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June 18, 2024 13 mins
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I want to switch gears here thismorning, and I want to go to
my first guest of the day,Scott Shara, a host of Deprogramming with
Grace's Dad, and it is awe'll talk more about the podcast and the
broadcast, but it's a fascinating angle. He's the host of a show and
he started realizing that he had beentold some things that were untrue about life

in the medical industry, and alot of things that just he had believed
in, not necessarily what he should, not necessarily what he was told,
and to get deprogrammed. So letme bring Scott Shara in to tell the
story. And Scott, welcome tothe program. Six hundred kcol Colorado.
Nice to have you. Well,thanks for the nice introduction, Jimmy,

I really enjoy your scent, thehumor. Thank you well, Thank you
very much. Deprogramming with Grace's Dad. You're the host of this podcast.
Tell us about it. It hasto do with your own personal experience after
something happened with your daughter. Yeah, something happen And indeed, my best
buddy, Grace at down syndrome.She was nineteen years old and her last

day on Earth was October thirteenth,of twenty twenty one. After getting the
medical records. At first, wethought something didn't seem right with what happened
during her hospital stay. And afterI got the medical records, had a
doctor friend review them with me,and I invested about five hundred hours in

reviewing them. Then a whistleblower cameforward and connecting all those dots, I
realized Grace is murdered in the hospital. And consequently what's happened is I'd become
a full time advocate researcher. Wehave one of the very few lawsuits in
the country to expose the evil that'sgoing on inside of hospitals. And that's

my essentially full time profession right now. How would you say she was murdered
in the hospital? Unpacked? Thatexplain what you mean by that? Well,
Grace went into the hospital on Octobersixth, and that this is twenty
twenty one, the fourth quarter oftwenty twenty one. That's significant as we
get through her story. And Itook her to the hospital because I was

convinced by following the FLCCC protocol,which is the Frontline Critical Care COVID doctor's
protocol that yes, your oxygen saturationbill gassed below ninety four percent. That's
an emergency and admit yourself to thehospital. Grace had a called, she
was doing fine. We took herto the er. The er doctor suggested

checking Grace into the hospital for threeto four days as a preventative, and
I thought, well, that makessense. It's I want to do whatever
we can for Grace. Seven dayslater, she was dead. And what
they did is they ramped up oxygenquote therapy end quote, and then used

a combination of meds presod explores aPM and morphine, which is what you
do to euthanize somebody in their lasthour of hospice care. They used those
meds to kill Grace. And whenit came time to revive Grace in her
last day of life, they refusedto even come in the room, they
meaning the medical staff, because thedoctor had put an illegal do not resuscitate

order on Grace's chart. And youknow, we're living with that result,
of course, but we're trying todo God's work and turn what happened to
her as a wake up to anybodythat's willing to listen. Now, you
said the doctor put a dn Ron her. Was that an accident?

Was that purposeful? Well, whatdo we know what the motivation and how
that dn R ended up being puton her. Yeah, we know now
because of the lawsuit and we've hadthe first rounded depositions three weeks ago.
The doctor who put the DNR onGrace was under oath and essentially he said,
because we would not reapprove a ventilatorjust in case. But the ventilator

push is real, and it wasreally a major push during COVID because ventilators
were incentivized by the government to thetune of three hundred thousand dollars, and
there was a real push to putevery patient with a COVID diagnosis on a
ventilator because of those incentives. Well, when we said no for the pre
authorization request for the fifth time inthe morning of the thirteenth, he immediately

took our no to no ventilator andput the do not resuscitate order on Grace's
chart. Those are two completely differentthings. They're not related whatsoever. There's
no reason somebody should ever be ona ventilator with a COVID diagnosis because the
ventilator has a ninety percent kill rateand the reality is there's other treatments available

if the hospital would simply get outof the paradigm they're in of the standards
of care. The standards of carethat hospitals are using, they should be
called standards of death because they getlocked into protocols and they refuse to think
about the patient. They end uptreating a diagnosis instead of treating the patient
if they would have treated Grace asa patient. And I know this because

I went to a different hospital Treadays after Grace's death, and that hospital
termed me around in twenty four hours, and I was significantly worse than Grace.
And so there's just simply no reasonfor following the standards of care other
than the financial motivation. And thestate licensing boards make sure that they're behind

the doctors by supporting their licenses ifthey follow the standards of care. And
then further is the legislative process presumesthat if a doctor's following the standard of
care, he has no liability asimmunity from life ability for all of his
actions. You listen to the voiceof Scott Sharah, host of Deprogramming with
Grace's Dad and after the tragic death, unnecessary death of his daughter Grace and

the hospital opened his eyes. Thatrealized a lot of things he had been
told to believe, maybe we shouldn'tbe believing those anymore. And that's where
they get the phrase deprogramming. WithGrace's dad talk about that COVID era.
Very quickly, we find out nowthat even some of the masking protocols putting
mask on kids, this social distancingthing that was all kind of made up

out of whole cloth. There wasno real evidence that masking a kid would
help or that social distancing. DoctorFauci said, well, it just kind
of appeared. I don't know whereit came from, locking schools down.
There were so many lies that wewere told, and those were lies that
affected all of us. And you'renow exposing another lie that people were told
about these need for ventilators. Buta lot of folks didn't realize the reason

they pushed the ventilators three hundred thousanddollars incentive. I mean, that was
a whole era in which the medicalindustry colluded with the with doctors and pharmaceuticals
and politicians, and it was allkind of a collusion against us. The
average citizens got, well, that'sone hundred percent true, it's much bigger
than COVID. But let's just stayon COVID for just a moment. During

this thirty nine month COVID era,people have no concept of what was happening.
One point two million Americans lost theirlife, just like Grace, some
of them substantially worse. And sopeople, well, what's the deal with
that number? Well, just framethe number. First, the United States
was number one of all two hundredcountries on the planet with COVID hospital murders

at one point two million. Numbertwo was India. India's population is four
times that of the United States,but their hospital death count was five hundred
and thirty three thousand, less thanhalf of the United States. So that
should wake anybody up just hearing thatnumber in and of itself. But now
you drill down, what was thegoal? What was the goal of the

whole COVID zyop. Well, atleast the short term goal was to get
the jab in everybody's arm. AndI mentioned this in my open that what
happened during the fourth quarter, that'sthe quarter Grace was murdered in. That
was the highest quarter of hospital murdersduring the COVID era. And the reason
was is at that point, theBrook Jackson lawsuit against Pfizer was exposed,

and that exposure showed that this vaccinein quotes, was never tested, and
there was an all court push toget the JAB in people's arms, as
I said, and they were willingto murder people in the hospital for the
fear propaganda. And I'm just pointingup a document on my laptop here the

incentives just to get the JAB inpeople's arm during the fourth quarter of twenty
one and from Blue Cross Blue Shieldincentive ized family practitioners to the tune of
two hundred and ninety six thousand dollarseach if they could convince seventy five percent
of their patients during that quarter toget the JAB. And again it was
facilitated because the exposure that this thingwas never a vaccine was already getting out

into the public because of the BrookJackson lawsuit. Then you know, the
bigger picture, Jimmy, is thatthis whole thing has got started back in
nineteen sixty five with Medicare and medicaid. And Medicare and medicaid is a death
funnel to get the elderly and thedisabled, which are considering the useless leaders

the non contributing members of society.I'm getting that term from Ezekiel E.
Manual, the chief architect of Obamacare, and that that whole business of collectivism,
that whole thought process of we haveuseless eaters, we have a culture
of death, and that funnel ofMedicare and Medicaid is how this got started.

And that's really what's set up thethirty nine month COVID. Yeah,
once again, a couple of moremoments with Scott Shara, host of Deprogramming
Grace's Dad. I'll tell you howyou can learn more about and follow the
podcast. But you said this ismore than just COVID. You have now
had your eyes opened and realized thatthere's a lot of things that we've been

told we need to believe, wehave to believe, we've been propagandized and
indoctrinated. Outside of the COVID era, what other I guess scales have fallen
off of your eyes. It'll kindof be a tease for the podcast and
outside of the COVID thing, whichis just shocking some of the numbers you're
giving about Anthem, Blue Cross,Blue Shield. Beyond COVID, what else

are you a wait to Now thatyou weren't. Well, there's a number
of things I would consider the biggestsi op that we've ever been sold as
the public is that we live inthe Home of the Free and the land
of the braves, So the Americandream sy op. That's a big piece
to unpack. But something simple thatwe can cover in the short time we
have left is the churches. I'ma Christian, and what I had found

out is when I started drilling downhow the churches were involved, specifically with
Romans thirteen and fourteen. But thenyou can take it back further than that.
So the churches during COVID, forexample, told their flocks to obey
the mandates get the JAB under theidea that we're supposed to obey the government.
Well, that's a complete lie.We're not called to obey the government.

Just the government is doing things thatare against God, and the mandates
and the JAB are against what Godwould want us to do. And then
Romans fourteen is the chapter. Icall it the get along chapter, and
so we should just all get along, so we can't call sin sin anymore.
Well, that's another lie facilitated bythe church. And when you take

that, zoom out just a littlebit you see that that lie started.
It's been going on for hundreds ofyears when you have the infiltration of the
Rockefellers, the rock Childs with theScofield ble, the Rockefellers funding Christian seminaries
and so all of a sudden,decades go by and generations go by that
we've been trained growing doctrine, andthat helped facilitate the entire COVID here but

bigger picture of the medical industrial complexthe voice of Scott Shara. Scott,
you have a website out there,you have a podcast, you have a
rumble side in the Twitter, andit's all based around this title Deprogramming with
Grace's Dad, Scott Shara, Andif folks want to is the best place
to go to? Which website iskind of the link to all of it

because you've got a lot of informationout there that people need. Everything is
linked with our Amazing Grace dot net. Every single thing that you mentioned is
all linked at our Amazing Grace dotnet. And we also have a substack
in the upper right hand corner thatwebsite. You can subscribe to our substack
and I'd appreciate that very much,And so go to our amazing grace dot

net. They can. There's amenu there you can find the podcast versions
are up there, things to listento, and it's all linked there and
also the substack if you want tofollow that. Again, our amazing grace
dot net. Do I have itright? You've got it, Jimmy,
Thank you, Scott, Sharah.I appreciate your time. God bless you.
And keep it up, my friend, keep it up.
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