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January 16, 2025 54 mins

Trista listened to her body and now, the show will go on without her. Fresh off her departure from “Special Forces,” she’s here to address the regrets she has leaving the show and the gnarly injuries some of her co-stars endured. 

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
This is the almost Famous podcast with.

Speaker 2 (00:02):
iHeartRadio Almost Famous The Ogs. I figure i'll start this
one because I am going to be talking a lot
to you, Trista Sutter, Nay Wren. I gotta tell you
almost Famous the Ogs. We do a lot of things
on this show. We've been recapping the Special Forces, but
last night was the departure of my beautiful and talented

co host, Trista Sutter.

Speaker 1 (00:25):
And I was texting you in the middle of the.

Speaker 2 (00:28):
Show because I was so worried about you last night,
thinking of watching this show and knowing how desperately you
wanted to go.

Speaker 1 (00:37):
To the end, and you.

Speaker 2 (00:39):
Know last night obviously the show kicks off with us
seeing that Ali's gone, and then as they're getting ready
for the first mission, you leave the show and you're
medically I guess it was technically a medically left the
show writer. Was it a voluntary It was voluntary.

Speaker 3 (00:59):
I had to hand him my arm band.

Speaker 2 (01:03):

Speaker 4 (01:04):
It was based in uh medical issues, or part of
it was. And I can share that experience. But continue
with your question, if you had if you had more.

Speaker 2 (01:13):
Well, no, all I was going to say was I
was texting you last night because I was concerned about
how you might feel, you know, just knowing you, and
I mean, you and I are both people pleasers, and
you know, it's so hard to walk away from.

Speaker 1 (01:26):
Something you committed to.

Speaker 2 (01:27):
And I wanted you to know how I felt watching it,
which was what you said and how you composed yourself
and how you handled yourself. I thought was so respectful
to the process and to our service people, and you know,
and I think they felt that way too, Like he
didn't give you any grief.

Speaker 1 (01:47):
He was like, yeah, no, you know, we appreciate you know.

Speaker 2 (01:51):
I mean, it was like it was like their their
way of basically saying, like, if we could tell you
to go home, we would have, you know what I mean,
because you you just had hypothermia, you had just a
rough go and you know, and you said, you know,
like I have so much respect for what you all
do and our service people, and but I don't want
to be a burden to my team.

Speaker 1 (02:10):
And I felt like that was such a very kind
thing to think.

Speaker 2 (02:15):
About in that moment, because you know, especially in the
tasks that came later in this particular episode.

Speaker 1 (02:23):
You know, there was hand to hand cobbat.

Speaker 2 (02:25):
They were scaling the side of a wall, carrying five
hundred pound a gear up, a pulley.

Speaker 1 (02:31):
I mean, you know, more water.

Speaker 2 (02:33):
Stuff, you know, which you had just had hypothermia from
being in the water.

Speaker 1 (02:38):
It's like, you know, would you have been a burden.

Speaker 2 (02:41):
I'm not saying you would have been a burden, but
would you have had a very difficult time after going
through what you had just gone through? I would say yes.
And I think that it was the right time, you know.
And you said you were at peace with it, and
I think you know. I guess my question was, after
having seen your exit on television, are you still at
peace with it?

Speaker 3 (03:00):
Yeah? It's hard.

Speaker 4 (03:03):
So a little background, I I'm leaving, we're doing for
everybody listening. We're doing this at six in the morning
Mountain standard times, so five Pacific, because Blakesley and I
are leaving to go to a dance competition. So I
watched my exit but not the rest of the show,
and just to see kind of what everyone everyone would see,

because I knew I would be getting questions and.

Speaker 3 (03:32):
It's hard.

Speaker 4 (03:33):
It's hard, and listen, I hate to live with regrets.

Speaker 1 (03:39):

Speaker 4 (03:39):
I went into this and I said, I wanted to
give myself grace and say you go as long as
you can, like you, obviously, the goal is to make
it to the end. That that was the ultimate right
and I really truly wanted to. But what every one

doesn't see, and I've said this kind of over and
over again, is the in betweens, the running. When I
did feel like a burden, truly, like you, thank you
so much for your sweetness last night and this morning.

Speaker 3 (04:13):
That was very sweet. It like literally got me tierry
just now.

Speaker 4 (04:18):
And because I did truly feel like a burden, I
didn't want Golden or cam or Nathan or anyone, Christy,
anyone feeling like they had to give any extra effort
to take care of me when they really need to
focus on taking care of themselves. And then you don't

see any of what happened truly with the hypothermia, and
there were multiple people with hypothermia by the way, the.

Speaker 3 (04:49):
Exhaustion from the beach.

Speaker 4 (04:51):
I almost fainted on the beach, and after I got
to the vehicle. You know, I think I've told you this,
but and Chris explained it, I was turning blue, I
was lethargic, I couldn't hold my head up, lockjaw, like
all of these crazy things going on uncontrollable shaking and oh, sorry,

I haven't.

Speaker 3 (05:13):
Woken up yet, can you tell?

Speaker 4 (05:16):
So even though I woke up an hour ago, I
haven't woken up yet, so you know, I'm on the beach.
I'm going through, like, what is the most grueling workout
I have ever done in my life? And I'm about
to faint. And what I was thinking about this morning
is when I had my seizure that was about I

don't know, like seven years ago, ten years ago, I
don't know.

Speaker 3 (05:40):
I don't even remember the date, but.

Speaker 4 (05:44):
They never figured out why. And part of it was
I think that I fainted, at least in my mind,
and so when I am faced with the possibility of fainting,
my mind automatically goes to I can't because I'll have
another seizure, you know.

Speaker 3 (06:03):
So that was like weighing.

Speaker 4 (06:07):
On my on my mind in that moment, and I
went up to DS Rudy and said, I think I'm
gonna faint. I need to see a medic and he said, okay, well,
then you need to give me your armband if you're
going to go see the medic. And I was like,
but I don't want to. I just want to go
see him. And and mind you, Jordan had like gone
to like talk to them about like her panic panicking

in the water. So I was like, I'll just ask
to go see a medic. They said no, and he
said you can either keep going or go see the medic.
And so I kept going and I was like, I'm
not ready to go home, just like I was saying
to Cue when he was yelling at me, like all
the way up the hill of the beach. I was like,
I'm just not I'm not ready to go home. Now

flash forward to getting hypothermia and then.

Speaker 3 (06:57):
Like change it. You know, she changed me.

Speaker 4 (07:00):
Everything I as you saw to like last night's episode
when I said when I was crying in the warming
room and saying, I feel like I'm Michelle of a human.
I feel like a Michelle of myself. That was the
night before after I had come back and I just

had no energy. I just even even eating, I had
no energy. I was totally depleted and really close to
the I think limitations of what my body could do,
like truly because like having to face the possibility of

having another seizure just because I fainted, not that that
would definitely have happened. But in my mind I thought
it would was really really scary, and.

Speaker 3 (07:53):
All they what they.

Speaker 4 (07:54):
Kept saying to me in the mirror room interview was
it's going to get a lot harder. And I did
have the mirror room interview that nobody saw either, and
in that, you know, they gave me validation that they
saw that I was working one hundred percent for myself,
but also kept saying.

Speaker 3 (08:14):
It's going to get harder.

Speaker 4 (08:15):
It's going to get harder, and I think that was
their way of saying, go get some rest, like think
about what we just talked about and what you just
went through. And so after the mirror room, I walked
down with Rudy and he pulls off my hood and says,
I thought you were going to leave on the beach,

and I'm really proud of you that you didn't. That's
what it's all about, like just keep going, like, choose
to keep going if you feel like you can keep going,
And just like the kindness from him of saying, you know,
I'm proud of you.

Speaker 3 (08:52):
You did really well.

Speaker 4 (08:54):
And that's kind of like I wanted to go to
make myself proud, to make them proud, to make my husband,
my kid's proud, and I feel a little bit like
a like a hypocrite in talking about, you know, teaching
my kids to pick themselves up and keep going when
they are faced with hard things because I left, but

I also, in that moment at that night, chose to
keep going at least for that moment. And then we
you know, I took a really long shower. Ali was
talking about how she had the first shower and she
felt like she had to really be quick.

Speaker 3 (09:32):
I took a long shower. Yeah.

Speaker 4 (09:33):
I was like everyone else was already at that point,
like in their cots or like almost ready for bed,
and so I just took my time because I just
still had no energy. And then went to sleep for
I think two or three hours and woke up to
the like fireworks in the trash can, and and I

just had this piece come over me, like I it's okay,
okay to leeve this is your journey. You're feeling like
a burden. I hate that feeling. I hate that feeling.
And then just the kindness that I got, the fact
that they validated me for working one hundred percent of

my ability, and then just the massive amount of respect
that I that I gained from the already massive of
respect that I have for our military and special forces.
I gain that. And it's crazy to think it was
just two days, but it was a really long two days,
and I feel like I learned. I learned a lot. So,

you know, it's really hard going back to that initial question.
It's hard because in that moment, I did feel so
much peace, and I have to remind myself of that.
But watching it and knowing, you know, the bonding that
still continued to happen, and the personal challenges that they overcame,

and that kind of thing, and that's a whole you know,
one of the big reasons why we all go. I
do have a little bit of fomo, Like, I have
a little bit of a little bit of regret in that, well,
couldn't you have just woken up?

Speaker 1 (11:14):

Speaker 4 (11:15):
And what you also didn't see is that, like they
show everyone kind of chill like at times they show
the chaos. But that morning when he said you have
fifteen minutes, and that is you got woken up like
out of nowhere. Right, Yeah, most of us are probably
dead asleep. You get woken up like in a really

dramatic way, right, And you have to make sure that
your pack, is your birkin is packed, that you get
some food, that you brush your teeth if you feel
like that's important, and I think most of us do that,
you like brush.

Speaker 3 (11:51):
Your teeth, That you gather all of your clothes.

Speaker 4 (11:53):
So you hear one somebody said, like someone took my sock,
like we were talking about with Ali yesterday. Like it's
really hard to just all of a sudden, you know,
fourteen of us or however many there were at this Yeah,
there were fourteen or thirteen, No fourteen because Ali was
still in it. Our trying to grab your clothes and

get dressed with your warm clothes. So anyway, I it
was mad chaos, and you didn't see the mad chaos.
You saw like Landon and Marion having a conversation, and
that was definitely not that morning. That morning, everyone was
like super focused on getting to the parade to stand

in parade. So anyway, I just I woke up with
this sense of peace. I was like, you know what,
this is too much for me. I don't want to
push my body past what it can do. And then
come to find out later that day after I had left,
after my exit interview, that they did the submersion in
freezing cold water and they felt and so I was like,

that is why they were telling me that it's just
going to get harder, because I think they knew that
I was pushed to my to my limit and and
they wanted me to kind of get to where I
where I got, I would assume it would be it
would be nice to talk to when we do talk
to Rudy and Billy, just to ask them, did they

know did they kind of push me a little bit
in that direction so that I wouldn't get hurt or
push my body too much?

Speaker 3 (13:30):
I don't know. Anyway.

Speaker 4 (13:32):
I do have a little regret, but I have to
remember there were certain reasons that I left.

Speaker 2 (13:37):
You know, when we talked to Q, one of the
things that really resonated with me was, you know that
he is a kind person. He's a badass, that he's
a kind person, and I think, you know, like they

even said, they're like, you know, our goal isn't to
ruin these people. Our goal is to give them a
glimpse as to what we've gone through in our lives
so that they know how to push their bodies and
they reach their full potential.

Speaker 1 (14:12):
So you know, I think like you know, there was a.

Speaker 2 (14:16):
Common interview question that was answered after you left the
show going into the next the milling, which is the
actual hand to hand combat, and basically they asked everybody,
you know, how do you feel about violence? And you know,
everyone starts answering that question, and you know, everybody to

the letter, you know, I mean you have professional athletes,
you have you know, I mean, well, at this point,
I guess really you got a bunch of professional athletes
and a Disney actress. You know, that's kind of where
it's at at this point. Yeah too, And and you
know they're going through the questions with everyone, and everyone
do a number was pretty much like you know, hey, man,

I I mean.

Speaker 1 (14:58):
I'll do what I got to do.

Speaker 2 (15:00):
I don't I don't want violence, but if someone is
coming coming for me, I got to protect myself or whatever.
And it got to Nathan and Nathan's like, I've never
never hit anyone.

Speaker 1 (15:12):
I've never been in a fight.

Speaker 2 (15:13):
And you could tell when we interviewed him how kind
and just gentle he was, and it was it was
really interesting to watch that segment. I mean, Carrie Hart
looked like a professional boxer. I mean, honest to god,
you know, he you could tell that dude's been in
some scraps, you know. And then you have then you
have Kayla, Kayln Nicole, and she's like, you know, look,

I've been in a couple of situations where i had
to defend myself, so I'm not afraid to do it.
And and it was like she she you could tell
she knew what she was doing. You could tell Carrie
Hart knew what he was doing. Everybody else was just
sort of doing what they had to do. I mean, Cam,
I think just from his his physical presence was was
you know, poor Nathan, right, he had to get in

the ring with Cam because of their size.

Speaker 1 (15:59):
But even to that.

Speaker 2 (16:00):
Point, you know that they at one point they go, guys,
you're supposed to be hitting each other, not running into
each other. Like they were both just sort of like
running into each other and pushing each other down.

Speaker 1 (16:10):
And and you know, at the end of it, Cam
was like he was trying to find some inner piece.

Speaker 2 (16:14):
He's like all zend out, you know, because he popped
Nathan in the nose, and Nathan's nose was bleeding and
that ended up being knocked Nathan out. Marion Jones her
Ribs got broken. We're assuming she got They were both
medically you know, relieved of duty or whatever you call it. So,
I mean it was but man, that was the moment
where I was like, Trista Windhle because I could never

see you. I mean, you're a scrappy person. And don't
get me wrong, I mean no disrespect by this, but
I just don't. I couldn't see you being in there
punching someone in the face.

Speaker 1 (16:48):
I just couldn't.

Speaker 4 (16:50):
No disrespect taking. Yeah, so that was part of it.
And mind you, I'm in the hotel that we started
at before we left, so I'm back in one of
my room actually, and we're hearing from producers kind of
what's happening and what's going on with the other recruits,

and we hear all of the injuries. I mean, Nathan
broke his nose land and broke ribs, and Marion broke
ribs and they were all in the hospital like we
I'm sitting in the hotel talking to Denise being like,
you know, I'm sad to be gone, but I am

at peace that you know, I left, And then finding
out about that, we were like.

Speaker 3 (17:41):
Thank god we left when we did.

Speaker 4 (17:45):
I mean, I mean, you know going into it that
this is going to be part of it. If you've
watched previous seasons, right, they do it every season. There's
certain things they do every season. This is one of them.
And I've never been in a fight before. In the interview,
the pre interview that Nathan was shown saying, I, I

don't know. I haven't dealt with violence before. I said
that pretty much the same thing. I've never had to.
But I'll you know, I'll fight if I if I
need to, And I'm pretty positive I would have been
against Kyla where you know, the smaller.

Speaker 3 (18:28):
Actually was Jordan.

Speaker 4 (18:30):
No that that was after the water, so we haven't
talked about the water yet, but yeah, Jordan was gone.
So if Jordan was gone, then I definitely would have
fought Kyla, and I feel like we would have been okay,
but you just you just never know.

Speaker 2 (18:46):
They didn't show Kyla's as much like I was wondering
if you would have been against Christie.

Speaker 4 (18:53):
Yeah, Well, Christy's taller, and I feel like her and
Alana are didn't they fight? They're a pretty good match,
her and Alana, and then Kayla and Marian and then
I think the guys were odd anyway, yeah, Nathan.

Speaker 2 (19:09):
Yeah, Corey fought or Carrie Hart fought Brody twice and
we didn't see.

Speaker 1 (19:14):
Christy and Alana, so we didn't see much of that one.

Speaker 2 (19:17):
We saw them, like we saw Christie's face getting you know,
the head gear put on and stuff. I didn't rely
see it, but yeah, you know to that point, that's right.
That was the second one. The first one was actually
they went back to water in a sinking boat and
they have to rescue the black Box. And even at that,
I'm like, thank god Tressa went home because I know

as they're going to the water, you even hear land
and you know he would he had even said He's
like I can't do more water.

Speaker 1 (19:44):
I just can't.

Speaker 2 (19:45):
You know, you hear a few people saying these things
and or maybe it wasn't Landed, but it was someone
but they were just like I can't.

Speaker 3 (19:51):
You know, maybe Jordan, because she ended up going in yeah.

Speaker 2 (19:55):
Well she yeah, she was not having it like she
She's just like I can't do it, and he's like
you can't. And that's when you sat, that's when you
sort of get a chance to see the d s's
you know, actually encouraging you and not just being hard
assd as. Like I thought it was really great to
be honest that they were like, you can do this.
You know, you could do this, Like they knew she
could do it if she just got over this this

fear and this panic that developed on the beach, you know.

Speaker 1 (20:21):
But but you know, she couldn't get past it.

Speaker 2 (20:23):
And and they were like, well then hand us, you know,
hand us your armband and we got to go. You know,
I really thought after after this series of uh of events,
they they brought Marion Jones into the mirrored room, and uh,
that was really touching for me, so to listen to her,
and you know, because she was One of the things

she did was, uh, she went down when she was
trying to undo the black box. You had to first
like unscrew this connector, then you had to undo both sides.
Then you had to swim up with a black box. Well,
she was doing great. She didn't get the connector all
the way on screwed, so she just physically pulled it out,
like pulled the cable out and swam out. And they

basically honed in on that and they were like, you know, uh,
physically you're gifted and you're you know, you're you're someone
that we thought was someone who would win at all costs,
but you're obviously someone who makes rash decisions and doesn't
listen or doesn't see the whole picture or something.

Speaker 3 (21:25):
Like that to detail, doesn't listen to detail.

Speaker 1 (21:27):

Speaker 2 (21:28):
Yeah, And so it got her to start talking about
the doping scandal, which you know, she actually went to
prison for six months, she lost all of her medals
and records, which she's one of my favorite Olympians of
all time.

Speaker 1 (21:39):
And I didn't realize all that.

Speaker 3 (21:40):
Happened, Bob, Neither did I.

Speaker 4 (21:43):
I had no idea, Like, honestly, I I think I
just my brain just pushed that stuff out about the
doping scandal, and all I remember when I saw her,
it was the same thing. She is one of my
favorite Olympians and and well.

Speaker 2 (22:01):
I always remember her a cute smile and you know
all that like when she was in the Olympics.

Speaker 1 (22:05):
And yeah, so it was so but you know, it
was interesting because she owns it like big time.

Speaker 2 (22:10):
Yeah, you know, and you're watching her in this interview
and she's like, it's me, I I made the choice,
like and they're like, oh, what a they gave her?
An opportunity to I don't know, step away from it
a little bit. They're like, you know, what a what
a horrible set of circumstances or whatever. I can't remember
what they said. And she's like, no, I made the
wrong decision in that moment. Yeah, and I shouldn't have

done it, but I most certainly shouldn't have, you know,
been misleading about it, and I chose to do that.

Speaker 1 (22:39):
And so when all that happened, and you're just like, WHOA.

Speaker 3 (22:42):
I love her.

Speaker 4 (22:44):
I love her. I cannot wait to talk to her
on the podcast.

Speaker 3 (22:48):
But she is.

Speaker 4 (22:49):
She's one of my favorite people from the show. She
was just so caring and I people make make mistakes,
people make more choices, were human, you know, and I
love that she owned.

Speaker 1 (23:04):
It, you know well, especially her circumstances.

Speaker 2 (23:06):
And I'm not sure we can ask her this, I
guess when we have her on the show, but she
mentioned that when she went away to prison for six months,
she had a baby, like a young child. Oh, and
Anne had to go away, and you know, she was
talking about how her mom came to this country and
all she wanted to do was make her mom proud,

and here she disappointed everyone and you're.

Speaker 4 (23:30):
Just like, yeah, and she's really close with her mom.
She was literally just in Turks and Caicos with her mom.
Oh no, I think, like I don't know if any
more family, but this last week she was in Turks
and Caicos. Anyway, I love her, and I, like I said,
I did see like little snippets from the show last

night as I was walking by the TV or whatever,
Ryan had it on, and I could he hear it happened,
and I'm I'm glad she got the opportunity to speak
about it and that it's airing, you know what I mean,
because because they didn't show my my mirror room interview,
It's not like I had anything like really significant to
talk about. I was just kind of explaining who I am.

But the fact that she got that, I bet that
was like a little cathartic, you know, for sure.

Speaker 1 (24:22):
I hope yeah it was.

Speaker 2 (24:24):
I will say this, like, I think one thing this
show does very well is when they when they have
those moments, you know, like we used to call my
tms right in the moments, and I don't know what
they call them these days, but I feel like they
do a really great job of giving people a chance
to have a redemption moment and you know, or whatever

it is if they're there from you know, one of
the other teamwork tasks I want to talk about really
quickly because it was kind of when you start seeing
the frustration on people, like you know, the fighting thing
was one thing that's just you know, can you be
have aggression in the moment and then reel it back,
you know, which is one of the things that the
Seals were the ds as we're talking about, they split

the team and they split the guys the people into
two teams and remaining people into two teams, and they
basically have to go on the beach, inflate a boat,
paddle this boat out around this buoye, and come back.
And it's it's basically, you know, we're going to see
who who can be a good leader. And so they
have essentially they have Golden Tate who was picked essentially

as a captain, and Brody and you know, I was
anticipating Golden just to shine in this moment because he's
been a team player, you know, an athlete's whole life,
and he's been you know, I know, he's been the
captain of you know things, and but he kind of
froze in the moment, and it really kind of created

tension on his team.

Speaker 1 (25:53):
Yeah, like you know it's him. He had first pick.

Speaker 2 (25:56):
He chose Cam. Then Brody had first pick or second chick,
he shose Carry. But like the way these teams came together,
you know, there were two people who were picked.

Speaker 1 (26:06):
Last, obviously Christy and then I think no the actress.

Speaker 3 (26:15):
I think Brody said.

Speaker 4 (26:16):
I think Brody said that he when I was watching
that part and they were talking about Brodie's team, because
that's the only team that Brody has, right.

Speaker 2 (26:29):
Anyway, he he Brody's team crushes it. Like they're two
minutes behind inflating the boat. The boat's not even fully inflated.
They gotta go on the water because they're gonna just lose.
Because yeah, uh, I think it was Team Alpha was
Golden's team. But anyway, they're already on the water, but
they were such a hot mess in the water.

Speaker 1 (26:50):
It was insane and they were like just meandering all
over the place.

Speaker 2 (26:55):
And now Golden or Brodie's team jumps in and he's
like all right, hard on the right, you know, and
there and he's just like you can tell the dud's
been around water. First of all, he's a great surfer,
and he's a he's a great athlete also, but he's
just a natural leader, you know, and.

Speaker 1 (27:08):
He really takes charge of his team.

Speaker 2 (27:09):
And they get in line and they're just doing it,
and the other team it's like everybody is you know,
Cam's yelling at Golden, Christie's yelling.

Speaker 1 (27:18):
Kayla's yelling.

Speaker 2 (27:19):
You know, they're all just like all over each other.
And and the fact that they even finished this thing
was pretty remarkable. Then they have to do what's called
a I think they called it a powder doughnut, which
is like basically their their punishment is they have to
go submerge themselves in the water. Then they have to
come back out, lay on the beach and cover themselves. Insane,
and it's and this just creates even more attention. So,

you know, you got Cam and Golden, who are both
have been in leadership positions. I'm sure their whole lives
for the most part, both professional athletes, kind of at
each other's you know, they're on each other's nerves pretty bad.
And and so you see this like tension between them.
You see, you know, Golden, one of the comments he
had made was, you know, and I've met his wife

once before. She's lovely, but he had said he's like
my wife says, I'm about her father, about her husband,
about her everything. When I've when I got something to do,
and he's like, he's like, I'm struggling right now. I'm
trying to find what I'm supposed to do next, and
you know, and you do. Hear this a lot with
professional athletes, especially in the NFL and the NBA and
MLB too. I mean all of them really, all the
all the professional sports. When they come out of those sports,

it's like, Okay, who am I now? Right, I've been
this guy my whole life? Now with the hell am
I supposed to do with myself?

Speaker 1 (28:29):
And they struggle?

Speaker 3 (28:30):
That was that was Ryan. That was Ryan.

Speaker 4 (28:33):
So he chose to go into firefighting. But he you know,
you dedicate so much of your time. I mean he
was he was a walk on at CU and then
you know, got chosen in the draft, and I he
dedicated his life. Even though he got a college degree,
he was.

Speaker 3 (28:52):
All about football.

Speaker 4 (28:53):
So I think that's that's it's very similar to the
reason that I went and like trying to like find
myself and figure out what my next steps are after
the kids are gone, and I feel that I feel
like it's a great opportunity for it was a great
opportunity for all.

Speaker 3 (29:11):
Of the recruits to figure that out.

Speaker 4 (29:13):
So I think that was a great reasoning for him
to be on the show.

Speaker 2 (29:27):
You know, they say ten percent of all high school
athletes make it into college athletics and then one percent
of those people make it to the pros. So there's
obviously a major commitment that goes into making it to
that point in your life anyway, So it's like, you know, yeah,
finding where you're going to go next, and it doesn't
matter if you're a professional athlete or if you're a
television personality or whatever, you know. I mean, we kind

of talked about it yesterday on the interview I had
with with the.

Speaker 1 (29:54):
Almost Famous team.

Speaker 2 (29:55):
But it's like, you know, I've been being this person
and you have two for twenty some years, right, so
it is who we are and it and then and
then you become a parent and that becomes who you are,
but you're still the person that you know. And I
find it flattering that I'll be at dinner with my
family and someone will come over and be like I

loved you, you know, like it was yesterday time, and
it's you know, so you you do have this kind
of thing like Ali was alluding to when we talked
with her the other day. You know, she was talking
about you know, I tell my daughter I'm not famous,
and she's like, well, people recognize you from the you know,
and they want.

Speaker 1 (30:32):
To take pictures with you. And it's like the same.
You know. I was telling Canyon that story last night.
We were laughing about it.

Speaker 2 (30:36):
I'm like, yeah, I said, I I guess Grayson's right.
You know, when the girl from McDonald's drops off our
our milkshakes and he thinks she wants to take a
picture with me, I'm like, no, honey, she's fourteen dropping
off milkshakes.

Speaker 1 (30:47):
Trust me.

Speaker 5 (30:48):
You know.

Speaker 1 (30:48):
It's good.

Speaker 2 (30:49):
But she doesn't know who I am, you know, but
it is you know, you do have to find yourself
at some point. And and that was kind of one
of the reasons why I never really left my day job,
was I I was afraid of if I was completely
out of the real world, so to speak. You know,
I grew up in the Midwest, so the real world
to me is you go to work every day, and
you know, and I struggled when all I was doing

was television stuff because I'd work for six months and
I'd be off.

Speaker 1 (31:15):
For six months, and.

Speaker 2 (31:16):
Everyone else be like, oh, I cry me a river,
But I'm like, that's not how I'm wired. I don't
know what to do with myself, and this is going
to get me in trouble, you know.

Speaker 1 (31:23):
And so I went back.

Speaker 2 (31:25):
To my day job, even though I kept doing all
the other stuff, fun stuff. But I think it's one
of those things, you know, you get to this point.
I understand why everyone's going on this show. I mean
I think not everyone. I understand why the sixteen people
who were selected to be on this show did it.
And it's the same reason I would do it. It's the
same reason that I think you did it.

Speaker 1 (31:44):
You know.

Speaker 2 (31:45):
It was it's time to find out who I am again,
and let's let's do this, you know.

Speaker 1 (31:50):
And so I get it.

Speaker 2 (31:51):
I get it, and I also get why now, especially
where the show has at, you know, with with you
leaving when you did, the show takes a time turned
to a little bit more of a physicality that that
kind of like the milling thing. And then it also
goes into this like teamwork makes a dreamwork type of phase,
and I think you would have done great there, you
know for sure. But getting to that point, they went

through these two really difficult moments that weeded out four
more people, you know, they I mean the show changed
considerably from the top of the episode where you leave
to the end of last night's episode.

Speaker 1 (32:28):
I mean, it became a totally different show.

Speaker 4 (32:30):
I feel, yeah, yeah, I agree, and like I mean,
like I said, this is one of the reasons that
I that I keep going back to for trying to
you know, ease my whatever you want to call it,
fomo or regret, and that is just that I I

didn't want to come home with an injury, a permanent injury,
be hospitalized, you know, have to have surgery, all of
those things you just you just never know. So I
am I am glad that I chose to leave when
I did and all the events that kind of happened

as they did to lead up to my departure. But
it is hard to watch, you know, like you know,
hard to see because even though the water was freezing
for the boat challenge, you know, I feel like all
the water was freezing anytime we got in the water
and I actually was fine with the water challenges oddly enough,

which is crazy to me.

Speaker 1 (33:37):
I think you would have done fine in that one.

Speaker 4 (33:39):
Actually I feel like that one. Like but so Ryan
was on fear factor. They always say that I was
on fear factor. I literally appeared to like give him
a kiss, like I was not on fear factor.

Speaker 2 (33:51):
I just talked about this yesterday because they called me
to do fear factor.

Speaker 1 (33:54):
I think is it back?

Speaker 3 (33:56):
Oh, oh, you mean back then?

Speaker 2 (33:58):
Back then, and I have talked about this. I can't
believe I've never told you this. And I was like,
no way, and they go, what do you mean you're
an athlete. I'm like, I am not going to eat anything.
It was about the eating things, and I remember saying
at the time, I said, I'm not gonna sit there
and chomp on bull balls in you know whatever. And
they they laughed and they're like, well, Ryan Sutter is

gonna do what we thought the two of you together
would be great. And I'm like, I would do anything
with Ryan, Honestly, God, I would.

Speaker 1 (34:24):
I'm like, but I'm not doing that. I'll jump out
of a helicopter, I'll.

Speaker 2 (34:28):
Do whatever, But when it comes I'm eating stuff that's moving,
I'm not doing And it was funny because I told
that story yesterday to somebody or to the almost famous
Career and they were laughing. But I was like, you
guys know, I know myself, like I know physical, physical
challenges don't frighten me.

Speaker 1 (34:45):
Like I'm not afraid of heights.

Speaker 2 (34:46):
I'm not afraid of I'm not claustrophobic like Ben was
saying he's pretty claustrophobic.

Speaker 1 (34:50):
I'm like, I'm good with that.

Speaker 2 (34:52):
I'm like, but if someone puts something in front of
me that's moving or that's foreign to me, like I'll
eat anything, like if you if you know, I've been
in Italy and they bring out a fish and you know,
the eyes are still in it and they're like, you know,
you should really eat the cheeks.

Speaker 1 (35:05):
I'm like, Okay, how do I do that? You know,
I'll try that. Yeah, I don't like it, but I'll
try it.

Speaker 5 (35:10):

Speaker 2 (35:10):
But it's like, you know, you bring out something that
just still has steam rising off of it.

Speaker 1 (35:15):
Not thanks, man, I'm good.

Speaker 3 (35:16):
No, same same no.

Speaker 2 (35:18):

Speaker 4 (35:18):
On Fear Factor, they did this challenge where they were
in a cage and the cage was like three quarters underwater,
like you maybe underwater up to here, and then they
spun it and you were spinning, and so you would
go underwater and then come back up and have a
breath and then spin and you had to unlock a

bunch of locks to get out of the cage. And
he was Ryan said, I the water stuff, that kind
of stuff, when you're locked in a cage is really hard.
Like mentally you have to be like legitimately.

Speaker 3 (35:57):
Like it's okay to stay calm.

Speaker 4 (35:59):
I kept hearing Brody say stay calm, stay calm to
someone whoever was doing it, maybe it was Kayla, and
it's true, like you, I think in those moments. The
only reason that I feel like I could have passed
that one is because I feel like in those those
water moments, I was able to get past the cold

and just focus on the task. And they give you
a couple opportunities to come back up, take a breath,
go back down, come back. So if I would be
would have been able to do that, then I think
I would have done okay.

Speaker 1 (36:35):
But yeah, they left that, they left that way. Yeah,
also people could go up and breathe. You know you
brought up Brody Jenner, I did want to make sure
we touched on this.

Speaker 2 (36:43):
You know, I think this show is uh better for
some people than others, right from the standpoint of image rehab.
And yeah, not that he needed image rehab, but no, right,
I really I've always really liked Brody Jenner, but watching
him on this show and his Mirrored Room conversation last night,

he talked a lot about the Bruce Caitlyn thing. Yeah,
and uh, you know, he he said, he's like, I
felt abandoned. Uh, He's like, you know, I'll never forget
my dad marries into this new family and they've got
a bunch of kids, and next thing you know, they're
in and the one of the one of the DS's
was like, was that is that the family we all
know from the show.

Speaker 1 (37:24):
And he's like yes, and he's like, how did that
make you feel?

Speaker 2 (37:26):
He's like, I felt abandoned, you know, I felt like
I didn't have my dad anymore and he didn't come
around and I needed him, you know. And it's like
then he transitions to become Caitlin, and you know, and
and and and Brodie is very respectful of that too,
and the d s's were very respectful of that as well.

Speaker 1 (37:43):
I thought.

Speaker 2 (37:44):
But it was like one of those things where you're
watching this this guy and you always just assume that
these people have they have.

Speaker 1 (37:50):
It all right.

Speaker 2 (37:51):
Oh, you know, and I've known Brody. I've known Brodie
for years. I met him several times. Thought he was
really nice. I shouldn't say I know him like we're buddies,
but I know of him and we have friends in common,
and everybody who.

Speaker 1 (38:02):
Knows him loves him.

Speaker 2 (38:03):
Man. And yeah, I will say watching him on the show,
I think I think it gives America a chance to
love him too, because some people probably just hate him
because he's the rich kid who you know, had a TV.

Speaker 1 (38:16):
Show on the Hills. Yeah, he's in the Hills.

Speaker 2 (38:18):
And it was like, you know, he didn't really give
a chance to show who he was on the Hills.

Speaker 1 (38:21):
He was a character, you know, they all were. And man,
he's just I.

Speaker 2 (38:26):
Think coming through, at least from me from a viewership perspective,
I'm like loving this guy and I and I'm seeing
a grit about him that you wouldn't expect some you know,
silver spoon kid to.

Speaker 1 (38:39):
Have, right and and uh.

Speaker 2 (38:41):
And it's like it's impressive, It's really impressive. I was
I wanted to make sure I said that because I think,
you know, I have predictions.

Speaker 1 (38:50):
Now that I think it's time for me to start
making some predictions. And I know you can't make them.

Speaker 3 (38:54):
I can't because I know, but I will know.

Speaker 4 (38:56):
So I do want to say that I totally agree
with you the Brodie thing. I think that you're right.
He didn't need a redemption story. It's not like he's
done anything you know, that needs redeeming. But I really
feel like like he is kind of coming into his
own in this show.

Speaker 1 (39:18):
You know, like girl he's talking about.

Speaker 3 (39:21):
She's adorable.

Speaker 1 (39:24):
This for her.

Speaker 4 (39:25):
I know, he's such a proud dad talking about his family. Yeah,
he just he is in love with his girls and
you know, they're they're adorable and amazing, and I feel
like they have a pretty a pretty great life.

Speaker 3 (39:42):
And I just I've loved that too.

Speaker 4 (39:45):
I love I loved getting to know him. Uh yeah, anyway,
I totally agree with you.

Speaker 2 (39:54):
So there was a there was a statement on the
show last night that I totally agreed with. It was
they were talking about kids and he saw about his daughter,
and Cam was talking about his kids and Golden talking
about his kids, and it was it was a guy.

Speaker 1 (40:06):
Thing, so you know it was.

Speaker 2 (40:08):
But one of the guys said, you know, it doesn't matter.
I don't know if it was a DS that said this.
I'm not sure who said it, but I was like,
oh my god, it just caught my attention. And they said,
you know, it doesn't matter how great or how terrible
of a parent you had. When you become a parent,
the goal has to be that you want to give
your kids a better life than you had, and you want.

Speaker 1 (40:28):
To get better. Was that Carrie?

Speaker 2 (40:30):
Yeah, it was so touching. I was like, oh wow,
that was powerful and I totally agree with it, you know.
So yeah, there I go again. I cry every time
I talk about my kids. But early, come on, guys,
give me.

Speaker 4 (40:44):
A break in it's early. Okay, So what are your predictions?

Speaker 2 (40:47):
So okay, So I I think and I don't. I'd
never I'll be honest. This is probably a horrible admission
to make. But I've never seen the end of this show,
like All the Sea since previous I know Bachelor people
have wanted a couple of times. I've not watched it,
so I don't know how they decide how the end

of this thing goes. But if I had to, you know,
I'm going to divide it into like like two camps here.
I think I think if there's does it have to
be two people that win?

Speaker 1 (41:21):
Is that how it goes? Or not win?

Speaker 3 (41:22):
But as many as finished?

Speaker 1 (41:24):
Okay, So I think I think.

Speaker 2 (41:28):
I think Cam Newton uh, just from his sheer physical
ability to do things clearly are out of his wheelhouse,
but he gets it done his his his pure athleticism.
I think he's going to make it very very far.
I think Carrie Heart's going to make it very very far.
I think Brody Jenner is going to make it very

very far. And I also think.

Speaker 1 (41:52):
That Kayla is a Kayla Nicole Ka Nicole. I think
Kayla Nicole, I think those are going to be our
for left standing. I think I think she is a force.

Speaker 2 (42:06):
Yeah, she is, you know, and I think I said
it in an earlier episode. I was touched by, you know,
the way she handled the whole thing and giving compliments
that Taylor Swift and everything else. But I didn't know
who she was until this show. I had no clue,
you know, I'm like, why is this person there? You know?

Speaker 3 (42:23):
No, I'll tell you my story.

Speaker 4 (42:25):
I got to tell you my story about how so
we were in the vehicle and the vehicle together, I
feel like the first vehicle, which was driving from the
boat that we got pushed into the water and had
to swim to the next task or going to accommodations.

And she was in the car with me, and I
was like, so, what's your sport?

Speaker 1 (42:52):
Oh yeah, I remember you told me that.

Speaker 3 (42:55):
Oh my gosh. She was like, I don't really have
a sport.

Speaker 4 (42:59):
And I was like I didn't know how to to ask, like.

Speaker 1 (43:05):
How do I know you? Yeah?

Speaker 3 (43:06):
Yeah, how do I know you? What are you? What
are you known for? Why did they why? Why are
why are you doing the show? Like what's your reason?

Speaker 4 (43:15):
And I probably should have just said that, but I
just assumed because she is a physical like.

Speaker 3 (43:24):
A powerhouse.

Speaker 4 (43:25):
Yeah yeah that I was like, naturally, she she is.
She just seems like an athlete, right, and she is
an athlete, but just not in the like Olympic term,
you know, athlete when we have all of these other
Olympic athletes. So yeah, yeah, she is a powerhouse. And yeah,
that's a good list.

Speaker 2 (43:56):
Now I think that's my list, But then I gotta
be honest. I feel like Christy Romano. She could she
could be at the end of that Chris Carlson Roman
She's tough, you know, like she was showing showing her grit,
you know, getting kind of pissed off when they were
on the on the raft and then she was a
team leader in one thing, and you know, she's she's

got her team, a bunch of really strong personalities and
she's trying to She was the last person picked, and
so was Kyla.

Speaker 1 (44:25):
And they flipped the script and they let those two
lead and another segment.

Speaker 2 (44:29):
And and Christy Carlson Romano's team wins, just barely, but
they win, come from behind him win, And uh, it
was it was interesting because she a totally different side
of her came out.

Speaker 1 (44:40):
I was like, holy shit.

Speaker 2 (44:42):
So yeah, I mean, it's it's gonna be really interesting
to see as this show winds down.

Speaker 1 (44:47):
But but in my mind, I can, I can. Another
one is what's the woman's name?

Speaker 2 (44:54):
Is it?

Speaker 1 (44:54):
Alana? The pro surfer model. She's been so under the radar.

Speaker 2 (45:00):
After talking to Christy about that, you know how her
husband had said stay under the radar and just don't
don't be a show voter and a complaint. Yeah, she's
not she has not been any of those things, and
she's continuously moving forward. She might be someone actually who
comes from out of nowhere and surprises me on this one, because.

Speaker 1 (45:21):
At one point Ystagram, I'm like, who the hell's that person?
Like I almost hadn't even seen him yet.

Speaker 2 (45:25):
I hadn't even seen her yet, and then all of
a sudden, there she is, and and she was doing something,
you know, really well.

Speaker 1 (45:32):
I think it was with the boat or something.

Speaker 2 (45:34):
She was just you know, partnering, and she and Kylo
were just digging in. And so yeah, I think, I
don't know. I guess I got five still in my
mind goes five at the end, but I mean it's not.

Speaker 1 (45:48):
Really a stretch, right, there's only uh, I think there's
six seven left.

Speaker 3 (45:52):
There's there's eight eight left, right, Yeah.

Speaker 2 (45:56):
Let's see, there's Brody, Brody and Carrie, Kyla and Alana.
Then you've got Golden, cam Christie and.

Speaker 1 (46:13):
Caylen Nicole.

Speaker 2 (46:14):
So yeah, man, I gotta be honest, I think and
I love Golden and I hate to say this, but
I think I think Golden like after this last episode,
he was really down on himself, like really down.

Speaker 4 (46:26):
Yeah, they show him like punching the burkins with all
the sand on his face still because didn't he lose.
He just didn't stand like he didn't do as well
as he thought he would probably in the leadership task.

Speaker 1 (46:40):
Well he's a born leader, I mean, you know.

Speaker 4 (46:42):
Yeah, he thought he failed his team and and that
you remember when I was like consoling him, kind of
consoling him in the vehicle, saying it's okay, I've got
I've got you, You've got me, We've all got each other.
And and I think he just is so hard on
himself when when he isn't able to lift people up

to help them, and I think he felt bad about that.
Obviously he was. He was upset in the in the vehicle.

Speaker 1 (47:13):
Yeah, yeah, it's interesting.

Speaker 4 (47:16):
It is interesting, and I'm I can't wait for.

Speaker 3 (47:19):
You to see like I want to see.

Speaker 4 (47:21):
Obviously then I wasn't there, so I know what happens,
and I know the kind of task that they do
and who makes it to the end.

Speaker 3 (47:30):
But it'll be really interesting to see it all unfold.

Speaker 2 (47:33):
Kyla said something in the last night's episode that I
thought was great too. She's like I teach my kids
there's there is no failure. That word doesn't exist to me,
and I thought that was great too. She's like, you know,
I'm gonna, I'm gonna. I mean, it's kind of like
the Tom Brady addage. You know, it's not win or lose,
it's win or learn. And I've always loved that.

Speaker 4 (47:51):
Oh wow, I love that tea so and honestly, that
one helps me process because you know, it's not failure
quote unquote. If you know, you can call me a failure.
I'm sure there are plenty of people on Reddit that
are calling me a failure, like we were talking about

with Ali. But I'm gonna look at it like that.
I'm gonna look at it like it wasn't a failure.
It was just my journey, and my journey due to
you know, certain reasons. Uh, it just came to an
end sooner than you know, most other people and then

the know a.

Speaker 1 (48:36):
Lot longer than a lot of people on this show.

Speaker 3 (48:37):
I mean, uh yeah, I know, I know, I know.

Speaker 4 (48:44):
I was the fourth well, and honestly, I was technically
the third because because I we woke up that morning
and Ali was still in it. She was still going
like like she was going to go on parade, and
so I was leaving and they were all out in

the parade square and she got asked to leave the
parade square, so I had already left, so technically I
was the third person to leave, even though they show
Ali leaving as the third person.

Speaker 1 (49:18):
I wonder why they made that choice. You know that
I don't know.

Speaker 3 (49:21):
I don't know.

Speaker 4 (49:21):
I don't no idea. Yeah, I don't know. I just
I love that we're watching again. I love recapping these episodes,
and it'll be fun to watch all.

Speaker 3 (49:35):
A'll obviously watch the next episode, but it's just it was.

Speaker 4 (49:38):
It was crazy town yesterday, like justriving, driving here and
there and everywhere, and trying to pack and trying to
pay bills and do things that I had to do
before we leave until tuesday, and.

Speaker 2 (49:49):
You lived it right, and you lived it. So it's
like there's a point of which I understand totally. You know,
I do love doing this, and I hope our listeners
are loving it too, because I am feeling like I'm
learning so much about so many people. This has been
fascinating for me. I don't know why this one has
been particularly gripping for me. It was kind of funny

they were asking me yesterday.

Speaker 5 (50:11):
On the almost famous podcast with Ben and And and Ashley,
and they asked me, They're like, you know, why do
you think the Golden Bachelor cast seems to prefer you
guys over us?

Speaker 2 (50:23):
And I'm like, well, they say people like to identify,
like to talk with people their own age.

Speaker 1 (50:28):
That's probably why. And I'm their age, trist is not,
but I am. And And it was funny, you know,
but it was one of those.

Speaker 2 (50:34):
Moments where you know, I don't know why this show
has me so just wrapped, but it does, like I
find myself just kind of like, you know, following it
to such a degree.

Speaker 1 (50:45):
It's it's like, I don't know.

Speaker 2 (50:47):
I'm really looking forward to the next week's episode cause
I think I think a lot is going to shake out,
I really do. I mean, it's going to be like
the way this one was where we drop a lot
of people dropped. I think I think next week's probably
gonna be the same way. So it'll be a saying
to see how it goes.

Speaker 4 (51:02):
Okay, I'm dying to I'm gonna I'll go listen obviously,
But you guys were talking about special forces when you
talk to Ashley and Ben.

Speaker 2 (51:10):
Only only just in I don't even know if it'll
be in the interview other than we were talking about
you know. It was it was like the lead up
to the new Bachelor season, and so they're interviewing all
the bachelor's and we the episode is not even out yet,
but we we talked. They just talked about almost famous
dogs and you know what we do on the show,
and you know the fact that people really seem to
like it, and and I was like, yeah, right now,

we're we're recapping the Special Forces, you know, because Trista
was on that and Trista's you know the reason I'm
even here right going on Trista's.

Speaker 1 (51:40):
Season and stop it.

Speaker 2 (51:42):
They didn't even they didn't even know the whole Oprah thing,
you know that they didn't even know that about that.

Speaker 3 (51:45):
I forget.

Speaker 2 (51:47):
No, they didn't know the whole Like I was like, yeah,
I was, you know, I was a guest on oprah
show like twelve times while The Bachelorette was airing. And
then Oprah's like, I want Bob to be the next Bachelor,
and that was pretty much it, you know, and yeah,
I'm like I was really enjoying my lovable loser role
that I was playing. Oh, like, you know, everywhere I went,

I'm the guy that was I can't believe she didn't
pick in.

Speaker 1 (52:10):
Like, trust me, she made the right choice. But I
did love hearing it, right, I'm like, yeah, you're right.

Speaker 3 (52:19):
I love it.

Speaker 4 (52:20):
Okay, yay, Well, yeah, I'm sorry that we had to
wake up so early. I know it's not as early
for you, but I'm sorry we had to wake up
so early because of my flights. But this has been
so fun and I hope that everyone out there continues
to watch Special Forces. If you can't watch on Wednesday
nights on Fox, then you can stream it on Hulu

starting the day after. So hopefully everyone can watch this
really like we you know, we have this text thread
with everybody, and last night it was blowing up and
how funny is this one?

Speaker 3 (52:59):
So brody was.

Speaker 4 (53:02):
Like I almost spit my drink out when I heard
Ben Affleck looking ass, Like when when Golden was talking.

Speaker 2 (53:12):
He's like, he's just handsome Hollywood Ben Affleck looking ass
walking around.

Speaker 3 (53:18):
I thought it was so cute.

Speaker 4 (53:20):
Yeah, it's really fun, Kayla said, I might be biased,
but our season and cast is definitely the best, and.

Speaker 3 (53:28):
I I agree.

Speaker 4 (53:30):
I feel like we had such we got so lucky,
which is part of the reason that I have that
fomo with the cast. Everyone is incredible and from such
different walks of life.

Speaker 3 (53:42):
You know.

Speaker 4 (53:43):
Even there like three or four four Olympic athletes, they're
you know, they're in totally different sports. So it's like,
I think Landon and Marion realized that they were at
the Olympics at the same time.

Speaker 1 (53:58):
We did those Olympics. Now that's crazy.

Speaker 4 (54:02):
Yeah, that's so cool. So I just I love our cast.
I love the show. I'm just so grateful to have
been part of it, and I hope everyone keeps watching.

Speaker 2 (54:12):
Yeah, I'm a big fan, so I'll be watching, that's
for sure. So thank you guys for joining us almost
famous to OG's. We love it when you tune in
and get a lot of feedback, so thank you for
the feedback after our episodes. We always really appreciate that too,
So thanks for listening in and make sure.

Speaker 1 (54:30):
You keep on doing it, keep us, keep us around.

Speaker 2 (54:32):
We got more fun stuff coming and more special Forces
coming too, right when more cast members and a couple
more of the DS's and we've got a lot of
stuff lined up.

Speaker 1 (54:40):
So yeah, very excited to be bringing.

Speaker 4 (54:42):
It to you guys, same same, Okay, well this is
Lucky Number thirteen signing off.

Speaker 1 (54:48):
Well done recruit.

Speaker 4 (54:49):
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