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June 16, 2024 18 mins

Guest Host Rich Berra and Writer Paul Seaburn discuss the paranormal stories of Albert Einstein, Jimi Hendrix and John Lennon.  

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Now here's a highlight from Coast to Coast AM on iHeartRadio.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
We are back with Paul Sieber and Paul I was
talking to the producers. Were all excited about you being
on the show because we know you got so many stories.

Speaker 3 (00:12):
So let's get to him.

Speaker 2 (00:14):
I want to hear about the craziness that seems like
it could have some kind of real tentacles to it.
About Albert Einstein in his intern at Area fifty one,
which I've never heard of before this book of yours
came out.

Speaker 4 (00:28):
It was an interesting story from multiple angles, and I
had not heard of it either until the college person
that went with him. The story she had passed away.
That was when the story came into news. Story was
that I guess it was in the early nineteen fifties.

Albert Einstein was invited to speak at a conference in Chicago,
and he took a college student who was his assistant
and female student. He did Yale so that smart you know,
smart girl, and that he didn't tell her anything about it.
He said, we're going to this conference. They go to
the conference in Chicago, they get to Chicago, they're met

at the plane. The person who meets them says, we lied. Instead,
we're taking you to a secret place. So Einstein, you know,
he's Einstein. Sure, why not the girl, she's obviously, you know,
his assistant. She's supposed to come along. He brings her.

He doesn't question whether it's appropriate to bring a young girl,
let alone a college student with him. So they get
into another plane. No one tells them where they're going.
They end up landing in a desert, so kind of
hint to where they might be met by someone in
a trench coat. Always a bad sign when you're met
by someone in a trench coat who takes them to

Area fifty one. Now to her report, later she said
that they were taken inside, they were met or they
met aliens living aliens. She said they were taken with
the aliens. They did. Einstein was allowed to communicate with them.

She was not. Apparently they were they were older aliens.
They didn't know how to speak to college students, so
he went in and he talked to them. Then she
said that they took her into a room where a
crash spaceship was and I think, if I remember correctly,
she's the only female end room. So she's a young

college student, female college student in a room with a
bunch of guys with a smashed up spaceship, so you
know what they're doing. They're kicking it, they're lifting the hood,
they're looking all over the place. She can't see it
at all, so she has you know, much of her
testimony is what Einstein told her later and uh, so

she gets to see everything. She she meets the aliens
the as they're leaving. She has sworn to secrecy as always,
you know that way all these stories go. So of
course if we're hearing about it now, that means she
broke the secret. And what happened was someone uh in
the in the two thousands found out about this story,

found out rumors of it from and from someone else,
and managed to track her down and did an interview.
She felt that enough time had gone by she could
tell the story, and and she did. She shared the
story shortly before she passed away. So there it is.
So so you know, a night uh really interesting UFO story,

especially the Albert Einstein angle. You know, the genius who
would who would we today if aliens came to visit
us today? Who would be genius number one? That was
the first question.

Speaker 2 (04:02):
A good question is that who you, But would you
really want to introduce him to a space alien?

Speaker 3 (04:07):
And is he won a ready? He might be Maybe.

Speaker 4 (04:10):
Maybe I would go in with ten Ken Jennings Jeopardy
they have, yeah, the Jeopardy guy. I think I think
they'd have more fun with Ken Jennings than with Elon Musk.
He'd be trying to sell him an electric spacecraft or something.
But uh so so so that was my first My
first question. The second one was if this happened today.

If this happened today, would you rich if this were you,
would you take a college student with you to go
to Area fifty one and visit aliens and look at
a space a spaceship. I'd be terrified. You know, Number one,
they're going to be taking so they're not going to

be They're going to want to total with the alien.
That's the first thing they're going to do. You know, Yo,
you can't do that, you can't take selfies.

Speaker 3 (05:02):
Then no, I would.

Speaker 2 (05:03):
I would totally take an intern because my TikTok would
start popping after that.

Speaker 3 (05:07):
I don't see why not.

Speaker 4 (05:11):
I don't know.

Speaker 3 (05:13):
I got to think about the future.

Speaker 2 (05:14):
You gotta think, Paul, So now I know you you
you worked in Houston for a while. I know you
met some of the astronauts who actually went to the Moon.
Do you, as a reporter ever asked the question, and
do you get an answered?

Speaker 4 (05:27):
That's funny. The back then, I was in the computer business,
so I was trying to sell both of them. The
two gentlemen that I met were Jeans Cernon and Dick Gordon,
who were both who both walked on the Moon. So
I am one of the fortunate people to be able
to say that I met two of the twelve people
who walked on the Moon. At the time, they were

both in the computer business, and I was trying to
sell them computers. So I never asked either either one
of those two guys if if they had any kind
of alien encounters. The I'll tell you a funny story.
But Gene Cernant is not only is he known as
the last person to step on the on the Moon,

he's also the most famous astronaut of the Slovak ethnic group.
And it just so happened that that's that's my ethnic
group as well. So when I told I called my
mom to tell her that I admit an astronaut Gene Cernant,
and that's all she cared about was the fact that
he was Slovak. And you know what a wonderful thing.

I met a fellow Slovak who was on the moon.
I said, oh, that's not that's not the point, mom.
But some of the other ones, you know, uh, buzz Aldrin.
Buzz Aldrin talks about seeing spaceships. There's a couple of
couple of the Gemini astronauts that did the when they

were learning how to doc spaceship. Uh, they they commented
on seeing things flying by the spaceship. And you know,
we talk about the the the pilots that have seen
the tick tap UFOs today, and we believe them because
they're pilots. They're trained, they're well trained. They're not gonna that.

They don't want to embarrass themselves by saying, you know,
I mistook a piece of a spaceship for a UFO.
So I believe that the astronauts were the same way.
The later reports that come from NAS and say, oh
they just saw they it was the piece of the
of the rocket that kind of tout drag the long

behind them. No, it's not. These guys are smart, these
guys are pilot. They're not going to say that they
saw something strange and could not recognize it. If they
saw something strange, it was something strange. So so so
so if any any eyewitnesses that I would I would

trust it would be the astronauts.

Speaker 2 (07:58):
He sounds sort of like you take some approach to
where I do is where uh, you know that there's
some humor in it, but you also like I kind
of feel like I might be believing you kind of
go back and forth a little. Maybe you haven't seen
the actual evidence yourself. That's that's concrete. But what do
you think it is about us in America that we
need to nervously laugh about this instead of be like, okay,

what is that? What is the part of us that
wants to make a joke about it?

Speaker 4 (08:23):
Good question, Good question. It's a stress relief. It's you know,
I also taught about humor. I've done a lot of
things in the comedy business. I one of my favorite
jobs that I like to tell people I'll do anything
for money, like the two guys on the on the
three Guys on the on the New Heart Show. I

worked for a T shirt company that was promoting kind
of usage among young people. So I had to write
slogans or t shirts will let me hear I can't
you know, I shouldn't tell that story without having one
ready to tell. I'm gonna caught me on that one, rich,

So there was a point behind all of that. The
oh so so. One of the greatest stretch releases that
we have is the nervous laughter. That's why it's called
nervous laughter. It's a way to to ease ease the tension.
We leave the tension in our body, and if you're lucky,

if you're lucky, the person who you're with who's making
you tense, will laugh too. That's what I always hope
will happen in an alien encounter, if I'm an alien encounter,
because sure I'm gonna I'm gonna laugh nervously. I'm also
gonna my wheels are going to be spinning, thinking, boy,
I hope this alien has a good sense of humor,
because I'm gonna say something funny about the fact that

he looks like the micheline man.

Speaker 2 (09:51):
Sure, why did they even appear unto you if they
weren't looking for a little joke, right, boy?

Speaker 4 (09:57):
You know, I would hope so I would hope that
that's what they're looking for. But you know you you
wanted to talk about some of our rock stars.

Speaker 3 (10:07):
Jimmy Hendrix, Yeah, right deep into the belief.

Speaker 4 (10:12):
Well, you know he's Hendricks, He's Hendrix, He's Purple Hayes.
You know it is Purple Hayes a drug reference or
is it an alien reference? Is are you experienced? Is
he asking about drugs or is he asking have you
had a UFO experience? If you dig into Jimmy Hendrix's
life when he was in his early early times, before

he became the Jimmy Hendrix, he had a band in
New York and they were His story is they were
traveling home from a gig in a snowstorm hit and
they thought they were going to be trapped. You know,
it's nineteen I think it was like nineteen sixty five.
So they're in some old chaloppee as we used to
call him back then, afraid that they're going to get

stuck with no no heat. And he claimed that a
state ship appeared in front of them and that only
guided them through the snow, but melted the snow in
front of them. That's my kind of alien rich. You know,
it could come like picking up trash.

Speaker 3 (11:18):
That's right.

Speaker 2 (11:18):
We had the pogo stick of aliens that were picking
up trash, and now you've got a snow clear.

Speaker 3 (11:23):
I think that's beautiful.

Speaker 4 (11:25):
Yeah, the mixt thing. You know, they'll be they'll be
construction workers standing around aliens at work and they'll be
smoking and drinking coffee and not doing anything.

Speaker 2 (11:34):
And didn't Jimmy also believe he had ties to Mars itself,
or he believed he was from Mars. That's that's a
true thing, right.

Speaker 4 (11:41):
That's exactly right. He said that on more than one
occasion that he was from Mars. The guy said he
played the guitar with his teeth. He set his guitar
on fire. You know, do normal human rock stars do that? No,
only Jimmy Hendrick put all of that together. There's a
famous story that one of his last concerts in Maui,

in between I think it was a multis he did
multiple concerts in one day and in between concerts when
he was out I think he was out in the
tenth the multiple people around him along with him saw
UFOs who could have been you know, coming to hear
his music come into uh, you know, prepare for the

fact that he was going to die pretty soon because
he you know, he's one of the members of the
twenty seventh Club, but so so Hendrick of all people,
you know, he's he's one of those that fits the
description of a creative rock star who maybe was was
was under the influence, but more than likely was someone

who was whose mind was so open to other things
that either he allowed them in or the alien and
detected him. And one of the things that I like
to point out is that, uh, some of our early spaceships,
the Voyagers in particular, had on them a digital recording

of Chuck Berry singing Johnny be Good along with a
picture of a naked man and a naked woman. So
if any aliens find that they're going to be coming
to Earth saying where John where is Johnny the good guy?
If we want we want to hear more music like
this and expecting them to be naked. So you know

that nudity works both ways. You know that the aliens naked.
I have a story of a famous story about John
Lennon and his encounter with the UFO. Oh he's in
New York with May Pang. This was this was during
his time away, a short time away from Yoko Ono. Well,

a lot of people think was an alien. You know,
she was said to Earth to break up the beetles.
I've heard that story before, but so so he broke
up with her. He moved to New York. He's living
with May Pang, who was his assistant. He hears something
outside in what if they weren't in the code of
some other repirement. He's naked, of course, because he's John Lennon,

he's allowed to be naked. He goes outside nine o'clock
at night and there's a UFO hovering outside of his balcony.
So he says, may make come on out here in
a British accent, which I can't do. May of course
comes out. She's naked as well, because you know she's
with John Lennon. And so that was their encounter, you know,

standing nude on a balcony in New York with a
UFO looking at them. John claimed that he took photographs.
He used two different cameras. Now, this was had to
be in around nineteen sixty nine, nineteen seventy seventy one
somewhere around there, so they were probably those disposable cameras
that that everybody had back then and he handed those

photoshop places a little booth and they didn't develop. He
claimed that neither Camra had developed the photos, so he
had no photos. But he did draw pictures of the
UFOs which he put on one of his solo albums.
Yeah yeah, and the sleeve on the sleeve on the

inside as well. If you look on the internet, there's
a there's a there's a lot of photos of of
the the drawings that he.

Speaker 2 (15:32):
Made and acknowledging them as UFOs are they just appear
in there just as a thing.

Speaker 4 (15:37):
He was acknowledging that he had an experienced and which
is backed up by of all people, Urie Gellard, you know,
mister spoon Bender, who also claimed that he met John
Lennon later after that after he was back with Yoko,
and John told Urry about his experiences and he also

mentioned another one another encounter that he had with aliens
and they gave him something, and what they gave him
was a golden egg at the goose egg. You know
this was a golden egg. Very few details exist at
least from John or familiar as well as to what
you know what it was other than the golden egg.

And and John gave it to our Gelli. Sogella claims
that it's at his museum. I've never been to his museum.
I don't know for sure if it's there. But if
you remember what was one of John's famous songs, I
Am the egg Man. Could there be some connection between
those two?

Speaker 3 (16:40):
How could you go paul tying it all together?

Speaker 1 (16:44):
You know what?

Speaker 3 (16:45):
Kind of makes a little sense to me.

Speaker 2 (16:46):
Not to put too final line on it, but you know,
Jimmy Hendrix, the Beatles, the Stones, John Lennon, a lot
of them talk about they don't really know where their
songs came from, having not gone to music school, that
they just kind of pulled them up of the ether
and maybe they were opened up to some kind of
thing which you know, the alien connection to. That doesn't

seem like that's really that far off to me. It
seems like it could connect a little bit.

Speaker 4 (17:12):
I agree with you one hundred percent. Rich. That's the
Rolling Stones. Most of the original other than Charlie Watts,
all of the original Stones had and plus Ron Woods,
so you know who technically counts as an original now.
They all had various degrees of UFO experience that they

have publicly talked about so, you know, I agree with you.
I also think that that other creative people as well, writers,
you know, artists, maybe maybe actors, people who are whose
minds are more open to being receptive, to being curious,

let's put it that way. I think that, you know,
maybe the messages aren't directed to them specifically, but they're
better able to pick up messages from aliens that might
be trying to communicate with us in any way.

Speaker 1 (18:09):
They can listen to more Coast to Coast AM every
weeknight at oneam Eastern, and go to Coast tocoastam dot
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