Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
This is the almost famous podcast with iHeartRadio.
Speaker 2 (00:04):
Hello, Bob Guinea. I feel like I haven't seen you
in forever.
Speaker 1 (00:07):
I know it.
Speaker 3 (00:08):
I've been in Dallas, Texas hanging out. So yeah, we
got out of the Michigan cold this week. It's like
negative twenty five at my house. My wife is so
happy that I moved here from California to Michigan.
Speaker 2 (00:20):
Oh I bet.
Speaker 3 (00:23):
Oh yeah, I'm just getting lock messages all over the place.
Speaker 2 (00:28):
Uh. Well, thanks for the almost famous OG podcast for
bringing us back together. We're very excited to recap episode
three of Special Forces. I'm excited to hear your thoughts.
I have obviously some thoughts considering I could have been there.
Speaker 1 (00:47):
Yeah, that's part of it, right.
Speaker 3 (00:49):
It seems like the intensity just got seriously ratcheted up,
like in a big.
Speaker 1 (00:54):
Way, you know.
Speaker 2 (00:56):
Yeah, I mean like they do this. I think every
season they do the gas when you get gassed. They
don't do getting buried alive as a punishment. I don't
think I've ever seen that, but holy cow, that is.
You know, It's funny because being from reality television, I
know that anything that they ask you there will most
likely be using at some point, you know, during your experience,
and so of course they ask you what your worst
fears are, and open water is definitely the top fear,
but right probably next to it, or maybe underneath, is
being buried alife. So I didn't say anything, like I
literally didn't say to the producers that I was scared
of it because I was like, Oh, they're totally just
going to use that and run with it, you know
what I mean.
Speaker 3 (01:51):
So when they ask you these questions, when they when
they would ask you, like, what's your biggest fear? Were
they throwing out any suggestions or was it just like
sitting there silently waiting for you to come up with
what your biggest fear was? Because if if somebody asked
me that, I can honestly say, I don't know what
I would say, Like, I don't know what I was
at there. I'd be like, well, you know, I hate snakes,
I hate Oh, there you go, I hate snakes and
I hate spiders.
Speaker 1 (02:12):
There you go. I know what. I know what would
have happened to me? I guess it doesn't us come
off full circle, doesn't it? Well?
Speaker 2 (02:19):
I also I think that I said this and this
and I still say it. I don't think you truly know.
Like when it came to Jordan, I got the pleasure
I had the pleasure of talking to her yesterday for
the podcast, and she did not know that she was
afraid of water until she was faced with it. So
I feel like there are a lot of times when
you can guess if you're afraid, but really, until you
do it, you really truly don't know.
Speaker 3 (02:47):
I'm sitting here getting like the shivers thinking about snakes
and spiders my fears.
Speaker 1 (02:53):
But I mean, let's let's me. You know, you opened in.
Speaker 3 (02:55):
My saying this, and I think it's really kind of true.
You know, you said, like I had a lot of
thought on this because I could have still been there.
What if you were still there, like with that gas
attack had just put you over the edge, Because I mean,
you know, I think it would for me. I mean,
I don't think I would have been able to make
it out of there.
Speaker 2 (03:14):
So I have asthma. If anyone watched the first season,
Hannah Brown has asthma. She did not have to do
the gas challenge because of her asthma, so she had
a punishment where she had to like essentially do a
really hard workout when they got back to accommodations. I believe, yeah,
And so that is what I was told by the
doctors that did our pre interview before we even started
the show. If there is you know, the gas mask,
the gas room, or whatever they call it, you would
not you would be exempt from that because of your asthma.
So I wouldn't have to make that decision. I think
that I just can't imagine because obviously, as an asthmatic,
you I know how it is to not be able
to breathe. But I don't think i've I mean not
that I don't think I know, I have never experienced
the kind of pain that comes with being gassed.
Speaker 1 (04:18):
Yeah, it's next level, stop right.
Speaker 2 (04:20):
Next level. I mean freaking Cam Newton literally ran away
the second that he was, you know, put in contact
with it. Yeah, So I think that says something, you know,
like pain. There's there's not being able to breathe, and
then there's pain accompanied with not being able to breathe.
So I would have had a really hard time with
both of those things if I had to have done it.
But I believe that I would have been exempt from
that one.
Speaker 3 (04:48):
You know, I can't help but think a que in
this moment like when he was, you know, with his
Navy seal training and.
Speaker 1 (04:54):
Everything, and when he was going through it, and you.
Speaker 3 (04:56):
Think about, you know, obviously this is probably something he
I know, this is something he experienced. I don't know
for sure, but I'm pretty confident. And it's interesting because
I have to believe. I mean, we are watching some
people who are incredible shape melting down right then you
see a lot of just rips out of the rooms,
like total meltdown.
Speaker 1 (05:16):
You know.
Speaker 3 (05:17):
I feel like I want to believe again, like when
we first started reviewing these shows. I want to believe
that I'd be able to get through something like this
and be able to complete the task.
Speaker 1 (05:26):
But I just don't know.
Speaker 3 (05:28):
I mean, I feel like your body starts feeling like
it's shutting down. I think people start going through some
weird right, and it just kind of probably makes you
just total just a total otherworldly or out of body experience.
Speaker 2 (05:39):
I I guess, you know, yeah, completely. I feel like
we can give kudos to the people. The two people
two we did it, Carrie and Kyla. We were we
were texting, the group was texting last night and I
wrote and said, Kyla and Carrie, that was amazing. And
you know, other people said so too. They just it
looked like it kind of got easier as it went,
like maybe it wasn't as painful as they were standing
there for a few seconds, but who knows. I mean,
they just powered through, and so give kudos to them.
But I don't like take away from any of the
people who couldn't complete it, because that has got to
be that is, like you said, it's next level, Like
I don't. I don't take away from anybody who actually
tried it. So funny story like linking into anybody who
actually tried it. I've mentioned the Navy seals that I'm
friends with, and finally one of them watched the show
and he was like, you know, texting me as he's
watching it.
Speaker 1 (06:47):
You're you're doing so good. You're sticking in.
Speaker 2 (06:50):
There, you know, And I was. And finally when I
left the show, I was like, yeah, you know, I
didn't do as well as everybody else, but or most
of the other people, but I'm just grateful for the experience.
And he was like, hey, listen, you know ninety nine
percent of people don't even sign up, so be proud
of yourself for actually signing up. So I give credit
to the people who are still there and and tried
it without like they didn't they didn't say, Okay, I'm
not going to do this, you know, I'm going to
hand you my number. They actually did it, so I
give them all big credit.
Speaker 1 (07:37):
You mentioned Cam.
Speaker 3 (07:39):
I thought, uh, I thought Cam's his uh mirror mirrored
room interview was really interesting, you know, after the you know,
because you got to think about someone like him, who's
you know, had so much success as a professional athlete,
and you know, and and to feel like he's completely
out of control. And I thought it was really interesting
that DSA's were like controls an illusion, you know. And
I'm like, I gotta be honest, I don't think of
myself as a control freak. But when I was thinking
about this particular question, I read through it the other
day and I was like, maybe I am a control
freak and I just don't know it because I'm I,
you know what I mean, Like, because I think Kenya
and I, like, we're both used to doing things our
own way, and we've been together for twelve years, right,
so we're both used to doing things our own way,
and that's that's the only time we ever really butt heads.
Is when I've got to design on how to do
something and she's got to design.
Speaker 1 (08:34):
On how to do something. It's different.
Speaker 3 (08:35):
And usually I'll give in for the sake of argument.
I'll go, oh, you know, we can do it your way.
Speaker 1 (08:40):
That's fine.
Speaker 3 (08:41):
You know, like a lot of times I dig I
dig in in a different way and I'm like, absolutely not,
this is how we're gonna do it, because it's going
to be, i know, to be successful doing it my way.
Are you someone who feels like like do you And
I know it's different in relationships and it would be
in situational circumstances, but do you feel like you are
I wouldn't say control freak, but are you kind of
the one who makes a lot of the decisions because
you just know how you want things done?
Speaker 2 (09:04):
Well? Yeah, I mean I like to be in control.
I'm type A for sure. I like to plan. And
I mean Ryan and I were just driving somewhere to
an appointment and you know, I was like, I'll pull
it up on ways and He's like, well, can you
put it on my on my truck And I was like,
I'll just I'll just tell you where to go, and
it just it wasn't like I was being bossy. I
was like, you know, it just feels good to be like, okay,
turn you know you're going to twenty five you whatever.
So yeah, I do like being controlled. I in control.
I do not like feeling out of control. Yeah, I
will say that on this show, you have to give
up control to the DS and in doing that, some people,
I feel like, maybe don't feel safe. But I always
felt safe with them. I always felt like, even though
I'm giving up control, I feel safe. And actually that
brings me to a point that I wanted to bring up.
I just did. I was a guest on the I
Choose Me podcast for Jenny Garth, and I'm so excited
to be on it. I love her. I mean it's
the first time I've met her, and I was just oh,
I was such a huge fan for anyway. I mean,
who wasn't growing up, you know, in our generation. So
so there have been all these news article or people
are pulling from what I said on her podcast and
kind of taking it out of context, and it's kind
of driving me crazy. But it's related to control, like
for reality shows. Anyone who's listening to this podcast, if
you listen to it frequently regularly. You know that when
it comes to reality shows, we all have a contract, right,
we all signed contracts. You basically have to sign your
life away. That's that's like the phrase that's used, right, Yeah,
sign your life away and give up control. And these
news outlets are pulling from it and saying that I
was threatened into They said that I said that I
was threatened that I would be sued by the producers,
and I'm like, I'm sorry, but that's totally taken out
of context from.
Speaker 1 (11:29):
The Bachelorette days or from now or.
Speaker 2 (11:30):
From the Bachelerette days. Yeah, and then and then also
that I had to I was forced was the word
forced to zip my lip? And you know this is
all taken out of like written on a page when
when we're talking conversationally, I'm like, I was forced to
zip my lips because I couldn't say anything about what
was going on when all the cryptic stuff was going
on about Ryan. And I don't want that to look
like the producers were being me. They weren't forcing me,
like they weren't holding me down, forcing me to like
zip my lips. And the Bachelorette producers were not threatening me.
They give you a contract and they say you can
sign this contract and then you can be on the show.
If you don't sign the contract, you cannot be on
the show. Show No, So it's just part of reality shows,
you know, and it always has been it always will be.
So anyway, I just wanted to comment on that because
I'm like, please, don't take words out of my mouth
and take it out of context like these you know,
different outlets and say these things that I it's not
what I meant. I meant that we are all under contract,
and you basically say, of course, I'm not going to
say anything. It's a television show. You want to like
have some secrecy. So in terms of control, you do
give away a bit of your control because you know
that they're filming a show. You know that you are
you have to do what they are asking you to do,
and if you don't, you leave the show. When it
comes to special forces, you know what I mean, right,
So you do give up a little bit of control,
and I'm I was okay with that. So if that
makes me not a control freak, then then I guess
I'm not.
Speaker 1 (13:20):
Maybe maybe either one of us are, because I mean,
you know I did. You did the Bachelor, then the Bachelotte.
Speaker 3 (13:26):
I did the Bacherette, then the Bachelor, so we both
did you know, our our start in this industry came
from two times of giving up complete and total control.
Speaker 1 (13:34):
So maybe we're not control freaks after all. So that's right.
Speaker 3 (13:38):
I was going to say, you know, like the only
time Canyon and I really butt heads with when I
realized we're both control freaks, is that is when we're parking,
because I and I love making the jokes, like I go,
you know, it's so great is we were forty I
was forty when I when I met Canyon, I was
forty one. I'm like, man, I was somehow able to
park my car from the time I was eighteen until
I was forty one without you telling me how to park.
Speaker 1 (13:58):
But ever since we've been married, clearly you are the
king the queen because I simply.
Speaker 2 (14:05):
Cande, Nope, you can't. I think that's every relationship, by
the way, Yeah, I really think so. The helicopter that
was crazy, and actually I felt really bad for it.
Seemed like the wind was the wind was either crazy
on its own or just from the helicopter. You're like
standing on the side, but we were like, what is
happening When Kyla tried to jump off or get off,
and then Alana tried to get off and she couldn't,
And I think it was because the wind was pushing
them like against you, and you had your arms like
you had to have your arms like crossed, so they
couldn't like push off, you know, like and and detach
themselves from the helicopter. And so I felt bad for
them because gosh, that was like a whole other element
that was part of it. You're not just jumping off
or getting off of the helicopter and jumping into water.
You're dealing with like high intensity winds that like are
preventing you. And then a lot of freaking jumps and
comes like and who knows if they were being dramatic
and saying that she was really close to the helicopter blades. Yeah,
but that's that's so scary. I'm so glad that she
didn't jump any higher.
Speaker 1 (15:23):
Well, you know, that's.
Speaker 3 (15:24):
Got to be why they I mean, like we said before,
to ensure a show like this has got to be
a disaster, because I mean, everything you're doing, something really
bad can happen. I mean there's just no question, right.
The fact that it doesn't nine times out of ten
is bananas. But yeah, I mean I wonder if there's
any like, uh like centrifugal force or whatever. That's also
kind of like, you know what I mean, because the
way the chopper's doing and stuff, and like, it's just
sort of like almost pressing you against it, and so
you have to like really use all your strength to
get off of there, but then your hands are like this,
so you can't. I don't know, you know, I mean,
I'm sure there's a lot to it that from a
body perspective, we don't even know that they're going through totally.
Speaker 2 (16:03):
But anyway, I feel like I would have had the
hardest time getting off of that helicopter, just comparing myself
to what happened with Kyla and Alana. Yeah, the swim
would have been hard. And when they put on the
life preserver, Ryan was like, it's really hard to swim,
which is so true with a life jacket on, it's
just awkward, do you know what I mean?
Speaker 1 (16:23):
Well, and especially you also have on multiple layers, right.
Speaker 2 (16:27):
You still have on boots and yeah.
Speaker 1 (16:30):
So yeah, that might keep you a little more buoyant.
Speaker 3 (16:33):
I suppose, so you don't die, but you are definitely
struggling to move and keep yourself. I mean, yeah, the
whole thing to me is just a disaster. I mean,
I don't even know what I would do in that circumstance.
Speaker 2 (16:46):
I mean, well, yeah, I mean I kinda that's that's
the kind of task that I would have liked to
be able to do, because even though it seems like
scary watching it from home, being kind of in the
task that I was a part of, I actually wasn't
as scared in the moment as I feel like I
would have been scared kind of watching it from my house, if.
Speaker 1 (17:13):
That makes any sense, Like I get it.
Speaker 2 (17:15):
Yeah, you know, so I feel like I would have.
I feel like I would have really liked that challenge.
And who knows if I would have succeeded and gotten
to the buoy in time or not, right, But I
feel like I'm an okay swimmer, and as long as
I could actually you know, get off of the helicopter
because of the winds, I think I have been okay.
Speaker 3 (17:37):
Well that's I mean, that's cool, Like the part of
me is because I think that's kind of the interesting
thing about this show. Because you were there, you do
understand the conditions and and everything else, but you also
push your body to the limit, and so you can
actually look at this from a different standpoint, Like I'm
looking at it when you know, I see I see
Cam Newton do something, and I'm like, oh, okay, so
Cam was able to do that. I guess maybe I
could do that in my mind, but I've never done
any of these things that y'all had to do, and
so you know, I'm really going out there on a
limb thinking that I could just you know, match up
with Cam Newton.
Speaker 1 (18:11):
But yeah, I do think it's pretty crazy. You know, it's.
Speaker 2 (18:14):
Crazy Cam Newton. I did. I will say I texted
the group last night and said that I really thought
it was beautiful how Cam was being vulnerable and his
mirror room interview, like he was like, huh, yeah, that's true.
I don't like control, and I feel like he he
gave it up to them, even though you know, he was,
you know, kind of complaining about being played or whatever.
At first, I thought it was good of him to
you know, recognize that he wasn't getting played. This is
the show that he signed up for and you know,
admitting to that, and then we have to talk about
the the a burpie situation. Oh my goodness. I Ryan
and I were talking about it, and I feel like
we both agree that when you're doing a certain number
of burpies or push ups or setups or whatever, I
always lose track. Always, yep, right, And so I wonder
how much of it because I can't imagine that any
of them actually did it on purpose, and they didn't
seem to, like when they got caught be like oh whoops,
like you know what I mean. They didn't act like
they were being caught. They were like, wait, what I
only did that?
Speaker 3 (19:45):
Many imagine how tired you are? Like for me, like,
when I'm doing and stuff like that, it's a timed thing.
It's not me counting to twenty right, right. First of all,
I do twenty burpies. I'm throwing up any of mine.
But if it's a timed situation and someone's like time,
I'm like.
Speaker 1 (20:01):
Okay, great, whatever I just did is enough?
Speaker 2 (20:03):
Speaker 1 (20:04):
So I feel like that.
Speaker 3 (20:05):
I feel like you're right, because I do feel like
you're so mentally and physically beaten down from everything you've
been doing that yeah, you know, maybe you do lose
count of you know, twenty burpies because you're still not
able to breathe, You're exhausted, you're hardly pushing your arms up.
Speaker 1 (20:20):
It's like, you know, I do.
Speaker 3 (20:21):
Burfies at the gym, and Kenyon makes fun of me
because I literally by the fourth one, I don't even
really jump.
Speaker 1 (20:28):
I'm just like just like my body just kind of
goes up. I mean, because I'm just so tired. I'm like, Oh,
that's the least important part. Y. Yeah, Yeah, I think
you're right.
Speaker 3 (20:40):
I mean I think I think these guys are just
so beaten, so tired, so so you know, fatigued from
lack of sleep, you know. I mean we keep hearing
that as a as a constant too, right, Like, oh,
make maybe two hours a night or three hours a night,
and it's a miserable sleep, right, It's like you're scared
of how are we waking up tomorrow morning?
Speaker 1 (20:58):
Who knows?
Speaker 3 (20:59):
You know, when they come and pulling us out to parade,
who knows. So I feel like there's a lot of
that that would just really start to factor in after several.
Speaker 2 (21:06):
Days completely, oh completely and not having like great sleep
or food or anything like they are all they're getting
to the point where they're depleted.
Speaker 3 (21:18):
Yeah, and this is where accidents happen, right, Yeah, yeah,
I mean that's like terli Q said when we interviewed
Q too, He's like, this is when you know, towards
the end, is when you start mistakes start happening, people
start falling out because they're just they can't keep it together.
And that's when you need to be at your best,
when you're at av cl or when you're a recon
marine or whatever.
Speaker 1 (21:37):
You know. So yeah, yeah, pretty interesting.
Speaker 2 (21:40):
Stuff, Okay, And then Alana was featured a lot in this,
which I loved seeing. I like, I'd love hearing her
backstory or a little bit of it. And she definitely
was talking about how she has a hard time, how
she's sensitive and has a hard time with confrontation. I
am so sensitive, and I obviously that's why I was
crying when Q was like, you don't belong here, you
need to go home. You know, I'm just crying. At
least I wasn't fighting back, not that I would have
had a prayer, but anyway, I totally relate to her
and and the fact that it's it is really really
hard getting yelled at even if and I did understand
why they were doing it, you know, like it's still
really hard to take. So and she's, you know, this
is I think day the end of day six, right,
I think it was the end of day six, So
they've been there for six days, and like what I did,
I felt like it was so much, but add in
a fight and the jump from the helicopter and the
guessing and the being buried alive, and like, oh my gosh,
so much more has gone on after I left, So
I totally get it.
Speaker 1 (23:15):
Such a mental and physical toll.
Speaker 3 (23:17):
I think, you know, yeah, there at this point where
it's like, you know, and and I forget who said
this to us. I think it was Christy Carlson actually
who said this, but uh, who's Carlson Romano? Sorry? I
remember her saying that her husband had told her that
it's the mental is more important than the physical. Or
maybe he didn't say more important. I don't exactly remember
what he said exactly Harder, Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's keep
it together mentally and you will make it through better
than if all you can do is keep it together physically. Right,
So I feel like, you know, that's got to be
such a big part of it because I'm you know,
I like to think that I'm not and I am sensitive,
don't get me wrong, but I like to think that
I can. I can block some stuff out, but I'm
still a pretty sense in person. But I would think
after a while of someone just barking up my tree,
I would get to the point where I'd be like, okay, enough,
Like I think I just lose my I would lose it,
totally lose my call. And you know, I think that's
where Cam was at. I think that, you know, because
it was like he's in survival mode. He's like, you know,
I feel like you're everyone's kind of at that breaking
point right now, and this is really when people start
falling off.
Speaker 1 (24:21):
You know. It's like, really when people start even.
Speaker 3 (24:23):
The most incredibly conditioned athlete you know, is losing his.
Speaker 1 (24:28):
Mind right now.
Speaker 3 (24:29):
So, you know, I think that that says something, you know,
it really does about how intense this training is for
those Marines and those Navy guys and everybody else.
Speaker 2 (24:39):
I don't know, oh for sure.
Speaker 1 (24:41):
Again, I like to think I could do it.
Speaker 3 (24:42):
Speaker 2 (24:44):
I also loved seeing I just I love the mirror
Room interviews because it really shows us a side of
these people that we've never known before, probably not like
Carrie Hart talking about his brother and his dad, and
I just I love being able to really hear their stories.
Kylo's too, So I look forward to more of that.
What I want to know is, now that we've seen
episode three, who are your Are your predictions for who
will make it until the end still the same? Who
are you thinking?
Speaker 1 (25:24):
Speaker 3 (25:24):
I think I think relatively the same. I mean I think, uh,
Carrie has proven himself to be, you know, like a beast,
you know, just that it really is, I mean, and
it's like watching him is kind of like, Okay, maybe
this is my horse, you know, But I still I
still think, you know, I mean, I still think they're
all you know, everyone that I mentioned before is still
up there.
Speaker 1 (25:51):
But I'm starting to lean.
Speaker 2 (25:52):
Who did you mention before? Remind me I.
Speaker 3 (25:55):
Had Cam, Carrie Brody and then Kayla. Yeah, it's really
interesting to me because now I feel like, you know,
and I also don't want to come off like I'm
not giving the women enough respect on this by the way,
So it's like that's that part is important to me too,
because I feel, you know, in the history of my
life anyway. All the women in my life are way
mentally and physically more capable than me.
Speaker 1 (26:19):
Right, So I mean I'm not delivering a child, you know,
I'm not.
Speaker 3 (26:22):
Going through, you know, all the trials and tribulations of
childbirth and everything else. And so I've always grown up
around strong women. I've always surrounded myself with strong women.
So you know, I don't want it to sound like
I'm not, but I just feel like Carrie is so.
Speaker 2 (26:34):
Formidable and he's a great leader.
Speaker 1 (26:37):
Yeah, yeah, he really is.
Speaker 2 (26:39):
Like he encourages, like when he was encouraging Kyla, and
like when Cam was like back in it, He's like,
I'm glad you're back in it. Actually he said. I
Actually I texted the group too and said that was
great advice, Carrie, but I can't remember what he said.
Let's see, I have your moment. And then we got
a reset when Kayla was having a hard time, and
I said life advice for everyone, Carrie, like that, really
truly have your moment and reset. You know that is
great advice for anything in life. You know, you just
feel it. I've always felt like, don't push it down. Yeah,
feel the feels, feel it, get through it and then reset.
I thought that was really really great advice. So, yes,
he is, he's a beast.
Speaker 3 (27:33):
You can tell he's someone who is who's probably practiced
what he preaches too, because all of his life experiences,
like you said, all the broken bones and everything else,
it's like he's had to go through it. And also,
I mean, you know, let's be honest, I mean, his
life now is like I mean, like he said, he's like, well,
you know, a couple times a year, I'm I'm tour dad.
Speaker 1 (27:53):
You know, I'm Pink.
Speaker 3 (27:54):
And he's like, I'm used to being Pink's husband, you know,
and it's like she's she's known for being a strong
personality too, So he's I think, you know, he's in
that sick circumstance where he's probably got to go somewhere,
get himself composed, get back in it. He's probably had
to do that a bunch, you know, in his life,
especially from injuries and everything else. So yeah, I think
it's pretty remarkable.
Speaker 1 (28:14):
I don't know, I'm.
Speaker 3 (28:16):
Interested to see, you know, I'm interested to see what
happens in the next episode.
Speaker 1 (28:20):
I mean, each one of these episodes is like a
quest for me.
Speaker 3 (28:23):
It's like it's two hours of me just like going
through a battery of emotions. I don't know why I
get so emotional watching this show, Like I I just
feel like I'm like, especially in the mirrored rooms parts,
I like they come out of the mirro room.
Speaker 1 (28:37):
I feel like these guys are my friends. I want
to be there for them.
Speaker 3 (28:40):
And you know, I'm just I'm buying the whole show
hook Line and Synker, I mean, I'm in it, you know,
And I'm.
Speaker 1 (28:45):
I'm glad that I am because i haven't had a show.
Speaker 3 (28:48):
I haven't had a show that I've been this compelled
to watch in a long time.
Speaker 1 (28:53):
So it's been Yeah, it's been really great, you know.
Speaker 3 (28:56):
And and I mean obviously because of you being on there,
but I think also just I really think this cast
is pretty spectacular and the different personalities and the different
levels of respect that I have for so many of them,
and you know, and so to see them come through
this whole thing is it's been pretty I'm gonna have
mad respect for whoever's left stand at the end, because
I got tons of respect for everybody else who hasn't
made it that far yet. So I just feel like
it's It's really going to be interesting to me to
see who does that.
Speaker 2 (29:24):
Yeah, same, I mean, I know, but I still want
to see their journeys, you know. I want to see
how it all, how it all plays out for everybody.
Speaker 1 (29:35):
Well, I'm excited. I'm excited to be.
Speaker 2 (29:37):
Watching I know, that's for sure. It is exciting. So
everybody can tune into Special Forces every night, every Wednesday
night on Fox and then starting the day after they
will be streaming the episode on Hulu. So you can
tune into all the episodes on Hulu right now. Thanks
for recapping. I know you have to go, but thanks
for listening to the almost famous OG podcast. Everybody. We
have some really great interviews coming up with Marion Jones.
I interviewed Rudy and Billy and that was you guys.
I literally told all of the recruits from the show
that they should have the DS do like their psychological
like you know, full circle interview at the end, because
I'm like, it kind of gave me closure, Not that
I felt like I really needed it, but it kind
of gave me a little closier to like see them
smiling and happy and like laughing with me. I'm like, oh, okay, yeah,
I know. It was amazing. So I hope everyone listens
to those amazing interviews coming up, and hopefully we'll have
the rest of the cast on too.
Speaker 3 (30:56):
So yeah, absolutely, well, thank you for making time for
me to be honest with you today. I was excited
to talk to you, and thanks everyone for listening. We
love having you guys as almost famous OG followers, so
thank you so much.
Speaker 2 (31:09):
That's right, Okay, we'll have fun text this.
Speaker 1 (31:11):
Bob, Thank you, I appreciate it.
Speaker 2 (31:13):
You welcome