Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:10):
All right, microphone is on and laky behind it. Nice
to have you here, Jimmy Lakey News Talk six hundred
Case col Pleasure to be here. Don't forget this hour
of the program brought you about Dan Caplis. Dan Capli's
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Be sure to tell him that Jimi LAK's talking about
him on the radio. Dancaplislaw dot com. All right, last
hour we talking with Mark mixed with the National You're
Right to Work organization, talking about how the unions are
going to be playing a part of the selection, and
how the rank and file members will be voting, especially
in Pennsylvania, and how that should could play a big
part in places again like Michigan and Pennsylvania. There's also
a big other divide that's happening in this selection. People
have been talking a lot about women are going this way,
men are going this way, and let's find out what's
behind it. Lawrence DeMarco's my guest. He's the executive manager
of the International Council for Men and Boys. It's a
non government organization also known as an NGO, working to
assure gender equality for all. Lawrence DeMarco, Welcome to the program.
Speaker 2 (01:58):
Jimmy, thank you for having me and raising awareness on
this topic.
Speaker 1 (02:02):
Well, I appreciate it. We kind of got the battle
of the sex, as we're told, between men voting for Trump,
ladies are swinging for old Kamala there. But you know,
I don't think it's that simple. I think people still
vote the economy, people still have other needs that they
focus on, other than just their gender. But give me
your thoughts, is what's really behind this man versus woman election?
And is the divide between men and women in politics
really that distinct?
Speaker 2 (02:29):
The Poland suggests that it is, and of course that
there's many factors in this election, economy and all the
other issues that you hear on the news discussed. But
for instance, Michael Smirkhanish here in Philadelphia, you mentioned Pennsylvania
being an important swing state. Michael Smirkhanish had a guest,
Scott Galloway, and they noticed that the Democrats had sixteen
groups that they were supporting that they were acting the
rights of, one of which of course was women, And
there was another fifteen different special interest groups and noticeably
absent was men. So there is the appearance that one
that particularly, there's really no neither party is really recognizing
the issues. I think Trump has more openly made in effort.
But the reason why you have a divide here is
because the Democrat the Democratic Party openly supports women and
every group.
Speaker 1 (03:34):
But yeah, did I lose it to Lawrence?
Speaker 3 (03:41):
No, can you hear me?
Speaker 1 (03:42):
Sorry, you kind of cut off at the middle of
the middle of a sentence. So the protecting everybody gets protection.
Everybody's fighting for this group, that group, but nobody's fighting
for the men. Is what you're getting at, is that
the men kind of the forgotten people. And maybe that's
why they go over to Trump say hey, this guy's
he's one of us, He's he will fight for me.
Everybody else ignores me.
Speaker 2 (04:01):
Yes, I'm sorry, but you didn't hear me. I was
just mentioning that the Democrats in their messaging puts every
group but men on. They include women as a group
that they're protecting, but they leave men out. Now that
doesn't mean every policy goes against men, but it's the messaging.
It's the fact that they're being ignored, that men's needs
are being ignored ignored. And with the International Council for
Men and Boys, we are raising awareness for twelve items
of male inequality that you can find on our website
Men and Boys dot Net, and we are designating November
as Men's Equality Month. March is Women's History months, so
this is the compliment to that, just like Father's Day
was the compliment on Mother's Day. So happy male Men's
Equality Month here in November.
Speaker 1 (04:47):
I want to go through some of those areas that
you say men's inequality that we need to address. But
before I do, one of the things I've noticed in
this gender divide is the groups that say that they're
protecting women. We're going to protect women. They don't want
to protect girls in the sports. They would like a
biological male to be able to suit up and go
swimming or boxing or whatever with a biological girl. They
would like a biological man to be able to go
into a a dressing room at a store or a
locker room. So it's kind of nonsensical for one party
to say that, therefore protecting women all the other while
taking away their ability, let's say, to compete on an
athletic field.
Speaker 2 (05:25):
Yeah. Interesting, how inconsistent that seems. It seems like such
a And of course the Republicans are beating the drum
there and hitting a Democrat on the head with that messaging,
because and the group of the pollings seems to be
extremely favorable to the fact that women's sports should remain
women's sports and sacred on.
Speaker 1 (05:47):
That issue, let's go into this again. Lawrence DeMarco's my guess.
He's the executive manager for an organization called the International
Council for Men and Boys, and they have declared this November,
which we're in now, in a quality month, into fighting
for men's equality. Now, there's probably somebody that swerved off
the road this morning. You said, wait, you men, especially
you white guys, you've got it all. What do you
need protecting for? You say, there's a whole list of
things that men have now suffered some inequality in here
in America. Why don't you define some of those and
that way that person that swerved can now get back
on the road.
Speaker 2 (06:21):
Jimmy, thank you for mentioning that, because you know, when
my wife first saw the work that I was doing,
and she saw the hashtag on my computer screen and
it said gender equality for men, and she went, honey,
shouldn't they say gender equality for women? And you know,
we frequently go back to that discussion. So I need
to acknowledge the women out there who are aware that
there was a time when they had to fight for
equal pay when men actually deliberately did try to keep
down women. Of course, we're going down decades now, Jimmy
decades here, but there are still places now where women
can't go to school, where mandatory hit jobs are forc
into marriage, general mutilation, and fa severe penalties for talking
to another man other than her husband. This is awful
and we recognize that that exists. But statistically across the globe,
men and boys are also in a crisis. Life is
hard for both genders, and we want to change the
narrative that when you hear gender equality, the week of
both sex need to be lifted. And we are not
taking away from women. We are looking to see the
men who have similar issues to women get the same
resources because right now it's like nine to oneness of
what women get to what men get in terms of
things that they both struggle for.
Speaker 1 (07:42):
The Lawrence DeMarco is my guest executive manager of the
International Council for Men and Boys. Do we see any
help on the horizon. I mean it seems as if
the messaging of women, women, women, we protect women, it
seems that it works, and so therefore they continue to
divide us. Is there any help on the horizon, hope
on the horizon that once the political games are done
here tonight, in the next couple of days, and we
will come back to recognize that well, we'll come back
to more unifying language rather than this divisive language.
Speaker 2 (08:16):
Well, you know, it's funny. We found a way to
have devices, you know, to have a divide even on
a national epidemic. So you know, will we will the
language with a bad feelings on both sides will be
able to I think will always be able to politicize
something like sex, like you know, like COVID or so.
I don't know Jimmy to that point, but I do
believe that this is a winning issue. I do believe
that right now, as I mentioned, women did need to
fight for equality, and they actually overshot. When you ever
have a crisis time and there needs to be a correction,
I think things naturally go too far. And this is
what our group and our movement is about. We're he's
just trying to swing it back to the middle, because
there are twelve items of male inequality across the globewarded
by evidence, research and statistics. But I do believe that
there's good people on both sides. Men supported women becoming equal,
and women right now are our biggest supporters in trying
to get gender equality for men. So I'm optimistic. Not
so much on a political scale. I think people will
always find reasons to vicker, but I am optimistic that
this over correction will be corrected and will see more balance.
But there's a long fight ahead and there's a lot
of work too.
Speaker 1 (09:40):
It Again, mister DeMarco, Lawrence DeMarco is my guest, and
again I'll give you this website here in just a moment.
It's called Menandboys Dot need. I'll just give it to
you now. You know, one of the things I think
about men in our modern culture is that if you're
watch television at night, any sitcom, it's usually the guy,
especially the white guy, that gets portrayed in some just
dumb buffoon, absent headed father. They kind of seem to
be incompetent. And it seems to be it just seems
to be a phenomenon that the guy is always the
dumb guy on a sitcom. He's always the incompetent parent.
Have you noticed that is that's a messaging of Hollywood.
Is there any way that we can find a man
to be portrayed as a kind, loving fellow that does
have a clue on how to. I mean, we can
be goofballs, I admit, as Tim Waltz said, we can
just be a knucklehead at times. But hey, we got
some good, good qualities as well. They don't often has
portray those in the television shows.
Speaker 2 (10:35):
Jimmie, it's such a good point. You know, some of
some great shows like Everybody Loves Raymond, Ray Romano was
the was the dufest Ol Bundy was, the Archie Bunker.
You know that there's there's all these I'm just to
name a few. You know, there's there's other examples out
there as well. And this actually goes to items twelve
of male disadvantage media bias. Exactly what you're pointing at.
And of course I'll bring back to my wife will say,
wait a minute, I think a lot of male heroes
and movies. You know, traditionally you also have male heroes
in shows that you're only starting to have, you know,
eminine leaders and heroes. But boy, I have to acknowledge
that point that you know, it's so funny. We laugh
so hard if a man gets hurt injured in the
growing heels over Oh, how funny it is for a
man to get hurt. How funny is it when a
woman gets hurt? It's not? And that's a media bias
and a societal bias that men are toxic or men
are disposable, that we think that men, you know, that
it's humorous, or that we like to make fun of
men but not so much women. And that's something we're
seeking to where he's awareness of and correct.
Speaker 1 (11:52):
Lawrence DeMarco. He's also a law partner of DeMarco and
DeMarco PC and the founder executive manager of the International
So for Men and Boys. If you want to learn
more men and Boys dot netmninboys dot net. If folks
go to men and boys dot net, what will they find?
I see here on the website. Men's Foundation calls for
action against toxic masculinity impacting men's health in South Africa.
By the way, we got to remember that, Lawrence said,
we men, if you're if we're at all masculine, that's
called toxicity anymore.
Speaker 2 (12:21):
That's really it's actually, ah, you know, redundant term toxic
max masculinity becausehen you think of max masculinity, you think
of toxicity. But to answer your question of what's on
the page. There's this way item the twelve items set forth,
and I'm just going to listen the really quickly just
so without giving detail. But it is education, health, voice prices,
which your first other absence, false allegations more frequently affect
men victims of once. That's another area of inequality parenting.
More often it is women who win soul custody, criminal
justice systems, or criminal injustice because men get punished more
severely for the exact same conduct partner abuse. The resources
so much favor women, but men can get put on
the street or are also subjects to a partner homelessness.
Men are more homeless. Workplace injuries men say fifteen times
workplace deaths. They have more hazardous employment. Men do not
have a reproductive rights. And the last one we've already
touched on was that media bias. So that's what you
will find on the website, and behind each number, if
you click, you will find the statistics supporting each, which
of course we don't have enough time to go into
great detail now, but those are the items for its.
Speaker 1 (13:43):
Lawrence DeMarco. Go to the website Men and Boys dot net,
Men and Boys dot Net and I think you'll find
it fascinating and maybe a little bit counter cultural, but
I'm telling you there's some fact in here as well.
Men and Boys don Net, Lawrence DeMarco, I appreciate you
hopping on the program. Thank you very much for your time. Today.
It's elect day in America and talking about the great
divide between men and women politically, but outside of the
political field, there's oftentimes a divide that's out there as well.
Menandboys dot Net, go to the website. Check it out. Hey,
ladies and gentlemen. I want to remind you I got you,
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dot com. All right, coming up on the program. It's
election day out there. I do want to read some emails.
A lot of good emails coming in, a lot of
you still questioning about the election security. I go back.
I was texting with a friend last night. Go back
and listen to the interview that I did yesterday with
Tina Harris from Larimer County. There's been talk I know
the Libertarian Party has now sued this state and said, Hey,
all of these machines and counties that have been affected
by these Jenna Griswald screw up and the password from
the Secretary of States being put out on the web,
there needs to be a hand count, not a hand recount,
at all these counties, and the Libertarian Party has now
filed lawsuit to make that happen. Interesting conversation yesterday, Tina
Harris said Laramer County was a county that was not effected.
Of all the six hundred passwords that Jenna Griswalld leaked
out there, Larimer County was not affected by that. Weld County.
I also did an interview with Carly Kappash yesterday, Weld
County Clerk, and that's up at my website as well,
and she talked about the protocols that have gone into
fixing the Jenna Griswald screw up and how it affected
Weld County. So both of those counties affected differently. Both
of those interviews are up at my website Jimmy Lakey
dot com Jimmy Lakey dot com. And if you go
back and listen to them and put that in perspective,
that the Libertarian Party has now filed law students said, Hey,
we need to start hand counting some ballots that I
know more of this machine stuff. Jenna Griswold has screwed
up the sanctity of our elections. What are your thoughts?
Jimmy Lakey six hundred kcol standby. All right, good morning
to you. Walk into the program once again. My friends.
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Western fireplace dot com. All right, ladies and gentlemen, it's
election day, as you know in Colorado. I want to
welcome into the program mister Dan Woog. He is a
candidate for the state Senate and he's on the hotline here,
many of you having the opportunity to vote for him,
as I have the opportunity to do so in cas
my ballot for him. Dan, we'll walk into the program, sir.
Speaker 3 (20:03):
Thank you, Jimmy, I appreciate having me on this morning.
Speaker 1 (20:07):
Dan, it's the final day. Do you campaign on the
final day or you're kind of done and you kind
of kick back and relax on the final day.
Speaker 3 (20:14):
No, no kicking back. So here's what I'm seeing from
the last numbers I've been given by my consultants is
that in House District nineteen, we're just under He doesn't
getting hold any glasses, Jimmy, we're just under fifty four
percent for conservative voters and sixty percent for Democrats. So
there's still many Republicans who have not voted yet. It's
possible they voted late yesterday or hopefully they're voting today.
So my point being, I'm going to be making calls
all day. I'm going to be making phone calls after
this call, probably until about five thirty PM, and I
have some other people helping me with that as well.
Speaker 1 (20:53):
So it's just down to the wire. And again the
numbers there the Democrats have handed in their ballots are
more readily than the Republicans have. It's hard to know
whether that's hopefully the Republicans still show up. They do
have a tendency to come out on election day. But
that's a very tight district you're in, and it's drawn
up to where Republicans do have a slight edge in registration.
But you'll be replacing in House District nineteen Jennifer Parenti,
who's a Democrat who has won that seat last time.
So A, A, it's not a walk in the park
for you. You're gonna the people need to get out
and vote.
Speaker 3 (21:30):
Yeah, no, you're right. It's an extremely tight district. It's
been a very grueling campaign. I cannot complain. I've had
a lot of great volunteers this time around, more than ever.
So the enthusiasm is really good. I mean, I have hope,
and then of course those unaffiliated voters. I feel pretty
darn good about winning some of those votes that maybe
I didn't last time, so I still think there's a
good chance, and like you said, hopefully those remaining Republicans
get out today and get those ballots in now.
Speaker 1 (21:57):
Your website is wou woog four HD nineteen dot com
if folks want to learn more about you here at
the last minute. Kind of talking about as you've been
knocking doors. I've seen some of the photos online. You're
out knocking the doors, You're out trying to meet everybody
you can. What is the I guess the mood of
voters that maybe is different than it was a couple
of years ago. Donald Trump had a lot of baggage
in Colorado. Republicans have had a lot of baggage. Are
you sensing that the brand of Republican is still broken
in Colorado? Are you sensing there has been some improvement?
What are you hearing on the street and has anything
changed in the last couple of years.
Speaker 3 (22:35):
Yeah, you know, and I don't hear a lot about
Trump when I'm knocking on doors and talking to people.
It's but just what has affected Colorado's is obviously first
and foremost, and that's part of my campaign is of course,
cost of living in crime. So those really resonate, and
I am just seeing again more and more of those
independent voters are are on the same page. And I
truly do think are probably gonna a lot of those
that may be voted, that have voted Democrat in the past,
that are just realizing, hey this. You know, there's there's
fees on everything. It seems like there's a fee on
every darn thing in Colorado. Now there's increase in taxes.
They can barely afford their energy bills, groceries, everything. So
I think not so much related to maybe who's running
for president, but more so just hey, we're feeling this
in our pocketbook and we don't like this direction. And
that includes the crime as well. And of course you
know I hear I hear sometimes from Democrats, Oh the
statistically the crime's not that bad here. Well, you know,
we have DA's not prosecuting, we have selonies that are
now misdemeanors. I mean, the crime is not good here.
We have increased in crime over all the last handful
of years under Democrat powers. So and and again people
see that, they see the stories, they they notice changes
in in even in House District nineteen, where I mean
there's just there's just more Uh, there's more crime. There's
more crime. I just saw an article in Boulder that
they're having some issues and it sounds like it's probably
uh gang so out of South America. So I mean
we are seeing it up in and near my district.
And that's real.
Speaker 1 (24:07):
The voice of Dan wug Dan for those who maybe
again you got the people that do wait till the
last minute, and some of those people are just well,
I'm just gonna I'll just smark my ballot real quick.
I'm not understanding. It's a very long ballot. There's a
lot of proposition in amendments, and some people last minute, well,
I'll just mark the top line or two talk about
where your district is at. So people in that area know, hey,
don't just vote the top line. Go on further down
and in your last minute, take the time to at
least go down to the Dan Woog name House District
nineteen kind of give the boundaries of that.
Speaker 3 (24:39):
Yeah, House District nineteen is there's a portion of Longmont
and eastern portion of Longmont, and it includes all of Firestone,
it includes all of Frederick, all of the Kno and
all of Erie, the Weld and Boulder County side. So
that's the district. And you know what, sometimes I will say,
some of this research is that called. And I don't
want to say, I don't want to recommend leaving things blank.
But if you don't know and you're comfortable with that,
go ahead. But yeah, please vote for me, Please please
vote for Dan Wog for State House District nineteen, because
we need and the very least to get more balanced
down at the Capitol. I mean, we have seen over
again a handful of years Democrat complete control and they
are there's no balance. We can't argue for our own constituents,
we can't argue for the things that are valuable in
House District nineteen, a lot of the things, and we
just we need that down there. So I think we
get a few seats this year and start to slowly
get a little balance, and that's going to be good
for all Colorados.
Speaker 1 (25:40):
Well, I think all of us can recognize the last
decade or so, maybe longer, but it's really the cost
of living has gone so far up in Colorado that
you don't have a lot of options on real estate.
First time home buyers. Maybe people want to downsize, but
you can't even downsize for lesson. You bought your big house,
so you might as well stay there. It's the cost
of living, the cost of the grocery store again, cost
of Amazon delivery. There's now fees tacked on through thanks
to the Democrats down to the state legislature. I would say,
if anybody out there thinks that the cost of living
in Colorado has gone up too high, stop blaming the
Californians and people from moving in and recognize that the
people that said the policy of the state are down
to the Dome of Dummies as I call it, and
that is run by the Democrats. So if you think
the cost of living is too high, the policies are
wrong in Colorado, and you've got to have some checks
and balances down there. So Dan, I'll let you take
that and make the final push to people to get
out and vote for you today.
Speaker 3 (26:35):
Thank you, Jimmy. And you're so right. And I don't
know that everyone understands there is inflation that's created at
the state level. I have a small business. I know
many small business owners, and what not everyone understands and
that that don't have a business, is that when there
are laws imposed on businesses, almost one hundred percent of
the time, those businesses have to make changes which are
costly to them. And where what does that cost get
passed on to it, It gets passed on to the customers,
the consumers. So that happens across the board and businesses
in Colorado because so much of the legislation is imposing
bad regulation, too much, too much regulation on these businesses.
So we feel that we feel that as the people
that are buying the products or buying the service. So
that's absolutely a fact, and we can we can make
changes to that. So I would love your support everyone
that's listening. We everyone, please please vote. Like I said,
the numbers need to improve, and it's up to the voters.
So if we get a very very good turnout Republican turnout,
this seat should.
Speaker 2 (27:38):
Go to me.
Speaker 3 (27:39):
And I would look forward very much to serving all
of the constituents again.
Speaker 1 (27:44):
The website Woog for HD nineteen dot com. Wog for
HD nineteen dot com. Learn more and again, get out
the vote. If you if you have a ballot sitting
on the kitchen counter, go vote and make sure you
use that ballot. And but wisely, and I'd encourage you
to look at Dan Woog his website Wood nineteen dot com.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, my name is Jimmy. I'm
gonna come back and I'm gonna check my email box
here my Twitter box as well. Jimmy Lakey at iHeartMedia
dot com. Jimmy Lakey at iHeartMedia dot com. It's election
day in Colorado. Good morning, glad to have you stand by.
There's more to come, six hundred kcol Well, as you know,
it's election day in Colorado, and I always like to
this time remind all of you guys out there that, well,
you may be able to celebrate election day, maybe you're
gonna get a big victory. But let's be honest, guys,
some fellas out there haven't been able to celebrate an
erection day in a while. I'm just throwing it right
out there, being blunked with you, because you know it's true.
It's not something we talk about, it's not something you advertise,
it's not something you request prayer at the prayer meeting for.
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All right, coming up on the program, we got one
more hour of the show. Uh. Some of your commenting
via email, I appreciate that as well. Steven wrote wrote
me an email about the money that's being spent on unions.
In the last couple of days. If this is a
White House press release today, which is first Dave November,
President Biden traveled to Philadelphia and said that he's going
to spend money that was from the American Rescue Plan
UH for to save the private pensions of one point
two million union members government money, which government doesn't have
any money, so that comes from taxpayers, and that's gonna
They're going to spend that money, uh to save the
private pensions of labor unions in Pennsylvania also Michigan.
Speaker 3 (30:59):
Speaker 1 (30:59):
I wonder if that's a political stud happening on November
the first, And you say, where did the where does
the government get that money? Well, remember the American Rescue
Plan that they had to pass with great emergency to
save us from COVID and to help the economy. Well,
evidently it wasn't that great of emergency. There's still billions
of dollars left from the American Rescue Plan that were
never spent, even though they said it was urgent that
they get passed because we had to save the economy now.
And now we're four going on about five years later
and three four, five years later, and some of that money,
billions of it, have not been spent. And it just
so happens the week of an election, Joe Biden goes
to Pennsylvania and says, Hey, I'm going to give bazillions
of dollars to the private These are private organizations, the unions,
and for some reason, their pensions are kind of risky.
And so it's now up to the American Rescue Plan.
It was meant to save America from the COVID damages.
That's what's going to bail out these these private union funds.
And you just have to shake your head and say, humh,
I wonder this is a vote buying scheme. So Steven
writes in respet to that he says, I guess we're
going to find out today if Biden had used enough
taxpayer money to buy enough votes to give Obama a
fourth term. So again, there's some shenanigans out there. The
media doesn't report on it. But I guarantee you if
Trump were running for a re election and he was
out going to stay to Pennsylvania and say, hey, I'm
just happened to find billions of dollars left over in
the conference from twenty twenty one, and I'm going to
give that to you on election week. I'm guessing the
media would probably raise a stink about that, but very
little coverage about Biden going in finding money thirty billion
dollars it's left over. That's just one point eight trillion dollars.
I think we're in the American Rescue Plan. There's billions
of it that have never been spent, and so the
government's just holding on to it. And I guess as
Joe Biden decides, he can go dole out a little here,
dole out a little there. And that's one of those
election week scams and schemes that you need to be
aware of that are happening out there. They're throwing everything
they can to make sure that they can buy every
vote possible, and even if they have to pull up
money left over from a COVID fund to buy some votes.
They will do that, my friend. This is why it's
important you get out of the vote and cast your
ballots accordingly today. Wherever you're listening to my voice, if
you're out of state on the iHeartRadio app, if you're
in Colorado, you got the right to vote. Don't screw
it up, my friends, get out there and vote. They're
trying to buy the votes. Your vote can be bought.
Just get out there and cast your ballot. Final hour
coming up, Lakey on the radio, Jimmy Lakey. Election Day
in America twenty twenty four, stand by six hundred KCl