All Episodes

June 16, 2023 • 23 mins
...there are too few. So savor them.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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This is a big nineties of Anine production. Welcome to Scott and Sadie's
twenty minute morning show. All right, let's go. Welcome to Scott and
Sadie's twenty minute morning show. Whereplease, I'm trying to think of what
are the OAC chick fil a.It's our pleasure, our pleasure to record
a thing that you might listen to. I'm trying to be different this time.

I know. I feel like you'rejust falling off the mountain though.
No I it's contempor produced today forthe iheartradiol app or wherever you download podcast
to be like shared. What isn'tit funny? How? I mean?
I know myself. I have alot of catch phrases. Things you do
yeah, yeah, like and andand. Earlier in this job, I

was told that's such a crutch.Don't I do this? By yeah,
I do this thing when I domy ads right, say hey guys,
it's Sadie. And yes, Ihave heard from people in radio where they're
like, that is a crutch,you shouldn't do that. But now at
this point I've done it for solong I feel like it's kind of my
thing. Shall I just keep doing? You know, the biggest mistake of

talent things that they have a thing. Oh that's a good thing to say.
Can that be my thing? Youdon't have a thing. You don't
have a thing, So I dogon. Somebody somewhere is going to be
like remember that girl that was alwayslike, hey, guys, it's what's

the okay? Well, when youhave a thing, talent about the time
of talent things, they have athing. They need to be reminded they
don't have a thing. Just letme go, let me be free.
I keep thinking I have a thing, and then I star, is this
a thing? No? Okay?See all the things I've learned through the

years that do me absolutely no goodin the real life. One of the
things that I need to tell youis whenever you say hey, guys,
it puts you on a pedestal andyou're preaching down to the people. Know
what I'm saying is, hey,guys, we're all hanging out. Okay,
how do you listen to the radio? How do you listen to the
radio? Mostly by yourself? Sotherefore it's a one on one conversation.

Hi, Hey, how are you? It's a one on one conversation.
The people are listening to this,not right now, not gathered around the
radio with fives. Don't know that, Scott. We know this podcast has
reached all over the world. There'sa ninety five percent chance that they are
listening to this in their car bythemselves to bear the shame alone, or

maybe they get their family together fordinner and they turn it on. Keep
thinking, and everybody, you're sonegative. I know, I'm realistic.
I know my business head, Lord, you could just your level in me
here today. Oh my gosh,what was the thing? Um? Oh
my god? Now I'm like,do we talk about about what? Well?

We talked about two things off theyear we were laughing about and I'm
like, we should so talk aboutthis. And one of the things is
when we got talked into doing stokay, so things we've been asked to
due memory popped up on my socialmedia and was it from nine years ago?
Because I got the same memory itwas were nine years ago. I
believe I just have to like moreand more as the years go by.

I think, I just I wantto get rid of all of this because
I look back on nine year agome and I'm like, gross, cringe
of this is the stuff I thoughtand all that stuff and said and so
it's but you know, I gotthis memory that popped up. Do we
talk about sure, we do?Well, then you started, I'm not
going to say of the establishment.Well, then either they wanted us to

do. I have six hours deepinto northern Wyoming to go to a casino
that we were going to endorse onthe radio. And we got up there
and it was a dumpy, littlecasino and they're like, have a complimentary
dinner. And I'm like, soI told my mom. I'm like,
hey, I don't know why Isaid yes to this. I think it
at one time I was a yesperson where I was like okay, and

now I'm a no person where Iwould be like no. And that's a
twelve hour drive round trip. Areyou saying that is so weird? So
what happened was my mom and Idrive up there and we get to this
this place. It's a rat trapand it's in the middle of nowhere.

I know, I see caught ita rat trap. It was it was
clean but very plain. Yeah itwas not. My experience was it was
clean but very plain. Okay,okay, you mean the decor was plain.
Every thing was very plain. NowI would say it was not super
clean. So I looked at mymom and she looked at me. We

just driven six hours and I andI looked at her and I'm like,
should we just leave and go home? And She's like yeah, And so
we did. We drove and Iwas telling Scott we got homet like one
in the morning. No, Iwould be like, oh no, let's
skip over all that. I'll goon their website check everything out. But

driving twelve, what was I thinking? We have through the years gone to
so many events where two people haveshowed up. We have done all the
things, we have it and wedon't want to anything. Well, I
kind of matter. I want tolet me read this. It's a little
bit serious. But I posted thison my social media the other day and
finally at age sixty, and Iwant you to start viewing it this way.

The chocolate Yeah here, let meread this. I know that I
have less to live than I havelived, and that's true. There are
more days behind me than there arean enemy. That's a fact. I
feel like a child who was givena box of chocolates. He enjoys eating
it, and we sees that there'snot that many left, he starts to
eat them with a special taste.I don't have that many chocolates left in

my box, and they choo,Am I going to live in another sixty
years? The answer is no,you're not. Am I going to live
another twenty years at the rate I'mliving? No? I mean maybe I
might make eighties into my mid eighties. The last twenty years have gone like
this. Ah see now, solisten to this. I have no time
for endless lectures on public laws.Nothing will change, and there's no desire

to argue with fools who do notact according to their age. And there
is no time to battle the gray. I don't attend meetings where egos are
inflated, and I can't stand manipulators. I am disturbed by envious people who
try to vilify the most capable tograb their positions, talents, and achievements.
I have too little time to discussheadlines, my souls in a hurry,

too few candies left in the box, and it goes on. It's
at Facebook dot com, slash Scottand Sadie. But that's the way I
start to view things. So whenthey the ubiquitous, they are asking me
to give up a Saturday night.I say, is this worth expending one
of those candies? Yeah? Iget it. No, it tastes different
now, Yeah, I have toofew Saturdays. Yeah, it's so true.

We used to beat go getters andnow we're not. And I don't
think there's anything. Okay, we'renot not go See it doesn't even sound
right coming out. We are gogetters, all right. The number is
one thousand and forty for how muchmoney you want to come out of your
house on a Saturday, no tire? Wow? If if I live twenty

grand Okay, say my grandfather.My grandfather dropped dead at age eighty one,
coom massive heart attack. Great wayto go, great way, great
way to go. Eighty one.That's twenty years away. So you take
twenty one and you multiplied by fiftytwo, and the number is one thousand,
ninety two. That's the number ofSaturdays I have left. That's not
money at all. They got tolose the car. That's the number of

Saturdays that I have left. Well, that's so morbid that you will do
the math. It's appropriate, inmy opinion, to say, is this
worth expending one of the chocolates inmy box? Do you ask them that
I'm gonna start. I'm gonna start, and you're just gonna say this is
I don't have enough chocolate. Iknow you got a client and they got
a thing and it's the best thingever. And I you're wanting to take

a chocolate out of my box?Yeah, and I knew you went there.
I don't have to go there,but blame. It happens so fast
and sometimes I can't even keep I'mjust thinking about it. People eating his
chocolate and I'm like, Beavis isover here going I know, I know
it's true. I would fight it, but it's true the whole time you're

talking about and I can't eat thatmany chime thinking of chocolate, And so
is that wrong to look at lifethrough that level? And I wish I
would have looked at it when Iwas your age rather than mine. Yeah,
I think I don't think it's wrongat all to think that. I
think that, And I know youmake fun of me because I turned forty
and I don't know, it justfreaks me out. I'm freaked out now.

I'm super freaked out, and Ifeel like I'm going through some sort
of midlife breakdown. But I justI do feel like, oh my god,
my grandmother died at seventy nine,So I'm going to die at seventy
nine probably too, if I'm lucky. We don't live that long. We
have heart issues. Sometimes I'm layingin bed in my heart it's like and

I'm like, oh my god,here it comes, is the one,
and then you know it passes.But it might be. It might be.
So when I say I'm gonna liveuntil seventy nine, I don't know.
I could die to day. Ohwhat if I died today? This
would be spooky. I hope they'dplayed. But you want to talk about

spooky. You want to talk aboutspooky. I produced a dozen podcasts with
my friend Hugh mc kane. OhI know, So do you go back
and listen? I just did theother night and cried like a small child.
Oh he such a wonderful person.I love any massive heart attack boom
gone gone and just out of Imean really out of notewhere. And so

I've had a hell of a sixmonths here quite frankly, and and and
I start thinking of things like linzof I'm I'm Cheeze. I was five
years older than you four and ahalf years older than you. Yeah,
you know, so it came outof nowhere. It truly did. It's
heartbreaking and you never know, youjust never ever know. Scott actually said

this morning, he said, wow, next week we have a lot to
get done, and I go,but we may die this week. So
why why work ahead? You ready? Tash? You wanted to so avoid
that you thought you don't get no, but I have a bad option.
If I fell down the stairs rightnow and broke with a wrist or something,

you'd work cool. There have literallybeen things where I have thought,
I don't want to get really hurt. I don't want surgery hurt, but
you know, maybe bruise the oldtailbone. Days of me complaining and being
like, oh damn, that's hurts. You complain anyway, so you just

want to stay home. I mean, it's called efficiency. Scott gets it.
No one else here gets it.But I just that's my life's lens
now is there are far too few, far too few chocolates left in my
box and you ever that. Imean, I can relate to that as
a sixty year old man. Ijust got a whole bag that grab and

go shareable bags, shaable, Myass that whole shams. It's pin and
M and m's is as far asthe and then you eat them with reckless
abandon At the beginning they get helpyou, so you start sucking on them
to get full maximum. You weren'tdoing that when you open the box.
You're eating with reckless abab saying it'swhy we need to look at life like

a bag of IMPENI at M andM's. I just feel like like it
like I'm gonna die, sorry,God, and you know what, it
hits me out of nowhere where I'mlike, I'm gonna die. I'm gonna
die. And you know what,Scott, I believe It was a quote
from the movie Da Vinci Code whereTom Hanks is asked by a priest are

you a believer or do you havedo you believe? And Tom Hanks says,
I have yet to be given thegift of faith. And I think
that's that's me. And I don'tknow. Maybe it will never come.
Maybe I will never be like ayou know, a religious person. How
many years have you been around mespeaking the blood of Jesus? I know,

I hope some of that sprayed ontome, that blood I pray for
you every day? I do youwhy every day? Whoa who do you
pray for? Is it a longlist? I kind of honor. I
have an app and remind you topray for me. And know it's what
they call guided Prayers Guided Prayer appand I have it, and they have

an app for everything, and Iwork my way through it. And you
are on the list of dailies.So what do you say? Are you
like, Dear God, please makesure Sadie is okay? It kind of
it. I mean, if boy, this is it? Yeah, I
mean, like your conversation, tellme it depends on how I'm stricken that
day. Your name will come upon a list. And I first and

first and foremost. And U asked, I'm gonna tell you. I'm laughing.
I'm on coming because I'm gonna tellyou. Father, God bless Sadie
and her family. May they bewell? Okay. I pray a head
of protection around their home. Ihope that they are safe, Dear God.
And now you're gonna laugh. Butand Father got to pray that Sadie
knows you. I pray that,okay. I thought I was gonna laugh,

like you were gonna say something likeand then I said, Father,
I just as I and you maybe offended by this. You may be
I've never told you this. Ievery day I pray for your soul every
day. Jeez, well that soundsharsh. Every day every day like I'm
out snort and coke to But thepath? So do you think that my

path to me is narrow? Itell you I got a question, Yes,
do you think that my soul currentlyis going to go to Have you
asked me this question? And it'sdeep? Have I what do you think
I'm going to go to Hell?Why would I go to Hell? I'm
in that I believe in, says, the path to me is narrow,
and the only way you can getto Heaven is except Jesus Christ is your

Lord and savior. And it's thatsimple. And so unless you've been down
on your knees and said, Father, God, Jesus, I don't believe
that. I just don't. Iknow you believe in my view I Jesus,
I believe in a Bible, Ibelieve everything. If you don't accept
God, okay, well, thisScott took a dark turn. I'm telling

you I believe what I believe.Okay, So somebody lives a beautiful life
where they show love and they volunteer, and they hug babies and pet puppies
and they just they do it allright. But because they don't do that
thing, they are first to spendan eternity in fire. That just doesn't

seem right. Does Earthly Scott strugglewith that? You better believe Earthly Scott
does. But this is a thisis a decision that every Christian makes.
The Bible it either is or isnot true. Yeah, I have yet
to be a gift to the giftto faith. Faith the Bible is either
it is or you're saying, Idie to make a decision. I think

somebody in their dying breath can say, Father, God, send Jesus into
my show. So you're saying no, no, no, you're saying,
there could be a man out thereor a woman who murders twelve people,
just the worst, horrible murders.You can't even imagine it. But then
on his her dying bed that they'restrapped in the now. That's not fair.

Then to people who don't go outand murder and they try to live
a good lie. Not about fair, It's about accepting the God's mercy.
I completely disagree, and that's fine, and and I love you terribly.
It makes no sense, it makesno sense to the earthly God, to
my flesh, so to speak.But it's beyond my flesh. The Bible
either is or is not true,and I choose to believe it's true.

I don't know. I just can't. I can't fathom. It's difficult to
believe. If there is an allloving force, God, all loving,
how would I go to hell?Because I didn't say I lay at your
feet. That's a matter of wouldn't. No, I just I just don't.
I can't. I can't figure itout. It's it's a matter of

accepting the gift that is mercy,grace, and forgiveness. Yeah, I
don't I have like one of thoseon a good day. No wonder you
pray for me? And so that'sand that's you asked, and there you
go to me. The Bible eitherpraise for me every day, every day,
every day. Oh, I prayfor the you, kind listener.

I don't know who you are.I don't know your name, I don't
know your face. I pray foryou every day. Oh my god,
I feel like a bad person.You're not a bad person. Well listen,
I don't know. I hope,I'm I would love to be like
a full on what like I'm thisis against the Bible, but I'm envious
of people who have that full faith. Like I watched Scott and he is
like full force into it. AndI'm like, I just so many things

don't make sense to me. Youand I and I don't know. You
and I have spent what seems likean eternity at a client remote. Yeah,
well these two hours ever passed,and so therefore I want to be
able to spend eternity with you inheaven and I I have to do that.
The path to me is narrow.Wait a second, what if I'm
on my deathbed and it's just aHail Mary pass. I've lived a complete

shit life. I've murdered people,I beat puppies and kiddies. I just
did horrible things. But then,on my dying breath, I say,
but what if I don't What ifI'm delirious? What if I'm just scared.
I'm sure people on their death butget scared. God knows? God
does I mean? You must comewith a repent and heart that seeks forgiveness.
See I and you say, look, I have hosed up this entire

life, and I got two minutesleft. What about Father, God,
forgive me and accept me into yourkingdom. Jesus is my Lord and savior.
On the cross? Okay that cross? Now? Did the two would
you let me finish? On thecross? Two thieves hanging beside him,

suffering the same faith that Jesus issuffering. And one of them, one
of them ignored me, and Iwish I knew the exact words, And
the other one says, will youforgive me? And he looked at him,
and he said, I'm gonna cry. Oh my god, You're gonna
cry on this day. Oh mygod, I'm a monster. On this
day we will meet in Paradise.Well, he forgave me. He's crying

up. He forgave miss. Theyhung out the cross. Oh good,
Now I feel bad, but Ishove down. It's a matter of my
belief. It's a matter of whatI believe. Why when you were growing
up, were you religious? Growingup? I grew up running around the
basement of the LaSalle Presbyterian Church.Okay, I did not buy into it
until September eight, nineteen ninety sixwhen I sat and he is this Christ

fellowship with my wife and and JohnnySquare, who wound up marrying us,
and it's still around today. Johnny'sa great guy. Johnny gave an altar
call, what they call an altercall anyone here today, so moved us
together life to Christ. And Idon't know what the hell was under my
rearing, but I stood up andI said that'd be me. And he
looked at me, said today youset a lot of people free. What
who did you set free? Yourself? Prophecy me, I'm so far behind,

hopefully of the others that I touch. You know what's sad. I
know everything about vander Pump rules,but I'm like, they said, what
you got? It that true?It either is or it is not true,
and I choose to believe. Well, that's thank you for praying for
me. I appreciate prayers every day. I myself, I do pray.

I don't know who I'm praying to, though I like to think it's just
a beautiful force and it's his nameis God. Well, but I think
that maybe it's more than that.I don't know. So right now,
you're smarter than God. I wentthrough that phase where I was smarter than
the Bible that God. Listen,I was also raised Catholic. Well,

that's a difference thing and I andthere are some people that I know that
are faithful Catholics that are are farmore faithful than I. And but I
also believe that through the years ofCatholic faces, faith has has wreaked a
lot of havoc on people's souls.Yeah, and that bad for a while.
God he sucked, Oh geez,And I just use God's name in

vain, Oh God he sucked,saying God did he suck? And God
saying I don't know. I don'tknow he's here. I se what God
knows? God would agree? Havewe done? This is pretty I mean
we talked about TOWO for you candies. We went to the saving blood of
Jesus Christ. I mean, wewent that fact. I mean, I
just listen, Scott, I reallydo hope one day I find that peace.

But I think that and because Ithink you know, when you're on
your death Oh it's not peaceful,trust me, it's tumultuous. Because there
are a lot of days that yousay, God, why why is this
going on? And what do youdo? You just have faith, you
be faithful. I don't know.I don't know. I don't know.
I don't know. And that's allI can really say. I just don't

know. I love that. Iwish that I had that go get him
attitude. And I know what's goingto be. I'm going to see my
grandparents again. I want that,but I don't know if that's a real
And and as I get older,what scares me is more and more.
I don't think it's real. Areyou going to really pray for me tonight?

Extra? No more or less thanI usually do? Would you mind
praying a little harder? But thisisn't to be like one day crazy,
It's just one day. Jesus.We'll call you home and then he'll shoot
me to hell because I didn't sayyou are my savior. Bible is or
is not true? Oh my goodness, I am. Let's leave it there

is that. It is stupid music. It ruined a tender moment. Yeah,
I hate this music. Thanks forlistening of a great weekend. I
pray for your soul. Okaystra HartScotton Sadie's twenty minute morning show. Thanks
for listening to Scott and Sadie's twentyminute morning show. Leave your comments and

interact with Scott and Sadie now.Visit Big ninety seven nine dot com or
find him at Facebook dot com slashScotten Sadie, or at Scott and Sadie
on Instagram and Twitter
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