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April 2, 2020 80 mins

Ben and Ashley go In Depth with a fan favorite couple from Paradise, Hannah G and Dylan! 

We find out how quarantine has tested their relationship and how things have changed since getting engaged.

And we get personal… and find out if they’ve been fighting during the stressful journey of wedding planning!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
This is Benn and Ashley I almost Famous in Depth. Well, Hey,
because of everything going on in the world, as Ashley
and I have promised, we're gonna try to put as
many podcast episodes out there into the podcast world as possible,
and today we're coming out with another almost famous podcast.

This time it's an in depth with Hannah and Dylan
from The Bachelor, Bachelor and then also Bachelor in Paradise. Ashley,
you've been excited about this one. You've been doing a
lot of research. What do you expect out of this interview? Well,
Dylan doesn't hold back. In fact, I think Dylan likes
to be a little sassy. Dylan likes to make a
headline here or there, so I'm hoping we get that

version of him and Hannah isn't trying to make him
go in some sort of PC direction. I think today's
uh podcast maybe won't be as who knows. I don't wanna,
I don't want to assume, but I my assumption my
guests would be it's not going to be as emotional
as some in depth podcast in the past, but it's

gonna it's gonna be hilarious. I know that you've done
your research to try to get the the t as
the kids are saying out of Hannah and Dylan, and
I am excited to speak to two people who have
made me laugh many times. I know them well. You
know them well, Hey, almost famous family, you know them
well as well. Let's bring Hannah and Dylan onto the

first in depth episode of this new season in Our Lives.
It's Hannah and Dylan. So, Hannah and Dylan, welcome to
the Almost Famous in Depth podcast. Hey, thanks, thanks for
having us. By the way, congratulations, yeah, congratulations From one

man to another. It's a good life, isn't it. It's
the best. Yeah. I feel a new sense of like
joy and yees and comfort. Do you feel that way? Yeah?
I told Hannah there's like there's like five things you
want to check off in your life, and one of
them is like not having not not having to worry

about like finding like that like relationship half of your
life proportion. And once you find it, just like it
opens up so much more. Thanks for you. So yeah,
oh my god, I I was, I was like, I
have so much more space to think about productive things
in my head now that I don't have to worry
about finding something exactly you're like you can focus more
on like work friends. Like it's the best. I became

so work oriented as soon as Jared and I gotten gaged. Yeah,
and it's interesting because I proposed to just obviously this week,
and um, it wasn't supposed to go down the way
it did, and I was worried that this self isolation
time would kind of take away from the proposal. But
we talked about on the last episode of Almost Famous,

and the greatest part is now, like typically we're both traveling,
we're moving about just like you guys are, and just
like Ashley is, and just like a lot of people
are that listening to this podcast. Now we're stuck to
just like enjoy each other. And we had a date
night last night and Jess looked over at me and
she said, like, what's great about this experiences We've never
spent this much time without distraction. Like I've always known

I've loved you, but now I know, like more than
ever that this is gonna work. And like I appreciate
that because we've had so much time to hang out. Yeah,
there's always like a constant list of things to do,
and right now, during this whole self isolation time, it's
like you don't have any fomo, you don't have any trips,
like you're just kind of focused on the moment. And

since so it is. Hey, if you guys hear background
noise with Dylan and Hannah or Ashley or myself, we
are all in separate places, except Dylan and Hannah are
kind of like sitting on top of each other right now.
And then Ashley and I are separate places in homes,
and so please for give us. We don't have a
studio right now, we don't have our own quiet spaces.

We are coming to you live from the comfort of
our own Skype, So please give us a little grace.
If you hear some pounding and begging in the background, Ben,
how do you look so cool with the background blur?
I was going to ask you that he upgraded? He

is it windows? Yeah, going on this Skype? Yeah, you're right.
So if anybody's out there wondering, I'm we're on Skype
right now, and I guess there's a setting that kind
of blurs your background and makes you like stand out.
I feel like a cartoon character right now. Yeah. So, Hannah, Dylan,
you are beloved by batch O Nation, and I want
to tell you a little bit about what the in
depth podcast is. So a couple of times a year,

we pick some of bat our nation's favorite couples or
people and we invite them into our kind of world
at the almost famous universe to just sit down with
the two of you and focus on your stories. We
really just want to hear who you are as people.
This is a time to to not just dive into
the show. This is not a time uh to just
explore what happened in Paradise or during the Bachelor Bachelor.

This is a time for us to get to know
you better, uh, you as a couple better, uh to
see where this goes at the end. We usually have
no clue uh where the podcast is gonna take us,
but it's always exciting and it's always an interesting journey. Uh.
The two of you obviously met in Bachelor in Paradise,
That's how people know you today. And you come to us,

uh not only because you are loved by Bachelination, but
because I met you all uh at a Bachelor Live
on stage event and Dylan, in his typical fashion, looked
at me and says, why haven't we come on your
podcast yet? And I said, that's a great question. Uh,
mostly because we didn't know if you would have us,
and so we're happy, uh that you two are sitting
with us today during this time of self isolation. So

thank you for having us. I'm gonna get started at
the very beginning. Uh, you guys just kind of a ball.
You take it as you want. Growing up bringing you
to the place where you became a part of Bachelor Nation.
Tell us who you were, if you could give us
a summary of your childhood, how you ended up on
the show, what you were like in high school, and

why you both were still single looking for love. Well,
when this show came to you, you were on first,
so you should go first. Well all right, so UM,
let's see I who was I? Okay, I think I

would definitely consider myself being like pretty shy in middle
school high school, and I had like my close knit
group of friends. I didn't go on, um a bunch
of dates or anything. I had one relationship in high school. UM,
and we were together for five years, which like in
high school is kind crazy. UM. It was like towards

the end of um, like a sophomore year or something,
or junior year we started dating. But before that like
I had never um gone to dances with people. I
always went with my friends and like, I don't know,
like I was not the super cool girl ever. And yeah,
I was cool with it though. I was like whatever,

like I'm just me and my friends and I'm like
the goofy one whatever. And then I went to college. Uh,
I guess I was still the same, like still had
my core group of girlfriends and everything, and um, one
summer I did an internship in l A. And it
like changed my life and my perspective on things. I'm
from Alabama, so I was always just kind of like,

you know, I'd only seen like the South really and
not done a bunch of traveling. And so I went
to l A. And I was like, whoa, Like there's
a lot going on out here. I like the energy
and um everything like that, and that kind of was
like a game change djer for me, and um, it
kind of opened new perspectives on my relationship, which I

was like, you know what, I can't be with somebody
that I'm not fully committed with. Like I was the
guy my you know, my my five year long relationship.
I thought it was a good relationship, but it was
never great, like he was a great person. I just
don't think we're super compatible. Um, so I ended things
and or we ended things, and um then I was

like single and do my own thing. And I was like, yeah,
I want to get back out to l A like
Albie was great and all, but you know, I want
to like just have like a more challenging something in
my life. And um, yeah I was single for a
while but on some dates all that stuff. And then somehow,

um the show kind of crossed my path and I
thought there was literally no way and how I would
like a lot of us, Like I was like, there's
zero percent chance I would get on this, like this
is it is almost commic pool, just because I was like,
this isn't a real life thing, like this doesn't actually
happen to people. I was that person like I've never
really won something in like a contest before, Like I've

never had my name drawn. So he's signing up for
something like this. I was like, there, you know, there's
no way I'll get on whatever. Just it was more
of like let's just do it and if it bites
happens and if not, like I'm still single, so adventure
or whatever, and yeah, I got casted for the show,

and it was just insane. I was like focusing more
on myself, relationship, what I wanted, who I wanted to
be with, and then all the things that come along
with the show, which is like just uh, you know everything,
Like my life went from like a forty and crazy

to like a hundred and ten in craziness. So how
long were you in l A before the show? Yeah?
Where was fine with that? Yeah? Well who signed you
up for the show? Did you sign up yourself? So? Um,
my best friend Dina and I we She was like,
she's my best friend in the world, and she was like, Hannah,
you have to do the show. And I kept putting

it off because I was like I by sending questions
or something like I don't know making a video. I
was like that just seems like a lot of effort,
Like I don't get it in any ways, so whatever.
But one day we had some mimosas and some drinks
and then we recorded some questions and it then and
the rest of history. I remember the first night of
the show, I was like I was telling the producers.

I was like, I know, I'm like probably going home
like whatever, and they're just like like they were like,
you know, they can't give you any clues or anything.
They were just like, well, you know, you never know,
Like I think you'll be fine, but who knows. And
I remember when I got the first impression Rose. That
was a moment where I was like, like, I wrote
it down to my journal, it's very like a heavy
description on it. I was like, this is the moment

when I was like, okay, like craziness is probably gonna happen.
And then after the show was just insane but really fun.
And then went to Paradise because I was like, well,
you know, I if there's something in a sense therapeutic
about going on the show, about learning about yourself and
really focusing on love, especially with the crazy world. After

the The Bachelor, I was like, how am I supposed
to date or whatever? And you know, it happens whatever,
But you know, I was like, Paradise, this seems like
pretty cool, like another new adventure. I learned a lot
about myself the first show, so why not? And um again,
I wasn't like thinking of it super seriously. I was
just like, well, who knows. And then I met Dylan

and then now we're quarantined together in San Diego. So yeah,
I want to go back for a second. What was
your internship in when you were out in l A
during college? Um I worked at show Mr Mumu. It's
a clothing company and there's so much fun to work

with and uh, yeah, it's awesome. So Hannah, I I
gotta ask you, though you can't. It's I think there's
a level here where I hear you didn't expect to
get on the show, and fans here you didn't expect
to get on the show, but you come on the show,
and I think you like have a larger than life

personality and a larger in lifelike character that you become
and people are huge fans of you. Has it really
at what point in time did you realize that moving
to l A from Alabama, seeing the bright lights of
l A, then getting put on this show, Like, at
what point did you realize that your life was changing

in pretty large ways from your small town of Indian Alabama.
Because I'm from Indiana and I remember showing up to
the mansion for the first time, walking out and going
this is unlike anything I've ever seen before. I don't
know how to handle it. I think every moment along

even even taking the flight out to l A for
the like casting and everything. The whole time I was
just like in disbelief. But that's how I am. Like,
I tend to overly take things in and take in
moments just so I can really wrap my head around it.
I don't I don't know why I'm like that, um,
but every single moment I was just like documenting like

how insane it was. And I don't know. I feel
like still to this day though, I as much as
I've grasped my head around all of these different things
we've experienced, I still haven't grasped my head around like that.
People might think, oh, I'm Hannah Gee, Like that doesn't

make any sense and it never will, which I don't
want it to. I'm like, the moment that makes sense,
that's when I got to like stop doing all this
stuff because I'm just like hanging out doing me um.
And I tell Dylan all the time, I'm like, I
didn't it wild. Like we just have these conversations about
just how insane all of this is, and I never
want that to seem normal because I know it's not,

and it in a sense it's a it's a scary
position to be in that we're all in, but it's
also a really cool one too. It's like something we'll
all tell our grandkids, all of us. It's uh. I've
always said this, Hannah, and I think it's one of
the best like things in my mind is that one
day I'll be talking to my grandkids. I'll be sitting

in a rocking chair in my front porch and they'll
be like, tell me, because I do the same thing
with my grandpa. My grandpa, and I'm always intrigued at
the stories he has to tell and how different life
was for him when he was in his twenties and
thirties and teens. And I wonder what it's going to
be like to have to explain what we did to
those kids, and how shocking it's going to be that
one like at one point in their life their grandparents

were on a television show like I think that. I
don't think it's ever gonna be like able to be processed,
but I'm so excited for that moment. Yeah, it's really neat.
And I think the people that go through this and
they think it's all totally completely normal and not a
big deal and they think that they're like ohed this
or something. That's the ones where I'm like they're lost

like that, you know, it's just like it is crazy,
it's wild, and it's cool that we at least we
like every day. We just try to find like the
normal like side of it, which I think we do
fairly well. We're pretty normal and which shows so we're
pretty normal. Yeah. Well, before we passed over your doing
uh handle, one of the parts that kind of get

overlooked in your life oftentimes now because of the show
is your uh success and your time spent in pageants. Now,
that was something that we kind of glossed over that
I didn't hear about when you're explaining your upbringing. So
I don't know if you consider that a big part
of your life or not, or if you still do.
But I I assumed that the pageants is what brought

you to l A and so obviously we've heard it
that it wasn't, So just clear that up a little bit. Okay,
there are definitely a lot of moments that I missed,
But if I named all the things that got me
kind of led me, I feel like this would be
a too long of a podcast, but um, I definitely
did some modeling things, which was introduced to me that
was insane. UM, got some cool like marketing opportunities, and

then within that, I was like, let's since I wasn't
somebody who did pageants when I was really young, Um,
some of the paget directors are like, yeah, why don't
you get this a shot? And I was like, well why,
like you know, another adventure pushed myself out of my
comfort zone and um, and so I did that. I

did three pageants and I think I got h and
those I got third runner up, third runner up in.
Then my last one, I got first runner up in
Miss Congeniality, which I still stay think getting Miss Congeniality,
which is like in pageant terms like where all the
contestants like vote like who is like the friendliest? And

I got that and I was like, Okay, this is
pretty cool. And I did compete against Hannah Brown my
final year, neither of us one that year though, and
then moved to l A because I was like, you
know what, I'm just gonna get out and be done
with this whole Paget thing. It did teach me a lot. Yeah,
I was just ready to like kind of determine my
own destiny instead of like a few judges kind of

doing it. So I was like, let me just get
out and see how it goes. And um. Then the
next year I went to go watch the pageant and
the audience and handa around one, which in my head
I was like with the momo people when we watched,
and for her, I was like, she's gonna win. She
seems so sweet that like she did it last year
and I was like, oh my gosh, like I totally
forgot because there's so many people to do it. Yeah. Well, uh, Hannah,

I would tell you this. You and Hannah Brown are
two gifts from Alabama that has brought us a lot
of laughter, a lot of joy. Um, some would say tears.
We've cried with you, We've laughed with you, and we've
also cried with your man sitting that's next to you
right now. Dylan. Um, Dylan, you are one of a kind. Uh. I.

I remember the very first time I met Dylan, Uh,
was that bachelor in Paradise and Wells Adams came up
to me. Wells is always just a great um friend
and big supporter, and he was down there and we
were at a wedding and he came up and he says, Hey, Ben,
I have somebody um pushing you as my favorite person
to come from the franchise. And I was like, who's

that has to be a girl? No, it's Dylan. He
goes this, Dylan guy is the nicest guy. He's funny.
You guys would get along great. Um. And so Dylan,
I'm pumped to have you on the podcast. I want
to hear though a little just an overview of who
you were coming up to the show, just so our
audience gets to know you outside of this crazy world.
And then I know Ashley is going to dive into

who you became and who and what has happened during
your time on The Bachelor and Bachelorrett, But tell us
a little bit about what makes you you? Yeah, I
M I don't know. I feel like I had a
pretty typical upbringing. Like I grew up in Orange County,
went to school from like sixth grade to twelfth grade,

went to the same school, have like the same ten
best friends that I grew up with, like since I
was like twelve years old. Um, I had a girlfriend
pretty much a majority of college and then after graduating,
moved out to San Francisco, worked at Morgan Stanley. UM
kind of was like similar to hand I was like
single for a while, and then my dad got diagnosed

with cancer. So I ended up kind of just like
reevaluating what was important in my life and just like
what Like I was sitting at my desk, I was
like what am I doing? UM, and my boss saying
like they were very supportive, but there was one day
where he's like, I can't give you time off for
Christmas if you're gonna go home giving And I was like,
this is the dumbest conversation I've ever So then I

just got up and told him I was leaving and
quit and moved to San Diego like a week later.
UM and my cousin and I had been going back
and forth at the same time about this idea we
had about you know, being able to work out, give
back UM and like redeemed personal things to like treat yourself,
and so that's when we end up starting our company. UM.
So the way that works is every day you work out,

you can donate a meal to charity, and each time
you donate, you get points and you can like support
local businesses and get like free drink saftizers. After doing
all that, I was in a relationship for like eight
or nine months and it was like not the healthiest
at all. It was actually very unhealthy. Um. Definitely pretty

bad breakup. Um. And then like a month or two
prior to that, my dad passed away. So I had
like a lot of things going on, and my mom
was like, why don't we go on vacation, Like, let's
just head out. And so in November we went to
the Maldives and I was like all right, I needed this.
This was great. Uh. And then I got a message

on Instagram and I opened it and it was from
Lindsay Lyles and she was like, hey, mccasting producer for
The Bachelor in the Bacherette. I'd love to talk to
you about me on the show. Um. And I was
just like, I like laughed, and then I just deleted it.
I was like no. And then I went out and
just like hung out with my mom on the beach
and after a few days, like you never believe, who

messaged me like on Instagram to try out for a show.
And she was like who And I told her She's
like why not, Like it's it's She had like such
a funny line. She's like, it's nice to be invited
to the dance, even though you're probably not gonna go.
And I was like thanks mom, thanks mom, um, and
so yeah, so then I was like all right, I
messaed her back. I was like, okay, I'm interested. We

FaceTime a few times and I did the whole weekend
in l a um and I just kept saying like, yeah,
I don't think I'm gonna get it. It's kind of
similar to hand. I was like, yeah, I'm probably not
gonna get it, but it was fun, like it was
such a cool experience and uh. And then Natalie Chapty
called me in the shower, like while I was in
the shower, and I answered it while in the shower
on Valentine's Day and she was like hey, like we're

gonna You're gonna need to be here in like three weeks.
And that's when I was like, holy this is and
so then and then since then, like we finished filming,
I was off the show for like three weeks and
then went straight to Paradise and My Hannah. So it's
kind of in like a whirlwind since then. You just
reminded me that today is the six year anniversary that
I got the phone call from Casting that they were
interested in talking to me. It was on April Fool's

Day and I had submitted my application nine months earlier.
Oh my gosh, that's hilarious. That's so crazy. Wow that
this is a weird, really weird day, because like this
is like kind of like the day that it symbolizes
like everything changed. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, And so it was
like it was it was crazy for me. I remember
like getting out of the shower and looking at my

cousin and then just being like holy like and then yeah,
about engaged. The craziest the craziest one was the night
the first episode of Paradise, Sara. That was like the
wildest moment for me. We can like talk about it
more later, but it's, uh, it's good to get to
that point. So I'm gonna pause you there. We now

know the high level details of what brought you and
Hannah to be who we are who we know today. Uh, Dylan,
A couple of things I want to just kind of
clarify with you is, uh is what is the status
of kind of everything with work, with family? Uh? Now, um,
can you just kind of catch us up for our
listeners who maybe don't know you well and who want

to kind of get filled into the details of everything
you spoke about. Can you just share with us? Yeah, no,
no, no no, so I Um, I started the company with
my cousin a little over two years ago now, so
this I just went back to what I was doing
after the show. Nothing really changed me. It was kind
of just like going back to normal life. Um, So
still doing that full time. We've got we're growing pretty quickly.

So we've got like five full time people now, which
is exciting for us. Um, My family is doing well.
My brother moved down. We hired him actually, so he
works for us too. He's down here in San Diego.
My mom's thinking about selling your house and moving to
San Diego. So, um, it's been good. It's been a blast.
And yeah, I mean I have nothing with positive things
to say about the entire experience. So now all of

you are in San Diego. You are an entrepreneur. Your
business is thriving. Uh, I don't want to miss it, Dylan,
And so where can people find uh your business? Just
before we kind of dive in with Ashley here, how
can people locate you and how can they kind of
follow that with that journey. Yeah, they, Um, it's an app.

You can download it right now. Um, it's kind of
specific to San Diego at the at the moment, but
it's called Visor v I z er Um. But yeah,
so we're we're opening it nationally hopefully in a few months. Here.
We're working with World Central, Kitchen Um and Revolution Foods.
But yeah, you can follow us on instagram Svisor app
via z r a pp. It's in my bio two

so but our website spies wrapt dot com. It's all
pretty pretty good. Yeah, well, thank you for sharing. I'm
sure we're gonna get into more details as we go. Hey,
but let's take a break before I bring it over
to Ashley. I want to just take one break here
from our sponsors and we'll come back with Hannah and
Dylan during this in depth podcast with the almost famous podcast. So, Hannah,

it sounds like you were a fan of the show
and Dylan, did you ever watch the show before being
on it? No, I've never seen it, um, like not once.
So I had absolutely no idea what I was getting to.
I know, when they told me that I was going
on I like watched highlight tapes and then I watched
the first episode of Colton season and I picked, uh,

Hannah or Cassie to win. Actually, so that was pretty funny.
That is funny. Okay, So you watched the first episode
of Colton season because you wanted to see who was
going to be possibly your bachelorette. Yeah. Yeah, and I
wanted to see like what it was like because I
still had really no idea getting what. I saw a
lot of Chad Johnson highlights, um, okay, just like on YouTube. Yeah,

and then I think there was like Top ten moments
and I like watch that and I was like, Okay,
I kind of get it now. So how did you
feel when Hannah Brown was announced as the Bachelor and
not Hannah Gee, I was. I was pretty excited. I mean,
I had a few people that I was that I
was hoping it would be, um, Hannah Brown obviously being
one of them. But I just think when I got there,

we didn't really have like any like connection really unfortunately,
Like both tried very hard, but it just like kind
of wasn't there. You were kind of like the Tanner
of your season where it seems like a great option,
but the Bachelor, right, and you didn't have the most chemistry,
and then you became a big bachelor in Paradise star.

I wouldn't say a star, but okay, but like no,
I was, Yeah, it was fun. I had I had
a great time, and I remember I left. I was
just like, that was an awesome experience. It was kind
of meant to be. I remember saying in um our
last conversation. I was like how. I was like, how

am I supposed to introduce you to my mom? If?
Like we don't know anything about each other? And then
I went and then I went home. Hannah, you were
a fan? Oh yeah, yeah, when did you start watching? Um?
I definitely watched Ben's season. Who's Who's before you? Before

Ben season would have been a well well Chris souls
Is Bachelor's season and Caitlin's Caitlyn's Bachelor season. Yes, in
both of them. Do you know before that? I don't
know the order of me. It was around it's around
before that, like wam Pablo and Andy? Oh yeah, no,
I watched Andy season. Um it was one of those

things like like the Monday like eat Chinese food with
my mom. It was just like one of like the
special like fun memory things, and then whenever I was
on it, she was like freaking out and lose her mind.
It was like the sweetest thing ever. That was the
same thing with me and my mom. We would always
get delivery on Monday nights and watch The Bachelorette. So
my mom like it was just the highlight of her

life suiting me on the show, and it was a
joke that we always had. Um, how was your dad
about it, Hannah? My dad never watched the show before. Like,
I don't think he realized the extent of how just
big thing it is for people. Was excited like for

me to just like go explore and you know, maybe
find something really great. Like he the most simple, simple
dude ever, So he was just like supportive and awesome
about it. I don't think he realized how big it was.
And I took him to uh. I mean, he knew
the show was big and everything, but I took him
to a like a country concert because he loves country music.
And instead of all these people going up to like

the country singers, these people were like lined up and
he was there with me, and I think like we
got on the car that I he was like whoa,
it's actually crazy. I was like, yeah, you know, I
forgot to kind of say that, like it is kind
of wild, but it was with a show. There was
something There is something crazy about country concerts and Bachelor fans.
So in between New Seasons and going to be on Paradise,

there was a lot of m d M NG texting
even seeing each other in real life. As we know
that Blake came to see you down in Alabama, did
you and Dylan ever exchange any d ms? Because seeing
how Dylan was so taken by you that, you know,
immediately in Paradise, I would think that Dylan, you would
have reached out to Hannah. I don't know, oh you

it Dylan totally slid him ideas, which whatever. So here's
the thing now for the future, everybody's like this is
a giant no no obviously, and at the time everybody's
like like whatever, But then it's like, well, we're a
bunch of single people and like it's not really anything deep.
Is it just like friendly? How it's like Bachelor Nation

kind of weird stuff, And then um, yeah, apparently it's
a giant no no for any future people going on Paradise.
Don't recommend just don't reply, and yeah, if you don't reply,
do you think you're kind of screwing yourself over for
finding a partner in paradise at this point? What do

you mean if I don't reply? Yeah, Like it feels
like almost everybody goes in almost coupled up or like
knowing who they're going to ask on their first date.
I think people have ideas just because they've seen the show,
or now with social media out there, they like see
kind of who the person is, or if they're like
a bad not a good person or whatever, and or

if they just simply think they're cute. Um. But you know,
I think I looked at it way too simply in
the sense of just like you know, like, yeah, I
want to find some and there's no It was all
very just like you know, I'm not sure what's going
to happen and whatever, like very just like friendly comvos.

But um, obviously, when they hone in on it on
a show that's only two hours you know, an episode, Um,
then it looks like there was some master plan or something,
when truly it was just very he had a master
plan apparently, But there's nothing to be ashamed of. With

d m NG before the show. I think that you
guys are not together. I think we should celebrate that
and say that's wild, that's crazy, that's hilarious. But I
don't see I personally don't see any reason what either
of you did by messaging beforehand or whatever is wrong. Well,
we we did see each other beforehand. Oh you did

see each other beforehand. There was a group of people. Yeah,
so you didn't go on a solo date, but you
went on like a group date. These were we were
in the same area as a few different people, and
I thought Dylan was just um. I think I was

just like, you know, playing it cool to like. It
wasn't like we're like, oh hey or anything weird. It
was just like And then after that, apparently he deemed me.
Where was this meeting? App can we hear where was
this group meeting? At? Was this? This was a group meeting?
We have to elaborate. So here's the thing about a podcast,
is uh, like, everybody's gonna love you too. They already do,

but we have to make sense of how this all
came to be. You're you're in love. People are going
to be mad at you for being in love, Like
that's a good thing, that's a positive thing. So elaborate.
Where did you meet? How did it go down? Dylan?
You then slipped into the d M. You waited until paradise.
We saw the turmoil and paradise leading up to this
moment that actually will ask you about. But where was

this meeting? It was we met in l A and
grabbed some drinks, some people. I gave her my I
gave her my sweatshirt. Smooth move. It was like my
favorite sweatshirt. It's actually like it was. It was like
the most thing I've ever spent money on my entire life.
So like it was, well, it was just kind of cold,

but it was like kind of weird, like it wasn't smooth.
He was like, I was like, oh, it's kind of cold,
and it was. It was not a long ordeal like
the whole time. And I was like, it's kind of cold.
He was like, well, do you want my sweatshirt? I'm
kind of hot and I was like uh. And then
in my head I was like, well, maybe he's like
trying to be nice. And I was like yeah, sure whatever,
and then I was like and then as soon as
we all said goodbye, yeah, nice sweashirt, which I didn't know,

and he was like, you could just keep the sweatshirt
if you want, and I was like, uh no, it's okay,
Like here you go. Thank you though, Like no, I
was like, notice, seriously, you could just keep it. It's all.
It's all good. I was like, I didn't know what
I was doing was adorable. That is so cute. Can
you tell us where this happened and what other bachelor
lumps are present? Uh? I can't say the bachelor lums. No,

it was. It was in l A. It was at
a hotel, like the restaurant bar, super casual. Okay, alright,
there's definitely creepy stuff. There's there's like you're making this
sound a lot bit bit of a bigger it sounds creepy.
There's no creepy stuff. What do you mean You can't
talk about the bachelor lums that were there because we
don't want to put there. We don't want them to

be like, let me get in trouble. Fair enough, Well
they're fine, fair enough, They're definitely fine. It wasn't anything weird.
It was like a very like front of friend then
in front of a friend, and we all just hung
and then it was a fourth person meeting. We talked,
we talked about insider trading, and so that's why I
don't really want to get into it. Okay, alright, alright,

I'll respect you and move on to actual Paradise. But
even since Paradise was so far away, you know, like
six months, it's been over six months since it was
done airing, I'm wondering if you now can tell us
what happened between you and Blake and that triangle of
love and like Tatia's involvement, anything that we didn't see

on TV that possibly would you know, make a lot
of sentence to us. Uh. I mean we didn't talk
like the the entire month we were there. That what
do you mean? I don't know, I'm I don't like, Yeah,
is there is there stuff that happened in Paradise that

was crucial to your love story that we didn't get
to see. Well, I mean you didn't get to see
the time we hung out. Yeah, I think I think
the entire time basically I was trying not to get
in everybody's business, and I was talking to a producer
about like, you know, I feel like a little played

Like basically, here's what's happened, and like, you know, I
but I don't feel like I should involve myself, like
just trying to be like what's the best way to
approach this whatever? And I was like, so who should
I like tell first, Like what should I do? And
then wow, that was while I had said that, they
somehow twisted it into somebody figuring out somehow without me

saying it. I'm not sure exactly how it happened. And
then people came up to me and we're like confronting me,
like what the heck? And I was like, wait, this
is kind of in the works of me trying to
figure out a way to say this, but then it
looked like I was just being secretive and sketchy. So
basically in the interview rooms, I was like, well, here's

what's happening, blah blah blah, and I'm trying to figure
out ways to like tell people about it. And then
all of a sudden it was out there, and then
it was like why wouldn't you tell me? And I
was like, basically like dude, like I'm trying to figure out,
like what is the best time, Like what's the deal
with the situation. I don't know it was. I think

it was very confusing. Even watching I was trying to
follow that narrative. Um, I don't know. I feel like
you have to ask questions. Yeah, which questions do you
guys have? Like what did it seem like from you
guys perspective? Ashley is a a Bachelor in Paradise expert.

I will tell you that she is really good at
understanding Bachelor Paradise because I've never been there and her
insight always helps me. From my perspective, it's this, this
is how I took it, and then I can throw
it to Ashley's Hannah, you were a hot commodity. People
wanted to get to know you. They were interested in
you in Paradise. Uh, people were intrigued by who you were.

We knew that going in. We had even talked to
you about it. We said, oh, watch out for Paradise, Hannah.
This is gonna get wild for you. Um. Dylan was
kind of like, uh, the sneaky pick, Like he was
the underdog that came in. At the end. We're like, oh,
this Dylan does super good looking, really funny, really nice guy.
I think he stands a chance, Like I think he

might win the girl here, And I think what I
felt like was it got so much so quickly for you, Hannah,
that it felt overwhelming. Almost even watching as a friend
and a supporter was like, oh my gosh, there's no
right decision she can make here because everything is coming
down on her at once and there was no right
place to turn. That's how I took. So I think

what Ben is saying is how long did the Blake
drama last? And was there more of a conclusion to
it than we saw on air? Um, all of that
drama was probably a total three days? Oh wow. Yeah,
so it seems like it was over a bunch of
different episodes, but I think total like that dramatic part

was honestly two to three days where I was just
like really stressed out because I was like, jeez, like,
I feel like I could do zero right in this part.
Or maybe I just like suck as a person. I'm
not really sure, but all I know is that it's
not a good situation, and I just was like trying
to figure out ways to make it, uh like make

more sense to everybody or I don't know, it was
just really stressful. And then meanwhile, I didn't know that
people were saying really bad things and interviews about me,
or not bad things, I mean just things that I
had never heard about myself before. And so I was
just going around like it wasn't a giant deal. It

was just more like yeah, like you know, I'm trying
to figure it out and then um, yeah, And I
didn't know about the whole like how like Kalen and
Blake had a bunch of drama at the same time,

very confusing, Like we knew about the stagecoach thing, but
from what I had heard before the show, because I
was like, that's kind of shady, I'm not sure like whatever,
like just trying to like not really go in depth
about it. But he he literally was like, yeah, we
squashed it or you know whatever, and then it came out.

So I was like confused. I was like, wait, was
he lying or was it worse? And then all those
crazy texts came out. It was just a big jumble
of crazy drama, and I was like, Okay, how can
I remove myself from like this type of drama? Like
I it was just kind of like going in trying to,
you know, figure out if I was going to like
keep somebody or date somebody and I somehow superly overly

got involved in a ton of drop. So now we
go to present day. Who do you dread running into
at Bachelor Nation events? Uh? A lot of people, I
would say, probably, if we're gonna be honest, Yeah, let's
just be honest. Yeah, a lot of people, but like,

no one we're going to name. Well, I mean, who
do you think? I think that you guys probably don't
want to run into Blake or Tasia. Uh. I don't
really have an issue with I don't like, do you
have an issue with I don't really have an issue
with that. We're cool now. I mean it's you know,
it's awkward. But like again, from like from what I

was perceived as on the show, I feel like Tayshaw
also could have been perceived to something else. So I'm
trying to take that into account, and I'm like, you
know what, I like, I don't really hold grudges. If
if we're all just confused and exhausted and not even
sure what any truth is at some point on the show,
then I need to give them a break. Um. So

I mean we're cool now, Okay, that's awesome. Um, you guys,
also you have like a group of friends from these
past two seasons of the Bachelor and Bachelorette that like,
there's so many breakups and so much tension between so
many of them. How was your engagement party when you
had Hannah Brown with Jed and with Peter at the

same place. Uh, it was super fun. I don't think
anybody really interacted with each other, but it was actually
very peaceful. Um, there was so much going on and
people got there at different times and things like that. Um, Honestly,
I was so focused on having fun, and I think
everybody in a sense kind of had their group of people.

So I don't think any weird paths were crossed, luckily,
because that could have gone super downhill. But it was
really fun. I had so many friends from Alabama out there,
del had friends from all over, so we were having
just as much funt, you know, fun with them as
we were with like our bachelor friends and stuff. So luckily,
it was very peaceful. So you're good friends with Hannah

And did you help her get on the show? I
don't think she needed any help getting on that show
at all, but um, I definitely I had one of
the producers reach out when we took a picture together
or story or something, um last year and he was like,
whoa is she single? Like you know? And I was like, hey,
I don't know whatever, and um, she was in a

relationship and then they ended up breaking up. And when
I got back from Paradise, she was like, Hey, it's
kind of random, but remember when you asked me or
I told her something when the producer asked me. I
was like, I was like, hey, I know you're in
a relationship. How funny like this, you know, producer from
The Bachelor asked about you. And she's like, oh, that's
funny whatever. And then um, after Paradise, she had like

after my Paradise, um, they had ended things and she
was like I kind of want to look into it.
I don't know, maybe maybe not. And I was like
why not, Like just like see how it goes you
f it's your thing whatever, And um, I don't think
I helped her, but you know, she definitely put a
good word in. I definitely put in a good word.
But you know, I think she definitely would have gotten

on the show regardless of me. I think you're probably right.
So when she insinuates on after the final rose that
Peter reached out to Hannah Brown during their engagement, and
you being friends with Hannah Ann and Peter and Hannah Brown,
gotta know what you know about this not a whole lot. Yeah,

I don't. I don't really know. That was definitely news
to me, And I think it's also like at the
end of the day, between the three of them, I
guess it's like anybody's friends, like just because they're on
TV and so many people are invested in it, it's
like like my normal like my normal friends who haven't

been on the show back in Albetma or something, if
they had something weird going on, Like I don't, I
feel like it's totally my place to like hop in
or try to like get a bunch of clues. I
didn't even know that, um, Hannah and like had been
engaged or anything, so it was very hush, like I

just told her. I was like, I'm here to support
you in whatever ways, like you know, and I respected
it because you can't just be like proud for information,
Like there's more to a friendship than trying to like
figure out what happened on the show. So I was like,
I have your back, you know, just like let me
know if you are struggling with anything, or if you

just want to chat like as a friend and not
talk about bachelor stuff. So, um, that's kind of the
role that I played in it. And um, whenever some
spoilers came out, I just kind of reached out and
I was like, hey, like, you know, I'm here whatever,
and let's chat after So well, hey, we're all about

your nation. This has been one of the wildest seasons
I can remember. I kind of forgot Hannah that you
were so closely connected to Hannah An. I figured you
would know. You would have known that she was engaged,
but it's probably glad. It's probably good that you didn't,
because the last few weeks would have been so confusing
because you go from being engaged to being broken up

to then seeing Peter. Um, I'm still in Chicago with Kelly.
Here is We've got breaking news as of today. Um, Dylan, Hannah.
Actually let's take a break. We'll come back. Uh, and
I want to speak to the two of you about
who you are, where you're going, and what the future
looks like for the two of you as a couple
of We're back with Dylan and Hannah. G Uh. Hannah

I don't know if you remember this, but actually and
I talked about it often. You go down in the
Hall of Fame as one of our favorite guests to
ever be on the podcast. Actually, do you remember when
we first head handed on right after her season got done. Yes,
we are both in awe. Really yeah, we were both like,

I mean, we both were just taken back by uh,
how first off, how funny you were, uh, and how
kind of creative you were in your responses, and just
how easy you were to talk to. And then I
meet Dylan. Uh, Dylan, don't where You're sitting there and going, oh,
it's always about Hannah, It's not Dylan. It's also about you.
I meet Dylan a couple of times now, uh, and
you exude the same joy. I want to tell you this,

if anybody's out there listening to and I'm a big
fan of Hannah and Dylan. I've got to be around
them as a couple a few times, and and there's
this this infectious um I'm not gonna put words in
your mouth, but what I get out of being seeing
you tune relationship is there's just this deep, true friendship.
Do you mind speaking to that because I think when

people see you, they see you giggling, they see you
hanging on each other, they see you kissing. It like
sometimes like inappropriate moments, which is great when you see
it for a couple that's in love, but you also
have a friendship. Can you can you tell our listeners
what that friendship between who view is like? First of all,
thank you so much for saying that. That really means
a lot. Thank you. I thought you didn't like me

at first. All right, I can be I don't want
to play this game. You know I've liked you. You
know that that I enjoy your presence. They me a
little bit more. Jeez, all right, tell us about your friendship. Um,
I don't know. We just like have the exact same
sense of humor. And I feel like from the moment

we met each other, we were like okay, like I
like hanging out with this person. And it's the way
we communicate. And we say this all the time, like
if we're just like chilling, you know, when you're just
like talking about whatever, like I we both always say
it back and forth. But I feel like Dylan is
like family, like the way that you talk about or

the way I talked about like my mom, my, dad,
my very best friend in the whole world. Like that's
the how I feel about Dill and I don't know,
it's really cool. It's a very safe space. Like anything
I say, I'm like, you know what, like he I
can say anything around you, and we're so dumb when
we're alone. Yeah, we're just like whatever it comes to mind,

we just say it and there's no holding back. And
then also just like you know, being a person there
besides you know, humor aside, really just when something's bothering
either of us. Um, I don't feel like I've never
felt once ever judged about feeling whatever way that I feel,
even if it's possibly not rational or what. But it's

just like me feeling like the truest, truest form of me,
especially after you know, going through something so crazy like this,
nobody really gets a true sense of who any of
us are. I mean, they have a general idea, but
not truly. And um, it's pretty cool that Dylan like
knows who I am and I feel like he would.

It sounds so weird, but like he would know the
exact same soul of me at like five years old
versus now. It's just like the truest ras purest form
of me. It's so like gushy and annoying, but I
don't know how it's to explain it. It's like pretty cool.
I think it's a fantastic explanation. Yeah, it's interesting. I mean,
do you think because you both are very funny people

and uh and Ashley, I'm gonna ask the same question
to you. But you know, we all have our experiences
on this show, and we all and again, the in
Depth podcast is not just to go back to the
show all the time, but it is such a critical
part of our lives and it's what brought you two together,
and it's brought brought my co host and her husband together.
Do you think humor has helped helped you heal? Because

I imagine and and from my experience, there's damage caused
by um the emotions and the pains of the show,
and then when you end up in a relationship and
now you know, I am engaged to Jessica, Like, there's
moments that the show is still aff our relationship and
we have to figure out ways to heal as a
couple from them. So for you, actually, I know you

had your pains obviously going through Batchel and Paradise, Hannah
and Dylan. We just recently have watched kind of the
struggles to get to the point you are. Has he
has humor helped definitely, Yeah, positivity, humor, trying to not
take it as so heavy, because I mean, it's a lot,

and it's a part that not a lot of people
talk about. But knowing that you know something is added
in a certain way, or you just mess up, like
as simple it's just like or something doesn't go the
way that every single person in the world wants it to,
which that's not real life. It is on TV, but
not in real life. And it's just really heavy knowing

that millions of people are like slandering you or slandering
like you know, who you love so much and so deeply,
and so it's really nice to be around somebody who
can kind of make light of it, make it not
feel so heavy. It's like whenever you're in a bad
mood and you watch a comedy show or a funny
comedy on TV, you're like, Okay, it's not that deep.
Like that's a phrase that we'll just kind of like

guide you to feeling like it's not so heavy because
it does feel heavy when you know, even if you
turn it off or don't read it, you're like, wow,
people are thinking about that me right now, about or
those things about me right now, and that's hard. So Ashley,
what about for you and Jared? Like, how do you
heal after a batch? I mean, batchelorm Paradise brings on
its own drama, in its own weird circumstances. How did

you heal as a couple to get to the place
you know obviously you are well. I think it was
probably just because we were friends throughout that. I think
we always talked about if we were a couple, if
we left Bachelor in Paradise as a couple, that we
would have some real big up and downs. And we
think it worked out perfectly the way it was where

we didn't have to be in a relationship like a
boyfriend girlfriend or amantic relationship and we had to deal
with those hurdles. Did you guys coming off The Bachelor
in Paradise have any arguments about what was being aired
when like August and September came around. Were you like
blissful in July and then August and September you had

some fights while watching it? Back. I don't think we
had any fights, Like I knew pretty much, like we
just talked to the entire time in Paradise, so I
knew everything. So nothing was really a surprise to me. Um.
And I didn't really watch like a ton in the
beginning because I was like, it's just pointless because I'm
gonna get mad and then like it'll end up hurting

our relationship versus being like more productive about it and
online Dylan is kind of like you know, Petty or whatever,
it's like, okay, whatever, But but in in our relationship
he's very good at like really just take king out

all of the drunken focussing, focusing on like the rational
answer or the most supportive answer. Um. And that's what
we both kind of tried to do. And especially during Paradise,
like you know, you're watching and it hurts or whatever,
and then you see like the world is also saying
all these different things about you and stuff and things

that are so special to you, like and yeah, I
feel like we were pretty good about like communicating through it,
which something in some circumstances it's impossible to communicate about.
It's just like a weird like you know, whatever, but
in our space, it was you know, I think we're
pretty understanding about everything and like just making sure each
other we're good and holding on and getting through it. So, Uh, Dylan,

I want to say, I want to switch gears for
one second, and I will go I want to go
back to the very beginning of this podcast and uh
and just allow you a platform to to speak because
I know and Ashley no knows that you two are
just your couple that is so much bigger than the
show now right, You're a couple that is forming this

this love and this partnership that will last a lot
longer in the show over will Um and then Dylan, Uh,
you know you it's it's impossible for me to just
gloss over, which was my original intention, but it's impossible
for us to gloss over your story without wondering, like
what it's like to now sit here and all the

changes that have happened to you, good and bad in
the last ten years, bringing you to the manure today.
Kind of if if you could just sit in that
for a little bit and just look back at even
the last like eight years of your life and how
much life has changed for you, Like what what words
do you have to wrap around that? Is? It? Is? It?
Can you even explain it? I think I, Um, I

take a lot of pictures and videos and I rewatched
them a lot, and I've got like they span back
like seven years essentially, and so Hannah can attest to it.
Sometimes I'll just like sit on my phone and watch
old videos, um and like I have like voicemails and
my dad I'll listen to and like looking at pictures
like being back in high school. And and then I

take screenshots of stuff like when the show was airing
that I thought was just like like holy crap, Like
I'm trending on Twitter, like I took a screenshot of that,
like like stuff like that, and I just try to
appreciate it and and just like be like okay, and
and I my big thing is like appreciating that but
also living in the moment at the same time and
being like this is what I have today, Like how

can I take advantage of it? And I feel like
I was able to do that in a lot more
ways of my life first instead of like being on
the show, like whether that's like starting our app or
meeting Hannah and just being like, you know, what, I'm
gonna completely go for it and and I don't know,
it's it's definitely weird. It's very surreal. My mom and
I talked about it a lot. We're just like how

I always say like, wow, my dad would have thought,
this is the funniest shiit of all time time that
these people are like taking pictures or like writing like
blogs or getting all up enough getting there. I don't
want to say when I tweet something like um, and
I just think it's so funny because I'm still these
quite literally the same exact person. And I think that's

something that's like the highest compliment that I think my
friends have given me since all of this started, because
I was always afraid of that. But uh no, it's
I'm just very like appreciative of it and and just
thankful for sure. Well go ahead, you go ahead. You
know it's a it could be a loaded question, um,

but twofold. So one is Dylan, how does your mom?
And Hannah, I would love for you to answer this
if you could, But how does Dylan's mom respond to you?
Because you're obviously a gift to their life? And then Dylan,
how does your mom respond to all of this? The
good and the bad at in all the funniness and
then finally as a couple and Ashley after this, I'll

let you kind of take it away as a couple. Then,
as we sit in the midst of uh self isolation
and Dylan, I think if anybody could speak to being
appreciative for the moments that we have, it could it's you.
I want to I want to personally, um, as somebody
that does like you, has always liked you since the
moment I've met you, liked you. Um, I want to

hear your advice on how can we as a people
right now be appreciative for the things that we've lost
in the season that we're in, for the things that
we're gaining, and just the moments that we still have
in isolation. So okay, first question was, Hannah, how has
Dylan's mom responded to you? Dylan, how is your mom

responded to the whole thing? And then Dylan and Hannah,
if you have stuffed at him too, is how do
you find and and how do you just gain appreciation
for everything that's changing right now in our world? Um,
So something a lot of people don't know. His mom
and brother were actually flown to Mexico during Paradise and
I met them, um, and it wasn't aired. Um, so

I was very nervous to me um, Dylan's mom just
because he was like, she's a very strong woman, like
she's you know, protective over me, she loves me a
lot whatever. Um. But luckily our conversations flowed supernaturally, and
I was like, trust me, I get it, Like this
is a little taboo of a situation. But Dylan and

his heart and who he is and what he stands
for rocks and it's really compatible with me and you
know all this stuff. And um, as soon as the
show was over too, I luda Wisconsin to their lake
house and um, we really got to just hang out
a ton. And I love Cassandra Barbara. I think she's amazing,
great human and um, really funny. She's hilarious. She's the

most selfless, caring person I think, I know, next to Hannah,
like the two of them. Um, yeah, that was funny.
Like a side note for that story is Hannah. Hannah
left and then I like sat on the couch in
Mexico in Paradise and I put it was the day
before proposals, like put my feet up on the couch
and my brother was like, are you gonna get engaged?

And I was worry about it. Guys, don't worry about it,
like it's not gonna happen. And they leave and I
lean over to Todd and I was like, oh, yeah,
we're doing it. Speaking of moments like that and the
sense of humor that you apparently inherited from your mom,
like you are such a funny, silly, sarcastic like shit stir.

But on the show on Paradise, you came across as
this love sick puppy and we only saw one to
mention of you. Um, I'm still love sick puppy. That's
so cute. That's so cute. I think like with that,
I was definitely I. I didn't really do anything the

first week, Like the first week I didn't drink alcohol.
I was like hundred cents over. I would wake up,
go eat breakfast and be like, Okay, I gotta get
to know this Hannah girl. And then kind of after
that I started being a little more mischievous, and then
I've just obviously continued being like like my my mom

is is very good at being like, you know, Dylan,
maybe you should like shouldn't up said that, or you know,
like maybe you should say something like that, that kind
of stuff. And I think that's why she's like she's
just the best. She helps me, like in terms of
responding to all of this, Like she keeps me grounded
for sure, if I get too worked up about something
or I like take something too lightly. Um, she's always

good at playing Devil's advocate. Like it's not just I
think it's an echo chamber wind or whatever it is. Um,
we're like she disagrees with everything I say, like ent
the time, she actually contradicts it, which I think is good.
But she's also like understanding, and how's my back no
matter what, Like if stuff gets like I don't really
get any like hate like that much, but like when

it does, I feel like it's just like some people
can be like really fucked up. Um. And so she's
always good at at getting my back when it comes
to that kind of stuff. So, but she also just
like takes it in. I think my family didn't really
get exposed to it until maybe we were at the
We're at this like polo match and people just kept
coming up to Hannah and I and that's when my

mom was like, I think really understood how big of
a deal it was gonna be. Um. And then like
when Kennell Jenner like posted us on her story, I
think that she was like, wait, people actually watched the show.
I was like, yes, mom watched this show. UM. So No,
she she's been. She's done really well. I know she
kind of like me where she'll call people out on

social media, which I'm like, Mom, I he maybe you
shouldn't be doing that. Um. But no, she she's been. Absolutely,
she's just been like the best. She's my rock. So yeah,
very appreciative. I uh, you know, Dylan, I'm not shocked
that you, you know, the as Ashley said, You've always
been funny. You do stir the pot, which in like

a healthy good way. I'm saying that in like a
healthy funny way. Uh. And to tell your brother and mom, hey,
I'm not going to engage and then lean over to
one of the producers just really does feel like you Dylan. Um.
I know that was a great answer about you know,
handing your relationship with Dylan's mom, which is really cool
to see. I wish they would have showed that in Paradise.
I think it would have added a depth to your relationship.

But uh, maybe it wasn't needed. But Dylan again, I
come back and Hannah, please add in where you can
and where you want. Um, during this time of craziness, Uh,
how do we find appreciation? How do we enjoy these moments? Yeah,
I think you're never like won'll probably never have an

experience like this again, hopefully for the rest of our
lives where everybody is just like quarantined to their house,
you can't leave, you don't have pretty much any distractions. Um.
And so at least we've been trying to like I
try to talk to my mom every day, talk to
my brother every day. UM, like texted my friends because
I've never I've been playing a lot of video games,

but that's like that's like with my my friends that
I never get to see or like I never get
to talk to, which is like kind of been. It's
been really really nice to like reconnect with everybody. Um.
And then just I think one thing, like my cousin
and I were talking about, which I thought, like for
a business perspective, it's always good, but personally, I think
it's even better as we're focusing on like what can

we work on now that when this all gets hopefully
back to normal or like relatively back to normal, that
will be better for it. And so I think that's
just like kind of what we're figuring out, whether we
want to learn something new, UM, that's like Hana and
I were talking about, like learning a language or something
like that, UM, and just something like that. So like
finding the silver lining and everything is is something that
we're just trying to focus on. And then like what

you said earlier, UM, it's very rare like that we
can all spend this time without having to travel and
everything like that, just simply together and to have those
moments of quietness or boredom, and that's really rare and
all of our lives in everybody's life. And then on

the other side of that, it's just like trying to
find a way to kind of use these platforms to
ah to possibly make a difference through all of it.
I was talking to somebody this morning actually about you
know what I can kind of do um to either
bring awareness or to make change in somebody's life, because

a lot of people are laid off right now, a
lot of people don't have jobs, a lot of people
have families and that's huge. I mean as much as
as much, you know, as much as it sucks to
be like, oh, I'm bored hanging out at the house,
Like what am I gonna do for thirty more days?
It's like there's people that are actually struggling with it
wiser having you know, with the kids not having meals
at schools and things like that. Like that stuff is

pretty wild, And I know a lot of people are
starting to like hop on the bandwagon. I'm trying to
make a difference, But I know we're in the early
stages of talking about like trying to figure out things
that we can actually do too. You know what the
two of your earth spot on. And I know, uh,
I know that the two of you come from a
place right now. Where As we were prepping for this podcast,

I was like, I wonder what kind of ridiculousness these
two have gotten into as they've locked in their houses.
I can imagine it's a lot of cuddling, a lot
of kissing, uh, and not like your makeout kissing, like
they do do this thing where like they put their
arms around each other and they just like nuzzle. I
would say, at least I've seen the nuzzling and they
laugh a lot. I know there's a lot of joy
in that house. But thank you for sharing that, because

I think it's been the message that I've heard that
stuck the whole time is, Uh, we all have something
to do in this moment, and we can do something. Uh, team,
let's take one more break. When we come back, Ashley
is gonna just wrap up and fire some questions and
some topics at you. Uh. We'll be back with Hannah
and Dylan on the Almost Famous In Depth podcast. I

know that you guys said last month, but you are
not in the wedding planning phase right now. You don't
have a date, you don't have a time. Does that
still stand? We're moving closer to it. I think now
it's kind of like made an interesting time because we're
like we're stuck in the house. We're like sending locations
to each other back and forth. Um, but a lot
of weddings are getting pushed out, so it's like we

have no idea how much longer it's just gonna go
because everybody already has those locations signed. So like we're
not really sure what it looks like, but we're like
we're starting it for time off has definitely made it
like a topic that can come up, you know what
I mean, It's like, oh, what should we talk about
right now? And it's like, well, that would be fun,
but we're also not like again super rushing. Also, we're
looking at oh houses, we've been looking at houses for

fun out here, so we could possibly move in together
at some point, but we're not sure when. But it's
like kind of fun to like look and get an
idea of what the just is. So, Hannah, you moving
to San Diego right Maybe? I don't know, though he
looks like he's celebrated. He's won this debate in the roof. Yes. Um,

even though you're not planning the wedding right now, what
do you see the wedding to look like? Is there
a theme? Is there an amount of people that you
think is ideal? Yeah? I think having carnival games is
really important and elephants. Now, I think I think it's
going to be We learned from the engagement party, like
we tried to keep it really small and it still
ended up being what felt like a hundred people, So

I think the wedding is going to be like at
least like three to five hundred people because it's just
like there's there's how how many are you? That's serious? Yeah,
I think we'll have at least three hundred people. So
we had a max capacity so that the max was Yeah,
I think we'll have at least during My parents had

like like three four d people at their wedding. Holy Moley,
it's gonna be black. I don't know. We gotta we gotta,
maybe we can. I'm not excluding anyone like that are
my friends. I feel like some of my friends didn't
get to make it, which is like sucked. But I'm like,
and I didn't think about we had all those people.
I didn't invite my aunts, my uncle's, my cousins. I

didn't invite any of those people like they would come
to the weather. We'll probably do like a one to
two hundred. What do you see it looking like? Is
it gonna be modern? Is it gonna be boho? What's
your dress gonna look like? Hannah? I want to blow
Dylan's socks off the water? I want to know is

that what is that the phrase blow the socks off
the water? I think it's just blow your socks off? Yeah,
what water? Like? So you did good though, you did good.
I wouldn't always talk it off and I wanted to
have no clue. Um, I don't even know what I
like honestly, Like I feel like I always have such

a specific idea, but I've like dressed up so much
that I kind of want to just like put one
on and be like, oh, like I love this. I
don't know, I don't. I don't want to be too
picky because I know myself and if I have one
image in my head and I don't like get that,
then nothing's to be good enough. So okay, so you
don't want to date dream about it too much. I

went through to be greenery, some sort of greenery and
and somebody of water. Do you foresee any bachelor people
being in your bridal parties? Is that like like the
bachelor party in Baschador at party like that, or being
like a groomsman being a groomsman or yeah, bridesmaid? Uh

maybe I have ten spots already spoken for essentially from
like the guys that I grew up with, So like
if Hannah could come up with like fifteen bridesmaids, then yeah,
but other than that probably not. Okay, I don't know.
Maybe I think it's just going to depend on how
many like spots we have, because I have so many

like O G friends and then like relatives friends. So
we'll see, do we foresee Hannah be and Tyler being
dates to this? Wady? Um? I don't know. I don't
know what why? Why do you say that? What's happening
with them? I don't know. It seems like they're spending

a lot of time in quarantine together? Oh they are
where in Alabama? No? I think it's Florida. Tyler lives
in Florida. Alright, alright, alright, moving on. Are you guys
ready for rapid fire? Yes? Fire away? Please? Who makes

coffee in the morning? Y? Forehand? D he brings it
to me in bed? I don't drink. Who's a better cook? Depends?
Hannah is really good at breakfast. I'm really good at dinner.
But she did make chicken crock box tacos the other
night that was also really good. Favorite thing to postmates?
Um takaya. I love takaya. Oh I love the guy takaya?

Or um? True food? Okay, I don't know. True food?
Is that a San Diego thing? Now? It's like West
Coast Arizona. I think they might have one in d C.
They're pretty good. What are your love languages? Physical touch,
words and information? I'm words and what is the other one?
I can't think? Acts of service? Yeah, acts of service?

What are you? I'm the exact samist as Dylan. He yeah, yes, yes,
I'm like, I need you to initiate the touch with me.
Do you want? I was like, it doesn't count if
I initiate the touch with you or just stand there
and I'll just like hug on to you. I know,
I like pet him like an animal all day. I've

been doing. I do this to Hannah, like rub her
head to fall, like so she falls asleep. Anytime I
need to fall asleep. I mean, I don't know how.
We always talk about it. He'll rub my hair until
I fall asleep, and then you think it's okay and
then I can go to sleep. And I'm not even
like rub my hair. He just does every night and
it's the best in the world. I love getting petteds

That is super adorable. Yeah. I give so much physical
touch to Jared. I'm like, I touched his beard, I
touch his bag. It's like everything everything. What are what
are what are Jared's Jared's is definitely active acts of service,
which she hasn't learned until like lately, Um, I think
that I give him all love, like which is so
completely couldn't even figure out what I did. And then

like he started thinking about like he was like, well,
why don't you take the dog out more? And why
don't you do the dishes? Why are you leaving the
dishes in the sink? And then I was like, oh,
this man is an act this guy. Yeah, So, speaking
of those pet peeves, what are yours about each other? Um,

I don't have any. She's perfect faith answer. Come on,
it's not it's not a I feel like a pet
peeve hasn't connotation, but like, yeah, yeah, what's like an annoyance?
What really pisces you off? No? When Hannah has so
much going on that if I like add one thing,

then the wheels fall off. Sometimes, like last night, I
was like, I'm gonna go pick up the food. Would
you mind picking a movie that we could watch? And
then I get back and I was like, what movie
were you watching? She's like, well, I haven't picked yet.
But I showered, I cleaned up, I did the dishes,
and I folded the laundry, and which is all very good,
Which is all very good. I just have a very

I have a very busy itinerary, if at not always
the right time. Like as soon as I do something,
I'm like, oh, I should mark mark off all of
these other things first, and then I don't get to
what I'm doing. Sometimes. But but we watched Insidious is terrifying.
And my biggest pet peeve is probably, um, yeah, what's
your biggest pet peeve? Um? Oh? That you? Okay, here's

one that you always want me to bird with you.
But birding scares me. Birding seems very scary. And he's
always he has one. I have one. So it's like
he's like, let's hop on the bird and go here,
and I'm like, no, let's just drive together, the two
of you on the same bird. We do it all
the time. Freak me out. I don't really enjoy it

a lot. Excuse me. What's the last gift you gave
to each other? Um? What? Uh? What is the last
gift I gave you? Like a wrapped gift for like yeah,
sort of, or a surprise a treat. I don't know

what did you surprise me with? Well? I just ordered
you a circle mirror on Amazon. That's true. Yesterday in
the circle mirror for the house, and it was going
to be a surprise, but then I ended up just
telling him that I got it. Um more acts like
Hannah was like I don't have tools to hang up pictures,

so that I just like would order tools to a house. Yeah.
I told him like this one candle. I was like,
it smells like like my house to me right when
I got to l A and I was like, yes, candles.
He literally he was like okay, well, and then the
next day he was like look outside and he got me.
He completely stopped you with those candles. And I literally
started bawling crying because I was like, oh my gosh,
like so scared about being in l A and everything,

but he just like sweet things like right when it
right when I need it. That is so so cute.
What is the last show you guys Bringe watched? Do
you guys guys think it's asked crazy? I mean, I'm
not done with that. It's all two episodes left. Do
you think it was just as good as everybody's making
it seem? Well? I mean, so you're only what I mean,

your foe end the ending is the ending. Like the
last two episodes I think are pretty good. Okay, cool
because that's what I've got her husband to a tiger
like that. That was the episode that got me the
most so far. Yeah, that one that definitely happened. I
can't wait untill they make them. Hopefully they make a movie.
Well you know that they opened the investigation. Oh I

stoked about that. I hope they're filming. They have to
film that. They filmed, they filmed it. They didn't touch
on this. I wish they did. The guy filmed the
documentary for five years. All that stuff went over the
course of like five years. I'm pretty sure, like all
of the thing because Joe Exotic was not in jail

when he first started filming exactly. That's what I'm saying. Like,
and are they say it like the very beginning, He's
like four years there something like that, And I was like,
you should have talked about that more like this is insane.
My last question for you. I normally wouldn't ask a
couple because I usually the girl would be a given here.
But I know that Dylan loves his suits, So who

has more closet space? Where? I mean, who like takes
up more closet space, Like who needs a bigger closet
When you guys get a house together, I mean it's yeah,
I mean he for a guy, I think it definitely
has a lot of clothes, But mine is it's it's

indicated to your clothes. Hannah, do you have a whole
room dedicated to your clothes? I need to Yeah, you
need a glamorom like me. It's oh wait, I want
to see pictures of your glam room. I'll send you
some video after some Yeah, okay, I've got to figure
that out. And I'm also trying to like declutter, so
I'm always trying to get rid of them and like

donate all of my clothes. I did eight bags the
other day and my clothes still packed. But yeah, I've
got to hook up for you in that case too.
All Right, Well, you guys, thank you so much for
participating in a Rabid Fire. This was another really great
in depth podcast. As we've mentioned before, we met Hannah Ashley.

I don't know how long ago, a year so a
year ago, and she was in the Hall of Fame
of guests. People loved her than Dylan has brought joy
and laster to our lives. Since then, they've joined us
during a crazy week UM and share their hearts with us. Ashley,
you're awesome. You're awesome. UM. I hope you're continuing to
thrive in the midst of some chaos. We heard some

dogs barking earlier. Say hi to the pups for us. UM. Yeah,
I know. Hey, uh team. We'll be back next week
with another episode of the Almost Famous podcast. With that
I've been been we'll talk. Follow the Benn and Ashley
I Almost Famous Podcast on ihurt Radio or subscribe wherever
you listen to podcasts.
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