
of the Pacific Region including Taian Taiwan. And by the way, how about
thirteen point six billion for our ownborder management. Now, what are we
doing in Ukraine. We're helping theUkrainians make sure that the Russians get back

across the border and don't come backin. Right, they get sixty one
point four billion for their border.Israel making sure their borders are secure against
terrorists like Amas, they get fourteenpoint three But for some reason, our
extensive border here in America, Bidenadministration says that we need more border management.
But let's give Ukraine more, Let'sgive Israel more, and let's do
thirteen point four billion on the Americanborder. It's government spending. And not

only is it government spending, butit's government spending. In my humble opinion,
it's government spending not lined up withmy personal priorities of where I think
our country should be at. Yesterday, I had Romina Bacha on the program.
And you keep hearing about the FEDSand the raising the rate and the
lowering of the rates, and theywere trying to squelch and slow down inflation.
Now there's talked to hey, inflationhas slowed down. It's still there,

but it's not rising as much.So maybe the Fed's going to come
back and raise it lower interest ratesnext year. I had Romina Bacha and
I asked this question. I wantyou to hear the interview Romina Bacha with
the Cato Institute yesterday. I said, Romina, we hear the rates and
everybody thinks, oh, if they'lljust lower the rates, it'll help the
economy. But really we have areal problem with inflation because of government spending

that keeps coming out of Washington,and even this latest request for more for
Ukraine, in Israel and Taiwan.It's just more spending of money. We
don't have talk about the government spendingand how that is a key factor in
the rising and high inflation that wehave in America. Yeah, the FRED
continues to fight the inflation that bothparticipitated by new money being issued by the

Federal Reserve in order to help supportthe pandemic spending that was being done first
under the Trump administration and then superchargedby the Biden administration, the Federal Reserve
created about five trillion in new currencyby buying up US government debt instruments.

In one of the things they've beentrying to do is reduce their portfolio holdings
with US debts because the problem isthe Federal Reserve. By the debt that
the Federal government issues instead of otherbondholders, that creates new money in the
economy. That less you match theamount of money that the feed injects with
the increase and the goods and servicesthat the economy produces. If you just

throw more money at it, whatyou get is inflation, which is the
problem that we've been suffering from.And another country that I think is a
good model for the road that theUnited States should avoid and not go down
as Argentina, which has one hundredand forty percent inflation, has been printing
money like mad and also issuing alot of short term entrance in shortter bonds

at very high interest rates. Butyou know, the United States is also
you know, we're in a muchbetter fiscal and economic position than Argentina most
certainly, but it's also troubling thatthe US government will have to refinance about
one third of all federal government debtin the next year at these very high
interest rates. So you know,we can only hope that the Federal Reserve

will continue to do their best tostay in part and not cut rates too
soon in an attempt to make iteasier for the federal government to continue borrowing
at these exorbitant rates. The governmenthas a two trillion dollar deficit this year.
This is a record high for peacetime, non crisis deficit. We're out

of the pandemic. The government shouldnot be running these massive deficits. Meanwhile,
you have President Biden asking Congress foranother one hundred and sixty billions additional
deficit increase before the end of thisyear in order to find an emergency spending
what the Bide administration labeled as emergencyspending, which is far from that.
So Washington hasn't yet caught on thatthe price of borrowing and the United States

government debt is has changed. It'shigher, it's become more of a burden
for taxpayers, and it's time torein it in. It's kind of cup
spending, perform entitlement programs and getour budget on a better path. The
voice of Ramina Bacca. She's andirector of Budget and Entitlements Policy at the
Cato Institute Romana. When I hearpeople talking about we need to increase spending

here, another two trillion here,another one trillion here, that's on top
of the levels of the COVID spending. We've never gone back to normalize,
in other words, the COVID spendingthat we had to spend under Trump and
then again under Biden, all becausewe had a pandemic. We never went
back to our original budget numbers.So this increase is on top of the
increase. So it's kind of adouble whamming here. We haven't normalized our

spending. And I'm guessing there's alot of politicians that don't even want to
talk about that. If you talkedabout going back to pre COVID spending levels,
they start saying, how you're goingto starve the children and hurt grandma
because you're cutting things. You're justsimply trying to go back to pre COVID
levels. That's the rhetorical hearing inWashington, and this has been what's kept
the government from a passing through yearappropriation. We're still discussing funding for fiscal

year twenty fourteen, which mind youstarted on October first, and the Continuing
Resolution, which basically just kicked thedebate down the road, expires on January
nineteenth, and then there's another oneon February second, because they divided them
into this time as if this wasgoing to make these debates and the easier.
That remains to be seen. Butyes, neither the House nor the

Senate are abiding by the deals thatthey cut in May when they increase the
debt limit. I must say thatI have been preased to see that the
House is trying to cut spending lowerthan those previously agreed upon, and I
think this is the right voot.And yes, the rhetoric says, you
know, it's going to hurt certainindividuals and that self, but the truth

is that the federal government does alot of unnecessary excessive corporate spending as well.
So there's a plenty of subsidies thatthe federal government could eliminate that benefit
primarily large corporations, and that wedon't need that. This the Biden administration
has continued to add to because asthey've passed different bills in order to support

their supporters who work in green energyand in climate change industries, and basically
shoggling with taxpayer money out the doorto fund these pet causes. So it's
not all about, you know,cutting spending on what you know might be
anti poverty programs, which is wherethe left tends to go in order to
scare people about cuts. But there'sthere's plenty of fats that the government could

trim. Mean, while the Senate'strying to increase spending, and in part
by labeling what should be basic governmentoperations that should be funded in base budgets
as emergency spending. That has becomean increasing problem, particularly during the pandemic,
but even leading up to it,or Congress just calls anything an emergency

because there's no strict guidance or legalrequirements for what programs should meet the criteria.
It's just an easy way to spendmore money and do so off budget.
The voice of Cato Institute economic scholarRomina Bacca, she's on the hotline
here. You mentioned Argentina and Argentinaand their one hundred and forty percent inflation

rate, and a lot of theworld was shocked, I know, the
American media was shocked by the electionof the new president, Javier Malay.
He's been in Washington, d c. For meetings with President Biden's aides and
also members of his staff are conferringwith the US Treasury Department officials and talking
about Argentinian and United States relationships.Malay won the presidency in Argentina by he

had some pretty blunt proposals and prettybroad proposals about how he wanted to give
the economy of Argentina back on track. Is there something that we should be
learning from the Argentinian president elect ratherthan him coming and trying to figure out
what we're doing. I think wecan both learn from each other. It's
clear that Argentina has voted for amajor a changed and I'm not surprised that

they did. It was about timebecause they have run excessive inflation for several
decades now, which undermines the abilityof their people to support themselves in their
families, which is why forty percentor four out of every ten Argentinian is
living in poverty. That that's extremelydestructive and part of the reasons, A

large part of the reason is governmentpolicies that have inflated the currency by spending
more and more money and doing soby just running the printing presses, including
to finance their debt. Thankfully,we're not yet down that rode as far,
but unfortunately our fiscal trajectory is notpromising, and over the next fifteen
to twenty years, the United States, if we continue on the current path,

to find itself in unchartered waters forthe United States, not for other
countries like Argentina. But I thinkone of the risks we also say is
that there's still a lot of membersof Congress, and I've wrote about this
in the on cater dot org recentlywho think that MMT, or what they
call modern Monetary theory, and Ilike to call the magic money theory,

proposes which is that the government shouldn'tworry about borrowing money or taxing. It
should just print money and to financewhatever priorities the government establishes. And that
is a theory that will read usdown economic ruins and will drive up inflation
to double digit level. And itis something that is appealing to many members

of Congress, especially to many Democratsin the Senate. And I named some
names and the piece as well,I call it debt threat to denial.
I'm full display at House Budget Committeehearing. That was my interview yesterday morning
with Romina Batcha from the Cato Institute. Fascinating conversation. And again, as
you're paying more at the grocery store, more the pump, and you need
to remember that this spending is crazy. And the COVID spending started under the

Donald J. Trump administration, continuedin the Joe Biden administration. So it
is a bipartisan problem. But that'swhen the inflationary atmosphere started to increase.
Whenever the politicians Donald Trump then followedby Joe Biden said we got to spend
more. It's a pandemic and therewas no mechanism to ever get back to
pre pandemic spending levels. And sonow when they say, hey, let's

get back to pre pandemic spending levels, the politicians square, you're going to
starve people. No, just tryingto get back to where we were at.
Everybody stand by News Talk six hundredkcol. The rest of that interview
is up at Jimmy Lakey dot com. Lakey on the Radio six hundred kcol.

Heidy, ho, neighbor, Niceto have you here. I told
you yesterday that I woke up andspent two hours before the show started to
thinking, oh it's Friday, andit wasn't Friday. It was only Thursday
and had disappointment airline in the morning. But today it is actually is Friday.
At least that's the originating date ofthis broadcast. If you're listening at
a different time, a different place, a different station, a different location,

it's all right. It's called apodcast, it's called the Best of
show, it's called a rerun,whatever you want to call it. Glad
to have you here. It isthe first day of December. Happy December,
everybody, twenty twenty three, andwe begin the final month of this
glorious year of our Lord, twentytwenty three, and we're heading towards Christmas.
Everybody ready for Christmas? Got yourChristmas shopping done? The answer for

me is no, I don't.Is National Christmas Lights Day and I don't
have any Christmas lights up yet.I'll wait for my son to return from
the university and we will proceed withthe decoration of the House of Lakey.
But until then, there is nodecoration forthcoming, no decoration happening until that
happens. So anyway, good tohave you here on the show. My
name is Jimmy pleasure, pleased,and thrilled I am to be here.

I hope you feel the same way. Hey, let me bring into the
conversation, or buddy, Jeff Hayes. He used to be the chairperson of
the Colorado g OP. That's theGrand Old Party, the Republican Party.
No longer in that role. I'msure he's very glad he's no longer in
that role. But Jeff Hayes onthe hotline, Good morning, Jeff Hayes.
Happy National Christmas Lights Day to you. Do you have your lights up?

Sir? Got these phone lines arenot a cooperating the day. Jeff
Hayes, good morning. No,I hear you, I hear you.
Happy Lights Day. I think it'sgonna be a great day because I'm not
able to put my lights up,and I'm sure that I will be bearing
the full brunt of my wife's disdainingfor that. I don't even know more

where my lights are in the bar, and so anyway, thanks for reminding
me. Yeah, you're welcome,and I let missus Hayes take the scolding.
You probably deserve it for many otherreasons as well. Hey, Jeff
Hayes, I don't know if youwatched last night the debate between Gavin Newsom
and Rondas Santas, both of themprobably just trying to kind of campaign to
be the first step in the bullpen. Gavin says, hey, if Joe

decides not to run, let mebe first up. And ron De Santas
kind of thinking, hey, ifsomething happens and Trump crashes in the polls,
let me be the first up.They're both kind of campaigning for runner
up status in my humble opinion,But give me your thoughts on that debate
last night if you watched it.Well, it's kind of facts versus the
emotions. Emotion thing, which istypical of you know, Republicans and more

conservative thinking is generally more fact based. We try to do things that actually
work, and then there's the emotionalside. And you know, I think
Gavin Newsom is a formidable future opponentbecause you know, he looks at the
part. He's got all the goodhair and everything's very good. It's get
the shiny white teeth, and thereare a lot of people will vote for
him because he looks good. Andyou know that's going to be the downfall

of our country if people go forappearances and feel good statements because he was
really devoid of a lot of factsand he really had a hard time.
Well he didn't have a hard timebecause he has a very strange relationship with
the truth, but he was confrontedby statistics and charts and graphs and things
like that that Sean Hanny was bookedon there and it's like it didn't even

matter. And you know, youlook at the success that the santas Ad
all Knews could really do. Wascriticized from an emotional standpoint and basically called
him your mean you know, Iknow you're a meaning where and you know
that's not necessarily a great electoral positionto be in because a lot of times

people do vote emotionally, they votefor people they like instead of people that
necessarily agree with. And again,we don't get the government we need,
we get the government we deserve.And if we as an electorate make decisions
based on kuint of superficial you knowwho has the whitest teeth or you know,
who doesn't clench their jaw and thereunderstress, you know, we're going

to get garbage government, just likeCalifornia has. California has been making these
decisions for decades and that's why theyare where they are, That's why they
got pooped in the streets. That'swhy you can't, you know, have
a retail story anymore because you're afraidof people bashing it in and stealing all
your stuff. You know that doesn'thappen in Red states very much. And
so you know, hopefully the distinctionwill become so great that people will be

they will have the blinders removed fromtheir eyes, and they'll be really able
and willing to say I want peace, I want prosperity, I want safety.
And so we've got to vote forthese people because they have a proven
track record of delivering the goods,and we're going to reject this leftist markedst
nonsense. It's just praying on ouremotions and not going it's the truth.

I mean, that's what I sawfrom that. I like wrong the span.
I think he'd be a great president. But whether whether it's time or
not, people have the voice ofJeff Hayes. Jeff Hayes used to be
the chairperson of the Colorado GOP.He joins me on the hotline. It
was fascinating though you're write the stats, the statistics, I mean, these
were numbers from the FBI on crime, numbers from the I R S on

taxes and taxi groups, and itjust it was if anybody didn't watch it,
go back and watch it, lookat the stats that are on the
screen, and then listen to theanswers of what came out of their mouth
and either part, and then youdecide is somebody not paying attention to the
facts and just saying something or somebodyactually responding because the numbers didn't lie.

Again, stats weren't coming from Hannity'sthink tank. They were numbers from the
FBI, they were numbers from theI R S on taxes. And it's
like the kind of reminded me attimes, Jeff of Bagdad Bob. The
Americans are not here there, they'renot costing us a problem in Iraq,
And there you have American soldiers runningacross the camera going that's kind of how

I felt with these stats on theand graphs on the screen, while a
certain person, Gavin Newsom was sayingthat those stats are untrue and that he's
being wrongly portrayed here the numbers ofthe numbers. It was kind of a
bag Dad Bob moment. The thingthat was amazing to me was his harping
on how regressive Florida's taxation is andhow can you be more regressive than having

the excessive costs in the assess thetaxes on gasoline. Because if you're like
an upper middle class or you know, you can do remote delivery, you
can work from home, then gasolineprices don't really affect you unless you're going
to see grandmother on Christmas. Butif you're a worker and you've got a
van full of tools and you're drivingaround, you're doing house remodeling, you're

doing toilet repairs, you know,and that really is cutting in your bottom
line. Those are the people thatreally suffering by that truly regressive nature of
California's tax system. So you knowthat people that have any kind of analysis
capability in their brain surely can seethrough that stuff. But again, I
worry about the people that look athim and think, wow, he's got

good hair, he looks presidential.You know, that's what Warren G.
Harding has been recognized as one ofthe worst presidents in history. And unfortunately
he was a Republican, but hegot elected because people thought he looked presidential.
You know, he got criticized backin the day that somebody said his
mind fixes upon an idea and hismouth wanders across the landscape until it tramples

it to death. You know,he looked presidential, but he was terrible.
We don't need that. We don'tneed somebody who looks presidential. We
need somebody that gets the job done. And we don't need somebody that's going
to make you feel good all thetime. We need somebody that defends your
rights. And I hope, well, I know your listeners are going to
make good decisions about that. Butman, it's a tough sell to the

other side there. You know,they think two plus two equals five.
You can't figure out whether you knowmen or men, or women or women.
So you know, follow all thescience unless it comes to follow science,
unless it comes to your gender,then don't follow any sciences. Jeff
Hayes is always a pleasure, myfriends. I will talk to you soon.
Jeff Hayes, former chairperson of thecolor Odo GOP. I appreciate you

coming on the program. I'm lookingat the clock. I've got to take
a break because you know what,there's bills to pay, there's salaries to
meet, there's obligations that we haveand there's a lot of great people that
like to advertise on this radio show. When we come back, I will
dive into some more of the newson National Christmas Lights Day. I saw
some lights yesterday. I think youare going for red and green and looked
more like lime green. Pay attentionto the colors of the lights you buy.

It looked weird. I'll explain itall on the other side. National
Christmas Lights Day, Laky news Talksix hundred k cool. All right,

I got a breaking news story herefor you this morning on the radio.
Glad to have you here. Gloriousday. The Lord has made a National
Christmas Lights Day breaking news. SandraDay O'Connor, the first woman to serve
on the Supreme Court, has passedaway. Died in the age of ninety
three. Pioneering force. According tonews report, she was a pioneering force

of the nation's highest court. O'Connorfocused on the letter of the law and
voted for what she believed to bethe best intentions of the US Constitution.
After she retired from the Court intwo thousand and five, she was committed
to civics education throughout the Nation's Schoolin two thousand and nine. Plishments were
acknowledged by President Obama, who honoredher in two thousand and nine with the
Presidential Medal of Freedom. Again,breaking news this morning, Sandra Day O'Connor

has passed away. Former Supreme Courtjustice and the first lady to ever serve
on the Supreme Court has died atthe age of ninety three years of age
at your news story just breaking andI'm sure there will be accolades and tributes
for Sandrady O'Connor throughout the day andin the coming days that lay ahead.
But definitely an icon in American history. Appointed by Ronald Reagan as the first

woman on the Supreme Court, andshe served well, in my humble opinion,
and passed away again at the ageof ninety three. We have that
story. We'll follow up if anythingelse comes of it. But Sandrady O'Connor
again breaking news, passed away atthe age of ninety three today. All
right, coming up on the program, I'm going to read some emails I've
gotten in this morning. You canemail me Jimmy Lakey at iHeartMedia dot com.

Jimmy Lakey at iHeartMedia dot com.Always love to hear from you.
You can also have message me onthe Facebook, Facebook, dot Com,
slash Jimmy Lakey fan page, Twitterand the Truth Social are just my name
Jimmy Lakey. You We've got toask you a question, my friends,
how did you sleep last night?Did you sleep well? I always sleep
fantastic. I stayed up later thanI wanted to. Well, yeah,

because I watched the football game,the Dallas Cowboys win, and then I
watched the Hannity Red State versus BlueState debate with Gavin Newsom and Rond De
Santas, and I finally got tomy bed, and it's a glorious bed
that I have. It's called aPoshon Lavish bed. That's the brand name.
Maybe you haven't heard of it becauseyou didn't go to the Sleep store
off for Collins. Very few storeseven privileged to carry the Pasha Lavish.

You know one science sleep doesn't fitall. You may go to the Sleep
Store for Collins try out. Theyhave fifty or so displays on the showroom
floor. You may try the PashionLavish and say that's wonderful, or no,
I don't like that, you knowwhat, It doesn't matter. They've
got other brands, other styles,other technology of sleep. The bottom line
is they sell a better night sleep. They're going to help you get a
better night sleep. It's good foryour health, it's good for your well
being all the way around. Youneed to get the best sleep possible.

That's what they sell of the SleepStore up for Collins. Why don't you
go see them thirty five hundred SouthCollege Avenue East to the Trader Jose this
holiday season. You need a newbed in the guest room. Maybe you
need a cabinet Beta space saving bed. They've got all of those options for
you. It's an amazing showroom.Thirty five hundred South College Avenue East to
the Trader Jose and the Square ShoppingCenter. When you get there, tell
them Jimmy Lakey Assinia. The SleepStore up for Colins Sleepeasy dot com,

that is sleep easy dot com.Tell them Jimmy Laky Assinia and worth the
drive from anywhere. And again yougotta get in there and check them out.
By the way, the Black Fridaysavings event is still going on,
so you can save some money inthere right now if you get in there
all right, coming up in thenext hour, the show somebody, somebody
sent me message, by the way, and said they said, I never

knew a thing about a smart toilet, and I feel dumber now that I
do know. I'm sorry. It'sjust there's evidently a thing called a smart
toilet. Evidently they're very big inAsia, and I'm told somebody else send
me a message of well, theysent me a photo of one and said,
is this the one you saw atthe Belagio Hotel? And I don't
know. I didn't like write downthe brand name, but the one they

sent me, they said, thesmart toilet that they were sending me,
it can actually do the it hasthe bidet. I don't know if they
had that in the Belagio. Ianyway, that's from the story about the
smart toilet epidemics. They're starting toexplode in China. Chinese made product.
Do we have smart toilets made inthe USA. I don't even know if

that's an option. I don't know. Yeah, I kind of feel dumber
now too, now that I've expandedthat topic too much. Everybody stand by
Lakey on the radio six hundred Kcol
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In The Village will take you into the most exclusive areas of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games to explore the daily life of athletes, complete with all the funny, mundane and unexpected things you learn off the field of play. Join Elizabeth Beisel as she sits down with Olympians each day in Paris.

3. iHeartOlympics: The Latest

3. iHeartOlympics: The Latest

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