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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Now here's a highlight from Coast to Coast AM on iHeartRadio.
Speaker 2 (00:04):
I want to ask you about what happened this past week.
Lex Friedman had Donald Trump this week on his podcast,
and Donald Trump said that if he becomes president again,
if that election happens in his favor, that he would
consider releasing all of the files on the JFK assassination.
I want to get your take on that, like, as
soon as we let's hit the ground running on that,
what do you think about that? Will those ever get
truly released?
Speaker 1 (00:29):
Speaker 3 (00:29):
I think eventually they will, and I think they're going
to show that Lee Harvey Oswald was working closely with
the CIA at the time of the assassination. And that's
probably the deep secret that the CIA wants to continue
to cover up, because Lee Harvey Oswald was undoubtedly and
totally involved with the CIA and the FBI and the
idea that he was the loan gun assassin, which you
know my book at the current book, the Assassination of
John Kennedy Final Now make absolutely clear with doctor Mantics
optical density measurements from the three extant DFK X rays
that are in the archives. All three of the X
rays are forgery. They were altered to mask evidence in
frontel shots, and it's clear evidence of two frontal shots
that you can see from the X rays. We document
it very thoroughly in the book with a lot of illustrations,
a law of discussions.
Speaker 2 (01:28):
And okay, hold on, hold on, let me let me
clarify that for a second. So I think what I
was trying to discover as I was leaning into the
book a little bit, You're not saying that they did
surgery to alter what the X rays look like, so
they would go in and maybe clean up something to
make it look like there wasn't a shot there. You're
just saying they doctor the X rays themselves.
Speaker 3 (01:49):
Now they also did they also did a pretty autopsy
surgery on JFK's head. Oh, pre document in the book.
So I mean it was both. There was an attempt
at ed before the autopsy started to race to surgically
remove evidence of frontal shots. We document that fully. And Okay,
the X rays were also then altered in order to
mask evidence of frontel shots.
Speaker 2 (02:16):
Okay, you've been kind of chasing this down for many years.
I was not born yet when Kennedy was assassinated, so
I'm kind of curious. Take me back to that moment.
When did the whispers or the talk of like, hey,
this is not what it seemed was it? Was it
immediate after he was shot or did it start to
creep up months after. Take me back to that day
or that year.
Speaker 3 (02:41):
Anyway, while I was seventeen years old when Jack Kendy
was shot and the whole unfolding of Lee Harvey Oswald
as the long gun assassin, even at seventeen years old,
didn't convince me. I mean, I thought this was too convenient.
Lee Harvey Oswald was produced within an hour or so
at the shooting and he said he was just a passy.
There's no real evidence that he had shot anyone, and
the whole certainly when leehart Goswel was himself shot on
that Sunday of the assassination. After the assassination, it looked
like a mob silencing. I mean, the whole thing looked
like he was silenced. So from the beginning, even at
seventeen years old, I thought this whole thing was a
staged event masking the truth. Indusli Lee Harbot was assassin.
Speaker 2 (03:33):
Do you feel like at this point, this is the
first time you're thinking at least in American history, that
the wolves being pulled over our eyes, that we're not
being told the truth. Is this what kind of set
up your your long career of kind of pointing out
the inconsistencies and in what we're being told and what
is actually happening.
Speaker 3 (03:51):
I think the CIA has been lying to us for decades,
and I think this goes back to government lying, which
is part of what government does. Of rough government involvement
in things such as drug running and head apphilia. I
exposed HSBC money laundering, but the drug cartels in twenty eleven,
which had to be with the knowledge of the Department
Treasury and with the knowledge of the CIA. They got
a one point nine billion dollars fine. No one went
to jail. I mean the le Harvey Oswald assassination. I
think it was the first time the government openly did
a coude top where the deep state killed Jack Kennedy.
And the optical density measurements that doctor Mantick took our science.
I mean, if you take a look at the book,
you can clearly see, for instance, the bullet trails from
the frontal shots, the energyfks forehead above his right eye,
and the bullet does not hit the bullet fragments, it
does not exit the head, and that's clearly a frontal shot.
They also see the shot that entered at the temporal
bone by the right ear and blew out the octapual
bone in the back of JFK's head. It's clear from
the X rays the JFK was shot three times in
the head, once at a low angle from behind, once
in the tunnel bone by the right ear, and once
of the foreheads. None of the shots came from the
thin floor the Texas school Book Depository. The X rays
are definitive medical proof.
Speaker 2 (05:20):
So in this case, do you feel like Lee Harvey
Oswald didn't even get off a shot that would have
hit Kennedy At that time they came from the front.
Speaker 3 (05:31):
The Hivey Oswald failed the paraffine test. Even at the time,
it was highly suspicious he'd shot anyone. He said he
hadn't shot anyone, and there was no real proof that
he did, and the idea that it was a man.
Look at Cartonal rifle, which was a Falty World War
two weapon with the missilligned scope. All the governments, evenists,
never fit together as the government was lying from the beginning.
As soon as the limousine got to Parkland Hospital, the
seaver Service had pails of water and they were washing
out back either the limousine do uldra crime scene. The
frontal bullets that came through the front windshield that could
be seen at Parkland Hospital, the severer Service made sure
no one took a picture of it. He got the
car out there and by that weekend they were changing.
In Deerporn Devor, Michigan, they were changing the windshield. I
mean the government was lying from the beginning, and that's
the whole point by book. The final analysis is that
we now have a definitive proof the government was lying.
This was a coupdetas in open and the government for
sixty one years has been saying Lee Harvey Oswald was
the loan gun assassin. And it's a it's a preposterous
theory that doesn't fit together.
Speaker 2 (06:47):
When you look at this evidence. A lot of it.
I don't hear you in the book as I was
reading through it. You don't almost need to bring up
the subrut film, do you. You can tell a lot
just from the X rays in the doctors to study them.
Speaker 3 (07:00):
Yeah, great, they're defenditive. But also we do show in
the Suppruiter film if you look at frame three point
thirty one, you can see the right side of Jack
Kennedy's head, but the temporal bomb by the front just
before in front of his right ear, you can see
that had explode. That's where the bullet came in from
the grassy knoll that hit the temporal bone by the
year and blew out the back of his head. The
debrief from that went on to the Secret Service agent
Cliff Hill, who was coming. He said, the back of
the limousine to the left grabbing the handrail, this is
that shot occurred and he got spidered with JFK's blood,
matter and brain from that shot go to the inboard
motorcycle officer who was riding on the left side of
the car. Was clearly a frontal shot and Clint Hill
knew it at the time. He said it subsequently in
many many interviews, but again that evidence has all been suppressed,
and the Britter film does document frontal shots, but again
the government was determined to lie and even and even
the doctors at Parkland Hospital that the shots came from
the front. They wrote one to the throw was the
frontal shot and the right occivioal portion of Jack Kennys
had was blown away, and the doctors universally saw that
that was an exit wold that came from the front.
So the evidence at park of the hospital was clear
there was a shooter from the front, at least one,
probably two. And the government's been lying for sixty one years.
Speaker 2 (08:37):
Do you think about the I guess the best word
I could I can think of is the audacity of
the government to set up something like that, and I
mean at the time, to order to order an actual
hit on the president and have the audacity to try
to cover it up. Well, tell me about how you
feel about that, and what do you think is was
at stake? Were they where they would have such such
a just extreme audacity to pull something like that off.
Speaker 3 (09:05):
Well, Jack Kennedy wouldn't go to war, He would not
go to war during the queue of missile crisis. And
people like Curtis le May, who had bombed Germany during
World War Two, he was head of a strategic bombing,
had bombed player, bombed Japan. He wanted to go to
the nuclear war with the Soviet and over the queue
of missile crisis, Jack Kennedy was appalled the bat Channel,
the kruse chevmen prevented nuclear war, and Jack Kennedy had
signed a memorandum pulling out of Vietnam just before he
was assassinated, and that was hidden by the government, didn't
come out into the Pentagon papers. So again the government's
been lying about this for sixty one years. And the
evidence when you take a look at the to Go
density measurements this doctor Mantic did, which are pure science,
and you can see the X grade. We show clearly
the X rade out they were faltered, altered. We showed
clearly how the shot occurred to the right side of
the head of the temporal bond. You can see the
entrance wolf. You can actually see the trace of the
bullets across the top of Jack Kennedy's head from the
bullet that came into by his forehead above his right eye.
It's absolutely clear that there were fronal shots and the
X rays have been altered. Governments and lying, and Lee
Harvey Oswald was probably an innocent victim that I think
the remaining documents are going to show the Lee Harvey
Oswald believed he was on a government assignment working with
the CIA and was of himself surprised and shocked that
he was being set up as the patty, which he
said he was. Yeah, that interview will tell you the truth.
Speaker 2 (10:39):
That interview that you see with him, he certainly looks
like a guy the only interview you see. He certainly
looks like a guy who's telling the truth. He looks
surprised that any of that happened. Let's tack a call here.
Let's go east of the Rockies. Let's shake it up
a little bit. Let's talk to Bob in Indiana. You're
on with Jerome Corsi, his book The Final Analysis about
the Kennedy Assassination. What's your question, mom.
Speaker 4 (11:02):
Doctor Corsi. I've got about eight of your books, and
I am forty one days younger than you, but I
lost my vision about eight years ago. I just wonder
if your book with David Mantik is going to be
Speaker 3 (11:17):
I believe it's going to be, as we're working to
get that done. And the book is. It's a long book.
It's about five hundred and thirty pages and there's a
lot of illustrations in it. I'm sorry you lost your vision,
but if you can see the illustrations. They make absolutely
clear how documented we have the text, so you can
see what we're talking about. That's one of the great
benefits of this book.
Speaker 4 (11:39):
Right, Well, I need you know, the lifebook that I
had vision enough to read was inside the ARRB That
was the end all, the all of the assassination books.
But the book Me and Lee by Judas Larry Baker,
where she explains what the last six or seven months
ago I was, well, life was like it is just awesome,
you know it really it really lets you see what
what in the hit went on and held the CIA was,
you know, shutting him up to be the patry.
Speaker 3 (12:16):
Well, I know, to just take here and she's telling
the truth. And I know that book, the entire testimony
of Billie Harvey Oswold is true, and Lee Harvey Oswald
was working in government assignments that you know, the truth
has been suppressed and she has been really bold to
come out with the truth and that in that book
that you Referencely and Me. The point is that, you know,
I think it's finally time when the American public is
waking up to the extent to which the government is
running a Truman show. The government is making narratives. You know,
buildings that were not hit by the airplanes and nine
to eleven, Building seven come down. That's never been explained.
You know, where were the weapons of mass destruction in
nineteen nine one when we invaded Iraq to go after
saw them just saying why do we have vaccine? That
doesn't prevent you from getting into the disease. Government lies perpetually.
We can only lie. And the CIA think has gotten
to or be a power that is destructive, is running
its own agenda, and it started with the Kennedy attestination.
I think it's time the American people wake up realizing
that now the government I think is even Yeah, I
think it's even running our elections today.
Speaker 2 (13:26):
That's That's well, I'm getting to that. You answered about
thirty questions I have for you there in one sentence there,
So let me let me get into that. Let's let's
tie in, if you would be so bold, is to
what are the similarities between what we saw with Kennedy
and maybe what we saw just what about six weeks
ago with Trump? Is there in your mind a deep
state that just feels like they need to take people
out that are a threat to the deep state?
Speaker 3 (13:54):
Well, everything I can see about the about what happened
six weeks ago, it looks at me like the government
intentionally was allowing a shot to be taken to Donald Trump.
Every part of that secret Service detail, which now we
know was even secret service. How does that guy with
a gun get on a roof is seen by the
Secret Service? And there's a lot to be sitting there.
I mean, if this was not a setup, I don't
know what is. And so therefore, in fact, the government
may have wanted to take a shot at Donald Trump
and by the grace of God, missed. Wouldn't surprise me
at all. In fact, I believe that's what happened.
Speaker 2 (14:33):
And do you think at all, I know this is
a loaded question here, but just based on kind of
what you're saying, do you think at all that there's
a Manchurian candidate factor to this where maybe this kid
was maybe worked to do something like that in some
way mind controlled.
Speaker 3 (14:48):
It wouldn't surprise me because as mk Ultrump continues to
be a recurring thing Deir Hans heir Han, that goes
on and on. And if we take a look at
my current website, which is God five stones dot com,
I'm showing you the CIA has planted algorithms within our
state election voter data in order to have false voter
records created that can be certified and mail in votes
even though they're false. The CIA is all over everything
where we're living in a Truman show.
Speaker 1 (15:23):
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