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June 25, 2024 31 mins

Susie Evans is taking you behind the roses and Beyond the Bachelor when she hangs out with country star Chris Lane! You might remember his performance on Nick Viall’s season, and Chris reveals why singing on The Bachelor is unlike ANY other show he’s done before!

But Chris’ Bachelor connection goes further than just providing entertainment on one of Nick’s dates, and we hear all about his romance and his “big big plans” with Lauren Bushnell.

Plus, we get Chris’ reaction to Ben’s comment on a throwback photo of the two guys with Lauren.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
This is all most Famous Beyond the Bachelor with Susie Evans.

Speaker 2 (00:05):
Hello, Hello, you are listening to Beyond the Bachelor. This
is your host, Susie Evans, and today we have a
really exciting guest. Today we have on Chris Lane. He
performed for her on season twenty one of The Bachelor.
It was Nick File's season, and today we are going
to chat all things music, career, Bachelor.

Speaker 3 (00:24):
And even a little bit of a hot topic.

Speaker 2 (00:27):
He posted a picture not too long ago including his
wife Lauren and Ben Higgins at the time they were engaged,
and it kind of ruffled some feathers in Bachelor nations.

Speaker 3 (00:39):
So we're going to hop right in.

Speaker 2 (00:41):
You performed for her on season twenty one of The Bachelor.
For Nick File, what was it like to bring your
music into reality TV? And did that environment provide new
community and new listeners for you? Uh?

Speaker 1 (00:56):
Yeah, so that was quite some time ago. I wonder
what season he was a part of, because that's been
at least what six seven years ago? Maybe mm hmm.

Speaker 2 (01:05):
It was season twenty one, and I think they're on
I want to see they're on season twenty eight or
twenty nine. I always forget, but it's been a minute,
been a hot minute.

Speaker 1 (01:13):
So that was the second song ever that I had
out on the radio, so it's still very young in
my career. I felt like in the moment, it was
a really good moment for me. I mean, any TV time,
I feel like always helps. And I remember the day
after that aired, the song went crazy on iTunes. That

was That's how long ago it's been. That's when people
actually got bought songs on.

Speaker 3 (01:40):
iTunes, right, that is wild.

Speaker 1 (01:43):
So yeah, it really helped out a lot just getting
that exposure. I think it went a lot different than
I was expecting, just because I haven't done a whole
lot in TV up to that point outside of like
playing on Jimmy Fallon or somewhere like that. It was
it was like one of the only other TV performances
I had done, so kind of getting exposed to that audience.

I feel like I've learned, just from my wife stuff
that the Bachelor Nation is a real thing. And yeah,
it turned out being to be a great opportunity for me,
and especially early in my career like that.

Speaker 3 (02:20):
That's so awesome.

Speaker 2 (02:21):
Yeah, because you kind of popped off right before performing
on the show.

Speaker 3 (02:24):
I feel like from what I understand.

Speaker 2 (02:26):
It was like the year before you kind of dropped
your your I don't know if it was your first single,
but it was like your first single that was really
really took off, right.

Speaker 1 (02:35):
Yeah, a song called Fix, which fix and for her,
both of those songs were on my first album. Fixed
was my first number one on the radio, and then
for her it was kind of that second song we
had released out there. And yeah, man, it's crazy to
think back that far, but those were some good times. Yeah,

good things, exciting times, especially you know again in that
opportunity felt like a really great opportunity at the time,
and it played out great.

Speaker 2 (03:06):
That's so awesome. Did you have any behind the scenes
insight that you feel like you could share with the viewers?
Like I feel like people always want to know I
was on the show a few years ago, and people
are always like, is it real? Is it scripted? And
obviously if you've been on set, you know it's not scripted,
certainly produced, But do you have any behind the scenes
ta that you can share with people?

Speaker 1 (03:29):
You know what? Remembering back to that night, I think
from my perspective, because I didn't know how it worked,
it was a little different than I was expecting in
the sense of, I guess they needed to make sure
that they got all the right shots, so we had
to redo it several different times, which was kind of
funny in the moment. You know, Luckily I got to

play in front of a crowd full of people, so
I didn't just play one song, which you know, it
kind of comes off that way if you watch it
on TV, it's like I'm there waiting just to play
one song for them as they walk in. It was
completely different than that. I played a whole concert to
a crowd full of people, and then Nick and I

believe he was on a date with the girl and
yo at Tom they walk in. Obviously everybody's screaming. They
come down, they do they dance to the song in
front of everybody up on a platform, which I honestly,
I was already like I had a smile on my
face while they're doing that, because it kind of felt,
I'm sure for them, probably a little awkward, yep in

the moment. But then after the song they stop and
they're like, all right, we need to redo it. So
they take everybody back out and like bring them back in,
and then everybody's got to like scream for him again,
and I just I was expecting it to go that way,
but I guess you gotta do what you gotta do
to make sure you get the right shots on TV. Right.

Speaker 3 (04:54):
That's so true.

Speaker 2 (04:54):
That reminds me when I was on the show They
I had a performance like that and we had to
do it like three or four times, and I felt
every time I got more embarrassed because I was like,
it was so special the first time, and I don't
want to come off it's insincere and walk back in
and be like, oh, I've already seen all this, so
you like have to like kind of act.

Speaker 3 (05:14):
A little bit. But I'm like, I'm like, can.

Speaker 2 (05:16):
You use the first take? Because that was like real?
But it's kind of uncomfortable. But it's nice that you're
just getting to do a real performance, not have to
recreate the same song over and over again. That would
have been wild.

Speaker 1 (05:29):
I can't imagine being in you all shoes in that moment.
Yeah I would. I would. I don't have the personality
to I wouldn't be good at faking it, I guess,
is what I'm trying to say.

Speaker 2 (05:48):
Okay, so I'm curious, So you have obviously a big
crossover with Bachelor Nation having performed on it. Obviously being
married to Lauren. Do you guys ever watched the show
together anymore?

Speaker 1 (06:02):
Yeah, it took quite some time. Even when we first
started dating, we never watched it. And and a lot
of that in part because you know, I'm spending two
hundred and some days out on the road a year,
and and uh, we just didn't watch a lot of TV.
Like when we were at home, we'd try to go
to dinner somewhere and spend time together. And it wasn't
always watching TV, you know. But I would say over

the last couple of years, we've definitely caught uh probably
the last two or three seasons. And then I think
this past year we watched is it Bachelor in Paradise?
Is that what they call it? M Yeah, I mean
I have to say, I'm I'm always uh thoroughly entertained
in the best way. It's it's fun to watch, yeah,

from week week, So even if we're not home on
a Monday night, but we'll usually record it and find
time to either catch up on it sometime that week
or maybe I'm at home on on Monday the following
week and We try to catch up to it, but
you know, with having two kids under too, it's hard
to watch any TV. And by the time we get
them down at night, we're like, oh my gosh, I
need a mental break and to get some sleep.

Speaker 3 (07:12):
Oh my gosh.

Speaker 2 (07:13):
Yeah, I can only imagine. I have a niece and
nephew that are around that same age. I'm curious, so,
most of your career you probably probably were writing love
songs or heartbreak songs. Have your kids inspired any music
that you have either put out or that you're gonna
put out soon.

Speaker 3 (07:29):

Speaker 1 (07:30):
I wrote a song a couple of months before Dutton
was born, our first called any even met you yet.
It was just all those emotions I was going through,
about to be a dad for the first time, and
I wrote that song for him. I feel bad for
Baker being the second born. I feel like I need
to write one for him.

Speaker 3 (07:51):
Yeah, you have to. I'm sure more will come.

Speaker 1 (07:55):
I can recycle that one for him.

Speaker 3 (07:57):

Speaker 1 (07:57):
Absolutely, Yeah, my kids definitely inspire me. That was one
song in particular, and I have another one that I
just wrote and I put out on my Instagram not
long ago, maybe last week at some point that I
got some incredible feedback on one call, two by fours and
four by six is, which is, uh, it's just a
demo right now. I would have to record it, but
I wanted everybody to get a little snippid of it

and to hear it and give me their feedback. And
I feel like I got great enough feedback that I
plan on recording it. But it's kind of inspired just
by you know, I wrote Big Plans for Lauren, and
it's kind of just Big Plans two point zero but
like where life is right now. So I feel like
Lauren and the Boys definitely inspired that one as well.

Speaker 3 (08:38):
That's cool.

Speaker 2 (08:39):
That gave me chills because I actually wanted to ask
about big Big Plans.

Speaker 3 (08:43):
Obviously you played that I your proposal? Is that right
to Lauren? Okay? So how I mean?

Speaker 2 (08:50):
I am not a songwriter, so I feel like I
don't even have the context to ask the question.

Speaker 3 (08:55):
But I'm like, how does it? How do you write
a song like that? Like? How does it come to you?

Speaker 2 (08:58):
Do you sit down or were you inspired by a
certain moment with Lauren that made you just like did
it just flow out of you?

Speaker 3 (09:05):
How did it work?

Speaker 1 (09:07):
Yeah? So when I sat down to write this song.
Originally it was honestly just another love song, and I
died that that didn't start out in a way that
I said I was going to propose using this song.
So it took several times to finish the song because
I didn't know where to take the last verse. But

the guys that I wrote the song with we got
back together. We were writing a completely different song and
we were like, let's finish this one, and I said, hey,
I do plan on proposing potentially in a couple of
months from now. What if we wrote a proposal in
the third verse. I was just thinking of it. This
is a creative way to propose, because Lauren had already

given me strict instructions that if I were to ever
propose to her, it better not ever be on stage
in a stadium or anywhere like that. She wanted to
be super private, So I thought, well, what would be
a unique way to do that? And the third verse
just flowed out incredibly fast, like thirty seconds, as fast

as you could just write something down, and I wrote,
I told the guys, this is exactly what I plan
on doing. We're going to be in her parents' backyard.
I want to ask her her parents if that's okay,
and I did it there on Father's Day or Dad
was all in on it. And the way I set
this up was, you know, I would go write songs

during the day, and I'd come home that afternoon and
I would play Lauren the song that I wrote that day,
and she'd give me her opinion on it, whether she
loved it or not. And I was on tour with
Brad Paisley at the time, and I played up in Portland,
Oregon the night before I proposed, so it made it
easy for me to disguise what was going to happen.

She had no clue what was happening, so I had
the way I was able to record it without her
real what was going on is at the time, we
had been talking about doing this YouTube series, not reality thing,
but just like creating like a small little YouTube thing
for the both of us. And I said, while we're there,

since since I'm playing with Brad Paisley the night before
and we're gonna be at your parents' house celebrating Father's Day,
why don't we have my camera guy come over there
and just capture the day with your family in case
we everyoneted to use that on our page. So that's
how I disguised it. She had no clue. She just
thought that they were they're.

Speaker 3 (11:35):
Doing that genius.

Speaker 1 (11:37):
Yeah. And then I set the song up exactly like
I would if we were chilling in the house. I
was like, oh my gosh, I just got this demo
back of a song that I wrote. I want to play,
and we had a speaker out there, and her family
knew when that when I said that moment, everybody just
kind of come around and nonchalantly kind of listen. And
so I was playing it. The first two verses happened.

I can't tell whether she likes the song or not,
but I leaned over I said, baby, it's my favorite part,
because I needed to make sure that she was listening.
I'm about to propose in this last verse, and I
kind of blacked out from there. I remember her putting
her hands over her mouth. She's like, oh my godsh
this is happening. I grab her hand and walk her
out to the yard. And right as I was about

to get down on my knees that was barefoot that day,
I stepped in a massive dog turd. Proposed with the
turd in between my toes.

Speaker 3 (12:28):
No oh, oh my gosh.

Speaker 1 (12:31):
Oh yes, her parents' little Corgi dogs must have done
some damage out there right before that happened, and I
didn't know it because we've been playing we'd been playing
cornhole in that same area all day long.

Speaker 2 (12:45):
That is actually so funny, and it kind of makes
the proposal better in my opinion. I feel like that
just adds an element of like humor to it. That
it's like, it's just so funny.

Speaker 1 (12:57):
Yeah, somebody said, I hear that's good luck, and I
have no clue how that could ever be good.

Speaker 2 (13:02):
Look, I don't know, but honestly, it looks like it's working,
so something about it must have brought you guys some
good juju.

Speaker 1 (13:10):
She helped me clean it off after that, and I'm like, wow,
this is what a way to propose. Also got a
whole different aspect of it.

Speaker 3 (13:18):
I was not expecting that is so funny.

Speaker 2 (13:21):
So I'm curious when it happened. Did you acknowledge it
or did you just keep walking?

Speaker 1 (13:25):
No, I did not acknowledge it until after she said yes,
and then I looked down. I'm like, please do not
be what I think this is. And it sure was.

Speaker 3 (13:37):
That is so funny I literally.

Speaker 1 (13:40):
Blacked out in the moment, like I couldn't remember anything
that I wanted to say. I had this whole thing
that I wanted to say. I'd ever said one word
of it. I just whatever came out came out in
that moment. The best part about all of this is
now that that song was never intended to get out there.
It was just a moment for her and I. So
the fact that people loved it so much and ended

up making it a number one for me was was
pretty crazy because I never expected that when I again,
never planned on even releasing the song. But since the
release of that song, it helped me take the next
big step in my career. So I'm incredibly thankful for that. Obviously,
it was incredible for my life. And then I get

to watch guys on a nightly basis. While I'm out
on tour. People are always hitting us up saying, hey,
I want to I want to propose on stage to
big plans, and I it's my favorite thing that happens
not every single night, but a lot of nights because
I get to watch guys go through what I went
through when I proposed. I mean when I hand them

a microphone It's definitely different than proposing in her parents
backyard than it is on stage or the microphone in
front of a crowd full of people. I watched guys
blackout not know what they're saying, and obviously I had
just gone through that, so I can feel what they're
going through. But you and somebody microphone, they forget to
talk into it like it's funny.

Speaker 3 (15:05):
Oh yeah, it.

Speaker 1 (15:06):
Makes for an incredible moment on stage on most sides.

Speaker 3 (15:09):
That's so cool.

Speaker 2 (15:10):
And it's because even as you were talking about this
song and like how you weren't going to release it,
it's crazy because that's a song that you know, me
as somebody that's not in a relationship or whatever. But
you hear that song and you're like, this is this
is what I hope somebody feels for me someday, And
this is what I hope to feel for somebody someday.
Like it's such a beautiful song that it's interesting as

like normal people, we can't, you know, create art that
expresses how we feel in a way that artists can.
So it's really cool that you did put it out there.
It's even cooler that it was meant to be just
something for her, and it's taken your career to the
next level and it's become this thing that people can, like,
will come and propose at your shows. Like that is
so beautiful and cool. I can't imagine what that must

feel like.

Speaker 1 (15:55):
Yeah, I think as a songwriter first, it makes it
extra special when you see people connect to a song
in that way. You know. I had songs like Fix,
which is just an up tempo, like feel good song,
or her kind of love song tape that Homegirl. I
don't know about you, but this one in a different

way connected with people. And when you sit down to
write songs, that's what you're hoping to write every time,
is just a song that connects in the way that
this one did.

Speaker 3 (16:24):

Speaker 1 (16:25):
I was very happy about that.

Speaker 3 (16:26):

Speaker 2 (16:28):
Okay, so you kind of mentioned that Lauren wanted something
really private for her proposal, and obviously, coming from the Bachelor,
it's not a real private lifestyle. Sometimes, like everyone wants
to know not just about your personal life, but specifically
your dating life and your love life. Like that becomes
such a curiosity point for people. How do you, guys

balance obviously having a public relationship because people are just
gonna be curious and you're both public figures and also
like keeping your privacy, keeping things to yourself, Like how
do you like, did you have trouble navigating that or
did it come pretty natural?

Speaker 1 (17:07):
Yeah? I feel like it kind of in reality, came
pretty pretty natural in the sense of I feel like
before I met Lauren, I was pretty open, you know,
whether it be on Instagram or just even out in public.
But then when I met her, you know, she had
been I would say, even more so in the public
eye than than even a country artist is, because you're

on in front of the TV in front of millions
of people every single week. And when I met her,
obviously it was it was a long time after the show.
I mean, probably what six or seven years off the show.
I could be way off there, but it felt like
it was a long time. But I guess, as like

an influencer over how you want to say it, she
was used to kind of putting her life out there
a little bit more. And we share the things that
we want to share and keep private the things that we
don't want to share. But it's never been that hard
of a balance for me, I think now more so
than ever. Over the last two years, I haven't been
able to share as much as I want because I

feel like I'm so exhausted from the two under two aspect.
I know Lawrence is kind of the same way, Like
you don't even think about jumping online and posting a
whole bunch of stuff. We're kind of seeing that light
at the end of the tunnel now, so we're posting
a little bit more than what we were. But yeah, yeah,
I think it's pretty easy. You just share the things
you want to and the things you want to keep private.

You do that. But I feel like country fans they
love getting to know their artists and they're very loyal,
so you want to let them in on as much
as you can. And I think the funniest part about
all this, I say this all the time. We can
be anywhere this I'll know, the Bachelor Nation thing is
a real thing. We can be anywhere in this country.

Of Lauren goes out on the road with me, eating
breakfast somewhere, launch dinner wherever it may be, and people
will constantly come up to her. All these years later,
I mean, she has on the TV in a long time,
but yeah, people were like, oh my gosh, I loved
you on the show. Can I have a photo? All
that kind of stuff, and it always blows my mind.
I'm like, Wow, we're in the middle of nowhere and

they knew who you.

Speaker 3 (19:18):
Yeah, that's pretty cool.

Speaker 1 (19:20):
I think it's the power of TV.

Speaker 3 (19:22):
Yeah, the power of TV and the power of Bachelor Nation.

Speaker 2 (19:24):
I'm like, since starting this podcast, I'm realizing just how
powerful the fan base is.

Speaker 3 (19:32):
Like, it's crazy how what.

Speaker 2 (19:34):
It can do for people's careers, whether you're contestant on
the show or an artist that comes on the show.
It's like, it's really wild to see how it can
just affect people. And I mean it could be negative too,
but usually in a very positive way.

Speaker 3 (19:47):
So that's pretty cool.

Speaker 1 (19:48):
Yeah, no doubt about it. Girls come through, so you know,
artists do meet and griefs before the show and all
that kind of stuff, and girls come through every single night.
They're like, oh my god, is Lauren here? And I'm
like the boys to night They're like, oh my god,
we love her so much. We love you, but we
love her way More's.

Speaker 3 (20:07):
That's the best compliment.

Speaker 1 (20:09):
That's the I agree.

Speaker 3 (20:10):
So we will have the boys because they're both under two,
Is that right?

Speaker 1 (20:15):
Or they actually Dutton just turned three. Okay, I've been
saying two hundred two for so long, or forgetting three
a couple of weeks ago. But yeah, they're fifteen months apart.

Speaker 3 (20:26):
That's perfect. That's gonna be so fun for them.

Speaker 1 (20:29):
Yes, in about four or five years from now, we'll
appreciate it. We did it so close. But yeah, two years,
it's been. Uh, it's been a grind, to say the least.
It's been an awesome grind.

Speaker 2 (20:52):
So have they been out on the road at all
with you guys or did they always stay back in Nashville.

Speaker 1 (20:57):
Yeah, we tried with Dutton when it was just them,
and I think sleeping on a tour bus is a
whole different thing that may take them a while to
get used to. So we're gonna wait a couple of
years before we try to bring him out like maybe
here there. Every once in a while we will, but
for the most part, I have to have a voice,

and if I don't sleep because they're not sleeping, it's
gonna be hard to sing later that night.

Speaker 3 (21:23):
Yeah, that's tough to navigate. But it will be really
cool when they're older.

Speaker 1 (21:27):
And oh, yeah, I can't wait.

Speaker 3 (21:29):
Do you think you'll put them in any kind of
like music lessons proactively. Are you gonna wait and see
if they're drawn to it?

Speaker 1 (21:35):
Like we're definitely drawn to it. Both of them already
love music so much. You know, I play guitar here
in the house a lot, and they love, love, love
the guitar. They're dancing to it now when I'm out
on the road. Lauren sends me videos all the time.
Dunton has this like electronic guitar. He's always has it

around his neck and he's always playing it and singing songs.
We never know what he's saying when he's singing, but
he's constantly singing. So I feel like maybe we've got
a little singer on our hands.

Speaker 3 (22:07):
That's pretty cool.

Speaker 2 (22:08):
That would be really awesome, And it's gonna be even
cooler when they can't come out on the road and
see what you do and have the magnitude of, oh
my gosh, this is what my dad's job is.

Speaker 1 (22:18):
I know, I brought I was doing this series XIM
thing during CMA Fest and we brought the kids out.
That's the first time they really ever seen me do
anything to where Dutton kind of can understand what's going
on a little bit. So I get up there to play,
and all he wants me to play is old McDonald
had a farm. So I just broke it out right
there on the guitar in front of everybody on the radio,

and it made for a funny moment.

Speaker 3 (22:43):
That's amazing, That's so cool.

Speaker 2 (22:46):
Okay, I've got a couple more questions before I let
you go, But one of them is what advice would
you give to a younger version of yourself, Whether it's relationship,
whether it's career like your where you're at now, you're
in a really good place with both of those things.

Speaker 3 (23:03):
What would you say to your younger self.

Speaker 1 (23:05):
Wow, that's a great question. I think I would say,
I'm proud of you for being patient and not settling.
Is the first thing that kind of pops in my head.
You know, I was in a couple of relationships before Lauren,
nothing like crazy long. But I'm just I guess thankful

that I didn't settle and always knew exactly kind of
what I wanted and I didn't really know that I
would find that until I met her. But you know,
I think when you're an artist and you're trying to
have a career, there's not a whole lot of time
to dedicate to somebody else that you got to put
it all out there for yourself. So I'm incredibly thankful

I was patient in those moments and didn't try to
force anything to happen. And you know, it was weird.
In reality, I was always the guy who said I
didn't want to get married, didn't want kids. That was
just one of those things I kind of felt in
my heart. And it's pretty crazy when you meet somebody
that you want to spend the rest of your life with,

they change everything about the way that you thought about
all of those things. And I remember the day that
Dutton was born. I was holding in my arms and
I'm not an emotional person, but I just started crying
and I was like, Lord, thank you for not listening
to me for all those times I said I didn't
want any of this stuff, because it was the greatest

thing that ever happened to me.

Speaker 2 (24:38):
Wow, that's really cool. That's amazing, and I'm happy for you, Like,
that's just that's just really cool.

Speaker 1 (24:46):
Yeah, it all worked out.

Speaker 3 (24:48):
Yeah, yeah, And.

Speaker 2 (24:50):
I feel like that's a good reminder for anyone out
there listening, myself included. I'm like, you're exactly where you're
meant to be, and you've got to have faith and
things are gonna turn out exactly how they're meant to be.

Speaker 3 (25:02):
So that's really cool to hear.

Speaker 1 (25:03):
Yeah, the worst thing anybody can do, honestly is settle.
And you know when you have like the gut instinct
and gut feeling that it's not everything that you want
it to be. Because I believe that, I believe in prayer,
I know that it works and when it's meant to happen,
and it's happening in the Lord's timing, it'll be everything

you want and then some.

Speaker 3 (25:27):
I love that. That's amazing.

Speaker 2 (25:29):
Okay, So before I let you go, I've got I
think it's a funny question. But this show is about
kind of like bachelor adjacent Bachelor crossover things. So I
think it was about a month ago you posted a picture.
It was the night that you met Lauren, I believe,
and at the time she was engaged, well not at

that time, but at the time the picture was taken,
she was engaged to Ben and I think it kind
of shook up Bachelor Nation because it was like, oh
my gosh, this is a photo. It's the first night
y'all met obviously way before you guys ever dated or anything,
but it was the first night you met, So it
is a very special moment.

Speaker 3 (26:06):
But it's also kind of funny, Like it's kind of funny.

Speaker 1 (26:10):
And and after I saw some of the negative comments,
which you know, I don't I don't see a lot
of those, but yeah, I guess I made a few
people mad. I didn't mean to him, like did they
not read my caption? Only just looked at the photo
and didn't read the caption. So before I even posted that,
I actually texted Ben so him and I plan a

lot of these same golf tournaments together, and I've kind
of got to know him a little bit through that,
and super nice guy. And the last thing I'd ever
want to do is, uh, is do something disrespectful like that.
So I asked him if he was cool with me,
uh posting that and that obviously I don't mean anything
by it. It's just kind of her and I didn't

even start dating until four years after that photo was taken, right,
And I think people, I guess they thought that I
met her that night and then we started dating immediately
after that, which was just not even close to the case,
it was four years after the photo was taken. I
barely even saw her, spoke to her in between that time,

long long before or long after their relationship had ended,
you know. Yeah, So he was totally fine with that
and understood, and and I just thought it was a
fun way to show people like I met Lauren. I'm
playing the iHeart Festival right now, and I met her
all these years ago after this actual event when she

came off of the show, and I just thought that
was gonna be a fun moment to share. I didn't
realize it was gonna shake things up. And I guess
I should have posted Ben's okay with me posting this photo.

Speaker 2 (27:50):
I think it's I personally think it's funny. Like even
when I kind of learned about the drich, I was like, actually, I.

Speaker 3 (27:56):
Think that's even better.

Speaker 2 (27:57):
Like I just think it's so funny how life works,
and life has worked out so beautifully for both of you.
It would be different if you did meet her that
night and swept rap her feet and then took her
away like that would be and Ben was still single,
Like that would all be a big different story.

Speaker 3 (28:12):
But you both I have.

Speaker 1 (28:14):
The I have the emotional intelligence I would never do
something like that to.

Speaker 3 (28:22):
Something Yeah, totally.

Speaker 1 (28:23):
Yeah, Yeah, I know. I know that he's incredibly happy
with how things ended up for him, as I know
Lauren is. But yeah, it was pretty funny that you
brought that up, because yeah, some of the comments were like, Wow,
I can't believe you do this, and I'm like, did
you read the caption right? No.

Speaker 2 (28:40):
People love to jump to conclusions, and I think that
is going back to the question about how do you
kind of balance like what you share what you don't share.

Speaker 3 (28:49):
It's sometimes you have to. It's a fine.

Speaker 2 (28:52):
Line because what to me is like a funny, like
interesting behind it kind of behind the scenes thing of
like how you guys originally met, you know, even though
there was no romantic connection there, but it's it's really
an interesting thing and a part of me.

Speaker 3 (29:08):
If I were you, i'd be like, all right, I'm
not sharing with you guys next time.

Speaker 2 (29:11):
I'm not gonna I'm gonna give you that personal, like
behind the scenes look in my life because if you're
gonna take this and run with a whatever narrative or
bleeve nasty comments like that's not something we need in
our lives. But but I think it's good because I
think it's nice to set the record straight and and
I'm sure most people actually found it kind of how
we did, where it's like this is kind of a funny,

like interesting, beautiful moment, and you know, coming off the show,
it's like it's I don't know, I mean, I know
that they were engaged, but I'm like, you're in just
such a whirlwind of an experience that like it's it's
a I feel like an engagement on the show is
kind of different than an engagement in real life and
in general, So it's just an interesting dynamic.

Speaker 3 (29:54):
But I'm glad I got to ask you your your
thoughts on it.

Speaker 2 (29:58):
And oh I saw Ben comment on it, and I
think he commented your lyrics back which was really.

Speaker 1 (30:03):
Good, which was which was a hilarious response in the
best way. And I think that just goes to show
what kind of guy is super nice guy. And again,
I should have probably just wrote on the Dagon post
before everybody gets upset at this read the caption and
Ben said he was absolutely fine with me posting this photo. Right.

Speaker 2 (30:24):
Yeah, Well, thank you so much for joining us today.
It was a pleasure getting to know you here about
your family, your life and career a little bit, and
I just think you're the perfect gest for the show.
So thank you so much for coming on and chatting
with us.

Speaker 1 (30:38):
Heck, yeah, thank you very much for having me. I
appreciate it.

Speaker 3 (30:40):

Speaker 2 (30:41):
Take care and tell Lauren that everyone at Bacheloration loves
her and missus her.

Speaker 1 (30:46):
I will, I sure will.

Speaker 3 (30:47):
Thank you very much, of course, take care.

Speaker 1 (30:50):
All right, nice to meet you.

Speaker 2 (30:52):
Nice to meet you too, by bye, all right, see you.
Thank you so much again to Chris Lane for joining
us today I'm Beyond the Bachelor. It was such a
pleasure interviewing him, and as a fan myself, I have
to plug his new EP from where I'm sippin'. He
has some amazing songs out there, and he's also going
to be doing a little bit of touring this summer,
so check it out online to see if he's coming
to a city near you.

Speaker 3 (31:12):
Thank you, guys for listening, and we'll see you next time.
I'm Beyond the Bachelor.
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