All Episodes

October 10, 2024 18 mins

George Noory and psychic intuitive Roger Burnley explore his work guiding people to become more spiritual to overcome their fears, a coming planetary realignment that will help people change their lives, and if personal growth is the best way to lead a more fulfilling life.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Now here's a highlight from Coast to Coast am on iHeartRadio.

Speaker 2 (00:05):
And welcome back to Coast to Coast George Nori with you.
Roger Burnley with US, renowned transformational coach, speaker, creator of
Your Last Development Program, which is a groundbreaking initiative that
blends personal development, self actualization, and spiritual ascension. With decades
of experience, Roger's mental, personal and spiritual healing journey led

him to create a unique program designed to help individuals
transform their lives while contributing to the elevation of global consciousness.
His book is called Overcoming Fear, a Guide to Freedom. Roger, Welcome,
How are you, my friend?

Speaker 3 (00:41):
George. I'm doing great and it's so good to be
with you again.

Speaker 2 (00:45):
It really is. I don't think our Ability Beyond Belief
show has popped up on the air yet, but you
did a great job for us.

Speaker 3 (00:53):
Thank you. No, it did come out.

Speaker 2 (00:54):
It finally enough. Yeah, excellent, because when we got together
a couple more months.

Speaker 3 (01:00):
Ago, it was in June. Yeah, it was in June.

Speaker 2 (01:03):
Oh quickly, time flies? Huh, Yes, have you been.

Speaker 3 (01:08):
I've been good? And more has more has unfolded since
our last thought and so I'm so glad I could
be here today. And the thing I was supposed to
tell you and everyone else is that you are still
the answer, meaning that what we're moving through now, that
every person alive is the answer to the change that
we're moving through, which was all the work that I

have been bringing to the world because it's been a
little uncomfortable for a lot of people, but it's also
been very purposeful because we're trying to create something a
little bit better. But to do that, we've got to
just like change the old verse, which is what's.

Speaker 2 (01:43):
Happening absolutely, Roger, What got you on this path? What
started you?

Speaker 3 (01:48):
It's when I when I first think about it, the
first thing. And it's interesting because today there's synchronicity that
happens in our lives and in the world. And today
I posted something that was my very first message that
I wrote because I started with automatic writing, and that
was on February nineteenth of nineteen eighty nine. That was

the first message that I wrote. Now, and when you
say what got me started, it was that I was
just lost. Actually, I was making a big career change
at that time and I heard about automatic writing. I
wasn't really didn't think I had any talent. I didn't
know if I was going to do it, but I said,
let me try it. I just needed something to give

me some direction. I had been meditating for a while
before that, I done many other things, but I said,
let me try this. I sat down for a few days,
nothing happened, and then one day information started coming through
and it was very It was kind of frightened me
at first because it was like something took over in
my hand just started writing. And this information that was

coming was not me because it was beyond what I knew,
and it surprised me. And because of that, I actually
kept it quiet. I didn't even tell people what I
was doing. I attempted to do that for many years,
or probably about twenty years. I mean some family and
friends knew, but that was about it. But I was
receiving results from this work. But at the same time,

I was still going through a lot of really difficult
challenges in my life. But over time, because of that,
this work was giving me the solutions that I could
then get to others.

Speaker 2 (03:29):
Roger explain what automatic writing is.

Speaker 3 (03:33):
It was we all have consciousness and people say, well,
I don't hear anything I don't really know. We all
have consciousness, and when we get quiet, we hear something.
And I tell people all the time, think about when
you were in school, for instance, and you were asked
to write an essay just to make up something. You
had to go somewhere to get that information, and that

is your consciousness. But what I also believe is that
there's a higher consciousness of which were all a part
of that. When we can make that connection, we start
to get in touch with our authentic selves. And what
I know is that everyone has that, and every single
person has value and words that they were meant to
bring to the world, but would also have an evolutionary

path that was littered with all kinds of difficulties within
us and within our ancestors and everyone who's lived before.
Our job is to make something better when we come
into the world. Whatever life path we were given, we're
meant to ascend beyond that, so that we make a
difference and live the lives that we're supposed to have,

but also leave something for the others. Basically, we're going
to come later.

Speaker 2 (04:45):
Have you always wanted to be a spiritual teacher?

Speaker 3 (04:48):
No? I ran from the Georgia. I didn't want to
do that. Well, and I'll tell it. I for okay,
and I'll tell you the story. Because I started in
nineteen eighty nine. As I said, I didn't tell anyone.
The first messages that were actually published came out in
two thousand and eight, and that was only because people

found my messages and said they helped them so much,
and they asked me to send them to them. I
was never going to do that. I had many other
careers and for the longest time I was a vocal coach,
and most people in the world but I had a
program that I was selling globally, and so most people
just knew me as the vocal coach. So when I
was doing this other thing, they thought that was a little,

you know, very different. But then in twenty nineteen, I
wrote a book called Overcoming Fear, A Guide to Freedom.
And the only reason I wrote it was because I
knew that I had something that I could give to others.
And I had suffered through fear my entire life being
a child. And I also know that's the main difficulty

that most people experience in their lives is moving beyond
whatever fear, however it might show up for them. And so,
but putting the book out, I had to tell people,
and it's in the forward of the book actually where
I said, yeah, I want to write this book. But
the only problem was I was afraid because the judgment
that might have come because I had to tell people

that I received this information, was able to really move
through my fear and heal my life because of this,
And that's just a bridge too far for a lot
of people to think. But anyway, I had a great
friend who Cam Kaminsky, who was the one who really
got the book done. That was the first time then,

and then things started changing again. After I wrote the book.
It started to make sense why I did it, because
we were going to be moving through a lot of fear.
I received information before it shows up in the world,
and I know I didn't even realize that that's what
was happening. And I'm going to tell you something because
I was listening to your show yesterday and Mark was
on and he was talking about the Pernicus and it's

so fascinating because the first message that I wrote that
I told you about was on February nineteenth of nineteen
eighty nine. But February nineteenth was also he is first,
that's when d was born, and then I did a
research on that, and that's the why I'm talking about synchronicity,
because I did research and there were so many other
things that were created or throughout history on February nineteenth,

and I happened to put up a video today on
my YouTube channel where I put all the message just
that I received from February nineteenth. Because there is a
synchronicity that happens if we can imagine that our consciousness
is ever expanding. I mean, we can think about that
when we're in school and doing things of that nature,

but it's always no matter. As long as we're alive,
we're learning more and so. But the planet is doing
the same thing we as individuals. And then we have
periods that are a little bit complicated, which is what
we're in now. And that's why I love I'm hearing
Mark talked about it yesterday as well.

Speaker 2 (08:06):
This guidance you received Roger back in nineteen eighty nine.
Did you ask for it or did it just come
to you?

Speaker 3 (08:13):
Oh, that's interesting. I'm glad you said that. In the beginning,
what happened was and I was asking questions because I
was having all these difficulties in my life, and so
I would sit down and write a specific question, Please
give me an answer to this, and sit there and wait,
and I would receive information. But then after a while

I heard very clearly, why are you asking the questions?
They said, you're trying to control things. And the problem
with most humans is that they want to control everything,
and they don't because they we don't like the unknown.
And so I said, okay, I'll let go of that,
and so I started writing down any advice for today,
Just tell me what I need to know because I

don't know it, because I know there's a higher source
that can give me that, and that what started happening,
but I didn't know, which I found out many years
later that what I was receiving was in alignment with
changes that were happening on the Earth, which didn't make
sense to me at the time until twenty twenty one.

Speaker 2 (09:18):
Pretty dramatic. Yeah, planetary ascension. What does that mean to you?

Speaker 3 (09:26):
It means that we're all coming. We all have these
histories and we can see this happening globally where things
are changing. We can see it looks like a lot
of chaos, and so but it's been actually coming together
to change and create a better world, a better society basically,
and so that's why it is in twenty to give

you a little bit more of this. In twenty twenty,
I knew the world was beginning to change because my
messages started to change and my guide, Wilhelm is who
I used channel and they said you will be moving
through a restructuring. It'll be a restructuring of you and
your world. And then they started saying and the United
States would lead the way. None of that made any

sense to me at the time in twenty twenty, and
then it started to make sense later because in twenty
twenty one they told me, well, we gave you everything
you needed to know in twenty twelve, twenty twelve. That
made no sense to me. But then I found on
my computer a folder that I had never seen that

had all these messages in there from twenty twelve. And
many people might remember that that was the time where
we thought, many people thought the world was going to end,
because yeah, the Mayan calendar ended. In all of that,
I wasn't even thinking about that, and I went to
a most in a group and I was just talking
about this and someone reminded me of that, and I said, oh, well,

let me go and see what Wilhelm gave me on
that date, which was December twenty first of twenty twelve.
I looked and the title of that message that date,
that waight I go? And it said wait, because the
world's not ending, you're creating a new one. And then
it said when you use the energy of the word weight,

you're not afraid. You're anticipating something better coming. And I said, okay.
But I didn't realize that when I was receiving all
of that information. But then it got even beyond that,
because later on they revealed to me and they gave
me a philosophy, and they gave me a message. For
any person that I might meet on their birthday, I

would have a message on their birthday that came through
in twenty twelve, which that seemed completely ridiculous and I
wasn't going to trust it, except when I started doing it,
it started showing up. This is what I had. What
happened for you when I saw you, I got your birthday,
and it just made complete sense to me what you
were doing, which my guys were very pleased about it.

Speaker 2 (12:01):
Thank you. Guides right, what is more important? Planetary ascension
or individual growth?

Speaker 3 (12:10):
They're the same. They're all the same. And that's the
place that we're trying to get to that we have this.
We're just moving to this global understanding, because what we've
done is let people out, left societies out. But when
we understand everything is energy, and energy goes, it's you know, indiscriminative,
it goes everywhere we can use it. And so we're

but we have gotten to a place within our society
where we had more separation. And so what my Wilhelm
said this was about coming together. Even they said this George,
which was about the pandemic, They said, you know you
have that, so you maybe would start to come together.
Unfortunately it caused a little more division, but even that

division is going to eventually cause us to come together.
And when I started receiving this information, and I was
really afraid, I didn't even want to talk to people
about what I felt would becoming. But then I went
and found a message that they gave me. They said,
there's always inhuman and civilization, there's always a conflict or

chaos and then unity because you have to answer new
questions when you moved through an evolutionary change, and so
when you've answered those questions, then you moved to a
new place. Basically, that's what it was saying. So it
was like, don't be afraid of what you're saying or
what you're experiencing. Try to find what your role is.

Who are you meant to become? In other words, when
we're going through a very stressful time, we have to
go within and start to connect with who we are,
our authentic selves.

Speaker 2 (13:50):
Everybody at Gaya when we were taping Beyond Belief talked
about how uplifting you were and how positive you were.
Is that part of the primum person?

Speaker 3 (14:01):
It's the result of the process. Because I was not
that before. I suffered from depression, I had illnesses, I
had so many things throughout my life, and I mean
even as a kid, I couldn't understand why I was
depressed and why I was always afraid and had all
these difficulties, and so this was never anything that I

thought I was going to be doing. But after moving
through all of that, your really horrible things, you start
to see things in a new way. Your perception changes,
how you look at yourself, changes, how you look at
the world. Begins to change, and I was doubtful of
that actually, because when I was told I was given

this information, they said it's going to help people move
through this particular period in your world, and which you
know the restructurings from many people are calling it a
big shift or something like that. My guy said, no,
it's a restructural We don't want you to think anything
is going wrong. Is just creating something better. And then
the other part of that, the reason they kept insisting

on using the restructuring is because they knew we were
going to see division in our world, especially in the
United States, and they wanted us to understand that we
have been all those people. If we think of ourselves
as eternal spiritual beings, then we've had other lifetimes, or
we've done some terrible things and all that. So maybe

we should practice some forgiveness first on ourselves and then
we can get to others. But we all must recognize
that everyone's not going to do that, so it becomes
our job to the shine our light a little bit more.

Speaker 2 (15:45):
Roger, how important is being spiritual to the mix of
all of this.

Speaker 3 (15:50):
I think it's quite important, except the words get really
have caused a problem over time, which is why I
didn't talk about this for so long, George. If I
had been talking about maybe a traditional religion, that might
have been okay. But when I was doing this back then,
it wasn't a common or natural as it is today

to talk about this. So that's why I kind of
hid for the longest time. But I also found out
that that was purposeful, because no one would have accepted
the work that I've written forth unless I had lived
it all and then shown the results in terms of
the healing that can occur. And I know that can
happen perhapsically anyone, and so I tried. I didn't use

the term spiritual for the longest time because I was
supposed to bring this work to a greater mix of people,
which means that I'm not talking about religion. And they
don't even have to believe in spirituality. They just have
to believe that they have a purpose, that they had
a reason that's existence. And so if they just start
with that place, then we get somewhere.

Speaker 2 (17:00):
Do people sometimes get bombarded by demonic forces?

Speaker 3 (17:05):
They can and and but they can also change them.
I don't think anything. I think we have the ability
to move beyond anything we may have things from our past,
some our evolutionary paths or journey that we accept it
is how I like to think of it. To move through,
I don't I don't think anyone's being punished for anything.

They accepted certain things to move through in this life,
to go that that's going to help them evolve on
their path and then also aid the world. I think
Samantha last night was speaking something about that as well.
We come in and we have different life experiences, and
so when we can start to accept that a little

bit more, we let go of that judgment. Because we're
always talking about energy again, and the energy of love
is the highest form and it's the most so more
of us who can embody that not only do we heal,
but we place that into the world as well.

Speaker 1 (18:07):
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