Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Now here's a highlight from Coast to coast AM on iHeartRadio.
Speaker 2 (00:04):
Doctor Lindber can you tell us about the people who
reach out to your organization, what kinds of reports they share,
and whether they have any idea who might be targeting
them and why.
Speaker 3 (00:16):
Well, people from all over the world actually contact via
our website tell you Justice dot com and they report
the reports are very similar in nature. They all report
civil experience. It's the surveillance, it's the sensation of these attacks,
and the attacks are very distinct in nature. This is why,
because the symptoms current at all at the same time,
it had to be declared and to be a novel
medical syndrome. And the most debilitating parts actually are the
visibular damage, to cognitive damage and also so called V
two K, which is a voice to skull, which is
actually the term of the US military. It used to
be on their website and then it was taken away,
but we have a record, a historic record that it
was on the website through the archives. And this is
a imagine. You have voices that constantly send some kind
of derogatory messages and drive drives a target crazy. And
we know that some of the shooters. Actually, uh, we're
reporting the phenomena, and you know, the goal to explanation
is a psychiatric disorder. But it is developing in people
in their forties and fifties. This is not when a
as schizophreniasion disorder developed. It all develops if you are
not done by umid twenties, if you're not developed, it's
it's not schizophrenia. But the evidence of educating, evidence of
producing voices in one skull has been known since actually
nineteen seventy five when it was reported that they could
deliver it. When the method there are multiple methods and
the most advanced methods are probably not known to us,
but it is delivered by a nanotechnology in a person's brain,
and it is high sophisticated. People don't have h the
imagination to actually conceive these kind of very sophisticated methods
for mind control and delivering voices. So this is a
very very disturbing effect. And then there's there's so called
HIES which actually there's a much better term for it.
It's called new strike. Professor Robert mcgraid, who works with
Native on advanced technologies coin disturb and it describes a
use of directed energy weapons to induce a newer covnity
of disruption in the target.
Speaker 2 (03:50):
I know part of your thesis is you know there
somebody is testing these weapons on unsuspecting civilians. And I
imagine that these people who get targeted are very confused.
Why me must have trouble convincing their doctors what's going
on is some sort of a weapons system being used
against them. I noticed that GAO report the General Accounting Office,
they had noted of the three hundred and thirty four
cases of people who are government employees getting medical care
for because they've been targeted, thirty five percent of them
work for the Department of Defense, thirty five percent for
the Intelligence Community CIA, NSA, twelve percent for the FBI.
So I have a hard time thinking that the government
is targeting its own employees, especially people in those lines
of work. Those folks we suspect are targeted by Russians
or other foreign entities. The sixty minutes report I'd mentioned
before made a very compelling case that the Russians were
responsible for some of the attacks on American personnel in Europe.
Is there a broader explanation for people like you and
people who contact your organization is it just random they're
picked or do you have an idea?
Speaker 3 (05:03):
I can't defensively answer that question because ultimately we don't know.
So our best guess is it's used as a weapon
to suppress UH dissidents or bustle blowers and also have
random people first, because this is exactly the question that
would be asked, why you? So this program is designed
to account for this sort of cognitive bias. It's exactly
because you're nobody. This is why we we will target
to to sort of this. Sorry, I'm looking for words
UH two to to make these people sort of appear
incoherent because why me, you and nobody? But for experimentation,
he needs a bold spectrum of rus simples in the population.
So I don't think this we can answer this question
with one hundred percent certainty, but these are the best.
Speaker 2 (06:31):
Let me ask you. Let me ask you this. So
I don't know if this is related or how closely
it's related, but you know, the direct energy weapons they're
targeting the brain and the head, and all the discombobulation
and other symptoms that happen is one thing. Gang stalking
sounds like something else. I get these reports pretty much
every day people will write me emails or leave really
long messages on my phone machine and say that they're
under surveillance by a team of ten twenty thirty people
and everything in their lives is watched, and they think
everybody at the red light is following them, and people
come into their house and move the furniture around, and
every one of these reports is really long, like ten
page letters, things of that sort, And I've sort of
tried to avoid that because it never made sense to
me why that many resources would be put into following
the local grocery clerk or somebody who works a fast
food joint or something like that. Is it related? Is
it the same sort of an offshoot of Havana.
Speaker 3 (07:32):
Syndrome, the mast shoot off neurological surveillance, So pression imp
locations know impersions thoughts I am exploring their cognitive viruses
would be a part of this sococognitive warfare that can
target one person's brain at a time, as far as
you know people following you, and especially if you seek
you was stocking. Because it it is a public safety issue,
most of it is, uh we we think that most
of it is conducted by people working with fusion centers
and fusion centers that you know, wanted to in every state.
And it's supposed to collect intelligence, but not it doesn't
only collect intelligence, it's actually interferes with people that are
put on this so called targeted list. Uh. And we
can talk about the genesis of this list. These these
people have been told that, uh, these people, these the
targets are either suspected terrorists or or or involved in
some some other criminal activities. But the truth is that
that we are not. We the the targeted The b
I maintained a terror screen database is growing exponentially every year.
They're more and more, They're putting more and more people.
And I think that the ultimate goal of this program
is for everybody to be targeted in some way or
at least money toward so you can switch on these
cultureLike techniques and and and drive people to a suicide,
or drive people to commit some some other acts or uh,
degrade the health, deprive them from the their final financial freedom, employment,
gainful enployment. It's it's uh, it's a basically war on
the population. And we we have to accept them. In
this time when the advances in newer technology in in
other military techniques are so uh, they're so advanced. People
don't have imagination to uh to conceive how advance they are.
And that's been used uh to against it.
Speaker 2 (10:30):
Allians, Right, it doesn't sound like there's any kind of
defense against it. I mean some of the reports I've
read and saw on television about people who get targeted,
you know, in their home and their business and their car.
You could target the president in the White House. I
guess if you had this technology. Tell me about your attacks.
You said they're ongoing. So what happens when these attacks
occur to you? And and how often.
Speaker 3 (11:00):
They are ongoing? Multiple times a day. There's not a
day that I am not attacked. And they can last
from fifteen minutes and up to an hour and a half.
And they start with this deafening sound and vibration in
the entire body. You become dizzy and it's hard to talk,
it's hard to walk, You scramble your words, and the
intensity can ramp up very very quickly, like within five
to ten seconds. You you can go from like being
somewhat okay to completely unable to tolerate this pain, and
your memory suffers, your you you just you become dysfunctional.
Basically and there's no there's no way to deal with
these attacks. I mean normal like electromagnetic shielding does not
work in my case at least UH. And we think
that it's because of the specific advanced type of energy
known as Teesla waves or or longitudeal electromagnetic waves are
used in these attacks. They cannot be detected UH, at
least by civilian UH of science based UH detectors. UH.
The detectors actually in the in the intelligence reports, detection
methods are still look like a black box. They're they're reducted.
So we actually don't know are we would how we
would document these attacks in terms of energy. But there
are some you know, electronic nay meters and and they
go off off the scale if you put it over
your at. But this, you know, this is not this
is not a First of all, you are a biased individual.
These attacks happened to you. We want the government agencies
like the FBI to investigate this. And what the invest
recent whistle blow report UH by you know C a
intelligence officer. It tells us that the C has been
actively suppressing UH investigation by the f B I UH
and using narratives that it's a psychogenic psycho semitic condition,
so there's nothing for you to investigate, and which couldn't
be further from the truth.
Speaker 2 (13:57):
I know that there were the National Academies of Sciences,
we're looking at at the National Institutes of Health, we're
working at it. And then they backed off that we
canceled our research into this, which is very curious. We
had an explanation from the government, maybe it was the
NSA said yeah, that's nothing we could really prove on this.
They're kind of dodging answering any tough questions or pointed questions.
Is Congress interested? Have they taken up the cause and
trying to ask questions of these agencies about this technology.
Speaker 3 (14:29):
Well, the founder's intelligence to me it has been interested
in the diplomats and all the government employees overseas and domestically,
that no interest has been expressed in terms of civilian cases.
The mat on the doors of our Congress people, and
there are some people who in Congress Version Center, Ron
Johnson from Wisconsin, he reports that he's been attacked multiple
times and we and she also reports that he went
to people who are on the Intelligence Committee and they
denied access to this critical information and he's been publicly
complaining about, But what else was the question?
Speaker 1 (15:31):
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