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May 23, 2024 20 mins

If you’ve ever thought about taking a trip to Greece, Dean and Caelynn have everything you need to know! 

Find out why Greece is on of their favorite European countries, and hear the story of why they got kicked out of a restaurant in Santorini! 

Plus, Caelynn has some tips on what clothes to pack that you NEED to hear before you travel! 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:03):
Hello, everybody, Welcome to an all new episode of Been There,
Dean That, or Kalen's There and Dean's here too, or
just a spin off episode of Suckers.

Speaker 2 (00:13):
We need you guys, just help again with a new name.

Speaker 1 (00:15):
I like being There Dean That. But now that you're
such a staple of this show.

Speaker 2 (00:20):
I'm a permanent host.

Speaker 1 (00:21):
Yeah, you're kind of like.

Speaker 2 (00:23):
Nope, Nope, that's what I am.

Speaker 1 (00:25):
You're a permanent host. But sometimes you're not a permanent host.
But you have been You've been a staple. So yeah, okay, fine,
been there? See that? Yeah, see for Kalin it's okay
but not great. Yeah, well, we have a great episode
for you guys today. We are going to be talking about, Oh,
I don't know.

Speaker 2 (00:44):
Every time I'm trying to figure out the destination, I
look at our wall and it's like three destinations.

Speaker 1 (00:49):
No, we've got We've got Italy, Salt Flats, Yosemite, Seattle, Greece,
Mexico City, Nepali Coast, Patago, and yeah, Antarctica, Grace. Are
we talking about Greece, Alaska, Colorado?

Speaker 2 (01:06):
Just tell me.

Speaker 1 (01:07):
I don't know. I was thinking that I was gonna
let you choose, but I guess you choose last time
we could talk about Greece. We've been to Greece together.
What do you think of Greece?

Speaker 2 (01:16):
I loved Greece so much. Is my first time there.
I had the best time.

Speaker 1 (01:20):
I wonder if we go how long ago is that.

Speaker 2 (01:22):
Twenty twenty one? I think okay, it was like still
one of my favorite trips ever because we did Greece
and then we went north to south of Italy, and
starting in Greece was perfect. We got off our flight
super long flight, were exhausted, and we check into the
cutest little hotel, great service, great hospitality, slept a little bit,
and then just bopped around town and the food is amazing, obviously,

like freshest fish ever. I was still pescatarian at the time,
so I was loving that. And so many shops with
like local artists selling cool stuff, and I wanted to
buy every little thing that I saw, and Dean's like, wait,
it's gonna get cooler, it's gonna get better. You're gonna
be seeing and I do this every time we travel.
I think we both sometimes do this. We see one
thing and we're like, oh, that's so cool, and we
either buy it or we don't, and then we keep

seeing it pop up throughout. So I'm trying to except
hear this thing behind you, this dog.

Speaker 1 (02:12):
Yeah, yeah, my favorite souvenir, one of them, my favorite souvenirs. Oh,
we we have a Greek souvenir in our room that
we're in right now. Yes, do you know what off
the top your head of that looking at it?

Speaker 2 (02:21):
Yeah? The rock?

Speaker 1 (02:22):
Yeah, the little people. We bought a rock in Greece,
a sick rock. So what do we do? We flew
into Athens and then we flew into Sanserini too, I think, right, I.

Speaker 2 (02:30):
Don't think we flew into Athens, did we.

Speaker 1 (02:34):
I don't think we would fly in from into Santorini
from another country.

Speaker 2 (02:37):
Well, we flew from New York. I think we flew
New York to Santerini.

Speaker 1 (02:40):
I don't think that flight exists. Might Well, for the
sake of this conversation, let's say we flew into Athens,
because I feel like it's got to be that.

Speaker 2 (02:48):
So we were supposed to spend like four or five
nights in Greece and then move our way to Italy.
But we were in New York for the US Open
for tennis and the like worst flo New York has
ever seen happen while we were there, and we got
stuck and we had to walk. Where were we LaGuardia.
It looked like the Titanic.

Speaker 1 (03:08):
I don't know. We went to Jersey Airport.

Speaker 2 (03:09):
What's that one?

Speaker 1 (03:10):
I don't know, but I know it was Newark.

Speaker 2 (03:12):
Yeah, it looks like the Titanic because we're on the
level above and when you look down at baggage claim,
it is completely flooded. There were suitcases.

Speaker 1 (03:21):
Two feet of water.

Speaker 2 (03:22):
It was crazy.

Speaker 1 (03:22):
It literally was like looking down the Grand Staircase on
the Titanic as it was flooding.

Speaker 2 (03:27):
It was wild. And so then every we're sitting in
the lounge and every hotel is booking so fast, and
there's one across the street. It's like a five minute walk,
and it went from one hundred dollars to five hundred dollars,
and I was like, we just have to book this.
I know our flight's getting canceled. The hotels are wild
right now. We got the last one sprint across the

airport and it was just pouring rain. We were so soaked,
but had a great night sleep and then left the
next day.

Speaker 1 (03:56):
Left the next day for Athens Santorini. That's my gas is.
I'm gonna stick with it. Yeah, So then we flew
into Athens and then flew into Sanserini. Okay, maybe not
exactly that way, but we were in San Curie. We
got to Santerini, and that's the only Greek island that
you've been to then, right, correct? And what we did.
I've been to Santerina before. I've been to Greece a
few times, and I'll get to that later on, but

for now, for the sake of this conversation, so we
went to Santorini, which I love. Sanserini. A lot of
people are kind of like it's a touristy little island,
it's not that cool. I personally think it's really cool.
But what we did was there's Ea in the top
left top northern part of the island, and then there's
this like bottom left southwestern side of the island. I

don't really know what the name of the area would be,
but since I've already been to Ea before or we Ea,
I'm not really sure if I'm pronouncing that properly, I
was like, well, let's get two nights down here, and
then we'll do two nights up in EA, and so
we like, do you remember this? Are you sure? Exclu
did your eyes as if you didn't fully.

Speaker 2 (04:56):
Well, I've forgotten how I remember.

Speaker 1 (04:57):
Yeah. Yeah, And my one of my best friends was
across the way and crete, and so I was like,
come to Santorini with us for a couple nights. And
it's funny because I've actually been a Sancerinni with him before.

Speaker 2 (05:07):
Those are always my favorite trips too. And we're just
like out in a random country and our friends happened
to be there too, and we just meet up. I
think that's always a fun time.

Speaker 1 (05:16):
I was shocked. I was like, yeah, come over to
Santorini and is like, okay, I just book my flight
and I was like, wait, oh. I normally when you
say that to someone, they're like, yeah, I wish I could,
but I can't. Kind of think, I.

Speaker 2 (05:25):
Think it's the luxury of us, just like being young
and not having kids right now, where we can just
like change our plans and be super flexible, which I'm enjoying.

Speaker 1 (05:31):
But so we got this hotel. I'm going to pull
up the name of the hotel while I'm talking to you.
Guys in Santorini on the bottom left, and it's just
like it wasn't it wasn't a great location.

Speaker 2 (05:42):
It we Santorini. Wait really yeah?

Speaker 1 (05:45):
Oh the hotel in the southwest corner was not a
great location. You had to drive everywhere. It's like really
windy down there. There's not as many beautiful cliffs, the
architecture isn't quite as interesting, so you have to drive
everywhere from there. And I just thought it would be
cool to like mix it up and get kind of
the best of both work world's experience. But if I
were to go back to Saint Seringie, I would never
stay outside of of Ea or what's the other little

town like, yeah, the towncau Fira or.

Speaker 2 (06:08):
Something like that, something like that. We drove into this
town every night, and that was cute. I liked that
the hotel we stayed at was beautiful, but you just
have to be prepared to drive.

Speaker 1 (06:18):
It was cool. I remember we paid for like an
upgraded room, and then we got there and we were
like not really blown away. And then my friend's room,
who paid for the one above that, which is only
like five more dollars per night, was like this beautiful
sweet underground with like a huge cliff side swimming.

Speaker 2 (06:31):
Pool, private pool, and we had a pool, but you're
like sitting in a pool and everyone's watching you. Yeah,
and that was like completely private and secluded and very romantic.

Speaker 1 (06:41):
So yeah, So we did two nights there and that
was fine. It was Fira. I was right, it is
like the other town that's maybe worth staying. And besides ea, one.

Speaker 2 (06:49):
Night we all went to dinner. I was the d D. Yeah,
everyone got so drunk, so tipsy, and being the d
D when you're around that is just for.

Speaker 1 (06:59):
The record, don't say everyone. There was one person, one person,
my friend that met up with us. It's so funny
because he's like really successful, does it, like work super hard,
buttoned up usually, but like I don't know what he
was doing, and he was just drinking too much wine.

Speaker 2 (07:13):
I guess he just kept ordering bottles of wine because
we like hung out by their pool, and he just
kept ordering more and more. And then we went to
dinner and he was already a little toasted and I
just went downhill from there. He ended up getting kicked
out of the restaurant.

Speaker 1 (07:26):
Yeah, he ordered like the Tomahawks steak at like this
nice restaurant, like call our shirt required order the Tomahawks
steak so we could split it. You know, Tomahawk steaks
are kind of expensive, so it's like it's something you
really want to enjoy and definitely remember enjoying if you
had the chance to. And it got to the point
where he was like eating it with his hands.

Speaker 2 (07:44):
Ripping it apart with his hands, and I was like,
what is happening?

Speaker 1 (07:47):
Yeah, oh, I think it was at that point where
the restaurant was like, you need to get the heck
out of here. Well.

Speaker 2 (07:51):
I kept watching his elbow and I was like, he's
gonna knock over that glass. Oh yeah, And then he
knocked over a glass and they were like you need
to leave, and I was like, I am so sorry,
and so I went up to the front before they
even kicked us out, and I was like, can we
just pay? We're going to get out of here. And
then the next morning they're like, did we even pay
at the restaurant? I was like, yes, guys, we paid.

Speaker 1 (08:09):
Yeah, we took care everything, and then we went up
into EA and stayed in e F for a couple nights.
I like that because you're kind of like in the
heart of everything you want to see anyway, so you've
got a lot of shops you can walk around to.
The Crowds are very very heavy, but as long as
you're like not really walking around during it's mostly like sunset.
Between like an hour before and twenty minutes after sunset

is when it really kind of gets like super populated.
So like if you have already gotten the pictures you
want to get go get some dinner while that's all
going on, and then you won't really have to deal
with that quite so much.

Speaker 2 (08:39):
But it wasn't that bad, Like it was crowded, but
we were in shoulder season, so it wasn't terrible because
I've seen videos where it's just jam packed and also
because of our jet lag. We woke up one morning
for sunrise. The streets were completely clear, and it was
one of my favorite mornings there. It was just so
peaceful and beautiful, a lot of cats walking around and
just the two of us.

Speaker 1 (08:58):
Oh, I love the cats there. Do you remember that
winery that we went to no in like this, I do.

Speaker 2 (09:04):
I don't know the name, but.

Speaker 1 (09:05):
I think it was Butari, I don't.

Speaker 2 (09:07):
I don't know either, very famous, like overlooking the water,
on the cliffs. Yeah, it was. It was great.

Speaker 1 (09:13):
That was a nice winery as well. So yeah, that
was our Sancerini trip together. I also did a separate
Sancerini trip actually, like right when we first started dating,
I think, Yeah, it was Croatia. I did a week
in Croatia and then I went to a week in Greece.
It was me and actually the same guy that we
were just talking about, and my one of my other
best friends, and then a couple of their friends that
lived in wherever whatever country they were living in at

the time. Together we rented a yacht two yachts to
travel from so bougie. No, No, I didn't plan this.
I was just invited and I was like, oh, why
not a yacht for a week sounds great?

Speaker 2 (09:49):
Or was it like a sailboat?

Speaker 1 (09:50):
It was like a catamaran Okay, yeah, so yeah, not
like a Jeff Bezos yacht. Ye, kind of like what
we were on in Hawaii or something like that, I think.
But we were about to let out of the poor
near Athens and the skipper whatever, I'm not really sure.
The captain maybe let's call him that. It was hilarious.
All of the captains, for the most part go by
the name Costas, like they're all coastas coastus coastas coastis

and he was the man. He would like party with us,
tell us hilarious stories the whole weekend. Like he was
kind of the highlight of that trip because he just
made it so entertaining. So if you are thinking about
doing that, you're probably gonna get a captain and he's
probably gonna be hilarious. You're probably gonna have a blast
hanging out with him. But we couldn't do that. We
wanted to do the Cyclaudas I think, which is like
Santorini and what's the other Mikinos and then a couple

of other more islands out there, but the wind was
so bad we couldn't do that, and so we had
to do a couple other like lesser known, smaller islands.
We didn't really like most of the islands we went to. Obviously,
we still had a blast because it was just a
bunch of friends hanging out. But I do remember going
to Hydra. Hydra is maybe my favorite mountain of all
or sorry, my favorite island of all islands in Greece,

even more than Santorini. I've still never been to Mikinos,
so I can't really use that as.

Speaker 2 (10:58):
A Mikinos is like party single.

Speaker 1 (11:01):
Yeah yeah, yeah. I guess I'll never really go back
or go to Mikinos. But Hydro is really cool. It
seemed like it was like a I don't know. It
seemed like it was like an old English city built
onto a cliff side in Greece. So it was like
perfect weather, great food, tiny, like really small, especially comparatively
to Sancorini. But if you guys have the chance to

get on a boat and sailor in Greece, it's definitely
worth it. The other time I've been to Greece, this
is my first time. I went, Holy coow, how many
times I like Greece.

Speaker 2 (11:32):
Then let's go back.

Speaker 1 (11:33):
I'm down.

Speaker 2 (11:34):
I want to go to that cool Mountainee island. It's
like there's one little house and you take a helicopter
or you fly your drone. And Kayla Quinn went once.
I think she posted about it and I was like, oh,
I would love to go here. I think she went
on her honeymoon.

Speaker 1 (11:45):
My brother went on a sunny went to Greece. They
went to Khalemos, which is like a great rock climbing
island that one. So my first trip to Greece, I
was by myself, but I met up with some friends
out there. We went to Corfu. Have you ever heard
of Corfu? I have not, Oh you haven't. So Corfu
is kind of like a little party island parties. I
don't remember it being an island, but I guess it
looks like it is, according to the met kind of

like for younger kids. We stayed at the Pink Palace,
which is what it's called. It's like the party hostel.
And I was twenty five, so give me some grace here,
because you know, I'm not really doing that much these
days anymore. But we stayed the Pink Palace hostel and
we were there for two nights and then we left.
And Corfu was really really fun too. It was definitely
like the place if you're in your early to mid

twenties and you want to go to Greece and party,
and you don't want to go to Mikinos, go to
Corfu because Corfu is awesome. It was like a bunch
of young people from all over the world, a lot
of Australians and all that kind of obviously a lot
of Europeans were there as well, just partying. And the
kids that I was with that I was friends with
down there went to Arizona State and so they were
like big partiers as well, obviously, And it's hard for

a young mountain kid like me to keep up with
those types of people. But I did my best. I
tried really really hard. I feel like I did a
decent enough job. I was definitely I turned in every
night a good four hours before everyone else did, which
is kind of standard for me, even at a young age.
But Corfu was great. Stay at Pink Palace. It's an
institution out there. Be mindful. If you go down to
the beach, you are going to have to climb back

up about two thousand steps just to get to your room,
which was a little exhausting. I remember we took a
we rented some ATVs and we drove it down to
the south part of the island. I can't remember when
we did like a boat trip. Greece is great. If
I could live in one European city country, I think
Greece would probably be really it'd be Greece or Italy
Italy for.

Speaker 2 (13:30):
Me, or I think you would go stir crazy in
a place like Greece.

Speaker 1 (13:34):
Yeah, that's true. If I could retire in a country Greece,
maybe it would be there. Trying to think of what
other European countries would be close to it. I do
so I've been a Croati. Maybe I'll talk about that

next time. I do think Greece is cooler than Croatia.
All the Croatia when I was there, I didn't get
a sea lot of like the natural monuments like national
parks that they have out there, which apparently are really cool.
They've got a lot of like blue pools that you
can go swimming, and I didn't really do much of that.
So maybe I just did Croasha wrong the first time.
But that was right when we first started dating, because
I went with Blenders to Yacht Week. You remember that, Yeah,

I do.

Speaker 2 (14:17):
I can't find where this place is, but Ithaca Melos
and fulling Gondros looks pretty sweet, so maybe we do
another Greek trip in paper on the islands.

Speaker 1 (14:28):
Mythos Melos, Melos Melos Ithaca Mythos is the beer that
they drink down there. Melos sounds familiar. I think Melos
is the name of Michael Scott's character when he's a
plant in the sales seminar that Andy puts on like Milos.

Speaker 2 (14:44):
I don't believe you remember that.

Speaker 1 (14:45):
I think that's right. I could be a mistaken, but
I'm gonna go with that. Yeah, so let's plan the
Grease trip and uh, maybe go to Melos. I guess
we can bring our climbing gear and go to klem Nose.

Speaker 2 (14:54):
Okay, we should go when it's peak miserable season here,
say like December.

Speaker 1 (15:00):
Well, if we were to do that, you probably want
to go somewhere it won't be warm then equatorial. It
wouldn't be cold, probably, But you're right, latitude only speaking,
I think I think we might be on the same
latitude as Greece. Greece is great. If you have a
chance to go out there, do it. You can usually
get out there pretty inexpensively, if I remember correctly, you know,

relative especially if you're coming from the US. It's basically
just getting across the Atlantic as the hardest part. But
once you're in Europe going you could be anywhere in
Europe and you could probably fly to Greece for less
than hundred bucks.

Speaker 2 (15:30):
Yeah, just prices have gone up so much, leaving the
US to Europe.

Speaker 1 (15:34):
So I don't know, I should build a tunnel from
New York to London train tunnel.

Speaker 2 (15:40):
Love it underwater?

Speaker 1 (15:41):
Do you think we could do that?

Speaker 2 (15:43):
I think someone can.

Speaker 1 (15:44):
There is anything else you want to touch on with
Greece before we go?

Speaker 2 (15:47):
No, I just loved it so much. I feel like
we had a great time there. Packing wise, Oh my gosh.
Actually I brought a lot of long skirts and long
dresses and stuff and had many Maryland Monroe moments because
the wind was so crazy. And I don't know if
that's an off season thing, but and you would think
long skirt, long dress, like, it's not going to blow

up like that, but it did, so be aware. Pants
are probably a good option if you're in the windy season.

Speaker 1 (16:13):
Big pants place out there in the windy season.

Speaker 2 (16:16):
Answer shorts, Yeah.

Speaker 1 (16:17):
Good advice.

Speaker 2 (16:18):
Thank you.

Speaker 1 (16:19):
For men, if you're packing for your man, or you're
a man and you're packing, I like a good couple,
maybe like some linen shirts, a bunch of swimsuits. Obviously
you could live in your swimsuit if you wanted to.
Maybe a nice pair of pants, maybe a nice pair
of like loafers, pair of flip flops. It's all you
need backpack worth right there. What other kind of advice

could we give on grease the fish is to die
for You're going to have some of the best fish
in your life. The thing that's tricky about those places
is we've got so accustomed to having cold things here.
Like you open their fridge, you have a cold seltzer
if you want it. You have ice if you want it.
They have ice out there, of course, but like you're
not really going to get a cold diet coke if
you wanted it, you get a less than room temperature

diet coke.

Speaker 2 (17:04):
That's so funny. I don't remember that.

Speaker 1 (17:06):
I feel like a lot of these places.

Speaker 2 (17:08):
It's just with humidity or what I think it's like.

Speaker 1 (17:11):
Especially being an island nation like that. I think that
their infrastructure maybe isn't able to support like a bunch
of places having refrigerator running at full blast the whole time.
That's just I'm completely making this up. That's just that's
my understanding of it. If I were to understand it,
and it's you know, constantly so hot, like think about Mexico.
Mexico's it's really warm all the time, and so in

order to keep things cool, they have to expend a
lot more energy than they would anywhere else, and so
I think it's just like a capacity thing maybe with
their with their grid. I don't know, sounds right, I'm
making it up, but it sounds right. I'm going to
stick with it.

Speaker 2 (17:45):
Yeah, anything else, just a very romantic destination. I would
highly recommend it. Great for honeymooning, great for when you're anniversary.

Speaker 1 (17:55):
Do you want to talk about this picture that we
took of you real quick? Do you remember it?

Speaker 2 (17:58):
Yeah? So we walked down the steps on our to dinner.
This was right before I flashed everyone. We are looking
at a photo of me in a long white stout dress.
There were donkeys on this path, lots of donkeys and horses.

Speaker 1 (18:12):
And there's a ste well do you remember the path though?
It's a steep path from like the main ees part
of the town in Santorini, like two hundred steps down
to like this little cove where there's a lot of
like restaurants, some fish markets and yeah, boats coming in
and out.

Speaker 2 (18:26):
And someone recommended that we go to the spot. It
was just a famous fish, a restaurant that's known for
fish and it was great. We loved it. Got to
watch a beautiful sunset, and I'm surprised we got in.
I don't know if it's because it was shoulder season,
but it's a very popular place.

Speaker 1 (18:42):
We're pretty good at just showing up and getting in.
I got to say our success rate is higher than
most would expect.

Speaker 2 (18:47):
I think, yeah, but there's a lot of times where
I will email or call her our book reservations too.

Speaker 1 (18:52):
Sure, take some credit, take some credit. Why not. I'm
just saying there are some times where you hear about
a restaurant like, hey, go to this place. You probably
won't be able to get in, but if you can,
it's to die for. Then you go there and they're
like pay them to get a table for two, and
like give us a couple of minutes. All right, yeah,
come right this way.

Speaker 2 (19:08):
Yeah, this is one that because everyone's like, you have
to go here, you have to go here. You look
online and a restaurant is super hyped up, and for me,
it very rarely lives up to the hype. But this
place was one of them. And if I don't know
the name of it, but if you just look up
famous restaurant on the water in Santorini, it'll probably be
the first one to come up.

Speaker 1 (19:26):
Is it Dimitries?

Speaker 2 (19:28):
Oh, I don't know.

Speaker 1 (19:29):
There's also a cool little like like like a watch
tower in the water down there. You can jump off
the cliff. It's about twenty feet tall. So if you're
a thrill seeker three seeking some thrill, I'm not going
to be able to pronounce this, but it's Nissis Agaios
Nicolailes Nicolaus.

Speaker 2 (19:45):
So there's two restaurants right next to each other. Sunset
by Paris.

Speaker 1 (19:49):
It was sunset. That's when we went to and Dmitries.

Speaker 2 (19:52):
But we saw both. Yeah, I would, I would suggest
go into sunset Sunset.

Speaker 1 (19:56):
We didn't go to Dmitries, but sunset was good. It
was so good just the setting there too, Like you're
right on the that's gonna do it for this week's episode.
Have been there, Dean that? Thank you guys so much
for coming a Greece with us.

Speaker 2 (20:05):
Been there? See that?

Speaker 1 (20:06):
Be sure to's seen it next week? Or maybe we
suck just a little bit less
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