All Episodes

February 14, 2020 83 mins

We’re live from our sold out show at The Roxy in Los Angeles! This Galentine’s Day special is full of surprises and special guests!


Major girl crush Hannah B scrubs in! She lets us in on her life after moving to LA and we get an update on her dating life!


Tanya’s sister joins us on stage to set the record straight about THAT tampon story.


Plus another round of Truth or Drink! You won’t BELIEVE what Becca reveals about her “95%”!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Scrubbing in with Becca Tilly and Tanya rad and I
Heart Radio and two time People's Choice Award winning podcast
Ladies and chun on back a Tillia Baby, Baby Baby,

how you do da? Oh my god? We Okay, So

we were kind of like a little worried because this
is a smaller venue than in San Francisco, So we
were like, are they going to be excited with, like, wow,
you guys, you' all sold out the roxy we're at,
shearing at Jason at Sharon is who we are apparently,

um we're scrubbing in live everybody. Um I also would
just like to point out that, um, I have the
red microphone tonight and I have the yellow to match.
Are beautiful shirts. Um So do you'll ever have those

like expectations versus reality moments in your life? Okay all
the time? Right? Um So, Tanya, I was like, as
Tanya would, I really want us to be cohesive. You know,
I love cohesion, and I'm gonna get his shirts made
for the l A show. So cute obviously, Okay, thank you,

thank you, you're wearing. The thing that happened though, was
that um I just let her roll with it, so
mistake number one. Um, she comes over today and brings
the shirts. This is a lot today this morning, and
this is um what we got a beautiful nightgown. Um,

so yeah that's what we wanted. No, So what I
thought was she told me the idea, and I thought
it was gonna be tiny little pictures of our face,
like if you were close you could see what it was.
Otherwise it just looked like a printed shirt. So imagine
my surprise. But here we are because I love mind you,

mind you scrubbing in sister made us these like mock ups. Yeah,
for like screen savers or for like the background of
our phones. So it's like really cute. Because I was like,
we could pay homage, make them very avant garde, Like
it's so cute. I like them, Thank you, thank you

so much. In the room would like them. So I
feel like we could make a profit based on our
Tommy listeners. Um, I want to shout out Joe. I
don't know where you are from New York. She flew
here from New York City just for this. She's fly

She's flying back tomorrow because she has work on Saturday.
I know. So I wanted to shout you out and
when we do this in New York because I say,
when ryes Um you're coming as our guest, We're just
gonna make you take one subway ride and that's all
it's gonna take. Yeah, you know what it means a

lot like you came. You flew from New York City
to be here, Like that's I love you because I
actually hate that flight from l A to New York
so like it really I know what it means to
get I love that flight. I'm at the cutest man
on my flight back from New York theather. No, not
like that kind of man. He's like married with like

his kids are like forty, Like you know what I mean. Yeah,
like you'd be like yeah, yeah. So I'm curious though,
based on that, how many of you came from out
of the l A area. That's crazy? Like how far?
What are we talking? What? Boston? Atlanta? I thought you

said Santa and I was like, yeah, okay, thank you
for your sacrifice. The four O five is a bit
wherever from nash so hey, you know, we know what
it means to get here, even just in l A
traffic alone. Wait, so I have to tell you guys
the story I haven't even told Becca this, but it's

pretty good. So, um, I went to the guy No
yesterday just for like my whatever, my annual checkup, and
um so I'm like the least closest with my guy
No out of all my doctors, which is like shocking,
but like what is it? What defines close? Let you
know how I am just so whatever. She like knows me,

but she doesn't like me, but she knows. So I
go in and she like, you know, like I sit
down and she like does the like listen to my
heart or whatever they do, and then she like, I
lay down, She's like checking my boobs and then she's
like goes down there and she so we're talking about
like she's like just catching up. She's like, how is
the word season? Talking about the oscars everything, and then

she goes, yes, thank you oscars um. And then she
goes down there and she's like someone else is knew
how's your personal life? And I was like, oh, it's
like I have a boyfriend. She goes, she goes, she goes.
I thought it was weird when you when you didn't say, um,

that's the most action I've got all year because when
she like every time she would touch give me my
breast exam. I would like make a joke and be like,
that's the most action I've had all year. I bet
she's never heard that one before. And I literally was
like you did you notice that? And she was like yeah,

I thought. I just was like waiting for it, and
I was like, more action now, thanks, Dr C A moment.
It was a moment. Are we like just so happy
that Tony has a boyfriend and Tonny Tonny just that
why I I recently met him. What do you think?

He's awesome? He's really awesome. Yeah, he's really really really great.
So we're you know, she went into the whole relationship
without me meeting him, which felt a little risky. But
I know, but I feel like with priors I have
thrown them into the throwing them into the mix too soon,

you know what I mean. I'm the mix. Oh look,
I was getting territorial. I mean I have a plenty
of attention. But when he stopped like making me feel
important by the way, um, golf is my new sport. Okay,

she worked a golf event, that's what she Yeah, she
didn't play, and thank you so much. I I didn't play.
I worked it, but I decided it's going to be
like my new thing because it was so cute and
like the vibe was just like so me, like I
felt like very like at home with all the golfers
minus my heels. Sont heels next time. But so I'm
going to this golf tournament on Sunday. Oh it's it's

literally your new it's my new thing. So they were like, oh,
you were like this was so fun. You want to
come to the show? Is it a show? Oh? What
a game? Game competition? Whatever? Uh? Do you want to
come to the competition this weekend? What is it? Tournament? Tournament? Tournament?
Thank you so much. They were like, do you want
to come to the tournament on Sunday? And I was like,

oh yes. And so Sia, you guys know Sierra, she
works with us in the morning show. Her husband's like
obsessed with golf, like obsessed with golf, and so um,
I asked my boyfriend if he can't come on Sunday
so I would know. So I was like, Sarah, give
him to your husband as like Valentine's and like love
your sister wife or whatever. So we're all going on Sunday.

And she calls me today or text me today, and
she was like, so, um, guess who Eric's bringing us?
His friend? Yes, oh my god, you have to tell it.
Ter Chippler. My reaction to I was like, huh, all right,

we love a golf meet up. We love a golf
meet up, and it's gonna be super cute. But I
was like, but not like that cute fine, super super
fun fine. But I was like that would that would
that would? Yeah? What happened to me? I was like,
is that like Murphy's all or something things like that?
What's Murphy's Law? It was Murphy's Law. Oh, totally Murphy's Law.

So um. I also got to meet Tanya's sister for
the very first time tonight. Um And I don't know
if you remember, we talked about Tommy's sister, you know,
quite often on the podcast, but there's a specific story
that stands out when we think of Tanya's sister. Yeah,
what do you guys remember? I feel like that podcast
really really resonated with people because it was about my

first period, the tampon story. So we asked her to
come up and share her I you know, like her
perspective on it because you remember she wouldn't help Tanya
insert the tampon for the first time, so we gave her.
We gave her a beverage before she came out. So

just so you guys know, to preface this, my sister
is like you talk into the microphone, okay, So yeah,
we need to give her like a big round of
a pause because she was not super into the idea.
So if there's like a Yang and a yang and
in a sisterhood, it's Yan and Yang, very very true. Yeah,

so we couldn't be more opposite. So this is very
scary for her, but I wanted her to share. But everybody,
when we when we had this podcast, I've never laughed harder.
So I was I was like about to a gag
really hard. When a gag when I laugh really hard
to just I don't know if that happens everyone. Um,

I thought it did until I brought that up in someone.
Yeah it doesn't, she says in the pro room. But
I was gagging. I was like tearing. I was, I
think because I related a lot to your sister. And
oh yeah, because I'm I've asked Becca to do. It's
not not insert tampons in me, but I've asked Becca

to do questionable things. What you've asked me to do
your hair. That's like the extent of I haven't asked
you to apply anything anywhere weird, No, not, no, I
won't do it, so I think he away. So anyways, Um,
because you would not put the tampon in me, I
decided that you should share your side of the story
as to why you did not do that, because I

think everybody agreed with me. That no one agreed, I
was saying, most people disagreed. So there are just some
things that you need to learn by trial and error.
There are just some things you have to learn on
your But it was my first period, her first period.
But if anybody knows, if anyone knows Tanya, they know
that she's a little impatient. And the first day ever

that she got her period, she wanted to go to
a pool party. I couldn't miss the pool. She didn't
want to miss the pool party always and I had
just come back from studying abroad. So that's why I
had the obie tampons. Okay, everyone had a reaction. I
was curious, like why did you have the OBEs? Like
who buys those aliens? Those right here? What's your name?

What is it? What's her name? Morgan buys obie tampon too.
We're not here to shame, No shame, no shaming. We
sat in the bathroom, We opened the little pamphlet, We
looked at the pictures. I showed her how you do it,
I you know, kind of like I tried to sample,

you know, kind of show her the techniques, the technique,
but she wouldn't even have it. She wouldn't have it.
I was going somewhere else. So then I gave her
some extra and went on my way. She called me
really excited, saying that she figured it out and she
was going to the pool party, and so I was like, fantastic,
that's great, good job um. And then later that night

she was like, I think I did something wrong. It
filled with water, so it was completely soaked with water. Said,
you definitely did something wrong. But the problem was that
later when I told my dad this story about how funny, like,
how is it possible that someone would want me to
insert a tampon for them? She my dad was like,
you definitely should have done that to her. That was

like a bad sister move. You are the worst sister
that you did not help your sister out with that
was like, my sisters are here. Would y'all ever ask
or expect such things? Talking about says, Okay, if Becca

needed you to help her insert a tampon, you would
do it. I helped you. I helped you do it.
I just did not do it for you. You would
do it for her. Caroline said, no, he is questionable.
He's like what boundaries. They're saying boundaries. Yeah, we're fat.

It was one thing that we Yeah, your dad with
my dad agreed, which I thought it where it comes from?
I think obviously sure, Dad's pure. Um. Okay, I know
that was really hard for you, So I really appreciate
you coming. I have a clo. She did have some

vodka before this, And just a preface, my sister is
like the most amazing human on the planet. Like literally,
you don't get much better than that. She's amazing, grateful
for her guidance in my life. Lord knows I need it.

You're you're you're your own version of anyone. Do you
feel do you feel like you have a new glow
with the like boyfriend thing, because everyone I posted a
photo of you and they were like, Tonya has a
new boyfriend glow. I think that's friend. Like I've always like,
what don't even a man to have a glow? Thank

you so much? Who go reach? I'm like, she goes
to the inferenceaana Um, No, I don't think. I don't
think I have a globe. But I definitely think I'm
very very happy you're very happy. I know. I feel

like we should name him something. M h, you have
an idea? Do you want to say it in the
microphone or to my ear? Do you think it's like
maybe a color? Like what? What? Do I like what
you're doing? Red? Like? Maybe a red? I like red?

Maybe like a red um like star red star. I
see what you're doing there and what Sorry to our
listeners when they hear this um for your ear drums,
but um, I like red Star. It's like puts it
out there. But oh ye five, we all know Becca

Becca has found her red starburs. I got a lot
of messages about that one. I know which No, but
we've started that in the latest podcast. Yeah, we talked
about that. You know that they're we're doing the we

might be doing another game today for y'all. But um,
they were like, you have to move faster, and I'm like, well,
y'all are asking questions that consider a lot of thought
for me. So I'm either gonna be wasted taking shots
if you wanted to be fast, or you gotta give
me just a little bit of time to you know,
go through that. I mean, I think personally Becca's had

a glow about her. Do you guys think she's had
a glow? And it's been around for about you're in
a half. I don't know if I've talked about how
long it's been. Alright you're now, Um, yeah, I'm very

I'm so happy. We're both so happy. I know in
what world this one? This one at the Roxy. Um,
so we have a really big show for you all tonight.
We really Yeah, we like had our names out there
on the what's it called Maru Marquis the Marquis has

our name or or you know the podcast on it
and we are here to bring it for global basically, Hey,

do you want to do the honors? Yeah, So this
guess that we have for you all tonight. We are
so excited to have her here to celebrate Gallantine's Day.
By the way, UM, I would love for you to
give a huge welcome standing ovation. Please to the one

and only Miss Hannah Brown. That was a really great welcome.

Um Our listeners have been wanting you to be on
the podcast for so long. Yeah, are you prying? No?
I did so, I mean I could. I'm just so
excited because the energy is great. It's so good. All
cool girls and if there's guys are cults. How many

guys are here tonight? Oh yeah we know. I'm like yeah, yeah, yeah, one, two, three,
four four awesome. I told woman. I told one of them,
I said, this is going to be the best night
of your life. He laughed, sad I will forever be

the roll tad girl. Like I'm like, I god, I mean,
I said, probably helped the University of Alabama. Yeah, you've
increased your applications. Yeah, you've done it all. Yeah. Two
bad kids guests relive now girl they baby um is

a Tanya we have discovered, Like, yeah, we're taking photos
and they did that thing where they both like open
their mouth and smile at each other with big eyes. Yeah,
but you did it really intense. But I like appreciated
it so much because you were like holding my hand
and like I was like like this, but you do

it and that's sacrificial. I know. Yeah, I'm really bitter
about that because I wanted both of their faces online
is going to be on them. I've already sent a text.
I mean, it would have been ideal to have it.
Now that's okay. Yeah, we are limited on time because

we could talk to you all day. There's a lot
of questions, but what are you doing right now? What's
like you went through a whirlwind of reality TV for
a year twenty nine weeks on Monday's on ABC. Yeah,
is that for real? That's for real. That's not awesome though.
That's like just just how much everybody loves you. Yeah maybe,

um yeah, they're like I love you. Um, so I
just need to l A like we said, and um
really just been like getting the couch and last week
was the first week my TV was not on the ground.
Just more like making a home. So, um, I love you.

You've been in Los Angeles for some time now, ye
do I need to help you build a home? No,
it's it's actually like coming together. But even though I
was here, when people asked me how long have you
been in l A, I'm like, it's complicated because I
was here, but I was on a TV show. Most
of the schedules crazy and I had no time. Like

my parents would come in to watch me on Dancing
with the Stars and stuff and I'd be like uh
yeah um, and I would be like, I love you.
I'm probably not going to see you until like ten
o'clock at night, so uh, have fun. This is the
codes and I'll see you live and you'll be in
the front and I would like high five them, hug them,

and then I had to go back to sleep, and
it was time to rehearse, and so I was just
rehearsing all the time. And so I don't feel like
I really lived in l A that long. But now
you're here, Janue Wary, I feel like was the first
time that I actually lived. Did your parents sit on
the floor or what? How did they? I mean, no,

they put me in because I knew I only had
a couch for my Kia and the TV that was
on the floor, So they put me in a place
and my parents and I could sleep for the time.
It was that I need to help you, I know, Yeah,
yeah I did that. She was the hardest thing ever. Yeah. Wow,

do you want to ask our our burning question that
we need to ask her, well, here's the thing, so
what is it? What is it? What did you say?
Oh my god, that wasn't my question. But I mean, oh,

it's there's so it's there's. I mean I feel like
I've been pretty like open about where I'm at in
my life. I'm just here in l A, like eating
Postmates and were officially having our not yet wives club,
not yet wives Club. That's right, I have to watch
the show. Yeah, that's right. I'm on a woman. I'm

gonna wing man. I'm gonna be super cute wing man
for you. Please. I need help. I don't know how
to date, which sounds weird for me, but I really
don't other than one. But I said, I was like,
I think it's super good, a super good, super cute,
super good. If we all got we all go out
in a group and then like I can like talk
to people, bring them over, and then like you can

suss it out if you like them, you give us
a wing and keep so excited about that. Yeah, I'm this. Yeah,
it has no fear going up to stream, no fear.
It's so if you point somebody out, I will gather him,
bring him to you. If you are like I'll be like, honestly,
I love that because they didn't like I can just

be like my friend, I know she's so crazy and
I'm down with that title. Okay, then this can work
because you were you like one of those kids on
the leash when you were a little like were there?
Did you ever put me on a leash? No? No leash?

Sons leash? So are you are you open to like
dating apps or are you just like wanting to meet
someone in the wild. What's your what are you wanting?
I would love to meet somebody in the wild. So
when people ask me a lot, like why did you like,
why do you believe in the show that The Bachelor,
Bachelorette and all that, I'm like people, I'm like, I

do believe that love can happen there, but because I
also believe that people can find love at the coffee shop.
So I'm just still it didn't work exactly for me
on that show. So I'm still like just hanging out
at coffee shops, just waiting to see if I'm like
the guys there, because I think it just happens like that.
Sometimes dating apps really scare me. Well, I know, but

then you've kind of given me hope, because but then
it's like, Okay, I tell people I want a dating app.
Who knows who I might match with? And then what
if they're scary? And then but the thing is like,
what if you met someone at a bar, they could
be a serial killer? And hello. Even the people that
were on my season, for me, some of them were
kind of scary. So it like, I think it's just

they're scary everywhere. So I've gotta I've gotta go through
the jungle. I always sayre a numbers game. Remember, I
always do, like my weird like numbers game, and it
always turns out weird. But like, okay, so there's a
hundred men in the room. I have the hundred. How
many of them are you physically attracted to? Ten? Okay? Wow, wow,

generated yeah, Okay, I'm trying to be like nice here. Okay,
so ten out of those hundred, and you are attracted
to ten. Out of those ten, how many of those
will you actually click with personally? Five? Five? So out
of those five, if you're meeting zero men, what are
your odds here? Oh? Yeah, like I've met zero man, Right,

I'm saying, it's like, you know what I mean that's
a weird method. I've got it because saying like like,
if you meet a hundred people, if you're only attracted,
maybe we should put out applications. No, okay, this is
what you know. You don't want that because like you
already probably a freak sliding in your d ms that

are like people sounds sad. No sounding sounds sad. Okay, No,
I don't think I have one of those profiles that
guys are like, oh yeah, I want to slide into
that d M. I'm definitely more like no, no, no,
you'd be surprised. No, I'm such a girl's girl. Like
if there's nothing about I'm like, oh look at me. Huh,

let me tell you my phone hold on hammah Brown.
I bet you if I dig through your d M s,
I could find some good guys in there, because I'm
the same. There's nothing about my profile that says like
let me tap that out. I'm telling you, but you
right through them. No, no, but I've been telling your

to get on hande. You don't even get me wrong
on that. But I'm not here to say that the
sliding into the d MS does work. Does work. That's
my current situation. As well, So I really really we met.
We connected again? Was the d M slide. I don't

know that you exchange numbers that night? Who knew? Yeah,
I'm not doing anything. I gotta figure this out. Another
question to look at. Nothing would make me happy, right, dude. Wait,
there's a lot of crazy in there. I can sit
through it. Did you see the woman today made fun

of me as a hillbilly said I was chucking corn
but sounded and like made it like chucking, like ha ha,
and it's shucking corn. And so then I found a
picture of me actually chucking corn and put it on
there because I did do that, and I'll do it.
I don't think chucking's hot. That's chuckling, you know what

it Isn't that another thing? I had a hillbilly, so
that's better. Hurt people hurt people, so she's just hurt.
I thought it was hilarious because I knew I had
that picture of me shucking corn, and I was like,
this is amazing. Okay, I think that's what we really
want to know. Though I'm scared. No, no, it's not.
It's good because I know this is good because I

personally can't watch any of these girls that are on
Peter season be the bachelorette you so like, I need
it to be you next season? Are we down for
a Hannah by around two? Oh, I thought y'all loved me.

I'm just kidding, Um yeah, I mean, like, like I said, like,
I'm still like currently just sitting at a coffee shop
like this is waiting for somebody to happen. I think
that being the Bachelor bachelorette is a way too fine love.
I don't think it's my only option though, of course not,

so I'm gonna try out. I guess I'm gonna I'm
still having hope with the coffee thing, like somebody's just
gonna show up. But I do I think that there
was a lot of good that came out of it.
I know, and I honestly, I sincerely know that like you,
that you really do believe in it, because I remember

when I was weird, was talking about it for like
a few minutes about going on the back or you
reached out and you were like you really I wanted Yeah.
I was like, it's amazing. Did Yeah. You're like if
you really like lean into it and you open up
like it can really work for you. It worked for me,
like it really can. So I know that like this
is it's something that, yeah, it works, And I think
maybe we could have a hand in picking the men.

That would be because I can really sucks. I can.
I can tell if someone's like if we could pick
the guys, the thirty guys, just to make sure, because
like I would have told you if I knew you
back then, yeah it was really salty and you're finally
trust me. I would watch it and be like, no,

don't do it, but I knew it happened. I would
be like, oh my god, what do you what do
you do? But so what I like about it when
I think that was good for me is like the
processing of it and being able to let everyone know
and myself know why I liked each person. I think
I think that's what's missing a little bit from this season.

I don't want to talk. I don't want to, but
like you knew, even if it was like you didn't agree,
you knew why I liked the person, Like I really did,
like dive into the men there and tried to like
give it my all and to be like completely vulnerable
and with with everyone watching too, Like you knew where

I was at the whole time, and um, it's because
I truly was all in, like with everything, even in
moments I was very honest, like I'm not all in.
I'm trying to be, but I'm scared, and like, I
just think that's really important. If you're going to be
you know, everybody's going to be invest in your life
and you're doing it for the right reason, you gotta

go all in. You can't care about I can't being
in your face because like at the end of the day,
that camera's going to be gone and you still might
have something near your teeth or booking in your nose,
and you gotta like your nose would manifest it. Now,
what are you looking for? Oh god, she's sweating. I am,

I'm literally sweating. And then this is like putting me
on the spot. No, this is easy though. I can't
take my coat off because um, I had to have
my person that in my makeup like basically color matched me.
And if I took my jacket all it's gonna be different.
It would be a totally different color. So I just

sweat it out, gonna sweat. So if you see like
droplets of the color not being the same don't worry
about but I like, my arms are completely white. I
can't take it all that is, Um, what was the question?

I tried a larger sidetrack what is manifesting? So like
give us like dream scenario, like what's he really? Uh? Look,
I realized and I can even like point this out
for myself, like I go back to the comfortable and
there's a type And um, that doesn't mean that I

still won't like Mary or be with a southern guy.
But that's not like I keep going to what's comfortable.
I think I had different other options. I hate saying
that sounds so weird, but like other guys that I
was very um attracted to and could have had a
maybe a lot of life with, but they weren't comfortable,

And I think, like what's comfortable with? You know, like
they were not safe, Like they weren't what I knew
Like I when you think, oh, like who do you
picture yourself with? What I could picture myself with people
that had the same type of life that I did
growing up. I couldn't picture myself the other with some
of the other guys that I had relationships with because

it was so new and that was scary so I
think now when I think about what do I want,
I want somebody that like is like, yeah, girl, go
do your thing. It is so supportive and not like
envious of that are jealous, but has his own thing
that he's also passionate about. I think that's like one

of the big things is like he's passionate about something.
I'm passionate and doing my thing, and we can support
each other and that somebody has the same values as me,
and like my faith is very important to me, and
um can can encourage that and like help me and
encourage me to be the person that I can be
and not just like I don't know it just wants

me to be a better person and helps me be that,
and I can be that for him. And then somebody
that's freaking fun. Don't cry, No, don't cry. I know,
but it's like I, um, you can find that I do.
I do believe it, and I do I have I
have hope in it. But then this is like the
side part of like that's all sweet, like what I want,

but I also want somebody that like will play pranks
with me and like like lead leave me in the
grocery store, like leave me in the grocery store and
might be like, come find me and I have to
run around the grocery store, or like roll down the
window and be like you have to jump in the car.

I want somebody like that, thanks to but like, but
maybe a child. That is what you need, a baby,
all like somebody who can be childlike and fun and
and and like do weird dances. I don't know why
I just did that, but be like weird and dance

with me and silly and that. I think you're gonna
find him, And I think I just think about this.
I'm just thinking about the bruises of jumping into the
open window. But but it would all be filmed because
it would be so funny by like a production like
you oh he wouldn't film and not helped me in.

But it was also loving, like it's all in love.
Yeah I would At that point, like I was like, yeah,
well I would do the same stuff bad. I'm just look, yeah,
I also has the qualities that you're looking for on
a more serious reciprocity. Reciprocity so not my strong word.
Smith is not my middle name. Before Hannah went on

The Bachelor, she called me and because we have a
mutual friend, and my mutual friend was like, Hey, do
you care if our friend Kammy um Miller that works
for Owens show me your mumu and she um was like,
can I of Hannah? This girl Hannah, she's friends from Alabama?
Can I give her your number? And so I said sure,
So she called. We talked for a long time. It

was like over an hour because I remember get off
the phone and being like, she's so nice, like she
didn't have to talk to me, and you did, and
it was the it was the biggest thing, like the
biggest thing for me, you have no idea of like
just that. I was like, oh my god, like you
thought you were so beautiful and did so great and
like just giving me the insight you did it meant
a lot to me. I wasn't prepared for the compliments. Yeah,

I was just saying I actually thought it was so
I thought it was so funny because I kind of
was like, you know, be more cautious because production there edit,
they're making a TV show, like, you know, just be
aware of what's going on. And you were so unapologetically yourself,
which I feel like I kind of held back on
that for that reason and so I remember thinking, like,
I'm glad she didn't listen to me. She really did

her own Honestly, I would think I didn't listen to
her sheet You always have to listen to back up,
I know. But also y'all wit and get all the
weird like means of me roaring and stuff. So that day,
when all that happened to me, I thought about what
you said a lot, and I stayed to my pajamas

for four days, and I'm like, I am the scary
I'm the crazy girl on the show and there's a
lot of crazy and I turned into it and I
thought of you and that I should have listened to Becca.
All kind of worked out in a weird worked out,
just so you know, I say that often. Really, Yeah,
I was like, damn it, I should have listened to Becca. Yeah,

but it seemed like but I actually I was doing
a devotional this morning and weird, I mean not weird.
It's just I'm bringing that up. But um, sorry, I
just talk in circles all the time. But the scrubses
are fine, we get it. Yeah, Um, but that's saying

I feel like it is my motto of like it's
seemed like such a good idea at the time. Like
at the time I it, it it was totally normal to
roar so funny, and you know that after oh my gosh,
I should have done it. But that's just how like
my life has been and I've learned so much more
from that. But and it's made it kind of more fun.

But yeah, that's it's to watch you. Okay, So we
have homework now. So we have homework. We're going to
have a not yet Wives Club official meeting next week
next year, next week. Yeah, I'm putting something in the
calendar so that you can't wheezele out of it. No,
do it. All I'm doing is trying to find other

things that put on my wall and watching Netflix shows.
I think I can pencil you in pencil listen because
it's going to be like really cute. And then um,
we'll start a petition to make you the next Bachelor
because I won't watch otherwise we want you as a
bachelor at again. She just said, yeah, I said that.

I don't know if I would do it right now.
I'm really trying to focus on like what I have
right now, and that's like building a home and working
on other opportunities. That like what I might have not
found love, but I did find like myself and that's why,
Yeah I did. I did, and like I have more
confidence of what I can do and in like working

towards that, I got like a weird I guess platform
to have a career in a way I never thought
I wouldn't be able to have a community that I
that's so great that supports me, like my team haying
to be people are like the best and so like
have my back and I love it so like just

really focusing on that I don't need a man. I
want a man, and I think that's okay, don't help.
Yeah this, I was in the same boat. I was
in the same boat, and I thought I was getting
married and like doing the whole thing, and then my
life just switched like that and catapul holding me into
the career I have now, which I never thought a

million years i'd be doing. So man's rejection is God's protection.
Oh yeah, He's got you. Yeah. So I'm just being
like learning to be um patient and to find happiness
and where I'm at now because it's not what I
ever expected and it's in some ways so much more

than I could have ever expected, And in some ways
there's disappointments for sure, but like living in what I
have now and being so grateful for it and being happy,
but then also being okay to be sometimes like this
is not what I thought it was going to be.
And I think everyone me too, can can have those

moments because everything's not dandy and great all the time.
But I do have a pretty great life, but I
still have those moments. So I'm just like trying to
live in that. And so if that means dating people
on TV or not, like I think I'm gonna be
okay regardless, I mean, you're gonna be just Um. Can
we give a round of applause to Hannah Browns? Shot back? Guy,

you want to do the honors? Um? Yeah. So now
we have two of our favorite people in your favorite people?
Can we please bring out Mark and Easton? No, I

don't want anybody to get too comfortable here. You guys
can down. Can we get Danielle and Tori up here?
To please Danielle and Tori? Um, we have this is
not in the agenda, so to everybody, but we have
a surprise for you guys. Who for you guys? Oh

my goodness, I might need a help that go with this.
How are you doing to that? Roxy? Uh? All right,
I love coming out to us song souse. I feel
like how Dj Kala must feel like someone else's song.
I had to, you know, put your hands up like
it's amazing. Everyone has their everybody has it all right.
So two years in a row, we had the privilege

of being nominated for the People's Choice Awards, And I mean,
it's a really cool thing that we both have trophies
that that have our podcast name, and we couldn't make
this podcast happen. It wouldn't even be available without y'all.
So we thought that you should have something too. So no,

oh my god, yes I'm going to cry just so
you know. They all opened their People's Choice Awards. Wow.

I want to thank my mom. I want to thank God. No,
but seriously, um, thank you so much. This podcast runs
because of everything that literally all of you guys do
on a daily basis, and so we love you guys,
and no, we love you so much and we appreciate

it so much. So so that's for best Pop podcast
of You got them to give you more than one
of these. That's impressive than they put those on your mantels.

Thank you so much. Oh my goodness, I feel horrible
for what we're about to do to you though. So
we're here to play Truth or Drink Oh boy, my
favorite game. Um and as always the challenges finding questions

that Becca will answer and questions Tadyo won't answer. That's
the hardest part of this game, that's right. So who
has my box? Where the box boxes? Right here? So
you guys helped facilitate this because we asked you guys
to submit some questions when you walked in. So so
some of these came from our Facebook group that we love,

and some of these we're from tonight, and some of
these came from the wild imaginations of Mark and I.
Those are the ones that scared me the moment. Yeah,
so who has my boss? And who has Becca's Box?
I have Becca's box and I have Tanya's box. Mark,
you can't go through and choose the one you want.
You just have to pick one out and let the
name of the game I thought it was. He just
picks one out and reads it. I feel like there

should be an arc to this game. We gotta save
the good ones, you know this, trust us on this Okay,
so he's going first, that's a question. Rock paper scissors,
have to clarify window, shoot to three, shoot and both
scissors both rock rock crushes scissors, and like, I'm going

to go first. Okay, alright. This is from tonight. Somebody
submitted this. It's a little vulgar, but I'll clean it
up as best I can. Becca, if you could f
any Grays Anatomy character, who would it be? Oh that's good.

Jesse Williams. Jesse Williams. Wow, easy one. He didn't even
read my d M. And I'm gonna I think he's
in a relationship. I'm in a relationship. But if the
opportunity came and I had to, if somebody forced me to. Okay, alright, Tanya,
this is from Victoria. If you found the absolute love

of your life but they're determined to have an open relationship,
could you stay all right? I need I'm like a
one woman man situation. Imous monogamy is my friend. Another

one from tonight? What happened in the Fantasy Suite with
Chris Souls? You guys, this is so easy. We like
kissed and talked all night and then fell asleep because
we were both exhausted, and then we woke up any
cry night. And then after that they decided cry yeah,
because like he was tressed out and stuff. And then

and then that after that season, they started having cameras
come in the morning after to film the overnight the
post morning because of me, because I had this. We
had this huge moment and no one caught it and
no one got her on camera. I felt so powerful.
They're like, what happened. I'm like, it's my information, my story,

to tell my story today. This one could get dirty.
What bass have you hit with your new boyfriend? W
good one. That's a good one. That's from tonight. Someone
to night wrote that, oh my god, she's drinking. I'm
just trying to be respectful because he might be backstage.

I mean, you guys, my guy, non drink the shot
our first drink of the night. I'm so pleased. Yeah,
respectful because yourself. No, this is not about being respectful.
This is about truth or drink not being honest. Tell

out disgusting. What is that she's trying a lime? There's
there's still there's there's more in there. Yeah, finish that shot.
That tastes like rubbing alcohol. Well maybe you'll answer the
question next time. Then it's the only way to learn.

I'm not messing with Mark tonight. What's happening with the
remainder of that? That's a lot. There we go. That
was a lot. Thank you, wait till you have to drink. Okay,
So here's the question for you. This seems to be
a follow up to last week's question about getting ready

for the bottle already. So last week we asked, what
are the percentage chance that you'll be marrying your current
the person you're currently seeing you said, which sent off
shock waves across America. America. So this question is will
you be engaged in the next year? And I will

ask what is the percentage chance you'll be engaged in
the next year. You're gonna take a shot on that one.
I just feel like that's yeah, I don't know the
percentage Okay, aggressive poorer by Tania. That's the same for me.
Thank you one gop. That is impressive and something I

do not your in capable of offering a line. Becca
taking advantage of the line. I love. Mark's really concerned
for the listeners. He's really trying to like bring them
in the moment. Yeah, there's more of them than there are.
Hero I appreciate it. I appreciate it alright. The sex
one for for Tanya. This is from Brooke from our

Facebook group. What is your favorite sex positions and why
they're conferring? We should we should point out that Eastern
and I aren't asking that because that would be inappropriate.
We're just reading if anyone from my Heart Radio human
resources is asking, I am merely the vessel for which

this question is that. What's my question again? What is
your favorite sex position? You forget favorite sex position? And
why why it's a two partner? I guess doggies. I
just want five bucks, all right? Why though I know why?

Um feels great there deeper? Oh man, my pearls, Oh
my goodness. Hi mom, Oh mama, rad mama. I'm sorry.

I can't see my mom, but I can only imagine.
By the way, after our first Truth or Drink episode,
my mom was listening and she was like, maybe you
don't share so much on the podcast. She was like,
nobody needs to know that. And I was like, you
know what, Mom, I love you. Maybe you should not

listen all the time. She's one of our number one,
the number one scrubber listen, that's I have to say.
That might be the worst to kill I've ever had.
So you really say you're saying, I know, sorry, don't
do it to me again. She drank on the other one.
I mean, it's all fascinating. But okay, here we go,
because there's you know, he might be up there somewhere

he knows, he knows the answer. Okay, I'm sorry. Ah.
This is from Daria. Uh and again I'm not asking
this because that would be inappropriate. Dario wants to know
what's the most scandalous place you've ever had sex? She's
like a bed without the sheets. I would never did

you say it without the sheets? Sick? Because like a car?
Where's the dirtiest place you've ever had sex? Not my question?
Not my question? Girl for it them, Wow, gonna drink.

We can't think of anything like worse. And I just
that was big, same size, It's about the same as
last time. I would say, Mark is sober, so let's
just Marks the judge. The only reason that I just
can't think of anything, and the bed is so boring.
So but if that's your answer, then but are you
saying you've never done it outside of a bed? Before

my red lips. Oh this is bad. We can move
on yet we waited for Tany. We have to wait
for you. It is it is more, it's so sick.
It's the worst tequila. Did yell? What tequila? Is that? Death?
It has? We like to make our sponsors Big D

Tequila supporting the show Big Tequila dot com promo code.
I told Mark to incorporate that. Somehow we got them.
Where else can you get that kind of pop from
a promotional code? That's what I want to know. That's
why we love you guys. All right, Tany ready for this? Yeah?

These are some very horny questions and I like it.
Let me tell you what is with you? Guys? This
is from Courtney, Like, what's what happened to the like?
You know, like what's your favorite type of serial or
something that's your favorite kind of serial? Well? This is
this is a question. I do have any regrets about
losing your virginity to the person you lost it to? Um?

Honestly no, Alright, I waited. I was nineteen, so I
mean depending on whatever, like to me and my high
school experience, I was later for most people in my
high school, and he was my first real boyfriend and
we're listening to Dave Matthews and not Doggy Missionary, And um,

I don't regret it at all. Yeah, he's a great guy.
I want to put the question, was you have in
your regrets? You could have just said no. I do
appreciate that you gave us. I'll play by play of
the entire night and that's what you need. Told me
to shut up, like, no, move on, Okay, thank you
so much. I wonder what he's doing now, like right now,

just like in life. You know, we should book him.
Come on out. Becca, here's a yes or no for you.
Did you lose your virginity with your current partner? No?
But this No, but I just I can't take this.

So no, I did not. Okay, that's all I gotta
to say. Next, all right, Signia please doe, Like, what's
my favorite workout? I mean you know this is not
a sex one? So yeah, A nice change. This from
Karenna or Corina. Uh. If you had to choose between
Ryan or Rebecca to never speak to again, who would

you choose? This could affect your livelihood? Think about that.
Let's see if you guys choose. Yeah, I talked to
Ryan every day we're talking about. I can't choose. Well,
your your job, your made is talking to Ryan. So

the answer, I feel like the answer would be Becca.
I understand Becca's priceless. Wait, what's the question? Choose between
Ryan or becket and never speak to you again? Do
you think I should choose Becca? The practical choice is
becca to not talk to Becca. Yes, some are saying
you can text her, right, I mean if you advise,

does he curl your hair for dates? Does he tell
you what to send in text messages? And sometimes sometimes?
But are they good? Actually? Yeah, I can't choose. This
is the only thing I can never choose. When you
make me choose between like big people in my life,

that's true. Becca drove me to my last date. I did.
Has Ryan ever driven into a date? Weirdly? He has? Actually,
you're just trying, She goes, Oh nice, that was good.

That was good. Okay, all right, we have time for
one more question, So I have one to kind of
works for both of you, So I'll give you the option. Sorry, no,
that's not how this works. This is for Becca. But
it's the last question. What is the most annoying thing
to you about the other person? Wow? I have. I
have so many, so many answers to this. I'm just kidding,

but I'm not taking I'm not doing that. I'll tell
you to your face. It bugs me when I don't
respond to you and you pout. I will do that
if this is what it irks my pickle beyond when
I'm I text her like I just need to know something,

she won't respond to my text. But I see her
watching my Instagram stories and I'm like, what, let me live?
Where do you pop up in my I don't know
who that is, but like, you pop up your like
my top person obviously the biggest fan, biggest fan. But
when she's not responding to me and I see she's
watching my stories, I'll like literally be like, hello, is

this thing on? Can you respond to me? Where I'll
ever want to just scroll Instagram but not have to
text or communicate with anyone, It's not the same. I'm like,
what size shirt do you want? And she's like not
responding for five hours. I'm like, it's a little annoyed, Claire.

I made I learned, my learned my lesson. That's right. Um,
that was another thing I wasn't sure you explained properly.
For the listeners at home that you're wearing shirts with
each other's faces on them, and they're about the size
of pancakes, so you can only get about six of
them on the front of it. Oh, I'm sorry they're
that big. And also bubblegum pink and bright yellow. Remember

a scrubber made these, so be nice. They made a background,
not for us to wear. That's right, she did, Toddy.
Would you like to answer the question, what's the annoying
thing about Becca? I thought I archer pickle that I
didn't it does? It does drive me nuts? Okay, what else?
Oh we have to think? Really, are not a lot

annoys me about you? I'm pretty lukey. It's true. You
are the ink to my yang. Yeah, like I know.
Do you know my sister Pink one time told me
that I'm the only person in her life that never
annoys her. It's weirdly true. Like I guess I would
say that the not texting back does bug me and

I do I verbalize that to you? Well, no, you don't.
Then you you literally pal, I'm so sorry that I
didn't respond to you. When you recognize, when you recognize that,
I'm like, okay, cool. Then we'll move on once you
recognize it. But weirdly, there's not a lot that annoys
me about you, Like you really like you're you're one
of those best friends in my life. Are you gonna cry? Um?

You're one of those people that like you're just so
even keeled and like, it's so important for me to
have somebody like you in my life because I really
think you, like, no, I'm serious, Like Becca will always
like bring me back and like I'm very obviously you know,
like I can get very like excited or you know,
like I'm very a lot, and she can always kind

of bring me back. And it's like, so I think
it's really important for me. I think you really have
like made me a better person. Oh I'm drunk. Um
that gasoline really were right through me. Um. It's so
true because she faced time the other night and I
answered and she was like, I don't spiraling about something
and I talked and I was with Haley and she

was like, I first, Haley, do you have any advice?
And she's like, finally I get to say something. We
really calmed you down, you did, and it's like it's
very It's it's good for me. I think between you
and my sister, Like it really just gives me like
a good zen in my life. Do you know what
we're gonna do next time? And I know that child

don't drink, but I'm gonna give you like shots of
espresso or by the way, East and Mark don't drink songs.
So we're gonna play truth or drink with you all
next time. They don't drink. It's one or the other.
Markets don't go caffeine. Do you want? I have a

weed gummy? What do you want? Oh? Yeah, we'll figure
out a way to make it up down right now,
because y'all are already like smirking over there as you're
reading the questions. That's the best. This is the side
to be on, trust me better. Yeah, so I'm looking

forward to being on the other side. That's a great.
That's actually a great. I'm I'm drunk. Mission accomplished. I
gotta hold this ship together. What does that say, Danielle? Okay, um,

so this is very exciting. So somebody under their chair
has a red heart, and that red heart is a
symbol um of a prize that they get, which is
who the red hat has been found? Wait, what's your name? Britty. Okay, Britty,
you are the winner of um uh dr Pepper Cotton Candy,

some Scrub pop tarts, some pop tarts, and Antanya's favorite
book in the world, calling the one and then calling
in the one. Brittany, are you are you single or taken? Okay, volunteer,
are you willing to donate your book to a lovely

scrub sister? Okay, okay, okay. We love that. We love that,
we love it. We love a friend sharing moment. Yeah, yeah,
we love a generous friend. We love a generous yeah. Um,
it's time for a dance party. Have to say it like, okay,

I'm sorry, Okay, We're gonna dance it out like Meredith
and Christina. He shows up. I've got no doubt. I

have a boyfriend. Holy how we meet game, That's how
I have a boyfriend. Holy can freeze? Look for that
one on American Top Party soon everybody. And that's a
hit right there. That's right, that's a hitt. Okay. So

now we're gonna run to what we normally do on
the podcast. Um, it's like our listener emails. But since
you guys came in, we had you right your questions right,
These are like you might want to surrender that, Mike.
We're gonna answer questions like we do on the place
tru drink questions. These are more advice questions that sort

of thing. Where's Hillary? Is Hillary here right in the
front row? I don't know, but here we are scrubbing
it live alright. Also have to say that like our
scrubbers are everywhere. By the way, Mickey was at the Oscars. Okay,
so wait, where are you from? I live in Los

Angeles here on the west side. All right? She says,
Please help? How do I break up with a guy
I was never exclusively dating? I don't want to ghost him?
This is perfect for you to answer, Tanya, I know. Okay,
well why for me? Because you recently did that. We've
had this conversation. Yeah, but the guy when out with
one okay, okay, a microphone? No? So sorry failed you, Hillary.

Let me help you out. Okay. How long have you
been dating him? Two and a half months, but like,
not exclusively? Do you do you know? How many dates? Though?
Do you keep notes on this guy? Um? I would
say like ten to fifteen dates, but including sleepover you

cannot ghost him. That's a hard note. Um, So I
only went out with this guy once, and I called him.
I would not do this, but this is really nice
of her. Um. I called him just to tell him,
just to kind of like let him know like where
I was. And I think honesty and authenticity are so

important because like if if the roles were reversed and
you were in that situation and you might not be
feeling it or whatever, like I don't whatever, whatever the
case may be, maybe don't be so mean about it.
You're bored, maybe don't tell him that, but just be like,
be honest and just say, like I don't like see
this going anywhere, and just be really honest. Call him

or face time him. I'm not going to face him.
Don't FaceTime you. Send him a link to this podcast
and tell him to skip to about an hour and fifteen.
Don't face time him. That's so scary, but I would
just they've been dealing for two months. I don't want
to face him. Anyone that I've been like, isn't two
months face to face at this point. I would you call.

I think you'd call. I'm I'm okay calling. I think
I think you call and you just say, hey, I
think you're great. I just don't see what that's what
you say. You say, Hi, blank, Mr boring. I would say, Hi,

I am so sorry. Okay, no, no no, he might be
boring to you, but he might not be boring to
the next girl. I have great advice. I was gonna say, yeah,
you are so wonderful. I just don't think you're the
one for me, and I don't want to be I
don't think you're right for me, and I don't want
to waste your time or my time. And I think
we're both at an age where we can be honest
about that, and you're boring as hell. I'm gonna say,

maybe soften the blow a little bit and just like,
maybe not say that. I definitely don't want to tell
him he's boring. No, no, you can't say he's boring. No, no, no,
just say I don't think we're right for each other,
and I don't want to waste your time. You can
sound like you're helping him, but I would do it
over a phone or in person. Do not text the
male in the second row. Would you appreciate that in

a good way? If you were getting broken up with
what do you want to hear? Like? You know it's
not me. It's it's not you, it's me. Yeah, absolutely, yeah,
maybe love a male in the second row. By the way,
that bathroom has not been used to help yourself. It's
wide open. I've got one of their I got eye

contact now, So I'm I thought we changed the bathrooms
to be like gender neutral. I don't think we have
that power at that was the last place. No, we
did it. The last place we changed them because there's
so many girls. That's right where it's Hillary? Okay, okay,
did anyone else other than another Hillary? Hillary, the only

one that actually put a vice questions in here? You're
not we're trying it out, okay Hillary? I mean, this
is juicy. How do I get my coworker to exclusively
see slash date me? I have a monster crush, but
we're just friends with benefits right now? You still have

given him the goods. Stop giving him the goods. It's
so easy for him. Like, do we still have friends
with benefits at this age? Yes? Wait, how how old
are you? I mean like, we're not like going on

date dates, We're hanging out. You're just like kind ecologically,
there're gynacologists, yes, do you. I'm just saying I don't
think you should get like until he asked you on
a proper date. I don't think you should be giving

him anything. That's what like my head says. Yeah, I
do have to say. There's something weirdly um when you
kind of take control back, like and I think there's
a lot of people that can have like that, can
be sexual with people and keep it just sansy and
like I'm you with that. I can't do that. No, no,

I can't do that. So for me, if I'm going
to like go even to second place with somebody, like,
I need there to be commitment. So what is it
a conversation? Does she tell him how she feels? Think
she just stops, you know, but that's not sending the
message that I'm really into you. That's I've done it.

If he wants it and misses it, he's gonna work
hard for it. He might just be working hard, doesn't
I kind of feel like guys might be dumb and
they don't know if you're like, yeah, I don't know,
if you like, if you pull back, then he might
just have nail on the he disagrees. If you just

pull back, he might say she's not interested. So I
think it warrants a conversation like, hey, like, I like
you found him lame? Is that lame question? What's your name? Jacob? Jacob?
Is it lame for a girl to be like, I
like you, thank you? But if never too much a
serious conversation, and she kind of said I'm not giving

you that and kind of made him think like, oh,
I'm not just going to give these freebies out. Would
you be more like, Oh, I'm gonna work hard to
maybe ask her on a date. If I liked her, Yes,
I would work hard her. So that's how you find out.
You tell him, look, gravy train is stopping the gravy train.
What is that? What's a gravy train? Is that's dirty?

Very much like a white or brown rain. I don't know,
I don't know. Wait is that a termion conversation? And
you say that, you say I like you and I
want to see if this is going somewhere. I say bye,
if you want me, come get me. And I say,

let's throw the gravy train. I've never heard that before.
That's cute. Okay, it's cute. Uh. This is not an
advice question, but it's worth mentioning. Where's Jackie. Why Jackie
the first rowers, Jackie, this is a very sweet wish
you wrote here, she says. A while back, Melinda called
into the podcast to share her story. She's waiting here

back to hopefully get the news that she's cancer free.
I reached out to her, Jackie says. She reached out
to her when she heard her story. Just wanted to
see if we could all take a moment to send
her well wishes and all the positive energy her way,
because you know she's listening. Helena's here. Oh my god,

so Melinda's here. Stop, Yes, I'm here. Wait have you
that in person? Are you hot? Matt? Can I just
tell you that? Like, um, That's why I like this
podcast means so much to me because like honestly, that
email that you sent us, it's like affected me so much.

And I remember you coming up to Becca and I
at um our voting party in Santa Monica. You've never
met her before, but you were getting a video to
like send positivity and encouragement because she was going through chemo.
And I was like, that's the community that we have,
Like these people they've never met, and like you guys
jump into like encourage each other and be there for

each other when like you're going through chemo and like
you were really in a tough spot like then, like
it meant so much like you obviously couldn't be there,
and like you could be there, and like you made
sure to get a video and like send her love

and like it's just really sweet. That's a perfect explanation.
How are you doing? I'm good, good, well, good days
and bad days. I was hoping to find out in
January that I was cancer free, and I I'm not sure.
There's still some questionable activity things going on, so I

have to wait another few months and then do another scan,
and they're hoping that I'll be cancer free. If not,
there's still more options. It's just going to be a
longer path. But are you still doing chemo? I finished
the week before Christmas. I've been Uh. I had it
in my mind that I was gonna just feel so

much better after that, and to be honest, I haven't.
I also have a two year old and a five
month old, so that you know it takes the dolls, um,
But I will say that every time I've been down
in the dumps and sad, and I go to the
Facebook group and look for some encouragement. I talked to
people who have reached out to me um through my
email to you guys, and it's been really helpful to

just brighten, you know, a really dark time in my life.
So you podcast if I was gonna cry. I also
wanted to say when Hannah was here and my girl,

I feel I'm dripping sweat because of this wig. Like,
by the way, your wig, thank you, guys. Thank That's
a very good way. It costs a pretty penny, but
it's worth it. That's it. Um, I feel the same way.
I'll I am, I am always. I don't get on

Facebook except to look at our Facebook group to be
honest with you, and like, I see the way that
y'all communicate with each other and show up for each other,
And I'll never forget you coming up at the party
and saying that you were sending starting a meal train
for her and cooking for her, and UM, I kind
of I think it just put into perspective, like y'all

have made friends with people who don't have friends and
who moved to new places and don't know anybody because
of this group in this podcast. So when we say
we're proud of this we like, I mean that we're
so proud of the community. It's like the community, it
really is like it's unparalleled. Like I can't I can't

put it into words, and it's like the craziest thing.
Like it's really not normal and um in the best
way though, like in the best way, and it's like
it's really special. And I think, Um, we want to
be able to be there for you and what you're

going through, and um, it's not easy and if there's
any way that like we can help you and like
everybody can just jump in. And I just I want
to encourage everybody, especially if you came from out of
town or I don't know where you live, Like we
really want you guys to like meet each other, become
friends and like create small groups and hang out with

each other. Because I think at the end of the day,
like we were all put on this earth to be
there for one another, and we were all meant to
be in a community, and like that's what this is.
This is like a giant community of people and like
it kind of blows our minds constantly. Um, but that's
that's what we were put on this earth to do,
being community, be with people, and um, I want I

want more people. If you need help or if you
need people and need love, like reach out because that's
that's what we're here for, saying one more question, one
more they were really The only other thing I wanted
to mention was was I think I think you're getting married?

Is that right? Because she put her wedding invitation in
the box for your guys question to read. So we
actually met at South Coast Plaza and you mentioned me
in your Facebook live the other day and ps mark,
we have the same birthday, so you have to be there.
Are you a cancer baby? July baby? So the invitation

is in there for four, but I know me and
Tory just became best friends, so she is invited as well.
It's a brunch theme wedding bunch, so there is a
rs VP with the snamp, so feel free to send
it back whenever. When is the bait April four, so

coming up fast, that's six weeks away. That's soon. Well, congratulations,
I honestly might show up. I love a brunch. I
love o scrubber wedding brunch. It's in Fullerton and I
do have a hotel block. I've had some luck. I

already do have table twelve set up for scrubbing in.
So there we go. We have a table you guys. Congratulations, congratulations, um,
thank you so much everyone for showing up. We um.
I'll never forget this night, like I'll never forget walking

out here. Y'all were the loudest I had. No I
was like, we were in a much bigger space in
San Francisco, and I was like, you know, it's the
smaller they probably won't be as loud. Everyone's like l
A is not quite as enthusiastic. But y'all really proved

them wrong. You think back to the first podcast with
Jason George was there and Tania wasn't there, and this
just what less than two years later. I think about
me as doing teasers and just staring at y'all like,
please help enter. Thank you so much for being here.

We love you all, so we love you, but so
pretty much. Please meet each other, hug each other, be
there for each other. We are so proud of what
you've done, and I'm happy and happy Valentine's Day to
all of you who are celebrating, well stop it would

be cool. Thank you so much, Fresh Brothers for providing
heart shaped pizzas for our via key party and to
find locations near you, you can visit fresh brothers dot
com and also to diddy Rees located in Westwood, Los Angeles.
They have the best cookies and ice cream sandwiches. They're
so good. Thanks Diddy Rees
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