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April 30, 2024 18 mins

George Noory and author John Thomas discuss his wife's channeled conversations with prominent souls such as Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein as well as politicians like President Nixon and John McCain, to gain insights into future technological breakthroughs that will help battle climate change and help mankind.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Now here's a highlight from Coast to Coast AM on iHeartRadio.

Speaker 2 (00:05):
And welcome back to Coast to Coast. George Nori with you.
John Thomas with us as a classic Silicon Valley tech guy.
After receiving his chemical engineering degree, John worked for many
years in various technical fields, including software, semiconductors' advanced battery technologies,
and along the way he was able to see the

environmental impact of these technologies and he developed a deep
appreciation for those companies that were serious about creating sustainable
practices protecting the environment as well. In Channel Messages of Hope,
John led the more technical interviews and participated with Carolyn
Thomas and most others. He's currently the CEO of a

startup developing highly sustainable technologies in the food and agricultural industries. John,
welcome to the.

Speaker 3 (00:54):
Program, Jurage. It's a pleasure. Thank you.

Speaker 2 (00:58):
How did you get involved in this sub took better
of Challenging Messages of Hope.

Speaker 3 (01:03):
Well, first of all, Carolyn Thomas, my wife. She is
the primary author, the interviewer, the inspiration and you know,
I can go into what her background too, but what
happened is when she came up with this idea. It
turns out it was not her idea. It was actually

an idea from a group that we'll call the Council
for Now to talk about messages of hope around global
warming and the climate change because there's so many people
that are very concerned about this right now and they
really don't know where things are going or whether we
should have hope. They see so many issues and you know, unresolved,

you know, situations around the globe. Actually, so when Carolyn
started talking to different souls about this, obviously we needed
to talk some of the highly technical souls and so
that is not really her background. So she asked me
to join at that point to aid in interviewing of
the more technical souls around some of the aspects of

climate change. And so that's how I got involved. And
so I got in. It was about the fourth interview
in although I was clearly aware of everything that was
going on, and then with Sam and Carolyn, I participated
from that point going forward.

Speaker 2 (02:29):
Yeah, Sam Markin was the channeler, right, that is correct,
And tell us a little bit more about Carolyn.

Speaker 3 (02:37):
So Carolyn is you know, we we live here in California,
We're in Silicon Valley, and Carolyn has worked in different
fields such as finance, things like that. She has a
degree in business and marketing. But she's always had a
very spiritual aspect to her seeking, I guess we can say.

And Carolyn retired actually a little while back out of
doing some work. She was working in some various tech companies.
She worked in venture capital for a while that she
retired on that and so she's been on kind of
a spiritual path ever since. And so the idea for

this book came to her kind of threw a little
bit of a meandering path. It all started with her
relationship with Sam.

Speaker 2 (03:38):
Now, how did you key in on the individuals that
are in the book? And I'm going to buzz through
some of the names here that we'll be talking about tonight,
and that's quite extensive, but they include Senator John McCain
who passed away in twenty eighteen, Nicola Tesla, Mark Twain,
Jacques Gusteau, Albert Einstein, Well Hat Mascon, the President, Theodore Roosevelt,

Saint Francis of a CC, Richard Nixon who died in
nineteen ninety four, doctor Wayne Dyer, who was a guest
on our program many Times, President Reagan, how did you
key in on these people?

Speaker 3 (04:17):
Well, at first, Carolyn came up with her list, and
you know, it came to her in several different different ways.
She came up with her list, but she was really
getting downloads, as she calls them, from her primary let
me say, spiritual inspiration on the other side, who is

a member of what we would call the Council, which
we consider highly ascended masters such as Saint Francis, souls
like that, And so she felt drawn to the souls
through the research she was doing. And you know, when
she came up with the insp to make this Messages
of Hope focused on this first book on climate change,

she had to do a lot of research. She both
to come up to speed on what's going on around
climate change. We're not climate scientists here, We're just people
that are concerned and you know, very interested in the topic.
But you know, during the course of putting the list together,
getting downloads from the Council, and so the interviews really started.

And it's a very as you mentioned you went through
the names, it's a very a diverse mix. We have
everything from policymakers to technologists, to spiritual leaders to preservationist conservationists.
It's a wide mix, and I think that turned out
to be a good decision because we've got very interesting

perspectives from the various souls. Now, I'll also tell you
in the interviews started with the souls, the souls also
led us to talk to other souls. For instance, Stephen
Schneider said, you really need to talk to Jacques Cousteau.
That seems kind of obvious, but it didn't really occur

to us at the time. Albert Einstein wanted us to
talk to Malava Einstein, his wife when he was in
a body, and we're like, oh, why would we want
to talk to Malava. Well, when we talked to Malava,
we found out exactly why. And here's one that might
surprise you. Nikola Tesla, when we asked him who else

should we talk to, he said Samuel Clemens. And that
was really a head scratcher for us. Samuel Clemens, Okay,
that's Mark Twain. That's his pen name was Mark Twain.
Most people know that. But there was a very specific
reason he wanted us to talk to Samuel Clemens. And
we never would have come up with that association if
I hadn't been for Tesla's suggestion.

Speaker 2 (07:04):
And what was the method that you used John to
interview these people? Were they talking through Sam Larkin? Is
that how that worked?

Speaker 3 (07:14):
So Sam is what we would call a voice channeler.
So just a little bit of background on Sam. Sam
and Carolyn have known each other for over a decade.
Sam is not a professional channeler. She didn't do this
for her business, but she realized early on that she

had highly intuitive talents for animal communications. And we were
having some trouble with one of our cats at a
certain time, and that's how Carolyn found Sam, and she
was doing some intuitive channeling to help us with the
animal situation. And then what happened is that Sam later

started getting what she called very high vibration messages that
were in tended for Carolyn. She didn't know what soul
they were coming from, what necessarily was going on, but
they were intended for Carolyn. So Carolyn and Sam had
the idea to contact the soul so that Carolyn could

find out what the soul was trying to lead her
to or tell her. And when Sam channels a soul
like that and voice channeling, the soul goes through her,
through her, it comes into her body and actually takes
over her vocal cords, so we would get the different accents.
I mean, imagine starting up an interview with John Muir

and hearing Sam start talking with a Scottish accent, and
it was really quite amazing. And Sam can feel the
energy of these interviews, but she doesn't recall the content
at all, so we would have to tell her after

the interview was done. And we recorded these interviews actually
on our website channel Messages of Hope. There are audio
excerpts from a variety of them, so you can hear
from some of the you know, the real important souls.
All of them are, of course, So that's kind of
how it started. And so after Sam channeled the soul

what Carolyn called Baba, who is a member of the Council,
an ascended Master, and after Carolyn got some communication going
that way, she had the idea with Sam of well
maybe we could channel other souls, and so Carolyn the
first one that the channel was actually David Bowie, who

is not an interview soul for this book, but it
was someone that was very important to Sam. And Carolyn
was thinking, well, I get to talk to, you know,
an important soul for me. But Sam doesn't have that opportunity.
So Carolyn did the interview or the conversation with David
Bowie and was able to relate that back to Sam.

So then Carolyn had the idea, Wow, if we can
do that, we could talk to a variety of souls,
or we could try to And Carolyn's original idea was,
you know, with so many things going on in the
world right now, not just climate change, but you know,
we might got our nation is very divided in a sense,
and the politics and perspectives, we have wars going on

at different places. Carolyn was thinking, if I can talk
to other souls in these areas, maybe I could provide
messages of hope in a variety of different let's say categories.
But you know, after thinking through that and the number
of souls, that it would just be too hard to
do that. So when she was talking through Sam to

Baba and she was talking about this inspiration for this
Messages of Hope book, Boba informed her, well, that was
not really your inspiration. That was a download from the council.
It was really our idea. And when if you read
Carolyn's introduction in the book, she says she had the
inspiration for this, you know, in the shower one day,
out of the blue, which is how the souls communicate

with us in many respects, providing inspiration the aha moment.
And what Baba told her is that what they see
on the other side from the council is that there's
many things going on on Earth. All of us in
a body are experiencing many things, but Mother Earth, which

is a soul which has a higher self, was really
struggling and they could see that on the other side,
and so Baba wanted her to focus more on what's
going on with the Earth, which is climate change and
global warming and a variety of things like that. So
that's that's kind of the long story of how we,

you know, how we communicate with the souls, and how
we got to the topic.

Speaker 2 (12:00):
How long did you interview each soul?

Speaker 3 (12:04):
Well, a typical interview was forty five minutes, not longer
than an hour. And first of all, for Sam who
was not really in her body in a sense, it
was not something she could just keep doing for hours
at a time. That was probably her limit in terms
of how she could hold it in the energy it

took from herself. But the souls also told us that
it takes a lot of energy for them to communicate
in this way, so it was not We kind of
got to the understanding that that forty five minutes to
an hour, that's where we needed to keep it. Now.
We did have some interviews, or we did two interviews,

but that was because we wanted to go back and
do some follow up questions, like Senator John McCain was
one of those examples.

Speaker 2 (13:00):
Is one of the biggest topics that you can recall, John,
that came from this.

Speaker 3 (13:06):
Well. You know, since we were talking to policymakers through
spiritual leaders, they all had a different take, but the
one big topic and Saint Francis really made this clear
for me at least, and other souls have the same message.

One is that we are all one. It's not Man
is up at some level and nature and animals are
at another level. We are all connected at the same level,
and that includes Mother Earth herself, who has who has
a soul and needs to be revered in the same

way that we would reverew other humans that we're in
contact with. If you're an animal lover, you probably have
the same point of view I do that you know
our animals are precious that Saint Francis really made it
clear that we're all connected, and that really kind of

it changed the game, at least for me. So that
was kind of the spiritual side. John Muir for example,
said we need to treat Earth like it's a church.
That's the level of respect that we need to have.
And Mother Earth is not feeling respected in what we've
been what's been transpiring really in the industrial age. So

that was the spiritual side. Now, if you talk to
the conservationists or the more technical people, they had very
specific messages and well, one of the messages is there's
you know, for people that are really feeling despair and
they see, you know, the ice cap is melting and

where is this all going. There is a lot of
work going on here, you know, on Earth. The technical work,
and one of the biggest topics is around energy generation
and it will be the concept of nuclear fusion. Right now,
nuclear reactors are a scary concept for a lot of

people because they generate radioactive waste that's nuclear fission. But
nuclear fusion is a one hundred percent clean energy that
doesn't generate any waste, and there have been some technical
breakthroughs on that it's a ways a way, but Albert
Einstein really made that point. Even some of the policymakers

talked about nuclear fusion, that that's one area.

Speaker 2 (15:39):
Did you participate John, and all the interviews yourself as well?

Speaker 3 (15:44):
I did. I wasn't. I listened in, but it wasn't
until probably we got into the technical ones that I
was actually doing the interviews. But I participated in most
of them, and I'm well aware of of those interviews
Carolyn would do. She was, you know, this is her

project in the sense through the council, So she would
do a lot of research on each soul that we
selected and knew what was coming up. She would read
books to come up with a list of questions. She
would provide the framework and lead the interviews most of
the time, except when we got into maybe the more
technical areas. But yeah, so we both were involved, Carolyn

as the primary though for sure.

Speaker 2 (16:32):
Of all the guests, of the famous people that you interviewed,
which one was the one that just stood out the most?

Speaker 3 (16:42):
Well, if you asked Carolyn, John McCain really made an
impression on her. And when you read these interviews that
are not just you know, climate change and things like
that we went into a variety of things including you know,
what is the soul doing on the other side, what

was their transition like? And the reason John McCain really
stood out for Carolyn is that, you know, all the
souls were very forthright in terms of their experience. And
she asked John McCain about when he was a pow
and what that was like, and he said it was
a very you know, a very bad experience for him,

but it was something that his soul needed to go
through as part of his experience and a body. But
you know, she asked John McCain after this extended five
year period in the prisoner war and he comes back
and then when he transitioned, did he encounter his captors
on the other side? This is the story of forgiveness

And John McCain made a point that he did, and
that forgiveness has happened, and actually, you know that was
in future Channel Messages of Hope books, John McCain will
be in there on topics like overcoming tremendous life challenges

and the power of forgiveness and some of the other
topics she's considering for the next book.

Speaker 1 (18:16):
Listen to More Coast to coast AM every weeknight at
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