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November 8, 2024 • 16 mins
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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
To me if you want to jump in anytime, so
me an email. We've got a lot of guest lined up,
but Jimmy Leakey at iHeartMedia dot com. Jimmy Lakey at
iHeartMedia dot com. All right, this out of the program.
I talked to about Dan Caplis. Dan Caplis Law a
serious firm for serious cases. All right, I want to
welcome into the program. My guest name is Paul Blue.

He's written a book and it's about the JFK Assassination.
The co author of a book called the JFK Assassination
Choke Holds that inescapably prove there was a conspiracy theory.
Paul Blue on the hotline. Let me see him to
punch up the phone there, but here we go, Paul,

Paul Blue, Welcome to the program. How are you.

Speaker 2 (00:45):
Great nights to be on your show. Thank you for
having me.

Speaker 1 (00:48):
I appreciate you hopping on. First of all, give a
little quick plug of the book if you could, the
JFK Assassination Choke Holds. We'll dive into the topic, sir.

Speaker 2 (00:55):
Okay, Well, about a year ago there was five of
us that decided to write a book called the JFK
Assassination chow Goals. It's with three attorneys and one of
the best researchers I think in the world, called Jim Dugenio.
He and by the way, produced helped produce write the

documentary for Oliver's son called JFK Revisited and I had
a small role in that documentary. The reason we wrote
the JFK Assassination Choke Holds is that, you know in
history books. I had done an analysis on how history
books relate the JFK assassination. I did that about ten

years ago and I updated it and what you could
see was really a false or an incomplete presentation of
what really occurred to school children, you know, I mean
a captive audience. So they pretty well say that JFK
assassinated by Alan Oswald. And this was confirmed by the

the Warrant Commission in an inquiry. When I interviewed the authors,
we could see that none of them are almost none
of them are aware that there were five subsequent inquiries,
including one called the HFC that concluded that there was
a probable conspiracy in the nineteen seventies. So what we

decided to focus on and the reason the book is
called Chocolds or JFK Assassinet and choke Holds is the
authors went into the areas of proof that are indisputable.
Because there's so many books that have come out and
some are they go into a little bit of a
hazy area or theories that you know, are disproven. But

in the case of choke Holds, the attorneys, you know,
concluded that there were ten areas that were indisputed, and
the lawyers would let's hey listen right in a way
that you know you could, we would bring this to
a jury. So that's the concept around the chocols.

Speaker 1 (03:10):
The book is called the JFK Assassination Choke Holds, and
Paul Blow is one of the co authors of that book.
It's fascinating to me and I've i mentioned this is
several guests in the past that you know, here we
are sixty years later and we don't have really the
full report has never been released. There's never been full
disclosure of the JFK files. Trump said he was going

to do it, but he didn't do all of them.
And that could only lead me to believe that because
any of the names that might have been affiliated in there,
they have long probably either dead or soon to be dead.
So it tells me that they're protecting something besides just
individuals that might have already passed on. I'm wondering how

many alphabet soup agencies or foreign entities that are being
named that that's why we can't get all the files released.

Speaker 2 (04:00):
Well, you know, Jimmy, you're bringing up a great point.
The last chapter is called sixty Years of Obstruction of Justice,
and this will carry the reader through. I mean, it's
ninety pages of this and goes from the Warrant Commission
all the way to the delays by Trump, Donald Trump,
and Joe Biden. Because you're right, in two thousand and nineteen,

after the movie JFK around, Sorry it was nine he
came out in two thousand and something like. Nineteen ninety
five was the year that the ARB was formed. And
the ARB was supposed to ensure the declassification of all
remaining documents that were classified. Okay, but only for certain

reasons could the president say, hey, this document here, we
won't declassify it because of an agent being still alive
or something or other. But what happened in both the
cases of Donald Trump and Joe Biden is hey, did
a sweeping, a sweeping and all encompassing delay of every document.

So there are an awful lot of documents, thousands that
aren't declassified, and i'll give you one that is suspected
to be of extreme interest. When the HSSE eight was
doing their inquiry, the CIA placed a guy called George
Jouannedes as a liaison, okay, to make sure, and George

and Edes blocked everything. It was just blocking access all
the files. And what we found out much later is
that George and Edes was actually involved in New Orleans
with the whole Oswald Cuban exile scene, and he was
the person who was paying an organization called the DRE

which was a Cuban exile organization, and they were involved
in interactions with Oswald, and many suspect that he had
a role in, you know, overseeing Oswald's activities at least
in New Orleans at that time. He was a propagandazar
And those are files that we are deeply interested in
seeing because it was revealed later. Hey, you know what,

this guy who was supposed to be independent, unbiased and
only you know, doing some administrative work, knew exactly what
there was to hide. So yeah, you're right. There's an
awful lot of files. And Doc Trump has said that
he will release these files. Okay, now he will, he
did in twenty seventeen, but he will, And you're right,

there's absolutely no reason for these files to be redacted
or still classified.

Speaker 1 (06:46):
The name of the book is called the JFK Assassination
Choke Holds. Paul Blues one of the co authors of that.
You can go to JFK Chokeholds dot com and read
more about it. One of the things that it's also
fascinating about the conspiracy, if you will think the reason
go on about the JFK assassination is that there's so
many of them. I mean, some people talk about he
was a loan shooter. Some people say Jack Ruby killed

Oswald to cover up something, he was a patsy, and
you hear the Grassy Knoll there was a it was
a hard shot from the from the from the school
book depository. No, that's an easy shot. Or maybe it
was a maybe it was a misfire by the Secret
Service agent on the back of the vehicle. Nobody seems
to agree on which theory might be right, and therefore
I guess it lends credence to people say, see it

was that one single shooter up in that school book depository.
The rest of you are just making up a bunch
of stories. Is there one that you think that is
the right theory of what really happened? Because if I
watched the History Channel or anything like that, nobody seems
to agree.

Speaker 2 (07:46):
Okay, So listen there. What Chochols does is it's let's
call it phase one. It's proof of a conspiracy. It
doesn't go into who conspired. It's really if you read
this book and you still think that you know there's Oswald,
that alone, you'll never be convinced. So end the story.
But if you take the ten chokeoals, I'll name you

a few, we provide absolute proof that there was at
least one front shop, okay, and I can give you
reasons for that. Some of it is platter analysis. You
know where JFK Cerebellum and the guts and the splatter went,
and they went and the hit motorcyclists behind the vehicle,

and that's why you can see the zuppruiter field. Jackie
Kennedy going on the foot of the car and back
to pick up brain matter, and she brought it back
into the seat. That's this one example. But there's also
what the doctors saw, and they described a noble shape
injury or exit wound in the back of Kennedy's head.

Everybody at Parkland or Bethesda who are involved in at
least forty people describe that. But that was really kept
hitting or obfuscated. So that's a sign of an exit won.
It proves that the shot came from the front and
this other. But we also show that Ruby was on
a mission. He was presented as a nightclub owner who

was disgruntled because of what happened and jack to spare
Jackie Kennedy the grief of going to a trial. No, no,
this guy had mob relations. He was helped to get
to where he was to shoot Oswald. A third reason
I can give you right now is we show at
least twenty five, by sorry twenty examples of Oswald being

impersonated before the assassination, and the impersonations were to make
him look unhinged and procastro. That's what was going on
all the time, and there's some Even Hoover admitted that
he was being impersonated in Mexico City. So those are
three chocals. Now to your other point, what did happen?

I am currently working on something where we're doing research
within the research community and we're looking at everybody who
spoke in the past and some of the insiders, and
we're getting where the community where the best research are landed,
researchers are added in terms of why was he assassinated,

when was the decision taken, who okay or from persons
of interest if I could, and what stratagems were used
to eliminate them. And that's going to come out in
very sharply, but we have some really interesting results.

Speaker 1 (10:31):
Of the name of the book is JFK Assassination Choke Holds.
Go to JFK Chokecolds dot coments at the Amazon, It's
at Barnes and Noble. Here's a question that also is mysterious,
is that if this was a conspiracy. Uh, the more
people you have involved in a conspiracy, the more the
harder it is to keep this thing under wraps. And
I don't know if it's with the Secret Service, was

it with the CIA, was it with the mafia? Was
it with the doctors at park On Hospital. I mean,
you've got it seems there's a lot of people that
would have been involved in keeping this a conspiracy. So
if that's the case, how many knew and how did
it manage to say quiet all these years?

Speaker 2 (11:09):
Yeah, well, that's a good point, you know you're bringing,
And that's the biggest argument against it. The thing is
here is there's two conspiracies here, right. There's the assassination
and then the cover up afterwards. So we're talking about
two different things. It would take a while to get
into this, but the assassination was on a need to

know basis and it involved people that knew how to
keep secrets. And despite that, many people did speak. Many
people did reveal what happened, including we have a chapter
called what the Official Record is? And if you I mean,
let me give you one example. Richard Swiker. He was
a senator and he was in charge of one of

the committees that looked into this, for the Church Committee,
and he said, everywhere you look with all you see
the fingerprints of intelligence. And I can give you examples
of ninety people and even some confessions or quasi confessions.
But the point is is that this was something that
was such a bedlar for the Americans and the public

that at one point, somebody came up early on and
said to you know, people in the media, Haylis for
National Security, this is how we're going Please don't you're
not investigating this further. This is the story we're going
with and end of story. So that's what the Warren
Commission's role was. And I'm reaching reading Breach of Truckt

by Gerald McKnight about the Warren Commission, the steps that
were taken to bring this with a blue ribbon panel
to conclude nine months later that hey, listen, there's no conspiracy.
Oswald is a guy. It is amazing the things that
were done to you know, op uscape. But so you know,

some some people did speak, and quite a few as
a matter of fact, but it's not a story that
is for a lot of media people something that will
help your career if you focus too much. At least,
it wasn't in the past. It certainly wasn't back in
those days. And it's kind of getting a lot more

press lately, more positive press from mainstream media. I'm not
trying to blame all the media people or anything like that,
but it was a hot potato.

Speaker 1 (13:31):
Yeah now, but it hasn't. The government actually admitted there
was a conspiracy. You had the House elect Committee on Assassinations.
I think that's started a seventy six. They've actually came
back and revisited the Warren Commission and said, yeah, there's
a conspiracy. We don't know what it was. So the
government has actually said there's a conspiracy, so why not
expose the conspiracy.

Speaker 2 (13:50):
You're absolutely right. There's two things that the Church Committee
and the HC said. One is that the Warren Commission
did not look into whether there was a conspiracy effect
of and the HSDA said concluded that there was a
probable conspiracy. Okay, but if you look at the leader's
a guy who was heading the HC at the time

was called Robert Blakey, and he tried to bring it
more to a mafia led conspiracy because he's found some
links Ruby and the mob and Oswald's uncle and the
mob and so on and soboy. But they didn't. They
asked the Justice Department to take it over look into it,
and they came up with some excuse not to do

it because one of the areas of proof that they
presented was called acoustical analysis. Someone recorded the assassination and
you could hear shots through echo analysis. At least one
came from the front, but that echo analysis a year
later was contested and he said, we're not investigating. So yeah,

you're right.

Speaker 1 (14:58):
We can talk more about this. Maybe they'll schedule more
time time, but we're coming up on the anniversary of
the assassination of JFK. Real quick, about thirty seconds. I
want people to go to the books JFK Chokeholds dot com.
Paul Blue is one of the co authors of the book.
You can find the book. It's an Amazon, Barnes and Noble.
Do you believe the conspiracy that killed JFK that occurred?
Was it the same conspirators or the same ties to

the RFK assassination the MLK assassination. Thirty seconds you can
give kind of the t's and wrap it up here.

Speaker 2 (15:27):
Well, I don't know as much about the RFK assassination.
I do believe there was a conspiracy there also, and
you do see some overap being some of the people
of interest. I do think national security did not want GfK,
nor did they want RFK. It has an awful lot
to do with the Vietnam War, and you know, people

like it went against the Cold War establishment interests of
the time. And that's that's the most I can say
about that.

Speaker 1 (16:00):
Paul Blue, fascinating. I appreciate you hopping on the program.
I hope people will get a copy of the book.
Maybe we can schedule some more time together at another time.
Paul Blue again is called JFK choke Holds. It's really fascinating.
The JFK assassination Choke Holds. Paul Blue is one of
the co authors. If you want to learn more about
the authors and just see it, it's easy to go

to JFK chokecolds dot com. JFK Chokeholds dot com and
the book is available now at Amazon and all sorts
of other great places Barnes and Noble, et cetera. I'll
be back, Laky, Good morning, Happy Friday. Six hundred k
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