Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:19):
All right here, we are welcome to the program. Good
to have you here. Jimmy Lakey is my name. How's
everybody doing? Greg Lopez should be joining us. He's stepping
off the floor of Congress, I believe, with the hollow
halls of Congress, and so as soon as he gets
to the phone, he'll we'll pop him in here. Good
to have you here on the show. Jimmy is my name,
and pleasured please and thrilled to be here. Landfall is
expected somewhere between Tampa Bay and Venice, so Venice, Florida.
Looking at the map, if you look at where Hurricane
Milton is going to be, that's where it's going to
be at. So it's Hurricane Milton. Concerns of catastrophic flask flooding.
It is going to go south of Tampa down towards Venice,
and I need to get my map out. I know
where Sarasota is at, I'm not sure where Venice is at.
And it's been a long long time since. A matter
of fact, I was reading that Tampa Bay has not
Tampa has not been hit by a storm like this.
They're usually coming east to west and they may cross
over Tampa, but the kind of the back end of
the storm. This kind of a direct hit coming from
the west is unusual, and there's homes and I'm familiar
with parts of Tampa Bay. It's an area that I've
committed in the next twelve months to explore more of
Florida and just kind of get to know it better
because I love it's a great cigar culture in Florida.
If you're a cigar guy like me, you like going
being where you can have a fine cigar at times,
and you can do that. Eb Or City is famous
and it's not. Eboror City is very strange because it's
not necessarily the classiest of the cigar bars and cigar world.
It's very it's it's very I guess unique, it's not.
It's not the it's not that it's not like a
Vegas cigar lounge. I mean, you just a lot of
a lot of the Cuban expats hanging out there, a
lot of people at the second generation, A lot of
the cigar companies are based there, and so there's not
quote a fancy cigar lounge there, but it's just a
great If you love the cigar heritage, you go to
Ebor City. In the Tampa area. So I'm more familiar
there a couple of the areas around Tampa, but I
haven't explored it, you know, just for days and just
kind of gone around. And I want to do that more,
and I need to do that more, and that's one
of my one of the things I plan to do.
So I'm not that familiar with south of Tampa, but
I will say that there are some homes right there
in the Bay area of Tampa that are let's say
they're they're beachfront and they're old homes, and it's they've
stood this long because they haven't taken a hit like this,
and they're thinking it's going to be interesting to see
how they survive this. Because again, Tampa is not necessarily
usually in the crosshairs of this. It's usually that east
coast of Florida, and maybe you get it coming up
the peninsula, but coming directly from the west back to
the east, a very unusual flow, and that's a very
strange flow. So anyway, the fifteen fourteen hours, they think
it's going to hit landfall and somewhere between Venice and
in Tampa, so south down to Venice. All right, good
to have you on the show. And as we said,
we've been waiting the arrival of Congressman Greg Lopez. Many
of you know him as your congressman, and if you
don't know him as your congressman, you should. He'll be
serving there into late January. He's the guy that stepped
in and decided to represent the fine people of Colorado
after Ken Buck abandon his post. Greg Lopez stepped in
and won a special election. Greg Lopez, Welcome to the show. Congressman.
Speaker 2 (04:00):
Hey, Jimmy, thank you for having me. Hey. I apologize
for my partiness, but just was working with the Trump
campaign about speaking at tomorrow's rally.
Speaker 1 (04:09):
Oh, very good, the rally Friday, right, the Friday.
Speaker 2 (04:13):
Rally and day Yeah, yeah, that's right.
Speaker 1 (04:15):
I was asking the people of my listeners and I
maybe get your takes since you brought it up. You know,
Colorado is not necessarily in play electorally. I don't think
he's going to win that. What is the benefit of
Donald Trump coming to Colorado in your estimation, other than
the people of Colorado get to see that maybe the
future president.
Speaker 2 (04:33):
You know, I think it's a very good strategic move
because it's going to focus on the immigration and the
open border. Look, we all know that the border of
the southern border is wide open. We're getting all kinds
of criminal elements coming in, all cold and terrorism. So
I think him coming to Colorado and seeing what happened
with frend Regua. You know what they were doing in
the apartment buildings. It's just a reflection of how the
sale Biden Paris administration is negatively impacting the quality of
lives and the safeties in our communities. And so he's
going to highlight that as a perfect example as to
how their poor decisions are impacting American lives.
Speaker 1 (05:17):
I talked about this earlier, and I don't know if
it's been talked about in Washington yet, but this guy
that was arrested in Oklahoma City yesterday is a He's
an Afghan national. He got here on a special visa,
which means as people were fleeing Afghanistan after the debatched
withdrawal from Afghanistan, people said, oh, I'm under I'm in trouble,
and we just imported all these people and these special visas.
We imported a terrorist with no background check, had loyalty
to isis done. We've given special visas to Venezuelans. We
give these special visas, no background checks, and it puts
people not just on the ground in danger, but national security.
As we find out this guy had loyalty to ISIS
and we brought him in here as if he was
a refuse.
Speaker 2 (06:01):
That's right. And look what's happening here now is they're
putting American citizens at the back of the line. They're
treating us like we're secondhand citizens and allowing non citizens
to actually enjoy all the privileges that we as American
citizens are supposed to have. And that's just playing wrong.
And this is it's going to continue until we have
a change in the administrations.
Speaker 1 (06:27):
Let me ask you were watching on the screen across
my studio here, I'm watching the influx of Hurricane Milton
headed towards Florida, and then we already have the recovery
that's still underway in North Carolina parts of Florida as well.
Talk about FEMA is FEMA out of money? They say
they are, They say Congress needs to give them more money.
Tell me, as a federal emergency management agency, are they
really out of money? Help us understand, because you're in
the halite halls of Congress that controls the purse strings.
Speaker 2 (06:58):
You know, Jimmy, I'll tell you this. I used to
be the head of SBA, and SBA has a disaster
component to it, and we join FEMA when these types
of things happen. And I can tell you FEMA is
not out of money. They have plenty of money to
at least mobilize and do things correctly. They've chosen to
allocate funds to once again right illegal immigrants. It's all
in the same pot. They have the ability to shift
appropriations from one project to another. So for them to
say they need more money, they're just not looking at
their budget. And Alejandomyoka is you know, he's not interested
in doing the right thing. He's interested in bankruptcy America.
And so I would tell you that, you know, I'm
very disappointed on the way FEMA's handling these these issues.
Because they know they're coming. You would think that they
would have a strategic plan ready to implement as soon
as the storm subsides and it goes to land. But
instead you're seeing them scramble, You're seeing chaos, You're seeing
something that clearly shows that they're not organized at all.
And it's a sad thing to see because they're not
taking care of American citizens and they're allowing them to
just be out there by themselves. They're not looking to
do true rescue missions. And they come on, we have
the best military in the world, and we can't reach
some of these locations.
Speaker 1 (08:23):
Let's just clean on sitting here in the optics still
look good. You have these stories of immigrants in New
York getting hotels of one hundred and fifty hotels locked
up in New York City, paid for by the government,
probably FEMA, and they're just filled with people. You've got
people living intents in North Carolina right now. You've got
this Afghanic guy, and a thousand of them showed up
in Oklahoma City. They got free airfare to Oklahoma City,
they got housing, they got everything they needed to kind
of start their lives here. It seems like we've got
a lot of prioritization that's wrong now that there's not
people that need help. But when you can't take care
of the people of North Carolina to Georgia, you have
to ask yourself, how did all these people come in
from Afghanistan? How did the Haitians get to fifty thousand
I'm getting Springfield, Ohio. How did one hundred and fifty
hotels get filled and paid for in New York City.
There's money being spent, but it's not seemingly being spent
on the people that are hurting the most right now
in the USA.
Speaker 2 (09:20):
That's correct. And then once again the message that they're
sending is all American citizens are being classified as secondhand citizens.
We no longer are the priority. We no longer take
care of our veterans, take care of the people that
are suffering that are American citizens, And that's not America.
You know, they talk about the principles of America and
how we want to make sure that we're driving our
economic you know, we're prosperity and all those types of things,
but actions speak louder than words. The actions of this
administration clearly show that they're not interested in us. They
could give a damn about American citizens. They're focused more
on what's going on with the legals and bringing people
in and spending millions and billions of dollars. Look, America
has a thirty five trillion dollar national debt. It grows
by a trillion dollars every hundred days, and when there's
misappropriations and people are not spending the money correctly. This
is what irritates and frustrates and it angers people. It
angers me, Jimmy. I was made aware that they are
over twelve hundred twelve hundred programs that are no longer
authorized by Congress. They've been expired, and they're still being
funded through the budget process to the tune of over
five hundred and sixteen billion dollars. We're funding programs that
Congress no longer has authorized, and I'm pushing hard. They're
called zombie programs because they won't die. I'm finding very
hard to start getting rid of them, because we're wasting
money on things that we shouldn't be wasting it on.
And we would have plenty of money to do with
these disasters if we just prioritize correctly.
Speaker 1 (11:02):
Help people understand. Republicans have controlled the purse strings for
quite some time, I mean over the last couple of years.
Why is it we're just now hearing this. Why is
this not on the tip of every Republican's tongue, the
Speaker of the House. Why are we not out there
hearing that this is what Republicans are fighting for and
put the Democrats on Defense to try to defend these
programs well.
Speaker 2 (11:23):
Because I think again, right, the Republican Party struggles with
a strong narrative, struggles with having strong messaging, and we
need to be bold and courageous when we say this,
and we shouldn't be worried about the boogeyman when it says, well,
we're thinking we might shut down the government. We need
to focus and educate the public. And that's what I'm doing.
Speaker 1 (11:43):
You know.
Speaker 2 (11:43):
I introduced legislation, Jimmy, and I hope that it makes it,
but it's pretty simple, right. I introduced legislation that at
any election that has a federal candidate on it, a House,
a Senator, the President, that on the top of the ballot,
they will identify the last three years national debt number,
So it would say twenty twenty one, twenty twenty two,
twenty twenty three, and people would see how and these
are the people they are about to vote on. You know,
this is something that you know, when we talk about
the purse string and the Republican Party, I can tell
you the fact that there are some that you know
are very hawkish on the on the budget and they
want to make sure that we are not spending more,
and I agree with them. You know, it's language, it's
you know, it's the environment up there. Everybody's trying to posture.
Everybody's trying to look like, you know, I passed a
good bill or I'm doing the right thing. It's difficult
to kind of heard right four hundred and thirty three
cats and keep them all in the same lane. But
this is a challenge. But this is what I'm working
on because it's.
Speaker 1 (12:51):
Important the voice of Congressman Greg Lopez the fourth Congressional District.
He's serving the people of the fourth And if you
need the help of a congressman, speak of the Republicans
having a lack of messaging, pass my name, I'll give
my resume. I'm available to do that. I can help
them get this messaging on target. They just got to
pay me. And if nothing else, if Trump gets elected,
make sure I've become the ambassador to Rwanda. That's all
I'm asking. I'm asking very little, Congressman, very little. I'll
help the messaging, and then I'm going to head to
Rwanda form where I have charity work, and I'll become
the ambassador. How do you like that proposal?
Speaker 2 (13:25):
I love it, and make sure you leave some of
your famous cigars behind so that we can still enjoy them.
Speaker 1 (13:30):
Well, you can come visit me at the Ambassador's house
in Rwanda and we can smoke there on the ambassador's porch.
I don't know if there's an ambassador's porch, but if
I become the ambassador to Rwanda, there will be, and
then there will be a smoking porch for Congressman Greg Lopez. Congressman,
you're going to be in Loveland, I believe this week
holding a town hall.
Speaker 2 (13:47):
Correct, yes, I am tomorrow, Actually tonight, I'll be up
there tonight holding a town hall meeting.
Speaker 1 (13:54):
Did you know the details are? Where can folks find
the details of that?
Speaker 2 (13:58):
You know, we're go to my website. I think that's
the best place to go. I know that I'm going
to be at a church. It starts at six o'clock,
but you know I'm going to be speaking with people,
having them ask questions and really engaging with them. But
you know, that's probably the best place to go is
to just go to my website. Get all the details.
Speaker 1 (14:20):
Look up Congressman Greg Lopez's website. Congressman, one more thing,
You're going to be speaking Friday. It looks like I'm
in part of that Trump rally. You're also introducing what
you mentioned, you're putting the deficit on Ballad. You've got
another piece of legislation that's trying to get some grip
on this immigration stuff. What is that piece of legislation
you're introducing.
Speaker 2 (14:39):
So the bill that I introduced is that if we
know of any illegal aliens that have any connections with
any gangs, prison gains from Venezuela, or any gangs whatsoever,
that they need to be detained. They need to be deported,
no questions, as there's not a process that they should follow.
You know, we just need to support them because if
we allow that criminal element, that mindset to take roots
in our communities, it's just going to grow like a cancer.
And we know that a lot of them that are
coming over are convicted murderers in their own nations, in
their own countries, and we just got to remove this
deadly cancer from our communities to our community safe again.
So that's the legislation is that, you know, it would
be a top priority for Homeland Security to.
Speaker 1 (15:32):
Do that, you know, And the sad thing is here
in Colorado, which illegal for any share for a police
department to coordinate with ice if they have a wanted
or known criminal here in Colorado to say hey, this
guy's a member of a gang or this guy's done this.
They're not allowed from the jail or anything to say, hey,
we've got the guy if you want to come get him.
That's a problem in Colorado. I'm not sure if the
federal legislation can overcome that, but we got a problem
in Colorado that even if that bill passes, our law
enforcement here in Colorado things as Jared Polis or Hamstrung
and what they can.
Speaker 2 (16:02):
Do, I totally agree with you. Look the fact that
the governor declared Colorado a sanctuary state and that the
mayor of dev declared its a sanctuary city. You know,
it's just a welcome man. And look, just like the
federal government was able to stop going to have it
in Texas from putting up offense and allowing him to
protect there's ways that the federal government if they choose
to do it, and that's the key, if they choose
to do it. But remember Colorado is a democratic governor,
so they're not going to go after a Democrat governor.
You know, they could force the issue that says you're
interfering and impeding the federal government from removing criminals from
the United States that are creating havoc within the communities,
and the safety of the people is prominent over all
of that. But again, right, unless you have a strong
president by President Trump that says we're not going to
tolerate this. We're going to make sure that we're strong
in our commitments to Thank everybody say here in America,
it's not going to change.
Speaker 1 (17:05):
Greg Lopez, you can find him at Lopez dot House
dot gov. That's his website. Congressman from the fourth Congressional District. Congressman, Remember,
give them my resume. I can get their messaging better
and nothing else. I'm available to be an ambassador out
of the Trump administration. You got it, my friend. Thank you,
Greg Lopez. Hey, shameful plug. Somebody's got to plug my career,
don't you. I can get that messaging right. We'll teach
them how to be strong again. There with the zombie programs?
Have you heard of that? Standby? I say it all
the time. This Hour of the Program brought you had
Dan Caplis, Dan Capitalist Laws, serious firm for serious cases.
And what I mean by that is, Listen, you find
yourself in a serious car crash, an accident, god forbid,
a wrongful death situation of a family member. That's some
serious stuff, and you're just trying to get all that
you need and all that your life has changed. Your
life has been altered, your health has been altered, your
work schedule has been altered, maybe your family has been
altered by this, and you're just trying to get what
you is rightful to yours and deserve to the compensation
that needs to be there to take care of you
in the time that you've lost of work and your
ability to work. Listen, you're taking all those assurance companies
and they're they're not just doling out money. They're like, well, here,
we'll give you a buck ninety ninety. You're like, that's
not I got a lifetime of work here. I got
to be able to do whatever whatever your serious accident,
your serious case is. Listen, you need a big time
lawyer in your corner. And Dan Caplis is that big
time lawyer. And I mean that he's been named the
Colorado Super Lawyer. And you almose one of those injury
cases or a wrongful death case, a crash case. You
get Dan Caplis on that case, and the insurance companies
are like, oh my goodness, he got the big time guy,
big time. If you want them to take you seriously,
you've got to have a big time lawyer in your corner.
And Dan Caplis is that big time lawyer. It takes
on righteous injury cases on a percentage fee basis. That
means good people, all walks of life, no regard to
your ability to pay, You're going to get an elite
level of legal representation that usually were the rich and
the powerful get Listen, and Dan has set records in Colorado.
His record speaks for it, and he has set records
in jury cases and also out of court settlements with
these insurance companies, and he holds the record on some
of these numbers. And again, serious firm for serious cases.
Reach out to Dan camp C A p l I s.
Dancamplesslaw dot com. If you find yourself needing that big
time you do need that big time law. You're you're
in one of these situations. Dan Capless C A p
l I s. Dan Caaplesslaw dot com, dankamplsslaw dot com
C A P L I S. And make sure you
tell him that Jimmy Lakey told you to be in
touch Dan Capless Law dot com. He's got an office
in Fort Collins, Loveland, Northern Colorado. He's got you covered
also in Denver the Tech Center as well. So dankapless
Law dot com. And if you do find yourself I
again mentioned my name and let him know that I'm
I appreciate him. All right. There's a something I think
that will be talked about is the impact that Hurricane
Milton's going to have. We knew that Hurricane Heleen last
week and it was talked about and now it's kind
of gone out of the news. Is that a lot
of interstates and roadways have been shut down. I forty
was washed away in places, and so trucking is a
little bit different, difficult and different, and a lot of
the focus has been the rescue and the help and
the aid of the people. But commerce and industry is
still being affected by these hurricanes. And now you have
the Tampa International Airport shut down all operations as of
nine o'clock yesterday morning. The Orlando International Airport is shutting
down activity as of this morning at eight o'clock, so
about six o'clock hour time, they took no more domestic activities.
They are keeping the Orlando Airport open, but that's going
to be only for emergency and for relief flights. So
in the immediate time, the immediate aftermath of this storm,
Orlando is going to be the point of entry in
central Florida for people to get those relief flights in
there and emergency flights in and out. So it's going
to be something to watch. But the other part of
that is you've got a lot of commerce that begins
from the porch in Miami and tries to venture across
America and dispatches from there and again between the the
North Carolina and the Hurricane Heleene damage up that east
coast and some of the interstates, and then you've got
now roadways blocked and things stuck in the Miami porch
as well. You could see and I'm not sure how
severe it be, how long it'll be, just depends on
the severity of Hurricane Milton, but you could see some
shipping disruptions and some supply disruptions of things coming through
some of these southeast ports because the roadways have been
washed out and of course couldn't even get worse coming
out of Miami. And if the ship's already there and
they've already got the containers there, they're just waiting to
get it on big trucks. But the trucks can't go anywhere.
And just watch out. This could greatly affect you in
your pocketbook, and with inflation climbing back up because supply
versus demand, the supply could be stuck at ports or
stuck on a truck but having to reroute some way
and go some of the different direction because of these
effects of these hurricanes. So just throw that out there
for your contemplation and for your can iteration. Let me
tell you this, Greg Lopez, I said he had a
town hall. He said, go to his website. I couldn't
find it on his website. So, being what I the man,
I am the researcher I am, I googled it and
I found it. Tonight, Fourth District Congressman Greg Lopez is
going to be in Loveland tonight at the I guess
the Message of Life Ministries. Message of Life Ministry six
oh five Eighteenth Street Southwest in Loveland. It's six to
eight a town hall with Congressman Congressman Greg Lopez, and
again six to eight at the Message of Life Ministries
in Loveland. The doors will open at five point thirty.
The public is invited, and he's we're going to take
your questions and talking about some of the legislation. There's
a couple of good pieces out there on Greg Lopez.
It's there's a reason there should be termin limits on guys,
and I don't think everybody else. He's only getting six
months to serve. He got sworn in in July, and
he's leaving in early January when a new duly elected
person would suspect Lauren Bober would take that seat in
the fourth Congressional District and he'll be done. And he
expresses that there's an interview I'm reading for him, and
I forgot where it's at at maybe a CPR dot
org in which he talks about I'm trying to make
the most of it. But got sworn it in July.
They had a week in session and then they said, oh,
we're dismissed. Everybody has urned. They adjurned, and he's like, well,
are we to. We're scheduled to be working now. We
got to get back to our districts and got back
to the districts, and then they were back for another
couple of weeks, a couple of days, and they said, oh,
but journed again. People got to go campaign. And Lopez
is just kind of said he's a little frustrated by
that because he says, I came to work and they
say go home. It's like, wait a minute, We're scheduled
here to be at work. And many of his colleagues
o't need to hit the campaign trail and they can't
do the people's business, and so a lot of stuff
not getting done. But Lopez has got four or five
bills out there that are quite interesting and hopefully they'll
get somewhere. Not sure they will. If you remember your
schoolhouse rock days, everything that gets proposed as a bill
does not me through the hawlle halls of Congress. I'm
just a bill sitting on Capitol Hill, a lonely life
to be a bill. But hopefully some of his bills
will make it through the hallow halls of Congress. And
some interesting stories about Greg Lopez. The reason I mentioned
termal limits is he knows he has a short time
to get there, a short time to be there. And
he's just working his butt off there, unlike some of
these people that have been there for years and they're like, well,
we're just going to contemplate. I mean, when's there's a
go to this website, you'll see a press release on
zombie programs. Do you ever hear these zombie programs? Twelve
hundred programs not authorized by Congress, but they're not authorized,
but they're still funded in the budget process. Why because
we continue to pass these continuing resolutions will say let's
continue our dysfunction, So we're still funding programs that are
no longer authorized billions of dollars. And Greg Lopez the
first one I've ever heard talk about it. Never heard
Kenny Buck talk about it. Kenny Buck paraded around like
he's some great fiscal conservative and you wanted to vote
against is. But did he ever find the zombie programs
that you know about him? I don't know. Maybe he did,
but I just throw that out there that he's got
a short time there and he's trying to make an impact,
and maybe a lot of these folks that have shorter
times there and then they know, hey, if you're going
to make a legacy, you better get your butt and
gear and do something in a couple of terms and
oether that gets your ass back home. My opinion, term
limits would be great for both parties and for the
habit halls of Congress because they worked a little bit harder,
like Greg Lopez is working right now. Hey, you know
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Zero res No coo dot com stam Laky final segment
coming up six hundred kc l All right, glad to
have you here. I want to talk more tomorrow morning.
We'll know more about Hurricane Milton. It's a dangerous cant
four right now if he'll down grade to three, but
that still doesn't mean the water is going to go away.
It's going to be a wall of water. That's where
the even if it downgrades to a three stays in
a foregoes of three. The water is still going to
be the surge. And we'll know more tomorrow morning because
landfall will have been it'll be underway or about duns.
So we'll follow it tomorrow morning on the program. While
Florida's dealing with hurricanes and we're dealing with warmer weather.
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the sunset doing that again. The outdoor fire spaces are amazing,
And if you don't have a place to relax like
that outside, they can help you have an outdoor fire garden.
When you go to the showroom in Fort Collins, here's
what you're going to see. You're going to see the
forty or so displays. They're lit up in the shower room.
You can see what you're getting. They can show you
what different inserts do. They can show you what a
full remodel does. They also have the outdoor fire guarden
and again they'll light those things on fire for you
so you can see it and feel it and know
exactly what you want. The reason now is the time
to do it because everybody else is not thinking about it.
You go ahead, pick out what you want. They're going
to get it ordered and they're in house installers will
come get it in. And then by the time the
first cold spell comes and the snows are flying, everybody
else is starting to think about their fireplace and you
you're already warming toasty in front of that fireplace, of
that woodburning stove. And now's the time. Start now today
Western Fireplace dot Com. Western Fireplace dot Com in Fort
Collins here at fourteen o eight Riverside Avenue, fourteen oh
eight Riverside Avenue in Fort Collins. Make sure you go
see them and you tell them that Jimmy Lakey told
you to stop by for Western Fireplace dot Com. This
is the time. Go see him. Tell them Jimmy Leakey
told you to be in touch. All right, A couple
of things. I should have said this herb in the
program when I got the message Jimmy interested in having
you come speak at an event, but I'm out of state.
How do I do that? They said, what speaking agency
are you with? Listen, I ain't got no speaking agency.
I'm the redheaded step child of all things. If you
interested me coming to an event of yours. This came
int about seven thirty and I just sawt I got
a couple of messages came into seven thirty. What about sandwiches?
One about this? Email us directly Info at Jimmy Lakey
dot com. Info at Jimmy Lakey dot com. And yes,
I do speak conferences. I've spoken on adoption business conferences
as well as an entrepreneur and just inspirational stuff about
making a difference in the world and how important that is.
So however I can help you love to do it.
I've even done mission events at for missionary missions, missions
events at churches have missions focused and I've even got
to speak at some of those. So if you're interested, Yes,
thank you for their email this morning. They listened to
seven thirty. Hopefully they're still listening. Info at Jimmy Lakey
dot com and you can find out how to we
get that all scheduled up for you. Info Atjimmy Lakey
dot com. You may have to talk to Delilah, but
it'll be okay. Info at Jimmy Lakey dot com. Love
to come speak at your event. Yes, out of state's fine,
it's good. Now, it's all good. I'll travel, Believe me,
I'll travel anywhere, especially if it's cold. Here take me
to warm space. Info Atjimmy Lakey dot com. All right,
early this morning, I somebody just messed me. You don't
only talk politics, no politics, some politics a four hours
a day, and if you want to, I'll come and
to do a politics political forum for whatever. But there's
a lot of other topics we can talk about. I
think your crowd, or your corporate crowd, or your business
would enjoy. I think maybe I'm wrong. Info at Jimmy
Lacky dot com. All right, this morning I talked about
the Yesterday was the fluff Nutter Fluffer Fluffer Nutter sandwich Day,
and I'd learned and Steve Laughy sent me a couple
of photos. He's a big fluffer Nutter sandwich guy. And
I thought it was just the jelly and the marshmallow.
Evidently you put the peanut butter on it as well,
he sent me some photos and you put that marshmallow fluffing.
Supposedly it's good. It's a big Northeast thing. Haven't tried it.
And I said, you know, growing up, what was your
favorite sandwich? And I said, I grew up on bolooney.
I didn't know there are fancy sandwiches out there. You know,
ham was a The most fancy we got was that
pack of meat, the four pack that had the pickled
loaf in part of it. And you never wanted to
pickle loaf a real thin baloney, but if you were
real good, you got the oscarbar I balloon. There's a
thick sliced bolooney that was good. Sometimes Mom would go
to the Delhi and have blooney sliced uff that was good.
I thought boloney was like a delicacy. I didn't know
that it's kind of not. I thought it was like
a big deal, but evidentally it wasn't. I was poor
that I thought growing up now that they got ham
and cheese, And then I got older, I found it.
There's something called a monte Cristo. Oh, and I remember
eating them at Bennigan's. And I mentioned this earlier, and
do Bennigan's shut Down and Everybody's Monte Cristo. They were
the best ones. I've tried them. Well. I had somebody
message me and I don't know this place. I don't know.
I'm guessing you're safe to go there. It sounds really nice.
They got a great menu. I just looked at it.
It's called the Little Bit Bar and Grill. It's in
evans Or, south of Greeley and the Greeley area. They
said the monist I've got a photo of Monte Cristo.
First of all, their whole menu looks amazing. I get hungry.
Just looked on the menu. I appreciate the recommendation. They said.
They have a killer Monte Cristo there. It looks really
good fourteen ninety seven to a good price. Deep Fried
sprinkled a powdered sugar. Oh good Lord in Heaven, I
leave me at Monte Cristo. Hey, everybody else, see you
tomorrow morning. Don't forget my charity work at Rivers. Promised
dot org should be lucky dot com see tomorrow, God