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October 24, 2024 16 mins

George Noory and author Catherine Lanigan discuss her lifelong encounters with angels, how angels are giving people messages of hope during stressful world situations, and why more people don't call on their guardian angels when they need help.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Now here's a highlight from Coast to Coast am on iHeartRadio.

Speaker 2 (00:05):
And welcome back, George nor with you. She's back with us.
Katherine Lanigan is the New York Times best selling and
award winning author of more than fifty five published titles
in both fiction and nonfiction. She has the ability to
contact angels and bring their messages to us in a
way that will make us understand that they are here
to help mankind. And as we approach Christmas in a

couple months, it's perfect timing, Catherine, welcome back, Thank.

Speaker 3 (00:32):
You Georgia, and it's so wonderful to be air to
chat and really talk about what's going on with the angels.

Speaker 2 (00:39):
Was at a restaurant earlier today and some people who
did not recognize me were talking about you, and it
was it's hilarious. I'm in Saint Louis, by.

Speaker 3 (00:51):
The way, and are you really? I love Saint Louis.

Speaker 2 (00:54):
And then they were just talking about we can't wait
to see this angel person on Coast to cos tonight
and listening on her and I'm just sitting back. Finally
I had to.

Speaker 3 (01:03):
Speak up, Oh my god, I love it.

Speaker 2 (01:08):
I love it. How did you begin to become studying
the angelic barrel.

Speaker 3 (01:13):
Well, the first time I ever saw an angel, I
was three years old.

Speaker 2 (01:18):
Really. What happened, well.

Speaker 3 (01:21):
I was I was playing in my bedroom in the
house that I live in now, because I when my
mother passed away, I bought the house from the you know,
the family, so I could keep the house. But in
the master bedroom was my bedroom at that time, and
which was the largest room in the house, and so
I had I was it was just myself and my

brother at that time. My other uh, my sister. My
sister and my other brother weren't born. Ya. Well, anyway,
I was playing with my dolls and this huge angel
shows up in my bedroom on a white shimmering you know,
gown and gold belt and all that kind of thing.

And as I remember, just a lot of light, you know,
and and I can remember saying, you know, who are you?
And she said, and I think it was it seemed
like a woman. Now, you know, on retrospect, as I
can vision envision this angel, it's probably was an androgynous
But anyway, she said, well, I am here to take
care of you, I'm here to be with you. I'm

and she didn't say, you know, I'm your guardian angel.
Just you know, I'm here to I'm always here to
protect you and to be with you. And so I
would be talking to this angel in my room and
my mother would. My mother came down. She said, who
are you talking to? And I said, there's there's this
this really pretty person, you know, with these big wings.
And my mother said, you mean an angel? And I said, well,

you know, I don't remember nobody gave me a name
or anything like that because she's well then she thought, well,
maybe it's you know, like a playmate or something. I
was just making it up, but I was only three,
so I didn't have any kind of like background that
it was an angel. Later on, when my mother was
much older, and I was talking to her and she said,

you know and I said, well, that's the first time
I saw an angel. And she said, you know, I'm
not that sure that that really was the first time,
because she said, when you were very little, in you know,
like a year old, she said, you would you were
always talking to someone in your crib. I'm I think
you were talking to angels or spirits or whatever when

you were very young, because I talked very I was
only about seven months old when I was talking in
full sentences. See it in my baby book. I looked
it up.

Speaker 1 (03:41):
Good for you.

Speaker 3 (03:43):
Yeah, But so I know that I I think I
was just one of those people that came here for
this purpose, to bring these messages from the angels to people.
And they and they have shown up, you know, like
as angel, you know, with wings of the whole deal.

Not all the time. Most of the time they come in.
They're just like energy, you know. I can feel them around,
I feel their love or are.

Speaker 2 (04:10):
They winged, Catherine, Are they winged or not?

Speaker 3 (04:14):
Yeah? The when I see them as an angel, they
do have wings. Now. I when I was when my
mother was first put in assisted living, I came to
work on I lived in Houston at the time, and
I would fly in and my sister and I would
just work on the house to fix it up, you know,
just so it didn't go to rack and ruin this.

And I remember this one night, I heard this knock
on the door, and I got up and I went
to the door, and the door has one of those
it's a you know, it's a mid century modern house,
so it had that that little window in the door,
you know, not a big window, but a little window
and I looked out the window and I saw this
belt buckle like this really tall person. I'm going, my god,

how tall is this person. It's got to be like,
you know, seven eight feet tall. And I opened the
door and there was this person standing out there in
this security outfit on, you know, like you didn't have
a gun or anything, but that big belt like they wear,
you know, and there was a a like a bandana

belting across his chest thing and said security. And I
said who are you? And he said, I'm security and
as long as you live in this house, you will
always be protected. And he turned around and I went
to the living room window. I thought, okay, I don't
know who this is. I shut the door. I went
to the living room window and looked out and then
this wingspan just whoop. These wings came out were like

ten feet long. And I was like, oh my god,
it's another it's another angel. But this guy had this
you know, like Kaki Green, like Army Green, you know, security.

Speaker 2 (05:54):
They must come to you, because at three years old,
I'm sure you didn't summon them up. You probably didn't
even know what an angel was.

Speaker 3 (06:01):
Then I did, yeah, you're right, You're absolutely right. I
really didn't know what an angel was, and and I
think they came in early so that I was just
used to them being around that My mother even came
up with that idea. She said, I think you were
just supposed to do this, you.

Speaker 2 (06:20):
Know, you and they just wanted to get you comfortable
with them.

Speaker 3 (06:24):
Yeah, yeah, I agree, you know, and there are times
when somebody will come, you know, I will meet a
stranger and I will see their angels around them, and
generally generally not not all the time, because now I'm
seeing galactic kind of angels, you know, Like I don't

want to say they're really ets, because i've seen ets,
you know, not like a contact tee person, but I've
seen the energy come in. But I've seen them like tall,
really tall beings no wings, and they said, no, we're
not angels. They've told me that they're not angels. They

are beings of light or from another planet. And my
point with all this is is there is so much
going on right now where we are being helped. Humanity
is being helped because there is so much fear and

dark forces trying to literally it's you know, it's the
battle between the suns of light and the suns of darkness,
and we're getting a lot of help. But what the
angels really want to tell us right now is there
are way too many people are not asking for help
and they need to ask. Well even more than ask,

it's command. I now command the angels to come in
and help me through these really terrifying times for a
lot of people. I mean really, there are a lot
of people that are very, very terrified.

Speaker 2 (08:05):
And what kind of things Catherine can an angel do
for someone right now?

Speaker 3 (08:11):
It can be to eliminate a lot of anxiety and
fear because they just they're afraid that you know, right now,
everybody's holding their breath. Part of it's the election, but
the elections not all of it. It's everything is collapsing.

Speaker 2 (08:28):
You know.

Speaker 3 (08:28):
The corporate world's collapsing, are banking is collapsing. You know,
it's just like their whole world is being taken out
from underneath them. It started with the pandemic, you know,
all of.

Speaker 2 (08:40):
A sudden, emotions are collapsing, right.

Speaker 3 (08:43):
The emotions are collapsing, and they need they need first
of all, I think they're being beaten down a lot
emotionally and mentally. Both their mental body and their emotional body.
They need strength, and the angels are Two days ago
they said, we really are here to give people some strength.

They're getting sick because they're so filled with anxiety, stress,
just the stress of going through this transition of humanity's
evolution that we're going through. We're being bombarded by all
the solar rays. Our DNA is being changed. We don't

feel like we're even in our own bodies quite the
way we were, you know, even a year ago. Really,
you know, I can't I mean, I can't tell you
the number of people that just say, you know, I
cannot sleep. Well, I can't sleep either, because I got
a whole bunch of people talking to me all night long.
You know, you need to say this, and you need

to do this, and you need to help with that.
But the celestial realm is just like an all the
religions do, they are they are absolutely correct. It is
the highest realm that you can get to until you
go to just the one source, the Creator, I mean,
and then they're you're right there with God.

Speaker 2 (10:10):
You know, do you pray to an angel?

Speaker 3 (10:15):
You know, that's a good question. I don't. I pray
to God. I pray to the one source. But I
don't really pray to an angel. I ask them for
information because prayer is a little bit different. I think
that's where your prayers prayer is that part where we're

pleading for things, when you know, for God's help, that
kind of thing, you know, or to help someone through
a very difficult time. When I get to when I'm
calling on the angels, I actually command them. I don't
really say, can you know, can you guys come in
and help? I'm going, hey, get off your butt. I'm

commanding you to go help person. You know, her husband
is dying, she needs strengths, she needs comforting, and she
needs somebody to show up and help her out, you know,
that kind of thing. So I really am kind of,
in my mind a little more forceful with the angels
than I kind of put, as they say, pussy foot

around God. You know, I don't want to really get
him to upset with me.

Speaker 2 (11:22):
On Christmas Eve, I generally run a video a audio
tape called Letters. A letter from Michael Yes, and it's
from a great broadcaster Lee Allen out of Detroit, who
just had a birthday and has to do with the
Korean War, and it's a soldier writing to his mother.

And it's an amazing story of archangel Michael and the
incredible things he did to help this soldier right, and
I'll be planning it again this Christmas Eve as well.
But when you summon an angel, you ask for help,
how do you know they've shown up to help you?

Speaker 3 (12:06):
Well, the first thing, when when you are when you
do feel like an angel is coming in, I I
do say who are you? And I always ask are you.

Speaker 2 (12:19):
From the light now as opposed to what the dark?

Speaker 3 (12:25):
Yes, because right now that the the veil between the
etheric world and the other side and our world is
very very thin. They they there has been an unleashing
of dark entities, energies however you want to say them.
You know that because because human beings are being bombarded,

where there is a concerted effort by the dark for
human consciousness, it is our consciousness that they're at. That's
the soul. Human soul is our consciousness. That's what we
take with us when we go to the other the
other side, when we transition, when we die. And so

that battle between the sons of light and the suns
of darkness, that battle for the humanity of who we
are to keep our divinity, we need to stay connected
to the One Source. So because I do know that this,
because this has happened to me. When you see an

angel come in, and I don't care how beautiful they are,
because remember that Lucifer was the Angel of Light, and
he is the most beautiful of all angels. Right, that's
in the Bible.

Speaker 2 (13:46):
That's in the Bible.

Speaker 3 (13:50):
You want to be very careful these days. And you say,
are you from the light of the One Source, the
creator of the universe? Are you from there?

Speaker 2 (14:00):
Well? What if they trick you? What if they masquerade
and lie to you?

Speaker 3 (14:03):
Because they are masquerading, they can actually and even the
white light people say, well, I went to the white
light and I said, well, is it a fake one
or is it the real white light?

Speaker 2 (14:13):
Right? You?

Speaker 3 (14:15):
If they now, the universal law is they have to
answer you. If they are not from the light. They
will either go away or they or they won't even answer.
They will they will not give you an answer. Sometimes
they'll actually say no, and then you rebuke them in
the name of God. Go away, do not come back here,
and never I never want to see you again. Just

get out of here. I rebuke you. The way they
can't come back.

Speaker 2 (14:40):
That's will they approach a righteous person as well?

Speaker 3 (14:44):
Yes, absolutely, In fact, those are the one, the light
workers and the righteous people, that's who they're after the most,
because we have the most light, we have the most
energy in our bodies, and that's what the dark feeds
off of. They are lit energy vampires. They call it
lose our when they suck our energy out they have

they have no soul. Okay, they have no soul. So
the only way that they get any kind of energy
to keep existing is to feed off of us. That's
why they keep us in fear. That's why there is
just this just cloud of fear being and the fear mongering.
It's in the media, it's and it's in movies, you know.

You know, have you noticed, like over the last five
to ten years, how the horror movies have gotten to
just be atrocious. I remember when, you know, I would
see a jack lantern in a Halloween and I get scared,
you know. Now, yeah, and now it's just beyond belief

to just keep us so inured to human pain and suffering.
It's it's to me, it's just either I've lived too
long or I've you know, it's just too much.

Speaker 1 (16:05):
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