All Episodes

October 19, 2021 54 mins

Becca Kufrin is back from Paradise with a brand new boyfriend! She and Thomas are here with Ben and Ashley and spilling all the details of their surprise success story. 

Find out why they decided to give their relationship another go, and hear what was going through Becca’s mind about Thomas before she showed up on the beach. 

And, has the next Bachelor been announced officially?? We share everything we know!

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
This is the Ben and Ashley I Almost Famous podcast
with our radio. Hello. Everyone, welcome to a two episode week.
Here at the Almost Famous Podcast. We are celebrating Michelle
Young's season. Of course, we'll be having her on the
show tomorrow and she's gonna break down the first episode

with us. But today we have a very special guest,
Becca and Thomas too, wonderful people who have been a
success story of this season's Bachelor in Paradise. We've got
Thomas and Becca and they're sitting here right with me
right now, So welcome to the to the podcast. Hello. Becka.
On Thomas, actually, would you consider a success story if

I broke up with him on the beach that last day? Yes?
That leads me to my first question. I know you
had to do that. Okay, I was there. I've been
through this for and they made me go through it
in the way that Thomas went through, and I was like,

oh wait a second, this makes no sense. This is
the first time on this show I feel like I
feel like I see right through you. So explain to me, Becca, honestly,
as honestly as you can, what really happened when you
had to sit him down that day well, okay, So

what the interesting part is is those last what would
you say, two or three days leading up to the
actual breakup, we didn't see each other at all. They
had us completely split up. And so the day that
Dean and Calem came down and we're like, hey, there,
I said over, are you either going to the Fantasy
Suits or you break up? I was in this mindset

where I was like, I haven't seen this guy for
a couple of days. We haven't really been able to
have any conversation other than saying yes to a rose
at the last Rose ceremony, and I was and I
was very adamant the entire time of like, I'm not
going to leave the show for a third time with
somebody if I don't fully know them, because I felt

like I did that in the past, and then I
got into the real world I got to know somebody
in a completely different light. And so that last day
I was kind of on the fence of like, yeah,
I still I'm into him, but my head is made
up right now that this is my decision. I'm not
ready to go into the fantasy suitets with him. And
it wasn't until the last moments where he was like,

I don't want to leave plenty what if like fight
for us, to fight for this relationship where I was like, oh,
maybe I am making a mistake here, But at that
point it was like too little and you know how
fast everything happens because they have to go through the breakups,
then they have to go through people being like, yeah,
let's go to the Fantasy sweets. So it's like boom
boom boom. So he left with then right away. When

I got my phone back the next day, I was like,
I'm gonna just next Thomas and Sufi still wants to talk.
So um. I think like, had we had more time
in those last few days, the decision would have been
different and probably would have said, hey, let's leave the
beach and date, you know, not getting engaged, not go
to the fantasy suits, but still date. But because stations

for a while, I just like, I was like, I
can't do this a third time. So I kind of
just panicked internally. Interesting, Okay, but I was gonna say,
why didn't you feel like you could just say let's
go off and date. We obviously aren't at the point
to have overnights or anything like this, but I'd still
like to talk to you in the real world. Yeah,

which I'm looking back now, I should have. I think
the main thing for me though, was the entire time
that we were on the beach together. It was smooth sailing.
I mean, we really had no issues whatsoever, which freaked
me out because I was like, in a real relationship,
we need to of arguments, and I need to see

how you react when we're fighting or when things aren't
going your way. And I just thought like, for and
I will say this because I know people have said
like Thomas seems so well spoken and kind of scripted
and rehearsed, and like he's saying all the right things.
So when I was saying Thomas seems too good to
be true, that's like what I thought. I felt like
I only saw one side of him work he was

I was putting on this positive, brave face, but I
was like, I want to see more of a human
in you. I want to see more of the real, raw,
negative emotions at times. And so I felt like I
didn't quite fully know who he was at that point,
and that's again what kind of freaked me out. And
I was like, I can't be all in and be
leave here in another public relationship and see people have

us go off and nowhere together right now if I
don't feel a dent comfortable. And so that's why, really,
when we're out in the real world and finally had
our phones back and could start dating, you know, in
like the private way, because public as the show was
Aaron and I really got to know him for him

and fell for him, I would say, but I'm until
that point I felt like I was only I was like,
I'm only getting like part of him, Like what am
I missing? And I got in a fight with my
producer at one point because I was like, I feel
like you guys are keeping something from me because I
see this man who basically I'm living with on the beach.
But then because I was also watching the episodes back
doing my podcast, but then I see this villain edit

whoeveryone's on the shell, Like what is it? What am
I missing? Worse than disconnect here, which really messed with
my mind. So Thomas, I have a question for you then,
because obviously we get paid on this podcast to have
an opinion. Oftentimes our opinion is just based on what
we see on television. You had a line this season
in paradise that I told Ashley on this podcast that

stood out to me. There's something really cool And I
don't even know if you meant to it, um, but
I think he told Anna. I believe it was Anna.
He said, Hey, this is paradise, a place for redemption,
Like it's a place to create your redemption story. And
I really felt like you did that here right, Like
obviously Becca is one of the women in this world
I care about the most and so very protective of her.

Um just from a distance, but um, she's just an
awesome girl. And so like when you guys started dating,
I was like, Okay, what's going on here Ashley? And
I also I do want to give us some credit
even after your time on the Bachelor. At we're we
kind of defended you, like we we said, hey, I
don't think we're seeing this whole story, Like this doesn't
feel like that big a deal, Like you know, I
don't think he's communicating himself perfectly, but like, um, but

like heay, he sees this thing as an opportunity. Who
does it? Who knows where this could lead? And maybe
it leads love. Hey, I appreciate your honesty too. Yeah,
I mean at least you're open about it. But here's
my question comes you have now been criticized on The
Bachelor at as being too well spoken, people not getting
to know you, feeling like there's something hiding. Then Becca

feels that way initially too. Can you defend your I
guess it's not much of a question, and like, can
you defend where that comes from? Like why do you
think that is how you come off to people? Is
that how you want to come off to people? Like
like everything's put together? Um? And what would you say
that now after Paradise? So what I'd say is that's
something that's been something that's followed me historically. If we

talk about just a lifelong context, I've been hearing similar
things about that since my late college years and starting
transition professional world, and to me, there is a repeating
pattern there. And what I'm seeing there is, yes, people
they initially feel like this person can't be this happy,
go lucky guy who seems to have life together, it's

always positive and always looking at the bright side. At
the same time, I look at how long that's been
going on for and if people am saying that for
over ten years now, that's just who I am. And
it's something people can have an opinion about us. No
matter what we do, they're gonna take a thing one
at the end of the day. One of the reasons
why I wasn't phased by the criticism that I received

on the Bachelorette, initially on the beach and even with
Becca's I have the confidence that that is who I am,
and that's how I continue to show up because I
don't know how to do it any other way. And
now being able to see each other in the real world,
Becca saw that glimpse on the beach was wondering, all right,
what am I missing? I saw that I also had
the emotional component to really have that empathy towards her

situation and he desire to grow on our relationship. But
I am that happy, go lucky, positive guy who seemingly
has it together, but it's just as flawed as anybody else,
and it's just people decided to see what they want
to see. So I mean with that, then I would
imagine you know that, do you? I guess I should

ask you like, does that take work? Or is that
just who you are? And Becca, maybe you can answer
that too. Is after getting to spend some time with
Thomas Um at this point. You know, I don't know
how many months it's been that you guys have kind
of rekindled and and dated and and been together often.
But maybe you both can just speak to what you've
seen Becca and then Thomas like, does that take work
to always be happy, go lucky? And there's maybe that confused?

I mean, I feel like that would confuse me if
I'm just I mean, that was my biggest insecurity buddy.
Like that. People the more they get to know me,
the more they the less they would like me because
they want to understand me. And I'm like, I don't know,
I don't know why you know, so like I can
kind of feel where you're coming from. It's like that's
just who I am. But I'm gonna let you two
speak to that. Um first, I would say, and this

is something that I believe I spent several times in
my interviews on the Beach. I don't think it was
ever aired, but like in the entire process of me
trying to get to know him, I kept saying, like
I want to know more sides of him, Like again,
I see this positive, happy, go lucky guy, which to me,
I just like I don't think people are fully used

to that. I can think of a handful of people
in my life that aren't that way, like my mom
being one of them. My mom is She's always been
someone when I've been own or cranky, like always looks
at the bright side and tries to build me up.
And I just wasn't used to that, and I would say,
maybe this is just my own thing? Is men being
like that? And so for a while when I was like, Okay,

is this really him or is it not. If that
is him, that's a beautiful thing, like, and I would
never want to change him, but I just want to
make sure I know what I'm getting into if this
is my partner, because I would hate to think that
that is him and then come back in the real
world and date in a public relationship in a public
way and then have him like completely change and pull

one e D on me, where I was like, oh,
I thought I felt for somebody on the beach, but
now you're acting different. And so that's where my main
holdup was, and and just getting to know him outside
of Paradise, because that's where I feel like our relationship
really took off, was when we could be on our
own on our own time, have our own conversations away
from the cameras and everyone, where I got to know

him for him, and of course, like the more time
you spend with somebody, the more sides you see to
them and the more trades you see. But he's still
always been that positive guy. And we laugh about it
because like we'll have arguments are all be down and
cranky or having a moment, and he's still so supportive
trying to build me up, and he'll laugh and he'll
be like, how much am I annoying you right now?
And like being so positive? And I'm like, yeah, a

little bit, but I still love you so but like
that's just who he is, and again, like it's just
a beautiful thing. But I just feel really lucky now
that I can see more sides where denn is who
he is, but he can also get real and raw
and open up, and you know, he has his moments
to where I have to kind of be more of
the supportive, positive one to build It's a good balance.

But but I just feel like I needed our time
away from the show to really feel comfortable and in
seeing that and being all in in the relationship that's great,
Yeah it is. And Becca, earlier, you mentioned that you
know you're watching the Bachelortte season kind of like through
throughout and a little bit before Paradise, And unlike most

girls who go to Paradise, they get to see like
two episodes of that Bachelorette season, they don't really get
to know the guys. You don't get to know really
who's a villain and who's not. But you, I'm assuming
we're getting you're getting some screeners if your a podcast,
so you're probably ahead of the game. And you knew
what was going on with Thomas and the storyline that

he had on Katie's season. Let's just dive a little
deeper into like how that affected your willingness to get
to know him in Paradise. Yeah, it was. It was
a weird position to be in, and looking back, I

don't like going into Paradise. I didn't want my life
and my priorities in my work to change. So that
was one of the things that I was like, if
I'm going to come down here, I still want to
be able to do the podcast, do work for my
wine label, like be as normal as possible and still
be able to get those tasks done. Um, I think
helped and hurt me both when I was down there,

because yeah, I was getting screeners earlier. So when I
actually the night I stepped onto the beach, I had
only seen I think the first two episodes, so he
really didn't have the bad edit at that. Um, you know,
some some things raised, but nothing major. But then you know,
fast word. Now we're on the beach, We've had our

first date, and we've spent weeks together and really i
think started our relationship. That's when I started to get
the the episodes where you know, people started calling him out,
and so that's where I'm questioning the whole. It was
this weird like I'm seeing one side of him and
I'm seeing him get along with not only me, but

all of the other costs on the beach, with the producers,
you know, not really having any issues. I think I
came in after most of his drama was done with
Dammy and Aaron, and then I'm seeing him just being vilified.
Is that a word? Where? And it was weird to
me because when I'm watching it, I'm like, Okay, he
got asked he would ever consider being the bachelor to me?

In reality, like that's not that bad, you know, I
guarantee you would go to ninety por some of those
men they would say yes, let's crossed our mind, so like, yes,
we would say yes with the opportunity. So to have
it have it be so blown up and watching just
one top crap on him and Katy sent him home
in the way that it did to me, it just
didn't add up in general. But then I'm seeing this

whole other side and we're living with him day in
and day out, constantly together. It just didn't make sense.
So in my I'm like questioning the producers and like
what am I missing? Like what's going on? Because what
portray in one way on the show, and then he
seems great on the beach, So it's just this weird
trying to like navigate, you know, and seeing one thing.

Am I going to give him a chance and stay
open um? But it was tough, and honestly, I don't
know what's still ever. I don't think they would ever
allow anyone to um see early screeners and still be
going on the show to date people who are potentially
on that season. It was it was weird. It was
really weird. Well it worked. Thomas I want to ask you, then,

why did you go back? Like uh, and maybe you
could give us some context. Did you know how your
season the Bachelorette was even playing out when you're on
the beach. And then second, like if you did, why
did you choose to go to the beach knowing that
you know it wasn't like the best of times for you.
I had no idea of how everything is the air
hous re seed. We were actually already in quarantine filming

Paradise before the premiere for Bachelor even came out, So
oh yeah, in Paradise before the Bachelorette premiere and came out.
So we were just going on living in her life.
And I showed up in Paradise the same way that
I showed up in New Mexico. And that's why I
felt confident in doing it, because it was just I
only know one way to be and that's myself. And

the thing if you look at what happened in the
Bachelorette is because I was sort of the odd man
out because the same pattern somewhat started to try to
take place in Paradise, where when I was the competition,
I was perceived as a threat in this person that
had to be vanquished in some way, shape or form.
But as soon as I was solidified and I was
just with Becca, the same people who had all that

strife and conflict with me, you notice all that went
to the wayside and a lot of sire story pattern
that happened to the Bachelorette that led to a lot
of the forward momentum that led to my ultimate quote
unquote demise on that show. And that was all just
based off of being that happy, go lucky, positive guy
trying to reach out in love on everybody else and

in that environment, it's just not suited and it wasn't
received in a way that people thought was I could
possibly be this way. And the reason why I showed
up in Paradise is because I was like, no, I'm
not going to be deterred of being who I am
because of a NEGATI can right here and I believe
that this is something that could work. And the long behold,

we're here and it's it's something that could work. And
I mean, and you both know because you've been through
multiple seasons, like when you're filming and living in the moment,
it doesn't seem as extreme and heightened and I think
until you watch it back, you know, months later, when
they at the music and everyone's sound bite, and that's

when everything is And so I'm sure. I mean, I
can't speak for him, but I can assume that he knows.
He knows how he went home. He remembers the way
Katie spoke, how she sent him out the door. But
until you're watching it back and everything's pulled together, you're like, oh,
that's way worse than I expected to be. But so

he didn't see it at that point, and so I
was seeing that he had no idea. So I would
come back at times from watching episodes, but it's not
gonna be good for you. And the last question here

for you and this and this about this for me,
and maybe I should have a couple more you guys
were just with Katie, uh this last weekend. I believe
in San Diego and um, the Bachelor world's weird. I've
learned that from the hard way. A couple of times,
you know you have a vendetta against somebody, speak poorly
about somebody, You are quick to judge somebody, and then
you see him at an event about a week later

and you confront it. Um, how was that, like, I mean,
especially for you, Thomas Uh, entering back into this and
knowing just kind of how you were treated and maybe
some of it, you know, Katie can justify and say, hey,
it's just what I was hearing. Like I'm not saying
she was completely the wrong here, but for you to
see her in person again, like, how did that go?
It was cordial, It was quick, I mean from mental

all that every single time, and I was asking about it.
I haven't had any bit of bad blood in Amassy
towards Katie. My first interview had I take four sponsibility
for it, because if you put yourself in her position
and she has pressure of what she was doing on
her shoulder to begin with, then an entire collective of
guys saying one thing and really hammering that home. He

had no choice really other to send me home. Granted,
she could have handled the circumstances around a little bit
differently on how she sent me home, but at the
end of the day, the way that she did it
was actually something beneficial for me. And I looked at
it as almost as a favor because the same thing
that I said to Becca on the beach, it's just
I don't like to live a life with any what ifs.

The moment everything transpired the way that it did, I
just knew those weren't people who were intended to be
in my life in any way, shape or form outside
of just acquaintances that we were around for a brief
period of time. So to me, all of that was
just water under the bridge. There's no lingering, hard feelings
or ill will towards anyone in this entire experience to
this point, and at the end of the day, this

entire franchise is b surrounds the possibility of finding romance
and finding love. So I look at where I am now,
and as unconventional it is, I see myself as one
of the most successful things that could have happened here
because I found love and so it wasn't weird, it
was easy, and I'm just I'm just glad every single

day we all realized we're adults and we can lap
that way, you know, acts like an adults and be
mature about it, like we've all gone through way harder
things in our life. So this when he says it's
water under the bridge, I don't think anyone had any
ill will or you know, alcohol helps we'll have some do. So.

Blake was also there this weekend in San Diego, and
he had so many things to say leading up to
Paradise filming. You know, whether he's gonna be there, not
gonna be there, date, you're not gonna date you like
all these things swirling in bachelornation as to the decision
for to be or not to be there. How did
you feel about your name in his mouth so much?

You mean, Blake wanted to be um. You know, Like,
here's the thing. Blake and I and even when I
saw this weekend, we hugged and I was like, it's
good to see you at the end of the day,
like I wish the best for you, and it was

it was fine. Um. And we've always been in good standings,
I would say, even after my season obviously, you know,
like at that point it was weird because I broke
up with him on natural television and got engaged to
somebody else. But with that, like, there was never any
ill will or bad blood between us. We've kept in contact,

We've supported each other. We've been I think good supporters
and I would say friends. I think there was just
miscommunication and chalk it up to like men and women
and how people communicate. Um, I always like been in
I would say sporadic contact, but it was in my
mind never something that was you know, serious as like

a relationship would go. Um, and so like for me
now it's like we all kind of know what goes
on and who's dating who, and so in my mind
it's just like, you know, if I don't if like
I just I guess I would to talk about somebody
as much or you know, like the per focused on

somebody in a relationship, if that makes sense. Um. Yeah,
So it was strange, you know, that comfortable because he
knew when he hadn't even said, like he's like, I
know you're in a relationship and you're probably trying to
protect something with Thomas. But yeah, I mean it was good.
I don't think it's ever you know, again, it's just
communication between men and women and between the two of us.

But I will always wishing the best and support him.
We went to a show and Katie and I were
up on stage with him, and so yeah, it's I
think we'll always be cordial with each other in supportive.
Obviously we're gonna be at Ben's wedding together, so yeah,
I'm glad you guys to settle like I saw each
other before my wedding. I was selfishly, I'm very happy

this happened this last weekend. You know, Nick and Caitlin
did the same thing before our wedding, and we were
also very grateful for it. I'm like, this is great
you guys. You guys hash this out. Um, well, I
do want to just hear from the two of you then,
because obviously, you know, you both went on the paradise
probably definitely with different stories, different intentions, and you know, um,

now you sit here today on this podcast together, you're
holding each other's legs, and you look really cute and
good looking couple. Um, how does it feel like? How
are you doing? How does this feel? Um? Where does
where does this go? You wanta take it away? I'd
say the most remarkable thing of all of it. It

feels normal. It feels not like any other version of
like a happy life should or imagine it would feel.
And we wake up and we we take our dogs
out and we drink coffee and we talked about what
we need to do for the day, and it's so boring.
We support each other through that dinner together and we
It's just it's just the most simple, easy, beautiful thing

that I could ask for. And I feel like when
you find the right person, that's what it feels like.
You know, it's it's been I'm speaking for myself here,
it's just been nothing short of everything I could have
asked for. Yeah, it's uh. And maybe you I don't
know if you can agree with this statement or not,
but coming from the show and coming because then you

obviously got engaged on your season, did you ever feel
like there was some sort of pressure around that because
you've got engaged on the ship, and so I think
in the past relationships that you know, that was always
a lingering feeling. I would say for me personally, now
the first time where I don't feel that pressure. And

that was the beautiful thing about how we could start
our relationship was on all terms. After the show, away
from the cameras, we could have the conversations, and one
thing that I told him is I was like, we
can we can take this slow and you can get
to know me for me and see if I'm actually
somebody that fits in your life and that you're compatible
with and want to be with no pressure and if

it doesn't work out between us, we can hopefully stay
friends and have this school, weird, unique story behind us.
But now I just feel like every day I wake
up excited, but in a way where there's no pressure,
in a way where we can just live our lives.
And when I say like we're boring, we really do.

Just you know, we wake up, walk the dogs, we
get our work done, we go grow You're shopping nothing
like wild and crazy and overly exciting, But to me,
it's exciting because it's with him, And this is the
first time where I just feel and I hate can
see the word content, but I just feel content, happy,

and like he's just like my calm place, and I've
never felt like before. That's so sweet. Yeah, you're well, Hey,
Ashley and I can both attest to being boring. Also, guys,
I mean you were on stage at the concert last weekend. Um,
I haven't done anything like that a lot. I raked
my leaves yesterday and that was the thing I was
most proud of. So we we get it here, Oh

we yeah, we love we love the content nous. You
guys said you said recently, Becca that you told your
mom I see myself marrying this man, how is it
different now than it was well, the previous two engagements. Yeah. Again,
I think it's just on our own terms, no pressure,

um I. And this is actually something too that I
said on the show that they would never air. I
know that they would never include this, but I think
it was on our first one on one day, I
told Thomas, I'm like, I want a partner, but I
don't know if marriage is for me, um And I
think that was just because I didn't find somebody that
I was all in ready to commit to fully. Like. Yes,

I was engaged in the past, and I was invested
in those relationships. I don't want to downplay those. I
would say maybe the first one doesn't count as much,
but after my time, I'm about Surette definitely invested. But
it just never felt fully right. And so that's why
you know, there was never a wedding, there was never
anything planned. And he's the first guy that I've been like,

I can't picture my life without him. I want to
do every day with him, boring or not. I want
him to be by my side, and I want to
invest and commit and and it just it just it's
the first one that like really feels right, like really
feels like this could be it. You know, you've you've

mentioned it a few times, and I was just sitting
here trying to think of you know, the pressure is
a true thing. But you know, I was thinking, Okay,
I want to make sure I understand exactly like in
my relationships when I don't feel the pressure good or
batter and different. And I really only felt pressure when
things were going poorly or when I knew it wasn't healthy,
or when I knew this wasn't right for both parties involved,

like that both of us probably should be out of this.
We're not our best versions of ourselves were not content
the boring things aren't just boring their burdens um and
every day felt like a tougher day. And that's when
the pressure started to feel. But like in my relationship now,
like contentment, I would say, is at the surface. I
just told just this week, like I'm almost upset that

I don't feel more anxiousness towards the wedding or nerves,
Like I just feel good about it, like peaceful about it,
Like I just feel excited that I'm marrying somebody that
I love and that I don't feel pressure to marry her.
In fact, it's just a decision I want to make.
And so I think that's like it's like a magical,
really beautiful thing you're saying is like the lack of pressure.
Probably only happens, I would assume when things aren't going well,

because then you feel like you gotta stick it out
and there's no way out. So yeah, that's a good
that's that's I don't know, I appreciate you saying that.
I think it's kind of cool. Um, you are kind
of like the second version of what's happened with Caitlin.
You know, she was fully committed in a relationship for
three years after being the lead, and now, look, you're

it's very very similar end up with somebody from a
different season and you were a lead, And I think
it's cool. Yeah, And that's I mean, and I loveit.
And she and she was really great and helps me
through the break up because she was a past lead
that was with her partner for a few years. It
wasn't break up. She really did give it her all

and so like going through that breakup, she helped me
tremendously and even now just bonding with her over and
we left about it now because she was on Katie
season host invitation, got to know the guys, and I
think she told Tea before coming on to Paradise, like
watch out for two guys, watch out for Thomas, watch
out for Erin and talking about that now. But yeah,

it's it's it's nice to see other examples of relationships
come from the show that aren't the conventional way or
quote unquote like the right way of how things should
have been done. But you still meet people in different
avenues at different events or whatever. It might be part
of vatination. Um, and that was very adamant. I was like,

I don't want to date anyone else from the show, really,
I don't want to have another public relationship. And I
mean here I am months later, but um, but yeah,
so she's been great to see and I would just
hope that I know it's because so many contestants come
from the show, and um, I think hopefully it can
be a good thing for people to see someone in

Thomas's position, who really got the short end of the
stick and had a terrible the first time around, to
still be open to finding somebody and whether it's with
a friendship or an actual partner from the show in
the franchise. Um, I think it's just gonna be nice
for other people to see him and be like, Okay,
you know he hadn't really go, but but it could

still turn around. You never know. Yeah, Ben, about the
conversation with hand. Of conversation was in the quote it
was your past experiences don't define you here, and oh
that was true first hand at the beach of my
relationship with everyone who I had the time within New Mexico.
And then that's just as true in life. And that's

that's something that I'm glad she got to have that
experienced just as well to anybody else. And I'm seeing
that playout first hand. Yere meet exact scenario. Becker just
went over, well, Thomas, if I filled out a jacket
the way you do, I've been seen on Paradise also
just to show off the arms, but I never went.
There's a reason why because I have a hard time

with even a small T shirt. So, um, if you
have a beauty in a couple of weeks coming up,
that's right, man, I'm so pumped. I'm getting really excited.
Planning is planning is done. It's time to celebrate for
a lot of the couples we get to see there
their first I love yous on the show, but we
didn't get to do that with you. So can you

tell us about how that moment went down? Do you
want me to tell me? If you want to tell it,
I'll tell the first part you free him home? Yeah, okay, okay.
So the first one that started in phase if there
was I'm falling in love with you initially, and that
was I went up to see her in l A
and I walked through the door and I'm surprised with

the most elaborate blanket for assembled in the middle of
her living and it was just incredible. So we spent
that night in a blanket for eating snacks, playing games.
I looked over and I'm like, I'm falling in love
with you. You know, you have the feeling long before
you have the words to express it. And it was
something I spelt continuing to bubble up me, bubble up

in me. And then a week and half, two weeks later,
we're here making dinner in San Diego. Yeah, we were
just hanging out and he we were just sitting on
his back balcony in front of the fire, drinking wine,
talking and like you know when you just have word
vomit and you're like, oh, it's gonna spill out of me,

but I kind of want to keep I was trying
to keep it in for a while and then all
of the stollen, I just looked at him and what
did I say. I was like, you know what, I
think I'm falling in love with you, Thomas. And then
right away you said it back, or you were like,
I know you are something. But I was trying to
hold it in for so long and has popped out. Obviously,

thankfully he reciprocated it, because it could be gotten real awkward.
But I think we just both felt it and we
both knew and yeah, it was really it was one
of those moments leading into it. We were about to
staring at each other, giggling like little little school children,
and it was just like I love you. Yeah, you

mentioned l A and San Diego. I have to assume
that the fact that you guys are so close geographically
has really helped build the relationship. Yeah. Yeah, I think
we really looked out in that department where because obviously
everyone from the show was from all over the country
or from Canada, and uh, it actually was one of

our first conversations that kind of bonded us because I
found what he lived in San Diego. I was like, oh,
I used to live in that area. So we talked
about our favorite restaurants and wine bars and coffee shops. Um.
But it's been nice because it's only about a two
and a half hour drive without traffic on a good day.
It's kind of fun um because yeah, well we spend

what would you say percent of our time together, ninety
percent of our time together, and so it's it's fun
because we both have home bases in the cities. But
then it's like a little road trip back and forth.
And he, I know, would like me to already be
living in San Diego, but I just bought a house,
so I gotta gotta say, but it's it's an adventure.

But yeah, it's so nice if he's close. I can't
imagine having to fly back in fourth places. It would
just be too tough. We had the proximity which allowed
us to spend the nights of the time together with
with each other, and more important, we had that time
together away from the cameras, having to be indoors, having
to have or just intimate one on one time. That

to me, I feel like it was the biggest thing
we could have had to start a relationship, because at
that point, it's all right, we just spent three and
a half months confined in our homes with nothing but
each other to keep us distracted. And that's Ill, someone
who we continue to fall in love with deeper and
deeper each day. And I mean like building a foundation
on a pillar of stone instead of sand in that way.

And now we have to go explore. It costs want
to go grocery shopping in exactly. And then and then
for us, like what we saw this with we have
that deep lovel contentment in the normal quote unquote simple things,
and that was heavily attributed to us having that first
three and a a half months just being able to be

close and spend time each other's homes. I don't know
how in the world do you hide, Thomas, I don't
know how. Like there's some people in this franchise that
you can sneak in with a mustache and a backwards
hat and sunglasses, But fella, that's not easy to sneak
you around. Y Yeah, really go to public Besides, we
would take the dogs on walks and go to parks,

and I could tell when he would get spotted. You know,
you always see some gas and so I would just
always beloinded away so they didn't see me. And then
he gets stopped and it would look, you know, look
like he was alone. But it's funny because and then
you probably get this all the time because you're a
tall guy when you're walking through the airport or the

grocery store and people orcognize you. It's like and it's
just reactions to him, Yeah, you don't hide, we don't hide. Well, um,
but that's okay. Hey, so it's fine. Um, Actually anything else. Oh,
I was just gonna say if I could, do you
have any regrets now buying the house? Because you look
for a whole year for a house, basically you said
on Instagram and now you're like, oh, man, do I

want to be stuck in l A Or do I
want to be in San Diego? You know what? Um,
a little bit, But I'm so still proud of myself
that I was able to find one and just do
it on my own and worst case scenario, I'll just
still keep it for a while and use it as
an investment or a rental property. Um, but yeah, it's

I mean, it's not that. I mean, it was not ideal,
but I'm gonna make actually good story because the day
I officially closed on the house was the last day
of Paradise. So I got back to the hotel because
I just broke up with him and I I then
re credited that and I was like, oh man, I

have these one. So I'm sobbing all on the bed.
And my one of my best friends, who is also
as the producer, also used the same realtor and lender
that I used. I bought all these texting calls in
from them, and she was like, fat guy, I know
your chad right now, but you just close down your home.
Like yeah, now we know why you You're in a
rush out of here. This all makes sense now. Beca

is like I closed at a house in two hours. Thomas,
I'm sorry, dude, this isn't gonna make sense, but I'm out, Like,
we'll talk later. We'll figure this out in a couple
of hours. Hey, you two are great. Thanks for joining
us today. We really appreciate you coming on the Almost
Famous podcast. Best of luck to both of you. Thanks
for sharing your story. Thanks so much what a really

happy couple. I mean that that is something special. And
I know people still have their reservations about Thomas Um,
but you know, I am protective of Becca because I
got to spend so much time with her and I
know what her heart desires. And it feels like I mean, Ashley,
tell me if I'm crazy, it just feels like they're good.
Like no pressure on them, but it just feels like
they're good. I know, I feel really good about them.

I'm excited to see where the year takes them. And uh, well,
it's now time for one of our favorite parts with
our resident expert, Ashley I ken Eddie breaking down all
the headlines and bachelor in Bachelor Nation. Here we go.
First headline is this. This is a cute one Bachelor
Paradise is Noah crashes car into house while kissing Abigail. This,
according to Eat, this is crazy. I heard about this

a couple of days ago. So on Thursday, October four,
Noah got on his Instagram stories and he described what
happened that night. He goes, just took Abigail out to
a nice dinner and we're enjoying ourselves. Incredible experience. Food
was great, we hopped in the car. We start listening
to Annie of all things, the sun will come out,
tomorrow comes on, it starts raining. The mood is getting right.

We get to my house. I stopped the car. I
look at Abigail and I think, dang, she looks really pretty.
So I start kissing her. And it turns out I
never put the car in park and I rolled right
through my grass and hit my house. He says, it is.
It's very cute, genuinely small little kiss turned into me

hitting the house. I've never done that before. I wouldn't
think I'd ever do that. It's absurd, But here I
am letting all the things go into shambles for a
little bit of love, which is adorable. I wonder if
there was actual damage to the house. There's a little tap. Yeah,
I mean, hey, a car part going into the siding
will definitely cast some issues. But what a story to

joke about one day later on Guess his foot wasn't
on the gas. Well that's that's even better. Yeah, that
would cost names. Well. Hey. Madison Pruett revisits Tints Peter
Weber after the Final Rose and new book. She's a
new book coming out. If you didn't know this. Has
she spoken to the bachelor? The headline questions this. According
to US Weekly, Okay, so, she says that the pair,

the two of them have multily have mutual friends, but
they have had no direct contact. She says, through mutual friends,
there have been conversations circulating. We have not seen each
other since the finale. We don't talk or anything like that.
I have nothing but the best to say about him.
I think he's an incredible guy. And everyone goes off

of what they see on an edit on a TV screen,
but people have to remember that every single one of
us are human beings and things can be depicted in
a certain way, but we have real feelings. Blah blah,
blah blah. They haven't seen each other, they have not talked. Yeah,
a long story, sure, they haven't. Talke about her new
book is coming out. Well. Michelle Young teases three guys

fans should keep their eyes on ahead of Bachelorette premiere.
This according to ET Okay, Yeah, so e T says
these are the guys that we need to look out for.
Clayton who apparently he's a sweetheart and is the new bachelor.
So of course we have our eye on him. Rod
Wait time out? Can I pause you? There? Isn't it
weird that, like the show hasn't officially announced Clayton as

their bachelor, like yet Jesse Palmer post a picture with
him on Instagram. Thank you? So weird? I was like,
is this the official announcement? Did I not see it?
Very odd? Very very odd? Okay, So then we apparently
need to look out for Rodney and Jamie who left

a very memory dorble first impression and was oh Michelle's
first one on one. Okay, So Rodney, Clayton and Katie
Thurston fires back at social media speculation about Blake Moyne's
engagement disuccording to US Weekly, Okay, so there are people saying,
are you okay? Is it okay? You guys aren't liking

each other's posts. Oh, they're not liking each other's post
that okay? Now what a second? This is this stupid?
I think that that is actually a little weird. You
don't have to comment under each post, but you're not
gonna like each post? You don't. You're telling me I
don't like everyone of Jessica's not on purpose, Like you're

doing a great job, sweetie. No, I sure it is,
but like, I'm not on my phone that much, and
so if she posts on social media, I don't see it,
Like I don't go back through and like, look at
all the pictures she posted. I just like, it's not
like if I saw one of hers, of course I
would like it, I'd probably comment, But often times I
don't even see half the stuff she's posting because I'm
just not on it, Okay. And if he's in Africa, like,

that's the real different, yeah, because he's probably posting twelve
hours before she's actually getting on her phone. So in
those twelve hours and vice versa, fans are like, oh,
they haven't liked that picture yet, Well, yeah, because the
time change. But anyway, this is what Katie said. She says,
imagine your fiance has been on his stories for weeks

in Kenya, working his butt off, and yet this is
what people notice. She goes. But liking posts equal to love?
I thought, Um, that's that's what a Twitter Twitter person said.
Liking posts equals to love, I thought, And then she said,
I guess that's love one all right. So you know,

if you want to really like get into this with
Bachelor passer Nation world like Kaylin and Dean. They don't
even like follow each other. Yeah, everybody's silly. Everbody silly.
Come on, if they're together, they're together. If they're not,
to let us know and we'll be the first to
announce it. Well. Hey uh. Caitlin Bristow and Tatia Adams
react to Jesse Palmer being named host of The Bachelor.
This Corney et M so so our friend Lauren Zima.

She spoke to both the girls, and this was what
Caitlin said. I think it makes sense to have women
around the bachelorette and men around for the Bachelor, just
to be supportive. He's been the Bachelor, we've been bachelorette.
It's kind of nice to have that perspective. I'm here
to validate your feelings or what you're going through, you know.
I think it brings a whole new perspective perception to

the Bachelor and the Bachelorette. That's a Tastia said. She said,
I think with Jesse we might be able to bring
it back to how the franchise used to be. Um,
he can give some pretty good pointers. I'm excited for him. Um.
I think it's good for Jesse to come on there
you go. Well we got our I think they're called
host now I get confused. Our host Caitlin Bristol and
Tatia Adams of The Bachelorette comedy on Jesse Palmber. That's

all the headlines we have for you today. Um, super thankful,
uh for all of these headlines and all the madness
the Bachelor is in the Bachelor world is creating. Well, hey,
let's take a break here and we come back. We're
gonna have Alexis the winner of our Bachelor in Paradise
bracket league. Al Right, guys, we are joined right now

by our Bachelor in Paradise bracket winner or league or
league winner. She got the most answers right every single week.
So Alexis, congratulations on being a Bachelor fanatic. Thanks, I'm
proudly am one. Are you a fan of the podcast to? Yeah?
So I started watching The Bachelor during Ben's season with

one of my really good friends MIXI in college. We
were u in the in our program that we were
in in school, like every but he watched it and
so we're like, well, let's give it a shot then.
Ever since then, yeah, I've been pretty die hard about it.
Amazing who's your favorite couple to come out of the
franchise And you don't have to name me? Um, you

don't have to, but other than me, how conceded? Is
that so silly? Yeah? I'm really enjoying um Katie and Blake.
I felt like it was like good, a good match.
So thinking although there's been some things that have been

I don't know going on. I guess people are like
concerned that he's not commenting on our stuff even though
he's in Africa. Yeah. I think I don't know, we're
not reading too far into that here, Like we're like
he's an Africa, Like, give the guy a break. He
doesn't need to be on social media right now. Yeah. Yeah,
it's silly to feel any pressure to right under every
one of your significant other pictures on Instagram. Who were

you already for this Paradise season? Oh well, definitely Joe
and Serena It Yeah, they were just so cute. But um,
I during um Riley and Marissa's engagement, I guess it
was prior like the Fantasy Suite. I thought, just being
so like open with his feelings and so genuine and

the whole Sunday morning thing was just like so cute.
So those are my my two couples. You know, obviously
you're the first inaugural winner of our almost famous Bachelor bracket,
and many people out there listening right now are wondering
what was your strategy, Like, how did how when you
went into every week, how did you pick your people?

What did you think through? Share some insight? Yeah, I
would rewatch the previews like a bunch of times, and
I didn't want to forget my like to pick my people.
So I had watched right out there the episode I
would make. I would pick my team. And then um,
there's actually this YouTube channel Bachelor Fantake, and I like,

I feel like you should be part of the FBI
or something because he will take the whatever one minute
preview and turn it into like a fifteen minute video
and he like super analyzes everything, and so I would
rewatch that that would help me pick my team. Okay, well,
alexis that begs the question that we bring up every week?

Did you see Marissa kissing Tamar? No? I didn't, which
I was yeah, whenever I want to see that clip.
I haven't looked it up yet, but when you guys
mentioned it the first time, I remember seeing them on
the couch. But I don't remember that, and I was
really surprised that I didn't catch it, So I don't know.

I gotta I got a direct message this week that
explained the video. Somebody did an FBI type investigation and
I guess it was really good editing, so it was
like meant to be seen like that, but said it
was the weird angles and it wasn't themar and that
was good editing. I'm going to believe it even though
I watched it. I'm like, I don't know how they
did that, but um, I mean, it feels like we're

the only one super super engaged in this conversation, so
that that d M made sense to me. Now, Alexis
we had I don't know how many. I think we
had close to maybe over two thousand people joined this bracket.
How does it feel to be the winner? Like? Do
you win a lot of things in your life? Honestly,
I consider myself to be a pretty lucky person. Um,
but I think I'm more just competitive, and especially when

it's like the end goal is something that I actually want,
you know, So, um we I've done a fantasy league before.
My best friend April we've done one just like by ourselves. Um.
And so this was the first time that I've ever
done batch Bracket. Actually it was the second time I
did it for Tassias season. But it was kind of hard, um,

But I felt like it was a lot more fun
because there's so many things that you can get points for. Um.
Because Paradise is just so unpredictable. You know. Well, Alexa,
you're a winner, and so is your cat. You guys,
we've been able to watch her cat be just all
love EBB up on her and he's he or she's
perfect for Halloween. He looks like Salem. Yeah, Alexis, your

cat is is a superstar. I mean even even decided
to take a bath on screen. That's pretty impressive. That's
something that a lot of people aren't familiar with doing.
No shame, No shame at all, Alexis, Are you gonna
play in the almost famous Season two Bachelor at Brackett?
Of course I'm hooked now I have to. Yeah, it

was kind of interesting. I'd see how many people like
joined the league, and it kept going up the whole time,
So no matter what, people kept wanting to join, and
I was I think what motivated me to keep going
was that I was tied for first with one other person.
For me, I'm and I have to have to win.

So well, Alexas, thanks for playing, and thanks for coming
on to say hey, we appreciate it, and we appreciate
your listenership. You're so sweet, and we will see you
on the bracket. I bet we see you back here
at some point I could see I could see a
two pee out of Alexis in the next couple of seasons. Yeah.
I wonder if I'm gonna like eventually just become part

of Bachelor Nation. Let's let's make it happen on my
own podcast. I've actually met you both before, well in
a way. Um, Ashley, you made a cameo with Jared
for my best friend's birthday. Um. And then I went
to We and the same best friend, April, we went

to a Bachelor Live on stage in Portland's and did
like sweet experience. How was that? Did you enjoy it? Oh? Yeah,
we went. I mean, like I said, like, we're big fans,
and I'm April is also like an incredible fan more
than me. I'm surright she didn't. If she would have
done the bracket, she would have won, so maybe she'll
be my competition for the next season. Yeah, well I uh,

Jessica is at that show. Portland's one of our favorite spots.
Thanks for saying hi again. It's it's it's good to
see you. There's a lot of people on that tour um,
but it's nice to have you back. So Alexis, uh,
thank you. Uh, and we will be chatting again, I
bet very soon. That's my guest. Well, it's great to
have Alexis on the podcast. I have a feeling we'll

be hearing from her again. What a great episode. Uh,
Thomas and Becca. I mean, we'll post some clips, but
they were just like holding on to each other the
whole time. It seems like they're they're doing really well.
It's really cool something the celebrate. Well, hey, uh, we'll
talk to you again tomorrow. Uh. Breaking down this week's
episode of the Bachelorette with the Bachelor atte Michelle Young.

It's gonna be awesome, It's gonna be incredible. But until then,
I've been been follow the Benn and Ashley I All
Most Famous podcast on I Heart Radio or subscribe wherever
you listen to podcasts. M HM
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