All Episodes

December 5, 2022 42 mins

Fresh off their conversation with Brad Womack, our Bachelor OGs Trista Sutter and Bob Guiney talk to one of his final choices, DeAnna Pappas! 

DeAnna shares how The Bachelor has changed since she was The Bachelorette in 2008, and we hear her real thoughts on the rise of influencers getting their start on the show. 

And she reveals what she said when her daughter first saw the clip of her kissing Jason Mesnick!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
This is the almost famous podcast with I R Radio.
Hi everybody, this is Trista and today I'm so low.
Bob couldn't make it. He is traveling today and he
was trying to make it work. He I think just
got to the airport or is going to the airport
and didn't want to interrupt the interview by jumping out

of his car and going inside and going through t
s A. So, uh, so he can't make it today.
I'm really sad. We miss you, Bob. But I'm really
excited about our guest. We've got Diana Papas. She is
one of my longtime bachelor friends well really kind of
my sister in bachelor family. Um, and I'm really excited
to talk to her today. So Hannah, will you please

bring Diana in Hi, beautiful h So for everyone listening,
it was Diana's birthday. Happy, happy birthday. UM what did
you do in years young? That's right, That's right. I'm
going to keep telling myself that, but I have to
tell you. So we just had brad on Um well
Pep'll get it. Yes, why was that? It was great? Um?

He is just one of the nicest people. Um, just
so sweet and it was great to talk to him,
just I mean, obviously we can go into it. Huh.
I'm surprised he did the podcast. I know, shocking, right,
he does not do this stuff, like he's not on
any social media whatsoever, like, has never been on it before.

So yeah, we were really excited to talk to him.
He doesn't. Nope, he's dating someone and there's it seems
like they're serious ish, like they've talked about kids. But
I don't know, well, I don't know. We'll see verdicts
verdicts out and and honestly, we might not even know
if he ever gets married because he's got on social

you can't keep up with him in anyway. He's kind
of like, I'm so glad to hear he's doing well.
I saw that Harrison posted a photo last week of
the two of them together having lunch or something like that,
and I just thought, it's just really great. It's it's
good to see him, you know, and people still keeping
in touch with him, you know, yes, yes, of course,

it was great to talk to him. You know. I
know you're like me and we don't wish our exes
any bad juju, but yeah, you know, yeah, I mean
he's he's a great guy. Um. I have nothing but
love for him. Um. So, anyway, I was going to
bring up so Brad's birthday. My fiftie, as you know,
was at the end of October and Brad's fiftie was

November ten, and so he was talking about kind of
the same vibe, like, oh, yeah, it's just a number
or whatever. And I'm sorry. I love that everyone's saying that.
And I know, listen, I get it. It's better than
the alternative of not having a birthday. I understand that,
but I just don't like it. I don't like aging.

You're funny, never liked getting older. No, what I mean,
that's you do this every year. I know our group
text and we're we're wishing everyone a happy birthday. You
do this every year. You do not like to get
and that's okay. A lot of people are that way,
and right with that means a lot of things, because
we are human, right, and that comes with a lot

of changes, and for women in particular, physical changes, and
those things hard to like look at ourselves differently, or
see our bodies changing, or or or peoples or gray
hair or all of it. That's hard to do. Those
things embrace those things and feel good about those things,
do you know what I mean? Gaining weight, everything changing,

Like it's hard to steel be positive with those things
because you still want to feel really beautiful. But honestly,
I'm with Brad like I feel pretty good. You know,
I don't know to go back to right. I would
go back to that body any right, honestly, at any time,

but like totally like as a person emotionally and like
my mental well being and just being more secure in
who I am at this, you know, with that comes like, hey,
it is not about how many friends you have, It's
about the quality of the few that you do have.
And like, I don't know that I understood that when

I was younger, you know, right right now, I have
a lot of conversations with Blake Sleeve about that because
and pardon me for having a hot slash right when
you were talking about ages. It was in therapy esday
on my birthday. I went to therapy, which is a
per sanity your birthday, and I was like, yeah, a
little birthday sanity, I need it, hey, sitting in there

and it was, I swear to God. Halfway through it
was like sweating and I was like, I'm sorry, is
it is? Do you have the heat on? Why is
it a hundred and five degrees in here? Because well
you are forty one. I was like, damn it, damn
it smokes, that's really happening. Is that the first one
you've ever had? Yeah? I mean it was oh my gosh, yeah,

it was really hot. And there in my defense, yeah,
she just she just was fine with it. No. I
they are not fun, but you know, I yes, the
physical stuff is not fun to deal with. But I
will say just feeling older in terms of my body
and what I can do is such a bummer. Like
I hate being in pain, like having back pain or

knee pain, or my body just doesn't work as well.
A tough year too, Yeah, just health wise in general.
Both you and Ryan like that's those things are just
tough and it is a route awakening to realize that
we just don't bounce back as quickly as we used to.
Totally that that is such a downer to me because
I used to like, hey, I you know, go whatever,

not work out and eat whatever I wanted, and then
I'd be like, go go back to the gym, and
two weeks later I'd been right back where I started.
Not anymore. Even if I go like two days, which
I never do. If I did two days at the gym,
it would still take me like six months at least.
I never do. I don't ever. You don't ever work out.

I mean a little bit here. Oh my gosh, come on,
I've gained like fifteen pounds, like I am. I'm the
heaviest that I've ever been in my entire life. I
can't tell you the last time I've seen my six pack.
But like, I just but I guess I'm kind of
just in this place of where just like accepted, I
just I just want to get like my mental health

and my emotional well being together. I just do what
feels good right now. And if that means I work out,
then that's greatly. I'm totally fine with that too. If
I go to I don't work out, you know, sometimes
that's okay, all right, right, I'm just doing what feels good.
I'll get out and walk a lot. I do enjoy that,
enjoy to get out and walk my dog and listen

to a podcast. So I do try to at least
do that. But yeah, really, at the end of the day,
I had two martinis at dinner last night, and I
feel like I need a nap, like for the night.
I know that too, Like I, Yeah, alcohol, we don't
drink a lot of alcohol, but still when we do,
I feel it. Even if I have a glass of
wine at night, I feel like a little sluggish the

next day. It's not bad, but I want to go
back to bed right now, yeah, right, while you're not allowed.
We're going to talk for a little bit longer. Um,
But I do you, you know, I I love that
you are in a place of acceptance and happiness and
doing what feels right for you. That's what everyone should do,

and even when you're younger. Like I was about to say,
with Blakesley, I have had so many conversations because she
is a teenager, talking about quality of friendship and as
opposed to quantity, like it is much more important to
surround yourself with people who lift you up rather than
um just having the numbers, you know. I We talked

about that constantly, and I think it is a hard
learning lesson. Even at fifty, I feel like there are
definitely times when when I get um, I'm sad because
I feel left out of something or you know, but
everyone has families and their own lives, and it's just
hard these days. People are busy. People are busy. Yeah,

I think the other like hard lesson. I mean, I
am trying to implement implement this with my own children,
but it's been a hard lesson for me in the
last probably year and a half. In particular, is on
the same concept of how many people, right, how many
friends you have? It's not quantity, right, it's the quality.

And I think that it is so important to be
truly and fully loved, holy and authentically for who you
truly are. Do you know the good and the bad? Right?
Still have good and bad And we're all a product
of how we were raised. And no one is perfect,
and you know we have strengths and we have weaknesses.

And it's truly important to be around and surround yourself
with people who fully love you for who you are
alifically holy. Right, we're children of God and He loves
us as broken as we are. That should be done.
And if you are not being surrounded by those kind

of people, you need to reevaluate your situation and your friendships.
And I'm all right with that. I'm alright with people
who are willing to put on the boots and walk
through the ship like those yes, those are the kind
of yes I want to be friends with because that's
the kind of person I am, right fault, and I
love so truly deeply that that's just who I am.

Like that's the kind of friend I am, And that's
the kind of friends that I want. And I got
so important and I want that for my children. I
want that same for anyone. You know, say it has
to be it's very intentional, Like I feel like the
word of the last couple of years has been intentional,
Like you know, focus your intentions on those who do

lift you up and who support you and accept you
and all of those things. So yeah, I love you
for that. Loyalty, relationships and refinement. That's what right to
make other people happy, that's not what we're meant to do. Relationships,
and I mean across the board, marriage, you know, significant others, friendships.

It's about refinement. It is not about making someone happy
or changing someone. It's about refinement totally. And I feel
like these days I am just trying to get through it,
like I you know what I mean. Like there are
times when like yesterday, for ex ample, I got my
hair done. Um, you know, go into the hair solan

air looks so good today, thanks. Thanks. So I go
and I get my hair done, and it's always a
day that Ryan hates because I am gone for so.
I mean, you know, as a woman, well you probably
don't because you get a little highlights, but you don't
have to do anything because you have gorgeous hair and
probably not a lot of gray must be where they

start right underneath here this is oh yes, or just
right at the top, there's like a I was who
I was like, what are all theys coming from? Stress
up life? Anyway, So I was gone most of the
day and he hates the day, and of course I
get home later on in the day and this is

of course after I go picked blakes Lee up and
I from a friends who she had a sleepover with,
like all these things, you know, right, went to the gym,
come home and I'm like, do you want to do anything?
And he's like, I just want to hang out with
my wife, you know, like beautiful. I know. I'm like,

you know what, some days I just gotta have a
me day and put time in. I'm sorry that I
can't be around a hundred percent of the time to
make you happy. But um, you know, sometimes I just
gotta take some time for me. So yeah, it's it's
so true, so do it. Yeah, that's right. Okay, So
tell me about what's going on in your life lately.

I know you do the podcast with Jessica. Um are
you blogging still? I know you're flying, So tell me
what's going on. I have not been doing any of
those things. You haven't. Well, you did fly recently. I
know I'm still working quite a bit, and I feel
really lucky to work for one family in particular, who

I just genuinely love. I've been with them for a
really long time and they're really good to me, and
they're really good to my family. Yeah, tell tell everyone
what you do, though, because I don't think everyone I know,
everyone is always so shocked to hear the real job.
I'm like, I am a real person. That is fascinating
when people write me on social media, Like if if

I post that I have been flying or whatever, I
still get people who email me or sorry DM me
and say, wow, you work, And I'm like, how could
I not? There are built bills around here, like mortgage
if you know, living in the state of California, but
it is really high. Yeah. Yeah, I am a corporate

flight attendant. I have done it, and for those who
don't know, it means private aviation. I work in private aviation.
I can't imagine working for Delta passing out peanuts and
a right especially coming from where you're coming from, it
would be awesome. Addison, maybe she'll follow in mommy's footsteps. Yeah,
so I work in private aviation and I like the

freedom of it because I genuinely am a foodie. I
like to cook and or will taste anything that I make,
So I get to cook and do that in flight,
which I really appreciate. And then also the whole concept
of being able to travel and stay in a hotel
and go places that I want to go all by myself.
Um so I've done that for gosh eleven years now,

eleven years. I had some I have, like this transitional
period of time after I did the Bachelor Rep where
it really wasn't sure what to do with my life.
I think we all do. Yeah. Yeah, it's weird because
you're a normal person, but you're also put in this
place where it's hard for you to do normal things.
So I couldn't do real estate anymore because I just

had strange people who wanted to hang out with me
and were utilizing my time, yes to get to meet
me and pretend to buy a house, you know what
I mean. And then it just wasn't safe for me
to go out alone right show houses anymore. So that
was hard because I was still pretty young and I
was really good at it and I just didn't know
what to do. So and then, as you know this
trusted with the opportunities that come after the past. I

got to do of really cool things like I got
to work on the Red Carpet, and I hosted a
television show, and I got to go to Iraq twice,
in Afghanistan twice to visit the troops, and just opportunities
that I really enjoyed and that I didn't want to
turn down. So then this period of time where I
was like, oh, do I want to continue a life

in television? Like what do I want to do at
thirty years old? You know, I didn't like the concept
of people willing to go over whoever they could to
get on top. And I couldn't get packed that because
at my core, I am not that person and I
didn't want to compete for that. Like I just wanted

to feel full, and I wanted to be happy, and
I wanted to have a career that I enjoyed. I
would like to make some money, you know what I mean.
But like I couldn't. I couldn't deal with that. I
couldn't deal with the competition or walking into every E
News audition and sitting there before other bachelorettes. You know,
whoever was it was popular at the time got the job.
You know, it didn't matter. We were whoever was popular

at the time. And so I just didn't like how
it made me feel and where it was going. So
it doesn't mean that I don't still do things like that.
If something really awesome falls into my lap, then I
will still take those opportunities. But it has to feel
right for me, and it has to go right for
my family, partially in a career I pursued anymore. So

I had some friends who are in the business and
we're willing to turn in my application for me. And
before the Bachelorette, I had had a long history and
service industry and that's really all I am. I'm a
glorified server in the air. And also that's how fun. Yeah,
I like really enjoy it. So I've been working a lot,
long story short of and working a lot and traveling,
which takes up a lot of time, and then yeah,

and finding that when I'm away and I come home,
I really just want to soak up my time with
my family, so it's hard to to squeeze in those
other things where I really enjoyed the creative pieces of blogging.
I still have my website, but I haven't done anything
in a really long time. And and the podcast too.
We're just on a break. I'm not really sure what's
happening there, and I kind of feel free without it,

do you know what I mean? Of course, that's how
it happened to me. Yeah, we recorded down in Beverly Hills,
So you know, I enjoyed it. I don't just don't know.
I'm a bit of a transitional face, so I'm not
sure what. But yeah, as much as I travel and
when I come home, I want to spend all of
my time with the kids. And that comes down to
even like you know, social media stuff like I really

kind of a veered away from doing any kind of
sam like paid post because it's not worth my time
or hurt, and I'm kind of like my goal and
it takes a lot of time. Yeah, my goal is
to be an influencer. That's not my goal. That's that
has been my goal. Like problem sharing, you know, products

or things that I truly feel good about or like
passionate about. Like I don't do it just for the check.
I'm not willing to sell my life for a paycheck.
Like that's not who I am. So, I you know,
I don't know. I think I'm just like I'm trying
to figure myself out again. Yeah, I feel the sway
a self help journey. I'm reading all of the books.

I don't know, if you want to show you. Yes,
these for my girlfriend, for my girlfriends. I follow this
girl on Instagram. That's how we heal. Yeah, and she
is like a self help like account. But she you know, anyway,
I totally got like what do they call it? What
do the kids call it these days? TikTok TikTok. I

bought it. I got it. The kids call it, you
know what I mean. But it's it's a self help book,
and it's a self healing book. And she posts a
lot of uh inspirational things on Instagram. And so I
started her a long time ago and really love it
stuff that she put out. So I think that's where
I'm at. I'm in a bit of a self healing journey.

Do you know what, I think that's awesome. I really
like that. I love that you are willing to talk
about it openly and say, you know what, I want

to make sure my life is a quality I'm having
a quality life, you know, and why not go on
a self help journey. I've always felt like it was
so interesting that people don't talk about when they because
I'm I'm an open book, you know that, like if
I'm having a bad day. In general has just been
so telling for a long time. And also I think

that kind of transitioned right around the COVID time where
so many people struggling. People either thrived or they were
they were a mess. Do you know what I mean?
We thankfully thrived during COVID. I loved nothing good being
locked in my house with Stephen and our kids, like
it was years of my life. Like I loved it. It
It was the first time ever that we were home

at the same time. I got to have dinner every
single night with her. Do you know what I mean,
I loved not having to over commit myself and go
out there or do anything and just be able to
be with my kids every single night. I like that,
but I realized it was not that for a lot
of people. So mental health and mental health awareness and
suicide prevention, all of that has has been brought to

such a light in the last couple of years, where
it was so taboo to talk about before, Like, hey,
I'm mentally I'm struggling right now in face and I
so appreciate people who are not scared to say that
right now. And I'm like, I pretty pride myself on
the fact that I've always been an open book, Like
I don't really have a lot to hide. There are

obviously things that I keep close to my heart, and
when I'm ready, I will share things. That's just that's
how I process. But we all have pieces of trauma now,
whether it was like big pieces of trauma or little
pieces of trauma. Well, myself, I've been through a lot
of trauma. My mom died when I was really young,

and that is hard. That causes deep rooted abandonment issues.
Like I'm pretty self aware of the things that I carry,
and that a place where I want to like fine
tune those things and I want to I want to
work on those things like right now, to be the
best version of myself. I keep saying this authentically for

who I am, and I truly understand that I have
my things too, Like I can be really loud, and
I can die away from the conflict I do not.
I'm pretty smart and I can handle myself. And I
believe in the things that I'm passionate about the things
that I believe in. And you know, like I have
a daughter, now you know this, Trista, Like I want

a strong young woman who is not afraid to stand
up for what she believes in and knows her self
worth and is proud herself. That is incordant to me.
So for sure, self self awareness journey here I am.
I I love it. I honestly I think that we
all should be on a self awareness journey all the time.

Um yeah, I'm I'm an open book too. I have
shared many conversations with you about how I'm having a
bad time or a bad day or whatever is going on,
and and it it always is shocking to me when
other people don't, like you know what I mean. And
maybe not shocking. You don't have to do this alone. Right.

If you're having a bad day, it's okay. If you
feel fat, it's okay. Totally unworthy, it's okay those things.
But the whole, the whole point is that we are
not meant to do this alone, right, I mean, across
the board life in general, we are not meant to
do this alone. We are meant community. And you should
be able to lean on those people, your friends, your family,

your husband, whoever that is. You should not being on
those people and be your true authentic self. And that
means if you're having a bad day or your having
terrible thoughts about your own self, your body, your emotions
are turning fifty one or whatever that is, like you're
allowed to voice that and you should feel and you
should feel supported. Right, No, agreed, And then back to
the influencer stuff. Like I feel the same way. I

will scroll on Instagram, but I don't post as much
just because I feel like it is so consuming in
terms of time and energy and a lot of negativity,
and so I don't spend as much time as I
use to. I mean, I like you if there's if
there's authenticity when it comes to posting um, you know,

doing campaigns with companies and helping them get the word
out about their companies. I'm all for it, but it
can't just be a paycheck for me. Like I remember Blakesley, Um,
maybe she didn't say it, but it was kind of
uh insinuated that she'd want to be an influencer, and
I was like, no, no, no no if that hit

me too when I caught Addison recording videos of herself
on the iPad, going hey guys, nope, nope, no, no,
this will not be a goal like if you. I
feel like both of us landed in it. You know,
it wasn't around when we were on the Bachelorette, and
so it wasn't like we're um like Caitlin or Hannah

or it's like two million people from that yes, yes, isn't.
I think Twitter launched the day that my season of
the Bachelorette was done. Er really, I mean, like I
didn't have to leave that era. And I always think,
I'm sure you can sympathize with this with some of
the newer women who go on the show. Yeah, we didn't.

I wasn't followed by paparazzi. I didn't feel this innate
pressure to physically be a certain size or a certain
shift or a certain hair color. Like I didn't feel
that because there were there paparazzi hiding in Noon and Georgia.
Like I went back to my home. My pass were
never to go on a show and become a famous person.
That was not totally stupid as it sounds. And I

say this over and over again every time I talked
to somebody or in every interview. I went on the
show for the right reasons, right, genuinely fine love. I
gotta say, stupid as it sounds, it's not stupid. Well,
some people look at that like it's stupid because the
girls are making lots of money now, like lots of things.
And I didn't ask for any of those things because
it wasn't a thing back then. It wasn't a thing.

I will say though. We did have paparazzi following us,
and I had people knocking on our door. People found
our house, and I remember a mother and a daughter
they showed up at my door with a magazine like
wanted to get Yeah. It was like, wait, how did
you know? I was like, how did you find my address?

Um immediately called the phone company take my number off,
Like not that we've we had already done that, but
it's just it's just and especially now with children too,
it is a source of protection. I tried to be
live a very normal life and you know you feel
the same, trusta It's always it's always very flattering when

someone still recognizes you from this, It is flattering. I
am always very happy when people see me in the
grocery store, yes, no makeup, looking like a hot mess,
and are not afraid to come up and say hello.
I totally that say, oh my gosh, I enjoyed watching
your season. I like following you on social media. It's
so nice to meet you, Like I will absolutely hug you,

say it's nice to meet you too. Um, totally. It
kind of throws me through a loop when I'm seeing
like at school or something at school pick up and
to my kids, yeah no, I Dia. Addison's just now
at the age where she's like, somebody told me you
were on TV, you know, Like, but they don't they
don't know you haven't told him, well they know that.

I mean, Austin could care less, Like he's literally playing
the same as Max right now. Yeah, he does not care.
They recognized certain things like when we've had film crews
at the house to film it's watch it. The only
thing that happened was when Netflix released it was The
Bachelor and Bachelor, but they re leased a couple of
seasons and someone told me about it, and it was

like there was a like a screen cap above the
season of me kissing Jason Mesnick and Addison. Who's that man?
And why are you kissing him? Not my daddy? And
I was like, this is how do I explained that? Oh?
My gosh right, you know, so I just I do
if she asked, and I don't. Like. Like, she got
in the car a couple of weeks ago from school

and she goes, Mommy, why don't you tell me you
were famous? And I was like started laughing. First off,
Christmas because you know me and you know me. I
was like, first off, I am not famous, I'm not us.
Second off, why are you asking that? She goes, oh,
well someone told me at school and I was like, well,
who that's that's strange, And she was like, I don't know.

Somebody told me at school that their mommy saw you
saw her at school and their mommy told me that
she was on TV and you guys are famous, and
I was like, oh my god, oh my god. Like,
so there's a couple of I may feel a little
guarded then, you know, because there is a piece of
and I'm sure you can relate to this, there's a

piece of going on the show where people think they
know who you are, really know who you are? Do
you know what they of me? Television show that millions
of people watched, but it doesn't mean that they truly
know me. So I've actually found, like in my adult life,
that I tend to be pretty guarded. If someone comes

out of the gate and says, oh my gosh, I
saw you on the Bachelor and I totally watched your season,
I immediately become guarded. I feel like a I can't
be vulnerable, yeah right, I can't be who I truly
am because these people have this preconceived notion of who
they think I am. Yeah right. And there's social media,
so if they take a picture or if they take

a video and you have resting bitch base and you're
not smiling, you're a raging bitch and exactly like to
each their own again, take me happy, Like I'm just
trying to please me. So so that's that. And then
this is a quick funny story. Well I started on
this tangent because you had texted me and asked if

I was watching Bachelor in Paradise, and like, this is
why I'm not because I have no free time. I
would like to watch Paradise. I do really enjoy it.
I have not been able to watch this season at
all because I just don't have a lot of free time.
And I go to bed at the clock when I
put my kids to bed. So there's but good for you. Yeah,
I like a solid twelve hours night. Yes, amazing. There

was a situation that happened a couple of weeks ago
where we have a cleaning lady. She comes every two
weeks and it's been one thing that Stephen and I
don't ever fight about is keeping house clean. So I
will will pay for it. Like I work full time too,
I don't have time right to clean the house. It
is money well spent to me. She's been with us
and cleaning her home for several years, like five years

or something like that. And I didn't know that you
could change your venmo to be private so that people
can't see you know, your pay history or whatever. Oh yes, right,
so I didn't know that it's changed now, but so
I sent her a venmo to pay her one time
for cleaning my home. And then like two weeks later
she was over and she was they were kind of laughing,

her and another girl, and I was like, what are
you laughing at? And they were like, well, we found
out you were on TV. And I was like, that's
so weird. How and she goes, well, another woman's house
that I clean. I saw your house and I was like,
oh god, how would she know that? And she was
like I don't know, but she asked me if I
cleaned your house, and then she was asking me things
like do you have a nice house? Are you? And
oh my god, it was like yikes, wrong, wrong, wrong.

I was like, well right, and she was like no.
I just told her that your guys are great and
your kids are great, like you're really nice people. But
like this woman said, will you give her my number
so that we can hang out? And he likes like really,
oh my, that is bold, like kind of over the
not not even kind of over the line. Bold. Yeah.
I literally was like, no, please, don't give out my

phone number? Oh yeah, or you will be fired. Yeah. Anyway,
she was really nice about it. You know, this woman
is really nice to you know. Blah blah blah. She
just of the show that you were on, and I
was like, yeah, I totally totally get that. I understand that.
I get that. Yeah, yeah, there's just you know, then
I go into that place where I'm immediately guarded, you know, yes, yes, Okay,

well now I can't be me. I can't be who
I truly ain't right, So were you thinking of um
hiring someone else? Isn't that like, because I can imagine that. Okay, good,
and she does such a great job and I trust her. Yeah,
please don't tell people where it so one like on venmo.
That's how she found out that that she cleaned our

crazy It was public on NMO that I had. Yes, yes,
I guess she went to venmo her and then she
saw on the paid history that like I have recently
been mode her. It's weird, you know her. Okay, I
am doing that, like immediately after I get off the
phone and I'm making it private. It was like, oh
my god, let's change your venmodor private right now so
people can't see those things. Yeah. Yeah, there's no reason

that anyone needs to know that I'm paying my daughter's
friend's mom for snacks. Like, um, okay, I know you're
not doing the the podcast anymore, but or you're kind
of on a little break, but I'd love to hear.
I know, you guys basically just shared everything like there
was lots of laughter. Is there one story that stands

out that you can share with us from from the podcast?
It's called Flashbacks People. By the way, if you want
to go back and listen a lot of fun, I would,
I will tell you that, Like I like that it
is a really lighthearted show. We the whole address. I
am definitely more of a serious person than Jessica. Like
she's um, she's just a lot of fun. Like she

likes to hear like old fun stories. She wants to
hear your drunken stories. She wants to hear when you
fell down at a club, like she wants to hear
those things. Yes, I do like to have fun and
I am a funny person, but I just am more
I just like genuinely want to be who I am.
So if I go in and I'm in that mood
or whatever, then I feel like that's okay to talk about.
And I also think that people appreciate about me that

I yeah, I'm not fake in any way, shape or form.
So totally I'm trying to think because we've had a
lot of really fun guests on and we've heard a
lot of really fun stories that there was early on
there was this woman named jesse I think her name was,
and Jessica knew her from the Playboy Mansion. They had
I think posed years ago or something like that. That's

how I need chased each other. But we got to
laughing because she told us a story about how, for
some reason, everybody always had a Leonardo DiCaprio story. So
like this girl in particular, she waits until the very
end of the podcast, and the podcast was a bit
serious at the time, and we talked about her health.
She had just some health stuff going on, and then Marian,
We're like, okay, well tell us like your favorite flashback.
We do that like towards the end, like do you

have a back? So hers we said, do you have
a favorite Hollywood flashback of like your time in l
A And she was like, oh, yeah, I went to
this club one time and then I slept with you know,
DiCaprio and I'm pretty sure he might be my son's father.
And we were like, I'm sorry, you just went this
whole hour on this podcast without telling us that you
slept with Leonardo DiCaprio, which you think his crime. You

know what I mean. It was about twenty years ago,
and now I have a son who looks oddly a
lot like Leonardo DiCaprio. Did you ever follow up with
her or did Jessica ever talk to her afterwards and
see if she did a fraternity No? No, I think
she was like quasi joking, but she's one of those
people like you can't tell if she's joking or not.
She was like she's like six foot and she's like

blond and beautiful and does yoga yes body. But I
start following her on social media and she'll post pictures
of her son and I'm literally like, oh my god,
he he could be Leonardo to cap your son like
he's and he's about that age where like this could
have happened around the same time. So anyway, we got
to laughing so hard because it seemed like every time
we had a guest on, someone had a story of

Leonardo DiCaprio. Had a story of Leo and so like
we could just got to the point where we started laughing.
We were like Leo, we would just like die it.
Do you have a good slashback Trista from Hollow when
you must have someone? I was literally just going to
ask you the same question. I'm like, well, wait, okay,
tell me this woman was talking about Leo. I want

to know if you've ever run in like you live
in l A. So I want to know if you
ever run into any famous people or if you ever
run into bachelor people. I don't run into bachelor people
a lot. You don't live I don't live like in Hollywood.
I know, I know, but still, or even when you're traveling,
like I knew you were just in New York, Like

did you see anyone there? You know what I mean?
You did the first night there, my pilots and I
were going to dinner. We went to this really yoummy
Italian restaurant. Next time you're in the city, I'll have
to let you know Hotel met All. I had lamb
bolonaise that I like to eat, and I was literally
like it was the best thing I've ever had. And
I was like, this is life changing. This is like

we were walking and it was really cold and sure enough,
and you know, it was funny because people will say
this to me too, like, oh, I didn't see you
at first, but I could recognize your voice. I knew,
I knew your voice. Yes, you were walking down um
and we were in the Financial District and we were
walking down to the restaurant. And then sure enough I
heard her say thanks guys, and I turned and looked

and it was Ellen pump Pumpei Pompey Pompeio from Gray Yes,
just announced that she was leaving great as soon as
I saw I turned and looked, and I was like,
and she was like just getting out of her car
and walking into a hotel. She was like, thanks, guys,
like totally normal, total no one around, no one, Yes, right,
I love christ. I didn't say anything. You didn't say anything,

You didn't say no, no, no, Yeah, but I saw her.
Sometimes when I fly, you know, it's because well, we're
not allowed to say anything, so I'm not. But I
flowned some really big celebrities and I don't get star
struck a lot. I don't know if it's just because
the industry that we're in and you know l A
all the time, you know what I mean. Yeah, So

I'm not one of those people to get star struck.
But I saw jay Z one time. Uh huh. It
was like that would be big smokes, It's jay Z, right,
And then in my head in time as he standing there,
I kept going, I was like singing his song in
my head and I couldn't. I couldn't, like I could

not even like carry on a conversation. Was like, oh
my gosh, okay, you just reminded me of a really
fun flashback that I do have. Okay, So I was
dancing for the Miami Heat and um, huge basketball fan,
huge Michael Jordan fan, like huge Michael Jordan fan, and
I was sitting. So at that point in time, we
sat on the court. Now they don't sit on the

court anymore, probably because we got stepped on so many times,
but yes, exactly, UM with really big feet. So we
were on the court and we were you know what
they say, they have big so sitting across from the

opposing team, not the Heat, but the opposing team, and
they happened to be the I think the Washington Wizards
is who he was playing for at the time. It
was Michael Jordan's. So Michael Jordan was sitting right across
from me, like right across from me, and I realized
that I was staring at him. Well, he turns and
we lock eyes right and you just reminded me that

when you started singing New York with jay Z like around,
this is similar to what I did. So we lock
eyes and we are staring at each other. And it
probably wasn't for that long, but you know, when you're
in an in an eye lock, it seems like forever,
like it seems like I couldn't look away. I was like, um,

Michael Jordan's is staring at me, like I literally can't
look away. And after we were staring at each other
for I would say a good like maybe like ten seconds,
which is a long time, A long time to right
one another. I and maybe it was less because I
felt like it was longer, but I said I worded

or I mouthed the words Michael Jordan's like, well, it's
like you say, singing New York, New York like with
jay Z, Like okay, yeah, that's my song. So you know,
like I'm STI ring at Michael Jordan's and I don't
say call me or meet me after, I love you,

or I say his freaking name, and he was scaring
locked eyes, and you go, Michael Jordan, stupid. It's so stupid.
I mean, your life could have changed. I was literally
just gonna say that. Oh my gosh, it was so right,
Like had I met like if I said meet me after,

maybe you would have met me after, and maybe we
would have gotten into this love affair. Probably not, but um,
but you know, it totally could have changed the trajectory
of my life. But that's my fun flashback five too.
And now we're tally it would be what's that movie
with Danny and the other guys really tall, like giants

or something or brothers? What was it? Something like that.
Oh my gosh, it's so funny. I'm going on. Michael
Keaton one time you did pretty early on, like right
after the Bachelorette. He was like, let me take you out,
and I was like, I'm engaged, like Steve, You're like hello,
yeah yeah, and he literally was like you could wear

it or not, but let me take Oh Michael Keaton
right now, but flatter Thank you sir, Yeah, thank you
so much, Thank you so much. All right. Well, I
love talking to you. We could just we could talk
all day. Um, I miss you, and happy birthday, and
give the kids a big hug for me. I am

so thankful that you joined us and Bob oh. I
do have to say Bob was very sad harassing me
and he's not even here today. I know he's traveling,
and he wrote, um, like he texted our group text
with the producers and stuff that he was going to
be in a car probably getting out at the time
that we were doing it, and he just didn't want
to interrupt the interview. So um, he sends his love

and he wishes he was here. I wish he was
here too, But we had lots of fun chatting. So um,
we miss you Bob. Next time. UM, I'm Mr Guinea.
That's right, Thank you, sister. I hope you have a
great time on your trip. Thank you. I wish you
be wonderful. You're doing great. Fifty no, fifty, sorry that

it's all good. Yes, yes, it's all good. This is
what happens is great. Forty one is great. Forty one
is great. That's forty one is great. Um you two
right back at you. I love you. Thank you. Okay
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