All Episodes

October 31, 2020 54 mins

You know Benoit Beausejour-Savard from Bachelor Canada, Bachelor Winter Games and most recently… Clare Crawley’s fiancé! Ben and Ashley go IN DEPTH with Benoit as he opens up about his “love at first sight moment” with Clare. 

Find out the TRUE reason their relationship fell apart and hear the shocking differences between “TV Clare” and the REAL Clare.

And we get Benoit’s honest reaction to the guys on Clare’s season.

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
This is Ben and Ashley I Almost Famous in Depth. Hey, guys,
welcome to an episode of Almost Famous in Depth. Today
we're going to be talking to Ben Wah, who Ben
and I got to know on Bachelor Winter Games and
then that you guys also got to know better on
Bachelor in Paradise and he is Claire Crawley's former fiance,

so this is the perfect time to have him on.
Welcome Ben Wah, Hey, Ben, Hi, guys, how are you doing?
We're good? How are you so? If you noticed, I didn't,
I didn't say your last name because it's impossibly challenging.
Can you please um say your last name for us.

I could app you out so it's boom say it
after me. Boom boom see sere. Wow, It's good thing
I didn't have friendship. There's more. Yeah Bill boom zou.

That's good looking guy. Can't have a name like that.
That just make sure you even better looking at that's
frustrating for the Higgins. Remember these nights in Vermont, right,
I do man? I do well. Hey, it's really good
to have you here. And uh and actually I obviously
want to bring you on for obvious reasons. One, you're

you're a friend of ours that we haven't got to
catch up within a while. And two, uh, you do
have a deep and and and fairly recent connection to
the current Bachelor atte. There's a ton of things we
want to find out about how you're feeling and what
you think of the season and how clear is being portrayed.
Uh So what better time to do it than right
now with this podcast? Um. I think actually to start

this whole thing, we should get a little background of
beIN wa like, how did you end up on Winter Games?
Where did you come from? What's your past history here?
Oh my god? Okay, so four years ago I was
I was in here in Montreal and the summer lady
came in and said, oh, we're doing a casting on
for Bachelorette Canada. So I was like, okay, what's this trick?

I thought it was a scam at first, so I
wasn't sure. Then I end up showing at the audition.
So and back in the days, and my English was
so bad. Trust me. I like, right now, it's not
not too bad, but it was so bad back in
the days. And I end up making good depression and
get that triinal call to go on batch red Canada.
There this is where I met Kevin that actually knows

also a bunch of dudes that and after you know,
in Canada there's not much after a batchel of batchelrette
usually it's pretty much over. So um, three years ago ish,
some producer from the USA called me and uh they

did They tell me that they wanted to meet me,
uh to go onto a show with you guys that
you went to games. So I end up going on
these and uh and right after there was Paradise not
too long after, which I shouldn't have gone. But okay,
we're gonna question you about that in a second. What
drove you to say? Okay, it's that first audition in Canada.

Had you had any serious relationships in the past, were
you getting out of a serious relationship? Tell us what
ben Wa was like in his twenties. Okay, So when
when I set first step in there, um, I was
like ending a relationship of six years where she uh
finally uh and because she betrayed my trust, let's just

say that. And so I was a bit broken. It's
been like a year that I was single and then
I decided to when not giving a shot on this
on this show, so I thought it was it would
be a good experience, and why not giving a shot
at love and maybe finding the right person for me?
Uh in that crazy journey that was about Canada. So

I didn't and I didn't. I don't regret it because
was it was a really cool experience. You got pretty
fund enough for you. It was it was it was
a back back on the back on dating scene in
front of the public. So it was so I I
end up being made top four. Uh and uh you
know the how given the last a little longer than

Ida than I did. But it was it was a
fun experience and you've been there then so and actually
also like Bachelor Bachelortte season, so so fun to travel
all these destinations and uh falling for someone like like
I did and like you. How was a Bachelor franchise

in Canada different than the Bachelor experiences you've had to
the US. So in Canada we don't have the Bachelor mansion.
This is the one interesting point. So uh, like the
night one was in Vancouver, but right after we flew
out directly to Jamaica, So like the traveling are did
this way? So this this is a tricky part where

I feel like everything looks more beautiful and you're, um,
you're not living with the other guys in the same mansion,
you're all at your separate would stay sweet early on.
So like you, yeah, it was. It was a little
different than that what we uh, what we'd seen in
any of the us. Would you say that that caused

less drama between the guys because you weren't living in
such close quarters. Uh, maybe a little of this, But
we were hanging out, like I would say at tongue times.
You know, there was during the day we were all together,
so I feel like we were sleeping better than what
we we experience on Winter Games. And you can tell

there was a bunch of dudes and the same. I
don't know about you girls, but for us, there was
like thirteen dudes in the same room. Some of them
were like snoring, some of them are farting during the night.
Was it was? It was so you end up on
this show and and one thing that I think, and
tell me if I'm wrong, please disagree with me. Uh,
but you're you're you're a sensitive guy like you care,

you want to you want to find love deeply. Did
you fall in love with the Bachelorette during this Canadian
Bachelorette Jasmin, Yes, but I was I was falling for her,
like alreathing was Jasmine and I I felt for her.
Uh maybe too late uh in the process because some
of the guys were like, I don't feel I was

like as open as I was on other shows. Maybe
it was like a little barrier that I put in myself,
like like because of them the past relationship I was
I was before, but you know what, like uh like yeah,
there was some real feelings and I'm I'm a little
bit Uh. I don't know. I should have put myself

more out there to see if there was something for
snb end. But like, it happens, and I don't have
any regret about this. Canada loves the Bachelor franchise. You
guys get the American version and then you had your
own version with Jasmine, but it was basically a one off.
Why do you think that the show one produced in Canada,

like with Canadian only contestants. It just they don't seem
to continue doing it. Like I'm very confused why you
guys would be so obsessed with the American version and
yet it doesn't seem like it's a huge success. When
you do a Canadian version yourselves, it's like really good question.
Uh Like our season was I would say really good.

Like the ratings were good. Everything was was good. But
I feel like the the three batchelor in Canada tradition,
um and I feel like they were always uh picking
some random guys that were known, Like there was some
professional baseball player, uh, football player, but there wasn't like
a person known from the Bachelor franchise. I feel like

they would have have like had way more ratings in
these Bachelor shows. They would have big someone uh that
is that was known in the Bachelor franchise, like Catherine
Bristol and some other Canadians that were more um that
was more. Yeah, that would be uh make better television.
That makes a lot of sense. So let's then fast

fast forward. Obviously we have the Bachelor at Canada. You
start to fall, you make it a long ways. I
remember then you coming on to Winter Games and everybody
was talking about this bin Wa that I think they
described you as the king of Montreal, that you knew
everybody in Montreal, that you're always uh you could always
show somebody a great time in Montreal. Um, so you

get asked to be on this Winter Game show. You
had hinted at it before to us. Uh, somebody from
the US called you. What made you say, Yeah, this
is what I want to do. I'm willing to risk
this again at a shot at love. Uh. Like when
they explained that concept of Winter Games, I think it
would it would be so fun, Like I was telling myself,
Oh my god, I gotta be there, just like to

enjoy some nice time in the cabin with a bunch
of like good people and doing some competition, living all together.
I feel like that the concept was really really good
and like a big like a big thing. They were
supposed to go to do summer games this summer. Actually
it didn't happen because of COVID, but I was really interested.

I didn't give my answer yet, but they were approaching
me to do that. Oh interesting, very interesting. So let's
talk about that first moment that you saw Claire, because
I believe that you said it was something close to
love at first sight. Oh oh definitely, yes, Like when
I saw Clair, like you've seen it, like how she is,
she's so bubbly, and when I found attractive about her

is just like how like she enjoying every single moment.
I told her whenever there's like an issue or like
she wasn't even like performing on the on the on
the dates or the competition. She was always thinking it
the positive way. So that this is what attracts me
at first, Uh, like to earth so uh in the end, like,

obviously she's beautiful, but there's way more to that woman,
And I'm sad right now that they produced her don't
show that much of her, like her good side and
these like they concenterated more on the drama and stuff
like that. Well, it's interesting that you say that because
for anybody out there listening that didn't watch win her
games or doesn't know your backstory here. Uh, you obviously

said it was loving first sight with clear, you found
her bubbly, you pursued her. I mean I remember you,
you know, kind of having to work out it a
little bit um throughout this whole process. Well, ultimately, if
we fast forward through the experience, because they don't know
if on the show much they showed your relationship. I
remember uh being at the Life uh show and kind
of being shocked at how it played out. Uh, for

anybod out there listening who he did not get to
watch that. Can you give a little backstory in details
of what was happening behind the scenes with you and
Claire ultimately leading up to what happened at the live show. Yeah,
so like we we we kept through things like super private.
So on the show, there was a lot of things happening,
but I like when the the the show was was airing, uh,

they wouldn't like show a lot of the discussion, the
serious discussion that we were having. And I know she
was interesting and she kept telling me like she was
interesting into Christian the other guy, and I thought it
was okay. Um, so the whole process during the show,
she was telling me like, I'm interesting to that guys,

but they they didn't like show that on TV. So
that that that's the tricky part about this. People don't
didn't understand why she just like backslash at me and
just turned her back around. But at the end of
this she was to be more interested at that moment
into that guy. And this is why like we uh

we uh, I had to leave the show just to
leave her opportunity to find that person. Because I feel
like I was like being the the the like a
little like blocker. I was blocking her at some point
to find a relationship with him because she she didn't
want to feel bad like about me. So basically you

let her free. You're like, hey, if it's meant to
be with us, it could happen off the show right now.
I want her to explore what she's feeling at the moment. Yeah,
because she told me like she was really more into
that guy, and uh, she she said, word for word,
we're not on the same date, on the same page
right now. So I do understand that I don't want

to like I wasn't interested into like other people. At
that point, I was telling myself, Okay, maybe I should
just go home and process this old thing because this
was a lot at that moment. I don't want to
be that that that guy that would stick around and
block her from finding that that person. So I was really, um,
I was like supporting her in finding happiness. So I was, um, yeah,

this is how I felt. So yes, this for Christian
was Christian was from Germany. They had this kind of
thing going that ultimately didn't go well, like that he
didn't no, he didn't go to the hot Something got
weird and it ended that relationship on Winter Games ended
before the show was over, and so that brings us

then to the moment where we have a live show
and Claire Crawley is sitting right next to me on
this live show. Uh, we're catching up about life and
whatever is happening between there. I had no clue what
was about to happen. Literally, man, I could never have
predicted this, this next event, but it was a big one.
But before we get to it, but while we're gonna

take one break, when we come back, we're gonna figure
out what happened on this live show and why and
what led up to it. We'll be back with the
Ben wah on the almost Famous In Depth podcast. Yeah, so,
ben Wa, I remember going on a trip with a

couple of the Bachelor Winter Games cast and we had
Claire on the phone and she was kind of alluding
to the fact that you guys were now talking and
you were in a good place that you would almost
consider yourselves exclusive dating. And then before I knew it,
I think it was like seven days later, you're on
your knee. So we have to know what happened in

between you leaving the show and the reunion show. Okay,
So what really happened is that, um, since like when
she came back home, I messaged her like iveryone just
want to say, like, hope everything is good for you.
I hope you're doing well. I hope everything is okay
all of this, and like I still want to get

in touch with you because like she shared a lot
of personal stuff and I care about her, like I
want her to be at so and then we start
like talking, and she gave me a phone call and
then we start talking face timing each and every day
we we were spending at least three hours on the
phone face timing and then we saw each other. Sorry,

that gives me a little anxiety attack. That's great time.
Oh I can't be on the phone all that's like
not my thing, like being on the like that's true love.
I'm glad you guys did that. That's that's that shed
some light on this whole situation. I'm an in person
talker as well. Well, go ahead. Good. So, like we
were far from each other, so that was a solution.
But at one point, uh, we we we planned the trips.

I was going to see her in uh in um
in Sacramento and San Francisco and uh we have, we
have like a really really fun time. Uh. Finally we
went to l A. So we had we had like
a lot of time together. We spent the whole weekends together.
And it connects like the way we wanted so um

at the end of this uh and we we we
kept like talking to each other and then we've seen
each other and then it leads on to UM the
reunion show, which it was. It was super tricky for
producer because we were like in the sane uh v
I P room and we were kissing each other, and
Producer like, they just want to make like a big surprise,

so they want they don't want anybody of you seeing that.
So it was it was fun too to be like,
you know, like the little kids, Like we were kissing,
but we were like kind of far from each other.
We had to be far from each other to keep
the surprise. And what went into my mind I just
I just knew like I was so madly in love

with her and I wanted to pursue like a like
a long term relationship with her. This is why I
did what I did on the reunion And I don't
have any regret about that because it was it was
from the bottom of my heart. Was it an impromptu decision? Like?
How far out did you decide that you were going
to propose? Uh, to be honest with you, maybe a

week before h yeah, a week before we we spent
some times in Eli area once again before the union,
like I flew in and she flew in a little early,
so we got to spend some more time. I was like, Okay,
now this is it. I'm doing this. This is important
to know here because I don't think we've explicitly said

this yet. What we're talking about. This big event at
the live show is that you got down on one
knee and you proposed to clear at the live show.
And that's the part that was shocking. That's a big
moment um. And as actually just mentioned, it was thought
there you thought about it. I mean a week or
you know, a month, whatever, there's no period of time,
but that is it went you thought about it. You

said this is the right thing for me. And then
she responded, she said, yes, um, what happens now? Yeah?
Did you guys, how did you ever defined the relationship
for you calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend? Before? Uh?
But yes, I mean like we when I say I

love you to someone, and she replied back, Uh, it
doesn't have to be like, okay, are you my girlfriend
or you my like boyfriend. It doesn't have to be sad,
so like of course she was my girlfriend and I
was her boyfriend. But like these specific words meant a
lot to me and I'm sure like for everybody else hopefully. Yes,

so you said I love you. He said you exchanged
I love you is yeah, okay, yeah exactly so and
and she she said it back on stage once again
in front of the camera. I don't know what if
you remember, but that was I remember. I was like,
what the heck? I think I looked at Ashley, I
was like, did you expect this? Like where did this

come from? I had no idea that this was going
on behind the scenes, no clue exactly, so uh yeah,
this this was what happened on on the stage, but like, uh,
this this whole day was like so overwhelming for me.
There was a lot of emotion. I was like on
my seats. I don't know if that you guys realized

that I was shaking, like my head with it, like
my leg was shaking the whole entire I don't know,
at least we spent like four hours on stage and
we were last one to talk in front of the people,
so it was it was stressful. Did was she as
surprised as the rest of the audience was. I don't know,
because we talked about that before, not a lot of times,

but we we were like, yeah, we get into the subject,
and uh, I was kind of having ants that she
would say yes, and of course, like that's what she did.
What were these hints? Oh? But like I don't know, Uh,
you know when when you when we were talking about that,

I just feel like she was on the same page
as I was. That she wanted like evolve into this
for a relationship. So I mean, like, uh, sometimes it's
just like a feeling I gut inside of you. That's
just telling you, okay, know I think she's feeling it.
So then, what was the first thing she said when

you got off stage a private moment? I don't I
don't remember. I think I blacked down that thing. I don't.
I remember. We called like our families and stuff to
announce like everything, But to be honest with you, I
don't remember exact words when I got off the stage

because like we were so happy and I remember we
were all like hugging each other and like wishing or
the best, like the best for and best for me.
So uh, and you guys were part of it. So
this is where things get really interesting to me because
I don't know what happens next, and none of us
got to watch this next season of life. In fact,

one of the most disappointing things about this season was
that none of us really knew what was happening, uh,
in your relationship. So you step off the stage, Uh,
walk us through this because there's no good questions that
we can ask the leaders what happens then what goes wrong? Okay,
So what happened is like, okay, this whole engagement. Um,

I realized myself with time like right now, like they
went too fast, Like I should have taken more times
and should have like processed things more than I was,
like overwhelmed by my feelings for her. Uh and I
thought she felt the same way. So when we got
back to reality, we've seen each other and stuff, and
the more we were I would say talking because we

always have like the best time together. Uh, like it
was it was so fun and uh, it was so
I don't know, it was so natural with her. Um,
there was like yeah, I think it's the best word
to describe it. Um. But when it comes like to
a long term relationship, there was issues. And I'm not
gonna give you like these details because these are private,

but that was like, um, there there was We were
so different as persons as uh maybe are like part
of our values, uh, the way we see things in life. Um.
So this was the breaking point. Well it wasn't like
one thing, but it was like a few things that
were bothering I think both of us, and we were

just like, oh this, oh, this, this thing might not work,
so uh we have to admit it, like I don't know,
like a few months later that uh it wouldn't work.
And distance didn't help at that time. Also because you
were living together, you were in different cities. Yeah, And
I was like I was applying on jobs h two

seconds to San Francisco, which is now we're in and
something away from Sacramento. And I was doing like a
process to get a job over there and maybe to
get a green card and to be moving there. So
I had to ask, like ask myself questions, Okay, is
this like the right thing to do right now? I
don't know. And at that at that moment, like the

answer I don't know was my ansertain maybe that we
have to u to break off this uh this relationship.
But you guys did you guys seem to be great
now because there was footage that you even posted of
you recording an episode of her season. Was it back

in March that you recorded this? It was this exactly
just before she was supposed to like her season was
supposed to uh go on and the the shooting was
supposed to uh to happen, so a week before so
beginning of March. Um like she like she want to
do a bio back, like you know, like I don't

get it. I don't get this thing. But each and
every Bachelor or Batchette, like you know, man, they didn't
want for you, but like they present you like your
backage Colorado doing some like maybe some planes of football
with your friends and your family and they're just talking
about you, oh saying, oh, Ben, you've been great, and
uh this is like the bio back of Claire. She

didn't want to get her family involved. She wanted to
have like her friends and also my myself me uh
to be part of it. So because we we kept
like good friends since like over a year now like
almost a year and a half. We're talking like like
on a regular basis. I would say, like one once
a week, once every two weeks, but like, uh, we're

still good friends after all of this, so uh I
it just blow my mind out, the skipness all bio
back part you like how we get to know Claire
for people who haven't seen like winter Games on our
season of Paradise and the show only like some of
the footage from her season which one Pablo and the

Paradise Park, so they didn't show it. So like that
you filmed all this at La Quinta for her no
in March before in Sacramento actually and then nothing got shown,
so like not none of it was air because I
don't remember this, but actually you obviously knew this somehow. Yeah,
people were it was all the talk. Everyone was talking
about how ben Wah was totally neglected from Claire's intro

on episode one, and they were like, she was engaged
to him, how can we talk and talk about him?
And then you came out saying that you had did
you did shoot something and that they cut it out.
Is there any reason that you think a good reason
that they would cut it out or do you think
that they were just trying to focus on her being
on the bigger shows? Uh? You know what, I had
my own opinion about this whole production, right, great, So

this is the time to share it. Thank you? Okay, Okay?
So guys, uh like Bachelor, uh, Bachelor VA, It's it's
a show. It's a business at first, y you know that?
So I I think if they want their own story
inline to make sense, they have to cut parts maybe
that she might look better than what they want to

to show to get the storylines like like straight. So
what I I just have to say, Like the talk
we had it was so funny, it was so refreshing,
and I was hoping that they were gonna show this
because it makes earth like, I don't know, like being
like a normal normal person that like she has some

good qualities. And right now, what what I what we've
seen like it's only like drama part and there's not
much of like serious stock to be you know, law
on us with you guys this season I haven't seen
except maybe you have Jason the first one on one day.
There wasn't that much like serious talking there is a

really deep person. She likes to get to know you
on a like on a really deeper level, which is
not showing at all. So I'm just thinking this, Yeah there,
I mean, there's you know, and I think that's fair. So,
uh but while I really want to get in um
to what you think of this season, I think it's
important because you do have a real perspective about Claire

that none of us have because you've been in an
intimate relationship with her. Um So I'm assuming she had
your blessing as the bachelorrette and like when you went
to talk to her, you were just like completely supportive
of this happening in her life, and you're ready for
that for yourself. Okay, so now she starts to the
Bachelorette and you just kind of hinted to it. You're

a little frustrated with how Claire is being shown, or
at least how this season is playing out. Why why
do you think, um, there is so little depth to
the season and why is there uh so many like
kind of just like more contentious moments except obviously with Dale.

Where do you think this is coming from? I feel
like the the old story, like you know, they filmed
that they show and after that they gotta make the
everything's gotta make sense. So I feel like they're talking
a lot about thels. But you know how producer are
when they ask you questions, uh in I t m s.
They want to get to know like specific stuff. So

if they're asking always like questions about bal, of course
she's gonna reply about Thel and they're gonna all gonna
focus on this. I like, to me, it makes sense
that she's talking a lot about the at the end
of this, I'm pretty sure they asked some questions about
other guys, but they don't. They don't that they don't
show that far. So this is where I'm just a

bit I would say, confused about how they they want
to portray things. But I get it, like it's a
show like the end is like with probably Dale, like
we've seen so far and they brought in another batch Rende,
so this whole thing to make sense. It's all about Dale,
but I'm sure there's more to it. And like a
lot of people, like for example, like when she called

him her fiance or something like that, A lot of
people were telling me, Bubba Ben why I feel like
they just cut up the ex fiance part and maybe
they made some jokes about you and that was like
not fair. So like there's no way she would have
called him like at that moment or like fiance. There's
like I know Claire and I know how she is,

and she's really like, uh, like she why would she
call him like her fiancing at that moment, especially at
that in that part because she's just like walking and
you can see like the back of her head, so
you cannot really leave on their on their rips, on
her lips. So it's it's it's weird a bit. This week,

she also had some drama with Zach, so she she
did wasn't vibe and Zack and then he kissed her
and she felt like it was very awkward, and people
the fandom really debated this moment back and forth. Knowing
Claire better than any of us, probably, well, how do
you think she why do you think she handled the

situation the way she did? I just feel like the
physical contact that Zack made with her, and I'm not
talking about like the kids sort of like the smoothness
of it, but I just I just think like the
way he grabbed her, Uh, she was she was scre

and I would never grabbed the women like this when
she's just like there's like a confusion about the kiss
and something like that. Just let it go, man, just
like Okay, you're gonna have a second chance at the dinner.
But you kept like on grabbing her right wait wait,
And that for me that I was really aggressive from
his part. So I'm sorry, Zach, but like maybe, uh,

maybe if you were not like insisting that much, she
would have liked went to dinner and you can have
like some more champ but like, she has her past also, guys,
just keep that in mind. And there's a lot of
footures that you guys haven't maybe shown so uh and seen.
So yeah, that makes sense. And I think that's kind

of you know, she hinted at that during it and said, hey,
I've had a pass and this just kind of like
um triggered me or kind of brought back memories and
that's why I'm reacting the way I am now. But
while you take producers out of this for a second,
mm m, and like just you know, we're watching Claire
story and and most of the season's uh, they do

play out in in a similar way or at least
a storyline that is making sense to how this you know,
the how the seasons playoffs. To take the process out
it for a second, are you seeing Claire in this
season or are you watching somebody that you don't even recognize? Uh,
I would say, I this is not the Claire that
I know. This is uh and I can I can

feel like, like put put yourself into her shoes. I mean,
you're you're doing Crowning quarantine in a resort. It's already
like initials are a bit mind fun. You've been there,
and it's just like it's a lot to manage. And
I feel like at some point, maybe she was overwhelmed
by all of this. Uh she she felt like super

strong feelings with Dell and then this whole thing played out.
But this is not the Claire that I used to know.
But then again, a lot of things are happening in
her life and uh like it's not easy for for her,
especially like right now, but it wasn't back in the
day being on the show. So yeah, there's a there's

a little difference between the Claire that I like that
was shown on TV than the Claire that I know
in real life. So you then shocked that she felt
so hard for Dale, like right away, Like, is this
knowing her and knowing how she loves and knowing her
desire for lover, you surprised that she was like all
I set on Dale, Like, I feel like she's just

so passionate, Like she knows what she wants and when
she sees something. Uh, maybe like if the show like
wouldn't brought Dale, I feel like she would be more,
she would get to know more of the guys, but
like she had a big crush on Dale, and she
like at the beginning, she was still open to getting
to know the other guys, but I feel like feelings

were growing so fast for her in that situation. That's
where she maybe got caught in uh, in those feelings
with Dale's I actually, and I've talked about this a
few times, but I've wondered through this season, if Dale
wasn't there, if she would have the same reaction to
somebody else that was there, Like, because just how much
she wants to find love, how passionate she is, if

her eyes had been set on one of these other guys,
and because she just you know, she isn't made, which
I don't know if any of us are. I don't
think any of us are. But she hasn't made to
date multiple people at one time, especially when she's feeling
something for somebody. I know. Actually I've talked about this
and it's something that we we've we've been curious about. Yeah, yeah, definitely. Uh.
I feel like it would be it would have been
a total different uh season if they wasn't there. But

then again, like what can we do? I mean, like,
she's really into the guy, and I just hope, like
it's going to be the best decision that that she's
ever made. But at least, like people want like real
person on the show, So she has been real from
the beginning. She's absolutely feelings for for him, So we

cannot blame someone for like being true to themselves and
not pretending on or faking other relationship. Uh. Like she's
listening to her gut, she's listening to these feelings, and
I mean like she she's she's still doing great. Ben,
what um, we can assume at this point that she
does leave the show and Tasia comes in to replace her.

How do you think that decision came about? Knowing Claire?
Do you think that this is her saying, like, you know,
what this process isn't for me going off of what
you and Ben just discussed, or do you think that
something else happened. I feel like production they realized and
I've read something about it. Um what was it? It

was maybe Robert Mills that said that I don't wanna
be wrong about this, but um, like at the point
where she didn't give that rose on the group date
and she was like really into Dale's production, they were
they were looking for another bacherette. So I think like
ultimately it was production that came at her and just

like said, you know what, Claire, I feel you're not
giving a fair chance really into Dale, so we want
you to be happy. And they had like a common
I would say, agreement on her maybe leaving the show,
but I feel like she was like it wasn't like
her ultimate decision. Have you discussed Have you discussed anything

with her after she's finished filming? Uh? Yes, actually, like
we we spoke two days ago or maybe yesterday, but
she's not allowed to say anything because of the contracts.
But I feel like this is a lot right now
for her, So um, I'm I'm just being supportive and

she's I'm not allowed to say anything but I don't.
I think she's really happy on how the edit was turned,
was was made um, but once again like, uh, it's
what you signed for, so I guess like it's production,
it's a business, and that's it. Now. We can't forget

you in this process, right, somebody you loved you're watching
on television. Yeah, and you're a great dude, a bigger
man than me. How are you dealing with all this?
What are your hopes in this? And how are you
feeling watching this? I just hope, like I told her,
like whoever you're gonna pick, I want to be able
one day to meet that guy and just to shake hands,

get to know that person and wish you the best
of luck. And even though like it didn't work out
between me and her, it's not it's it's it's gonna
be a friendship forever. So I'm just I just hope
at the end of this, when this is like all
this roller coaster would would end for uh, that she

she can find like some happiness with all of this
and with the man of her dream. So this is
what I'm wishing for, and I'm gonna support her and
if she needs to talk, if she needs, like someone
to uh to understand what she went True, I mean
I was, I was, I went through this, uh this
experience also so I can relate. Has Claire been as

um supportive of you and other relationships as you've been
to her, because it seems like you guys you really
have been involved in each other's romantic lives as friends.
So has there have you ever gone to her for
girl advice? Uh? True? Actually, like we've we've getten touch
and I've dated this some some women, and I was

asking for advice. I was telling your like, oh, this
is all going well, and and I was giving news
about about this whole thing. Uh like of course it's
not involving bachelor like on my side. So she's being supportive. Um,
but we're still friends, so we're still like giving news
about like what's happening, and if there's any advice she

would she would help me out. I think this is awesome.
I mean the way you guys are handling this. And
that was a big question for me coming on. You know,
we didn't know how you guys are as you know,
as friends or if you even have a friendship, or
a few guys are like the worst enemies that you know,
but it's really cool to hear how supportive you are
of um, the two of each other. So we're coming

up now to another week. It could be you know,
I think we're assuming that, you know, Claire does leave
that Um there's a new Bachelor that comes in. Do
you know? Do you do you can you even predict?
Do we just kind of like it's Claire just gone?
Or do we get to follow her story? Um? Do
you hope that we follow her? Sort of like what's
next in and Claire season of The Bachelor? At I

feel like there's gonna be more like we all like
heard some spoilers that she might be engaged to one guy,
which most likely would be Dale Jason. Yeah, so of
course they're they're gonna keep us in touch about like
what's with the Claire has been wading through, and I

think it would be like a to two season that
at once at one point. So hopefully we're gonna see
how it all unfold for the for these two, but like,
I feel like it would be interesting to watch how
it unfold for t Asia but also for Clear at
the end of this because this is not like the
end of her of Urn Dales know I like, I

like what you may have previewed there for us. I agree,
it would be very strange if they're just like, Okay,
you two get off the cameras now. I do hope
that they keep them around at least at La Quinta
for a while and give us like ten minutes an
episode about how their week has gone. He better leave
with her, like he better, we hinted last week on
the podcast and while like, uh, we had a guest

on America and she had said, like, what if he
doesn't go, Like what if he just does to stay
and he wants to pursue Tasha. I was sitting after
the podcast thinking about that comic because I had never
even thought about that until she said it, and at
the time and we all laughed because we're like, it'd
be crazy, it's great TV. And I was like, that sucks. No,
he better go with her, because if not, he has

led that girl on the whole time and that's not fair.
So like, I'm gonna hope and assume that Dale walks
off this show with her as tatious steps in. He
would be the biggest villain of all time with oh yeah, definitely,
you know, no, I would I would be fist. We
thought we were talking in that in u uh in March.

Back in March and me and her, I told her
and if there's any guys missing up with you, just
call me and I'll come over. And they're asked to
be honest, like, I don't want you to get hurt
in this. This is the lead, the last thing that
I wanted. So that's so sweet of you. Um, well,
since you guys have been in touch since March and
you probably were a little bit in touch during quarantine

when she was able to see these guys for the
first time, did she ever make mention to you that
she thought that Dale was the cutest, that she was
most excited to meet him. No, she didn't make any
comments about like the guys. I feel like she wasn't
really like it's a special season, like he Normally you
don't get to see who who's going on onto your show.

Like then, imagine you would have liked had I don't
know all the names and the profile of everyone that's
going through your season, you would you would check admit it. Yeah,
I definitely would have appreciated that, and like this this
is one thing, so like I'm pretty sure like she

already like looked them up before, but she wasn't allowed
to say anything, and she didn't mention anything about like
who she was more attracted to or something like that.
I think she she she wanted to give a fair
shot to everyone. Do you think that they spoke before
the show, because everybody, well, I don't want to say everybody.
A lot of people seem to think that the two

of them chatted before the show. The more I watched
this season, the more I think it truly was a
spontaneo like a feeling that she got in the moment
that it was love at first sight. But I think
that a lot of people will still continue with the
thought that they talked beforehand because it was just seemed
like such an instantaneous chemistry. I don't I to be honest,

I don't know, and I want to believe her when
she said it was only Blake that reached out to
her and maybe like a guy like like wrote to her.
But like at the end of this, I think it
all like played out the first night when he stepped
out the limmo and like there was all these sparks
in her eyes. So um hopefully yes, I mean, like

she does. She doesn't tell me these kind of things,
but she's not allowed too. So anyways, I don't tell
I don't tell my ex those type of things either.
I think we just I don't blame her. Ben, while
you're a good man, and uh, it's really great to
catch up with you and here about your You're just
your admiration and and care for Claire. Still, I want

to take a break when we come back, been what
I want to hear about what you're up today? Uh,
kind of what you're what's going on in your life?
Give you the stage for a second. We do every
in depth podcast. Uh, so we'll come back with Ben Wah,
Claire's ex fiance but good friend, on the almost famous
in Debt podcast. Ben, when we knew you when you

were on Jasmine season, you were a restaurant manager, right, Yeah,
multiple restaurants in Montreal exactly. So I'm the my director
of three restaurants and the banquet of the hotel Plasta
arm So there's one rooftop bar, there is one um,

a French cuisine restaurant that I was talking with the
then when we were on the bus up to the
skating rank back in Clermont and we were. I'm also
a director of a Japanese that, yeah, a restaurant and bar.
And is that what you're still doing today? Are you
still actively working at those places? Yeah, yea, yeah, I'm

actually in the private room of the French quizzing restaurants.
So and you know, am I enjoying the restaurants? Like? Actually,
I know Jared worked in restaurants, am I right? Yes? Yes,
he u managed restaurants for a couple of years before
going to the show, and it's his dream to open
up a restaurant or bar of his own. So we

are in that first stage of its just just exploring
that idea. Okay, good, good good. I mean, like I
feel like him, have a lot of the things that
are come in. But first of all, I just want
to congratulate both a few guys the engagement then and

for the wedding for you. Actually a lot of things
happened since the past three years, but I'm glad that
you guys are alright a good place right now. So yes,
I'm still living living in Montreal, um doing working a lot.
It's not super easy. The pandemic in here. They had
to close restaurants and dining rooms Uh, it's been almost

like a month. Uh, and we're good doing another month
of closing and the restaurants, but we're doing takeouts and
delivery at the Japanese our restaurants, or at least we're
still making some revenues. But it's not it's not the
same as with the pandemic and before before what was
it before? Back in days? Are you dating? Are you?
Are you in love? Yeah? I'm actually seeing someone right now.

So for me. She she she she's the one and
she's super sweet. Her name is Mode. Uh. She's the
owner of a dance student you uh in here in
in Montreal area. So um yeah, I mean like she's
a she's a great girl and I actually can see

her in my last post on Instagram is it my
last post? But she's I was looking your Instagram before
this and I don't remember seeing her hold on. So um,
she like the drone the drone video that I made,
Like she's the lady beside me. So she is. So

I'm assuming this is a relatively new relationships since you
were running, um in the running for Summer Games. Yeah, exactly.
So the casting for Summer Games was around the February
and March and like, yeah, I've been dating her for
a few months already, so it has been great so far.
So hopefully I'm not gonna you ever go back on

on any of these shows, but you know, you know
we we're hoping for the best. It brought you good friendship, man,
and Uh, if anything, these shows have done that for me,
and I know they've done that for you. We've just
heard a whole podcast about your friendship with Claire and
it's really refreshing and good to hear and also awesome
to hear your support of her. Ben wa every in
depth episode. Uh, Ashley has a really special thing that

she loves to do. It's one of my favorite moments
of the podcast. Uh, it's super easy. You're off the
hot seat until my final question. But Ashley, this is
your time take it away alright. So it's just basically
rapid fire a whole bunch of fun questions. I'm gonna
start with, what's your favorite dish at one of your restaurants? Uh?

Definitely me Geary. Uh, how much you won? So it's
a yellow from Tuna. It's delicious. I can't go wrong
with tuna. I love tuna. What is something in Canada
that Americans don't have that we totally need to adapt.
You don't have do you have putine? Do you do

you think you have putine? That would be my answer
coming because of us, it's not common. I think that's
becoming a little bit more frequent on menus, like they're
trying to be trendy and adding it. But what's your
favorite type? Um? I know that, like what's the standard poutine?
And then what is your favorite type of foutine? Because
I know that you guys have a vast variety. Now okay, good,

so uh, the classic one would be some French fries,
some gravy, and some nice fresh cheese skirts. But you
can always like tricket my favorite, I like like some
duck comfeet on top of it. Maybe if you can
switch the potatoes for sweet potato French fries and switch

a gravy for like a pepper peppercorn sauce instead, so
you can always like play with that. That's a funny
thing about that putine. You can always tweak it your
own weight. But the cheese skirts are must alright, alright,
it sounds like a nap to me sort of absolutely.
What was your favorite event at Winter Games? Oh, I

think I think that the cross country skiing was the
most inserting one. Right, we had to shoot the paintball,
probably the easiest one. Yeah, it was tough for so
many people. I I remember that, but it wasn't easy.
But it was probably the easiest because after that we
had to go the downhill skiing, where I was truly like, oh,

this is the part of the contract that says I
signed my life away. I remember you on the on skates, Ashley,
and you were doing good. Thank you. You're very sweet.
At least you were trying right, you were doing your best. Yeah. Okay,
so what who was your first kiss? Describe your first kiss?

Who was my first kiss? Wow? In my whole life?
Her name was uh, was me Lan? And that was
my she was my first girlfriend, if my memory is right,
and uh, I remember because I was wrong, I think, yeah,
you're you're drunk with your first kiss. So how old
are you? I don't know, maybe, uh, maybe I don't know,

fifteen sixteen, I I don't remember. No, Actually it was old.
It was an old first kiss, like I was. I
was nineteen. So it's okay, yeah, yeah, makes everybody feel better. Okay, lastly,
what's your favorite movie. Uh, oh, my god, I don't know,

because it's all we I feel like, yeah, some of
the all the weeen movies are pretty good. Maybe Ocus
Focused because when I was young, like yeah, I did
at that time of the year. I feel like Ocus
Focus is one of my my best memories of all movies.
Very nostalgic. Yeah, really alright, been while here's my time
with you. It's the final thing in the podcast. You're

almost done. You've been great. We appreciate you. We'd like
to give you the stage. Um for anybody out there listening, Um,
what message do you have on your heart right now?
For anybody that you just like to share? You take
thirty seconds a minute. I don't have twenty minutes for
you to do this, So prittlease keep it like reasonably short.
The stages your has been wah, what would you like
to share with anybody listening? Uh. To be honest with you, guys,

I just want everybody to keep in mind this old
batch or franchise and stuff. Uh, they're like I said,
it's it's a business. There's a lot of anything. There's
a lot of like what you guys haven't seen, so uh,
and keep always in perspective, there's there's someone, there's a
human that whenever you're doing like some comments on social

media's and stuff that is probably gonna like seeing somehow
or maybe not, but like there might be a human
hurt or affected by your comments. So just always be
nice and respectful through everything you say, because like, uh,
like there's a lot of things that you guys haven't

seen and that you guys know some like some of
the people they like, you know, Ben, you know, actually
they tend to to get like they know you a
hundred percent of you. But you just like I saw
a few of the clips of you on the internet.
It's so frustrating. It's it's frustrating. So just guys, whoever

is listening to this, like, just be nice to people.
But there's always like a human behind all of this
that is going through maybe some tough times, maybe some
good times, maybe some bad times also, So please just
be nice. And there's no way for hate, for racism,
for like whatever like disrespect you can you can imagine,

So just just be nice. Guys. You love that. That
was a great way to wrap up the podcast. Thanks
you're the man. Hey, follow our lead here. I'm gonna
start you'll catch on fast. This has been an in
depth episode with Ben Wah from Bachelor ro Games, Bachelor
at Canada and also Bachelor in Paradise. I've been been,

I've been Ashley amazing. Thanks and we bye. Thank you guys,
it was a pleasure. Seudy. Follow the Benn and Ashley
I Almost Famous podcast on iHeart Radio or subscribe wherever
you listen to podcasts.
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