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May 21, 2019 103 mins

Ashley I goes In Depth with Katilyn Bristowe, for a candid and intimate conversation.  Kaitlyn's story includes living through her break-up with Shawn Booth and her current relationship with Jason Tartick. 

She opens up about when she felt things with Shawn starting to break down. She reveals why she started dating Jason after saying she’d never be involved with another member of Bachelor Nation.

 Plus we hear some inside stories from her experience on The Bachelorette.  You’ll never believe who she reached out to after she accidentally spoiled her season finale on social media.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Before we begin, I have a very special announcement to make.
Ben and Crate and Barrel are going to be throwing
me a bridal shower in l A at the I
Heart Studio actually on June five. My mom's flying in
for it, my sister is gonna be here, a whole
bunch of my bachelor friends will be coming. Um, they're

going to be bringing my favorite foods I've already kind
of given them a little hint hint, and my favorite
desserts like German chocolate cake. I'm then we're gonna have
some games and it's just going to be the best
night ever. So it's not just gonna be me and
my friends and my bachelor friends, It's actually going to

be some of you almost famous podcast listeners out there
as well. The first ten people to email Ben and
Ashley I hurt Media dot com will have a chance
to attend the bridal shower here at the I Heart station.
So the first ten people to email Ben and Ashley
at almost Ben in actually it I Heart media dot

Com will be able to attend my bridal shower courtesy
of Ben and Creighton Beryl, who have been so good
to me throughout this whole engagement process. This is Ben
and Ashley I Almost Famous in Depth, you guys, Ben's
not here for this in depth, which which no offense

to Ben. Maybe a good thing because it's just gonna
be some straight girl talk with me and his ex
girlfriend and his ex girlfriend. If you couldn't tell by
that laugh. We have Caitlin Bristow in the studio. When
people clap, it's like for me, Caitlin, I feel really

special that you agreed to come on almost Famous, because
we are pretty much direct rivals. Well, I would always
have you on my poll, right because I come on yours,
you come on mine. We're rivals, but we are also
great friends. And yes, all right, and I love you too.
And every podcast I do with you, it's just it's

it's girl talk, and it's the stuff that I think
our listeners want to hear. Given the people what they want. Yeah,
so I have like a list of my own of
things that we need to bring up that the public
has never heard us talk about it. Yeah, that's really fun.
But I also have some general questions I think I'm
going to start with. All right, So let's start out
with some of the questions that the public wants to

know the answers to Okay, you and Jason seemed like
you're in a really good place right now. What are
you going to get engaged December to know? I'm just kidding. Uh, yeah,
we are in a good place. But who is in
a good place? Like three months into a relationship, Well,
that's true. So would you say it's three months now?
Three like solidified months. I feel like December was when

it was like, Okay, we don't want to like to
be talking to anyone else. So that's oh I guess whoa,
that's a long time. Yeah, I know, it's like six months,
that's half a year. Yeah, we are in a good place.
Yeah you are, so I think that it's six months.
It comes to this place in a relationship where you
start getting really comfortable with each other, you start getting
comfortable calling them out on certain things. I was already

like that day too though. Oh really okay, so being
a little bit more gross in front of them, gross definitely?
What what are we? What are we seeing happening at
this transition point? For you guys, Jason is going to
kill me. But he started tuting in front of me,
and I think that's so hot. I do, Wait, why
do you think that's hot? Not that I understand. My

reason is because I think it says a lot about
their confidence. Oh I was going to say comfort level
with and comfort level. Yeah, Like they're confident and comfortable
to do that in front of me and know that
I'm still going to look at them the same way.
All right, So Jared is only farted in front of
me twice, what I know, in in a year and
almost you know, a year and some What about when

he has to go the bathroom? Does he like talk
about it or does he say, like, don't go in
there after? I like to say, I like to say,
don't go in there after? Oh, I like push Jason
in really. Oh I've always been like that though, But
any relationship, I'm like, dare you to go in there?
We recently had a conversation on this podcast with Vanessa Grimaldi.
Do you hear about this? But she talked about, Yes,

she's apparently really really obsessed with pooping in relationship, so
she doesn't mind pooping in front of her significance, in
front of them. Yeah, like she actually she actually said
that one she doesn't mind them seeing her do that,
But the other part of it is that she actually
just wants to talk to them seven And if she's

having a conversation and needs to continue that while she
has to go, she has them in and I think
that would be a huge turn off. Well, okay, it's
one thing to go to the bathroom front in front
of someone, but like, what's it's not like you think
you don't stink, but it does. It stinks like it's
so bad. Yeah, but yeah, that's it's the smell that

would concern me. Me too. But also isn't it just
the fact that like something is coming out of your butt? Yeah,
it's like, could you ever I can't even chew gum
when I'm going to the bathroom. No, Like I don't
like even being around my own stuff. Like flush it
right right away. Okay, yeah that's the trick. Yeah, you
flush it right away. In matches, do you remember during
our season there was somebody, yes, yeah, who would openly

go to the bathroom. I'll stop being so graphic. Yeah.
I was about to go and take it a step further,
but I won't. Okay, she would do it when somebody
was next to her brushing their teeth. Now that would
make me, I think through throw up, Like I can
feel myself almost wanting to drive you just thinking about it.
Yeah that I remember that situation. And she wouldn't even
give you warning either. She was just like she just

did it. Yeah, okay, Um, Well, moving on. So you
think that farting is attractive in Jason? And what else
are we like feeling? Like, what's like a little nitpicky
fight you've had? Because I think that I've always brought
up the fact that Jared and I like fight over
the fact that he loves his chapsticks somewhere dumb or
like his chopsticks, chapsticks, chapsticks. I was like, do you

guys eat sushi often? Okay, um, chapstick? Yeah. Jason does
this weird um sniff snort, like when he's like all
fired up about a conversation about like work or something,
he goes like with his nose. It drives me nuts. Also,
he do you call him out on it all the time?
I'm like, he did the nose thing? And how did

you first bring it up? I said, do you want
me to tell you when something annoys me? Or would
you rather keep it to myself? And He's like, no,
I always I'm you know him. He's just he can
take any kind of criticism. He's the least defensive person
and he goes, no, I just want to be better
in every way always, And I was like, Okay, you
do the snort sniff, and it's like when you're all like,
he doesn't when he's eating or when he's fired up

about like business talk. He goes like, m yeah, okay,
so it's like all inner animal. But I also haven't
lived with him, so I don't know other little nitpicky
things like i've stayed. I think the longest we've spent
together is five days, and I can't really think, like
he snores, so that's you know, that's annoying. But I
think it's just we're not at that point where I

can't like, we're not like the at the married couple
of phase where things are really annoying me. Like everything
he does right now is pretty cute. Yeah, Like even
the sniffs nord. I'm kind of like like when he
doesn't do it, I'm like it just it kind of
sounds a little cute. Yeah, it's like his thing. So
we were pretty just we're just a happy couple right now.
Do you think that it's moving too fast? Do you

think that it happened too fast after relationship, out of
friendship and out of per request. I'm not gonna bring
up Sewan's name very often, and we're not going to
get in depth with Sean. Okay, his name may pop
up here or there, of course naturally. But do you
think it was too fast or do you think it
was the perfect thing you needed in your in your
life and soul. Well, the thing is, from the outside,

it probably looked fast, and it was fast. I'm not
going to deny that. But I think I've said this
before and and I'll stand by it that I think
I knew for a year that my relationship wouldn't work,
and I think I knew that he just couldn't give
me the kind of love that I needed in my life,

and he admitted that. And I think for a solid year,
maybe half a year, I was already grieving the relationship,
and I think I was just so prepared for it
that when it happened, I knew what I wanted and
I knew what I deserved, and I knew that I
was happy on my own and that I wasn't just
replacing somebody, right, So it can seem fast, but to me,

it was perfect timing because I just knew what I
wanted and I just didn't see it happening. I didn't.
I was like, there's no way I'm going to meet
somebody that quick that could make me that happy, and
so it was just it was weird timing, but I
don't think it was. It wasn't too fast for me.
And that is kind of what I said to Sean
on this podcast. I said, I think that she was
grieving long before, and he knew that, and that's that's

That's what I will say about about that podcast is
that I don't feel like there was any um accountability,
and I was just a little bit disappointed because I'm like, well,
if I would have known that, that would have been like,
this is news to me that you felt that way,
because from what I knew, you didn't want to be
with me. So I'm confused. Now. Yeah, um, We've talked

about how there will be parts of the story that
people will leave out, and you and I struggle between
wanting to tell the story publicly or wanting to be
the bigger person because some people will be like, oh
my goodness, well now I totally hers seize her side,
and then some other people will be like, that's so petty.

She's just responding in a way, right, So for us,
it's it's just so hard to keep it back. But
I think you and I have kept a lot of
things back in the past year or so that like
we would love to tell everyone, but we know at
the end of the day we are going to be
the bigger people for not exactly because also at the

end of the day, why would why does it have
to matter what other people think? Like I know the truth.
I know Sean knows the truth, and that's all at
the end of that that matters to me. And that's
the same thing with the relationship with Jason. It's like,
if I don't show it, I'm hiding it. If I
show it, it's too soon. Like you're damned if you do,
and your damned if you don't. In this world, and
if you have any sort of platform or on social media,
are people watching you can eat an apple and you're

doing something wrong, it just doesn't matter. So at the
end of the day, I just always remind myself that
we all we both know the truth, and that's that's all.
On The Bachelor at reunion show, you talk about never
expecting to date another Bachelor family member after Sean, and
then Jason just fell into your lap. Yeah, well, I

think what happened was Sean and I had a very
difficult time on the show, and I think that was
really hard on our relationship, and I think I was
a little bit jaded by Bachelor relationships because of that,
and so I figured, you know, I'm just gonna move
past that and I won't date anyone from the Bachelor franchise.
And I'm you know, I thought i'd be single for
like five years. Really, yeah, I was, because I knew

I was okay with that, And so when I met
Jason and we did a podcast, I was still like
so heartbroken and it was kind of just like I
was like, whoever dates that guy is so lucky? And
I was really like rooting for him to be the Bachelor,
and then we just kind of became friends through that
because yeah, I just I didn't it was like, my

my heart knew that there was some something there and
there was some reason I was rooting for his happiness
and I cared about him, but I didn't ever see
it as anything of what it was, what it turned
do you feel like this when you were just watching
when you met him, it wasn't. Yeah. Yeah. On The
Bachelor at I was rooting he was my favorite on
her season, but not at first. He grew on me.

I think he did for everybody, and by the end
of it, I just really I think I just really
wanted him to be the Bachelor. So I wasn't watching it.
I wasn't like, oh, I'm so attracted to that guy
and I would love to talk to him like, nothing
like that. It was when I met him in person.
I was like, God, he's just such a good person
and he's such good energy, and we have such good
banter back and forth, and I think, like I thought

we were gonna be friends. I'm like, I could see
him as like a buddy. Yeah, because you're still very
hung up on the idea that the Sean they could
work itself out. Yes, I always believed that it would
work out. Yeah. Yeah, I always thought, I'm like, there's
no way, there's that's just I'll fight for this. Were engaged.
Isn't it kind of crazy to think that that he

could have been on Paradise last season? But then I
think Jason didn't go on Paradise because I mean, correct
me if I'm wrong, But he probably didn't go on
Paradise because he thought that his chance of being the
Bachelor would have been higher if he didn't. And then
look at that Holton, the one guy of the three
in contention, became the Bachelor after going on Paradise. So

how do you think your story would be changed possibly
if he would have ended up on Paradise last June. Well,
I'd probably still be single. I'd probably still be saying
I'm not going to date anyone from the Bachelor franchise.
I wonder if it would have changed your perception of
him at all, I'd probably be with Nick. Well, now
that you bring it up, is it going to be

weird to be in the same room as Nick at
our wedding? No? And I'll tell you why I called
him the other day? No way, what tell you? More? So,
I think Nick and I have always just had this weird,
unspoken like tension. Yes, yeah, whether sexual or otherwise. I

don't think it's sexual. I don't know's it was. It
was also like like a little bit of anger towards
each other. I think, you know, I never really got
to explain to him about sending him home. It was
he was definitely blindsided. I think because that situation and
because of the show, it weighed so heavy on Sean.
It became a problem in our relationship for so long

that I became bitter at the situation, and when the
truth is that Nick never did anything wrong to me,
but I was bitter at him because Sean was so
bitter because it affected our relationship. I was trying to
protect my relationship with Sean. So people are always like,
why are you all mean and Nick, And I'm like
that I don't. I don't want to be. It's just
I'm protecting my relationship, which that's clearly been an issue

since the start that he admitted, and so I was
always just had this weird thing with Nick where it
was we didn't talk about it, and then he his
feelings were hurt because I would take these small jabs,
so then he would take these little jobs back and
so on the reunion, I had said something on social
media like they were doing a word association game and
he was like, they were like, uh no, they said

right reasons and I said, not Nick, oh, how they
pery presented. I'm clearly joking and the show pokes fun
at him. We poked fun at him, he pokes fun
at himself, and so I don't see it as like
a job, but he took it as one, which I understand.
And he wrote under the caption like tells me to
come on the show doesn't pick me, still making jokes

at my expense, Same old, same old, and then did
like an eye roll, and I was like, you know what,
we just need to talk. And so I talked to
Jason about it, and I was like, do you think
I could just call him and like we can just
finally have an adult conversation and he was like, yeah,
I think you should, And so I called Nick. I
was like, hey, do you still have the same number,
because I still have it and he was like yes,
And so I called him and we just had like

a really nice adult conversation about like he's like, look,
did I do anything wrong? Why do you keep jabbing me?
Then I explained it and he was like I get that,
he goes, but can't you get a new joke? And
I was like, I was like that's very fair, Like
I will get a new now that you're with a
new man, you can get a new joke. Yeah, I'll
get a new joke now, yeah, we had ano, so no,
it won't be weird. I think it'll be great. Oh
that's so great, man. I didn't hear from either of

you about this conversation. It just might be seeing Nick tonight,
so I'm sure he's going to bring it up. It
just happened. That's so interesting. Well, we obviously, you know,
we tried not to. We didn't want x Is there.
Our plan was that we didn't want x I get things, so,
like we had, we chose over Sean, obviously because you
and I are far closer than Jared is with Sean um.

But then with then Vanessa, there was you know, Jared
works with her. But we definitely didn't want to put
Nick in an uncomfortable situation. And it's not as if
they told us don't invite so and so. It's not
like you said, don't invite Sean. It's just that we
were just doing that on our own. We wanted our
friends to have the most fun that they could have
that day. But the lingering thought was, even though we

prevented this, we can't prevent Nick and Caitlin being in
the same room together. So how's that gonna work? Yeah,
that's toy fine, and the like, this is your guys day.
What don't worry about who you invite or don't invite
her who's upset? This is your guys day. So you
just you just keep that in your Well. I'm glad
that you and Nick are are friendly. Now we're fine.

You did talk to Becca before dating Jason, and you
asked kind of for permission, but she's engaged. Like I understand,
I think it was Kurt, isn't really kind of you
to do that? But was it necessary for somebody who's engaged. No,
I it wasn't necessarily asking for permission. It was more like, hey,

I just want to tell you before it just comes
out in the media or like something is like that,
because I mean, she really cared about him, and I
know that she's happily engaged in that. I knew it
wouldn't matter. I knew she wouldn't be upset. I knew
she wouldn't say no, please don't. It was just more
of like a girl code, like I'm just gonna let
her know just just so that she isn't surprised by it. Yeah,
that was it. Okay, that's very nice, and she was

like blessings all around. She was like, can we double date?
I was like, abs freaking lutely speaking about very like
just speaking of phone calls that happened within Bachelor Nation
that are just so weird. I thought that we would
bring up that one time that I called you in
Bachelor in Paradise my first season, so Bachelor Paradise too,

and I literally called you after Jared dumpy for the
first time, saying like this isn't gonna see a future here.
And I got on the phone with Caitlin and I said,
what did you do to him? Like I was just
sobbing and you were in Chicago with Whitney and Becca
And it was the most immature a thing of me

to do, just absolutely his state. I think it was
like hysterical, you know, like I was in such a
highly emotional state. I didn't know what to do with myself,
and I didn't want to blame myself, so I like,
in some way blamed you. Well, I was also blaming
Jared for being hung up on you. Still, I don't
think he blamed me. No, Yeah, I think it's funny.
It was like you were cry laughing as you do,
and you were more like, like, what did you do

to him? Mohammy, Like you didn't know what you were feeling,
and I don't. I didn't take it as you were
blaming me. I think you're just genuinely asking. Yeah, truly. Okay, Well,
actually I wasn't blaming you. Yeah, blet's backtrack here. I
wasn't blaming you. What I wanted to know was what
it was about you that had gotten his attention and
affection and what I didn't have it. Don't ever blame yourself.

And isn't it just crazy that way it works out?
It's it's the most beautiful thing in the world. Like
I always say that. That's what I said to Becca.
I said, it's a beautiful, weird little world we live in,
Like it's just you just connect with people on a
level that nobody else can relate to, and you, I
don't know how to explain it. It's it's really beautiful,
but it really, it really is. We are so open

and honest with each other in a way that I
don't know that other can sit and talk about all that,
you know, like, oh, yeah, he was my ex and
you had to ask me what I did to him?
And what was it about me? But now you guys
are together and I'm dating Becca's X and you know
it's it's it's just weird. It didn't just end up
that phone call either. I spent like six weeks just
texting you about like what it was and like how
he behaved with you and how I could get there.

I was so ridiculous. But the truth is he was
in a better mind space going into your season. And
then when he realized basically because he had only had
one serious relationship and the reason that his best friend
signed him up for the show was because his ex,
who like they were still like a little bit too
friendly to like say that it was really over. I

was messing with him a bit emotionally, and she was like, no,
this is this is BS. I'm going to sign him
up for the show. And then when he met you,
I've thanked you for this before, like on stage in Boston,
but you really opened his eyes up to a new
different kind of woman, more outspoken, like just funnier, um,

just more out there and what I mean, some guys
don't know what they've gott until it's gone, you know. Yeah,
And then he was like, oh man, I never thought
I could feel that way again, that I felt it
with Caitlin, and then they shoved him into that situation
and they're like and he was just like, no, I don't,
I don't work like this. Well, you are a little
jaded coming out of a show like that and then

going to get into another relationship, like when you just
you start overthinking and you don't know what's real and
what you know. And I think too for Jared, Like,
my favorite thing about you, guys, is that you never
changed who you were for him. You wanted to, but
you didn't. That's that's true. Yeah, I couldn't become you,
even though I do always say if there was somebody

whose personality I can switch with, I would I would
choose Caitly. Yeah, I've not told you that before that. Well,
there you go. I'm just gonna take that clip and
I'm gonna put it as my ringtone, my alarm for
when I wake up and just remind myself that you
want my person Yeah, totally. And I wanted your personality
truly since the first day I met you. When we

were first in the Bachelor Mansion. We were in the
first group of fifteen because in our weird season. There
was like there was there was thirty and then there
was fifteen that came in. Then Chris like took a
break talked to us it was just fifteen, and then
they brought fifteen in. But I was watching you the
whole night. It was you and Britt and I was like,
when it comes to like outwards it and I know,

isn't that crazy? Isn't it crazy that the first night
I was most intimidated by you and your co bachelor.
I was like, between their their beauty and their personalities,
because there was something about you two that both lit
up the room and your confidence was just like wow,
um yeah, I could never act that way with the
guy that I thought was hot right away. Oh man,

I thought I was one of my lot can I
thought I was the tits on that show? Like I
really did, I really did. Well. You really came in
with that. You know, you were like, oh no, I
got this from your entrance, which I later saw to
just how you behaved with him that first day. You
were so outgoing when everybody else was so nervous. Yeah,

I don't know what I mean. It might have been
the tequila, but I also just I don't know why.
I just felt comfortable in that situation. I still to
this day don't know why. It's just like it didn't
phase me, and I don't know what that was from. Well,
I can relate because I think the day that I
had casting weekend for Chris's season, I went through the

whole process of meaning with the BAT producers to background
checks and help people and then just having the producers
like come and visit and all that stuff. I got
my on the fault with my mom that day and
I was like, I'm doing it because I wasn't really sure.
There was stuff was going well with a guy that
I really liked, and I really wanted it to go
well for a very long time, and it was all

finally happening, and I really was like, I'm not sure
if I want to do it. But after going through
just the casting day, I thought, I feel like I belonged.
And I called my mom and I was like, I
belong here. That's what I felt too. I felt like
I was supposed to be doing that. Yeah. Yeah, well look,
I mean like maybe we had that feeling because we

both ended up finding our person that It's that's another
weird like I believe so much in universe stuff, and
I was, what's crazy is I was reading a book
when I was going through the hard time, and I
read this book UM called Light is the New Black,
and it's this book about paying attention to signs from
the universe. And when I met Jason, all these weird

signs kept happening, like your mind would be blown. I
told you that. Give me a couple of examples. Okay,
So after the podcast, I sent him a picture of
us to post. And let's clarify you were broken up
with Sean at this point hadn't gone public with that news, correct,
And so I sent him a picture to say, here's
a picture in case you want to post. Then I

was watching the Lion King on my flight home and
he was watching the Lion King on his Instagram stories
and I didn't know. We both didn't know, and then
we found it, like, that's so weird that we're watching
and he was watching the Lion King on his Instagram
stores like he like posted something like I'm watching the
Lion King, like really yeah, at the same same time,
and we didn't know. And then I figured I was like,

that's weird. And then he goes you actually kind of
remind me of Nala and he and he like because
when I met him, my hair was all messy and
wild and I was just like, you know how I am.
I'm like wow, like big personality. And so he said
I reminded him of Nala and then so that was weird.
And then I got home, but I can see you're
very palncy, like very palncy, very councy. And uh so

then I went to get into an uber and um,
the uber driver stopped at a crosswalk and a dog
was crossing the street and he started talking to me.
He goes, I'm really sorry for picking you up a
little bit late. Um, but I took a wrong turn.
He goes, in, I passed the car of my dreams
and I just believe in signs from the universe. And

he's like, and I think I was supposed to pass
that car because it just reminded me of what I'm
working hard towards. And he was like, you can't ignore
the universe, and I was like yeah, and then I
was like, oh my gosh, I just read a book
on this. That's so crazy. And he stopped at the
crosswalking a dog passed and he goes. I used to
be so terrified of dogs, he goes, but my wife
made me get one. Now I love dogs. I'm like,
don't get me started. I love dogs. I said, what's

your dog's name? He said Nala? No. Yeah. Right after
you talked about like signs from the universe, and it
was and then it just didn't stop. There's so many
signs and that I wasn't even still thinking at that moment, oh,
I'm supposed to be with Jason. I was just like, WHOA, Okay,
the I'm just paying attention to like certain things now,
like not thinking, oh, I'm supposed to be with Jason. Like,

but I do believe in certain things like that, like
things happening for a reason and that you know, you
went on Chris Soul season too, because you know, like
everything that's happened has led you to to where you
are now, and the same thing I know. Um, there
was this really cool time one time I was on
the bus from New York City to Syracuse and I

was worried about everything, and I was looking at the
window just daydreaming, like kind of trying to picture what
I wanted because I used to before, like my dreams
actually became reality. I used to just dream all the time.
I'm totally a fan of the power positive thinking because
there's really not anything I've dreamed up that didn't meet

to happen, which is pretty crazy. So then there's this
man who looked like Santa Claus, who like it was
who I call my Morgan Freeman in in like what's
the movie Bruce Mighty. Yes. He tapped me on the
shoulder because he was looking at my reflection looking out
the window, and he goes, I don't know what you're

thinking about right now, but I just want to let
you know that everything's going to work out. What yeah,
you're And I was like what? And I that that
will stay with me forever. He's like, kids of your
generation are always worrying about their future, but like, just
trust me, I know he was your little Santa Claus
is one of the two. I found a picture and

one of my girlfriends sent me from ten years ago
where I was writing out my goals in what I
wanted in life, and I had written out that I
wanted to be on TV and have my own radio show,
and I'm like, well, podcasting is kind of and I
went on TV and like I also had build my
own empire and have my own businesses. Like, I'll look
at what you did. I know, so you are pretty

outword about the fact you just wanted to be on
TV and I got my masters in broadcasting. Yeah, I
want to be on TV, like to us, right, So
is it annoying when people are like, I like the
fact that we admit to going on the show for
not necessarily the fame of it, but like the experience opportunity. Yeah,

the opportunity and the fact that it could help us
reach our goals. Yeah, of course, right. I've always been
open about that, So I never, for lack of a
better term, shi on anybody who seems to be there
for the wrong reason. How do you feel about people
when they call out the wrong reasons on the show?
I go back and forth because sometimes, like this season

on on Colton season, I was like, oh my gosh,
these girls are like is it bad that I think
that there's a difference between social media going on for
social media versus going on to like build a brand,
build a career. Yeah? Yeah, I saw it as like
like I'm like, was everybody just trying to be that
girl on TV? They like they they kind of have

no shame in their game where they just kind of
went on and they're like, I don't care if I'm
the idiot girl, like, it'll get me Instagram followers. Where
I when I went on, I mean, we didn't know
the power of social media when we didn't have it.
We were like for the last pure generation. Yes it
really was, and so I I mean, I knew I
wanted to build some sort of brand. I knew I
wanted to have more opportunities. I knew I wanted to

have some sort of platform, but I didn't know what
it could be. Where now girls go on and they
know what it could be. But I still respect that,
Like I'm like, hey, if you want to just go
and be crazy and get Instagram followers and like sell
whatever you can for a hot minute, like do it.
I didn't hate them for wanting to make money, No,
you really can't. So I'm like, but it's kind of
to me, it's kind of ruining the show where I'm

just like, I don't know if I believe anybody for
going on. Well, I guess that brings us to the
topic of Cassie, like she obviously wasn't ready to get
engaged or maybe even be in a serious relationship, because
Calton was even at the end, she was like, we
don't have to get engaged. So if it gets to
the point where so many people are going on the
show and they're not even ready, then I think it's
becoming an issue. I think Yeah, for me personally, I said,

I'm going on for my career. However, if I meet
the man of my dreams, bonus bonus, and if Crystals
is my soul mate, I wouldn't have a problem moving
to Iowa for the love of my life. I was saying.
I said the same thing. I'm like, I if anybody
really knows me, they know I'm actually like a little
bit of a homebody. I like being out in like

in a silent, quiet place with land, Like that's what
I want. I could live in a shoe box if
I was happy, Like I don't need you know, Like,
I totally believe in that same thing. If if you're
with the right person, doesn't matter. I was the same
people are always like I remember Jimmy Kimbell being like,
there's no way you would have wanted to live on
a farm. I'm like, yeah, I really wouldn't. I mean,
I would have been fine if he was the love

of my life. I will always put love and family
above career. Absolutely. Yeah, me too so And at the
end of the day, we are we were not there
for the wrong reasons. We were there for realistic reasons, realistic,
very realistic, and we still believed in love exactly. Yeah.
I felt the same way. I was like if I
fell in love out this, Wow, what a bonus. Yeah.
Speaking of career, Jason is still working his regular job,

which is super hot and attractive. Is there ever any
jealousy where he's like, oh, you're the one that gets
like the cool job and the fame. Zero. He is
my hype man, that's what you want. He is legitimately
the most proud guy I've ever been with. He is
so proud of me, and like he wants to because

he's so smart with numbers and like on the financial
side of things, like he wants to be a teammate
with me. He's like, you are creative, you are like
this personality. He goes no shame in saying this. He's like,
I am the brains and ill. You're not lacking in
that department. Even No, And he would never say that
but he knows I'm smart in the things that I do,

and he's smart in the things that he doesn't. Together,
we make a really solid team. And he is literally
just like his mom said this too. She's like Caitlin,
he's just a happy, go lucky, good energy guy. Like
he's just not one time would he ever make me
feel like he's just not the most proud boyfriend out there. Cute, Yeah,

so cute. He's really I call him my hype man
all the time. He asked me to not call him
my cheerleader, hy man, cheerer, same thing, one is more man.
Like I think I said cheerleader. One time He's like,
maybe maybe don't say the term cheerleader. And I'm like, oh,
I'm in a nice way, but like, yeah, he's my
hype man. He really is. He really is. Um. Okay,
So if we were to like go back in time

and let's just let's take a little bit of a
let's take a little bit of a nostalgic moment, talk
about where we first met and all that, and then
we'll resume with Jason and current and current stuff. So
what was your first impression of Chris Souls and can

you believe that you developed such strong feelings for him
in hindsight. Uh my, I yes, I can believe it
because I thought he was so attractive. I thought he
was the hottest ever. I did too, But did you
think that before we were on the show, you did? So?
On Andy season, didn't think he was that hot. Uh.
Then they started doing like the Bachelor makeover on him,

and I was like, Okay, he's getting cute. He's getting cute,
and pictures that I was looking at and then when
I saw him on that driveway was hot. Yeah, I
always I can tell you. I remember telling my sister
and my best friend while he was on Andy season,
I was like, oh, I'm always down with a farmer,
Like I thought that was so hot. I used to
be like, I grew up in a really small farm
town in Alberta and Canada, and like every guy I

dated lived on a farm. Growing up like that was
I used to lie to people and tell them I
lived on a farm because I thought it was cool.
And so to me, I was like, oh, the farmer
really does it for me, And so yeah, I always
thought he was hot, and then in person, I thought
he was even hotter. And then I thought I I mean,
I'm not gonna say anything bad about Chris because I
don't really have anything bad to say, but he just

he was kind of like he had a tough time
stringing words together sometimes, and I think he was nervous. Sure,
but I thought I was the only one that did
it to him, So I was that's why I was
so confident. Probably I was like, this guy gets so
nervous around me, and then I watched him like, oh no,
he's like I love your interpret of that. That's awesome. Yeah,
That's that's where my confidence level was that. I was like,
this guy wants me, Like I always say, I was

the most confident I'd ever been on that whole show
going into the night that he dumped me. So were
you not expecting that at all? I had a complete
out of body experience. I'll never forget. It was me,
Whitney and Becca standing there and I was making jokes.
I was like being so funny and I'm like, I'm
Becca like it was like, oh, can I talk to
you for a second, and she was like, I'm going home.

She looked at me, She's like, I'm going home, and
so she was like, can I talk to you for
a second and they went away and I look at Whitney.
I was like, well, you know it, she'll be the bachelorette.
And I was like it's just you know, it's you
and I know, like yeah, I can't wait to meet
his family. And then she came back and I was like, oh,
I guess Whitney's going home. So Becka walks back into
the Roadstrem and I'm like, well, I'm sorry, what if

you walk back into the roadst room with a rose? No? No,
she just came back and stood there and I was like, well,
I guess Whitney's going home. And then when he didn't
call my name, I was like what. And then I
remember Chris Harrison walking up and doing the whole like Caitlin,
I'm sorry, please say your goodbyes. And I was like,
this is an outer body experience. I am that girl
on TV right now that didn't see that coming. Chris
Harrison is telling me, I'm like, say your goodbyes, and

it was just a complete out of body I did
not see it coming. I was just shocked. Absolutely. So
you were picturing an engagement with Chris, Yeah, Like I
almost got nervous at one point because I was like, shoot,
am I ready to get engaged because he's for sure
going to propose to me? No way? Yeah that's hilarious. Yeah,
it was quite funny. So how long do they get
took to recover from that breakup? Um? Then they made

me stick around in Iowa for twelve days after I
flew home from Baling, and then you were over it,
and then I was. It was like twelve days of
hanging around like a producer and sitting in a house
all cooped up, and I was just so confused and
lost and like I couldn't believe it. Then they made
me do b roll and walk around Iowa and I'm like, oh,
he's going to come back because he made a mistake.
They're gonna make me do beat. Jared thought, though, really

I do that because they make you do this beat role.
And then you're like, oh, well they must be coming
back to get me and they want to catch it
the b roll in Iowa. Well, so you guys that
don't know out there, and really nobody does. They sent
cameras to Jared's hometown to film with his parents and
him after Caitlin dumped him in Ireland. Oh wait, I

didn't know that, Oh you didn't know. Oh yeah, they
had producers and cameras come and so he was totally
ready to go back to you, which was another reason
that he went into Paradise, being like, no, she caught
he in his mind, he was like, she contemplated having
me back. I did, he did, only only because okay,

I shouldn't say I did. Bennett was like so convinced
that I it was Bennette of the Jar. Yes, so
he sorry, I shouldn't say i'd Bennett wanted me to
do because I got so confused at the end, and
I was just like like, who am I and what
am I doing? And did this guy like I thought?
I was like, Shawn is a girlfriend back home? Like
I didn't know at that point anything, and I started

getting really in my own head. And then he's like,
you know what, you just got to go back and
knock on Jared's door. So it was his idea. I
shouldn't say it was. Were you torn between Ben and
Nick then for the top two spot? Uh? No, I
knew when it was the final three, I knew I
was going to pick Sean. I wanted to send Nick

home third because I didn't want to do that to
his family and meet his family again and have to
put him through all of what he just went through
on Andy's season. But the Sean Nick feud was such
good TV that, you know, I didn't really have a choice.
I mean I probably did, but I was like whatever.
But it wasn't like, was We're feelings for Ben stronger
than Nick or we did? You just know straight up

you're like, I'm picking Sean, So whatever hands up in
the air, doesn't matter who my number two or three is.
That's exactly what it was. That makes sense. So then
let's go back to Chris for a second. What was
some standout memories that you have from that season. I
have two with you that I'm going to talk about. Okay,
I remember when you went into the tent. I remember

the same thing camping, and then I went into the
tent after you. Chris was sleeping in the tent. It
was so awkward. I don't know what I was thinking. Well,
I don't know what I was thinking either. I think
they're just the jack. It was Jack right, like I
five each other on our way. But it was like,
you take any time you can get at that point,
you know in the show, you you don't really get

a lot of time with them. So you're like, well,
he's just sitting alone in his tent right now, Like
I'd like to get to know him better, like everyone
just everyone automatically goes to something sexual. But you're really like,
do I have a connection with him? Like, I might
as well take this time figure it out. And so
you went in the tent first, and then I did.
And then on the big five minute like premiere for
the whole season, they showed me going into the tent

and made me look like I was going to be
the villain, but it was actually like you in there something. Yeah,
And then and I think I said something about you
that I wanted to I would rather chew glass and
wash it down with a bag of hair than lose
to you. But why me? I remember you said that,
and then you told me later you know what, maybe

at the end of the day it was actually about Kelsey,
but they edited it to make it look like it
was about you in the premiere. Yeah, that stands out
to me. Um, it stands out to me. When I
told you I thought you should get your period in
a shark tank. Oh that was the line you told
me that and then we ended up going into that
hotel and we shared the same hotel room. And then

and then you laughed because you liked that I had
a sense of humor about Yes, you did. That was
the one thing I always tell people. I say that
you are one of the most confident people I've ever
met in my whole life, because people always like to
make fun of you for the crying and the whole thing.
But I'm like, you, you know who you are, though,
and you're actually so confident. Thank you you, And you're
just and you're confident in your emotions and just who

you are as a person. But that I remember when
we shared that hotel room and I was like, I
can't cry. I don't cry. Oh my god, that was
the story I was gonna tell. Yeah, and then and
then I was like, I love this girl. Well, first off,
thank you for saying the thing about my confidence, because
that means you truly know me because I don't care
if I'm I'm crying. I'm like, yeah, I don't care
who sees me crying. You never, you don't care. No,

I really don't love that. But the hotel room I
was thinking of because I remember you saying I don't cry,
and you're like, I think I need to cry, though,
I think you would be healthy for me. At this point,
I think we were like ten days in because our
season didn't leave the Bachelor Mansion were Yeah, because we left,
we had four full episodes at the Bachelor Mansion. That's

like twenty days, isn't it. That's like maybe i'd say
it was probably that's that's true. Way out of yeah. Okay,
So it was about ten days and you're like, I
think I really need to cry, but I haven't done
it yet. So let's watch a sad movie. So we
watched The Fault in My Start, the Fault in the Stars,
the Fault in Our in Our Stars, and you fell

asleep and I just sat there. I was like, well,
I guess I'll just cry again. Yeah. I was like
a robot. I don't know what was wrong with me.
I just couldn't cry. You didn't cry until you're eliminated, right,
Oh no, I definitely can't do that. Yeah, um, Carly
and I cried and I was like, I'm not gonna cry.
Actually this is they didn't air this, but I was like,
I'm I'm not gonna cry. And we went on this

group date where he picked brit to go to the
um save a horse ride, a cowboy date, and he
took her to the concert and we all had to yeah,
and we all had to sit there and like wait
for them to come back from the concert, just the
two of them, like idiots, and I remember doing tequila
shots and then I remember being like, okay, I'm I
can't hold it in. My lips started quivering and I

was like, I'm gonna cry, and I didn't want anyone
to see, so I was like, can I go to
the bathroom for a second. And they knew I was
gonna go cry and that I was just trying to
be tough. So I went to the bathroom, and then
they sent somebody else in the bathroom with me, because
you sign in the contract. If you go into the bathroom,
the cameras can't follow you, but if another girl is
in there with you, then you can the cameras can

come in. So they sent Megan in there with me,
and she's like, are you okay? And I was hysterically bawling,
like couldn't catch my breath, and the camera burst in.
I fingered the camera, give the middle finger, pushed it.
I ran out of back door and I just booked
it down the back alley and all these camera guys
start chasing me, and I made a quick left turn

and then another quick left turn and I just walked
back into the Rose like or the group date, pretending
like nothing happened. And I just sat down, was like,
did you feel like you look like you're a card? Yeah?
And then they called me and they're like, okay, let
we need you for an interview, and then they made
me saw But anyways, Martine, I think was the camera guy.
He looks at me and goes, Caitlin, you're on a

reality show. You can cry on camera. You can't run
away from me, like we'll find you. And you guys
out there just letting you know that, like the sound
and the camera guys are not supposed to interact with
us at all. So when you make the camera and
the sound guys laugh in an interview, you feel so accomplished.

Oh I always I that was my goal. In every interview,
I'm like, I better see that guy's shoulder shakes, like
the camera better bounce up and down on his shoulder
because he's laughing so hard at what comes out of
my mouth. Absolutely, it was my goal. Our season was
the best. And I'm not just saying that it's real.
I'm actually serious when I look back, and obviously we
were there so we know, but I think we had

so much fun and it was like a good time
in that show, like where the show was at, you know,
and and where we were and the no social media,
like it was just a good time to be on
the show. It was so so good. You talked about
taking tequila shots right there, and now I have to
ask how much of your back or experience do you
feel like you were tipsy to say the least. Okay, fine,

I don't know. I basically drank through everything because it
was just so available in that time. How do you
think you would have been on Today's Bachelor, where there
is a drink limit, a free fill? Yes please? Um,
I think I don't know, Like I I can handle
my alcohol though, like I I don't know if that's

really something to brag about, but I just I don't know.
I grew up in a really small town where like
I remember having my first cooler when I was like twelve,
which is really embarrassing. Like I hid behind a hill
and tried to have like my first drink at twelve
and then I've just been building up my liver since
and so I feel like it was really my time
to shine on the Bachelor and like drink through everything
and be Okay, I'm joking. People don't think I'm an alcoholic.

I'm not, but like it's I don't know, I just
I feel like I casually could drink through the whole
day and it just kind of like relaxed me. I
slept bed or at night. Probably not, but it felt
that way, and it just helps you get through things.
So how many times do you think that you're on
the show and you're like, oh, probably at a not
so good level right now. Yeah. There was a few

times where I was actually really upset with myself the
next day because I was like, I don't remember what happened.
I had to redo a rose ceremony one time on
a group date, and they had to fill you had
to redo a rose ceremony group dates. It was just
like one of the very last group dates. So so
one it was an actual rose ceremony where all the
guys were standing up there and it was in um

where were we, uh Texas, Texas and I remember going
up and I was like, okay, so this week you
guys was like so fun, so hard, but so fun.

And then I blanked on my whole speech and then
I just started winging it and they're like, oh, we're
having in trouble. We're having trouble with your mike, and
so they didn't want the guys all know. I was
just hammered. So they came and they pulled me there
like you gotta pull it together. So how long did
they give you? About twenty minutes to regroup? And I
pulled it together, but I still I remember watching that
road ceremony back and be like gosh, Caitlin. And then

another time I it was like, um, it was one
of the ones where I had to hand out the
group date rows and I had to redo it because
I was sloppy, and I just said, like Clint, what
the hell is wrong with you tonight? Like no, I'm
not putting up with that. I'm just giving it to Sean,
like we all know, I'm gonna give it to him.
And then they were like, so I had to redo

it and they had to for camera purposes. They had
to sit producers in around like they were the guys,
so that I was making eye contact in certain places
and it looked like I was actually doing the right
thing and like do a whole shield, and no other
guys were even there. No guys were even there. They
were just yeah, okay. So just for you guys out there,
sorry I keep interrupting. I need, I need to give

you little things. We don't often do camera trinks on
The Bachelor. I was on a Millionaire Matchmaker. It was
it was called a million Dollar Matchmaker when it was
on WE It was a mistake, but it was the
only reality TV program besides Happily ever After that I
participated in, and it was soft scripted, that's what they

like to call it. And it was also just super
stage where I had to do like every little movement
multiple times. Just you guys need to know. The Bachelor
is not like that. So just because Caitlin said she red,
she redid a couple of scenes, that is not everything
to do with me drinking. She was because she was
drunk that they and that was the only I That

was the only time I had to redo something like that.
Other time they just were like, oh, you got my
issue that I went back and did it again. But that, yeah,
that was just and I got in trouble for it too,
like they were like, you can't do that. Fair, fair, fair,
we need to put a limit on Caitlin. She needs
to drinks. Well I'm like, you can't just throw out
like here I am breaking about how I can handle alcohol,
and I'm like, yeah to redo rose ceremony. But like

they you know, they're just at that point in the show,
alcohol was just They weren't shoving it down your throats
by any means. It was always up to you. But
it was very available, is what I like to say.
There's such a misconception that people are just so drunk
on the show, but absolutely not, no, no, no, And
and they do take like they will watch out for you.
But I was just kind of the silent thunder where

you thought I was fine until I was and then
they're like, oh, there's nothing we can do now, but
they do watch. And now I do think that to
drink limit is it's good because let's be real, if
you have to an hour still, yeah, that's a lot.
They did that at the reunion and I was like, okay, okay,
that's fine, Yeah, that's fine. You can't get a good
buzz off. You really can, Um, I couldn't think of

a better time for you to plug your new wine label.
What a transition, You're good you Yeah, It's probably the
thing I'm the most excited about. I think after the show.
I've always had an idea, but I really wanted to
gain my followers trust, and I think coming right off
the show, you know, people are like, oh, what are

you just gonna start selling us stuff? And although I
still did, I tried to really pick and choose what
I was putting out there on Instagram because I I
thought about the longevity of of you know, having a platform.
So I was like, I'm gonna turn down a lot
of money right now just to be able to later
like show show them that I care about what I'm promoting.
I believe in what I'm promoting, and then I'll be

able to do bigger things down the road. And so
I always wanted to do something with wine, just because
I've always had a love for wine, and Um, I
used to work in the restaurant industry. I used to
teach um all the servers about the wine on our menu.
We would do wine courses with Smalley's just to like
learn more. And I just have always been kind of
passionate about learning and drinking it, and so yeah, now

it just kind of was the right timing for me.
And I was like, hey, you know, you just gotta
jump on this and do it, because it's been four
years since I've been off the show. I'm ready to
to you know. I saw the success with my scrun
Cheese and how there's so many like women just come
together through the craziest things, you know, like us, and
you know, we come together through liking the same guy.

We women can just have this weird you know, I
don't know duality of it. I can be angry at you,
but then we'll find a way to come together through it,
you know. And and I find that with the scrun Cheese,
and I just saw like that it was more than
a product. At the end of the day, all these
women were like, we felt like they were in the
Scrunchy gang, and they were like switching and swapping with

each other and talking about it, and they all made
new friends. And then they come to the live podcast
and they came by themselves because they knew they'd meet
other vinyls there and just like hang out as a group,
and I just want the same thing for the wine.
I just want these women to come together over the wine,
and I feel like they're part of the Spade and
Sparrows gang and it's just a community. At the end
of the day. It's so fun. What types of wine

do we have? So I've got a cabs have uh, Pinot, grigio,
and rose, so one of each, one of each. And
I'm I know I'm biased, but I have tasted many
wines to figure out the one that I wanted. Uh,
And I am obsessed with the rose. I'm obsessed with
all of them. But the rose is the best rose
I've ever had in my life. Yeah, I don't want
to describe it. Well, it's I don't like anything sweet,

so it's not sweet at all. It's more dry. But
it's also like it's the I call it a summer sipper,
but I probably will drink it year round. It's just
like the perfect patio drink. But rose is also a
trend right now, Like I swear it's like trendy. It's like,
you know, when Brussels sprouts came in, Like Brussels Brussels
sprouts is a thing. When I moved to l a
because never on the East Coast was I ever offered

Brussels sprouts or was it on a menu, was one
of those your parents forced you to eat? Like nobody
liked Brussels sprouts. And I feel like rose is like
like it's just trendy to drink rose, and it used
to be a summer thing, but now it's it's year round,
and I just feel like it'll I think everybody will
enjoy it. It's like, you know, some people like really
sweet wine, some people like really dry wine. I just
feel like everybody is going to love this rose. They're

gonna love all of it, but the rose's bomb. Okay, Well,
at this point, I've done a really good job like
trying to transition easily into subjects. But now I'm looking
at my list of questions and I'm like, okay, I'm
just gonna have to be random. Now I'm the most
random on my podcast. There's no transition. I'm like, I'm
literally talking about one thing and then I'm just like
like a squirrel, and I think of something else, and
then I jumped to that and then they're like, you

want to circle back to what I'm actually here for,
and I'm like, all right, right, right, right, So you're
you've been very good Ashley, Okay, great, thank you? Does
the so here we go random question time? Guys, We're
gonna have a fun random question time and then there's
like a serious random question we're gonna go into. I
love both great. Does the end of Instagram scare you?
Because not only do you make money off sponsorships on Instagram,

but also you promote your podcasts and your scrunches and
your wine through it. So of course I feel like
there's all there's there's gotta be a new thing and
it's gotta be up and running any second. I know.
I think about this daily. But okay, that's a great question. Uh. Yes,
I'm terrified of the end of Instagram. I think about
all the time. How long Facebook has been a thing though,

And I don't think Instagram will go away, but there
will always be something new and I hope to use
the Instagram platform to build whatever is the next thing
that's coming. But I just feel like I've I've built
like a solid community that I I don't think it
would ruin me, but it definitely would be a bump

in the road for career wise. Yeah, On the same note,
do you get threatened by up and coming girls uh
and the fact that they can steal business from you? Um?
I mean I'll think about it, but when I really
think about it, I don't feel threatened because I I
just feel like I've already built my what I what

I love to do, and I already have my supporters,
and I just I don't know, I've never seen such
passionate people in my life as the people that are.
You know. I was at the Boston Live podcast and
I was like, yeah, wow, this room is packed like
over people and they were just ferocious fans. Yeah. I

just feel like it's just it really is, like I
call it a family at this point. So I don't
really get threatened, um, because I'll always just do my
own thing, and I just feel like I'm you don't
think somebody's going to go ahead and do what you
do better because it's really based on your personality. Yeah. Like,
I just feel like there's only one Caitlin Bristow out there,
And maybe that's cocky to say, but I just feel

like that's it's it's who I am, and I just
feel like I've I don't know, no, I love that
you say cocky things sometimes because that's just how we feel. Yeah,
it's how I feel, and I almost I get excited
when um upcoming girls like Hannah By. I think she's
going to be a little bit like myself with you
mixed with Emily. Yeah, she'll be a mix. And I

could take that as being threatening, but I'm going to
use it to my advantage and like talk to her
and have her on the podcast, and I want to
I want to champion the other girls that come into
the to the show. And I think that's actually taken
me a little bit of time. Like I think three
years ago I would have been threatened, but I think
I'm just past. But you just you have your own
solid brand. Yeah, I think it's been a good place.

You sound like you are. How do you feel like
you aren't right now versus where you were in this
time last year. Yeah, it's completely completely different. I was.
I always compare it to when I was in my
last relationship before Sean. I started to lose myself at
the end and I didn't know who I was and
I saw myself going in that same direction at the

this time last year, and I remember thinking, do not
get to that low place again because of somebody not
loving you the way that you know you deserve to
be loved. Do not let yourself go there, be stronger
than that. And I just I remember being very close
to getting to that low point of losing myself again
and needing to do something about it. And I was,
I was. I was really unhappy and lost and confused

why somebody couldn't love me the way I thought I
should be loved. And it just I I never felt
safe in that relationship. Um, I think that was because
of the show and that I obviously did something that
had hurt somebody, and uh, he could never get past that.
So to me, it was like I never felt safe.
I was always like he could leave me. He's not happy,

he doesn't like he fully let himself surrender and be
in love with me. He's just, you know, hurt, And
so I just never felt safe. And now compared to
the last year, I just feel like I'm like I'm
established career wise as a person. I'm happy and the
happiest with myself I've ever been. And I also have

somebody that I feel more than safe with. Do you
feel like if you met Sean off the show you
guys would have had a more promising feature. At the
end of the day, I just don't think we were
meant to be. I think we both wanted it to
be meant to be, but it just wasn't were we

we I'm the kind of person that I am. I
really give my whole heart to somebody, and I'm very
vulnerable and I expect the same back. And I think
we're just two people that love differently and don't and
and it just wasn't a match. It just wasn't a match.
Like we you can look back on all of our
times Rick and Donna, like all of our funny things

we did. It was more like we had a solid friendship,
but but the love part of it just wasn't what
it needed to be. You just weren't compatible love wise. No,
it seems like sparks on TV, and it was, and
it was, And I just think I think we both
wanted it so bad from from that moment. But as
much time that went on, I think we just kept
paying onto that fantasy of when we met, and it

just kept we just kept growing further apart. To be honest,
we were just on very different pages. So I I
do think that the show definitely didn't help our cause,
but at the end of the day, we're just not compatible.
At the end of a day, even if you didn't
have like that rift that the cause that the show caused,
you still would have found out your incompatibility as far
as love languages and stuff. Exactly exactly how did you

feel when you found out that Crys Souls was part
of that accident. Honestly, I felt sick, like I felt
sick to my stomach, and I felt sad for so
many people, and I just said, I, I don't know.
I was like in shock, I think when I first
heard about it, and I just I just felt bad

for everybody. I think I only asked this because I
feel like everybody who knew Chris felt the exact same way.
We're all like going about our thing around the country
that day, and we were all having this indescribable weirdness
and ache inside us. Yeah, that is And it really
it was tough because you know, there's when you're in

the media, people want to jump on any stories. So
then it's like people are reaching out, like magazines and
just media that want to know how we feel about it.
And I didn't want to comment. No, I didn't comment.
I didn't comment out in my life. Yes, I was like,
I'm going to take a knee on this one because yeah,
I just I'm not I don't know details, I don't
know what like. Yeah, I just it was just that

was a that was a tough, weird day. You talk
about thinking that you were going to be single for
years after breaking up with Sean, and that you were
going to be totally okay with that. But I know
that you want kids and you're still young. Obviously your
thirty four see the wine glass, your thirty fourth birthday

is approaching this summer. So if you're going to be
single for another five years, you would have you would
have probably used those frozen eggs that you frozen a
couple of years ago, correct. I think that was part
of my like confidence in being alone. I was like,
you know what, it frozen my eggs. I'm cool. Like,
I just to me, my mom is sixties six sixty,

oh my gosh, and I'm like, no, wait, she seems
like she's still in her forties. And I just her
energy is the same as my energy. And I just
don't like to put too much thought on my age
and when I should have babies and and I don't
like that whole biological clock is t I mean, I
hate to bring up the biological clock because I've gotten
in the past. Do you feel that, No, I mean

I definitely considered freezing my eggs. Jared came around and
we got engaged at the prime time because I was
going to do it as a thirtieth birthday present to myself. Yeah,
but then but then Jared express his feelings just months
before that, and I was like, good to go, or
at least, you know, sometimes I tell I'm like, Jared,

can we freeze your sperm? Because I always get worried about,
like if he gets in an accident. And I know
this is crazy, but this is my wordy stuff that
if if he were to get an accident, I would
still want to have as kids and that like all emotional,
but yeah, I'm like, why just why just freeze my eggs?
Why can't we freeze your sperm? Because I still would
want I wouldn't want to be with anybody else, especially

not in like my thirties. I surprisingly got a lot
of um a lot of flak for freezing my eggs
and being so open about it. Why because I think
women who had a tough time getting pregnant we're a
little bit sensitive that I was just celebrating freezing my
eggs and how easy it was for me, which I understand,
But at the end of the day, I'm like, I'm

doing it to like what if I can't have children
down the road, or what if something happens to me
and I because I froze my eggs, I have that
wouldn't you want that opportunity to And I think people
just didn't really have the knowledge that they do now
about freezing your eggs. So but yeah, it's I'm just
I'm totally okay on my own, Like I'm I just
I actually love being alone. Um So, what I was

just looking for was like, if somebody adds value to
my life like Jason does. I was so open to it,
but I just didn't think i'd find it that quickly.
Don't you feel like when you're doing your own thing,
you're killing it and you feel like you could be
on your own forever. Is usually when the guy comes around.
That's exactly right, that is exactly And I think I'm like,

of course, you just like this happened so quickly, because
I'm in the right place for it, and so is he.
You know, he's thirty, he's established, he's done so much
with his education and career, and he's just such a
he's just such a good guy. He's so solid. He's
just a solid human. Little Jason's not He's not little now,
He's a big Jason. You're living in Nashville now, and

you're living in Nashville because that's where Sean lives, and
you have a beautiful house that you own. So how
long do you see yourself living in Nashville, especially if
Jason has a solid job that he doesn't necessarily want
to leave in uh Cattle. Yeah, I don't really know.
I'm just kind of going with the flow right now.
I bought the house and and I have a lot

of plans with renovating it, Like I want to redo
the kitchen. I want to I'm actually doing a deal
with Wayfair. We're going to partner and decorate some of
the rooms and like redo it the way I want,
Like I already made it my dream home. Downstairs, I
still have a few more rooms to decorate. God, I
sound like that. I still got a few more rooms.
I live on h g TV. This is when I

knew I was thirty. I was like, I'm putting on
vay too much. But that's the thing. I like, you
still love going out and do. And then all of
a sudden one day I was just like so excited
about cabinets and I don't know what, like, I love cabinets.
I love cabinets so much. Only white and gray ones, though, yeah,
of course, of course is there any other kind? And
so I have lots of plans to redo the house

and and as of right now, I mean, we definitely
talk about the future, but we're just going with the flow,
you know, and we're just we'll figure it out. I
don't know where we'll be. And if you do get married,
you'll probably a loope. Probably that sounds something I would do,
like Vegas did. Did Jonas brother actually marry her? Well,
you're talking to the right I know, I just thought

of that. So what happened was there have they have
a planned wedding, a big, huge plan wedding in France
sometime over the summer, but they needed to get their
American marriage license before they got married in France. So
they thought we're in Vegas were surrounded by friends and
family as mine as we'll do it now. So it
made total sense. I might do that because I need
a green cardio. This Canadian needs to stay in the States.

I think, go find a way. Let's talk about Dancing
with the Stars, because you were the woman of all
the women who should do Dancing with the Stars. But
it seems like bachelors get to do Dancing with the Stars.
But there's only been one bachelorette who has been able
to do it, Trista Trista Denis. But except she was

she was out of her contract, so she I wasn't
out of my contract, so they had the power to
tell me no. They couldn't tell her no because she
was out of the contract. It was ABC, like I
think it was the first It was the very first
season of Dancing with the Stars, so it was kind
of like kept in the family and oh Bay, it
was the first season of Dating the Stars, which was

like two six or something. Yes, so then she but
she was sent home first and then Melissa Ryecroft did it.
But you know, they kind of needed needed to throw
her a bone after what Jason together, like, you know what,
we're going to get the stars, but not the Bachelor,
I gig, but that's kind of like in turn what

she preferred, right exactly. So yeah, when it came to
I mean, I had a contract signed for Dancing with
the Stars and and they were going to announce me
on Good Morning America and then last second I was
told no, you cannot do it. Your passion should be
Sean and I don't. He said, we know who he is.
He said, I am sick of people coming off of

my show and wanting fame, uh, instead of focusing on
the relationship. And I was like, oh, why not do
that to the Bachelor's It doesn't make any sense. That's
that's the whole thing that frustrates me, is that that
doesn't make sense. And I said, well, dancing is a
passion of mine, Like I grew up dancing and I've
never done ballroom dancing, but I love dancing, and he goes, well,

Sean should be your passion, and I was like, you're
telling me I can't have two passions in life. That
doesn't make any sense. So yeah, I was quite frustrated.
I mean, it's what almost it's like three and a
half years later, and I'm it's still boils my blood well,
not because I didn't get on Dancing with the Stars.
Looking back, I think that would have been bad timing
for me, and I'm gladship right, so I'm looking back,

I'm glad I didn't. But it's the it's the principle
that that I feel like it was because I was
a bachelor. And and then he said, you know, we'll
never have somebody from the show do Dancing with the
Stars again, and Nick and Crystals Crystal right after me.
I was like, oh, come on, like at least convinced
me a little bit that you meant what you said. Yeah,

is that the falling out that you kind of have
with the franchise because there was a while there that
you didn't feel like you look at them as friends? Yeah?
I think, you know what, deep down, I think a
few things. I accidentally spoiled my season on snapchat. Oh
my goodness. Uh. That was the one thing that was
the first question I had for you, knowing that we

were going to do this today. But I didn't write
in my notes. I need to know the reaction that
production had when that happened. And you're a reaction because
your heart you must have just been going. I can't
even imagine almost throw up. I can't believe you didn't.
The frenzy that was going on your body, it was terrible.
So I think they knew that. I was kind of
upset with how they're portraying me a little bit, and

so um the spoilers that were out there were that
I picked nobody, and can I tell you when Jared
arrived to Paradise, not only was he messed up because
they sent a camera crew to his house because he
thought that you were going to ask him back but
they but he also thought that you chose no one, right,
So I think in the back of his mind he

was like, there's still a chance. Yeah, And I was like, yo, boy, yeah,
You're like, I know the real deal. I know the scoop.
So I I think they thought I did the snapchat
on purpose. I think they thought Caitlin so rebellious that
she meant to spoil it to save her relationship with
Sean or something like that. I think they think I

did it on purpose, which I of course did not.
That's a five million dollar contract. I just blew. Of
course I didn't do it on purpose. I felt terrible.
I thought Sean did it. I yelled at him, thinking
he did it. Then I found out it was me.
I immediately deleted it, but it had already been happy.
Oh yeah. It was just spread like wildfire, and I
was like, and I just started hysterically bawling. I almost

threw up. We were just in so much heat that
we actually called Ben, who I hadn't talked to since
I broke up with him. Don't you always just called
Ben in a crisis? Is there really anybody else you
think to call? You? All of us? Even in this
time when he's dealing with like Sean as his as
his friend me, I still called them. But he he
was going to fly down and jump in bed with

me too, just to do another snapchat, just to be like,
oh look, I'm in bed with him, to like, could
you imagine if he had flown down to do that?
How cute? I know he was probably like you, but yeah,
so I think they were like, yeah, yeah, they were
upset with me about the snapchat and the production was
I mean, they were filming Paradise and they were getting
terrible cell service and they had to stay up through

the night to have meetings to try and figure out
what to do. And I think from that into you know,
they were bitter, and they knew I was bitter. And
I don't think Flice ever wanted me to be the bachelorette,
to be honest, I don't. I really don't think he did.
I gotta gotta throw it in there. Do you think
the poll was legit, the one between you and and Britt?

Do you think that the guys truly voted for you?
Because I truly did. The guys voted for you too.
But I also think that production knew that you would
carry the season better than and you give more drama
and juice. Yeah, So I think that they were going
to go with you either way. Do you think that
now looking back? Yes, because they already had all the

dates set up and it was like rap battles and
like certain things that in comedy dates, like certain things
that I'm like, those are those are clearly for me.
And I also think the guys, the majority of the
guys were my kind of guys over you know, the
kind of guys that they would put on a season
for Britt. So I think Jared was cast it for Britt.

He was, and he and he voted for her. Yeah,
And I'm not mad that's his stereotypical type. That was
the type that he thought he had before he met you.
And yeah, so you know what, Jared, give what the
Times bro, thank you for coming around to some real women. No,
I'm just kidding, but yeah, it's I think it was
just like a combination of a budget, bunch of things

that happened. I don't think Lice wanted me to be
the bachelorette, so I think he may be thought like, well,
I have control to say no, she's still under contract.
And then it was just I don't think he thought
i'd call him out for it either. It was on
Twitter one day. I definitely went after him, but I
was mad. I'm like, what, it doesn't make any sense
that Nick could go and be the Beyond Dancing with

the Stars after being the Bachelor. After what he said
to me, I'm like, that doesn't make any sense. This
must be sexism. So that's when you just went off.
Was when Nick was cast that I lost this. I
was like, screw this, I'm not staying silent. I'm out
of contract, and I went off. Yeah, and despite all this,
you still have a rose tattoo on your arm. Isn't

that funny? I actually came around because I realized close
to the end of my relationship with Sean, that I
wasn't bitter at the show, that I was grateful actually
for it, and that I didn't have to be angry
at everybody. Everybody is just doing their job. It set
me up for a lot of success and opened a
lot of doors, and I was sick of being bitter
about it, and I wanted to remind myself daily of

that pivotal time in my life and that it's nothing
to be upset about are bitter about that it was
such a cool opportunity, And not only did like I
could have been really upset and hurt and gone hid
in a corner because of the slut shaming and all
the hate I got, but I channeled it into a
really positive place for women. And at the end of

the day, I just felt like it was such a
It was such a good experience in my life that
led me to so many amazing things that I needed
to remember it as a positive And I'm like, what
better way than to tattoo it on your body. I
used to be like, I never want to see a
rose again for as long as I live, and I'm
like most beautiful flower. I do feel like we all
go through those phases where we feel a little restricted,
but then at the end of it, like I was

watching your reunion show and just being like, Jared aren't
too thankful, and he is like, it's it really is
just a really special thing, and that and that, I
just feel like I'm back in ABC's good books. They're
back in my good books. Were in a good place,
and I don't know, it's I think I think that
has a lot to do with me being in a

better place too. Though. Well, I'm super proud of you
for everything that you've done with being the Bachelorette. You
not only you didn't stop once the show was over,
you really expanded upon the opportunities that were given to
you to the utmost. And I would like to end
this podcast on this beautiful note. However, we cannot. We

have to commemorate my my podcast co host, Ben Higgins,
so we will do that right after this break. We're
back with Caitlin and we're gonna we're gonna talk about
my lovely co host, Ben, who could not be here
because he was traveling so much this week. But what
was your first impression of Ben and when did you

think Damn, I like this guy. Oh that's a good question. Uh,
you know what, I'll never forget. On night one, he
looked at me and he said, Caitlin, you're our bachelorette.
You won by a long shot. And I was like, okay,
who's this guy and he looked yeah, he looked me

in the eyes and pumped my tires and I was like,
I kind of like this guy. So it was night
one actually, and then down the road, I remember having
this conversation with him and going I thought he voted
for Britt because he seemed like Britt. Yeah, he totally
seemed like a brit guy. So I asked him and
he just started laughing and I was like what. He goes,

do you actually think I didn't vote for you? And
I was like, well, I didn't know. I don't care
if you didn't, Like how do you know? You don't
know us yet? And he's like, Caitlin, you like meant it?
He was like yeah, he was like of course I voted,
but he probably was like rubbing my shoulder and I
was like, oh my gosh. And then I and then
I was like what a sweetheart. And then uh, when

I broke out of my hotel room and went down
and snuck out with no cameras and found his hotel room.
I saw him, yeah, but I saw him in the
backwards hat, and I was like, oh, damn me talk
the backwards hat does good things too. That yeah, and
I thought he needs one, but it does good things.
And then and then by the end, I was just
like we, I mean, Ben and I would have never worked,

but I just saw him. I was like, I think,
I think I want that guy in my life, but
not like that. I feel like the show actually holds
guys a lot, holds them back because if we look
at their their gross like pictures, they're they're ABC pictures,
the first releases of that terrible, always gross because they

think they should like wear something cool or stylish or formal,
and most guys look best with a backwards hat and
a T shirt or sweash it on. Yes. I always
said that, I'm like, you need to just I wanted
to come out of the limit for Crystal Season in
a backwards hat myself and that would have worked for
you and Converse sneakers because I was like, wait, that's
how I dress. I don't want to be in a

little cocktail dress, like I want to come out and
just like barely any makeup and backwards had be like up.
I mean that when I don't think that's what they
go for, but that I always said that. I'm like,
I wish they showed all the guys in just a
backwards hat and like casual gear because that's the hottest.
That is absolutely the hottest. Sorry, Jason, I know you

always wear blazers. Yeah, you know what, that's very ironic
considering Jason just is the most naturally dressed up of
them all. When Jason puts on a backwards and a
casual and doesn't know that, I'm like, no, no, no,
it doesn't bug me. Are you kidding me? Doesn't bug
me at all? But you can date them for a
little long and send him back if you want to.

Do you respect that Jared looks hot a backwards hat? Yes? Yeah,
I totally think Jared looks hot a backwards hat. That's
like on minerals. And they're like telling me looks sexy
with this hair push back, but that I totally just
backwards hats do weird things for me and I When
Jason put it on, literally, I can't keep my hands
off of them sneaking of can't take your hands off Jason.

You've recently said that the first data, the first time
you got aids man, Ye okay, that all you're gonna
You're gonna quote me that all you needed was a
good dry hump, which I'm gonna I'm gonna be very
Ashley I, very anti Ashley I and and very anti
almost famous right now and say all a girl really
needs is a good joy hump. Thank you. Apparently that

was t m I for people. But let me tell you,
it's so funny because headlines, can you know, that's clickbait?
So and I do it too. If I have a
guest on my but you know, and they give me
something good, I'm going to use it as clickbait. That's
just the biz. Uh. So it's so interesting because I
the amount of things media could pull from my podcast

and put in headlines to make me look disgusting. Not
that I think dry humping is disgusting again, all for it,
but like they could take anything out of context. Right,
So that headline and when that came out about my
first took up with Jason, I'm like, really, like I've
said so much worse on my podcast, and that needs
to be your headline, Like his family is going to
see that thing, and they didn't inject my humor where

I do. On my podcast, I always do confessions. So
it's like my confession is something really embarrassing or really
funny or something that like I'm like really trusting in
my listeners to not tell anybody that I'm just it's
kind of a safe place. So that in a safe
place with like five hundred thousand listeners, should I should
know better than that, Like I should know that anything

I say could be in a headline. But I wasn't thinking,
And I'm like, okay, I mean, yeah, hum, so you
said it and yeah, yeah, you know that happened, and
you do you regret like having said that or you're
just like, hey, guys, that's me. I don't know why

this is a thing, because this is something that I
would always say my audience here, stuff like this. Yeah.
I think I don't regret it. I think it's like, well,
we're too consenting adults have between a guy and a
girl who really like each other, who have their clothes
on and are fooling around. I don't think there's anything
wrong with that I said I was on my period.
That apparently was t M I where I'm like, it's

two thousand nineteen. This is biology. Women, mens, we have
our menstrual cycles, and I don't think that should be
anything to be ashamed of, and like it's a confession.
Maybe throw that in there, you know. No, So I
don't regret it at all. I just don't like the
way it came out and looked really bad, like the
amount of d M S I got of women just

like disgusted with me. Yeah, which I mean I'm used to,
but so I'll be super honest. When Jared heard that,
he wasn't disgusted by the comment, but he did feel
sympathy for Sean. Okay, Oh I didn't look at it
like that. Um well, yeah, I would have never ever,
Anything I do does not I would never do it

to hurt somebody else's feelings or see other things. But
we all need to remember that I saw things too,
and I saw headlines too, and I saw photos too
before I even had anything like that with Jason. And
people can say that, oh no, that's not true, that
was media. I saw things too, and that was really

soon for me and all I told myself, was, you
know what, he he doesn't want to be with me.
He is allowed to do whatever he wants with whoever
he wants. We are not together and we've had a
really rough go for a while, and if that's what
he needs to do, and if that's something that makes
him happy right now, I have no comment and nothing

to say about it because it's not my business anymore.
It's not my problem anymore, it's not my responsibilitynymore, and
it's not my business anymore. And he is more than
welcome to do whatever he wants. And that was you know,
I saw all the headlines. I saw photos, I know
some someone very personally who's very close with that person
that he had rumors about with. I know things, and

I all said was I hope he's happy. So I
understand that things. It sucks to see your X in
the media and it sucks to see those headlines. But
at the end of the day, like I feel like
I've said at the end of the day times, we
both have said it so many times, and I was

just thinking like, oh crap, like we need to come
up with a different expression of what we will. But
at the end of the day, But I do under
but there's totally something there. There's something that a lot
of people won't be able to understand. That it's one
thing to see your ex on social media, but there's
another thing to see like to try to prevent seeing
them on social media, and yet the media won't let

you not see it. Right. And when I saw those
headlines with with Sean, I was like, Okay, well you know,
I'm gonna unfollow this. I'm not going to go on
my search page. I'm just gonna take the steps that
I need to not see what what could hurt me?
And I would hope that he wants me to be happy.
I haven't spoken to him. I want him to be happy.

It's just it's a weird world we live in and
there's gonna be headlines and I'm not you know, I did.
I didn't expect that to go out there and be like,
look Caylendraw, I alms Jason like I would have. You know,
I don't mean to say these things to like get
at other people, you know me, So it's I mean,
what do you do? What do you do? Know? When
it comes out of your mouth, you're it's with no malice, right, Yeah,

what do you do. Let's go back to bed. Now, Okay,
Ben is like perceived as this wholesome boy scout boy scout,
but I think that he has a little bit more
of an edge and everybody thing, So tell us about
the edge that you think you see in bed and
and then the darkness and the sexiness and all. But
he sells a girlfriend so well, and I have a boyfriend.
I'm like, I'm not gonna talk about I just think, Ben,

how hard is that to go on a show where
millions of people are watching you and you are given
the title the Perfect Ben, and you are you know this,
you are it on this pedestal of the perfect person
and that you're just this wholesome Christian. So how can
you not, you know, try and live up to that expectation.
And sometimes I just want him to, like, you know,

like post a picture of him giving the middle finger
in a backwards in and say something that he means,
like I just want to. I just always want to
like rough them up a little bit and be like,
come on, Ben, because he is but I mean, I
don't know he he does have a little edge, I know,
you know, he I don't know how much I can
say the guy like, you know, he'll shoot some whiskey.

He'll like you know, he he just needs to be
a little more honest. What on my I don't get
a podcast episodes. I did a drunk podcast whe where
we're like really we wanted to feel a buzz before
we started talking to my life Welcome to off the
Vine and uh, I think that we should do with
almost famous Ben and I have to whiskey and wine. Man,

Oh my gosh, he wouldn't let you air it wouldn't
the next day to be like no, no no, no. He
called and mark right here and be like okay, so
you guys don't tell actually what I need you to
edit this out and this out? Yeah exactly, my um.
We have a couple of listener emails right now and
I want to read them to you that they're they're
geared to you, Caitlin. From strangers to an admirer of you.

Over the years, you have had a spectacular impact on
my life. Your leadership, kindness, and attitude was the foundation
to what allowed me to be a fuller version of myself. Caitlin,
your wit, charm, and energy brings you in, brings everyone
in closer. To you. It's not a wonder why so

many people are love and adore you. Your charisma is
tirelessly captivating, and your personality makes you seem larger than life.
In fact, I would say being around you makes life better, bigger,
and more full of joy. I know, I'm like, you
want these You want these listeners to go over to

your podcast. Okay. The ups and downs of life never
seem to derail you from being a person who loves
well and loves intentionally. As a fan and friend, I
learned a lot from you, Caitlin. I am so thankful
to say that I know you, proud to that you
are a friend of mine, and thankful that God placed

me in a mansion in hopes of knowing you better. You, Caitlin,
are special. You're forever fan. Ben, shut up, No I
lied to you. It wasn't It wasn't a real fan email.
It was your fan, Ben Higgins. She's crying, guys, she's

welling up. I'll send that to you so you can
read it whatever you feel. Low. You know it's crazy
is when you were reading that, I'm like, God, that
sounds like something Ben with like, oh what I just
want to hug him. Now, how cute is that? What's
the nicest thing I think anyone's ever said to me? Beauty? Yeah,

Oh my gosh, Ben, I'm calling you later. How cute
is that? Well? The one that got away, I'm just kidding.
Oh my gosh, Wow, that was that like touched my
soul like that. I was listening and I started putting
my head down, closing my eyes because I was listening
to every word. I did not see that coming. What
a plot twist, Ben Higgins, you're you know, runner or

second up. I regret saying I need to shake him
up and rough him up and then he needs to
be more honest. I'm like, No, you're good, You're good.
All right, We're gonna let Caitlin basking that and then
we're going to wrap this podcast up with a fast
round of questions for her and for me. All Right, Okay,

we're back. Caitlin. You want to go back and forth
with questions, so I give you one, you give me one.
I'm into it. Okay, We're going to start out super
super easy. What's your favorite fast food now, especially that
you're a vegetarian, what I know? I never thought I
would be. I'm honestly, I love burger king veggie burgers.
They have veggie burgers. It's really good. It's really good.

Let's be honest. Is plain meat good or is it
everything we dressed it with all the condiments. It's everything
you dress it with. So veggie burgers with all the
sauce and the lettuce and the tomato and the onion
and the delicious bun. It's you don't just eat a
burger without dressing it up. I will tell you confession time.
This is actually confession on the Almost Nest podcast. One

time we went over to Nick's for barbecue. He only
gave us burgers with meat in a bun. He didn't
have any condiment. What kind of psychopath? I was like.
I was like, Nick, it's so cute of you to
have a s for dinner. Is there any catchup? Yeah?

What condiments? Ketchup? That's rude to eat a burder without condiments. Yeah,
I shook. I also this people. I don't know why
I get like self conscious saying this, but I really
like the fish filet from McDonald's. Okay, Jared and his
dad also love the fish falt. I've never had a
fish filet, but I do love to put like a
Swanson something in the oven and then I wrap it

up in a thing with tartar sauce. Please please go
today and get a fish filet, no cheese, add shredded
lettuce and tell me it didn't change your life. Why
not cheese, cheese, American cheese. Fish. It doesn't make sense
to me either. I don't push fish on my fish wraps. No,
you just don't do that. You just don't do that.
But shredded lettuce, the tartar sauce, the fish. It's delicious.

So will you eat fish? So I guess I'm a
pescetarian because I will hear from the vegetarians to see.
I feel like I could be a pescetarian at least
for a few months. Okay, I'm act. She also trying
to not have dairy right now, which don't go to no,
no no, and I can't because I'm I love eggs.
And but I watched a documentary and it's always starts

with a documentary. You know. My my kick for wanting
to be a vegetarian was actually blackfish, which was really weird.
But I just saw you heard about that. Yeah, but
I saw how many emotions animals have, and I just
applied it to all animals, not just whales, and I
was like, yeah, you have to stop eating meat. Well,
then I saw something on Ellen where I I so,

she's my favorite food. And then Ellen like chirped somebody
and was like, okay, so you will recycle to save
the fish, but then you'll eat them. And I'm like,
damn it, that's me. Ellen doesn't eat fish either, No, no, no,
she no animal products at all. I don't know if
fish have emotions. They don't. Curtr Cobain said in a
song it's okay to eat fish because they don't have
any feelings. And I will stand by that, like I'm

talking flounder. I'm not talking free Willy. Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah,
I'm not going to eat a whale. Who from Bachelor
would you hook up with if you weren't with Jared
if Jared never existed, or who would you have a
crush on? Okay, I don't have to stay hook up. Um,
Can I tell you who I think the cutest has
been from past seasons? Okay, well, obviously from JoJo's season,

I thought that Wells was the cutest, which is why
Dad him in Paradise. Um. From from Becca season, I
probably would have gone with Colton, and then from we
skipped season Rachel's season, I would have gone within who
Dean Diana? They said Ian. Yeah, also I'm on my

second and a half class. Yes, okay, then the questions
are going to get weirder. I think that Jared knows
that I think that those are all the cutest guys too.
You're allowed to think guys are you wouldn't act on it?
And I was making you us. I was making I
forced you to answer that. Okay, you go, um, who
is your guilty pleasure? Musical artists? So I truly don't

believe in guilty leisures, but ums, just for the sake
of using the term in its essence, you know you
know how to answer this because my answer is Richard
Marks in like Chicago and like just all the male
soft rock. Well here's a terra wow. Um not guilty though, yeah, um,

I don't even know how to answer that. I don't
who who? Okay, So take yourself back to like high
school college and you be your friends would be like
can I see your iPod? And then you'd like to
I was like, all ninety degrees in saying Backstreet Boys.
That was like you didn't have any ol days on there. Um,
I really love the Beatles, but I do not that

guilty about definitely not guilty. Alright, moving on, damn it. Sorry,
but a disappointing answer. Um, one item of clothing or
anything that you want to burn of Jared's. I really

don't like this black button down of his. Okay, what
a black button? Black? Very acceptable, very acceptable. It feels
a little waiter ish for me. Okay. Yeah. It also
like I just have to be honest, it's black on him.
If it's not a T shirt and it's like more
of like a collared thing, it's not as flattering. Okay,
that's fair. Okay, that's a fair question. I made Jason

burn burn burn and like the fireplace. Yeah, no, I
we just threw them out. They were like these oversized
gray sweat shorts and I mean like sweatshort, No so
do I I mean oversized like I think they were
Fubou brand like oversized gray sweats. And I was like
he was wearing them. I'm like, could we burn those

or And he was like and you just like ripped
them off. He's like, hey, they're going in the garbage.
I'm like, thank you. Okay, wait, here's here's a little
bit of an off topic but on topic question. You
know how guys are always like I like you without makeup? Yes?
Do you think that Jason really prefers you without makeup?
Or he likes what he thinks is no makeup but
really is a little foundation and a little mascara and

a little bit of lipliner, you know what. I love
the I didn't try hard, but I try it hard. Look,
and the other day I absolutely broke out in this
hormonal actne around my mouth. You can see the like
I see a couple. Okay, So what I did was
overloaded it with retinal and burnt the s out of

my face. And I like, there's some sort of reaction.
So now I had like red burn on and I
was face timing him and I forgot that it was there,
and he was like, what happened to you? And I
was like, oh my gosh, and he goes, you still

look so beautiful, and I was like I felt it,
like exactly, I'm like that in three years. But he
he genuinely was like, oh, I was just worried about you,
Like I didn't know what happened. He goes he still
look so beautiful. I think he loves me. So I

think he loves me no matter what. At first, I
was really weird about you know. I would do the
like I'm not wearing makeup but I am thing, And
then I get over that really quickly, and I just
I find that I don't I don't ask him like
what do you prefer and he doesn't say what he prefers.
But I can tell that the more natural I am
I get, he compliments me more. Really so, Jared's always

told me that he likes me without makeup, And even
when I was getting like some makeup trials, I was like,
how do you how do you like it? And he
was like, I like you better with that makeup. But
sometimes when I do myself just medium, I can see
the affection and he'll be like tabbing my butt more
and holding my waist whore I'm like, oh, I wonder
if it says something to do with the fact that

I'm wearing a little bit of makeup. I know, I
think at the but I'm not gonna say it. I'm
not saying at the end of the day, I think
that men genuinely do love their partner all natural, but
when they get spiced up, they're like they need a
balance though, because they want to see you looking like
you're putting effort in it, because they appreciate the effort.

It's the same thing when the guys do it. Like
what I love Jason in the backwards hat and in
sweats and like just chilling. But when he is like
we went to an engagement party that day and he
looked all daf for I was like, damn, Like, you know,
I like Darondet of Tucks and I liked him dressed
totally down. Yeah, I like extremes. Yeah, all right, what
was your most embarrassing moment in your let's say your thirties,

in your thirties, Uh, the most embarrassing moment in my thirties.
You know, it's so crazy, as I actually have a
really hard time thinking about this. I do too. Um,
I guess like my dad, I am so so close
with my with my parents, well my whole family. My

dad is like the big guessed angel Jim, sweetest man
you've ever met in your whole life. And he was
so he knows who I am. He knows I'm this
like wild child, free spirit, do what I want and
and I think he he had a little bit of
a tough time watching the Bachelorette, but but also was
very very proud of me and always told me that.

But the most embarrassing thing for me was he I
found out he didn't go to the grocery store for
a while because my face was all over magazines with
like pregnancy rumors and like sex scandals. And to me,
that was like the most embarrassing thing that he didn't
want to tell me that he couldn't go to the
grocery store, but I found out because he was like
a little bit like I think he felt sad that that,

like he knew things weren't like he was like, don't
do that to my daughter. And I feel like that's
the most embarrassing thing I can think of in my
thirties was that my dad didn't want to go to
the grocery store because of my decisions on a Showah alright, okay, Um,
if you had an envelope in front of you and
it inside had the day that you were going to die,
would you open it? Man? I knew you were gonna

come up with a better one. Good either. No, I
don't think so. I wouldn't either. I wouldn't either. Some
people say yes because they're like, well, i'd want to
live my life. I'm like, I wouldn't live. I would
be like paranoid to do it and bedn't countdown to death. Yeah,
you'd just be I'd be like depressed, I wouldn't want
to do anything, and I'd be like, what am I
going to die? That way? Like what? I would just hide.

I know that when I'm having like stressful times, if
there's something that's all consuming in my brain, that I
can't really do anything else. So I feel like that
would take effect with this, where I'd be like I'd
be I'd be thinking so much of that that I
wouldn't actually be accomplishing things. Yeah, same, same, I'm the
same fantastic pross that one offully All right, now I

have my two good ones. Okay, yes, M give up
sex or wine? Wine? Oh you love wine. I thought
that was gonna be harder for you. You have, But
intimacy is the most hortant thing in a relationship. There
you go, wouldn't you say, Hey, intimacy does not have

to mean sex. But to me, I we all know
I'm not a virgin. That's why I asked you the question,
and I think, um, yeah, I would never pick wine
an alcohol over a healthy relationship. What about food, Well,
that's just survival. Actually, I can't survive without food. Okay, fine,

I mean like eating corn flakes every day, or the
plainest thing you could think of. Wait what Wait that
didn't make sense. I don't get it. Yeah, never mind,
moving on your turn. Okay. Uh, funniest behind the scene
moment with Jared that nobody knows about, like behind the
scenes like camera yeah or not, just something that funny

that people like, a story that I don't know. I
saved my worst one for last. You saved your best
behind the scene Okay. Well, I mean I think that
the one, the moment that happened not on camera at all,
that I wish people knew was the whole fall of
two thousand, which was if you watch our story of

us on YouTube, you understand what happened. But it was
basically just I was slowly and so contrively, um making
every little move too. That was totally true to myself.
But I knew that would like impress him. I was like,
I'm just gonna be my best version of myself, and
I'm just gonna be friends with him, and if he

likes what he sees, then let's so be it. That's great,
right for me and great for him. And I feel
like nobody saw how I was actually cool and I
actually want him over for a period of time. And
that period of time really let me up when it
came to everybody's seeing me in Bachelor in Paradise three,

because we did, you know, we eight out because I
knew he was interested, he was blatantly interested, and then
certain things happened where he was not so sure anymore,
and you know, he was always in his head about everything.
But I think at the whole fall two thousand and
fifty and if if I could have something captured on camera,

it would be that time when you were being cool. Yeah, okay, okay.
My last question is also a little raunchy. Give it
to me. Of all the fantasy suites you've been in,
what was your favorite? Besides Sean? It was Ben because

because we actually had really great conversation and we were
just like sipping whiskey talking about life, and we had
this whole castle in Ireland to ourselves and we were like,
should we go exploring? And we went to the top
of this castle and it was like felt really haunted
and we got so scared that we like, couldn't you
think you were like drunk in the fields when where

you're like drunken styles running around there? Yeah, okay, but
not for fantasy, sweetest. I mean we were like drinking
and riding horses around the field and and running away
from donkeys and stuff. Yeah, but yeah, it was we
just I felt like we had a really fun we
were dancing, Like I just feel like we had a
really really fun time full of conversation, actually dancing and

trying to like explore a haunted castle. Fun. Yeah, very fun. Yeah.
Is that that it were done? No? I don't want
to be well, Caitlyn, we've already gone almost two hours.
I just like talking to my about myself. I like
hearing on the sound about boy so much fun with you.
I don't want to like bury the things that you

need to promote. We already talked about your scrunches and
your wine label, but I do want you to reiterate that.
And of course the off the Vine podcast and what's
the other one called grape Therapy so Grape Therapy and
Off the Vine they're both line themed podcast but they
come out each of them each week. So you have
two podcasts that release have three now I know three
of the drug phone calls yeah, drunk tuh. Yeah. So

Off the Vine comes out Tuesday, Grape There becomes out Thursday,
Drunk comes out Friday. Uh. But I mean, like, I
think about this and don't we have all the same listeners.
I really think they roll over. I think them are
the same. Yeah. But for those of you who are
new to to me, um, I yes, I have a
wine label coming out so it it's called Spade and
Fair if you're new to Caitlin. Uh. And then my scrunch,

which is it's honestly, it's such a fun page. It's
at do edit on Instagram. D E W E D
I T. And they're the strongest scrunches you'll ever use. Honestly,
they're so legit and they're too legit to quit. They'll
give you the highest, tightest pony, tell you lever. It
makes your chair look thicker. That's and for thick hare

people are always like, yeah, but we'll hold thick care.
I'm like, try me. Yeah, one time or round. Yeah,
if only we were so lucky to have a one
time around. Yeah, in the next in my next life,
I will come around with lioness hair. All right. On
that note, you guys, this was the one and only
Caitlin Bristo. Thank you for listening Almost Famous in Depth. Ben,

We miss you. Thank you for your note. You are
quite the man. You are a diamond in the rough,
truly all right, and you had so many diamonds and
so we could continue, but we cannot. Goodbye. Starting off,
I've been Ashley, I've been Caitlin. Totally Follow the Benn
and Ashley I Almost Famous podcast on I Heart Radio

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