All Episodes

April 7, 2020 96 mins

He's here ...Peter Weber...and he's answering EVERYTHING. Find out what is happening between Peter and Kelley.

Peter opens up about how he handled the pressure of being “The Bachelor”.

We get inside his mind during the final moments of his season and try to make sense of his decisions. From Regrets to the things we didn't see...Peter opens up and tells all.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
This is Ben and Ashley I almost famous in depth. Oh,
we've had a busy self isolation time. Actually, it is
a joy in my life, uh to be able to
take time out of my day to talk to you
about everything. Good, Ashley, how you doing? I am good?
How are you? Ben? I'm great? Hey, listeners before actually

I get started on today's episode, which is a very uh,
a very special one like they all are. But we
have a guest who we've talked about often, who we've
both gotten to know, and who most of us out
there who have gotten to know over the last few months.
But before we introduced them, actually and I came up
with a new goal for ourselves, and we'd like to
invite you all to follow along. We are going to

try to walk ten thousand steps per day for the
rest of self isolation. Ashley, do you think you can
do it? I definitely can. It's manageable when you think
about it. It's like maybe two miles. So two miles.
Just I know that a lot of people probably don't
live in neighborhood where they can walk around that long.
You think that that's gonna be an issue with people?

Because I think we're coming from people who Um, we're
people who have neighborhoods that are very small. Yeah, department stuff.
Here's the thing though, like I don't know Ashley with
during a time of self isolation, if there's any excuse,
like you can walk around your couch for okay, you're
probably right. Yeah, go from one room to the other room,

run room to the other room. Yeah, we have to move,
we gotta move. Well, Ashley, let's not delay any further. Uh.
You and I have wanted to do this for a while.
If you basically just tried to build suspense by saying
walk around before we introduce our gigantic guest, I agreed. Yeah. See. Uh.

Hey listeners, fans and Almost Famous podcast huge fans of
the in depth episode, Welcome to this in depth episode
with Peter Webber. Peter, how you doing? I'm doing gig
is Yeah, it's good to be here. Thank you for
having me. I'm gonna try to take on that ten
thousand uh step challenge. Might be a little difficult here,
but I'm trying the best the uh. If you guys

don't know Peter, well, one, I don't know why you're
listening to this podcast too. He's uh from Westlake Village, California,
known for being on Hannah Brown season of The Bachelor.
At Uh is also known as our most recent Bachelor.
He's a pilot for Delta Airlines. Peter, I want to
start this. Uh. We've talked a lot, actually and I have,

about how we wanted to start this podcast today. UM,
and we believe uh, we've we have this kind of
saying that goes on during the in depth episodes, which
are meant to just get anybody's story out there is UH.
Truth is truth and truth wins. So UM. Ultimately, even
if somebody doesn't like your truth, it is your truth

and for that they need to respect it at some level.
And so today I want to start just with you saying, hey,
you're here because your truth needs to be said. Uh.
Some might still not like it, that's okay, UM, but
at least the truth can get out there. You've been
in the headlines uh for a while now after your

time on the Bachelor. Your time on the Bachelor, and
you and I got to talk about it quite a bit.
At least in my opinion, UM wasn't ideal at times.
At some moments it was I'm saying, we'll talk about that,
but it was heavy at times as well. And so
now's just let's sit down and talk about it. Um.
And so let's start with this, Uh, Peter, we just
introde you in your background of who where you're from,

kind of like what you like to do. UM, I
want to start by asking you, first off, how are
you doing if we took all of this and just
uh put it in into one microcosm of your life
the show, your life after the show, how are you
doing personally? Yeah, I am doing Uh, I'm doing good, honestly,

I really am. It's obviously been quite the whirlwind for
me quite the last year. Um. Just kind of looking
back on everything, it's it's been kind of like funny
for me to think like I've you know, kind of
been in this world like pretty hardcore since uh you know,
the whole dating world through the Bachelorette, Bachelor, you know,
for over a year now. So Um, obviously it ended
a couple of weeks ago. Um, things are still going

on though, I know people are still talking and um,
you know, honestly though, like I I feel like I
definitely you kind of have to. There's like no choice.
I've gotten really really tough skin throughout all this, especially
at the end, and um, you know, I'm just I'm
every day, I I still I wake up extremely grateful
for the opportunity I had to you know, be on
the bachelorte and then be the Bachelor and look for

you know, you know, hopefully the girl of my dreams. Um,
And uh, I don't regret it. Um, you know, I
have had a lot of time to reflect, for sure
on everything that you know has transpired, you know, the
good decisions I made, the poor decisions I made, um,
and try to just you know, grow from that become
a better person moving forward. But uh, yeah, I really am,

Like I can honestly say, I'm doing as good as
you can be doing right now and this throughout this pandemic.
It's obviously kind of crazy, just a weird time we're
living in, But I really am doing good. From a
fan's perspective. Your family got more involved in this season
than any other family. How's your family doing? Yeah, they
really did. Um, They're they're doing good as well. Obviously
that a far was a tough, you know, tough episode

for everyone. Um. Obviously there's been you know a lot
of opinions, you know, good opinions, bad opinions about all that.
But my family is very strong. We've always been very
very supportive of each other, each other's rock, and uh,
you know, we have each other's back always. Um. I
love them more than anything, and I know they love
me more than anything as well. Gonna be honest, when

we've got into the quarantine situation, I was like, could
you imagine being in the Webber house right now? No,
to be completely fair that, like, I know, people thought
there was like all this like all this tension and whatnot. Um,
there really wasn't. My my family Listen, we we I
don't know if it comes from kind of like uh,
just kind of being raised in a Cuban culture like

household or whatnot. We we can be very emotional and
just very passionate about, you know stuff, And obviously we're
not going to agree on on everything. No family does,
but we One of the things I love about my
family is that we just we don't like hold grudges
or anything or let stuff get to us for too long. Uh.
You know that love that we share always pulls us

through literally anything that we're going through. Um. So you know,
I was been good. I was making some some dance
videos with my mom before before I left the house
there and everything and it's all good. Peter. You and
I were able to speak if we flash back months
right before this whole thing started for you, um, and

and I made you one promise. I don't know if
you remember this, but I just was like, Hey, if
I was in Peter's shoes, what would I want to hear?
And one is you know, I said, hey, if I
can do what, you can do it, which is very true,
You're gonna be able to do it. Now how well
we do it is up to us as people. But
the second was that at the end of all of this,
it's all going to work out for the good. Like
even if it's hard, and even if it looks ugly,

and even if it feels heavy and it feels like
I've done everything wrong in the process, which you and
I have both felt at times during this I'm sure
is it all ends up working out for the good.
I mean, my life now, UH is a great representation
of that. Right. I learned a lot from my experience
as a bachelor that a lot of pain was caused. Uh.

And now I'm able to celebrate with my fiance and
enjoy a great life. It took a while, thanks buddy. Um,
now that I've made that promise to you, has it
held true? Uh? And again We're going to get into
the details later on, but I just want to start
this podcast by kind of getting a tone of where
you're at, what you're feeling, so our listeners can ride

along this journey with you. Has that held true? Has
it all worked out for the good? I I truly
do believe so yeah, um, yeah, you you called that,
and I truly feel like that is an accurate representation
of my whole experience. Um, obviously there was a crazy
up in nouns and um. You know, I've always been

a firm believer that you know, things happen for a reason,
and sometimes you truly don't understand why things are happening. Um,
but in the end, it's gonna work out for the better. Um.
Maybe a couple of weeks ago, you know, I'm like, dang,
where is this going? You know, how is this even
at the very end? Like I don't even I didn't
even know how its gonna end. You know, after a
f r um, you know, for a couple of days

there there was a lot of just kind of confusion still,
but um, through all of that, I do feel very
good about where I'm at right now. Um, even through
all the mistakes. I really, I really do mean that,
And uh, you know, I'm just I'm still hopeful, I'm
still excited. I'm excited looking forward to the future, um,

for what's to come, and uh, yeah, I think you're
us a spot on. You know, a lot a lot
has happened and a lot seems to be happening. I
was talking to Ashley earlier, I was like, you know,
there's very few people that have been in the public
eye like you have, that have had so many headlines,
so many different headlines written about them as such a
small piece and time, like in such a quick amount

of time, Like I feel like every day there is
a and part of that just becomes a territory. Like
you're popular. People have celebrated with you, they've mourned with you,
they've criticized you, Like this just comes with being the bachelor.
That's just part of it. Um. And with the media
the way it is today, it's it's flooding information about
Peter Webburn, what he's doing, and who he's dating and
where he's been and all this stuff, just a lot

has happened, UM with you, right is it? Is it
at all? I mean you're not a professional entertainer, like
none of us are. How are you dealing with this
like this? You said you've developed tough, like tough skin.
That's great. I'm glad to hear that, buddy, Like I
I'm so happy you say that, But like that's not

the full truth here, and we I want to hear
your full truth. Like, you don't just develop tough skin
because you get criticized enough. You have to do things
in the process of getting into the place where you
can handle it. And there's a lot of pain involved
in getting to that place in that time. Like what
has that been like for you? I mean, yeah, it
hasn't It hasn't been easy obviously. Um, there's there's absolutely

no way to prepare for this kind of attention to
be brought upon you. Um, there's just no way. Um.
Just like I felt, like, you know, even going through
the experience of being the Bachelor, as much as we
talked and all the advice that I asked, you know,
from you and that you gave me, Um, and I
took the heart. It's it's still there was no way
to completely prepare for being a bachelor. UM So with
all this attention just kind of being cast on me

now and just everyone just you know, every little thing
I do is analyzed. That part has been has been tough,
and it's like it in the beginning, and it's like
it just it almost kind of consumes you. Because for me,
I'm like, literally everything I do I think about, Okay,
what's people's reaction going to be to this? And is
this going to be criticized or is this going to
be accepted? And that part kind of sucks and I

have not necessarily enjoyed that. And at some point you
just have to literally as simple as just not read
the comments. I know. I remember Becca, she she gave me,
uh when when this all when into my first podcast
with her, Um, she gave this like a little lanyard
and it just said, don't read the comments, and like
that's probably like the best advice you know, I could
have gone as well. And it's you know, when when

you when I realized that, um, all that stuff, in
my opinion, it's fake and it's not real because not
once not and I can I can honestly say it's
not once in real life through all my flights just
being out in public, anyone I've met out on the street,
have I ever heard one negative comment ever? But you

can see on social media or on the internet or
all this this stuff that's fake. It's not real life,
you know, social media, it's not that's not your real life,
and people just get so consumed in it. That's where
all that negativity and that trash is. But the real
life it's all great. And like when I finally realized that,
it was a huge way to slift it off my
shoulders and it allowed me to be so much happier.
Continue to build that tough skin and just realize, like

what actually matters and the human interactions that I have
on the daily basis, those are great and amazing, and
I appreciate those so much. I'm not gonna let the
little stuff get to me at all. The I have
one final thing and then just let you know, we're
gonna dive into some of the details of your experience
and your season and kind of the ways that led
you to the end. And then I want to close

this podcast with getting back to kind of you personally,
where you're at and how you're doing you kind of
close all that up, um, but before I throw it
over to Ashley to kind of dig into your seasoning
your experience. Um, there has been though I remember sitting
in your shoes, um during my time, and you know

you and I can relate in some ways from our experience,
right that it wasn't always pretty. There was confusion, the
little chaos. Um. We get all you know, we're on it,
and we think, oh, this has worked out for how
it was supposed to work out for me, and it
feels like they're every loosen has been taught, you know, tied,
and everything's clean. And then you get off of and
you realize that like maybe the public doesn't agree fully,

and that like there's some heat now. Um. Luckily, back
in my day social media wasn't as prevalent, and so
now your whole story of what you've done since the
show is being displayed. But would I be mistaken to
say there still, even though you feel you're like you're
doing well, even though you feel like there's been praise
to your face, which I'm sure there is, Uh that

there is, there's a little anxiety in your life, like
a little pain. Um. If our listeners could like really
get and understand exactly where you're at, Like where why
you have a little fear? Uh? Can you explain that
to them before we start step forward, just so they
know where Peter Webber is at and why you're feeling
the way you are. Yeah, no, listen, I mean what
I do said. Obviously it's true, and it's been great

in per us in having so much positivity. Um, but yeah,
I can hunt and resent admit that I've definitely had
a ton of anxiety and a ton of stress. Uh,
just again just being thrust into kind of the spotlight
so much and having everybody just analyze every move and
then having so much so many critics as well, Like

I'm just a freaking I'm a human being and I,
like you said, I'm not an entertainer. I I'm not
a professional dater. I'm a pilot that you know, signed
up for this show hoping it would work. I was
lucky enough to be blessed with the opportunity to go
on and be the Bachelor too, and um, it's that
part has been tough and like it's just it's I

don't know for for me personally, I've never been someone
that's been able to I've never like use my time
to like talk negatively about anyone or go cast you know,
negative judgment on that person or whatever it may be.
But I know some people do do a lot of
people do do that. And yeah, that that's the hurts
it does. It's it takes a little bit to get
used to a lot of it to get used to do.

And um has definitely caused some anxiety. But uh again,
I just do my absolute best. Um. I my number
one thing is just all about gratitude. Gratitude, gratitude, and
if I can focus on that more than anything else,
I'm gonna pull myself through, you know, the tough times.
I want to bring you back as the Peter you

are today. Two big turning points on the show. So
what would you tell the Peter on Night one? Now?
Oh that's good, Um, let's see. I mean night won.
My won was great, I speakably honest. I I don't

think I would I would change anything from Night one
of how it went. Um, you know, probably just to
calm down a little bit and not be so for
because I was so nervous going to that first night,
but just knowing that, you know, all the women were
just as nervous as you, um, just too. I don't know, honestly,
there's nothing really I would change from that first night
just to get excited for this journey. There's a lot

of things I would say later on in the season,
but the first night I wouldn't have much advice. At
what point do you start giving yourself advice? I would
have given myself advice, um, starting with like the pool
party stuff, like I forgot what episode that was, but um,
in regards to just kind of really being influenced by uh,
you know, the house in general and just UM, I

think for me, I went into it just because of
the person I am, you know, just being someone that yeah,
I I like to get people the benefit of the
doubt and I have those tendencies of being a people pleaser. Um,
to not worry so much about that and just really
really do what I needed to do for myself. And
like the pool party and like the Alais stuff, and

you know, I remember that was like the first like
part of the journey from me. I was like, I
got it. I don't know if I handled that the
right way, Like I should have just focused on myself,
been a little bit more selfish and not not taking
so many opinions in and done what I needed to do.
I have one and I'm gonna be so mad at
myself if I don't ask this Peter, because um, it

was like my we you know, obviously you watched these seasons.
We critique everything as part of the podcast, and I say,
why did Peter do that? Or what what was he thinking?
One of my biggest critiques of you was I have
never seen and and this just me selfishly, I just
have to ask you as a fan of you. Uh,
and then it's gonna go back to Ashley to actually
get to the heart of things. This is really derailing us.

How in the world did you How in the world
did you kiss girls in front of other girls? I
like that was when you say pool party. I'm thinking
about a scene where like you were kissing a girl
and you knew other people could see it. Like that
was when I was like, oh, Peter, like just get bad. Um, yeah,

it's a good question. I Um, I don't. I don't, Okay,
I don't. I'll be honest. I don't know if like
in the going back to that pool party, I don't
know if I actually knew that people saw me being
affectionate with other women. UM, I was not, for sure,
was not doing that on purpose. There was one time,
I think really the only time actually of the season

where I was like, oh that was really awkward and
uncomfortable was um was in the football day in in Cleveland. UM.
I was walking you know back with she andne I remember,
and uh, we just have like we're just talking having
it was off camera stuff. The game was over, and
I just was like, so just kind of like focused
just with with her, and like I knew that I
had like nine other eight other women, right, but I

just I was just focused with her and like we
were just being affection just like you and I rent
and gave her a kiss, like going into the locker room,
but all the women were there. And then right after
I did that, I'm like, why did I just do that?
Like that was that was weird? That was uncomfortable, But UM,
I don't know, I guess just to kind of explain
it for me, I was someone that tried my absolute
best to, like I just said, get lost with each

woman individually when I was with them, and whether that
was too much or disrespectful at times, I can see
the criticism. I can understand that, but that was me,
and that's what I was gonna do for it to
hopefully work for me. I couldn't. I don't know how
I was going to be able to just like sometimes
act like they were my my only girl, and then
sometimes no, no, I'm dating a bunch of women, Like
I had to fully commit to each relationship when I

was with that person, and that's what I tried to
do from night one through the end. And it got weird.
I think that was pretty obvious and evident, which in
a way sounds like a great plan. Then you get
called the kissing bandon and it's just weird, and it's
just it's crazy. I don't know if I told you
guys like the I really because I really am the
guy that, like I usually and like kind of shy

with kissing and like I don't go for it right away.
I really I thought there was a chance I wasn't
going to kiss anyone the first night, to be completely honest,
And then Savannah came and I loved it. I love
like just her going all out for it, did the
blindfold thing, planted the kiss, and that kind of like
broke the seal for me and I was just like, well, okay,
there we go. But then didn't you eliminate her night
one Sanana? No? Oh no, okay, that's right, that's right.

No, no no, no, she was the girl that would last
a long time, but we never really got to know her. Yeah,
and I guess, yeah, she was really a sweet girl. Um,
I like Sanana a lot, but yeah, I really was planning.
I kind of like doing nothing and then so much
for that. Hey, well thanks, Peter. I just had to
get that out there because it was like, my one
biggest confusion was like, what in the world is he
doing that feels dangerous? Are definitely did not advise him

to do that, But that makes sense. I can get
I can get behind you just trying to be and
you know, intentional with each relationship and try to make
it as normal as possible. So okay, Ashley, I'm sorry
that definitely took us on a tangent. I had to
get it out back to you. Okay. So now let's
put Peter today back to after that Top three Rows ceremony,

when Maddie comes up to you and says, um, I
really don't want you sleeping with anyone else, Like I'm
not sure if this is gonna be okay with my
moral code if you do, and I'm going to have
to reevaluate everything if you do. In that moment, did
you think, oh is a squirrel virgin? Or did you
just think that she was kind of giving you a

request because she was that into you, Like, did the
thought of her rigidity come into play at all? Um? Okay?
So for that, I remember, Uh, I had thought there
was a chance that that Maddie was a virgin. I
remember it was where was I was driving him from

a location I think it was it wasn't Chili in Santiago,
And I remember, yeah, I was talking about her with
my producers and I asked him like, do you guys
think this? And they couldn't give me anything, um, you know,
because obviously they can't. But I kept asking. That was
the first time that was on my mind. And then
they never talked about it again really until it kind
of came up that night. Um. But honestly, no, I didn't.

I didn't know. Maybe there was a chance, but I
truly didn't know until until she told me in Australia
at that dinner. Um. So I knew that she was
obviously very very strong in her faith, and that would
have made sense, But I did not know for sure.
I know I asked you this with Access Hollywood, But honestly, Peter,
you're like a whole different Peter now than you were
like six or seven weeks ago. Would it have made

a difference. Would it have made a difference if Maddie
had at that moment said I want you to not
sleep with anyone because I am a virgin, And yeah,
would that have changed your mind about sleeping with anyone else?
Can you say that even for sure? Yeah, it would have.

I can say that for sure. I think definitely had
a little bit more gravity with everything. Um, yeah, it
would have had more gravity. So there's a chance that
you may not have slept with the other woman in
that case. Yeah, but but again that there would yeah
there there for sure would have been a stronger chance there.
But again it kind of all goes back to, like
my biggest struggle was, like I explained, with the kissing stuff,

Like I when I was with each individual woman, I
tried my best to just be so intentional with them
and lost with them, and um, you know I would
have definitely struggled with that. Like if I'm holding back.
You know, in any aspect of the relationship, am I
doing it a disservice? But you had to answer your
question that it would have made it a little different,

and like, let's not forget you know, you know, however
it played out, agree or disagree with the decisions of
what you did. Um you are dating multiple people at
one time, like that is not normal. That is not
easy to do. There's no right way to do something
that is is very unnatural to you and not something
I don't think. I guess I don't know you before

the show, but it's not h something you had practiced
necessarily before this experience. It's extremely natural. So you're trying.
You're going into this week knowing that one of these
people that you're you're falling for is saying this to you.
Also knowing that you're still trying to figure out if
she is the one, and knowing that some of the
other people that you're with don't have those feelings, that

don't have those um uh, don't feel as strongly about
physical intimacy and maybe winning or where it should be
had or and what capacity and so as as yes,
we can be critical, right and and Madison was a
fan favorite. But you know, actually I just want to
add in that like at some point it does become

more confusing than what the general public can can necessarily understand,
and and exactly and one more thing I'll add even
I think on even more important than having known that
night that she brought that up to me if she
was a virgin, and I think the biggest thing for
me would have been just knowing exactly where she was

with me, because I should never express to me how
she truly felt, um compared to the other two women,
And so that was I think the biggest thing for
me that just was was really confusing and how I
go about this. Okay, So if she had told you
she was a virgin, and if she would have said
at that moment, I love you, everything could have been different. Yeah,

and not even necessarily I love you, just like knowing
where she was even just falling like where she truly
felt like she was with me got it. Um. So
then from there on you made it seem like you
were the storyline that we saw on TV, made it
seem as if you were just so torn you had

no idea where you're going to end up. But then
it was interesting because the way we saw a play
out on TV. As soon as Maddie had decided to leave,
it seemed like she was your choice the entire time,
and you weren't torn at all. Was what was going
through your head and heart different than what we saw
on TV? Um? Wait, so you're saying that when when

Maddie left and then towards the end, like to the proposal,
you're saying that it seemed like what like I it
seems like you had chosen Maddie in your head a
long time ago. Um, listen, I you're you're so right
when I when you say like it looked like I
was instanding confused, I say that all the time. That
was the most confusing week of my life. It was

so stressful. I had no idea it really had to
go about that. Um, I really was, you know, I
truly truly felt like I was in love with with
two women. And at that point, UM, I know you
can kind of attest that ben and like if that's possible,
and and I really do feel like it is, and
and people that say it's not. Well, then I come

back to you guys with if do you think you
can fall in love with more than one? Person just
in your the matter of your lifetime at different times,
and if you can, why can't it happen at the
same time. I get that's weird, but in this kind
of situation is what allows for that to be possible. Um,
that's just my opinion. Yeah, it was tough, and UM

obviously I had a lot of love for Maddie, but
I also had a lot of love for Hannah and
and I I think I think what you guys were
seeing more than anything was just I was heartbroken, and
but I truly feel like I also would have been
heartbroken if Hannah and would have just done the same
thing and just left. And having to deal with those

feelings of heartbreak for me almost like it just kind
of consumed me a little bit. And since I didn't
have any time to process it like a normal relationship
when it ends, and two days three days later, I
had to try to go in to get myself in
the right head space to possibly propose to someone. UM.
I think if there would have happened with either woman,
I would have I would have really struggled with it,
and it probably would have seemed like I was missing

the other one a lot. That was did you ever
think to ask for extra time to process. Um No,
I remember I remember kind of like my last my
last opportunity I might might have had that we were
getting ready to film the the Neil Lane. Um you

know where he came the first time I met Neil
and he was gonna show me the rings, and um,
I just remember being just I was in rough, rough
headspace and I took some time to myself. They came
into my like my room, and so I was in
like bedroom area. They were filming it in the living
room area, and I like went in. I just said
I needed to like just go change or something. And
I didn't. I just closed the door and just sat
on my bed, and I was just like stress and

stress and stress, And because I knew how I felt
about Hannah, and but I knew how I was struggling
as well. I was like, what do I do here?
What do I do? What do I do? And I guess,
you know, I felt a little bit of pressure with
the time crunch. Um maybe I could ask for more time.
I didn't, And then, um, I just decided that I
was gonna go I was gonna go forward with it.
The thing here is, Peter is like again, and I'm

just gonna keep filling this gap here, um because I
always think it's important for people to realize that, uh,
like I just think it's healthy maybe for people to
realize this is real life. And as you sit there
and you try to confront some of these decisions that
were drastically and dramatically going to change your life for
the better, uh hopefully uh and at some level, no

matter what for the better, there there isn't always the
clear cut, um path, especially when you're in it and
you're sitting there. I just want to sit on this
for a second and allow you to explain yourself. Um,
if you're sitting if you go back to that moment
and maybe just take it from like all of these

moments where you're on the show and all the confusion
and chaos it's being caused and you're getting I mean,
there's so many moments during this season Peter that I
was just like, he's confused, like and not in a
hey you're like you just I mean, yeah, you just
got confused because of the chaos around you. I Mean
that was how the like, what is it like to
be in chaos in the midst of something brand new?

Experience that you've never been a part of before, also
knowing where you're hoping this ends like for you personally, Like, yeah,
what's it like? It's terrifying, it really is. I, Um, yeah,
I was extremely confused at that point. And then there's
just the added you know, you have so much kind

of just pressure. Whether you want to admit it or not,
there is pressure. You're in an awkward environment and I
have you know, I've fully invested, you know, in multiple
women up to this point, and I'm just trying my
absolute best to navigate my feelings and just get like
a clear head and clear heart of exactly what I

want to do. And if I'm just being so honest,
I don't know if I ever if I ever got
to that point where I had a clear head and
clear heart in a decision. And that sucks, but that's
the truth. And um I tried my damn best to
like get there, and and it just it was it
was something I struggled with because we're so confus use

and because you're so emotional. Did you ever think I'm
gonna try to pull a Wan Pablo here and ask
this girl to just to date me until I get
more clarity. I did think about that, and I don't know.
I just again I knew that I that I did

love Hannah Ann And again it just goes back to me.
I kept just thinking, Listen, I know I'm feeling a
heartbreak right now, and this part sucks. But I've gone
through every heartbreak I've ever felt, and eventually I'll get
through this. You know. I don't want to possibly, um
take away from the two of us a really special
moment that could turn into something amazing, because I'm hurting

right now, and I just I guess in my head,
maybe it's the romantic in me, Like I I felt
like maybe Hannah and maybe she would have appreciated that more. Um,
but I felt like it would have just been like
discouraging to her if if I just asked her that.
Um yeah, you know, there's a lot of things I
couldn't have done differently, but um, it did. It did

cross my mind a couple of times. And um, yeah,
when you were laying on that bed and just you know,
having that breakdown of sorts, how much did your family's
opinion on Hannah and sway you to make the decision
to propose. Yeah, I knew that Uh. You know, my
family loved Hannah and UM and I totally understood why.

Um it really it wasn't my It wasn't like that
wasn't I wasn't thinking about my family though at that
point I really wasn't. Um. I The only time I
kind of like was maybe a little stressed about my
family's opinion with that was we were flying when we
were flying out to uluru um for that date with Madison,

and I remember talking to one of the producers and
I was like, oh, that's a tough situation of being
like I don't know what to do right now. UM.
But after that moment, like, no, when I was on
that bed, I was I wasn't thinking about my family's
opinion or anything. That was just thinking about what I needed. Peter.
As we sit here in this moment, Um, I wanna

I want to let you know there's there's a lot
more in your story that we need to get to, um,
to close, uh, to close some of these gaps in
the experience that you had. So UM, I know this
experience for anybody's not easy. I know it's confusing. I
know there's a lot of tough decisions that have to
be made um, you are now looking back at it

and able to process it in a different way. We're
going to get to how you got to the place
that you're sitting out today, and and I really want
to spend some time with you just getting to know
you today and what you've learned before we do. I
know Ashley kind of wants to fill in some of
the gaps as I mentioned, Um in between, Uh, let's
take a break and when we come back, when we
come back with Peter Weber on this in depth episode

of the Almost Famous podcast. Alright, Peter, so now let's
go back to when you felt like things were falling
apart with Hannah Ann. Was it because you felt like
you guys were incompatible or was it because you kept

thinking about someone else? It was it was a little
bit of both. It was you know, I remember, I
think we had like three happy couples Hannah and and
I after after this, you know, the show and obviously
like that's the first time where you really you get
out of the show environment and you really just you

get to see your compatibility and you get to see
maybe how much you guys challenge each other in a relationship.
And um, and and where that actually lies and uh,
you know you don't have any of the distractions, Uh
the show can possibly hide or just you know, you know,
damp in a little bit. UM And I think that, Yeah,

I just in my mind, UM, I think like the
biggest thing, I just I feel like in regards to compatibility,
I don't think that we challenge each other enough. And
that was something that UM is important to me, you know,
in a relationship and UM and yeah, and there was
definitely definitely stuff with you know, I haven't been afraid
to say, like with my feelings. Yeah, still that we're

unresolved with Madison. Um, you know that I had to
deal with. And it's tough not being able to you know,
lean on you know, your you know, your your partner
when you really want to UM and you know, talk
things through and kind of event because that's just like
that's inappropriate. That's weird and awkward and not something that
you know, they want to hear. And I totally get that.
So it was a tough time for me, but UM,

it was just it was definitely a little bit of
both and uh, yeah, that's what it was. When Chris
Harrison went to Alabama to talk to Maddie. Were you
informed that he was going to do this? Was this
something you kind of wanted him to do? No, No,
I had I had no idea. Um Man. The only
time I ever heard about that was producers today, Like

I guess there's pictures that were like taking of of
of Madison um in her hometown, But that was I
didn't know what exactly was going on. How do you
feel about that move? Um? I mean, you know, I
think I think Chris obviously he saw, you know, that

I was struggling. He knew why I was struggling, and
you know, I think he was just trying to, you know,
try to help out in any way possible. Who knew
how that was going to turn out? But um, I wasn't.
I wasn't you know, mad about the about him doing that.
So I didn't work out with Maddie. So with you know,

that happens, you know, she surprises me and and then
we you know, we started contacting or you know, communicating
with each other, and we didn't see each other, you know,
face to face until on stage again. That was the
next time. Which why was that? I think a lot
of people were wondering, why didn't you guys see each
other again. Yeah, I I think you asked both of us,

and it's it's kind of it's it's a tough question
to answer, Like, I don't know, I think we should
have because I know we did talk. We wanted, like
going on stage, just to be really authentic and real
and just like not. Um, that's why we did that.
That was legit the reason, Like I we had thought
about doing it, and I know, I remember a couple
of days, you know, before, when she had actually flown

out to l A again before a FAR. I remember like, no,
I need I think I think I need to we
need to see each other. And at that point it
was too late, and um, that wasn't possible. We were
able to face time though and communicate and it was
you know, we taught. We had some really good conversations.
We talked everything through if this is actually something that
was possible, if we could do it, Um, why it

didn't work at a far obviously everything that happened there
and then moving on from there, we had about two
days that we spent with each other and um, you know,
she came over that night, you know, for a little bit,
and we just talked. We didn't really talk too much
about our relationship. We just wanted to be there for
each other and to support each other and I enjoy
each other's company. But then UM, the next day, her
mom had flown out and spent the day with her,

and then so I don't really see her that day.
But the second day is when I went over to
her her hotel and we spent pretty much the whole
day together just talked and UM literally talked everything through
UM and we we totally each other listen, put all
of our feelings and motions aside. This is all pure,
just logical, just no feelings in this is this something
that can work. And we both came to just the

agreement that that it really wasn't UM. I know a
lot of people just get caught up in the whole
like the sex thing, and that's you know, saving uself
for marriage. That was honestly something that was really small
like that wasn't something that I don't think I could
have done. There was stuff on top of that that
kind of came with her her beliefs, and I totally
respect her for you know, I wasn't going to be
able to ever UM something I love to do in

my life is travel and go explore and especially do
with my significant other. And I wasn't going to be
able to do that with her because she, you know,
is also saving herself from for marriage just spending the
night with with you know, with a guy. And you know,
even just back at home, we had our you know,
I had my apartment, she had hers. You know, she
was never able to spend the night with me. And
that's something that I really use to just even if

there's no physical anything going on, just that closeness and
waking up with your person the next morning is stuff
that's important for me in a relationship. And there so
there's a lot of things that people didn't know that
we just weren't compatible with the Peter. I mean, I
think that's where, um, one of the things that I
want to get your opinion on is, you know, we
watched the season before with Luke Parker, and he had

he had some similar like kind of put my foot
in the ground feelings on faith and their convictions and
their morals and the kind of the choices they were making.
And then we get to Maddie and people were comparing
the two. But it felt like your response to Maddie
bringing up these concerns was different than Hannah Bees. It
felt like you were we're not angry as much, or
you know, you want brought off what what do you

think the biggest difference was between the way that Maddie
and Luke approached it. If there was one, and you know,
everybody talked about the double standard here. Do you believe
there was one or do you believe it's it's different. No,
I think it's different, and I think it's Yeah, they
were totally approached differently. I think everyone thinks that, you know,
Madison gave me an ultimatum into this day, I don't
feel like she ever gave me an ultimatum. She literally

just expressed to me what was on her heart, something
I asked every woman to do the first night in
the mansion, and uh, you know, she didn't say you
have to do that. She said this was going to
be difficult for me, and I want you to know that. Um.
I thought she approached it in the best way possible.
The only critique I could have had for her was
possibly doing it sooner in the process and maybe being
a little bit more open with you know, the extent

of the virginity and the extent of you know where
how she was filing with me. But that is, in
my opinion, completely different than anything with Luke and Hannah.
Um and uh, I don't yeah, I don't compare to
you at all. I think that's the thing that you
know as viewers, UM, as viewers, I think we watch

it like it was. It felt like an ultimatum. But
what you're saying is no exactly who you want to do.
In any relationships you date, you get to know somebody,
you ask them to be as open about what things
are important to them as possible at some point. And
and I think this is a good caveat my opinion,
which matters a little bit because we host this podcast,
is um that ultimately you're you're two people who pursued

a relationship, who are attracted to each other and intrigued
by each other. And one of the most important things
in her life was something that you maybe didn't feel
similarly on and it just didn't work. But like it's
hard to say goodbye to somebody great in your life,
even if you disagree on some massive things, But when
you care and love somebody, some of those little disagreements

get pushed away because you just enjoy them as a person,
but when it comes down to spending your life with them,
they become massively important. Like they are deal breakers, and
deal breakers are not bad. Deal breaks are great, especially
when it breaks a deal that was not going to
be healthy for one or two of the parties involved. Right,
So for you as you sit there where're at now
and I just explained your breakup, which was like incredibly

like out of me, I'm sorry about that, but um,
but as you sit there now and you look Maddie
in the eyes as she's telling you the things you
and you look Maddie in the eyes the day after
far when you're trying to process this and you're just going,
I'm gonna have to say goodbye to you, Like, what
was that like then? Because again I say it, I
said all this to get to the point in the
understanding that like you were saying goodbye to still somebody

you cared about even though it wasn't gonna work, right, No,
it was, it was. It was super tough. I remember
that that exact day, and we probably spent six hours
just laying on her bed just talking everything through. And
it was like I keep saying it was it was
like that point in a relationship where if people have
been through it, they can relate. You know, you go
and there's ups and downs, and there's a lot of struggles, right,

and you may break up once or twice, but there's
that point where you actually know it's for sure ending
and like there's no come back from this. And I
think the two of us we we we had that
kind of like sense and that we knew that was
kind of how the day was going to end with
with the two of us, and it was super sad.
We literally we cried and we laughed and we listen
to music, We made videos and then cried some more

and then talked everything through and just there is no
like love loss there at all. But I think, you know,
for the first time and to be completely honest, really
just proving like my mom, where her delivery could have
been a lot different, she was just right in the
end and like we just weren't compatible for each other. UM.
And the show, the nature of the show allowed for

us not to really see those you know, those issues
so much, but kind of getting into real life UM
and then really reflecting you see, like listen, it sucks
like you have. You can feel so strongly for someone
and but you need those you need to be compatible
on some certain huge life life issues. If you're not,

it's really just not going to work out in the end.
And that's really all that it was. And um, I
think we both just came to that realization together at
the same time, and that's when it, you know, we
made the decision to not pursue anything. So, Peter, I
completely agree that you and Maddie are incompatible. That's the
reason that it ended. But I have to ask, because
the audience is wondering. You brought Maddie home that day

after after the final rows. She she was with possibly
your mom after your mom just who was so so
rough on her. I just want to know how uncomfortable
that was for her. No, so I didn't We didn't
go back back to my house. So we we were
for the show. We were put up in hotels a
couple of days prior, in a couple of days after

afar Um, so we just like that night, I just
had her. She came over to my hotel for a
little bit, and then two days later I went over
to her hotel. Um and then that's you know, that's
the last time I saw her. But yeah, I mean,
and I'll just add like, yeah, that was obviously a
far was tough for everyone involved, but um, you know,

it could have gone differently obviously both sides. And I again,
I will defend my mom, not necessarily like the delivery
and she'll be the first admitted, but her just being
able to on live TV, with the pressure that that
comes with, um, even against other opinions, be able to
truly speak her mind of her opinion for the love

of her son is in my opinion, a really beautiful thing.
And you know, I obviously I felt uncomfortable being in
the middle of that because I care about Maddie like
no other and I obviously love my family like no other. Um,
but you know, obviously you wish things could happen a
little bit differently, but it is what it is. And um, yeah,

I think a lot of us were at home watching
and thinking something must have happened, more like we're not
getting the full story here. Was there anything? No, I
mean as far as like your mom's dislike towards Maddie,
And again, it wasn't even like my mom's like dislike
towards Maddie. She doesn't dislike Maddie at all, it's just

that she knows and she was very passionate in the
moment that we just weren't compatible and it wasn't gonna work.
And um, listen, theer's things, you know, I know, like
with the with the you know, they're going back to
like waiting for a couple of hours out in Australia.
Um listen, it was because my actions that caused that.
But yeah, we we made my parents wait that long,

and um, there's just things that obviously led to frustration.
But at the end of the day, you know, you know,
she was right. My mom was right. And again the
delivery could have been different, no doubt, but um, yeah
she was right. So while this is happening and your
mom is having tension with Maddie, there's another lady sitting

there that wasn't there for women tell all, which raised
some red flags. And her name was Kelly. Again, is
there anything you want to share about your feelings? Starts
Kelly at the moment? Yeah, I mean yeah, I'm open
book with that. Um, you know, Kelly is someone that

I just we've always just gone along really well, and
starting from before we met, you know before the show. Um,
Unfortunately the show for her wasn't like the best kind
of opportunity to possibly find uh, you know, fine love.
She she will be the first one to admit it.
She was very uncomfortable throughout at all, and just it
wasn't her cup of tea. Um. But Kelly and I

outside of that just connected and it's been just really
kind of weird how life has just kind of happened
with us. And met her before the show, ran into
her completely random in Miami after the show, um, very
very briefly just said high but pretty much. And then
after that ran into her a third time out in

l A through mutual friends. And so just been a
really good relationship someone that um, I've just really gone
along went really well. And uh and I think the
world of Kelly, no doubt about that. So uh well, Peter,
let's uh, let's take a break. When we come back,

we're gonna continue talking to Peter Weber about his time
on the show, his life now, and what his romantic
interests look like today. Before the break, we talked to
Peter about Kelly Plan again, who was a part of

his season. We also talked about Maddie, who was a
part of his season. There's one person that we haven't
spoken about, which, ultimately, Peter, uh, you were engaged to
at the very end, and that's Hannah ann Uh. Hannah
hand had had caught the attention of the fans and
yourself during the season. She obviously her story ended, I

would say, and I don't know again, I'm explaining all
this as a fan, but like abruptly in a sense,
like we you were engaged to her, all of a sudden,
we see her on the live show, then she's gone,
and the story becomes about Madison and yourself and now
obviously about Kelly and you, Peter. If we could, though,
let's sit on Handah and for a second. Really, three
things I want to ask you. One is is why Hannah?

And at the end, the second thing they just kind
of clear up is was Hannah and like your second
choice and because Maddie left, she was just the best
option standing in front of you and if not, why?
And then third is is how did your breakup kind
of feel to you? Like what what was that whole process? Like? Yeah,
I so for Hannah, and I I am a huge

Hannah and fan, and I will always do that way,
no matter you know, how she feels about me. Um,
She's someone that just had one of the most like
just beautiful souls and just hearts that I truly have
ever seen. And that sounds so cliche, but it's just
it was so true and someone that I think for
the first time, kind of showed me the kind of
love that I really always was looking for from someone,

some love that I think was on par with a
love I feel like I've always shown women in the
past that I've dated. It might may have not been reciprocated.
I remember always saying that was one of the biggest
things I needed, was someone having that heart willing to
give that amount of love to me. And she was
and I saw it, you know it almost with Hannah,
and she she's like very like it almost seems like

fake to away, but she because she just seems almost
like so close to perfect, but she is like that's
just who she is. That's Hannah Ann and she's nothing
about her is fake. Um. She you know, I always
would say that she just has like this beautiful, like
innocence that combines effortlessly with like all this confidence at
the same time, and it's like it's a very unique

quality that I just have never really seen in someone.
And you know, listen, I I fell in love with
Hannah and I did, and um, you know, it breaks
my heart of how everything happened. Um, she wasn't Listen.
I know people you can try to some as well. Well,
she was just the second option. She wasn't. Like I

kind of said earlier in the podcast, I think really
if it would have been the other way around, I
would have struggled just as much with Hannah and leaving
abruptly like that, and just like having that heartbreak and
having to deal with it. Um, you know, did I
maybe possibly try to convince myself a little prematurely too
that I was ready to get engaged. Yeah, sure I can.
I can say that. Um, but it really wasn't just

nothing about that was Hannah and as being uh well
she's my second. No, it wasn't like I was all
about Hannah, and I truly was. I saw exactly what
my family saw and um, you know, I mean every
single word of that. Um with the breakup. I I
struggled with that like no other And that was just

like I was just so depressing for me knowing that
you know that was coming, and UM, it was really
tough for me because I wasn't able to just because
the nature of the show and it's tough sometimes trying
to balance it. But I wasn't able to really give
her like the heads up that I necessarily wanted to
um because obviously that has to get filmed, and like

that part sucks, UM, But like I wish I could have,
And you know, I knew she probably thought it was coming,
she could probably feel it. But having to do that
and just knowing that I was, you know, probably breaking
her heart and just completely just out of nowhere, just
surprising her with that, Like it just tore me apart.
It tore me apart, Like why did you get to
how did you get there? That's one thing we didn't

see is like what we assumed as viewers it was
because you had feelings for Madison. Well that's one of
the things here. And I think there's been a little
bit of an injustice just because of not editing, not production.
I don't want to use as excuses just because your
story is so complex that it's impossible to tell it
and to show it and like in the amount of

time that they had, but Like what's confusing for me
is as a friend, as a fan of whatever, is
like watching this going wait he broke up with Hannah
and because he's into Madison, but yeah, him and Madison
wereked together two days after the finale. That's weird to me.
It's like, what what was going on? Like what? Why
did you really why? Why did that break up really happen? Yeah,
because I have to say Maddie's name was never brought

up to during that conversation, right well again that she
was just a part of it. She wasn't all of it.
And I wouldn't even say most of it, Like I
just remember, I remember there's like a lot of moments
that just kind of like broke my heart while we
were just together a happy couple and like the happy
couple of weekends, and she was just like Hannah Anne

was just so just so amazing in that relationship and
was giving me everything and I could feel it one
from her, and I mean, obviously a little bit was
at Naddie, but like I just I wasn't able to,
like I saw myself not being able to match that
one with her and give her exactly what she was
giving me. And that's what I hated, and I was
not okay with that, and like I kept thinking, well,

you know, the next time I see her, it's gonna
I'm gonna be able to get there with her, and
the next time and the next time, and it just
it didn't. And it just came down to I. I
mean I told her this, like I didn't feel like
it was fair to keep her in a relationship, and
she could feel it. She could feel me not being
able to give that. We would have conversations, you know,
on the phone, and we weren't together about it of
why that was. And I just hated putting her through that,

and she was she was struggling with it a lot,
you know. She would tell me how stressed she was,
and it just and she couldn't, you know, because she
didn't tell literally, we didn't tell any of our friends
that it was the two of us, like literally only
our family, our immediate families, and now we had a
group text with all of them, but nobody else outside
of that new and um, she couldn't invent and go
just talk to her friends about it, and that just

like that was killing me. All these things kind of combined.
I just like I can't do this to this girl,
like I I know that, like I fell in love
with her, but I'm not I can't match what she's
giving me. And I just didn't feel good about that.
And you know that is really the biggest reason of
why I I broke it all. I ended it. You know,
it's like that, it's the it's almost cliche, but it's

like the traditional hey it's not you, it's me kind
of thing, and like it's the true. It's like there's
no other way to explain it. It's just like it's me.
I'm sorry, I can't I can't get there. Yeah, that's
really like, that's that's what it was. So now we
lead into obviously we watched it, we experienced it. Um
you and Hannah Ann had ended things were going after

the final rows. We've discussed that in pretty good detail.
I think to this point we get what happened there,
like and I think, but you knownd if I just
like on that real quick like heart, because I've struggled
like why why is that? Why? What? Why was I
able to go and get engaged and then and not
and then have these feelings and like nothing against the show.
I love the show and I've always been the biggest

you know, just advocate for this show and that it works.
But to be just fair, me just processing all this
and looking back at the end of the day, I
spent maybe forty hours you know with her, I did,
like consecutive hours. And for me, you know, obviously it's
an engagement and it's it's that's a real thing, and

that was but in a way it almost to me,
I guess, you know, it was like it's almost like
a promise ring to continue it. You've known her for
forty hours and I don't know everything about her, and um,
I don't know if I'm not trying to say that
as an excuse, but like I'm that's how I kind
of a process and like realized why I did what

I did, um, and why I wasn't where I thought
I should be. I'm like, listen, I didn't. I haven't
even known her for that long. Yeah, I mean it
can work, Like that's the thing is we've said it
can work, but there's still a lot to be I mean,
I mean, I think Harrison would agree, like once the
show's done, there's still a lot to get to know.
And it works sometimes like in a beautiful way. Like

all the pieces still aligned, and you go, yeah, this
is amazing, like it's it's been proven. But there there's
moments where all of a sudden, you go, I'm not
you know, for multiple reasons, like I'm not into this
as much as I thought I was, and because of that,
it's not fair to continue. I get that. Um, you know,
I've been through similar things. It doesn't make it any easier,

and it doesn't make it any easier to understand from
a public point of view, But I know. And what's
tough too, is like you guys, you you then remember
you like I asked you for so much advice about
because I would you know, I was possibly having struggles
and and whatnot. And you know the biggest struggles. You know,
you guys don't have that super solid foundation formed yet.
You just don't. You can't. It is not enough time.

And now you gotta go thrust into a couple of
months of isolation. You're not even getting to see each other,
you know, except for a couple of times here and there.
You have all these comments, all these rumors coming out
about you guys, all these kind of attacks on the relationship.
It's tough, you know, And I remember you just being
like just constantly reassurance to her, like you know, you
don't know who it was, but like give it to her,

give it to her, and um, it's it's just a
really tough situation. To me, I didn't expect it to
be that tough. It just comes time in years. I
didn't know what how this ended. I mean, usually the
Bachelor will call and say, hey, Ben, like something I
can talk about, like, you know, can I trust you?
And I think the show I don't know if they did,
but the show usually goes, yeah, you can call Ben,
like talk to him about it. He's good for this.

And then for you had no clue. It was just like, hey,
I'm like, I don't even know how this ended. Actually,
and I were like, I would have no clue. We didn't, um,
but it was like reassure her that you're trying. I
guess it's like the best you can do. Um. Actually,
sorry I cut you off there, No, no, I just
listen to your story. Peter makes me feel like you
got put in a really sticky situation once Madison was

brought back into the picture. When you didn't decide to
bring her back into the picture at that point, because
it sounds like you and Hannah and were just incompatible
and it wasn't Was it unfair to bring Madison into
that so quickly? Um, I guess from how the TV
played it, it wasn't necessarily that quickly. Um. You know,

we had broken up in in January. Um, and then
I didn't I didn't see Madison until I think it
would have maybe late late February early early March, right
before the finale. Um. It wasn't like right away, but yeah,
it was that confused. Yeah, and that confused me even more. Yeah,
it did. Um. I don't know if I would say unfair,

but just confusing the you know, I want everybody out
there listening, because I do think Peter, there's uh, I
think your story is so complex. Like I think what
we watched in your season at first was like, oh this,
we're not getting to know these women at all. Peter

is just like super confused. There's chaos all the time,
But really, when you dig below the surface, it's because
there is a lot of complexity to it. You know,
we don't take into account a lot of times, like
what you were doing to try to protect these girls,
or what you weren't saying to try to protect these girls,
or what you weren't saying to try to protect relationships
or then fast forward, as we just talked about, like
move into breakups and engagements, and like, there's so much

left unsaid and left unseen that just confuse us. Um,
And so I want to take the remainder of this
podcast to dive into the things that have been most
confusing for us as viewers of fans, as friends, as
you know, family. Um. But let's take a break, take
a breather, a good glass of water. We'll come back
with Peter on the Almost Famous in Death podcast. We're

back with Peter Webber. Peter, Uh, just to summarize what
we've been so far. We just got done talking about
Hannah and and your engagement and your breakup and kind
of some of the reasons why. I'm sure that doesn't
explain at all, but that you know, we get a
good taste of why it ended the way it did.
You know. Now we flash forward in the time in between, um,

because we're gonna do this podcast kind in a timeline.
We see the finale and one of the things that
broke my heart, and I don't know if you've listened
to the podcast before. Uh, Peter, but you know, my mom,
my dad and I are very close. Uh. I love
them dearly. During the show, one of my biggest fears
was how they would come off, because I know they

didn't sign up for this. Um. It's one of the
reasons why when we did uh the live shows with him,
I said, hey, just be very like when you start
to think, you want to say something like check yourself
seven times before you start to speak, because they get
very passionate their parents of a kid who let's be
clear here, uh, outside of a few exemptions, like their

parents of kids who are getting engaged on a show
two people they've never met, especially when they care about
their son or daughter. Uh. And this is something I
mean for me and my family comes from a background
of faith. Like my mom has told me many times
she's prayed for my wife since the day I was born.
Can you imagine that coming from a like me coming

to her one day in a two hour period and going, hey, Mom,
this is my wife. I get my parents freak out
and actually feel alone here, Like my parents had a
really hard time with this, Okay, Um, but that still
doesn't negate and I want you as a son, because

I can only imagine, man, like if I was you,
like Ashley can attest to this. Yes, just like you know,
fans of the show, we're like, what was Barb doing?
I'm sure you felt the same way, like Mom, I
would feel the same way, Mom, what are you doing?
Please stop talking, like we'll figure this out later. Just
like not on natural television. I can't do this now,
skip over that because that happened as a son trying

to protect his mother and seeing the record, like the
repercussion from her comments and her behavior on a show,
and knowing where it came from. What does that feel
like to you? It? Really it was tough for a while,
especially at the beginning. Um, those were some like tough
days just to like see, yeah, the attention that my

mom was getting in that way, um and then just
having but just having time to kind of like really
reflect on it and just talk with my mom and everything. Um.
Listen again, I know that my mom. Everyone that knows
Barb knows that she's extremely passionate and um emotional, and
that's kind of where I get that from. But there's

one thing that I wish I got a little bit
more from my mom, and that was just again like her,
like her voice, and again we don't have to discuss
like the delivery of it, because that obviously just it was.
It could have been different, but her voice and not
being afraid or wanting to like just follow the you know,

the direction of how a conversation should be going or
that that part of the show. You know, like she
she effectively was standing up for me and what she
truly thought was in my best interest. And um, that's
something that's not easy to do against against so much opposition.
It's just not and something I just wish that I
had a little bit more of in me, um, you know,

and just like having my voice be heard and putting
my foot down in situations and just be like no,
like this is what I feel. And um, but Peter
like and maybe and tell me if I'm crazy here.
H But as much as I know my mom, like
my mom had trouble, I'll be as as clear as that,

like she had troubles trouble with my experience on this
she loves you know. There was this time where when Jessica,
my fiance now and I first met, my mom wrote
me or actually called me. She wrote me a letter,
uh previous relationship, but called me this time and she
just said, I just want you to know how happy
I am for you, like and like those words mental

lot to me. I knew that they weren't coming lightly.
I knew there was a heaviness to them, but a
heaviness that I loved and appreciated because I knew she
had that I had her support, uh with my my
now fiance. But I say this in the context of
I remember during the sea the time on these final shows,
being having a fear of embarrassment, like a middle school

me came back out of me and it was like, Mom,
please don't say dad, Mom, and dad, please don't say
anything too crazy here out of protection of me, because
I know it's coming from a good place, because of
the embarrassment that will ensue for me afterwards. And I
don't want to be embarrassed for you because I love you,
and so like you say that, like I know we
all know that Barb is coming from a place of
protection and love for you, like that's never been questioned.

But the part that hurt was like some level, and
and you yell at me if you don't agree, like
at some level's embarrassing, like it would have embarrassed me too.
I had a fear of, like, Mom, please, Dad, please
don't say too much because I don't want to have
to protect you the public, because I love you so
much and I know you're coming from a good place,
but they might not. Yeah, I I could totally see

how that could like be embarrassing. I really could. But
I think that I don't know, I guess maybe just
the way I've been raised in like in like that,
that's just every household, you know. They usually conversations like
that occur behind closed doors, but conversations like that do occur,
and there's no doubt about that. Ours just happened, happen

on live television, and I don't know, I maybe I'm
weird about it, but it's I was just in that moment,
I was trying to stand up for what I was,
you know, I believe in what I wanted, But I
don't I never looked at it as as embarrassing or
anything like that. It's just I guess we've just kind
of I don't know, I guess we've just become so
open to kind of having been in this world for

the last year and obviously my parents were really involved
with both seasons. Um, just letting people into our a
conversation that occurs between family members, and not every conversation
is pretty and not every conversation people agree on and
it's all butterflies. That's real life. And I think at
the end of the day, it's one of the beauties
of the show. Is it just it is real life. Yeah,

as a production that happens, of course, is there's something
that has to happen for drama entertainment, sure, but you know,
one of the beauties is it's real life. And that
was just another aspect of real life that Yeah, it's
never been shown before on TV, but that was just
family talking and family doesn't always agree. There's nothing wrong
with that. So uh So then I asked, so if
that's and and that's great man, I'm I agree with you.

That's a good perspectives. Like these conversations. You know, you
you know, Ashley's dogs bark in the background and she
yells at her mom. You know, my parents walk through
the background of the video and they distract me and
I'm like, guys, get out of the room. Like that
just happens, Like that's part of life. That's a part
of the relationship. So then it leads me to this
is if this was hard to watch on TV, Uh,

it was real life things as we've talked about. Um,
for Anny, bet there listening that goes hey like but
but okay. But these kind of conversations are also the
conversations that can separate families right right when talking about
significant others, when talking about love, when talking about future,
like yes, for you, this might have felt like, of
course she's protecting me, but for somebody out there watching

could have been like, oh, if my family had that
kind of conversation, this ruins us. So if somebody's listening
going like that felt like a heavier conversation than my
family has ever had, and that felt harder to come
back from than anything I've ever experienced with my parents,
what was the healing process? Like? Uh? And as much
detail the better, because I do think there's probably somebody
out there going how in the world do you heal

and come back together and love and support for your
family after seeing that kind of conversation go down. Yeah,
I mean I just I I took I went back
to the hotel, was there for a couple of days. Um,
just obviously everyone just took some time to cool down.
We were, you know, just texting each other and just
checking in, making sure doing okay, but you know, just

giving it some time. And um, you know, after the
conversation I had had with uh, with Maddie and we
decided to just you know, go our separate ways, you know,
I went home and um, I yeah, it was it.
You know, a little awkward at first, of course, but
you know, I it's just I know it probably sounds crazy,

but like my family just we just have always been
so close and it's like one of those things where
you know, I remember walking in and my parents were
they were making uh, they were making dinner in the
in the kitchen, and I just went up first. I
just like I gave him a hug, and I like,
I went mom for a long time, get my dad
a hug, and um, you know, I just told him
that I loved them, and you know, we started talking

about obviously what had gone down, um, and and that
was it, Like that was I know, it sounds like
that sounds insane, but like it wasn't. My My parents
weren't like they weren't attacking, you know, they weren't attacking
me or uh. They were always trying to have my

back in that. And so we just discussed. I pretty
much explained to them the conversations that I had had
with Madison and kind of like how I see it,
and you guys, yeah, you've kind of been right. You
have been right, and um, it's never been like my
parents they never had they never like hated Madison. It
wasn't that. It just they knew that it wasn't gonna work.

And that's where there, that's what was causing the direction
of that of that conversation. Um. Yeah, I don't know.
I think people were like maybe hope, I don't know
if they want to see like drama or attention, but
it's just not the way my family roles, Like I
don't know, it's just we're very close knit and close
and um, I mean, if anybody's sitting out there, no

matter what your parents did, no like they could like
and they're going, I hope this like ends poorly for them,
Like I want to see drama, intension, and I want
to hear a story of them like slamming doors in
their face and not talking for two weeks, like that's
messed up. Oh yeah, I ask you this question because
I mean, I know there was healing. Uh, it's all

we wanted. Yes, it made for a lot of conversation,
and it made for more more of the healing then
was coming from us. Just like I wanted to be
there for my parents, my parents wanted to be there
for me, and we I guess just it just knew
that it would be better to be supportive of each
other and be there for each other because we were
getting attacked just from the outside, so we didn't have
to be attacking each other. Not that we would have

done that, but it just just for that healing process,
which you're so right, we are still going through. Um,
I just knew that, you know, come together, don't push
each other apart right now, And that's kind of why
we did that. I would. I think there becomes an
age in like a maturity level where if you have
the ability, right, there's obviously pain within families that you

and I haven't experienced and we can't speak to, but
there becomes a maturity level of a sudden you do
make that commitment like your parents make it to you,
and you make it them to say like no matter what,
like I'm gonna have your back here and I love
you and no matter what, no matter what, and like
we're gonna work through some really tough stuff because we're
all human and we all mess up, and we all
it gets convoluted and crazy, especially when your son goes

on national television to find love. I get that I've
been there, buddy. Um My mom and dad and I
are closer than ever. Um, and I'm glad to hear
that there there was healing or they're just like there
was like a process to work through. Um, Peter, we
got to jump into you today and I know we've
kept you longer than we told you. But uh, there's

some there's just some massive headlines. I mean I'm gonna
read them here. Um, just a few. Uh that's brought
you to this point. Uh talk, This is not coming
from the almost famous podcast. These are things that you're
reading as well. So much for True Love. Bachelor Peter
Webber and Madison Pruitt split days after dramaic finale. Peter
Webber and Kelly Flannagin appeared to confirm romance rumors as

bachelor starts to isolate together. Uh. Um, you know we've
had I'll skip over some of these here. The point
of that was, like, you've been on the news. You
haven't stopped being in the news, um since your time
on the show, Um, just a few short weeks ago, Kelly,
what would you like to say? Like, what what is
going on there? Uh? Pretty bed out there listening. It's

reading rumors that are seeing the pictures. Like, it's not
a secret you guys are together. I mean I think
you're I just got a TikTok to you and I
are being compared to each other by how bad we wait,
we don't like, do a TikTok challenge together or something. Yeah,
to see who to get the most mean comments. That'll
be good. But they're actually energy. Those I love to read.

Those are fun. So it's not a secret you guys
are hanging out. Uh. Truth is truth is truth, as
we like to say, here, tell us your truth. What
is going on? What do you want the world to know? Yeah?
So my truth? I mean I'm in Kelly's apartment right now. Uh,
I'm in Chicago, so I'm quarantined up with her and
Destin and let's see. So to go back so people

can understand this. Um, we so we had met up
again in l A when we just through like a
mutual friend Christian. I'm not sure if you know Christian Haggardy,
UM shout out to her. Just had her birthday eight
but she was so Kelly uh is good friends with
one of Christian's friends and Katie and through her brothers

and so Christian and then we're hanging out. I was
a Dylan. We uh all ended up un into each
other that one night in l A got her number
and UM started communicating always just you know, obviously been
very supportive of each other. UM. And then pretty much
long story short, you know, Kelly was you know, having
some stuff she was doing with with her family, just
um like um, just like health issue stuff. And UM,

I wasn't flying for a while, so you know, I
knew she was by herself. She never roommates. I guess
her family was all in Florida, she was in Chicago.
Decided to fly out and spent some time with her
and just kind of take her mind off things. UM.
That's when this was all kind of like the quarantine
stuff was like okay, stay home and UM, so I
decided to just kind of make this kind of like
my home base. UM. On top of that, I realized

it's probably smart to do because my parents are in
their sixties. I still wanted to live at home, not
going to risk you know, obviously I have to fly
still as an essential workers, so I didn't want to
risk bringing something home to them. So this is the
place to be. And UM, you know, we've just been
hanging out and we really get along really really well.
And I you know, I love you know, every second
I spent with Kelly. UM. You know, she's an amazing

person and we just always have been supportive of each other. Um,
you know, are are we dating? No? Um? I am
the first person to admit that I I've been through
so much, the emotional roller coaster of all roller coasters,
and the last thing I need to do is to
jump into another relationship. I just was engaged a couple
weeks ago, figuring out another relationship. But Kelly has just

been someone that is just honestly just She's been there
for me and something that I just really really appreciate,
and I'm trying to be there for her. Um. And
we just we get along really well and have really
good chemistry. And you know, who knows what the future holds. Um,
I'm not saying nothing could happen, but right now, I
just taking things really slow and enjoying each other's time.
This is one of the only times in the history

of the world that, especially for you, Peter, that you
could literally make the comment we're not dating, but because
of self isolation, it's not weird to say you're living together. Okay,
That's why I was just going to clarify. I was gonna, like,
you say you're not dating. You're saying that you're not exclusive,
but you're like definitely kissing, right listen, No, no, no

comment on that, but I will just say that, Um,
it is weird, right, just keeps getting more and more confusing,
Like what's up with my life right now? What's next?
I don't know? Um, but no, yeah, there's there's no rumors.
That's just that's the truth. And um, I mean Kelly
is in there. If you guys wanted to see hider

so but yeah, yeah Kelly, yeah, bring her in here. Um, Peter,
you as she walks in and get kind of gets
settled here. Um, you seem not oddly. I was gonna
say oddly, that's the wrong word. You seem uh more
at peace right now, um than what I expected, right,

like I just expected. I mean, I think anytime anybody
gets off of a season, if it ends well or not,
there's like this anxiety. There's this little panic. It's a
confusion on how to enter back into the world. You
get more attention than ever. People are taking pictures of
you walking down the street, like it gets weird. You
seem very much at peace right now. Would um and
I hope Kelly does coming because I would love for
you to hear this, But like, how much of that

is because of Kelly? Honestly a time, Um, yeah, Kelly
is just I mean since we kind of reconnected, Um,
you know, I know, it's so funny, like everyone thought
that there was this thing with my mom and Kelly.
Wait before that really wasn't My mom just really supportive
of Kelly and like Kelly, I don't know if there
was the whole Chicago connection, but um, so Kelly is

just constantly shown me that support and just been someone
that I've been able to talk to you that kind
of just gets it. We just went through a very
similar experience and we just unfortunately on the show, like
the show wasn't the perfect avenue for us to really
get along well. But life's weird and you you know
how you always say, like you things happen for a reason,
and you know, you never know why it's happening or

you know in the moment. But um, I don't know.
Kelly just someone that I'm extremely grateful for that you know,
she can be in my life right now, Um, and
during such a difficult time. Uh she I know, she
always made the comments like on this show like oh,
she just wants to have fun and like I wasn't
having enough fun and like rewarding the you know, the
drama or whatnot. But Kelly is like the smartest person

I ever met and just um is so patient and
just uh, it's just someone that I at the end,
they just really get along with really well, and honestly,
like I I'm just really happy that we're able to
spend time together during this time. And that's probably why
you're seeing me, Um maybe not so down and and ancious.
Trust me, I've been that way. I've I've had my moments,

but um, Kelly's definitely helped me kind of push through
that and you know I owe a lot of that
to her. I gotta say, from a rom com point
of view, your relationship with Kelly and all the serendipity
that just keeps popping up, the fact that you guys
met before the show, you kept running into each other
in the middle of the show. Uh, definitely mix for

a good movie ending if you guys do end up,
you know, finishing this quarantine with wanting to spend even
more time together. Right, I guess that'll be the true test.
Once we're a lot of like escape and leave this department,
are we're gonna still spend all our time? Hello, Howdy,
all right, we got a special guest appearance. Hey, Kelly,
come on down and sit for it's just a second here.

Hey Kelly, Hello, it's the attorney. Chop Chop Kelly. We
just got done talking to Peter a little bit about
kind of how you guys reconnected and um, what you
guys are doing right now. He said, it's funny he
won't admit that you're dating, but he says you're like
self isolating together. So I said, it's the only time

that you can live together without dating, and it's okay
for the world. Um. He also has mentioned how good
you've been to him during this whole experiences he's kind
of going through not recovery, but just like processing at all.
Why are you being so good to this man? Like
why what is it that you've seen in him? What
is it that you've empathized with that you're going I

need to lean into this, this person who I'm assuming
you care about in some way, to be completely honest,
I don't know, but since I've been young, I've always
just been like a little helper in terms of taking
people under my wing and just like kind of leading
them in the right direction. And especially with him, like
you could tell he's super smart and he gets it,
but there's some things where you just want to shake

him and be like wake up, Like why what are
you doing? I don't know why I took it, like
in under why I took him under my wing? But
there's just some things that I could see that I
could tell he couldn't see, and I just felt the
need to be like, Peter, what the hell are you doing?
And especially with him, I could be like completely honest
with him, like believe me, I don't hold back on anything.

Like he hears the hard truth on everything, whether whether
it's mean, rude, he doesn't want to hear it, um,
you know, and he's able to handle it, and I
like people that are like that. I became really close
with Kelsey on the show as well just before that
for that reason, like I could speak my mind and
she's not going to sit there and take it in
like a rude way, Like I'm not sitting here trying
to be malicious and anything that I do, I'm just

trying to help them. Um, where did pet help then?
I mean if that's if that's what you're saying, like
kind of like drew you in and we get it.
Like I've known Peter since he started this whole thing,
like he's I've always said, like he's he's a nice guy,
he's a great guy. There are things that he did
there this season not I'm I would have told him
as a friend and like don't do that, Like that's crazy,
Like like as a buddy to buddy, I would have said, like, hey,

that wasn't smart, Not that you were like ruining anybody's life,
just like not smart? What what like what were the
things that you saw in him that you're like I
want to help And why would you want to help him?
I've always said to him too, like I'm always willing
to help if I see, I would rather hang out
with someone who has absolutely nothing. They could be like
a bum on the streets, but if they have a
good heart, I would rather help that person than like

a pompous pole who you know has everything and has
to tell you how much he has. And with him,
I just saw he has such a good heart, and
I saw that he was getting manipulated every which way,
and it just like kind of piste me off. And um, again,
I wasn't the best contestant for the show, and I
think everyone knows that, but even with him on the show,
I would see him getting manipulated, and I just want
to be like, can you stop, like make your own decision,

like stop, um, even in terms with him and him
and my relationship on the show, you know, the first
couple the first couple of weeks, I saw him like,
look at me differently compared to when we got on
our one on one, And I could tell a hundred
percent that like producers were in his head because on
the one on one nothing happened between us, but he
had this like demeanor towards me that was like so

piste off. And I was looking at him like, what
the hell were you told because you know what, nothing
happen here for you to have this, to have this attitude.
And so right then and there, I knew something was
like going on behind the scenes, and I was like,
this is bullshit. So on our one on one which
no one really saw, no one really saw, was um,

I just called it out. I looked at him and
I said, can I just speak freely? And he was like,
go ahead. And I was like, hey, Peter, they don't
let me see you. They locked me up in a
closet for three hours last week and they won't let
me see you. I said, you clearly know they pushed
some people for and they don't push others forward. And
I was like, you've been in my position before. What
do you want me to do? Um? But no, it's

just I saw him like things were getting in his
head that he wasn't able to make his own decision,
and it just kind of piste me off. And I
really don't know, because he asked me all the time,
he was like, why do you even help me? I said,
I really don't know. But at the end of the day,
he has a great heart and I see that, and
I think that's something that I was just like here, look,
I see this. I see that you take it for
what it is. Peter, you mentioned earlier that you think

that maybe you and Hannah and didn't challenge you enough
in your relationship. Do you feel like you found your
challenger just here? Oh my god, I'm nice to short
short answer. Yeah, No, it is very grateful for her
throughout all this and yeah, and all the patients that

she's Well, it's interesting between you guys and what seems
to be going down between Hannah By and Tyler. We
have a couple of couples to be on or not couple.
Sorry not to label it, but we have a couple
of people feeling things out that will be interesting, um
to see what happens given the amount of alone together

in this time you guys will be having Kelly, thank
you for jumping on. It's been fun for us to
follow the stories. I know it's been crazy. I know
you know there's a thousand different opinions, but thanks for
coming on the podcast, thanks for talking to us, and
thanks for looking at for this guy. Um um keep
doing your isolations saying uh, Peter, be before Ashley has

a little fun with here. I want to just take
a second and talk to you, um and ask you
one kind of open ended question. We always like to
give our guest the opportunity on the in depth episode
to kind of speak your truth to everybody listening. Um.
Some people come to the almost in Depth podcast Uh
in kind of a hard place. Uh maybe uh, just
a dark place. Some people come here just to share

who they what they're doing, and how happy they are. UM.
I would love for you to explain kind of again
where you're at, uh, and then where do you want
this to go? Like what now are you hopeful for?
Where are you finding hope today? Where do you hope
this whole experience takes you? Where do you hope your
time with Kelly takes you? And good people? I mean,
I know Kelly isn't the only one you're spending time
with right now? Like where do you hope this this

time of kind of being an isolation goes? Uh? This
is a minute, two minutes however long you need to
just speak to our listeners on who Peter Webber is,
Where do you want to go and how are you doing? Yeah?
I I so Peter Webber. Um, has you know I've
experienced just so much in this last year. Um, that

I'm gonna take with me, yeah, for the rest of
my life. And um, you know, just every every relationship
that I that I had on this show you know
obviously worked or didn't work. Um, just growing from that
and learning to you know, take time and like not

rushing to anything like I've done just so many times
in the past, to truly just like, uh, you know,
do do stuff for me and like not not be
so much of um someone that's just trying to please someone,
and just uh and not put my foot down, like
just put myself forward a little bit more. Um. That's

one of the biggest things. If I want to do
the show over again, I would have done. And after
the show that I'm one. That's that's me now going forward. Um,
I you know, throughout all this like isolation right now,
and like everyone has so much time to kind of
just process it and just reflect on everything about your life. Um.
You know, I'm looking forward to the future now that

more than I ever have, and I think all of
us are. And like one of the beautiful things about
this isolation is no one's going to take anything for
In my opinion, no one that takes anything for granted.
After this is done. We're released. We're free to do whatever,
like go out and just do what you need to
do and just hopefully use this time to be like
focusing on yourself, focusing on relationships that you know with

the people closest to you, and just become a better
person and just not take anything for granted and regards.
Like with Kelly, Um, you know, who knows like what
this turns into right now, I just know that I
I love the time that I spend with her, and
for whatever weird, crazy reason, we are in each other's
lives right now, and it's weird. I know it's it's

insanely serendipitous. But um, you know, I'm just excited and
like I'm I'm in a really good spot now and
I'm so happy that I can say that because you know,
even a couple of weeks ago, I wasn't there. But
I just feel like such a stronger person, such a
more confident person, someone that knows what they want, um
and how to go about that, and I just I

just I just I'm grateful for that. That's what a
good partner does. Man. So I was going to say,
that's what a good part does, So okay, Uh, final too,
to just clean up that some of that and make
help with makes sense. Or are you spending time in
Chicago right now for you or just because it was
serendipitous and you got locked down there? Are you doing
this for yourself? Uh? Honestly, it's both. Like I I'm

enjoying my time, so I don't want to leave, um
except for when I have to go to work. Um.
But again also just because you know, not just getting
given anything hopefully my parents, um going back home there
when I do fly Uh, but yeah, I'm not having
a good time. And then uh, final two things here.
One is for both of you just to clear cleared
up because I do think one of the hardest parts

has been as Kelly said, like sometimes it's like we
just need like the full truth to get out there,
yes or no, Like we need to fully understand is
there a crush going on here? Like is there a
crushing going happening between both of you? Kelly, you can
answer that as well. Yeah, definitely crushing on her for sure.
So that means that Nick vile Kelly is not like

in the picture. I don't know what happened with that. Okay.
Nick wanted me to post it, and I was like
skeptical because I was like, why is my post that?
And now he's out to be like, oh what did
he say that I was cryptic, that I was cryptic.
I was like, I'm not cryptic. Why do I want
rumors being spread them? But yeah, but Nick's been supportive

of all this, so it's funny though. That's hey, we
get it, we get it. Hey, Ashley, sorry about that,
Kelly Peter, thank you. Now Ashley's gonna have fun with you. Um,
this has been this has been a blast, actually taken away.
I have questions for you guys who are currently quarantined
and crushing on each other. Um, what have you spent
time binging on TV? Oh my god, so we've been

we finally finished it, but Tiger King. But we we
are two people that we just had a d D
to like the like Ultimate Extreme, and so it took
us And I told him like seven or eight episodes,
but it took us probably like a week of like
trying to watch it. Same here, same here. Jared and
I weren't like that impressed people. It wouldn't be that
big of a show if people weren't quarantined. Right now,

I thought it was pretty shocking. It's pretty crazy. And
then people keep telling me that I looked like the
freaking guy as the travesty, not not the husband, the
former husband. Okay, Um, any good movies you've watched together?
Since we stuck at watching it like we were doing
puzzles for a bit, We've been doing We've been doing
a lot of dances. We have a lot of dances

to release. You just gotta work. What's your favorite food
to deliver together? There's a lot um. So, yeah, Chicago
is known for the beef sandwiches, and so I used
to live in Chicago for you know, when I was
really little, and there's a really great beef place here
called Mr Beef, but Kelly introduced me to a new
one called Portillo's. So honestly, I probably fifteen pounds since

I've been here and get that almost every day. Actually,
it's so bad, Like I thought I was gonna lose
weight and quarantine because I was doing an amazing job
at intermitted fasting. I was like going sixteen plus hours
without eating and now but like, but the meals have
been so heavy, so cheesy, that's hilarious. Um, Okay, is

Chicago now on the map for a place that you'd
move once you officially move out of your parents is Chicago. Um. Honestly,
I I I've always thought New York or l a um,
but I don't know who knows. I Chicago is kind
of similar in New York. Um, I don't know. We'll see.

So you guys have really enjoyed tick talking and crushing
on each other. What is the pet peeve that you
guys have both discovered about each other since being quarantined?
The pet whenever we go to Portillos? What are saying
we go to Portillo when we pick it up? Oh,

so Kelly is she's got a weird pet peeve that
she can't have hot anything hot on her lap. And
so we do a lot of door dashing, door dashing.
But when we do decide to try to get out,
we'll go in the car and like I always like
try to keep it on her lap. It's like kind
of picks her off. But that's uh, yeah, that's Kelly's

pet peeve. What's mine? How do I annoy you? Oh? God,
I started, I started. I just got a cameo and
it's so much fun and like I'm like constantly going
around just like to it. I'm just having the absolute
time in my life, and she keeps looking at me
just oh, I did the one yesterday. It was kind
of embarrassing. Then you like caught remember, Oh my god,

I think there was someone sent a cameo into him
that was just like to an ex girlfriend or something
that was super rude, and it was like essentially saying,
how is your sugar daddy like status doing? But I
took it totally seriously and read it completely serious, and
then your ass off after I finished, Like, you're not
sending that right, I'm like, what do you mean, I'm not.
It was hilarious and she's like, that's like a complete

franking joke, scrude. You don't want to be affiliated with that.
Do not do that. And he was like, what are
you talking about? And I was like, oh, Kelly with
the brains killing with the bread right now, he's an
attorney guy. She's really smart's so quick. I'm just a violet.
My last question is a fun one. Right now, if

there was one girl that you could have taken further
along in the competition than you did, who would be
come on, yus? It's this chop job, right here's amazing. Alright, guys,
thank you, You're so wonderful because we're great. This was awesome.
I wish I was actually kind of hoping that last

question you just throw one back at her and pick
somebody else just for fun. But hey, uh, hey uh, Peter,
it's been awesome chatting with you. Um, thanks for sharing
everything with us. I know we kept you over, but
I I feel like it was worth it. Ashley, UH,
and I were very excited to talk to you. Kelly.
Thanks for coming on uh and talking with us both.

We do this little thing at the end of every
episode and we're just gonna ask you to follow along
with us here because we're all on this together. UM,
so just follow our lead, Okay. On this week's in
depth episode, Ashley and I get to talk with Peter
Weber uh and then at the very end, Kelly, it
was an awesome podcast, uh, one of a lot of complexity.

I hope our listeners take a little time to process
kind of through Peter's emotions and the journey that he's
been on and how he's gotten to this point. Yes,
he's made mistakes, Yes he's done some things. As Kelly
mentioned that, we just want to shake him and say
you can be better, but haven't we all? Um? And
and the truth is he shared this whole thing with us,

and we got to be grateful for that. Uh. We
wish Peter the best. We appreciate his time. Uh with that,
I've been been, I've been Ashley Ivan, Peter, Ivan, Kelly Later, guys. Hey,
for anybody out there listening, make sure you watch Listen
to Your Heart. It airs Monday, April ABC at eight
seven Central. Make sure you watch it because it's coming

out weekly. It's gonna be great. Ashley. I think you
and I are gonna be a big thing. You and
I are going to talk about it every week. So
you know, if you're not watching Listen to your Heart,
you're gonna feel totally lost in our discussions. So you
gotta do it. That's right. Followed the Benn and Ashley
I Almost Famous podcasts on I Heart Radio or subscribe
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