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June 20, 2024 9 mins
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The program Glad to have you here. Jimmy is my name. Longest day

of the year, it's a firstday of summer, the twentieth day of
June, Year of Our Lord,twenty twenty four. Yesterday, my son
and I filled out our ballants forthe Republican primary. It's his first time
to cast a ballot. He's justturned the nineteen, and he helped him

fill it out, and he madehis own choices. I showed him my
ballot and yeah, I'd let himchoose, but yeah, we both we
handed him in yesterday. As youknow, if you listened to the show
very often, you know that Iwell two years ago and got bumped into
CD eight, the eighth congressional district, and I voted two years ago for
Barbar Kirkmeyer. She almost beat youDearer, Caraveo, but came up a

little shore. Now going to haveanother opportunity to unseat your dearer Caraveo in
my home congressional district CD eight,And two of the candidates we've talked to,
both of them that are on theballot, and one of the is
Gabe Evans. In other words,Jenek Joshi jenk was on the program on
Monday, and please to welcome intothe program a Republican candidate in CD eight,
Gabe Evans on the hotline. Gabe, welcome back to the show,

sir, how are you good?Always great to be on with you in
the morning. I appreciate you hoppingon here. Let's dive in a lot
of folks. I just always findit intriguing why anybody wants to jump into
the world of politics. I didat one time, and it's brutal.
It's a brutal world. But Iwant to kind of talk about your adventures
into politics. You served your countryin the US Army, the color Army,

National Guard, and then you werea police officer. So how is
it that you decided to get outof the rough and tumble roll of policing
and the military and you said I'mgoing to jump into the world of politics.
What was that inspiration or what wasthat transformation or catalyst to cause that
to happen. Yeah, I meanit's really all the exact same motivation of
Colorado is my native state, bornand raised here, Like you said,

military law enforcement, twenty two totalcombined years, one combat deployment overseas,
and then all the stuff that wedo here in Colorado, and as I
was a lieutenant and a watch commander, and so I'm looking around at the
city that I'm responsible for policing,and I realized I can't do my job.
When I started my law enforcement career, Colorado was nineteenth best in the
nation for crime, well above thenational average. We're now third worst in

the nation. And that's because ofthings like Joe Biden's open southern border.
That's because of things like the leftistsdown at the state Capitol in Denver who
continue to pass pro crime policies.And I realized I couldn't have the difference.
I couldn't make the difference I wantedto make as a police officer and
as a soldier when I'm being handcuffedby these just absolutely wacky leftist policies.

So the exact same motivation that droveme to serve my country and those other
capacities is why I gave up myjob as a police lieutenant, ran for
and won my state House seat,been down at the state Capitol, fight
in a good fight for the lastcouple of years, and now trying to
go and take back the eighth CongressionDistrict, which truly is one of like
the five best opportunities for Republicans topick up a seat in the nation.

Gave Evans as my guest. Hiswebsite is the elect Togabeevans dot com gab
gabevans dot com game. I'm readingyour bio as I've gotten to know you
over the last many months. Inreading the bio, I think people that
have you're the grandson of Mexican immigrants, so your family has not been in

the United States long. You stillhear tales of the old World, if
you will, and you grew uparound that. I think that gives you
a different paradigm as to what Americahas but comes since you sometimes have people
that come from China or communist countriesand they say, oh my god,
America, be careful, I justcame from this tyranny. You didn't,
and I can warn you talk aboutyour perspective of America as we see in
our southern border crisis and all thethings that you're running for office for.

I think your paradigm is probably alittle bit different because you're the grandson of
Mexican immigrants. You've heard the talesof where they came from and why they
came here. Yeah, so mydad is in Evans. My mom is
a Chavez. She didn't give meher last name, but I'm a Chavez.
There's that whole side of the family. My grandfather, I'm born in
Mexico, a quademic Shavas is hisname. He came to the United States

honestly fleeing some of the political violencein Mexico. And he earned his citizenship
with two purple hearts fighting in WorldWar Two. And so, like my
uncle tells me all the time,he says, the citizenship for the Chavez
family was paid for in blood.You love your country, your grandfather this
is his adopted home, and hecame here and he was willing to lay

it all on the line for hisadopted home. And so that's something that
just it strikes deep to the heartof who I am. And honestly,
that story is the story of alot of the Hispanic community that's in this
district. This district, the eighthcongressional is forty percent Hispanic. And I
tell you know, Folks say you, how are you going to win the

Hispanic vote? And I say,well, it's pretty easy because their story
is my story. I can tellyou what it's like to read my grandfather.
I believe those writings where he talksabout how hard it was to come
to this country to learn the language, and then to join the military when
he was eighteen years old, togo through World War Two. He landed
on Normandy Beach June ninth, threedays after D Day, And to have

those stories be a part of myformative growing up years, and then talking
to my mom, my story isthe same story as a lot of the
Hispanics in this district who are beinglet down by again Joe Biden and the
ruling Democrats far left failed policies thatare giving us more crime, higher cost
of living, and our kids can'teven get a decent education in schools.

We have a couple of more momentshere, a couple more minutes, so
we'll move quickly. I'm reading pollsand surveys as say, the large number
of people that are in the Hispaniccommunity here legally want to see our southern
border closes. As you walk thestreets campaign, you go door to door
and meet the people of Cdight,whether they're Hispanic or other. What are
the things that have their attention rightnow? Why is it that they would

be wanting to look for an alternativeover Yadira Caraveo in November. Yeah,
I mean, Yadira has been solidlyopen borders, defund defund the police,
defund law enforcement since you know,she started her political career not just casting
votes to make sure that the borderremains open. But she's gone out of

her way to sign on to lettersto Joe Biden saying, hey, we
need to defund immigration and customs,we need to defund the border patrol,
you know, and send that moneyto whatever her other far leftist projects are.
And like that, you just heardmy story, right. The Chadas
family came to the United States fleeingpolitical violence in Mexico. And when we
got a wide open southern border,when we've got cartels and sentinel and drugs

and crime just streaming into our country, That's why a lot of these folks
came to the United States for thepromise of the American and now these failed
leftist policies are bringing all of thatsame violence and criminality. And Colorado is
the number two nation, excuse me, number two state in the nation for
kids thirteen to seventeen overdosing and dyingon illegal drugs. That's one hundred percent

the rest of the fault of failedleftist policies. The Hispanic community sees that
they understand that they understand they're beinglet down by Joe Biden and his allies
in Congress, and they're looking fora change. They're looking for that American
dream because it has not been providedto them by folks like Eo, Derek
Caraveo, and Joe Biden. We'vegot about sixty seconds where you give an

answer here or lesses. Let meget you this one. You have two
names on the ballogiannic Joshi and GabeEvans. Folks in CD eight going to
have to choose it in the Republicanprimary. I'm not looking for you to
slam your opponent, but real quickelevator speech, why is it that if
they look at your name versus youropponent's name, why is it that you
are the better choice. I livein this district. I've lived in this

district for years. I worked inso this district is sixty percent Adams County,
thirty five percent Weld County, fivepercent Larimer County. I was a
cop in Adams County for ten years. My kids have gone to school in
Adams County. That's where I doon my shopping. A live in weld,
I raise cowsandweld and the little pieceof Laramer that's in this district is
where I work as a concealed carryfirearms instructor up at Liberty Firearms Institute.

I currently represent a huge chunk ofthis district via my state House seat.
So I've been here, I've workedhere, I've lived here, I've raised
a family here. This is myhome. I know the issues, I
know the people, and I'm lookingforward to continue to fight for them in
Congress the same way that I havedone at the state Capitol. The website
is the Electgabeevans dot com. Electgabeevansdot com. Gabe at the last minute,

folks, and still reach out toyou. Learn more about you on
your website. I'm sure as allpeople running for office, hey, you
wouldn't mind a couple of bucks tohelp you get across the finish line.
But the Electgabeevans dot com. DoI have that correct? Electgabevans dot com
dot com you got it, gaveEvans. Appreciate you, my friend,
Thanks for hopping on the program.Electgabeevans dot com. If you're like me

and you're in CDH, you havea Republican primary ballot and you'll see two
names. And Gabe Evans is oneof those that know I shall not tell
you. I don't after the fact. I can tell you maybe, but
I just don't want to be inthe business of endorsing because I want you
to be able to feel like you'regetting the real answer and some good information
here by both candidates, and greatgreat talk with Gabe. Electgabe Evans dot

com. I'll be back stand byLakey on the radio. Good Morning,
Colorado, six hundred k col
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