Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Now here's a highlight from Coast to Coast AM on iHeartRadio.
Speaker 2 (00:05):
And welcome back to Coast to Coast George Nordy with you.
John Russell has more than forty five years of expertise
as a professional psychic and a worldwide client teles with
him as a paranormal investigator. He has witnessed more than
eight hundred supernatural manifestations. He's also been an avid motorcyclist
for over fifty years. John, Welcome back.
Speaker 3 (00:26):
Have you been George. It's so good to be back
with my Coast family. I thank you. I appreciate you
so much. I'm doing pretty good. I'm hanging in there.
How about yourself, my friend?
Speaker 2 (00:36):
All good? The Coast family simply adores you.
Speaker 3 (00:39):
Oh, bless your heart. I thank you. I appreciate it
so much. It's just such a delight to be here.
And I get so much wonderful feedback from the listeners,
and I just just appreciate it. Holl Lo.
Speaker 2 (00:51):
How did you get involved in the psychic mediumship?
Speaker 3 (00:55):
Oh goodness. That started when I was a child, and
when I was about five years old, I had an
experience where an old black ghost woke me up and
terrified the hell out of me, and it went from there,
and after that experience, he came to open up this
portal and to the other side and for me to
begin to have these physical paranormal manifestations that I experienced,
And these were things that other people saw and experienced
as well, So this was happening in the physical realm.
These were events that were actually happening, and being such
a small child, I didn't understand them, but I intuitively
knew that somehow they were extremely important. They were important
to me that were going to help my spiritual growth
and down the road, somehow it was going to help
me help other people, which of course they held. And
then shortly after that manifestation, shortly after that occurred, I
began to be aware of my psychic gift. And that
happened when some friends of my parents that I didn't
know came over to our house and I had this
vision of where they had been on vacation, and I
described it to them exactly, and I'll never forget the
woman's eyes bugged out or her shaw drop, and she
looked at my parents and she said, how the heck
can he possibly know that? And my parents were like, oh,
you know, kids in their imaginations, you know, kids will
say anything. And she was like, no, no, no, this
is not kids in their imaginations. She said, how the
heck could he possibly know that? She said, this is
what we were coming to tell you today about the
vacation that we just went on with, John totally completely
accurately described how was it possible? And so that was
when I learned that I had this psych a gift
that I could see in the people's lives where they
had been, what they had been doing, what was going
to happen in their futures. And went on from there.
Speaker 2 (02:57):
Then, John, did your parents support your bis?
Speaker 3 (03:01):
You know they did. My mother especially supported my abilities.
Her side of the family had a long and rich
history with the paranormal and were believers in the spiritual realm.
My father experienced it, but he was a little bit
afraid of it. Had kind of scared him a little bit.
And that was funny because he was a rough and
tumble guy. He had been a stock farmer, and he
owned a bar and he was the bouncer for his
own bar, a real tough guy. But when the paranormal occurred,
it was something he couldn't control. He couldn't lay hands
on it, he couldn't fight it, he couldn't resist it.
It kind of had its way with him, and that
kind of spooked him a little bit. So he had
to acknowledge the reality of it, but he didn't want
anything to do with it directly. But he didn't discourage me,
and of course my mother encouraged me a lot. So
that was a real blessing to grow up in that
environment where my gift was acknowledged, recognized, and encouraged.
Speaker 2 (03:57):
Did you have a human teacher to help you?
Speaker 3 (04:01):
You know? I talked with a few people here and there,
and I was able to learn at an early age
that I had to evaluate everything that I was told.
And so I begin to in this quest for the
truth about the paranormal. I began to examine everything that
I read, everything that I was told, everything I witnessed,
And it was like, Okay, is this real or not?
Is this somebody you know pulling one over on somebody,
This is an old teaching goes way back. Is it
really true? Does it really work? And so that was
my criteria for everything, whether I read it, whether I
took a class, whether I learned it from someone, whatever,
whether I saw a demonstration. It was like, Okay, is
this real? Is it really happening? And if it is,
can I it is? It's something that I can incorporate
into my life to make my life better and to
help other people as well. So there were a few
people along the way that provided smin Putt in guidance,
but mostly it was just the other side coming to
me directly and guiding me and teaching me and helping
me and lightening me as I went.
Speaker 2 (05:11):
John has several books out, including Writing with Ghosts, Angels
and the Spirits of the Dead, A Knock in the Attic,
Twenty Ways to Increase Your Psychic Abilities, and his latest
book is called The Crying Tree and the Magic Rock.
What is that title all about?
Speaker 3 (05:28):
I had not a great title, George. I love That
book is just out and you can go to Amazon
and get it right now. You can go to Barnes
and Noble and get it right now. The Crying Tree
in the Magic Rock the title literally references the crying
tree that I met when we moved our new home
here in Florida, and there was the spirit in the
tree that produced these incredible manifestations that readers will read
about in the book, so that's part of the title.
And then the other title is this magic rock that
I found here when we moved our new home and
all the different manifestations and exhibitions that this rock has
done since I found it. And that's not the only
magic rock I've had in my life. There have been
several others, but some of the most dramatic manifestations from
rocks have been from the rocks that I found here
when we moved our new home. So that's the Crying
Tree and the magic Rock.
Speaker 2 (06:29):
We're getting close to Halloween, John, Any great horror stories.
Speaker 3 (06:34):
Oh, I've got a funny story for sure, Hallowaite. Nothing
as you know, as we've talked about before, George, that
you know, nothing on the other side really scares me.
And I don't do the ghost hunter shows on TV
that type of thing that's not real, that's not reality
and dealing with the paranormal roilment and having real psychic experiences.
So nothing horrifying. But there was something really funny that
I write about in the book that I'll tell everybody
that occurred. When I was a kid, we lived about
about three blocks from this beautiful park and my parents
used to take me there when I was a kid,
and this park features in my books and in the
book to Come, which is another book coming out next year.
We can talk about a little bit. But when I
was young in elementary school, you know, we had the
Halloween carnivals at school, and so my parents took me
and picked up a friend of mine that lived a
few blocks from us and took him with us. So
we went together, went to the school carnival. We got done,
and we had hatched the splot to talk my parents
into letting us go trigger treating, and then he was
going to go home. He only lived a few blocks.
Somebody say he's going to walk home the dark, and
it was a big deal, and his parents agreed to that.
So unbelievingly, my parents agreed to it as well. We
couldn't believe we got away with it. So when they
came home from taking us to the school carnival, they
brought us to our house and said, okay, y'all can
trig or treat the neighborhood and then your friend can
either come, we'll drive him home where he can walk
over whatever. It was like, okay, So we were like
just monkeys let out of a cage man. We were like,
oh my god. And we were running through all the
houses that had light, phone and getting their good soon
and so forth. So they told us, you know, stay
within a couple of blocked area, but we were like,
they're not going to know. So we got down to
the park and we were like, oh, man, as anybody
this age, our age, elementary school kids, has anybody ever
had such power and such an adventure and such excitement.
And here we are in the park and it's dark,
and we're like what do we do now, you know?
And we're standing there and I see this glowing red
orb floating through the air and I grabbed my friend.
Speaker 2 (09:00):
And I go, oh my god, look look what is that.
Speaker 3 (09:02):
What is that? And he's like, I don't know it.
I said, is it a ghost? It must be a ghost.
And we're like what don't we do? And he goes
there was this big clump of ornamental grass there, I remember,
and he goes, let's hide behind this, watch it and
see what happens. And it's coming towardoise, It's floating toward us.
I'm like okay, So we hide behind the grass and
it gets closer, and it gets closer and we can
see that it's not a floating, blowing orb. It's to
lit glow from a cigarette. And this guy is walking
through the park in the dark smoking a cigarette, young kid,
and so we figure, holy cow, anybody that is brave
enough and tough enough to walk through the park at
night smoking a cigarette, we don't want to be around
for this guy. And this guy's going to be worse
than a ghost. I was like, what do we do.
He's like, we got to run, We gotta get out
of here. We're going to go back to your outh.
So we jumped up, screamed at the top of our loafs,
and this god nearly had a heart attack. He threw
his cigarette, jumped, cursed, and we rent like crazy. And
so that was our That was our little Halloween horror experience.
Speaker 2 (10:13):
There a story you'll never forget.
Speaker 3 (10:16):
A story I'll never forget as long as I live.
And I put that in the book and all of
my books, there are some some humorous things, just to
remind everybody we can't be dead serious all the time.
Life has to have a little humor. Life has to
have a little laughter. And I get the feedback from
our readers that say, I love that there's humor in
your books, that there's some some joy to go with
these stories. So that was that was my Halloween story.
Speaker 2 (10:42):
In spite of the supernatural and the paranormal and the unusual,
you have looked at humankind and you've got techniques to
help people alleviate ups and downs in life, don't you.
Speaker 3 (10:57):
Yeah, yeah, I do. And that's one of the things
that I teach people, especially in my third but twenty
waist increase your psychic abilities. One of the main things
I tell my clients, George, is that if you focus totally,
fully and completely on something that's positive, it's not positive
to have something negative in your mind as well. Now,
if you're just sitting just being normal, you can you
can weigh the pros and cons of anything. You can
have my Bible of Feelings. You can say, well, you know,
Uncle George died and that makes me sad, but I
inherit it as a state and I'm rich. That makes
me happy. So you can hold two opposing thoughts if
you're just sitting around just just acting normally. But if
you're depressed, or you've got issues to overcome, or you've
got problems to do with, things are encroaching upon your
mind and it's weighing you down. You can push those
out of your mind by forcefully forcing yourself to think
only on something positive and uplifting. It could be a
favorite Bible verse, it could be a favorite spiritual quote
of a motivational quote. It could be the memory of
a favorite time in your life. It could be a
song that you like or whatever that uplifts you and
makes you feel good. But the key is you've got
to focus on that to the exclusion of everything else.
And it's like if you've got a selection of colors
before you on pieces of paper, red and yellow and green, whatever,
and I tell you to focus on the red to
the exclusion of everything else. That means you're gonna put
your face down to that piece of paper and you're
gonna stare at that red, and you're gonna block all
the other colors out. You're not gonna look at them
even through your peripheral vision. You're gonna stare at that red.
Let that red consume you. That's going to be the
only thing you see. So it has to be likewise,
when you're working with some positive or motivational thing or
whatever it is, that lifts you up. That has to
fill your mind. You can't allow anything else in. You
can't allow anything else to come in or encroach. You
can't allow yourself to waver back and forth between yeah,
this makes me feel good, but you know poor uncle
Jim in the hospital, or this and the other or
blowing my cars moping out that. You can't do that.
You can't allow that other negativity in. You've got to
hold that positivity to the exclusion of everything else. And
the more that you do that, the more that's going
to allow you to receive inspirational guidance, help, input from
the other side, solving the problem, solving abilities from your
own intuition, getting intuition intuitive help the other side that
you might not normally get flashes of inspiration coming to
you that say, hey, you know, here's a way out
of this, here's a way to help solve this problem,
so on and so forth. So that's the key. You've
got to focus on that to the exclusion of everything else,
and you have to continue to do it until you
get those that inspiration that helps you to solve that problem,
overcome that difficulty, that shows you a way out or
at least a way to deal with it, because if
Uncle Joe's in the hospital and he's going to die,
there may not be any way to change that, but
there are ways to change your emotional reaction to that
so that you can bring something positive to the situation
instead of letting it weigh you down. Maybe you can
go to Uncle Joe in and encourage him during his
final days if that's going to be the case. That
type of thing. So there's not always a solution, but
there's a way to react to that issue that will
be more meaningful, more helpful, more positive to you. And
sometimes there is a solution, but you're not going to
find it by being down in the molligrubs, by letting
things overwhelm you, by letting things overtake you. You've got
to be positive. You've got to find that positive key.
You've got to find that positive thing that lifts you up,
and you've got to focus on that to the exclusion
of everything else.
Speaker 2 (14:58):
John, what is the world supernatural mean to you?
Speaker 3 (15:03):
You know that we say supernatural, and like a friend
of mine pointed out, George, he said, you know what
we call supernatural is probably just natural. This is the
state of the earth, you know, But the real deal. Yeah,
the real deal. But for me, supernatural has always meant
the realm that goes above and beyond what we see
with our physical eyes and here with our physical ears
every day, the normal routine that we go through every day.
For me the supernaturalist, when you get that guardian angel
guidance or that protection or that intervention, when you see
the door slam in the home and there's no one
home but you, and there's no drafts, there's no air
conditioning on, no fans, anything like that. When you hear
those footsteps in your house and you know you're alone.
When you see an object move by itself, so you
know it's moving from some type of spiritual influence, some
being able to influence that and move that. To me,
that's supernatural. We connect with a realm that's greater than
we are, that's different than our normal day to day
routine and enables us to connect with things in such
a way that it shows us that life continues beyond
the grave, that there are spiritual beings that see things
no things see from the down the road that we do,
and they can give us guidance, help, an inspiration. There
are realms that we can tap into that will solve
problems for us. I write about in my third book,
when he wasted to increase your psychic abilities. I had
a friend that worked for the NSA, the National Security Agency.
He was a code breaker, and he told me, said,
Johnny said, we had this code. We had all our
computers on it, our best minds on it. I'm working
on this thing, and we can't crack it. And he said,
I became obsessed with it. And I worked on this thing,
work on this thing, trying to crack this code, trying
to break this code. And he said. I went home
one day and he said, I walked into my bedroom
and I stood at the foot of my bed, turned around,
placed my cabs in the back of my legs up
against the foot of the bed, and just fell back
into the bed with my shoes on, my suit and
tie and everything. That's all I saw it. I was
and I immediately went to sleep. And he said, in
my dream, I started dreaming about this code. And I
it was a lucid dream because I was aware I
was dreaming, and I thought to myself of my dream,
Oh my god, I can't even get away from this
thing here now. And he said, like the ticker tape
things on Wall Street or in Times Square where you
see the messages running across the lighted you know, the
lighted boards. He said, here came one of those boards
lit up with the characters of the code running across there,
scrolling across there, and he was like, oh my god,
I can't even escape this in my dreams now. And
he said below that, another lighted board appeared and the
letters in English and clear appeared under each character of
the code. And he was like, oh my god, the solution.
And he said, I woke up. He said, I always
kept pen and paper handy and pin paper by my
bed and everything, and he said, I remembered enough of
it that I wrote down the characters I saw, and
I wrote down the letters in English that I saw,
and I raced back into the office, and he said
that was the solution to cracking the code. I literally
got in my under em So we connect with the
side in positive ways to get these flashes of inspiration.
It's just like musicians. I was inspired to write the song.
The song came to me out of the blue, like
writers like myself. The this side gives me inspiration and
guidance and brings things to mind and my writing to
write for my readers. So all of this is out there,
we'll tune into it. So to me, that's the supernatural.
It's a very positive thing, a very affirming thing, and
it's something that we should see daily and listen to.
Listen to the guy that's listen to that inspiration.
Speaker 1 (19:02):
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