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May 17, 2024 53 mins

Take a mouthwatering journey with Sandra as she discusses Soul Contracts & Food in the Afterlife!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast DAM paranormal
podcast network. No, I'll get ready for another episode of
Shades of the Afterlife with Sandra Champlain.

Speaker 2 (00:12):
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Speaker 3 (00:39):

Speaker 4 (00:40):
I'm Sandra Champlain. For over twenty five years, I've been
on a journey to prove the existence of life after death.
On each episode, we'll discuss the reasons we now know
that our loved ones have survived physical debt, and so
will we. Welcome to Shades of the after Life. It

was fourteen years ago this week that my dad died.
It was a tough time, to be sure, and if
this is okay with you, I'd like to dedicate this
episode to my dad, John Champlain, a heck of a
good guy. I had a conversation this past week with
someone who wants to write a book about soul contracts

coming to Earth and having everything happen the way it
does so that we can learn, so that our soul
can grow. I had a little bit of a problem
with this. On one hand, I do think it may
be comforting in tough times to say, well, maybe that
was a contract I made before I came here. But

on the other hand, there's some really awful stuff that
happens here on planet Earth, and to try to say
my soul planned it, well, I just don't buy into that.
Let me use a scenario talking about my dad. What
took him out of this life is cancer, and he

suffered terribly up until the end. It was not a
pretty picture, and I would never want any person to
pass that way. And I know maybe you have had
a loved one die from cancer. It's awful to watch.
And I hold true to the feelings and the beliefs
that the soul can leave the body before the body dies.

I do hope that's the case when people are suffering.
After his death, there were breakups and relationships within family members,
and I hit an all time low as a human being.
It was the worst time of my life. Did I
have a soul contract with my dad? And my family members,

so that things went absolutely the way they did. Now,
in that moment, if you were to tell me that
this was a contract, I probably would have punched you
in the face because nothing I could imagine could be
so painful. Plus I hit a deep depression after that.
Now many years later, looking back, had things not gone

exactly the way they did, I wouldn't be here today
with you as host of shades of the afterlife. Had
I not gone out looking for evidence of the afterlife
and wanting to figure out why grief hurts so bad
and makes people act in crazy ways, I would have
never gone on to write my book We Don't Die,

and to exploring all the different reasons to believe in
the afterlife. I find it empowering now to say is
it possible that before coming to this earth there was
a plan in mind? And for me right now that
helps me. But for anyone going through a traumatic loss,
you don't need to buy into someone telling you there

was a soul contract, because honestly, bad things happen here
on earth. Can we learn out of every experience, yes,
Can we go on and make a difference with someone
else experiencing the same thing. Absolutely, we can. I don't
know if it was the movie Bruce Almighty or Evan Almighty,

but Morgan Freeman played God, and I remember in one
example him saying that coming to earth, God doesn't give
you courage, it gives you opportunities to be courageous. And
that really stuck with me that maybe before we came
to this life we wanted things like courage and compassion

and generosity, so we aren't given those things, were given
those opportunities. So if you were to ask if I
believed in soul contracts, I'd probably say no. More like
I believe we came here with different things we wanted
to get out of life, different values, and then we
had different opportunities to make them happen. But like my family,

it sure does help in the tough times because relationships
still are not healed, and it's much easier for me
to say, perhaps we made a deal in the before
life that we would help out mankind during this lifetime
and this was the way to do it. A great
friend once told me that relationships can be like circles.

They can come apart at the bottom but then be
joined back up at the top. Is it this life?
Is it the afterlife. I'm not sure, but that all
relationships have the opportunity to come back together. I often
say that I don't think there's one truth for all
mankind about life and the afterlife. So take what fits

for you and empowers you and use that in your life.
If you like the sound of a soul plan, there's
a great book by Robert Schwartz called Your Soul's Plan,
Discovering the Real Meaning of the life you planned before
you were born, And in it you'll find some pretty
great stories of what people do and how they help

others based on some terrible things they've gone through. Now
back to my father. He was very religious. He went
to church every day, and meanwhile his daughter me was
studying the afterlife. So you know, I was afraid to
tell him because I've told some religious people before in

my past about studying life after death, and they wanted
to do interventions and they've prayed for me. But somewhere
within me, it was important to tell my dad my truth,
especially he was approaching the end of his life with cancer.
One day, I had that courage and I said, Dad,

I want to talk to you about something, and I
shared with him my fear of dying, and so many
of the things that I had studied before he passed,
asked even going to a weekend workshop to learn mediumship,
and my dad looked at me, startled with those big
brown eyes, a little concerned, but he listened. And in

that moment, in my mind, I heard a man laughing,
and I said, Dad, I'd like to tell you what
I'm feeling right now. I'm getting a picture in my
mind of a yellow airplane, a piper cub with black lettering,
and I feel like there's a man laughing, belly laughing,
telling me to tell you that you were wrong, that

he did get to bring his toys with him. And
I repeated it for my dad and he just looked
at me and his eyes started to fill with tears.
My dad had a friend named Jim, and Jim had cancer.
My dad was a very close friend of his, and
they'd go out bike riding or for a meal and

they'd talk and Dad kept saying, Jim, you can beat
this cancer. You can beat it, because in heaven you
don't get to take your toys with you. Jim was
a pilot and guess what his airplane looked like. It
was a piper cub yellow with black lettering. In that moment,
my dad said, Sandra, tell me everything, and I proceeded

to tell him all the wonderful things that I had
learned up to that point, and he made me promise
that I would write a book and that I would
tell as many people as I could about the afterlife.
Although Dad did pass, I feel very confident he still
walks by my side, encouraging me. More mediums than not

have told me some specific things about my dad being
close by, and that makes me smile. When Jim said
we do get to bring our toys with us to
the afterlife, it got me thinking about what else do
we get to bring with us into the afterlife? And
so on this episode, I want to talk about food

in the afterlife. Yes, you heard me right. Food. If
you've been on any diet any point of your life,
you know it's a terrible feeling to be restricted and
to have somebody tell you you can't have that. But
what about when we cross over? So today we'll hear
some stories from mediums from a near death experiencer. You

may even be surprised to know that many cultures believe
in food in the afterlife, such as the ancient Egyptians
packing snacks along with those people they mummified. Have you
seen the movie Defending Your Life dated nineteen ninety one.
Albert Brooks created and wrote the movie and stars in

it along with Meryl Streep. It is my most favorite movie.
Within the movie, we learn that you can eat as
much as you want without gaining weight, and of course,
many scenes involve food. For me, I got put on
my first diet when I was a kid. My doctor

told my parents that if Sandra could grow a few
inches taller and stay the same weight, that would be
good for my health. Unfortunately, that started a fifty year
battle with food. Here's something you might be interested in.
Six weeks ago, my buddy here that I live with
my mom got very sick and we didn't realize it

was because of high blood sugar, also known as diabetes.
We watched a movie called Fat Fiction and learned just
by changing your diet, many people had reduced or stopped
medications for type two diabetes. In the past six weeks,

we have gone from honestly eating whatever we want to
the Mediterranean diet, high with good fats and proteins, lots
of fruits and vegetables and limited the grain products, so
no breads or sweets. And in six weeks, not only
have we both lost weight, but all of our cravings

are gone, our minds are at rest, we are never hungry.
She's reduced the medication she takes by half, and if
she keeps going as she is now, in another couple
of weeks, she may not need it at all. So
check out that movie Fat Fiction if you have had
any problem with losing weight or those constant cravings for food.

Food really can be magic and medicine. It is said
that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. And
look in the Bible there are many quotes about food
being in heaven. Did you hear the joke about the
couple that passed after years of eating healthy and exercising.
Saint Peter meets them at the Pearly Gates and shows

them the beautiful golf courses in the clubhouse with all
you can eat buffets, and their mouths are salivating. The
husband gives a stern look to his wife and says,
if it wasn't for you and those darn brand muffins,
we'd have been here ten years ago. What about you
when you transition. Are you looking forward to being in

your perfect body, the perfect health, the perfect age. What
would be on your buffet? Some people talk about last meals,
but let's talk about meals and eternity, So we'll be
right back with food in the afterlife. You're listening to
Shades of the Afterlife on the iHeartRadio and Coast to

Coast AM Paranormal podcast Network.

Speaker 2 (13:02):
Don't go anywhere. There's more Shades of the afterlife coming
right up.

Speaker 1 (13:17):
Did you know that test that could save your life
from cancer are now available for little or no costs
thanks to the healthcare law called the Affordable Care Act.
Let this be the year you get screening tests that
can detect cancer early when it's most treatable. Don't let
concerns get in the way. Talk to a doctor or
other medical professional to learn more about the best cancer

testing options for you.

Speaker 5 (13:47):
The best afterlife information you can get.

Speaker 4 (13:50):
Well, you're a long Shades of the Afterlife with Sander Champlain.
Welcome back to Shades of the Afterlife. I'm Sandra Champlain.

It's always been my belief that our human body is
designed to really enjoy things with our senses, with our
smell and taste, and touch and hearing and vision. So
although things in the afterlife are going to be grand,
I think they're going to be different, still good, still special,

but different. Here's a quick story. My friend Steve, his
father died, but before he died, he was in a
coma for a long time, hooked up to all kinds
of tubes and contraptions. The week before he died, he
opened his eyes. He lifted himself up in the bed,

swung his legs around, and of course his adult children
were really worried, saying, Dad, you can't get up. And
he's looking into heaven. He's telling his children it's so
beautiful over there, and they said, Dad, what can you see?
And this man not only saw heaven and the beautiful colors,

he was naming people that were dead that he could see.
There were even people he saw over there who had
died when this man was in a coma, and he
was never told about. And they said, what else can
you see?

Speaker 6 (15:34):

Speaker 4 (15:35):
And he said, I can hear Jesus, who's telling me
that I need to enjoy as much as I can
with my human body because I don't have long to
live here with you. So in the course of the
next week. He wanted to watch a football game with
his kids. He wanted a hot fudge Sunday cherry pie,

some of his favorite meals, and he did all of
that and it was the night of Christmas Eve. He
said good night to his children, he closed his eyes,
and he died peacefully with a smile on his face.
So I do think there's something special about owning a
human body and certain things that we can experience with

just that. Next medium, Matt Fraser's book is called We
Never Die Secrets of the Afterlife, and he says, so
many people have been asking me about heaven and it
seems like this question almost always comes up. Do spirits eat?
He says, this is actually a tricky one. There's not

a simple yes or no answer, but maybe this story
will help clarify. I once did a reading for a
family and their grandpa came through when he was alive.
His ritual was to sit in his favorite recliner chair
and eat cream, and that's exactly what he showed me.
The family was surprised. Wait, people eat in heaven. People

can eat, yes, but they don't have to. They often
come through doing the things they loved in life. So
it's not uncommon for me to see a chef cooking
in the kitchen or a father drinking a cup of coffee.
It's important to know that just because food comes up
in a reading, it doesn't mean that souls are eating

three meals a day. They don't need food to survive.
They're dead, after all, but they still take place in
activities that represent their personalities and who they were in life.
Do I think that spirits might occasionally pour themselves a
glass of wine and enjoy it with other souls. I

think they do, but it's more of a symbolic thing
than an actual meal or drink. Food and drinks have
a whole different significance in heaven. Here's another story. The
family came to me whose father had passed. Before he died,
he was having a terrible time with food. He was
on a feeding tube and couldn't stand the fact that

he couldn't enjoy his favorite meals. He begged his family
for a steak or a hamburger or some ice cream.
They just couldn't give it to him, and he suffered
with those cravings for years until he passed away. When
he came through in a reading, he was surrounded by
food steak, mashed potatoes, hamburgers, and cheesecake, and he told

me he gained back all the weight he had lost
when he was ill. His family was so happy to
see him back to his old self and enjoying the
foods that he'd been denied when he was ill. When
a loved one passes away, they want you to remember
them happy. This reading was very healing for the family
and for the soul himself, because it replaced the image

which they had of him being thin, hungry, and frustrated,
with the image of him now being happy, healthy in heaven,
surrounded by his favorite foods. Overall, spirits don't need the
same things we need to survive because survival isn't an

issue anymore. There are no hospitals or cemeteries in heaven.
If you see a family member jogging, showering, or eating
a burger in heaven, that's just a way for them
to come through to you. What you're seeing isn't really
your loved one eating. The earthly activity they're showing you
is a link to their old self and the personality

they still have in heaven. This makes me think of
Casper the Friendly Ghost. I love that cartoon. When I
was a kid, and I remember when Casper's uncles were
sitting at the table eating and the food was going
right through them. They didn't need the food, but they
were still connected to the act of eating. That is

from Matt Fraser's book We Never Die, Secrets of the Afterlife.
In near death experiences and spiritually transformative experiences, people often
see their loved ones. They get visions of heaven and
come back with stories to tell and many insights about

the afterlife. Kat Kerr is the author of Revealing Heaven
and her word on food is that there is food
in heaven. Let's listen to her story.

Speaker 7 (20:35):
I can tell you this though, there is food in heaven,
and a lot of people get excited when I start
talking about this. No matter what you experienced with food
on this earth, there's no weight gain, no food allergies.

Speaker 8 (20:46):
You never find any.

Speaker 7 (20:48):
Gluten free stuff up there, no lactose intolerant people up there.

Speaker 8 (20:52):
Everything you eat is totally absorbed into.

Speaker 7 (20:55):
Your being because the food is made out of light.
And that might surprise you, but you know what, spirit
itself is made out of light. That's why God says,
don't hide your light, let your light shine. We are
the light of this world. And I can tell you
even here on Earth, scientists are finding out that light
is almost a part of every substance that exists. It's

in sound, it's in colors, it's in many of the
things that are on this earth. So in Heaven it's
one of the main substances that things are built out of.

Speaker 8 (21:25):
The clothing you wear is made out of light.

Speaker 7 (21:27):
The food you eat, like I said before, it looks
like pizza, smells like pizza, and tastes like pizza. But
let me tell you've never had any pizza like they
have in Heaven. And I was taken to a pizza Rhea,
and let me tell you, the pizzas are the size
of the tables, and you and all your friends sit
around them, and they actually turn the table to get
their slice of pizza. And the funny thing was every

slice could be different from the other one, and they
all know exactly what you like. It's prepared the way
you like it. And how awesome is that. I've been
to a bakery in Heaven where the cinnamon roll are
the size of a dinner plate. I laugh about this
sometimes because you see aromas in Heaven. I tell people
in heaven, there's more than one dimension. Flowers look beautiful,

they smell beautiful, you can touch them, but they also
make music. But the food in heaven the aromas. You
literally can see the aromas. And if you ever try
to walk by one of those bakeries in heaven and
think you're going to escape not going inside, you are wrong.
That aroma will actually come and capture you and carry
you inside the bakeries. I've seen many different types of food,

and this is the best news of all, especially for women.
If you don't want to cook when you go home
to Heaven, you don't have to. You actually sit down
at your table with all your friends, you say what
you want, it appears on the place in front of you.
Cook to perfection, you eat all you want. When you're done,
it totally disappears. There is nothing to clean up. I

really like that part of heaven. So don't think you're
going to go up there and have nothing to do
but sit on clouds and have angels drop grapes in
your mouth. There's a lot more to eat in heaven
than grapes. And one of the reasons that is is
because there are people who have gifts as chefs as
people who like to grow vegetables, people who like to
make things in the restaurant business, people who like to serve,

and so you.

Speaker 8 (23:16):
Get to use your gifts when you go home to heaven.

Speaker 7 (23:19):
I'm not talking about that thing you do for your
job on earth, because you know, down here on earth
you have to make a living in order to exist,
but in Heaven you exist to live. So yes, there's restaurants.
Yes there's bakeries because God allows them to use their
gifts when they get home to heaven. If you're an artist,
you get your mansion, you get a studio fully furnished,

and then he gives you a gallery. You show your
beautiful artwork and you give it away to people.

Speaker 8 (23:44):
Isn't that awesome?

Speaker 7 (23:45):
If you always wanted a horse, you probably have one hundred,
and everybody comes to your place to rise your amazing horses.
They're never going to get sick. You're never going to
have to clean them. Actually, you never have to clean yourself.
That's why they call it heaven. There are shops and
stores to get things because people have gifts that design fashions,
they make jewelry, So that's one of the ways Heaven operates.
If there's transportation, it runs on light or wind. And yes,

there's many forms of transportation in heaven. They have things
I call space buses where a lot of people can
ride on them. There's these things they called transport kiosk
where you literally step into beams of light and seconds later,
on the other side of heaven you step.

Speaker 8 (24:23):
Out of one.

Speaker 7 (24:25):
Roads of light are created because your desired to go somewhere.

Speaker 8 (24:28):
They come pick you up and take you there.

Speaker 7 (24:30):
Let me tell you, you are never going to be
bored living there.

Speaker 4 (24:34):
That sounds good to me. Let's talk about the Egyptians.
They mummified food. Of course, the Egyptians believed in the
afterlife and that the soul continued to exist in the
afterlife and therefore required sustenance. They preserved various meats, including goat, beef, duck,

and poultry, to ensure souls did not go hungry in
the hereafter. The process of mummifying food was remarkably similar
to that used for human mummies. First, the food was
carefully cured with salt to remove moisture and prevent decay.
This was a crucial step, as the Egyptians considered libations sacred. Next,

the item was coated with a layer of fat, resin
or beeswax, which safeguarded the food against environmental factors. Remember,
the modern refrigeration as we know it wouldn't be invented
for another several millennia. After preservation, these snacks were carefully
wrapped in bandages which held great divine significance connecting to

the idea of resurrection. The offerings were placed in royal
tombs and temples. This practice was part of burial rituals,
ensuring the deceased had access to plenty of sustenance in
the afterlife. In addition, the mummified foods served as a
gesture of gratitude for the food that had nourished them

throughout their earthly existence. Are you getting hungry? It's time
for a quick break. We'll be right back. You're listening
to Shades of the Afterlife on the iHeartRadio and Coast
to Coast AM Paranormal podcast Network.

Speaker 2 (26:27):
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Speaker 6 (27:01):
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Speaker 5 (27:09):
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Speaker 4 (27:12):
Now go to Coast to Coast am dot com for details.

Speaker 2 (27:24):
Hey, it's not your sky and you're listening to the
iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast am Aronormal Podcast Network.

Speaker 4 (27:46):
Welcome back to Shades of the Afterlife. I'm Sandras Champlain.
Next we're going to hear some words from one of
my favorite people who lives in the afterlife. You've asked
for more of Eric, who comes through ants medium Scott Milligan,
and has for over twenty years almost every Friday, going

on five years now. We've had extraordinary conversations where you
can ask your questions to mister Eric before we hear
his words. Here's a joke for you. A skeleton walks
into a bar and says, give me a beer and
a mop. Okay, let's continue our episode about food in

the Afterlife with mister Eric, followed by a bit of
reading from the book They Serve Bagels in Heaven.

Speaker 5 (28:37):
Hello, Eric, it's been a tough year. I lost my
son last year. I'm doing as well as I can.

Speaker 6 (28:44):
Oh, my then, may I say this to you. I
understand how you wish to relay this, but no one
has ever lost You know your son lives strong within
all reality. Nothing is lost. If you are to have

a child within our world, be proud to know that
your child will never know war and never no pain.
Not how it was understand that for me, my friend,
Now I've be deeply rude. What is your inquiry?

Speaker 5 (29:28):
Thank you very much for the words of comfort. My
daughter recently had a medium reading and the medium said
that they can't taste food on the other side, but
they can have a memory of food. And my son
was a serious foodie.

Speaker 6 (29:44):
And I leave little.

Speaker 5 (29:47):
Offerings of food and drink for my son and my father.
So my question is can you taste food in the afterlife?

Speaker 6 (29:56):
Well, my friend, what a wonderful question, and how wonderful
it is for you to still involve such a ritual. Now,
my friend, I have to say to you the medium
has to be right in this capacity, because one consumes
food to keep the physical body strong, but certain food

may not be as good taste and therefore may be rejected.
So within our reality we have no need for substance
of the physical body, but we can carry the memory.
If it was pleasing for one to have a banquet,
to have so many people brought together over a good supper,

then so be it. It is a memory and for
pleasing foot all. When you place your tokens out for
your dear boy, you are bringing into your awareness and
know that he still exists. For my friend, it is
healing for yourself, but enjoyment for us. What will be

more beneficial, my dear, even though you may not like
the taste, is to say this is for you and
to eat it yourself, because, my friend, it is the memory.
It is the experience that involves your son. I know,
my friend, many people place the devil's brew, and you

know what I mean by the devil's brew. Alcohol always
brings out the little devil in everyone. So when one passes,
they drink the devil's brew in memory and say this
fund is for you, and they share in the memory
of what it was like I myself was very fond

of chestnuts, especially at Christmas time when they are roasted.
It was mouth water into me then, and the memory
is still mouth water into me now. Now. If we
are able to come back in visitation in a certain
environment known as a seance, and become partially if not materialized,

we are able to take an object and keep it
within our consciousness. Or if we are to take the
bite of the apple, we are able to experience a texture,
We're able to experience the memory of the taste of it.
It is not then ingested by ourselves, it is then

ingested within the bloodstream of the media arm. So there
are times when we can eat under a physical seance,
and there are other times that we can only share
in memory. But what you are doing when you say
to your son and your husband this is for you.

You are telling them they are not forgotten. They are
still very much loved. So was your son an expert
in cooking or did it rest upon your shoulders?

Speaker 5 (33:20):
He was a very big cook, and he was an
organic gardener, so he made unusual dishes, like I had
the best cauliflower mashed potatoes. They were so delicious. He
was a very good cook.

Speaker 6 (33:34):
Oh, then, my friend, when it is your time to
join them, let him make from his memory a wonderful
feast to say, mother, put your feet up and let
me care for you. And so, my dear I know

the words lost has been used. Change that, and your
son has migrated to our world, and he will have
the table set for your arrival. I was lost you
now when I started to fail in health. My dear

wife was able to share her knowledge. But we had
other people who were able to look after us. We
were in the point of wealth where we employed others
to cook and to clean and to dress. And in
our world now I am the one that cleans the

shoes of others. I am the one that will take
the scraps from the table. Because my friend, I wanted
to have a new experience. My family have joined me
and is still distance. Family is still living in your world,

and I will see them again physically when they come
to our side of life. I have not lost anyone.
I thank God that they have been part of my journey,
and no one will ever separate me from their love again. So,

my friend, if that is pleasing for you, and if
it is your tradition, may I ask this of you.
If it costs you coin, then do not do it.
But if my words are pleasing for you, will you
have a chestnut for myself.

Speaker 5 (35:48):
I will have chestnuts and get fresh ones and I
will roast them for you. Thank you very much for
the words of comfort.

Speaker 6 (35:56):
Then I have done my duty. I've been very rule
to ask for something. But my find if it brings
you enjoyment, let me enjoy your love as well. Thank you, so,
my dear. If that is pleasing for you, as time
is against me, let us move along.

Speaker 4 (36:18):
Thank you, Thank you, Linda.

Speaker 6 (36:21):
This will be my last inquiry, my fin.

Speaker 4 (36:24):
Okay, I would like to ask it just on behalf
of several people who are just wondering. Is the unseen
world that you live physical like our world is physical?

Speaker 6 (36:33):
Oh yes, my fin. Your world seems to be the
dream and mine is the reality. Of course, when I
was alive, the shoe was on the other foot. My
world of love light that awaited me was a Christian world,
the natuality. When I did move from your existence to

the world that awaits me, I wasn't disappointed, but I
believed I did wrong. It was not how it was painted,
it was not what it has shared. It was like
your world, but everyone seemed to like one another. Everyone

knew one another. We did not have separation of language,
we did not have the cruel imprisonment of time. Animals
spoke to me, Trees seemed to answer back, and I
realized that this is the reality. When I look at you,

I see what I perceived to be a specter, a phantom,
a ghost. You're not physically there. I can see you,
but I can see through you, and I can see
the truth you. But you look at me, and you

may not see me. You may hear or fill my presence,
and it makes us film like were world's apart. But
your world is a distant memory. My world is the reality.
Your world is the reality, and my world seems to

be your fantasy. If that is true, let us meet
in the realms of fantasy. Let us speak together in
this moment. As I reflect upon the past, you speak
with the future. Not the future of your world, but
the future of where you're going. I survive death, and

so will you. You will move from your residence to
our residence, and you will fill the best you have
ever felt. And you will look back on your life,
and you will look at the title of death, and
you will say, what was all the fuss about. It

was living that was difficult, and you will survive, and
you will thrive and you will be strong.

Speaker 4 (39:24):
I'd like to thank mister Eric for those kind and
informative words. And to the mom whose son has migrated
to the other side. She's a beautiful soul and her
son has now come through many times during readings and
to herself. So let's take our break and then we'll
come back and find out about bagels in Heaven. You're

listening to Shades of the Afterlife on the iHeartRadio and
Coast to Coast AM Paranormal podcast network.

Speaker 1 (40:03):
Don't go anywhere, there's more Shades of the Afterlife coming
right up.

Speaker 4 (40:14):
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AM official YouTube channel has now reached over three hundred
thousand subscribers. You can listen to the first hour of
recent and past shows for free, so head on over
to the Coast to coastam dot com website and hit
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Speaker 9 (40:50):
Hey, everyone, it's the Wizard of Weird Joshua P. Warren,
and you're listening to the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast
AM Normal Podcast Network.

Speaker 4 (41:15):
Welcome back to Shades of the Afterlife. I'm Sandra Champlain. Next,
I'd like to introduce you to a woman named Irene Wineberg.
She's a public speaker and host of a popular podcast
called Grief and Rebirth Finding the Joy in Life. Her
book is titled They Serve Bagels in Heaven. I recommend

her book, her podcast. You can find her at Irenewineberg
dot com. But in this segment, I just want to
play a few minutes of her telling the beginning of
her story, and then I'd like to read to you
part of her book. So here's Irene.

Speaker 3 (41:56):
I love sharing my story because I was such a
So if there are people who are like, is this real?
Does this really happen? Yeah, it's real, it happens. And
I was the biggest non believer.

Speaker 6 (42:10):
I had a.

Speaker 3 (42:11):
Sister in law who was very spiritual. At the time
of this accident, my husband and I weren't talking to her.
We thought she was crazy. That was before I became
more enlightened and spiritual and gave up judgment and gave
up all that kind of thing. But we thought she
was cuckoo. And then I had this unbelievable experience and
who could I talk to? It was her, And today

we are besties. We've shared this journey together. So I'll
start from the beginnings. I was not a believer in
any of this. My husband and I we were traditional
Jewish people. So there's a tradition that you visit a gravesite,
you put a stone on the grave, you say some peers.
I didn't know if anyone heard me or what was
going on. I followed my tradition, and one day I

was standing at my kitchen sink washing a.

Speaker 10 (42:57):
Dish, which I guess you could think of as being
sort of meditative, and all of a sudden a thought
came into my head that wasn't my thought, and it said,
Saul has to go.

Speaker 3 (43:08):
Many lessons will be learned from his death. And I
looked around him and I said, what am I thinking?
What is this? And I brought my husband a glass
of water. He was watching a football game on TV.
I kissed the top of his head and put it
out of my mind. But you never forget something like that.
Two months later, we were coming home from a ski

weekend and the car suddenly went into a huge swerve
and I looked over and my husband, Saul, was sound
asleep at the wheel, and I called out to him.
He woke up and he saw what was happening, and
he went to pull the car out of the swerve.
We were going seventy two miles an hour, and when
he went to pull the car out of the swerve,

instead of writing itself, the car started to rise up
into the air for the first of fourth lips. And
as we rose the first time, everything was landing very
hard on the right side. So as a consequence, I
was conscious through everything, but all my injuries I had
forced operations were all on my right side because every

time the car hit something got hurt. But as we
lift it off the first time and landed and bound
so hard that we looked it off a second time,
a third time, and a fourth time. The second time,
another message came into my head and it said, he's
not going to make it. You are now I'm flipping
up in the air and I get this message, and

for that period of time and that flip I left
my body.

Speaker 4 (44:39):
It became very, very black around me, but.

Speaker 3 (44:41):
I was conscious in everything. I'm told that. I accompanied
my husband to the portal, and they gave me this
assignment that we had planned that if certain things didn't
work out in this lifetime we're soul mates many times over,
that we would work together. From each side of the veil.

I looked over at Saul, I said, Solly, are you okay?
And I saw what I had been told had happened.
I was next to the shelf of my husband. His
entire beautiful spirit was gone. And before grieving set in
or anything like that, I got in that.

Speaker 4 (45:19):
Moment, Oh my god, we go on.

Speaker 3 (45:22):
I had gotten the messages. There is so much more,
and I felt like he must be with me right now.
I see helicopter land and these EMTs jump out of
the helicopter and they're rolling my car because we were
off the side of the road and we held up
traffic on that throughway for two and a half hours.
And they righted the car and one of them put

his hands through my shattered window. I'll never forget it,
and did my seatbelt, turned me around, start pulling me
by my shoulders through the window of my car. And
at that moment, I get a message in a male
voice that boom into my head and it says, be
loving and kind to everyone, like a directive. As they

laid me on the side of the road. When they
took me from the helicopter into the trauma center, the
surgeon comes over to me and he says to me,
I have to tell you that your husband's gone. And
I felt like Saul was right there, and I said, doc,
I am the luckiest woman in the world that I

had this man in my life.

Speaker 4 (46:28):
I'm going to stop Irene right there because I want
to do some reading from her book. Poor Irene had
a torn artery, had to have blood transfusions and more
after this accident, but she went on to continue having
these spiritually transformative experiences. Yes, she did turn to her

sister in law, who they at one time thought was
crazy for believing in all these things, and she visited
several mediums and received so much precise evidence that no
one else could possibly know. So she knew in her
heart that her husband saw lived on. Irene Weinberg's book

is titled They Serve Bagels in Heaven. One couple's story
of love, eternity and the cosmic importance of everyday life. Now,
one of the mediums she visited was able to channel
Saul and bring through his words from him in the afterlife,

again giving evidence that no one else could possibly know.
So I'd like to read this part of him arriving
in heaven and the part about the bagels. I think
my soul left even before my body died. The pain
of living had become such a burden. In the sudden
moment filled me with profound relief. The last earthly recollection

is driving and then this immense loosening and lightning for
an instant anyway, then Irene called out my name, pulling
me far enough back into my body so I could
handle this accident in a way that made sure she
lived through it. That was my final gut instinct to

steer the car so the accident would be the least
destructive to her, and to make sure no one else
would be harmed. I also knew in every fiber of
my being this absolutely would be the last time I
would hear her call my name. After the accident, I
left my body and I was outside the car. From

where I stood, I could see my body slumped over
the steering wheel. Even though I knew something awful had happened.
All I could focus on was Irene. Was she all right?
Was she going to live? As I looked around for help,
I began to realize that while I was seeing, hearing,
and thinking, I had no body. But there wasn't time

to process this wacky thought, because Irene was in mortal danger.
If I had any faculties left at all, I was
going to use them to help her. Despite my concern,
it dawned on me that my wife, the car, and
the bare winter trees weren't all I could see. Surrounding

Irene was a brilliant emerald and blue light that extended
to the growing number of people who had stopped to help.
It permeated each and every one of them with a
magnificent purple light. More than the beauty and wonder of
this light was that it held within it angels, honest
to God, angels. In that instant, I understood they were

there to protect us, all of us, Before they helped
me cross over. My knowing, somehow came through the intensity
of the radiance in which which they held me. The
warmth and strength of that radiance reassured me, helping me
accept the fact that my life force. My bodyless soul

was now safely cocooned in love and light. My angels
steadied me as they showed me in a devastating flash,
all of the hours and days, months and even years
that lay ahead for Irene without me. I saw how
she would eventually blossom into a new life, and in
the end I would be there to greet her in heaven.

With this image before me, I could see why our
love would never die, that the cord would keep us
connected even all the way from Earth to heaven. My
mother was waiting for me with open arms. I hadn't
seen her since she had died when I was sixteen,
and I had missed her every day of my life.
Now Here she stood for me to hug and hold again.

I imagine it took all of the concentration and she
could muster to shape her soul fibers back into her
old physical being. My wonderful, loving mom even managed to
manifest her favorite house stress and hairdo just for me.
She helped me in a soul embrace, a communion really

of our conscious senses of each other's being. I have
never had such a warm, accepting welcome, not anywhere her
warmth and kindness steadied me, preparing me to meet my
angels and stand before my loving source. After we hugged
for what felt like forever, my angels led us to

a deli where we had coffee and bagels. Imagine what
a shock that was to realize I had traveled god
knows how far from the only life I could remember,
to discover that, even up in heaven, I could still
get a cup of coffee and a bagel. Yes, the

memory of all the times I'd shared food with my
mother steadied me further. I began to feel enough like
my old self to start laughing with her and teasing
her all the ways I used to. She had always
been so serious, so worried about my father, and that
teasing had always been a way for us to comfort

each other. I felt deeply grateful for her as I
began to face this new passage in my life. I'll
stop right there. But that's from the book. They serve
bagels in Heaven. It is very heartfelt, touching, even funny,
these stories between Irene and Saul. I think we might

be in agreement that there is food in the afterlife
and a lot of other pleasures. But while we're here
on Earth. Let's all do our best to be present
in the moment, enjoy each one of our five senses
the best we can with our physical body. Don't forget
to come visit me atweedotdie dot com. Join me for

one of our free Sunday gatherings with medium demonstration included.
I'm Sandra Champlain. Thank you so much for listening to
Shades of the Afterlife on the iHeartRadio and Coast to
Coast AM Paranormal Podcast Network.

Speaker 1 (53:35):
And if you like this episode of Shades of the Afterlife,
wait until you hear the next one. Thank you for
listening to the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast AM Paranormal
Podcast Network.

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