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May 13, 2024 17 mins

Guest Host Lisa Garr and dream expert Machiel Klerk discuss lucid dreaming, the meaning of nightmares and other types of dreams.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Now here's a highlight from Coast to Coast AM on iHeartRadio.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
Welcome back to Coast to Coast AM. I'm Lisa gar
My guest is Mihail Clerk. He is a licensed mental
health therapist and an amazing dream analyst. And I have
a question Mikail about nightmares. Are they also forms of dreams?

Speaker 3 (00:24):
Yes, nightmares are anxiety dreams and night mars are actually
really important dreams. It's a little bit like if the
body has fever and we get ill. A nightmare is
also an alarm system of our own soul or psciety

that something is off, and most of the time it's
our relationship to something inside ourselves or sometimes outside ourselves
that isn't Usually it's one and the same. It's not optimal.
So people come to me and say, oh, Michel, I
want to get rid of the of the nightmare. But

actually the better approach is how can I befriend the nightmare?
Because once we turn to monster, or even to the
anxiety dream of not being able to find the classroom
or not not ready for the test, we will see
that that the nightmare will disappear and our relationship in

day to day life to the scary phenomenon also changes.
So for people that have nightmares, they're they're of course horrible,
that's why they have nightmares. But if you can find
a different way of relating to it, turn towards it,
often just writing it down or making a little drawing.

Research shows that that already starts lessening nightmares. So you
don't have to live with nightmares, especially if people have
a lot of nightmares. It's not necessary. There are there
are very effective ways to to get rid of it,
and it's almost always by turning towards it, just like
if your body has fever, don't ignore it, drink water.

Something is often.

Speaker 2 (02:15):
Look for the signs within it, but don't be afraid
of it. Because have you ever had the experience of
having guides show up in your dreams that are that
feel so real?

Speaker 3 (02:32):
Yeah? Yeah it is, And well I think that one
in the dream space or in the dream that the
dream is just another frequency, and in that frequency, we're
closer to our guides, we're closer to our deceased loved ones,
and it's easier for them to to visit us and

even show their physical manifestation because we might feel them
in this reality. But it's harder to see them. But
then the dream they come to us and hopefully they
say something that is helpful. But it's also a place
that we can use as a starting point, say, oh,

spirit guide, creat you were there, and then continue in
this reality by having a conversation, writing, looking for signs,
and then looking again at the dream, and then we'll
see that that that relationship strengthens. But in another way
that people could could try about that, then you might

go to lucid dreaming a little later. With lucid dreaming
as a dream in which you know that you're dreaming,
and there you can just yell out, spirit guide, do
you have a message for me? And then your spirit
guide will come to you and tell you something that's
really good for your life.

Speaker 2 (03:54):
Yes, I was curious about lucid dreaming. There's a lot
of different interpretations of it. How do you instigate a
lucid dream? How do you start it?

Speaker 3 (04:04):
Yeah, just for the listeners to tell, a lucid dream
is a dream in which you know that you are dreaming.
So you're just you're walking around and you think, hey,
there's Grandma. Oh my gosh, Grandma is dead. This must
be a dream and then you're in the dream space
and you can proactively engage in that environment. And there

are several ways to get locid. The two most common
art just before you go to bed, tell yourself tonight
in the dream, when I'm dreaming, I will see my hands.
When I see my hands, I will realize I'm dreaming.
Tonight in the dream, I will realize I'm dreaming. And

you tell that for several minutes and then you kind
of set the intention or you prime your mind for
seeing your hands, and then you can come lose it.
The other technique throughout the day to reality checks, and
the reality check is am I dreaming? And instead of

immediately saying, oh no, this is not a dream, do
a test. For example, pull your finger and if your
finger gets really long, it's a dream. Or see if
you can can fly, and that doesn't mean I jump
from the building, but just move your arms. Do you
let a date? There you go, You're in a dream.

Speaker 2 (05:32):
So that's a way that you can solicit answers from
the unconscious or from guidance is by going into a
lucid dreaming state.

Speaker 3 (05:44):
Yeah you can. You can do all kinds of things.
I once yelled out in the lucid dream state. I
would like to experience unconditional love. Then I was and
I was jacked in a state of unconditional love that
lasted a minute and then it's evaporated. And uh and
and so uh.

Speaker 4 (06:05):
You had that experience.

Speaker 3 (06:07):
I had that experience and it was it was beautiful.
But it also indicates we we live in the in
an responsive universe and uh uh we we're having to
figure out how can we best engage this this universe
we live in because of course, uh not everything gets

gets realized. If I in this reality say I want
to have a ferrari when they wake up, that doesn't happen.
But so, yeah, about how to how to engage and
lucid dream you see it directly. But another fun thing
that people can do is just yell out, is there

anyone with a message for me? And then uh, and
then see what happens.

Speaker 2 (06:55):
I wonder if that invites in though any brand of
being in the middle of the night.

Speaker 4 (07:04):
Could that is there a way you could filter that?

Speaker 3 (07:08):
Yeah? If you if you're in a proactive uh state,
you have and having having intention that is for for
your own best will, best will and for best will
of the world around you, such as even the question
is there anyone with a message for me? And then

then uh uh, the dream will generate and helpful response.
You might see a scary monster. That monster might say, hey,
you've been running away from me the whole time, and uh, exactly,
and then and then you know, oh, I've been running
away and I know someone who did that. And then

he asked the monster who are you? And monster said,
I'm a discarded aspect of you.

Speaker 2 (07:58):
Wow, that's that's great, that's fantastic. And tell me a
little bit about the dreams of flying. When someone's having
a dream of flying, is that what does it commonly mean?

Speaker 3 (08:13):
Yeah? Again, what people can ask themselves is first what
is the experience? And so people could is it that
they fly themselves, or is that they're in an airplane?
But they could could let's say they fly themselves. What
was it like? And then say, oh, I felt I

felt really free and it was so beautiful, or usually
it's it's it's an it's a pleasant experience and uh,
and then that's that state of freedom and uh, and
or having an overview or something to that extent, uh,
is something that would be beneficial to have in their life. Okay,

that they and and then they can tap into that
energy and and and be a little bit more free.

Speaker 4 (09:03):
Okay, what about the opposite? What about falling?

Speaker 2 (09:07):
Those good streams of falling where there's the bottom falls
out or there's nowhere to.

Speaker 3 (09:12):
Go, yeah, or falling from a from a building, and
then you'll sometimes people say, doesn't mean that you dye
if you're dying in your dream, but that that that
is more symbolic. It doesn't mean that you literally try
die something something is dying in you or maybe a

thought or idea or a face. But falling has to
have a somewhat multiple interpretations. But one is it brings
you back down to earth and sometimes you need to
be a bit more grounded. Other times it represents and

descent in your life where you've got where you're going down.
You might just be fire from your job and then
feel that you fall off a building and then that represents, uh,
the experience of feeling that you fall or feel or
that you crash.

Speaker 2 (10:13):
Mm hmm, okay, sorts of things. What about dreams of
pregnancy or having a baby or yeah, I mean, have
you in your experience ever seen or heard of men
having those dreams.

Speaker 3 (10:28):
Yeah, men men sometimes also have it. Dreams are very
democratic that way, and it's there, it's in. You can
look at it symbolically, and so it's for sure if
it's a man, it's of course not literal. So if
it's not literal, what what does and what does? The birth? Yeah,

exactly the beginning of something new, and the new thing
can be a project or relationship or creative endeavor. Something
new is being born. And once you know that you can.
Maybe you had an idea of starting a business or
writing a book, and then at night you dream that

you're pregnant or that your sister is pregnant. Then it's
a very positive indication that something in your society or
in your soul feels this is an a worthwhile idea,
so then follow up on it. So that's also how
dreams can be really helpful in guiding you through life.

You could even say, oh, I've been thinking about this book,
dream please show me so if it has has merit
to work on it, maybe then would dream about being pregnant.
Great time to get your pencil and paper out of the.

Speaker 2 (11:51):
Drawer and find out what type of new thing would
be coming. So there's many different interpretations of a dream
about having a baby.

Speaker 3 (12:02):
Yeah, but they all refer to the birth of something new.

Speaker 2 (12:07):
Okay, do you recommend a certain way of recording the
dreams when you wake up or during the middle.

Speaker 4 (12:15):
Of the night.

Speaker 3 (12:17):
Well, the only thing with the only real, hard, important
thing is write it down as soon as possible when
you wake up in the middle of the night. It's
a it's a little bit of question. I'd only do
that if it's really if I feel it's really important.

Speaker 4 (12:35):
But otherwise, is there like a format to right?

Speaker 2 (12:39):
I mean, do you do thought bubbles or bullet points
or is there a recorder?

Speaker 4 (12:44):
I mean, what is your technique?

Speaker 3 (12:46):
Yeah, I'm old school. I have an a dedicated dream
journal with a pencil, and I just write it down
and to make a suggestion for people, write it down
in the intense. That gets a certain immediacy to the
dream experience. That makes it, is it easier to tap

into the thoughts, the feelings and the experience of the dream.

Speaker 4 (13:11):
Well, now what do you mean by that? Well, in
the like, you'll give me an example.

Speaker 3 (13:17):
Yeah, instead of I walked in the street and I
saw a crocodile right down, I am walking in the
street and I see a crocodile, I get really scared
and I run or I kicked the crocodile, And then uh,
that's that's in the present tense, and that then then
it's easier to go back in or what is the

what is the experience that I have? Oh, I walk
in the in the I just go about my daily life.
I see something that's really scary to me, and my
habitual responses run. And then I know, okay, why would
you dream show me this is? This? Is this going on?

Then I might think, oh, yeah, every time I see
my boss, this is my response. And then and then
you can go even back in the dream and think,
relate to the crocodile, because the crocodile has some assertive,
aggressive energy to it. So then you can imaginely bring

crocodile in your life or even imagine that crocodile is
walking with you into the room when you are meeting
your boss, and then you feel more that there is support,
and then that energy becomes actually available, and then you
will find that you have a different way of being
able to relate to boss. And now you practice it

long enough, and that energy of the crocodile becomes becomes
available to you as well, and so you can be
more proactive in your own life. So dreams always provide medicine.
They not only provide an extra very diagnosis like oh
you when you see something scary in your run, but

in the dream is also the medicine. And the medicine
is very often that what you fear, the crocodile. The
crocodile has the sort of energy that will be helpful
in your life.

Speaker 4 (15:18):
Uh huh. So I love this.

Speaker 2 (15:21):
I mean I love the fact that you can really
get a window into the soul, as you said, psychological
x rays through dreams. Do you ever notice that there's
collective dreams that are happening where there's several different people
dreaming the same thing, or dreams of spaceships or aliens
or UFOs or anything like that that seems to come through.

Speaker 3 (15:44):
Yeah. Well, what comes to mind is that a lot
of people started dreaming about ninety eleven before it happened,
So something in the deep prosiety knew. They're preparing this
and we're informing people about it. But it also appears
that over the over the years, more and more people

meet aliens in dreams or see UFOs in dreams and uh,
so you have collective themes that are that that sometimes
seem to be on the rise.

Speaker 2 (16:19):
Like this symbols of maybe other galaxies visiting us through
our dream space. And if you hear more of that
coming up, that's that's fascinating.

Speaker 3 (16:30):
Yeah, yeah, and uh and uh. There's a variation in
what these figures do, but they seem to be uh
figures that live in in in or at least they
have access to the dream a stake and live in
the dream state and they somehow search and a relationship

or connection with the individual. But if you it looks
like that if you would just go back home, there
years the same figure showed up, but then they were
more like the ferries in in Ireland or the Pontaineblea
in in the middle of Africa. So there have always

been figures in the other world that can take on
a form and shape then and engage with us.

Speaker 1 (17:24):
Listen to more Coast to Coast a m every weeknight
at one a m. Eastern and go to Coast to
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