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May 24, 2024 53 mins

Is it possible to hear the voices of our loved ones again? Join Sandra and find the answer!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast DAM paranormal
podcast network. No, I'll get ready for another episode of
Shades of the Afterlife with Sandra Champlain.

Speaker 2 (00:12):
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your needs.

Speaker 3 (00:39):

Speaker 4 (00:39):
I'm Sandra Champlain. For over twenty five years, I've been
on a journey to prove the existence of life after death.
On each episode, we'll discuss the reasons we now know
that our loved ones have survived physical debt, and so
will we. Welcome to Shades of the Afterlife this week.

Seventy years ago, a runner by the name of Roger
Banister became the first man to break the four minute
mile record, which was previously thought impossible. His time was
three minutes fifty nine point four seconds. It was common
belief up till then that nobody could beat that record,

so nobody ever did. Once Banister beat the record. Then
it was achievable by so many and the fastest person
currently alive does it in it three minutes and forty
three seconds. When we look at the airplane, those two
persistent brothers, Orville and Wilbur Wright were the first to
fly December seventeenth, nineteen oh three, another feat that was

previously thought impossible. Much of our economy and our lives
are based on air travel. Right where would we be
without it? Would you agree right now that our beliefs
can dictate what is possible in our life lives. Let's
talk about afterlife communication right now. Beliefs are changing about it,

and I've seen so many people come through our online
medium classes so effectively giving evidence and messages from loved ones.
I often share stories with you of those meditating to connect,
doing inspired writing, electronic voice phenomena, receiving signs and telepathic

messages from people in the afterlife trying to connect. Like
Runner Roger Banister, I think all we need to do
is hear that one person can do it, and then
we think, hey, if they can do it, I can
do it. That brings me to our subject today. A
few weeks ago, I shared a sound clip from a

man named Leslie Flint, who was called an independent direct
voice medium, so he could bring through voices of deceased
loved ones for people to talk to. These voices were
independent of Leslie's He was often tested. They would even
put diye in his mouth and tape his mouth shut,

and these voices would still come out of the darkness
and people could have a conversation with their loved one.
Leslie Flint was a man who came from a very
tough childhood, but made his life about helping people believe
in the afterlife. He never asked for much, he didn't
get rich, and now there are thousands of recordings of

conversations people held with their loved ones through his mediumship.
My question to you is this, do you think by
hearing Leslie's story today that it might open up your mind?
Like can this happen again? And if this kind of
thing is possible, what else is possible in the world

of the afterlife. Many people are still living like the
four minute mile cannot be beat. They live like there's
no evidence of the afterlife. But if you've been listening
to shades of the afterlife for a while and doing
your own afterlife investigation. You know, the afterlife is real,

that our loved ones are still around and we can
communicate with them. And this is what I've dedicated my
life to. Leslie Flint's book is titled Voices in the
Dark and you can hear hundreds of these recordings I
mentioned at Leslieflint dot com. I think the best way
to tell you the story of Leslie Flint is to

read to you his obituary. Leslie Walter Flint Medium born
London nineteen eleven died Hove, West Sussex, sixteenth of April
nineteen ninety four. In his heyday, which was before the
war and some twenty five years after it, Leslie Flint

was one of Britain's best known spiritualists. He possessed the
rarer distinction of being a direct voice medium. Flint used
no trumpets or other paraphernalia. Though sitting in total darkness.
He did his work wide awake, not in a trance.
Those who flocked to him could engage if conditions were right,

in fluent conversation with others, family and friends, strangers and
the well known, all of them passed over who manifested
themselves in space voice only around Flint's solid, if unseen presence,
As he said, a little above my head and slightly

to one side. The mood was not at all solemn.
Leslie Flint took his inexplicable gifts sensibly and objectively, sometimes lightheartedly,
especially when conversing with his familiar, a child named Mickey,
who had been run down in a street accident in
Camden Town back in the nineteen tens. This perky and

impertinent boy would engage his master in chit chat and
occasionally turn his sharp tongue on a dozen or so
guests round the Big Paddington drawing room, or, when Flint's
health had permitted him to tour earlier decades, packing the churches,
halls and theaters in hundreds and thousands all over Britain,

the continent of Europe, and in America, the dead became
a normal part of his world early and enduringly. Aged eight,
he saw the apparently solid figure of a deceased uncle
in his granny's kitchen, and around the same time grew
aware that the voices whispering all around him at the
cinema in the Silent Era hadn't paid for their admission.

He was by turns a cemetery gardener, a grave digger,
a semi professional dancer, a cinema usher and a barman
before he found his medium, so to speak, and founded
a spiritualist circle in Sydney Grove Hendon with the aim
of providing evidence of the continuity of life after physical

death by the demonstration of his psychic gifts. From that
time in the mid nineteen thirties, Flint took off and
was soon filling the biggest halls in London and answering
mail bags of letters. He willingly submitted to numerous tests
to disprove accusations of ventriloquism or other deceptions. In one,

he held a measured quantity of colored water in his
mouth throughout a seance. In another, a throat microphone registered
no vibrations from his larynx while the voices continued to talk.
He allowed anyone who liked to to record his seances.
The famous were no stranger to him. Rudolph Valentino often came.

Others included Leslie Howard, Cosmo Lang, the late Archbishop of Canterbury,
and Queen Victoria. An important calling card for the invitation
that came to Flint to take tea at Kensington Palace
with the Queen's daughter, Princess Louise. Unsurprisingly, Flint was a
conscious objector and served in a non combatant regiment for

part of the Second World War, and then worked briefly
in the coal mines. Though he much preferred the sedentary
darkness of his psychic occupation, the famous were vastly outnumbered
by the spirit voices of the anonymous, ordinary people speaking
messages of hope, comfort, or occasional clairvoyance to their friends

and relatives. I attended several sittings. They were always held
in pitch dark, Flint explaining that he extruded ectoplasm, which
was formed into the etheric voice box for the dead
to relay their words, and any sudden intrusion of light
would send it recoiling back into him like a kick

in the midrifft, potentially very dangerous. Mickey came through introducing
the speakers. Though tolerantly skeptical, I concede that those which
addressed me claiming acquaintance with a recently deceased parent, answered
test questions about childhood, family and pets with fluency and accuracy.

They did not seem to need to pause for breaths.
Flint's heavy breathing was audible, and he sometimes talked over
the voices. No charge beyond tea and biscuits money was
asked for in these group sessions. Leslie Flint presumably made
a satisfactory living out of private sittings and a book,

Voices in the Dark, that he co authored with Doreen
Montgomery in nineteen seventy one. With advancing age, bronchitis, and
other infirmities, his powers became unreliable, the voices faded, and
last month their remarkable conductor himself died quietly by the sea.

I like to think, however, that we have not heard
the last of him. That was written by Alexander Walker
on the ninth of May nineteen ninety four. While we're
together today, I want to read to you Leslie Flint's
words so we can get a little bit of an
idea of who he was and the tough upbringing that

he went through. In the next segment, however, you're going
to hear the words from Carl Jackson Barnes. He's the
curator of the Leslie Flint Trust, that online presence with
thousands of recordings. We'll hear a few recordings in the
next segment together, but because the quality of the taping

isn't so great again, these are from the nineteen fifties, sixties, forties,
that you'll get a taste of those words. And then
I think it's more important to hear some of these
words from Leslie Flint himself, obviously through me reading them,
but to open up that conversation. Like I said in

the beginning, if this was possible once, could this be
possible again? In your spare time, go to Leslieflint dot
com and you can listen to so many recordings, and
you can also read the transcripts as you are listening.
I have right by my side a copy of the

book Voices in the Dark by Leslie Flint. On the
back cover of the book, Leslie writes, I think I
can safely say I am the most tested medium this
country has ever produced. I have been boxed up, tied up,
sealed up, gagged, bound and held, and yet the voices
still came to speak to their loved ones their message

of eternal life. It also says, Voices in the Dark
contains quite astounding evidence of survival after death, and it
simply cannot be explained away. No one who reads this
volume will ever reasonably doubt that the afterlife exists and
is a reality for all, be they known or unknown.

It is time for our first break, and when we
get back, you'll hear from Leslie Flint dot Com curator
Carl Jackson Barnes. You're listening to Shades of the Afterlife
on the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast, a m pirinormal
podcast network.

Speaker 2 (13:04):
Don't go anywhere, There's more Shades of the Afterlife coming
right up.

Speaker 1 (13:19):
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Speaker 5 (13:49):
The best afterlife information you can get.

Speaker 4 (13:51):
Well, you're a long Shades of the Afterlife with Sander Champlain.
Welcome back to Shades of the Afterlife. I'm Sandra Champlain.

This is Voices in the Dark, the story of Leslie Flint,
Carl Jackson Barnes, you'll hear from next. He's studied mediumship
in the UK for over thirty years. He's the editor
and publisher of Psychic book Club Publishing and manages the
Leslie Flint Trust website. So he knows more than anyone.

Let's hear from him in his own words.

Speaker 5 (14:41):
Back in nineteen eighty four, I'd read a book called
Life After Death, which became a bestseller written by UK
journalists called Neville Randall, and that was about the mediumship
of Leslie Flint. Flint was a physical medium in the
UK who was able to allow spirit people to speak
in their own voices channeled, but they came through a

spirit made artificial voice box. Now I've got a clip,
an audio clip I'd like to play. I've sent himself
talking very briefly at only a few seconds, where he
talks about how this communication, this type of mediumship works.

Speaker 3 (15:18):
The voices are quite independent. This has been proven scientifically
by all men of tests over.

Speaker 6 (15:23):
Many many years.

Speaker 3 (15:24):
The voice to speak sometimes at a distance from me,
sometimes in my vicinity, but the voices themselves are quite
clear card and separate from me as an individual. I
have nothing to do with it, and get them quite normal.
I talk to the voices, and sometimes I'm heard to
speak at the same time. Sometimes you can hear me coughing,
because I said, for the chest contains I regret as
a open cough during a session, and there's opencasts for

a voicemen.

Speaker 5 (15:46):
It's speaking now. That was the voice of the medium himself,
describing how his mediumship works on an old radio show
to Ald about nineteen seventy one. But reading Neville Randall's
book about Flint's work, I noticed it can transcripts from
actual recordings. So these were the actual words of dead people.
And in nineteen eighty four, I'm reading this, I'm a teenager,

but it blew my mind. I couldn't believe it. Could
it be real? Could it all be fake? Was this
guy putting the voices on? Did he have friends in
another room and they had equipment and microphones and all
the rest of it. But later on it was actually
nineteen ninety eight I found the Leslie Flint Trust website,
and this website was full of audio recordings of these

spirit voices. Mister Flint passed away himself in nineteen ninety four.
I never actually got the chance to see him. I
wish I had, because I could have gone. I just
didn't have the nerve, to be honest, to go and
see him. I didn't think I'd be taken seriously. But
having found this website, I found that there were all
kinds of recordings of all kinds of different people recorded

live talking about how they arrived in the spirit world
or in the afterlife, and how they got on with
their time there and what they did. And it was
so exciting. I began recommending this Flintress website to everybody,
and I bought multiple copies of Neville Randall's book Life
After Death, and I gave copies away to friends and
anyone I thought was interested. I couldn't believe my ears.

I really thought it was amazing. Now I've also got
for you two or three very very short recordings I
have Leslie flint seances. There are only a few seconds each.
He worked, if you like, as a medium for about
sixty years. It was his life, and he had hundreds
of people would visit him. They would travel for miles.
They may have been in London. He was in London,

but they came from the parts of the world, from
the States, from Europe, from Australia, New Zealand all over,
and they came to see him in the hope that
they could speak to their own loved ones, of.

Speaker 4 (17:44):
Course, And let me just ask Carl Leslie was tested,
wasn't he just to make sure that there is no
fraud involved and wrong? He was very highly tested.

Speaker 5 (17:53):
That's right. Over years, in the first probably twenty years,
he was tested numerous times with the technology that was
a very well at the time. So we're talking about
the nineteen thirties, forties and fifties and on into the seventies.
He had throat microphones, his mouth was taped up, all
kinds of things were tried, and the voices still came.
Now people have said some strange things in that, well,

if the voice isn't coming through his vocal organs through
his throat, it must be coming through his stomach, which
is the most ridiculous thing you could imagine. So the
skeptics or those that were completely baffled by this kind
of mechanism of mediumship were desperately trying to find an alternative.

They were saying he was a ventriloquist. They were saying
there were accomplices. But mister Flint, his mediumship wasn't dependent
on the location. He would be invited to public halls
and he would demonstrate in front of hundreds of people,
or he would be invited to a private home and
he'd arrive and there'd be three or four people there,

and still the spirit voices would come, so location didn't matter.
Leslie Flint had one main regular spirit that would come through.
He called himself Mickey. Mickey was a communicator with hidden depths.
He came across as a cockney Londoner or a London
cockney a youngster, and Micky actually talked about his life

and he said that he was killed about the age
of eleven, around about nineteen ten. He used to sell
newspapers outside one of the London tube stations and he
was killed in a traffic accident. But he became Leslie
Flint's initial speaker. He would always be there before other
communicators would come through. So Micky's often heard on Flint

recordings saying hello, as everybody, We've got somebody here for you.
I'll come back later. But often Micky would speak for
half an hour to an hour about various subjects. He
would address those presents, but the most interesting thing for
me is that whoever was communicating from the spirit world
at a Leslie Flint recording or sitting, mister Flint would

also interact. He'd be involved. He wasn't in a trance,
he wasn't asleep. He would talk with them. He would
listen quietly, because if the communication was a private thing
between the person who had booked the sitting and the
spirit communicator, mister Flint would keep out of it. But
if the opportunity arose, he would laugh at the jokes

and he would get involved in the conversation. So there
was no trance involved. The reality of it is just
too much for some people. I find it amazing and
I still question him years later. But here's a very
short clip of Mickey talking to those in the room
from about nineteen seventy two.

Speaker 7 (20:35):
This one all the nice Girls the same was a
night girls rather time dol aguin short. See and you're

seeing ya ya, Yeah, mummy, she loves hudents, just see them.
And she wasn't feeling too good. She sent her sitting
in a chair and sort of singing herself.

Speaker 5 (21:11):
That was Mickey, But at that point, towards the end
of that recording, he would then allow in this case,
the gentleman that was speaking his mother in the spirit
world to come through and take over the conversation. So
Micky introduced people, but he would interact with those sitting
there and have a laugh and a joke with them
to hopefully break the ice and help people relax. We

have Mickey as a regular communicator introducing those that come
through later. Now, mister Flint had a lot of other
people's loved ones coming through for communications, but he also
had a lot of well known people coming through. This
very short clip is a voice which is in my estimation,
is nothing like mister Flint's voice at all, and it's
the voice of somebody who passed away in nineteen forty eight,

gentleman called Mahat mcgandhy. Gandhy was killed in nineteen forty eight,
but this recording, I think is from about nineteen sixty two.
I remember rightly the man's happiness.

Speaker 8 (22:09):
He's in the knowledge and the realization of the life
that he took up.

Speaker 6 (22:15):
The life is that the training ground.

Speaker 8 (22:19):
It is about the school in which man hast learned
the lesson which will in sequence give him the opportunity
to inherit the kingdom of living. There is so much
ignorance in your work. So few as students, so few
are prepared to learn, so many as selfishent and foolish news.

Speaker 5 (22:43):
To There was an awful lot of philosophical communications came
through as well. Also, remember that because mister Flint was
recording his silences or settings for fifty years, there are
thousands of them. And there's one more, very brief one
before I talk about what I've been doing recently, that

i'd like you to hear a husband and wife very private.
You've got Leslie Flint in his chair in the room
in his home in London. And then the gentleman that
traveled from Sweden. His home in Sweden came over to
London to see Flint on a regular basis for about
fifty or sixty occasions, to speak to his wife who

had died previously. This is a lady called Annie Nanjee.
She was European, a husband was Indian, although they lived
in Sweden. Now Annie's speaking to her husband.

Speaker 6 (23:36):
Here we are.

Speaker 9 (23:39):
You, and I know that this is not the end
and the end it used to be, and wonderful exist
when I come to you in the flat.

Speaker 5 (23:52):
I wish I could do certain.

Speaker 8 (23:53):
Things to make you.

Speaker 9 (23:56):
See and hear me.

Speaker 10 (23:58):
I know you, I know who said that.

Speaker 9 (24:01):
I wish you could see with your prime and you
could hear it with your ears when I come and
I try to see me.

Speaker 4 (24:10):
When you come here, I can talk with you. And
I wish I could do.

Speaker 5 (24:14):
This at all.

Speaker 9 (24:15):
That is what I would like, Sue much.

Speaker 5 (24:18):
Now, that to me is quite in a way, it
can be quite emotional because if you're listening to it
from the communicators point of view, she's saying, I want
you to see me, I want you to hear me,
but I have to come to a medium like this
for us to communicate. I think I've got about fifty
or sixty recordings of this married couple talking privately, and

they do want us to know that they're around. It's
not a one way thing. They're happy to help us,
they're happy to support us in whatever we do. And
if we're sad, they're sad. And if we're happy, they're happy.
That relationship, that connection never ends. And listening to recordings
like this of what I believe are genuine spirit unicts

talking in this way, it makes it more real.

Speaker 4 (25:04):
I realize that those aren't easy to understand, but I
still wanted you to hear them, just to repeat what
Gandhi said. Man's happiness is in the knowledge and the
realization of the life that is to come. The earth
life is but the training ground. It is the school
in which man must learn the lesson which will, in

consequence give him the opportunity to inherit the kingdom of
the Living Father. There is so much ignorance in the world,
so few are students, so few are prepared to learn.
And in the words of Annie Nanji, she said, death
is not the end. It is the beginning of a

greater and more wonderful existence. We'll take our next break now,
and when we come back, I'd like to do some
reading from the book Voices of the Dark, just to
get a taste of the man Leslie Flint was. We'll
be right back. You're listening to Shades of the Afterlife
on the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast AM Paranormal podcast network.

Speaker 2 (26:21):
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Speaker 10 (26:49):
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Speaker 5 (26:55):
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Now go to Coast to Coast am dot com for details.

Speaker 10 (27:20):
Hey, it's not your skuy and you're listening to the
iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast AM ARONUMO podcast Network.

Speaker 4 (27:42):
Welcome back to Shades of the Afterlife. I'm Sandra Champlain
and this episode is dedicated to Leslie Flint, the incredible
medium who would sit with thousands of people in the dark.
Even though he was able to maintain a conversation, voices
of their loved ones would come in and they'd be
able to speak with them. So I'd like to read

some of his words from the book Voices in the Dark,
and then also tell you his story. I'm reminded that
so many times people have a terrible start in life,
Awful things happen, and then they go on to do
some pretty great things. So let's start out with some
words from Leslie in chapter one. In spite of a

childhood that would give any modern child psychiatrist nightmares, I
have reached the age of fifty nine without falling prey
to neurosis, psychosis, or even the screaming mimis. I am
a happy man. I have friends who delight me, hobbies
to absorb me, and I find satisfaction and fulfillment in

my work. I do my work by sitting wide awake
in total darkness with other people. I am a medium.
I have the rare gift known as independent direct voice.
I do not speak in trance. I need no trumpets
or other paraphernalia. The voices of the dead speak directly
to their friends or relatives, and are located in a

space a little above my head and slightly to one
side of me. They are objective voices which my sitters
can record on their own tape recorders to play later
in the privacy of their homes. Sometimes those who speak
from beyond the grave achieve only a whisper, hoarse and strained.
At other times, they speak clearly and fluently, and voices

recognizably during their own life, and even after thirty five
years of my mediumship, I do not fully understand what
the conditions which cause the phenomena to vary in this way.
I do know I have learned more about life and
people and human problems and emotions by sitting in the
dark than I could have possibly learned in any other way.

And those who have taught me the most are people
who dead to this world are living in the next.
It seems to me, after entering my sixtieth year, it
is time to set down on paper the story of
my strange talent and the life it has led me.
And where better to begin than the beginning. My mother

was much too beautiful for her own good. She loved
pleasure and admiration, so no one in the dingy street
where she lived with her widowed mother was surprised when
she left her job in a local factory and disappeared
from her usual haunts. Leslie goes on to tell the
story of his mother and grandmother in this chapter, but basically,

Leslie's mother was unmarried. When she realized she was pregnant,
she left her home and gave birth to Leslie in
a Salvation Army home. When she eventually returned home. She
married Leslie's father. Unfortunately, that marriage was unsuccessful. His mom
enjoyed the bright lights of town and keeping company with others,

and his father drank most of his wages and put
the rest on horses, which never seemed to win. When
the war broke out in nineteen fourteen, Leslie's father was
one of the first to enlist, simply to get away
from what he called the domestic hell he lived in.
From this time onwards, his mom would go out every

evening and deposit young Leslie with the wife of a
local cinema manager. This situation, however, came to an end,
and when Leslie's mother eloped with one of her many admirers,
and Leslie reports that she disappeared from my life. He
was then brought up by his wonderful grandmother, who could

unfortunately not read or write, and she did her best
to wash people's clothes to feed that extra mouth that
she had taken in. In his book, Leslie relates his
childhood wondering about God in the afterlife. During this period
of his life, Leslie had the first realization of his
psychic abilities. He said he saw a soldier who then

vanished from his eyes, and later he was shown a
photograph of his uncle who had been killed. He told
his aunt and grandmother this was the same man he
had seen in his vision, but unfortunately they didn't want
to know about it, and they didn't want him to
talk like this. Shortly after Leslie reached thirteen, he left

school and worked as a gardener in the local cemetery.
Leslie also worked as a grave digger, and in that
time really started questioning life and death. After seeing so
many people being buried, he saw a notice of a
church called a Theosophical Society and decided to attend. He says,

most of the discourse passed right over my devoted head. Nonetheless,
the speaker mentioned the subject of life after death, but
warned the audience to avoid spiritualism and the activity of
communicating with the dead. Leslie was fascinated by such an idea.
Instead of avoiding the topic, he went out to find

these spiritualists. Leslie eventually found a spiritualist church and the
medium was a lady named Missus Johnson. The medium told
Leslie about his art teacher who had been deceased, who
was like a father figure to him. She accurately described

this man, and of course Leslie knew that there's no
possible way she could have known that. Missus Johnson also
went into great detail about Leslie's guide and said he
was Arabian the Arab and as this story unfolds, one
of the main communicators that works through Leslie Flint is

an actor named Rudolph Valentino, who unfortunately passed away at
the age of thirty one, but he was known for
playing an Arab in the movie The Sheikh, and again,
Leslie loved the cinema, so he was quite fond of
this man. Leslie continued to explore different churches and people

who claimed they could talk to the dead. He found
the good and he found the bad. He even nicknamed
people body snatchers. There are people still today in medium demonstrations.
No matter what the medium says, these people say I
understand that when they cannot, hoping that they'd get a

reading as opposed to the person it was meant for.
He also found con artists and people that were so
gullible they would take any information they got and believe
it was their loved one. He continued to explore this
because when the mediums were good. They were really good.
He often got these messages from the Arab. This person,

who supposedly was his guide. One of the mediums invited
Leslie to come to her home circle, and he agreed
to do it. Now, back in the day, home circles
were big. People would get together, sing songs, sit with
a dim light on, and invite in the presence of

the spirit world. Sometimes they'd hear voices. Sometimes someone would
act as the medium. But in this particular evening, there
was a letter waiting for Leslie from a woman in Munich, Germany,
another medium who said a gentleman by the name of
Rudolph Valentino made himself known in her circle and that

this was Leslie's guide. The message was that Leslie must
develop his mediumship. He added that he has been trying
to communicate with Leslie through various mediums, but without success.
Leslie wondered if Valentino could be the Arab. Leslie continued

to attend this home circle every time he had been invited,
and often messages would again come through from someone called Valentino,
and it was exactly the same message contained from the
letter from Munich. What caused Leslie to really get involved
in this training was that he met a widow at

the cemetery who was grieving so terribly that he wanted
to help. The more Leslie attended these circles, the more
he himself became entranced and spirit people began speaking through him,
and this time one who spoke through him was Valentino.

If you've been involved with researching the afterlife, you know
there can be some crazies out there. Scott Milligan tells
the story of sitting with a medium who fell on
the floor behaved like a snake, another one making dolphin sounds,
having nothing to do with the spirit world. Well, the
woman who led Leslie's circle started to do the same thing,

moving her body like an octopus. So this was the
downfall of Leslie attending that circle. He didn't believe what
he saw happening, and he was asked to leave, and
when he left he said, I made up my mind
to have nothing more to do with spiritualism. That didn't

last long, however, because as he tried to live his life,
messages would come through his mind from Rudolph Valentino. So
he began looking for another spiritualist church and eventually found
another home circle to sit in. During this time, Leslie
had given up his job in the cemetery, and then

he took a local job in a cinema, and then, unfortunately,
he caused the electricity to go out at the cinema,
so he became unemployed. The cinemas were all silent movies
back then, by the way. Then he got offered a
job as a barman, and in his free time he

enjoyed dancing, but the messages from Valentino continued, so after
much thought, he returned to his home area in Saint
Albans and wanted to develop his mediumship, and this time
he took a job in a tailor's shop. Unfortunately, no
progress was being made with his mediumship until he met

a lady named Edith Munden, who was a member of
a local spiritualist church, who invited him to her home circle.
Leslie began attending the circle and many weeks passed with
no obvious development in his mediumship. This was until one
night when he fell into trance and a number of

spirit communicators spoke through him, including Edith's late husband. Further
development occurred for him and he became clairvoyant, which means
he could see and describe these Next World visitors. You
know what I love is that each town he went

to there were spiritualist churches, and that there were people
who had these home circles. I would really love, in
this day and age for the home circles to come back.
Just imagine a group of friends getting together on behalf
of the spirit world. Voices are known to come through,
things can appear out of nowhere. Let's go to our

break and then we'll find out what happens next to
Medium Leslie Flint. You're listening to Shades of the Afterlife
on the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast AM Paranormal podcast Network.

Speaker 10 (40:01):
Don't go anywhere. There's more Shades of the Afterlife coming
right up.

Speaker 4 (40:12):
We are happy to announce that our Coast to Coast
AM official YouTube channel has now reached over three hundred
thousand subscribers. You can listen to the first hour of
recent and past shows for free, so head on over
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Speaker 10 (40:49):
Hey everyone, it's the Wizard of Weird Joshua P. Warren,
and you're listening to the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast
AM Paranormal podcast work.

Speaker 4 (41:15):
Welcome back to Shades of the Afterlife. I'm Sandra Champlain
and we are exploring the unbelievably wonderful mediumship of mister
Leslie Flint over fifty years a medium. Where we had
left off as he was sitting in yet another home
circle developing his mediumship. But Leslie loved to dance. He

was torn between his desire to become a professional dancer
or to continue the development of his mediumship. Of course,
we know what he chose. He soon discovered that he
made the correct decision, as it was not long before
Valentino was making himself known at this circle, the voice
being audible to all that were present at this time.

Leslie decided he should train himself for public demonstrations. His
first public demonstration was at a local spiritualist church and
while he was in trance, it was a success. Edith
and Leslie then decided that his ability for independent, direct
voice mediumship should be made available for others and a

church should be opened where this would be possible. Edith
and Leslie saved all the money that they could and
began to advertise services at their Watford Spiritualist mission. This
church was in fact an unfurnished room with just a
few dozen chairs. To cover his own living costs, Leslie

began to give sittings in Edith's house, but was aware
that more people needed him than could pay, so he
began an open circle one evening a week at the mission.
Many of these circles used amazing evidence, one being when
a local woman who had been murdered communicated and gave

a good amount of evidence about herself and the circumstances
of her death. The circle members scanned the local newspapers
and found that the information she had given was correct.
A man named Noah Zurdin, one of the founders of
the Link Association of Home Circles, attended one of Leslie's

circle meetings and described what proper ethics should be of
a home circle. When these ethics were followed, the quality
of the voice improved quickly. Now at this point a
new phase started in Leslie's mediumship. He found light was
difficult to work in, and by nature of being in

a completely blackened room, the voices were stronger. At this
new location, Leslie's mediumistic work became his full time occupation.
Now he was doing demonstrations in some of the largest
halls in London. He said, the voices came and addressed
friends and relatives in the audience to give their proof

of continuing existence, and many thousands were given conviction and
their lives changed for the better. Hundreds of letters were
now being sent from all over the world to Leslie
about his mediumship. One was doctor Lewis Young, who had
been a frequent sitter with his wife. He had tested

and exposed many fraudulent mediums in America and was anxious
to prove the genuineness of Leslie's mediumship. Leslie remarked the
tests he conducted with me made fraud impossible. One of
these was filling Leslie's mouth with colored water for the
duration of the seance while the voices manifested themselves and

spoke to the sitters. In addition to the independent direct
voice phenomena, Leslie's mediumship was able to facilitate materializations who
participated in the events of the seance in a dim
red light. These materializations were quite firm and solid, and

they could be felt as well as seen. They would
move around the circle and sometimes they would speak to
the members. Despite this success, it was discovered that the independent,
direct voice was more important than the materializations, as they
were not always successful. One of the many examples of

Leslie's successes was when Shaw Desmond, an Irish novelist, attended
a seance. Shaw was accompanied by a woman. Although Leslie
did not know their names, Shaw's son spoke to his
father at length, and Valentino spoke with the woman sitter
and had clearly known her at one time. It later

transpired that she had indeed known him. As the Second
World War came into being, Leslie noted that he was
having problems with his mediumship. He believes it was because
the atmosphere surrounding the earth was so filled with fear.
Leslie continued to give sittings, but eventually the time came

when he had to explain his refusal to fight in
the war. He explained that he refused to kill, and
that he was fully aware of Nazism and the struggle
against evil, that he would gladly assist his country, but
just that he would not kill. Leslie served in a
non combatant role during the war, on his first leave,

he returned home to do a sitting arranged by Edith.
During this time, an air raid began and many people
were killed nearby. Leslie recalls Mickey at once returned to
speak to us. He went on to say that hundreds
of spirit people were already at the scene of the
disaster to help the victims over the border between this

life and the next. After the war finished, regular seances resumed.
Chief Marshal Lord Doubting was present. During this. Mickey made
himself known and mentioned a young man wishing to speak.
He did so and gave his name as Peter Kite.
He was particularly concerned about his mother, as the distress

of his death was causing ill health. He then mentioned
that he knew mister Turner, one of the sitters, and
told mister Turner that he had visited him for dental work.
Leslie remarks, none of the other sitters knew mister Turner
was a dentist, nor did they know his name. Mister
Turner said he remembered Peter Kite coming to him for treatment,

but he did not know that he had been killed.
After he joined the Royal Air Force, the airman's parents
contacted and invited to a seance. Arthur Conan Doyle, the
author who wrote Sherlock Holmes, was the first to communicate
from the afterlife, and took the opportunity to explain to
the parents what happened to their son, as they had

no knowledge of the subject. Another example of Leslie's spectacular
mediumship shortly after the war was when Edgar Grant attended
a seance and spoke with his wife for some minutes
in a perfectly ordered and natural manner. After this, he
recorded that I then felt fingers take my pen and

notebook from my hand, and heard the pen moving across
the paper. On examining this, he declared the writing obtained
at the seance was his wife's normal handwriting when she
was alive. As time went on, the pressure of public
demonstrations took a poor effect on Leslie's health. In one article,

it was recorded how Leslie had collapsed and had to
be carried away from the platform. In July nineteen fifty.
Leslie was still able to demonstrate his mediumship, though, and
at one large public seance he used a specially designed cabinet.
It was seven feet high and four feet square. The

cabinet was covered with a tarp and the audience could
see all that was happening in the area outside. In
this demonstration, many communicators spoke and convinced their loved ones
in the audience of their continuing existence. I have a
special treat for you. Next, we'll hear the words from

Leslie Flint himself, followed by a spirit person named Ellen Terry,
and then finally the words from Rudolph Valentino.

Speaker 6 (49:55):
On the other side over the anxious to make this
road not us only people who wish to contact their
relations or their famous to comfort those to learn, but
also people who went on earth for very well known
famous who feel the need to comfort the world and
also to get some reality to this life, to make
us realize that death is not the end and that

we can do much more in this life to change it.
If we have the realization that death is the end
and the communication and a reality and the possibility.

Speaker 11 (50:24):
There is no need to fear the crossing from your
wor to this. It is a great adventure. It is
the greater awakening into a greater world of loveliness and
beauty and freedom of thought. Truly, this is a spiritual world,
but not as man has depicted it. Indeed, it is

so different and so tremendously alive, so vital, so far
removed from man's conception of things, that it cannot be
depicted or describe, is so vast, so you do not
fear that it will be a reflection of your world.

Speaker 4 (51:09):
And here's Valentino.

Speaker 12 (51:11):
Love is indestructible. It is love that praises us together.
It is love that holds us together, and it is
love that fashions the path which one of us are.
Paths may be different, but eventually we shall all meet
in the same place. Each one is so important it
does no matter.

Speaker 6 (51:29):
What the path is.

Speaker 12 (51:30):
It is what happens to by the end, to be
able to look back and to know that the path
you trough it was the right one for you, and
having though it had done all that you possibly could,
while all that path was all that was in spited
of you, And in consequence you have found that heaveness
of your house seas. And when the time comes for

you and for all my friends to come here, I
shall be only too happy to rejoice with you. And
where we live together in a world, She's so beautiful
that the words cannot do be to describe it well.
All the things that matter, all the things that are good, remain,
all the less saif all the worse the things are
forgotten and our erase memory.

Speaker 7 (52:13):
Only the good and.

Speaker 12 (52:14):
Allowdliness and the beauty showmen. All these things will come
in the meantime. Be happy, start to work together with
love and homy.

Speaker 5 (52:24):
Do what you can love for me but for admanagy.

Speaker 9 (52:27):
Be happy.

Speaker 5 (52:28):
I'd be in homony and love to day, and.

Speaker 3 (52:30):
I should be with you.

Speaker 12 (52:32):
I must gore, but bless.

Speaker 5 (52:34):
You order for everything.

Speaker 4 (52:36):
Be happy and bless you for listening today. Please be
sure to visit Leslie Flint dot com pick up a
copy of the book Voices in the Dark, and also,
I believe this kind of mediumship can happen again. If
you'd like to learn more about home circles, come visit
me if we Don't Die dot com click on the

Scott Milligan page and were created a guide to home
circles and how you can sit on your own to
be close to the spirit world. I'm so grateful you
took the time to listen today. Remember you are never
alone and you are loved. I'm Sandra Champlain. Thank you
for listening to Shades of the Afterlife on the iHeartRadio

and Coast to Coast AM Paranormal Podcast Network.

Speaker 1 (53:33):
And if you liked this episode of Shades of the Afterlife,
wait until you hear the next one. Thank you for
listening to the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast AM Paranormal
Podcast Network.

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